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JUNE 11, 2022

Instruction: All items are multiple choice items. Write the letter of the correct answer for
each item on the blanks provided before the number.

_____ 1. Which statement holds true about social sciences?

A. It is an area of study that uses formal systems to generate knowledge.
B. It deals with matter, energy, and their interrelations and transformations or with
objectively measurable phenomena.
C. It is primarily focused on aspects of the physical world.
D. It studies and examines the different aspects of human society.

_____ 2. Which of the following is NOT an example of a social science?

A. Economics
B. Physics
C. Psychology
D. Anthropology

_____ 3. A social science discipline that studies both the physical properties of our
planet and the relationships between people and their environment.
A. Geography
B. Sociology
C. Economics
D. Archaeology

_____ 4. A social science discipline that attempts to ascertain, record, and analyze
connections of significant events that happened in the past.
A. History
B. Sociology
C. Archaeology
D. Political Science

_____ 5. Which of these materials is the most authentic source of information about the
life of early humans?
A. documentaries
B. artifacts from archaeological sites
C. books from notable historians
D. scholarly articles on the internet


Session 1 – June 11, 2022
Gurong Pinoy LET Review 2022
_____ 6. Which among these sources of history can give us a more comprehensive
information about the Roman Empire?
A. Biography of Marcus Tullius Cicero
B. Day-tour in the Colosseum of Rome
C. Actual bronze tablets of The Twelve Tables
D. Engineering an Empire (Rome) documentary on History Channel

_____ 7. What separates history from prehistory?

A. nomadic way of life
B. the use of bow and arrow
C. invention of writing and existence of written records
D. development of sedentary communities

_____ 8. According to historians, who are the first people to have used fire?
A. Paleolithic people
B. Neolithic age communities
C. Peoples of the Sumerian civilization
D. Humans in the Bronze Age

_____ 9. Geographical theme that provides a reference to describe where a particular

place is on the earth.
A. Region
B. Movement
C. Location
D. Human-Environment interaction

_____ 10. Which of the following does NOT speak of absolute location?
A. 38.8977° N, 77.0365° W
B. Tennessee is west of North Carolina
C. 14.5946° N, 120.9946° E
D. 406 S Walton Blvd, Bentonville, AR 72712

_____ 11. Mesopotamia is claimed to be the place where earliest civilizations has
developed. Majority of the land area occupied by these civilizations belongs to
which present-day country?
A. Kuwait
B. Iraq
C. Turkey
D. Syria

_____ 12. Sumeria was the first civilization in Mesopotamia. Which is TRUE about this
ancient civilization?
A. Sumerians were monotheistic.
B. They built ziggurats and dedicated them to their gods.
C. Sumerians invented the earliest writing system in the world.
D. The sexagesimal system originated from them.


Session 1 – June 11, 2022
Gurong Pinoy LET Review 2022
______ 13. Mesopotamian civilization famous for its 282 laws based on the idea of “an
eye for an eye”.
A. Akkadia
B. Chaldea
C. Assyria
D. Babylonia

______ 14. Why is Egypt called ‘the gift of the Nile’?

A. Nile is the longest river in the world with a length of 6650 km.
B. People of Egypt came from the Nile River according to myth.
C. The Nile’s annual flooding deposited rich, dark soil on the riverbanks of Egypt that
were perfect for farming.
D. River Nile derived its name from an Egyptian god that created Egypt.

______ 15. Who was the ruling pharaoh when the first pyramid of Egypt was built in
Saqqara around 2630 B.C.?
A. Ramses II
B. Djoser
C. Amenhotep I
D. Khufu

_____ 16. Egyptian pharaoh who became famous for the discovery of his tomb in 1922
which was one of the great archaeological finds of the 20th century.
A. Tutankhamun
B. Hatshepsut
C. Thutmose III
D. Cleopatra VII

_____ 17. He was famous for changing the traditional religion of Egypt from the worship
of many gods to the worship of a single god.
A. Djoser
B. Amenhotep III
C. Ramses II
D. Akhenaten

_____ 18. Which of the following is NOT among the great contributions of the Egyptians?
A. Papyrus
B. Hieroglyphics
C. Mummification
D. Potter’s wheel

_____ 19. What is the greatest and lasting contribution of the Israelites to the world?
A. Monotheism
B. Architecture
C. Military
D. Reincarnation


Session 1 – June 11, 2022
Gurong Pinoy LET Review 2022
_____ 20. Who established the Mauryan Empire in ancient India?
A. Brihadratha
B. Bindusara
C. Ashoka
D. Chandragupta

_____ 21. Who is known in history as the first Chinese emperor?

A. Li Shimin
B. Liu Bang
C. Qin Shi Huang
D. Kublai Khan

_____ 22. A philosophy and/or religion developed in ancient China with teachings
based on the writings of philosopher Lao-Tzu.
A. Confucianism
B. Hinduism
C. Taoism
D. Buddhism

_____ 23. Ancient Greek city-states are also called as

A. Agora
B. Polis
C. Crete
D. Phalanx

_____ 24. In Greek mythology, he is the knowns god of fire, smiths, craftsmen,
metalworking, stonemasonry, and sculpture.
A. Hephaestus
B. Dionysus
C. Ares
D. Apollo

_____ 25. The Greek playwright who wrote the tragedy Oedipus Rex
A. Socrates
B. Aeschylus
C. Sophocles
D. Euripedes

_____ 26. Under his tutelage, Alexander the Great learned about much about Greek
literature and philosophy.
A. Plato
B. Aristotle
C. Socrates
D. Pythagoras


Session 1 – June 11, 2022
Gurong Pinoy LET Review 2022
_____ 27. With Roman triumvirates in mind, who does NOT belong to the group?
A. Julius Caesar
B. Pompey the Great
C. Marcus Crassus
D. Augustus Caesar

_____ 28. Who became the first Holy Roman Emperor?

A. Charlemagne
B. Louis the Pious
C. Lothar I
D. Charles the Bald

_____ 29. A property or fee granted to a vassal by lord in return for service in the
European feudal system.
A. manor
B. guild
C. fief
D. charter

_____ 30. In medieval Europe, the knights devoted their lives to protecting their lands.
Who in the Japanese feudal system had the same mission in life?
A. samurai
B. peasants
C. shogun
D. nobles

_____ 31. Feudal relationships in Europe defined land ownership and protection
agreements between what two groups of people?
A. kings and queens
B. lords and vassals
C. merchants and serfs
D. serfs and peasants

_____ 32. With Renaissance in mind, who does NOT belong to the group?
A. Francesco Petrarch
B. Miguel de Cervantes
C. Leo Tolstoy
D. William Shakespeare

_____ 33. Leonardo Da Vinci is one of the most famous artists of the Renaissance. Which
of the following artworks does NOT belong to him?
A. Mona Lisa
B. The Virgin of the Rocks
C. Last Supper
D. The Creation of Adam


Session 1 – June 11, 2022
Gurong Pinoy LET Review 2022
_____ 34. The word "Renaissance" means
A. rebirth
B. new
C. maturation
D. escape

_____ 35. Where did the Renaissance begin?

A. France
B. Germany
C. England
D. Italy

_____ 36. The author of the Book of the Courtier, a handbook on courtly manners,
A. Baldassare Castiglione
B. Giovanni Pico della Mirandola
C. Girolamo Savanarola
D. Niccolò Machiavelli

_____ 37. Johannes Gutenberg was a key developer of

A. the water wheels
B. the astrolabe
C. the movable type printing press
D. smokeless gunpowder

_____ 38. The painter of the Rome's Sistine Chapel ceiling was
A. Raphael
B. Da Vinci
C. Botticelli
D. Michelangelo

_____ 39. 95 Theses, a list of grievances against the church during the Protestant
Reformation was written by
A. Jan Hus
B. John Wycliffe
C. Martin Luther
D. John Calvin

_____ 40. The Society of Jesus or the Jesuits, a Roman Catholic order of religious men
was founded by whom?
A. St. Francis of Assisi
B. St. Anthony of Padua
C. St. Augustine of Hippo
D. St. Ignatius of Loyola


Session 1 – June 11, 2022
Gurong Pinoy LET Review 2022
_____ 41. Who was the explorer and conquistador best known for conquering the Incas?
A. Hernan Cortes
B. Christopher Columbus
C. Bartolomeu Dias
D. Francisco Pizzaro

_____ 42. Who led the expedition which was believed to be the first circumnavigation of
the world?
A. Prince Henry the Navigator
B. Christopher Columbus
C. Fernando de Magallanes
D. Vasco da Gama

_____ 43. Samuel de Champlain established which of the following settlements?

A. Quebec
B. Louisiana
C. Plymouth
D. Montreal

_____ 44. What is the name given to the period in the late 1500s in Europe when
European thinkers created the scientific method?
A. Renaissance
B. Reformation
C. Enlightenment
D. Scientific Revolution

______ 45. For a long time, people believed that the Earth was the center of the universe
and the Sun revolved around us. Now we know the opposite is true. Who
proposed the heliocentric theory in 1543?
A. Nicolaus Copernicus
B. Francis Bacon
C. Johannes Kepler
D. Galileo Galilei

_____ 46. Who wrote ‘The Social Contract’ that was published in 1762?
A. Isaac Newton
B. John Locke
C. Jean-Jacques Rosseau
D. Albert Einstein

______ 47. Who fought for the freedom of Venezuela from Spanish control?
A. Guiseppe Garibaldi
B. François-Dominique Toussaint Louverture
C. Simon Bolivar
D. Jose de San Martin


Session 1 – June 11, 2022
Gurong Pinoy LET Review 2022
_____ 48. Which event led to World War I?
A. The invasion of Poland
B. The Normandy landings
C. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
D. Paris Peace Conference

_____ 49. Which organization was formed as a result of the Paris Peace Conference?
A. The League of Nations
B. The United Nations
C. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
D. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

_____ 50. The United States entered World War II as a direct result of what?
A. The attack on Pearl Harbor
B. The invasion and division of France
C. The invasion and division of Poland
D. Attacks on U.S. ships in the Atlantic.


Session 1 – June 11, 2022
Gurong Pinoy LET Review 2022

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