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Group # Case Name Tasks and Questions

1. Elaborate a Business Model Canvas

2. Provide a PESTEL analysis
1 and 15 Case 1-2: True Religion Jeans 3. Make an Strenght and Weaknesses Analysis
4. Does True Religion Jeans enjoy a competitive advantage in the segment? Explain.
5. Discuss the sources of competitive advantage and use the VRIO framework to evaluate True Religion and its major competitors.
1. Elaborate a Business Model Canvas of the company
2. Apply the VRIO framework to Harlequin in series romance fiction. Why has Harlequin been so successful?
a) What is your assessment of Harlequin’s value chain? How does Harlequin create and capture value?
Case 1-4: Harlequin Enterprises: The MIRA b) How difficult is it to imitate what Harlequin does in series fiction? Why? How likely are competitors to imitate Harlequin?
2 and 14
Decision 3. What is your assessment of the single-title market opportunity for Harlequin?
a) Does Harlequin have the necessary capabilities to compete in this market?
b) Can Harlequin create a competitive advantage in single-series fiction?
4. Should Harlequin enter the single series market?
1. Elaborate a Business Model Canvas of the company
2. How does Levi Strauss create value for its customers?
3 and 13 Case 2-2: The Levi's Personal Pair Proposal 3. Assess Levi’s situation at the time of the case. What is at the root of their problems in the denim market?
4. Assess the Personal Pair Proposal. What is your evaluation of it from a quantitative perspective? What is your evaluation of it using the VRIO framework?
5. What is your recommendation concerning the Personal Pair proposal?
1. Elaborate a Business Model Canvas of the company
2. What is your assessment of the attractiveness of the airline industry?
4 and 12 Case 2-4: Ryanair - TheLow Fares Airline 3. Using Exhibits 5 and 6, do a thorough analysis of the costs of Ryanair and its competitors. How does Ryanair compare to its leading competitors on costs? What factors drive cost differences in the industry?
4. Apply the VRIO framework
5. What should Ryanair do to gain or maintain (if so) more competitive advantage?
1. Elaborate a Business Model Canvas of the company
2. Are some competitors mentioned in the case? What actions did they take towards starbucks? Do you think was acceptable for those competitors to diversify in that way?
Case 3-2: Starbucks, And Alex Pole Strategy
5 and 11 3. Why do you think was difficult for Starbucks to branch out from its core coffee specialty retail business?
4. Would you suggest the company to start a process of diversification? what could be the benefits or dissadvantages of this option?
5. Apply the VRIO framework
1. Elaborate a Business Model Canvas of Aegis
2. Why did Aegis form Alliances in the first place? What is the motive for entering each?
Case 3-4: Aegis Analytical Corporation's
6 and 10 3. Apply the VRIO framework
Strategic Alliances
4. What are Aegis's options regarding these alliances? Which option should it select?
5. What path would you suggest Aegis to follow regarding its alliances?
1. Elaborate a Business Model Canvas of Activision
2. Who are its main competitors? Why do you think the company considered attractive to acquire King Entertaintment? What are the advantages and disadvantages this new venture?
7 and 8 Case 3-5: Activision's Crush on Mobile Gaming 3. Apply the VRIO framework
4. If not going for mergers and acquisitions, which strategy would you have suggested the company to follow? Why?
5. Regarding the future, what advice would you give to the board of directors of the company?

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