Minute A Day Gym Manual

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Manufactured exclusively by BEACON ENTERPRISES, Inc. 286 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. U.S. PATENT NO, 3,068,003 Copyright 1963 Beacon Enterprises, Inc. Instructions For Use Of Your MINUTE-A-DAY GYM ARTETA TROT aR $s Your purchase of the Minute-A-Day Gyin, you have just taken the first step toward physical self-improvement for which you may be thankful as long as you live, With your Minute-A-Day Gym, you ean Bet the most pleasant, Srengther soe cleetive: exercise: to improve your body, and THe NEN YOUr muscles, with a speed and ease never bette possible, his ts because your Minute-A-Day Gym acti 10 simple exercises 's based on the modern, scientific prineipl le of Isometric Contraction — Physical force exerted against an immovable object. Why You Need Minute-A-Day Gym Modern mechanized living makes little demand On our strength. 's @ Tesult, most people fail to develop anywhere near their potential strength or tend to lose what ‘was developed in their youth. They get fat, flabby, and badly shaped — old, looking before their time. This is understahdable, After all mechanized civilization is but a Tranelodsyelopment. For hundteds of thousands of years corn de- manded physical fitness, The human b AS a result, your body needs effectiv. fain its strength for health, for attract Ive appearance, for the pleas- /urable feeling of well-being, for the ‘enjoyment of sports, for emer- gency demands which may be placed on it, This need exists for people’ of all ages. Th: the woeful lack of physical fitness of chil Numerous studies have shown that those who exercise have fewer heart attacks, and a longer life expectancy than sedentary people. Hee even the aged and the ill need exercise’— and with K Fecon more rapidly and live longer, Improve In Sports Vigorous, Jong-Jasting health is just the be; Next comes more enjoyuble life. With stron become easier ~~ are: better performed, Work is ox are not as readily fajigued. With stronger muscles, your golf club better, hit a baseball harder, hike fa deer Jonger without ‘exhausting fatigue, Yes, r, better, more attractive, Gevainped and toned, You can walk with the confidence and poise that comes with the knowledge that your body is strong, fit and ready for whatever circumstances may demand, With well-developed mus- cles, you can possess that reserve of explosive power that places you head and shoulders above the other fellow in athletics or whenever the situation demands strength. ginning of the benefits, you can swing ther or drag a you can also look more virile, if your muscles are Yer all this snow possible because you have in your hands the most remarkable development in the technique of macectac training Isometric principle of exer: -A-Day Gym and its C eXetcise, tp. eRe more easily than ever possible before, accompli 4 Yiahuen body development in the minimum time doing jug te tninute of simple, interesting, invigorating, non-exhausting gy Ste only once a day. member... iteannot happen overnight. For the be follow ihe simple, minute-a-day program faithfully every get ty, do, you will gradually note your improvement of form ag et Your chest and arms will grow, your waist will become sing eh legs and thighs grow lithe and strong, We guarantee i," You Professional baseball and football teams, ; tenining methods, tried Isometric Contraction, ‘They found" beneficial so superior in results that some, thinking of 4008, over their opponents, tried to keep its use secret. Men cones regarded Isometric Contractions as their secret weap’ trainin both in increasing the muscular strength of the athlete, and ay gi tection against injury. The Pittsburgh Pirates credit fant! ee tractons exercises asa major contribution toward thelt hee in 35 years, It is also employed by the Green Bay Packers Natt Dame Focthall Team, United States Olympic Weight Litre and World Champion Indiana University State Swimng fer For as long as men can remember, the methods used to stren train and beauty the body's muscles were based on ay og gS Men had observed that those who labored hardest were the stronges ‘They concluded that hard work or its pl: lanned equivalent — haeg exercise — would develop and strengthen the muscles, ever alert for This was, of course, true. The road to a handsome body, strength and health seemed to lay in strenuous, exhausting, Isayene exercise, Those willing to make the sacrifice could indect achieve their desires But this simple theory, inherited trom the'an Rome, concealed the hard kernel of truth thai the desired effect of muscle building and cor esearch of modern physiology to reveal that possible the maximum rate of body develop) exhausting’ exercise, without how equipment, without pain and sweat icients of Greece and t Was really’ producing nditioning, It took the truth which hw makes ment without sirenuous 3 of work, without complieaed ' Some years ago, scientists, uscles would degenerate. They took a frog The opposite happened! The leg that bad been tied turned out bigger, Beles inttled than the one left fret! But why? The opposite happens with men, Are the muscles so differ- ent? Well, it turns out they are not, The difference is in the brain, The Fog doesnt know that he is supposed to keep the leg immobilized, 2 he just keeps trying to move that immobilized leg, He contracts TBO aes against the immovable resistance of the splint. This is called ISOMETRIC CONTRACTION, and it eauses the maxinium development of the muscles, a of “ISOMETRIC CONTRACTION’ is in essence ah weal ce against an immovable object, duting which the muscles remit a8 at the same length and do not shorten, Actually, Iso-metric, me ‘same length, for is using It was the work of many dedicated scientists and physi ie this pri iple which resulted in the modern concept of 1S¢ i Exercise, Among them are: : Erich A, Muller, M.D, Professor of Physiology Max Planck Institute Dortmund, Germany Theodore Hettinger, MD. Researeh Fellow Max Planck Instinte— Dortmund, Germany Arthur H. Steinhans, PhD, Professor of Physiology George Williams College —- Chicago, I. Viheit research was long an thorough, ta They came to this conelusion 1g well over 10 years The maximum training effect 10 develop and strengthen muscles can he achieved by exerting muscles against an tnmavable resisiance just once a day for as short a time as 2 seeands, In the words of Dr. Hettinget, “The maximum improvement in the strength of the niuscle group being trained can be obtained by giving daily one maximum voluntary isometric muscle contraction against a resistance for one of two seconds”, “The muscle, aftet one training stimulus during any one day, is waresponsive (0 any further training stimulus on the same day”. Read that statement again! It is revolutionary, and has resulted in exciting body building achievements thought impossible, This prin- ciple is used by leading coaches and athletes, high jumpers, weight lifters, football teams, swimmers and thousands of inactive people to condition, tone and strengthen their bodies. But most important for people who do fot have time for exercise was the recent controlled study’ conducted at Colgate | University. Equally matched groups of regular sttidents were compared. One group used Minute-A-Day, Gym, and is 'simple ISOMETRIC pro- gram, The other group trained for long periods; using conventional methods and’ equipment: They worked out with barbells, pulley- weights, rings, horses, parallel and horizontal bars, tumbling, wres- tling and rope climbing. The Minute-A-Day group won by a signifi- cant margin in every test of strength and fitness. ‘This has been the result for athletes and éollege students, but what about average citizens — the mature men faced, with gradual loss of body tone and strength, the’ gradual tendency to go to flabbiness. Minute-A-Day Gyr ahd the 10 simple 2-second CONTRACTIONS has worked wonders. This\is nb exercise program where you repeat the same exercise over and over again Whtil you are bored and, ex- ‘hausted, until your! muscles ‘ache in protest. No need to sweat and strain for hours, 'You'don't, even have to change\your elothes, or loosen your tie, There are no grotésaie or uncomfortable positions to assume. All the exercises én be’ done standing on your own two. feet, NM All you do is take out the Minuté-A;Day Gym, and following in- structions, do the 10 sinipl ISOMETRIC! CONTRACTIONS ance each for 2 seconds exch to’ get marihium tesults, And What results they are: — Ant averige of 5% ingrease in strength per week. (144 times as strong in,ten weeKS.)' In just a fow weeks, you can have firmer, larger, stronger musples, better-shaped proportions, the look and feeling of youthful, virile, athlotic vigor that goes with increased strength, You'll know it by your newfound strength and endurance, and so will your friends --- men and women who will see, the differ. ence,'and perhaps feel the new Supple toughness of your limbs, neck, torsqland aris, ( wc Is Your Child Getting Proper Exercise? You may think that your child is getting the exercise he needs, Th truth, is that over 60% of out schools are not able to schedule vie orous physical Activities that develop strong bodies, os ‘The Council on Youth Fitness has recommended body building activities. Children need and want vigorous exercise, Parents tend to be oy, sratective here. ‘There is no evidence that children in good heaty ay, Vigorouy th can be harmed by proper exerc ‘an Biologically, the effective development and function of the vit) organs anid systens of the body are dependent to a large de, fnelldeveloped muscular system. And physical development hac profound effet on social and emotional development. Physigue ssa performance affect group slats, confidence and a child's sltiman Well-publicized tests reveal that children and young people her, as compared to children of other countries, often are sadly lacking in strength, Starting gitls and boys training themselves pleasantly ant effectively probably is the most valuable benefit of Minute-A-Day Gym because of the lifelong carry-over value But enough of the background. You now have the means in your hands to witness the scientific “miracle” on yourself. It’s simple, easy and pleasant. You won't sweat or even breathe hard, No need to undress or change. You can follow the routine with the clothes you have on. So — let's begin right now, and do our 10 simple 2-second each exercises once a day from now on, and watch the change take place; see the firming, contouring and strengthening of the limbs, abdomen, back, chest, thighs, arms, neck and shoulders, and experience the exhilarating feeling of increased strength and well-being Limit yourself to using two-thirds of your present strength for your first 15 workouts. Then, you may want to use your full strength. This will bring many additional muscles into ISOMETRIC CONTRAC- TION as stabilizers in support of the muscles being worked directly. Some of these stabilizing muscles will be adjacent to the muscles being worked directly, and some will be far removed, but they will all receive conditioning benefits, When exercising or lifting anything, be sure and tilt your pelvis by contracting the buttocks, to flatten the hollow in the lower back. Bend your knees and lock your lower back and hips so that the back re- mains flat. Your Minute-A-Day Gym consists of 3 partst ~ © ba Austad e ah © Foot Frame The Bar is adjustable for any helght a ty by simply holding the lock down with aban the inside edges of the feet and pull ial Dil ling the Bar to the desired height. Releasing the lock automatically locks tho cable securel i Isometric ( Health Lift “(Bar just above knee height) With the balls of your feet squarely on the footplates, turn the bar 80 it points forward land! back between the legs. (See Photograph). )) Take a good grip on|the bar with one hand on each side of the cable, |))| Your Knees are bent, head and chest up, arms and back straight, |) (Gradually pull'up on the barias you gradually push down with your legs, Increase the pressure to your limit and count, ohe-thousand- and-one,'one-thousand-and-two, Slowly relax, © This exercise will strengthen and develop your low back, upper and lower! legs, grip and arms, pelvic, abdominal and shoulder muscles. |! The Isometric Row (Bar in the Hang Position) Step down on the movable metal link and raise the bar 40 that Yt can just barely reach it with your fingers when you are erech Wi arms hanging siraight down. Release the link. The bar should be below mid-thigh height, in the Hang Position. p Balls of the feet on the footplates. Bend forward from the hips until your upper body is parallel to the floor. Take a good grip neat ends of the bar with thumbs toward center. Bend your kness enoull ‘o bring your chest close to the bar. Back straight, Avoid lifting all.with your leus or body in the Row. With arm power only gradually pull on the bar until you ae working Your arms with maximum power. Hold for two secon You count, one-thousand-and-one, one-thousand-and-two. Slowly This exercise strengthens and develops y ide baek mus ug athens and develops your upper side cles, the buck part of your shoulders, your arms and grip. A The Isometric dack Knife (Bar in the Hang Position) Balls of feet on footplates, Grip bar behind back with hands close together und thumbs in towdtd center, Lock thumbs together aed force elbows toward euch other, Arms and back straight, Permit your knees to bend, as you bend forward trom the walst, gradually inereasing your force to the limit, for two seconds, Slowly x Strengthens and develops your abdominal muscles, The Se \ Isometric Rise-on-Toes, (Bar in the Hang Position) Balls of feet on footplates) Grip bar near ends with thambs in toward center, Bend knees and slide thighs under bar so that bar and hands rest on thighs, Bagk straight. Rise-on-toes, gradually increasing effort to maximum, with entire body into the effort of forcing the bar up. Hold for two seconds, Slowly relax Strengthens, and develops your lower legs, upper legs, low back, arms and grip, Isometric Curl AN (Bar in the Hang Position) Balls of feet on footplates. Grip bar near ends with thumbs out Bend knees enoiigh to allow arms to)bend slightly. Arms in close to the sides, Chest up, Buck straight, Try to bend your arms, applying the effort gradually and then as hard qs you can, Force bar up for two seconds, Slowly relax, Strengthens and Uovelops the front, part of your upper arms, fore- arms, legs, pelvic girdle, abdominal muscles and chest, CHa | ».@., mn Sy a The ‘i My : Isometric | High Pull (Barat chestheight) | Step down on the foot release and raise the bar to chest height. Bulls of feet on footplates. Grip bar with thumbs in toward center. Knees bent, Chest up, Back straight. Raise your elbows high. Pull bar up gradually and then with full power for to seconds. Strengthens. and)develops Your upper back between neck and shoulders, shoulders, upper arms, legs and pelvic region. CIR The Isometric Forward Raise (Bar at chest height) i Balls of feet on fooiplates. ‘Grip bar near ends with thumbs in toward center, Arms aire extended straight out in front of you, Knees bent. Back struight, Force bar upward for {Wo seconds, increasing the pressure grad~ vally, | Strengthens ‘and develops the front part of your shoulders, upper chest, trunk, pelvic region, arms andlegs, The Isometric Press Rt (Bar just above top ofhead) ||| | Hii Step down on the foot release and raise the bar to\a height of just above your head. Balls of feet on footplates. Bar and Albis ind, back, Grip | ‘bar near ends. Thumbs in toward center. Knees bent, Back straight. || ) Gradually press the, bar straight up, jdgreasing to full foree for two seconds, Slowly relax, ( Sirengthens and develops your shoulders ang back part of your upper arms, trunk, legs, and pelvic pide, ft The Isometric Chest and Back Contractions ‘The bar is not used in this exercise, Grip the ends of the frame \with thumbs up & in close to upper chest. Elbows are bent and also at chest height. Applying the pressure gradually, push your hands toward each other as though to crush the frame. Hold for two seconds. Slowly, relax. In exactly the same position gradually pull the hands away from each other as though to tear the frame apart. Apply full power for two seconds. Slowly relax. The first part of this exercise strengthens and develops your chest and the front part of your shoulders. The second part, your back and the back part of your shoulders. How To Measure Your Progress You can judge your improvement with a dynamometer, a tape meastire, weights or snapshots, ‘You can measure your progross qccurately, the way that lenders inthe field of physical education dil at Colgate University by taking the Colgate strength-fitness test, (Get your doctor's approval before starting an exercise program.) Do situps, push-ups, squatthrusts and pull-ups, Record the num ber of repetitions of each in the first column and the date, Bach time that you complete 15 training sessions repeat the test procedure so ‘that you can compare results and judge your physical fitness, a a —T ot Date 1 | Sitaups | | t + T |} Pastaps \ | | | tf { +t | | Swot trusts mt | Pal-ups 1 -t | | Push-ups ‘Squzt-thrusts Pul-ups Date ‘Sit-aps Push-ups Sua thst i Don’t Overwork! Your muscles can grow in size and strength at onl Doing the ton Minute-A-Day Gym two-second ex them growing at this rate, There is no known meth this rate, Doing the exercises less than once every da at which your strength can inerease, but doin, fa day cannot increase your strength faster. ‘Along contraction, even when sustained until com, 'Y @ certain y; 4 a ercises will start od Of accelerating 'y reduces the s 8 them more than once lete e; i, has been found to build no more strength than the shentes aus Contraction, te Don't slop breathing during your TC. Don't do more than a ttt ‘of 60 seconds of actual IC pet day. al You ea get the maximum strength increases with ten two-seong Ics! Fixing the Habit As with most things in life, mental attitude is all-important. Con centrate hard during your brief workouts. The rewards are. great for such a small investment of time and energy. Decide now to invest 60 seconds a day for superb physical condition all year round, year in and year out, Are you going to take advantage of the new scientific shortcuts? Determine now to train regularly! When you'see what the brief rou- tine can do for you after a period of time, you will never want to give itup. Keep your \ Minute-A-Day Gym in a place where you will be' able to see it. | i im your home or office, Train anytime, but at the same time. i ‘of, day, This can help you to form a fixed habit. r Your Maximum Benefits GUARANTEE Minute-A-Day Gym guarantees to im- prove your muscular endurance and your body proportions; to firm, tone, develop and STRENGTHEN YOUR MUSCLES AT THE ‘MaxiMun RATE POSSIBLE, in one refresh- ing minute-a-day. The average increase in strength is five er cent per week for men, and three per cent per week for women. Since the quality of muscle tissue is in- herited, everyone does not improve by the same amount. Some Isometric trainers double their strength in 20 weeks.

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