Tarepo's Troubles (Solitaire Module)

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a solo fantasy adventure You should also record Tarepo's smooth reddish material, its most bizarre

possessions on the character sheet. Initially, feature was the lack of anything resembling a
by Chris Hind he has none (see Adventure Background). door or window. You struck its walls to see if
it was hollow, but were unable to decide from
Combat the resulting sound. You were about to give
''Tarepo'sTroubles" is something new to up on this puzzle when the world spun into
When combat is unavoidable, you must darkness.
the pages of WHITE WOL F - a solo
follow four steps to determine the outcome: You awoke some time later in a cramped
adventure. To play, you need a pencil, eraser,
1. First Strike. Roll l d6 forTarepo cell, chained to the wall. An old man shared
scrap of paper, and one six sided die ( ld6).
After reading the instructions and and l d6 for his opponent, adjusting each roll your accommodations. Torchlight filtering
background, you start the adventure at with REACTIONS modifiers. Re-roll any through the barred window on the door
paragraph 1 and then follow the directions ties.The one with the higher roll gets to strike flickered across smooth red walls. That is
first and becomes the attacker for this combat when you realized you were inside Sathor
given in the text. In those instances where
segment. The one with the lower roll Tower! At first, this revelation excited you -
you are asked to make a decision, choose
becomes the defender. how mau.y people could match such a stor;?
wisely - there is no tuining back once you
2. Hit Determination.The attacker Now, fifteen days later, the novelty is
have proceeded to the paragraph
rolls 1d6 and adds his OFFENSE. If the total wearing off. It is time to escape. Read
corresponding to your choice.
is equal to or higher than the defender's paragraph 1 to begin your adventure.
DEFENSE, a hit has been scored: proceed to
Your Character step 3. Otherwise, the attack has missed and
You playTarepo, a roguish troll. In this no damage is scored: proceed to 4.
3. Damage.The damage an attack
fantasy world, trolls are four feet tall, warty
humanoids with hair the color and causes depends on the weapon used. The You must first remove the cold iron
consistency of steel wool. They are opponent's damage will be revealed when he manacles that bind your wrists. Will you try
renowned for their metal working skills and is encountered. Tarepo begins with no to pull the chains from the wall (read 10),
secretive nature. weapons but his fists do 1 point of damage. pick the lock (read 97), or wait for a better
Referred to as an idiot-troll,Tarepo is a Take advantage of opportunities to acquire opportunity to escape later on (read 31 )?
bit of an exception. He is good with his better weapons. Damage scored is subtracted
hands, but in a different way - interesting from the defender's HEALTH. A defender
whose HEALTH reaches zero is dead. If
objects stick to his fingers. He is also skilled
at hiding, sneaking and getting into trouble. Tarepo was the defender, the adventure has If you possess a key ring, you find the
For combat purposes,Tarepo is defined by come to a bloody conclusion. key to the old man's manacles and free him
five traits, described below. Keep track of 4.Tum About. If both Tarepo and his (read 39). Without a key, you will have to
them on a scrap of paper, as they may change opponent have attacked this segment, return pick the lock with a rusty rivet you find on
during the adventure. to step 1 and re roll First Strike for the next the ground. Roll l d6. If the result is 1 or 2,
combat segment. If only one of the two has read 61. If the result is 3, 4, 5 or 6, read 92.
REACTIONS + 1: modifies the First attacked, the attacker becomes the defender,
Strike roll (see Combat below). Tarepo is and the defender becomes the attacker: return 3
quick-thinking and has swift reactions. to step 2.
The lock mechanism clicks and your
When you are ready to take on the manacles fall open. Rubbing your wrists to
OFFENSE + 1: a combination of weapon
persona ofTarepo the troll, read on... regain circulation, you stand and examine the
skill, hand-eye coordination and any magical
cell. Read 89.
bonuses you receive during the adventure. It
is expressed as a positive or negative modifier Adventure
(eg. +2, 3) or no modifier at all. Tarepo has 4
gained rudimentary combat skills during Background
You stand in a hall which stretches right
previous adventures, thus the positive While exploring a stretch of wilderness and left as far as the dim torchlight allows
modifier. in the human kingdom ofTyre, you came you to see. A third hall faces you. None of
upon a strange edifice. Crazed hermits called the passages look particularly promising.
DEFENSE 4: measures agility, armor it Sathor Tower and connected it with Taking a torch for future use, will you go
and magical protection. Tarepo's thick skin mysterious disappearances and other, right (read 24), left (read 98), or ahead (read
and agility make up for any lack of armor. innumerable tales of evil. True or not, the 30)?
structure was certainly a curiosity.
HEALTH 20:Tarepo is vigorous and Cylindrical in shape and built of an utterly

Tarepo's Troubles 61
5 as an exit opens easily from the inside. You
leave the room and continue down the outside
twisted into talons, her face a snarling
crimson mask. She strains against her chains
Will you: corridor. Read 76. and stretches her neck as far as it will reach
Attack the jailer with your chains? without snapping off. Spittle flies from her
Read20 frothing mouth as she chomps the air.
Persuade him to set you free?
8 Suddenly, the chains snap! The berserker­
Read46 The twisting and rubble strewn tunnel woman pounces. She attacks with her fists,
Pilfer the keys from his belt? eventually opens out into a mine tunnel. A which do2 points of damage.
Read 77 portion of the ceiling has collapsed, sealing BERSERKER: REACTIONS O;
Wait for a better opportunity to escape? any exit that may once have existed. Two OFFENSE +1; DEFENSE 3; HEALTH 8
Read55 skeletal legs stick out from behind an over­ If you win, read 60.
turned mine cart. Fresh air drops from a
6 ventilation shaft in the ceiling. You can see
sky, but the ceiling is too high for you to
Deftly, you palm the key ring without climb the shaft. This glimpse of the outside Concentrating all the energy in your
the jailer seeing and conceal it while he gives world only strengthens your determination to body, you heave mightily on the chains that
you your meal. Once he has left the cell, you escape. Will you: bind you. Sweat breaks out on your brow and
try - keys until one unlocks your manacles. Search your surroundings more your muscles quiver. Roll l d6. If the result
Nev� has a click sounded so good! Read 89. thoroughly? Read 64 is a 1, read 63. lf not, read 25.
Get on with your escape?
7 Read 51 11
You have entered a musty vault. A While you are hunched over, the holy
beacon of goiden light draws you to a niche in 9 symbol falls loose of your jerkin and dangles
the far wall. Resting in this niche is a dagger, This cell is similar to the one you from its chain, glowing warmly. The digger
heavily inlaid with silver and gold. You may escaped from. A huge woman dressed in retreats to the end of the tunnel and frantically
take the silver dagger if you wish (it causes2 animal skins is chained to the wall. Without claws at the wall. Before it can escape, the
damage). The one stone door which serves provocation, she lunges at you, her fingers holy symbol sprays a beam of sunlight, which

62 WHITE WOLF Magazine

strikes and paralyzes the digger. Its face
becomes almost calm as the curse of undeath THE NINETIES ARE HERE. THE COLD WAR IS OVER. A NEW WORLD ORDER HAS ARRIVED.
is lifted. Thanks to the holy symbol, you THE WORLD'S FIRST POST-COLD-WAR RPO IS HERE!
have laid a fellow troll to rest. Read 48.

The passage ends at a spiral staircase. A state-of-the-art contemporary role­
playing game--the first to break into
Taking a deep breath (for you sense you are today's world of high-tech, fast-paced
leaving the dungeon for Sathor Tower techno-thriller, espionage, and action­
proper), you begin to ascend the stairs. Soon, adventure fiction and movies.
you reach a door on the right and presumably
the main tower level. You hear a low moan MILLENNIUM• S END
from further up the stairs. Will you open the An innovative, realistic game system,
door (read 59), or continue to climb (read 91). with straightforward, accurate, easy
to use rules. The game includes a
wealth of supplementary information,
13 covering the state of technology and
society for the rest of the century. An
You have entered the kitchen's cold entire campaign is at the GM's
storage room. The temperature is unnaturally fingertips.
cold, so a thin layer of ice covers the floor
and walls. Your breath is a misty vapor. MILLENNIUM'S END
Hanging from the ceiling are sides of meat
Not fantasy--it's a hard-hitting,
which at first you assume are from pigs or realistic game set in a dark future just
sheep. Only when warm air from the open a couple of years away. Characters
door causes one body to spin do you realize work for BlackEagle/BlackEagle: an
elite organization specializing in anti­
that they are mutilated human bodies. If you terrorism, espionage, investigations,
have eaten any stew lately, read 69. Still, the and para-military operations. Black­
sickening sight forces you back to the Eagle operatives use the most modern,
kitchen. Read 71. high-tech resources and equipment
available, and they have a well-earned 'flll
reputation for getting the job done.
Nothing happens. You feel this is a
good thing so you press another button. THE COLD WAR IS OVER. A NEW WORLD ORDER HAS ARRIVED.
Which will it be?
The blue button Read 67
The yellow button Read 23
The red button Read 88

15 $'.
If you possess a key ring, you may leave ' -,;��-- - •. - -4-;
The Nightwalker CA-213 is 975 kg. of steel muscle,
the cell (read 4). Otherwise, you may only composite armor skin, and neural microcircuitry brains.
search for an alternate exit (read 49) or free It's tough. It's powerful. It's the cutting edge of robotics
the old man (read 2). and military technology in 1999. And it's missing. A
BlackEagle cell is hired to recover the prototype, stolen
in a daring raid on a corporate development facility. A
16 trail of bodies leads halfway across the country, and
straight into the middle of a major F.B.I. investigation.
You try each and every one of the keys The client doesn't want the government to know about
the theft, but the Feds are closing in on someone--and it
from the guard's key ring, but none of them might be the operatives.
fit the lock. Re-read 22 and choose again.
Two other complete Millennium's End assignments are
included in this detailed package.
Millennium's End RP Game System (011 000) 144p $14.95
The flask marked "MED" contains a Nightwalker/The Villee Affair (011 001 I B0p. $t 1.95
cool and sweet liquid. You immediately feel Milltnnium's End is Chameltoo Ecleclx:'s 1111dematll lOf rs totllempo,.ary 1oleplayrig syslem

a tingling sensation throughout your body.

Regain l d6 HEALTH. Enough of the '-i :f:;?:,.t;\., '
magical healing potion remains for one more � �'_,•,�' I' r:-1::, �{!ri}
If you don't see MIiiennium's End at your game store, ask for it. Or contact: @·'. .-, ,,.,, ' 10 �, � 1' · ··{;;;:; --;?!
swallow. You may drink it at any time, now
or later. If you drink it during combat, you Ch a m ele o n E clectic E nte rtain m ent
will lose your attack for that segment. You P.O. Box 1332 Centreville, Virginia 22020 703.818.1954

Tarepo's Troubles 63
chains around his neck. Because your wrists
Unfetter your imagination are bound, your OFFENSE is reduced by 1
with the fantasy role-playing game for this combat only. However, the chains do

TAQ 2 points of damage. The jailer's own club

does 3 points of damage.
wherein Characters are shaped by choice, not OFFENSE O; DEFENSE 2; HEALTH 6
chance, and the Game Master is just that. If you win, read 72.

Please send $8 plus $1 shipping & handling to 21

Peter's Press
1021 Sequoia Trail As you fall, you attempt to catch the lip
with your hands. A roll of 1 2 on ld6 means
Madison, WI 53713 you have succeeded and eventually pull
yourself up (read 50). With a roll of 3 6, you
WI residents please add the appropriate sales tax. fall (read 38).

may now either drink from the other flask
(read 83), or leave the mine (read 51).
19 Only a few dozen strides further, you
arrive at a door on your left. It is of solid red
You wait silently, but no one appears. A
stone and attached to the wall by two great
18 few moments pass. The sound of footsteps,
perhans echoes carried from another nassa2e.
• v •
iron hinges. It is locked. Whatever is inside
is surely valuable, you think. You may try
You strike your cell mate and he fade. ·You press on. Read 41.
each of the following options only once. Will
releases his grip. "Fool," he cries! "We were
allies in misfortune. Now you alone suffer."
Bolts of energy flash from the old man's eyes
20 Pick the lock? Read 65
When the Jailer leans over to place your Use a key (if you have one)? Read 16
and sear your flesh. Lose 2 HEALTH. He
meal on the floor, you jump up and wrap your Break down the door? Read 79
disappears before you can retaliate. Read 68.
Continue on your way? Read 76

64 WHITE WOLF Magazine


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Play by Mail Game,
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23 bravery is wasted," he says, "and soon your PO Box 1288 - U,
life will be wasted also." You must fight the Englewood CO 80150
There is a flash of intense white light dark man. His hand does ld6 points of 2 Dimensronal and 3 o,mensional games to
and you feel yourself spinning, not through damage. challenge even the best of pilots
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backward in a blur. You land with a thump
Voted Best
and discover that you are chained in a cell If you win, read 52.

with a bristle bearded old man. All the
possessions you have acquired are gone.
Read 1 to restart your escape.
The lock clicks and the door swings by the consumer mem�ra
of the PBMA
open. You enter the room beyond. Read 7.
24 FLEET MANEUVERS tactical space games
take a combrnat,on of guts and intellect
After walking for a few minutes, you
come to a point where the torches are out, so
you must rely on your own senses. The thin If you have a silver dagger, read 78. If
layer of dust which covers the floor and the you don't, read 33. 32
unrepaired cracks in the walls show that this Your shoulder slams against the door,
passage has not been used in years. Dust falls
from the ceiling. Will you walk on (read 47),
30 yet it will not fall. Without the strength
potion, dashing your body against solid stone
go back and try the left hand passage (read You follow a featureless passage. Only might have been quite painful. As it is, your
41), or go back and try the forward passage periodically spaced torch sconces break the shoulder is a bit numb but otherwise
(read 30)? monotony of the smooth red walls. You have undamaged. Unfortunately, the strength
encountered no doors or branching corridors. potion has been used up. You may NOT use
Just as you question your choice of passages, it to aid you in the next combat. Re read 22
25 you approach two rough hewn tunnels, both and choose again.
What do you think you are? A crag­ about three feet in diameter, that intersect the
giant? After wasting your energy on corridor. Faint scratching comes from the
unbreakable chains, you give up. You rest for left hand tunnel, while fresh air wafts from 33
a moment to recover from your exertions. the right hand tunnel. Will you continue The spider-thing attacks with its
Read 31. along the corridor you have been following mandibles, which do 3 points of damage.
(read 42), crawl down the right hand tunnel Additionally, each time you lose HEALTH,
26 (read 8) or investigate the left hand tunnel
(read 74)?
roll ld6. If the result is a 6, the creature's
powerful poison reduces your REACTIONS
Either a superior locksmith crafted these by 1. Should your HEALTH reach 0, read
manacles or the rivet you are using is too
crude a tool. The lock refuses to open.
31 36.
Instead of dwelling on your failure, will you: After a few minutes, a sharp click and OFFENSE +1; DEFENSE 4; HEALTH 10
Wait for something to happen? Read 31. grating sound surprise you. The door is If you survive the encounter, read 70.
Pull on the chains in frustration? Read 10. opening! The huge and shadowy form of
your jailer enters. He carries two bowls of
foul-smelling stew. He slops one of the 34
27 bowls near your cell mate and brings the You reach into the hole and grasp a
You step into the cell and confront the second over to you. This may be your chance small, cool object. Before you can withdraw
dark man. He takes his hand from the to escape. Read 5. your hand, something bites you painfully.
.,,�soner a.,d extends it towards you. "Your Lose 1 HEALTH point. However, you now

Tarepo's Troubles 65
have a blood-red holy symbol in the shape of Suddenly, a huge furry shape a rat the size
the sun, which you pocket before continuing. of a horse - darts towards you. It will be
Read 86. quite a match in your tiny size. The rat
attacks with its teeth, which are sharp enough
35 to gnaw through lead pipe (3 damage).

20-35% Off
No sooner do you press the red button OFFENSE O; DEFENSE 3; HEALTH 8
than you find yourself standing in the open air If you win, read 87.
with a cool breeze playing over your skin and
All role-playing games,
the smell of pine in your nostrils. Sathor
board games, books,
magazines and accessories. Tower's red walls seem to stare down at you
Write us today for your Free in blank anger. You race away through the A scream from ahead startles you. You
Catalog packed with woods. Read 100. cautiously advance until you reach an open
hundre.ds of great savings. cell door. Inside, a dark man has his hand on
36 a prisoner's head. The man in chains writhes
in agony and begins to become thinner before
Play By Mail You slump to the floor, rapidly slipping your eyes. The dark man is some kind of
into unconsciousness. The spirit-spider leech. Will you stop this torture before the

returns to its shadowy, humanoid form. Its prisoner is nothing but skin and bones (read
blank face mocks you. 27), or sneak by the door and continue (read
"Before you can enjoy the release of 73).
death, I will steal your energy." You feel
Empires will be crushed, and
heads will roil beiocc
your soul wrenched from your body. Soon
your body will be an empty husk...
Antagony is finally blessed Further down the passage, you come to a
with peace. Elves, Dwarves,
door blocking your progress. This one has
Goblins, Ogres, and Men clash
in this intense struggle for
37 neither lock nor window, so you assume it
power and domination. The rat tunnel ends in a room just as you isn't a cell. A musty smell seeps though the
Send $10 for rules, map, setup are returning to your normal size. You place wood. Do you wish to open the door and
and 2 free turns. the holy symbol around your neck and look enter cautiously (read-50), or rush in quickly
Biweekly turns are $3.75
around. Read 7. with surprise in your favour (read 93).

38 43
CBeyond ffie The pit is deep and your landing hard, Which will you press?

gea o! C\Jenom
although something brittle breaks your fall. The yellow button Read 23
Reduce your HEALTH by l d6 points. If you The red button Read 14
are still alive, you dust yourself off, thank the The blue button Read 81
Lucky One for her divine influence, and find
In this detailed adventure
out what you fell on. Read 66.
game, you customize four
characters to embark on a
perilous quest. A unique
combat system and an exciting 39 You find it difficult to concentrate with a
giant spider rushing towards you, but you
quest make this game fun for With his manacles removed, the old man
all players. manage to get a brief image. This dark figure
Send $5.00 for rules, map, lunges forward and picks you up in a bear is not the master of Sathor Tower himself, but
setup and 2 free turns. hug. Will you: rather a life-force entity created and
Standard turns are $2.50 and Defend yourself? Read 18 controlled by it. Armed with this new
double turns are $4.00 Tell him you mean no harm? Read 85 knowledge, will you:
Attack it? Read 29

For Free Info 40 Tell it that it cannot hurt you

since it is only an illusion? Read 57
You shake the shrinking salts over your
head. When the shaker is empty, the floor
Q esteJt Qames rushes up to you at a dizzying speed. You 45
C7 g. ffiobbteg shrink, as does everything you carry, until
you are no taller than the length of your hand.
You enter the rat hole, intent on discovering
The stew is bland, but fortifying.
Restore l d6 HEALTH. Your hunger is
satisfied, re-read 71.
604 S. High St. what the shiny object you saw earlier was.
Kirksville Mo 63501 Inside the rat hole, your diminutive torch
casts an equally poor light, barely a spark.
Ahead, you see a holy symbol shaped like the "As nice as the accommodations have
ester Games & Hobbies sun made of a large bloodstone with copper been," you say, "I feel that I have out-stayed
red rays. It is the size of your leg and the my welcome. If you would just unlock these
brass chain is twice as long as your body. manacles, I'll be on my way." The jailer

66 WHITE WOLF Magazine

looks at you blankly, as if he doesn't
understand your words. Re read 5 and
49 52
choose again. You search carefully, but discover no The dark man's body collapses and then
other exits from the cell. The old man disintegrates. A shadow lifts from where his
47 continues to rattle his chains he's
becoming agitated! Will you free your cell­
body was and floats through the ceiling. As
for the prisoner, he is quickly slipping away.
You hear an ominous cracking sound mate (read 2) or leave the crazy coot to rot Before he dies, he raises one feeble hand and
and look up. The cracks in the ceiling have (read 15)? points at some writing scratched on the wall.
spread. Sand and small chunks of masonry It reads: TWO IS BLUE TO GET YOU
fall on your face. The mere sound of your 50 THROUGH. Memorizing this verse (you may
footsteps has triggered a minor collapse! Not write it down for future reference), you go
realizing that louder footfalls only trigger You have entered a circular room with a back out into the passage. Read 58.
increasingly larger pieces of stone to fall from deep pit in the center. A three foot wide
the weakened ceiling, you run forward,
pushing speed and endurance to a heroic limit
ledge runs the circumference. You cannot see
the bottom of the pit, but the musty smell you
and wondering how long you will be able to detected earlier is emanating from it. An As the digger crawls forward, its blank
keep ahead of the rumbling cascade of stone iron runged ladder descends into the stare freezes your limbs. You must roll a 5 or
which chases your fleeing form, until a sight blackness. Another door stands opposite you. 6 on l d6 to master your fear and escape (read
seen by the crazy torchlight sends chills down You may climb down the ladder (read 66) or 48). With any other result, the very fear for
your body. leave this room via the opposite door (read your life prevents you from preserving it
Rubble blocks the passage ahead. With 22). you must defend yourself (read 95).
nowhere to run, you are buried under a ton of
stone. You have come to a literal dead end. 51 54
You may either continue down the main Groping through the clutter in one
48 corridor (read 42) or try the other tunnel (read cupboard, you find a salt shaker. The label
Fearing another encounter with fearsome 74). reads: SHRINKING SALTS. Re read 71 and
diggers, you quickly crawl back and proceed choose again.
down the main corridor (read 42).

Tarepo's Troubles 67
55 60
The jailer leaves, once again locking the
59 You step over the downed berzerker­
door. You wait. Hours, days, weeks and You have entered a large chamber which woman and leave the cell. Read 41.
years become indistinguishable over time. must take up the entire main level of the
The opportunity you wait for never arrives. tower. In the center of the room is a strange 61
Your moldering skeleton continues to wait. device, but you haven't time to examine it
right now. A tall, shadowy figure The old man watches anxiously as you
try to pick the lock on his manacles. Just
56 approaches. You instinctively know that this
is the master of Sathor Tower. when you think you've succeeded, the rivet
Only a few strides from the kitchen, "I am glad you chose to enter this slips from your fingers and falls through a
there is a rough hole about the width of your chamber," it laughs. "I wanted to show you crack in the floor. There is nothing you can
palm in the base of the wall. You see a glint how close you have come indeed, closer do for the old man without even the crudest
of metal from within. Would you like to find than any - to escaping my tower. That lock picking tool, so you approach the cell
out what the glint is (read 94), or leave well device you see behind me is a transporter. It door (read 15).
enough alone and continue down the passage is how my visitors come and go. Your escape
(read 86)? is so close, and yet your freedom and your 62
life end here. Your energy is mine for the
57 feeding. Please struggle; it will be more
painful for you and more entertaining for
Your shoulder slams against the door
with bone numbing force. You fall back. A
''That is something I am not," the spider me." huge crack runs up the center of the stone.
hisses and plunges its mandibles into your The dark form blurs and changes. Without any help, the side of the door not
arm. Lose 3 HEALTH. The pain certainly Now a giant, shadowy spider advances attached by hinges falls inward. It strikes the
feels reai enough. Prepare to defend yourseif, towards you. Will you: floor with a boom. Note that the Strength
read 29. Attack immediately? Read 29 Potion has been used up and will not help you
Use the Wizard Eye (if you have it) during the next combat. Hoping that no one
58 to look for a weakness? Read 44 heard the noise, you step through the portal.
Read 7.
The passage ends at a door. You open it
and step through. Read 71.
The chains do not give way, but the
muscles in your shoulder do. Lose 2
HEALTH. From now on, maybe you'll use
A huge Fantasy Role-Playing Play-By-Mail campaign your brain rather than your brawn. You rest
of Exploration, Survival, Magic, and High Adventure. for a moment before attempting another

Monster Is{and
escape. Read 31.

You cautiously examine the skeleton
It's the game players rave about... • Interact with hundreds of players on behind the mine cart. It seems that an
"I also wish to express my complete and an island that's more than three unlucky explorer fell down the ventilation
enthusiastic satisfaction with your service. times the size of Australia!
Monster Island Is a complete joy! The game
shaft, breaking both legs. His leather armor
• Explore bat infested caves, tombs,
itself is great fun, but it's the professional way and other dark, dangerous places. and back-pack are rotten, but his sword,
you handle it that impresses me most."
- Mark Berman • Kowtow at the altar stones of strange though rusty, is serviceable (it does 3 points
Gods. Serve them well and you'll be of damage). You also find two metal flasks
"Keep up the great work! I'm on turn 42 and able to cast dozens of spells. With
they keep getting better and better." friends, rebuild exotic ruins and filled with viscid, red liquid. One flask is
- Steve Lindemann sanctify them to your God. labeled "MED", the other "FORT". Will you:
"Monster Island is a great game, much • Battle horrible creatures including Drink from flask "MED"? Read 17
better than It's a Crime' There are more things Xanxu Cave Spiders, Sand Thugs,
to do each turn with a wider range of results. Ghoul Buzzards, and Tomb Leeches. Drink from flask "FORT"? Read 99
Far and away this is the best role-playing Some guard exotic treasures, such Ignore both and leave? Read 51
PBM I have ever played." - Alan Santa as Dragon lkor or an Ethereal Whip.

FREE Rulebook. Inexpensive! Continue play at 65

$4 per turn, 3 times per month.
FREE Entry Results. To successfully pick the lock with a
minimum of tools, you must roll a 5 or better
on ld6. This is a difficult lock indeed.
w,it,�;::::;;; ; �:
u m dd
��-�-- .
,ess ',iri:��
Certain pointed items may be of help to you
in picking the lock. If you have a key ring,
POB 436-Wl, Cohoes, NY 12047 knife, or holy symbol, you will succeed in
Same-day turnaround.
Phone (518) 237 4870 Fax (518) 237 6245 All results are Laser-printed. picking the lock on a 4 or better. If you pass,
read 28. If you fail, read 80.

68 WHITE WOLF Magazine

66 Go through the metal door? Read 13
Go through the wooden door? Read 56
The bottom of the pit is covered with You light a torch and enter the tunnel.
shriveled corpses. All races humans,
trolls, giants, and faerie folk are
72 As you crawl, the scratching grows louder.
Soon you see what looks like a troll crouched
represented. Curiously, none have decayed, The jailer falls to the ground, lifeless. at the end of the tunnel, his back to you,
but instead are dry as husks, as if the liquid You take the key ring from his body and apparently digging. Your flickering torch­
had been drained from their bodies. There is unlock your manacles. You may also take the light catches his attention and he turns. Dead
nothing of value among the corpses, so you jailer's club, which does 3 points of damage. eyes fasten upon you from a sunken face.
climb back up the ladder and leave the room When you are free, you notice that the jailer's This grey faced creature is a troll, but a dead
(read 22). body, instead of just laying there like a dead one - a digger. According to stories from
thing should, is dematerializing before your your youth, unless the corpse of a miner who
67 eyes! A shapeless shadow lifts from where
the jailer lay and floats upward through the
has died during a cave-in is recovered within
seven days, it is cursed with undeath. It must
Again nothing happens. Will you press: ceiling of your cell. You were dealing with dig itself free of the earth with only its nails.
The red button? Read 35 some sort of spirit creature, not a man at all! Like all undead, diggers hate the living. You
The blue button? Read 81 After a few minutes of stunned silence, you may fight (read 95) or flee (read 53)?
The yellow button? Read 23 examine your cell. Read 89.
68 73 A light ahead indicates that the rat tunnel
The lock on the door proves too difficult The dark man is caught up in his feeding is ending. And not too soon the effects of
to pick. If you possess a key ring, you may and doesn't notice you sneaking by the open the shrinking are wearing off, so that you
leave the cell freely (read 4). Without a means door. You try to shake the grisly image from have to crawl the last couple of feet. When
of escape, you become another unfortunate your mind as you continue down the corridor. you are out, you wait for yourself to grow
character in the evil tales of Sathor Tower. Read 58. back to your usual 4 foot height and place the
holy symbol armmd your neck. A hall
69 stretches to the right and left. Arbitrarily, you
choose to go left. Read 30.
The thought of eating human bodies
causes you to vomit most of the stew out onto
the floor. The rest doesn't settle well in your
stomach. Lose 1 point of HEALTH. Re read
71 and choose again.

Once you strike the final blow, the spirit­
spider becomes a formless mist that floats up
to the vaulted ceiling and seeps through the
cracks. With it out of the way, you inspect
the device in the center of the chamber. It is
simply a large, black sphere mounted on a
tripod. On one side is the imprint of a hand,
while on the other are three buttons one
red, one blue, the last yellow. If only you can
find out how to operate this transporter. Your
right hand fits snugly into the imprint. Now,
which buttons will you push and in what
order? If you possess the Wizard's Eye, read
84. If not, read 43 to make your choice.

You have entered a kitchen. Pots and
pans clutter most available space. In one
comer, a cauldron of simmering stew hangs
suspended over a fire pit. If you need a
weapon, you may take a knife (2 damage).
There is a large metal door on the far wall and
a wooden door on the right. Will you:
Eat some stew (you may choose this
option only once)? Read 45
C:�a-rrh thY"nnnh
uu"ub'l& tha r-,1rt.hna
._.. ....., .... ...rtr? Uaorl
ut'"-"'""'""6oJO,; Sl'l
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Tarepo's Troubles 69
Join this exciting PBM game of Roll l d6. On a result of 1 or 2, read 90.
gladiatorial combat where you play After a few minutes, the corridor turns On a result of 3 or higher, read 54.
the manager of a team of five lefL Read 12
warriors who fight, live and perhaps 83
die according to your skill! Your 77 Holding your nose, you tip the flask to
warriors will be from one of six races, your lips. Its contents bum your throat going
You throw your bowl of stew against the
they will fight with an array of wall. While the jailer is distracted, you reach down. Whatever the original effect, it has
weapons you choose for them from up and snatch at the keys that hang from his now mixed with the first potion and created
the forty available, wear armor you belt. Roll l d6. If you roll 5 or 6, read 6. poison. Pain gnaws your stomach, making
choose and fight however you want Otherwise, you miss the key ring and the you queasy. Lose 1 d6 HEALTH. Also reduce
them to fight. jailer realizes what you were trying and clubs all damage you score during the next combat
You will name your team and each you on the head (lose 3 HEALTH). Re read by 1. Cursing your greed, you head back the
of the warriors that fight for it. Each 5 and choose again. way you came. Read 51.
of your warriors can be given two
Bl ood Cries each turn w h i c h
he/she/it will attempt t o utter during 78 84
a tight. You can also submit When you draw the dagger, the spider You hold the Wizard Eye in your hands
perso nal ads for each tur n's hesitates, visibly frightened. This dagger will and close your eyes, hoping that the truth will
newsletter, which all active players add 1 to your OFFENSE when used against become apparent. You visualize a possible
receive. any creature with "SPIRIT " tacked onto the future in which your first choice is the yellow
Each turn you will compete with front of its name ( eg. SPIRIT SPIDER). To button and you are wrong. Read 43 to make
dozens or hundreds of other players begin the battle, read 33. your choice.
in vast arenas with up to more than
a thousand warriors. You will fight 79 85
viciously to attain the #1 ranking in
the arena and to k e e p your Are you under the influence of a strength The old man is just showing his
Win/Loss/Kill record up there with potion? If you are, read 96. If you aren't, gratitude. "I thought you would never free
the best of them. there is no way your four foot frame will be me," he says. "I am Jeri, a humble spell­
The Introductory Rules to BLOOD able to smash down a solid stone door. Re­ weaver. The manacles that bound me are
PIT were printed in issue #19 of read 22 and choose again. Rune chains. They prevented me from using
White Wolf and it you missed them magic to free myself or even to speak. It will
we'll be happy to send a free, 80 take all my power to escape this accursed
tower and I cannot take you with me.
no obligation copy to you. This will
You fail to pick the lock. Re-read 22. However, I will give you two gifts."
include a team roll up form which will
have the starting stats for each of The old man plucks his left eye out of
your five warriors. We will also set up 81 the socket and hands it to you. "This eye will
allow you to see the truth in any given
your team, send you the Main There is a slight shimmering sensation situation, even if that truth is concealed by
Rulebook and process your first turn and the feeling that you are no longer in the powerful magic. As for the second gift..."
for just the cost of that first turn. tower. You have teleported! Unfortunately, The wizard snaps his fingers and the
Every turn of BLOOD PIT costs just your destination is the bottom of an ocean. cell door opens. He disappears before you
$5.00 with no extras. With the surface miles above, the pressure can thank him. You pocket the glass
Get your startup soon, though. causes your body to implode before you can Wizard's Eye and leave your cell for the hall
There are already other managers drown. Welcome to a watery grave. beyond. Read 4.
preparing to enter the BLOOD PIT.
You wouldn't want them getting a
jump on you, right?
Get your FREE, no-obligation IMAGINATIVE MAIL ORDER • BOX 100 • HA WLEYVILLE, CT 06440
Introductory Rulebook from:
P.O. BOX842


\ J
70 WHITE WOLF Magazine
86 92 end of the rivet into the keyhole and begin to
fish about for the trigger mechanism. Roll
The corridor turns right. Read 12. Your lock-picking succeeds. The old l d6. If you roll higher than or equal to 3,
man is free. Read 39. read 3. If not, read 26.
The rat hole extends for some distance
93 98
so you decide to explore further. Besides, in Surprise is the active word, but not as After passing a number of cell doors,
your new size, you would have a better you had hoped. When you rush into the which you have ignored in your haste to
chance against rats than anything you might room, you also rush towards a gaping pit! escape, you hear footsteps approaching. Will
encounter in the hall. You certainly don't Roll l d6. If you roll higher than or equal to you:
want to be squashed against the bottom of 4, you stop in time (read 50). A roll lower Duck inside a cell until the footsteps pass
someone's boot! The holy symbol you have than 4 means you fall into the pit (read 21). (only if you have a key ring)? Read 9
fought so desperately for is presently too Stand your ground? Read 19
large to wear, so you drag it behind. After a
few minutes, the tunnel forks. You may go
94 Go back and try the right
passage? Read 24
left (read 37) or right (read 75). If you have some shrinking salt ( and Go back and try the forward
wish to use it), read 40. Otherwise, read 34. passage? Read 30
95 99
When you press the red button, a panel
opens in the side of the contraption. Feeling The digger's dry skin creaks as it scuttles The liquid inside the flask marked
that something is wrong, you dodge to the toward you. If you have a holy symbol, read "FORT'' OQ7e<: rlown your thinRt lilc-,- t,..,,,.J,-c.,
side, but not quite in time. Molten metal 11. If you don't, you must rely on whatever slime. Suddenly, you feel much more
squirts from the opening and burns your arm. weapon you possess. The digger attacks with powerful. You drank a magical potion of
Lose l d6 HEALTH. If you are still alive, you its ragged nails, which do 2 points of damage. strength, and you will now cause +1 damage
may re read 43 to start the button pressing DIGGER: REACTIONS -1; on each hit during the next combat only. You
process again. OFFENSE O; DEFENSE 4; HEALTH 6 may drink the other potion as well (read 83)
If you win, read 48. or leave this area entirely (read 51).
The old man who shares your cell rattles
96 100
his chains to get your attention. He moves his With a running start, you throw yourself You are free of Sathor Tower! As you
lips, but says nothing. Perhaps he is crazy. against the door. Roll l d6. If the result is 1-3, begin a long journey home, you vow that your
He does look wild and unkept, dressed in read 32. If the result is 4-6, read 62. days of snooping and trouble-making are
rags, with a thick clot of beard covering his over. You may not be much richer than
face. He is bound in manacles similar to your 97 before this adventure began, but you are still
own, but made of a silver metal with strange in possession of your freedom, perhaps the
symbols etched into them. Will you free the You find a rivet in the mouldy straw that greatest of all riches. You also have an
old man (read 2), search the cell for hidden covers the damp stone floor. Not exactly the exciting tale to tell!
exits (read 49), or leave via the main door ideal lock picking tool, but this cell isn't a
(read 15)? locksmith's workshop, either. You insert the

The only thing you discover is that the
kitchen is filled with rat traps - and your
8TATI,: 0� WAQ
method of discovery involves having one The year Ic'i 2000 1 They ,'iatd il would never haprxn ae,ain BUT IT llA6111
snap on your finger! Lose 1 Health. Re read
CIVIL WAQ IN Tl-l[ U 0 11 1

71 and choose again.

After yrars of foreign war,; and 1nPpt leadership,
twenty states attempt SECESSION 1n thrs newe�t

91 �i Play-By Mail game from the PBM leadPr, Came

Systems Inc As the COVERNOR of t�e state of your

A couple of steps further up the stairs, a

r-«;,�� cho1ce you muo; t order the- recruitment and
placement of troops, allocate expenditures for
training mdustnal expam1on and S< 1Pnt1f1, w,earch,
L__ ; �,-,
violent wind blows out your torch. In the and still try to k£>ep your popula< e happy! With

"' � · GSI':. NEW Pha:.e" wstf'm, playe-r, < an give from
darkness, you feel that you are not the only .
, .,�,
.SO to 100 ordpr:,, per turn and ff'< P1ve combat
� --� results on MUlT\PlE BATTLfS pPr turn1 Add this to
one on the stairs at this moment, although you '�-� '-GSl's reputation for a<<urate results and prompt
- turnaround times and you have tht' BEST PBM
may be the only living thing. An icy presence GAME EVER!!! A $15 00 reg1strat1on fpe 1nclude�
brushes near you. You scream uncontrollably rules, 3 <olor map and 2 FREE turns There.ifter.
turn., are$4.75 eac.h, NO HIDDEN COSTS EVER 1
and tumble run down the stairs to the door
and burst through it in a sweat In your fear­ Gdme Systems Inc. P.O. Box 160129 Miami, fl 33116-0129'
induced haste, you have lost an item. Choose
an object from your possessions list and cross
it off. Then iead 59.

Tarepo's Troubles 71

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