Usage and Attitude of Consumer Toward Pharmaceutical Over The Counter (OTC) Product - Rehan Faquih

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A Project Report on

Usage and Attitude of Consumer towards Pharmaceutical Over The Counter (OTC) Product

in partial fulfillment of the requirement of Master in Management Studies (MMS)

conducted by

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies and Research

under the guidance of DR. KALIM KHAN

Submitted by: REHAN FAQUIH ROLL NO. 83 MMS (MARKETING) 2009-11

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who have helped & supported me during the duration of my project. First of all, I would like to thank the Almighty Allah without whom none of this would be possible. I am eternally grateful for the invaluable mentorship of my guide, Dr Kalim Khan, Director, Rizvi Institute of Management Studies and Research who acts as the backbone of the entire support system. His timely guidance, right from the initial stages of conceptual inception and through ongoing advice & encouragement to this day has made the completion of the project possible.

I also wish to thank Talha Khan, Nawaf Ghansar, Raees Basri and all the medical professionals who were part of my respondent base for their invaluable support, suggestions and time during the course of the project.

It will not be fair if I do not thank my parents for their undivided support and interest which inspired me and encouraged me to go my own way, without whom I would be unable to complete my project. Last but not the least I want to thank my friends and fellow batch mates who appreciated me for my work and motivated me to finish the project.

Rehan Faquih Roll No: 83 MMS (Marketing) 2009-2011

I declare that the project titled Usage and Attitude of Consumer towards Pharmaceutical Over The Counter (OTC) Product is a record of the research carried out by me during the academic year 2009-2011 under the guidance of my guide Dr. Kalim Khan, Director, Rizvi Institute of Management Studies and Research.

I also declare that this project is the result of my effort and has not been submitted to any other university for the award of any degree, or personal favor whatsoever. All the details and analysis provided in the report hold true to the best of my knowledge.

Rehan Faquih Roll No: 83 MMS (Marketing) 2009-2011

This is to certify that Mr. Rehan Faquih, a student of Master in Management Studies (MMS), bearing Roll No. 83, from Rizvi Institute of Management Studies and Research, specializing in Marketing has successfully completed the project titled,

Usage and Attitude of Consumer towards Pharmaceutical Over The Counter OTC Product

under the guidance of Dr. Kalim Khan, Director, Rizvi Institue of Management Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of the requirement of Master in Management Studies (MMS), by Rizvi Institute of Management Studies and Research , for the academic year 2009-11.


Prof. (Dr.) Kalim Khan Project Guide

__________________________ Prof. Umar Farooq Academic Coordinator Dr. Kalim Khan Director

Executive Summary

The research was started with the objective to Study the consumer behaviour towards the Pharmaceutical OTC product in the city of Mumbai. The research was carried out with the view to analyze the usage and attitude of consumers like Doctors, Chemist, and Customers etc. with respect to the age, marital status, occupation, nature of family, size of family factors, etc. to identify the decision maker and the influencer for the purchase of OTC medicine made by consumers. A structured undisguised questionnaire was administered for a sample size of 120 which included Doctors, Chemists and Customers from distinct geographical areas of the Mumbai city. With the help of the data collected the results were analyzed, tabulated, and interpreted.

The inferences were drawn out with the help of statistical analytical tools. From the findings few recommendable suggestions had been opined for the marketers and manufacturers to recognize that OTC market is a lucrative consumer segment especially with the high competition in market, as lots of patents are expiring in near future. It is important for companies to make better strategy and create awareness amongst the consumers so, that they can judge on their own which OTC medicine needs to buy to treat minor ailments so, it would be easy to switch prescription drug to OTC drug which would help the companies to overcome the generic competition and create an healthy portfolio of OTC product in future, which would reap high growth potentials.

The Indian OTC pharmaceuticals market generated total revenues of $2.5 billion in 2010. The market has grown significantly over the last five years at a CAGR of 8.6%. In contrast, the US

market has witnessed a moderate expansion, with a CAGR of 4.3% for the equivalent period leading to total revenues of $21.2 billion in 2010.

The leading revenue source for the Indian OTC pharmacy market is the traditional medicines sector, which generated revenues of $679.3 million in 2010, equivalent to 27.3% of the market's value. In comparison, the cough and cold preparations sector was worth $492.5 million, which represented 19.8% of the market's revenues.

This research paper viewed the usage and attitude of pharmaceutical OTC drugs. It also found the influence of current marketing practices in the pharmaceutical sector through different channels, and their impact on consumers and doctors buying behaviour. The research found some negative impacts like less education and awareness amongst the consumers which included misleading advertising, disease mongering and rising costs. It argued the need to move from industry self regulation to an independently monitored code of practice by doctors for pharmaceutical marketing. Rural India and modern India trusted self medication in treating minor ailments not as like in Europeans who rely on neighbourhood pharmacist for similar ailments, North Americans rely more on the advice of doctors. In countries where healthcare infrastructures and economies are developing, opportunities exist to lessen the extensive burden consumers currently put on doctors and help governments reduce their healthcare expenditure. Self medication using over the counter products in India had been common. OTC Products Medico marketing, is the business of advertising or otherwise promoting the sale of OTC pharmaceuticals or drugs

Thus looking at the dynamics of the consumer segment of Pharmaceutical OTC a research was to be carried out to get the insights of the consumers to know their usage pattern of buying OTC drug. The factors that played major role in selecting a specific branded OTC drug to the factors that plays major role in making a purchase decision whilst buying OTC medicine were studied. The paper started with the presentation of the relevant literature in the area of buying behaviour and then the research hypothesis was described. After that the methodology followed to develop the study was presented with a special reference to the sample method, data collection and statistics. Next, the results were presented and discussed and finally the conclusions were drawn.

Table of Contents
1.2. MANUFACTURING PROCESS .............................................................................................................. 4 1.3. RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................................. 7 1.4. PATENTS - A PROJECTION .................................................................................................................. 8 1.5. THERAPEUTIC MARKET SEGMENTATION ......................................................................................... 10


2.3. INDUSTRY TRENDS ........................................................................................................................... 19 2.4. KEY CHALLENGES.............................................................................................................................. 21 2.5. MAJOR PLAYERS IN THE MARKET .................................................................................................... 24 2.6. CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................... 26

CHAPTER NO 3: INDIAN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY .......................................... 28

3.1. HISTORY ........................................................................................................................................... 30 3.1.1. The Policy Regime since 1970s ................................................................................................. 30 3.1.2. Post-Liberalisation..................................................................................................................... 33 3.2. INDUSTRY STRUCTURE ..................................................................................................................... 35 3.3. INDUSTRY SEGMENTATION ............................................................................................................. 36 3.3.1. Bulk Drugs ................................................................................................................................. 37 3.3.2. Formulations ............................................................................................................................. 39 3.3.3. Contract Research and Manufacturing ..................................................................................... 40 3.4. CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS ............................................................................................................ 41 3.4.1. New Product Development....................................................................................................... 42 3.4.2. Therapeutic Coverage ............................................................................................................... 43 3.4.3. Exports ...................................................................................................................................... 45 3.4.4. Low Cost Production through Scale .......................................................................................... 46 3.5. PHARMACEUTICAL REGULATORY BODIES IN INDIA ......................................................................... 47 3.5.1. National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) .................................................................. 47 3.5.2. Central Drugs Standard and Control Organization (CDSCO) ..................................................... 47 3.5.3. Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals (DCP) .................................................................. 48


4.1. PORTERS 5 FORCE ANALYSIS OF INDUSTRY ..................................................................................... 49 4.2. PEST ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................................. 54

4.3. SWOT ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................... 59

CHAPTER NO 5: PHARMACEUTICAL OTC MARKET ................................................... 66

5.1. LABELING REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................................... 67 5.2. ADVERTISING REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................ 67 5.3. PRESCRIPTION TO OTC SWITCH ....................................................................................................... 68 5.4. WORLD SCENARIO OF OTC MARKET ................................................................................................ 70 5.4.1. US OTC Pharmaceuticals Market .............................................................................................. 71 5.4.2. European OTC Pharmaceuticals Market ................................................................................... 73 5.5. INDIAN SCENARIO OF OTC MARKET ................................................................................................ 74 5.6. MAJOR PLAYERS OF OTC PHARMACEUTICAL MARKET IN INDIA ..................................................... 79 5.6.1. Proctor & Gamble ..................................................................................................................... 79 5.6.2. Dr. Morepen Limited................................................................................................................. 81 5.6.3. GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Limited.......................................................................................... 82 5.6.4. Zydus Cadila .............................................................................................................................. 83 5.6.5. Novartis ..................................................................................................................................... 86 5.6.6. Paras Pharmaceuticals Private Limited ..................................................................................... 87

CHAPTER NO 6: CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR..................................................... 91

6.1. OTC CONSUMER MARKET ................................................................................................................ 92 6.1.1. Buyers of OTC Product .............................................................................................................. 92 6.1.2. The Market to Buy Different Kinds of OTC Medicine................................................................ 92 6.1.3. Buying Process (Purchase Purposes) ........................................................................................ 93 6.1.4. Time to Buy ............................................................................................................................... 94 6.1.5. Place to Buy............................................................................................................................... 94 6.2. OTC BUYER BEHAVIOR FACTORS ..................................................................................................... 95 6.2.1. Cultural Factors ......................................................................................................................... 95 6.2.2. Social Factors ............................................................................................................................ 95 6.2.3. Personal Factors ........................................................................................................................ 96 6.3. OTC CONSUMER DECISION-MAKING ............................................................................................... 97 6.3.1. Buy the Role of .......................................................................................................................... 97 6.3.2. Buying Behavior ........................................................................................................................ 97 6.4. OTC PURCHASE PROCESS ................................................................................................................. 98 6.4.1. Awareness of the Issue ............................................................................................................. 98

6.4.2. Information Gathering .............................................................................................................. 98 6.4.3. The Evaluation of OTC Drugs .................................................................................................... 99 6.4.4. Purchase Decision-Making ...................................................................................................... 100 6.4.5. Post-Shopping Behavior .......................................................................................................... 101

CHAPTER NO 7: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................................ 103

7.1. NEED FOR PROJECT ........................................................................................................................ 103 7.2. RESEARCH OBJECTIVE .................................................................................................................... 105 7.3. LIMITATION OF THE STUDY ............................................................................................................ 106 7.5. RESEARCH DESIGN ......................................................................................................................... 106 7.6. SOURCE OF DATA ........................................................................................................................... 107 7.7. SAMPLING PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................. 107 7.8. SAMPLING TECHNIQUE .................................................................................................................. 107

CHAPTER NO 8: DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION ..................................... 108

8.1 RESPONDENT PROFILE .................................................................................................................... 108 8.2. DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................. 113 8.3. DATA INTERPRETATION OR ADVANCE ANALYSIS .......................................................................... 142 8.3.1. Cross Tab ................................................................................................................................. 142 8.3.2. Advanced Analysis................................................................................................................... 271

CHAPTER 9: SUGGESTION AND RECOMMENDATION .............................................. 296

9.1. SUMMARY OF ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................ 296 9.2. RECOMMENDATION ...................................................................................................................... 305

CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................................... 308 QUESTIONNARIE................................................................................................................... 311 LIST OF FIGURE .................................................................................................................... 319 LIST OF TABLE ...................................................................................................................... 322 BIBLIOGRAPHY ..................................................................................................................... 342

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


The pharmaceutical industry is a knowledge driven industry and is heavily dependent on R&D for new products and its growth. However, Basic Research (discovering new molecules) is a time consuming and expensive process and is thus, dominated by large global multinationals. In the Global Pharmaceutical Market, Western Markets are the largest and fastest growing due to introduction of newer molecules at high prices. A well-established reimbursement and insurance system implies that per capita drug expenditure is abnormally high in Western Countries as compared to the developing nations. The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry is highly fragmented, but has grown rapidly due to the friendly patent protection, low cost manufacturing structure, intense competition, high volumes and low prices. Exports have been rising at around 30% CAGR over last five years.

The Drug Pricing Control Order (DPCO) has severely restricted profitability and hence innovation. However, the government has been relaxing controls in a slow but progressive manner. The span of control of DPCO has come down from 90% in 1980s to 50% in 1995 and is likely to be further reduced as per the latest proposed changes.

In the domestic market, old and mature categories like anti-infective, vitamins, analgesics are degrowing or stagnating while new lifestyle categories like cardiovascular, CNS, ant diabetic are growing at double-digit rates. The growth of a company in the domestic market is thus critically dependent on its therapeutic presence.

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 1.1. DEFINITION OF PHARMACEUTICALS

Pharmaceuticals are substances known as medicines, used in preventing and curing illness and disease. Usage of pharmaceutical is governed by underlying science of illness and disease. The branches of medical science are shown in the following figure. Medical Science







Fig.1.1: Branches of Medical Science Ancient civilization allowed India to develop various kinds of medical and pharmaceutical systems. In addition to the allopathic system, which is prevalent in the United States, Japan and Europe, the following types of medical and pharmaceutical systems are used by the Indian people

Medical Science 1. Allopathy: It is known as the modern medicine and world over the pharmaceutical industry is focused upon it. 2. Ayurveda: Ayurveda translates as the science of life. It encompasses fundamentals and philosophies about the world and life, diseases and medicines. The knowledge of Ayurveda is compiled in Charak Samhita and Sushruta Samhita. The curative treatment lies in drugs, diet and general mode of life.

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products

3. Siddha: The Siddha system is one of the oldest Indian systems of medicine. Siddha means achievement. Siddhas were saintly figures who achieved healing through the practice of yoga. The Siddha system does not look merely at a disease but takes into account a patients age, sex, race, habits, environment, diet , physiological constitution and so forth. Siddha medicines have been effective in curing some diseases, and further work is needed to truly understand why this system works. 4. Unani: The Unani system originated in Greece and progressed to India during the medieval period. It involves promotion of positive health and prevention of disease. The system is based on the humoral theory i.e. the presence of blood, phlegm, yellow bile and Allopathy Ayurveda Siddha Unani Homeopathy Naturopathy black bile. A persons temperament is accordingly expressed as sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric or melancholic. Drugs derived from plant, metal, mineral and animal origins are used in this system. 5. Homeopathy: Homoeopathy is a branch of therapeutics that treats the patient on the principle of SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURENTUR which simply means Let likes be cured by likes. Homeopathy seeks to stimulate the body's defense mechanisms and processes so as to prevent or treat illness. Treatment involves giving very small doses of substances called remedies that, according to homeopathy, would produce the same or similar symptoms of illness in healthy people if they were given in larger doses. Treatment in homeopathy is individualized (tailored to each person). Homeopathic practitioners select remedies according to a total picture of the patient, including not only symptoms but lifestyle, emotional and mental states, and other factors. 6. Yoga and Naturopathy: Yoga and Naturopathy are ways of life. In naturopathy one applies simple laws of nature. It advocates proper attention to eating and living habits. It also

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products

involves hydrotherapy, mud packs, baths, massage and so forth. Yoga consists of eight components: restraint, observance of austerity, physical postures, breathing exercises, restraining of the sense organs, contemplation, meditation and Samadhi. Increasing interest exists in revisiting these ancient drug systems


Step by step manufacturing process has been described on subsequent page. Bulk drugs are prepared by appropriate reactions of natural/synthetic intermediate raw material under controlled conditions. Right dosage of the bulk drug (active ingredient) is mixed with filler substances (passive ingredient), to make the formulation accepTab. This is done in a batch process. Formulations are packed according to their physical form - blister strips for Tablet/Capsules, bottles for liquids or ampoules for powders. Each pack must have price, expiry date, storage conditions and dosage. Stringent quality control is must at each stage as per the requirement of concern authority. The following figure shows the flow chart for manufacturing process.

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products

INTERMEDIATE RAW MATERIAL (Plant derivatives/ Animal derivatives/ Synthetic Chemical)

BULK DRUGS ACTIVE INGREDIENT (Raw medicines cant be used for medicinal purpose) FILLER SUBSTANCE PASSIVE INGREDIENT (To make bulk drugs) FORMULATION (Packed with proper instruction regarding price, expiry date, storage condition and dosage)

PATIENTS (Either directly or under prescription of the doctors)

Fig.1.2: Manufacturing Process

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products

In basic form, pharmaceutical are called bulk drugs. They are derived from intermediate raw material, namely Plant derivatives Animal derivatives Synthetic chemicals

Bulk drugs in their raw form cannot be used as medicine and they have to be converted in to form in which human can use them as medicine. This type of final dosage form is known as formulations. Formulations can be classified into two types namely, Ethical products: These types of formulations are available only under medical prescription to prevent misuse. Doctors, to cure a disease in the patient primarily prescribe ethical formulations. Generally, for ethical products direct advertisements to users are prohibited. Over The Counter: These types of formulation known as OTC can be purchased by users directly, for example pain balms, health tonics etc. For OTC product, direct advertisements to user can be used to promote product under certain conditions.

Formulations can be categorized as per the route of administration to patients, namely, Oral: They are taken internally by patients, for example Tab.ts, syrup, capsules, powders Topical: They are applied on skin, for example creams, ointments, liquids, aerosol etc. Parenterals: They are injected in an intravenous and intramuscularly fashion. Others: It includes eye drops, surgical dressings etc.

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 1.3. RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT

Pharmaceutical industry is driven by a need to conquer disease. New diseases emerge as humans find the solution to cure old diseases. New medicines are developed to treat new diseases or existing medicine are reformulated to improve upon the treatment of existing diseases. That is why R&D of drugs is a key to success in the pharmaceutical industry. Four kind of research are conducted in the pharmaceutical industry namely,

1.3.1. Fundamental or Basic Research

This involves discovering new molecules from scratch. No Indian company does Basic Research, simply because it is very expensive. Indian drug companies do not make the kind of profit required for this kind of research. In the West, hi-tech equipments screen, can compound a cost up to $3 billion.

1.3.2. Process Research or Reverse Engineering

This involves a copy of existing molecule by manufacturing it with different process. Indian patent law, at present, covers process patents, not product patents. Indian companies are very effective and efficient in reverse engineering. However, a new patent law will obviously, not permit reverse engineering.

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 1.3.3. Analogue or Discovery Research

Companies modify an existing molecule (or a new one that has not yet commercialized), after accessing international patent databases, to arrive at a new molecule. Some of the bigger Indian companies like Dr. Reddy, Ranbaxy, Cadila, and Torrent etc. are conducting discovery research or plan to do so.

1.3.4. Genetic Research

It aims at establishing the link between genes and diseases and one day determine the best drugs for individuals based on their makeup. World leaders of the pharmaceutical industry have started devoting resources to this type of research called Genomic. No Indian company does this kind of research, but several government or academic institutions like National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi and Center for Microbiology, Hyderabad have begun work in this area.


Discovery of a new drug or modifications on existing drug requires intensive R&D efforts and companies have to spent huge amount on R&D to find new drugs or modify existing one. If a protection is not provided to innovator of drugs no one would prefer to spend on R&D and it will hinder to growth of pharmaceutical industry and of human being. To protect the interest of an innovators patent is provided to ensure commercial gains on their R&D investment. Patents are a

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products

vital aspect for the global pharmaceutical industry. Two kind of patent protection is granted to the innovators by different countries, namely

1.4.1. Product Patent

It provides an exclusive manufacturing and licensing rights of product, to innovator of that product for a stipulated time period. So, if company A discovers drug Z then no other manufacture can produce drug Z without consent of company A. At present only the developed nations endorse product patent.

1.4.2. Process Patent

It provides an exclusive manufacturing and licensing rights of process to manufacture a product, to innovator of that product for a stipulated time period. So, if company A discovers drug Z by process P then no other manufacture can produce drug Z by process P without consent of company A. But other manufactures can produce drug Z by any other process then P. Most under developed nations endorse process patent. Patent is granted for stipulated time period. Once this time period gets over a drug becomes off patent or generic and any one can manufacture that drug. Based on this criterion drugs can be classified as: Under patent Generic or off patent

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 1.5. THERAPEUTIC MARKET SEGMENTATION


Commencing with repackaging and preparation of formulations from imported bulk drugs, the Indian industry has moved on to become a net foreign exchange earner, and has been able to underline its presence in the global pharmaceutical arena as one of the top 35 drug producers worldwide. Currently, there are more than 2,400 registered pharmaceutical producers in India. There are 24,000 licensed pharmaceutical companies. Of the 465 bulk drugs used in India, approximately 425 are manufactured here. India has more drug-manufacturing facilities that have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration than any country other than the US. Indian generics companies supply 84% of the AIDS drugs that Doctors without Borders uses to treat 60,000 patients in more than 30 countries. However total pharmaceutical market is as follows: The industry has enormous growth potential. Factors listed below determine the rising demand for pharmaceuticals. The growing population of over of a billion Increasing income Demand for quality healthcare service Changing lifestyle has led to change in disease patterns, and increased demand for new medicines to combat lifestyle related diseases

More than 85 per cent of the formulations produced in the country are sold in the domestic market. India is largely self-sufficient in case of formulations. Some life saving, new generation under-patent formulations continue to be imported, especially by MNCs, which then market

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


them in India. Overall, the size of the domestic formulations market is around Rs160 billion and it is growing at 10 per cent per annum. Market Share of Different Pharmaceutical Product Categories

Percentage of Pharmaceutical Product Categories (%)

5% 17% Neuropsychiatry Antidiabetics Opthalmology Dermatological 5% 11% 10% 10% 10% Gyanecology pain/analgesic vitamins/Minerals/nutrient Respiratory Cardiac 10% Gastrointestinal Anti-infective


2% 5%

Fig.1.3: Market Share of Different Pharmaceutical Product Categories Demand for drugs for treatment of lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and central nervous system are on the increase. There are around 700,000 new cases of cancer each year and total of around 2.5 million cases. It is estimated that there are around 40 million people in India with diabetes and the number is rising, 5.1 million HIV/AIDS patients, and 14 million tuberculosis cases. According to industry reports, while the Indian pharmaceutical industry witnessed a growth of 7 percent, the cardio-vascular segment recorded 15 to 17 percent growth and anti-diabetes segment of over 10-12 percent growth.

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products



Value Rs in (bn)

Value Market Share (%)

Value Growth (%)

Volume Growth (%)

Anti Infective















Vitamin/ Mineral/Nutrients













Neuro psychiatry









Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products













Tab.1.1: Market Value and Market Growth of Therapeutic Segment Historically, the low cost of domestically produced drugs together with government controlled prices, and the absence of patent regulations had made the market less attractive for foreign players. With the new patent laws in place the market scenario will change. Indian market will become attractive for foreign companies.

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products



The pharmaceutical industry is a very unique and spectacular industry, with an impressive evolution along the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries, as well as facing a challenging future. The situation in the industry at the global level has spectacularly changed in the past two decades, leading to new strategies and new portfolios, especially for the major pharmaceutical companies worldwide. The current pharmaceutical industry characterizes as a mature and Tab. industry that is constantly affected by mergers and acquisitions, as well as by new scientific discoveries. Therefore, it becomes very essential to understand the global scenario and the current trends in the pharmaceutical industry for the companies to operate in a single market and serve the mankind across the globe.

In this chapter an overview of the global pharmaceutical industry has been given. Starting from the origins and evolution of the global pharmaceutical industry to the current market structure and the industry trends are being discussed. Also the challenges that are faced by the global pharmaceutical industry are mentioned. Finally the future outlook is being provided for the current year 2009 based on the predictions of IMS Global Pharmaceutical and Therapy Forecast 2009. The pharmaceutical industry is a knowledge driven industry and is heavily dependent on R&D for new products and its growth. However, Basic Research (discovering new molecules) is a time consuming and expensive process and is thus, dominated by large global multinationals.

In the Global Pharmaceutical Market, Western Markets are the largest and fastest growing due to introduction of newer molecules at high prices. A well-established reimbursement and insurance

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


system implies that per capita drug expenditure is abnormally high in Western Countries as compared to the developing nations.


The modern pharmaceutical industry is a highly competitive non-assembled1 global industry. Its origins can be traced back to the nascent chemical industry of the late nineteenth century in the Upper Rhine Valley near Basel, Switzerland when dyestuffs were found to have antiseptic properties. A host of modern pharmaceutical companies all started out as Rhine based family dyestuff and chemical companies e.g. Hoffman-La Roche, Sandoz, Ciba-Geigy (the product of a merger between Ciba and Geigy), and Novartis etc. Most are still going strong today. Over time many of these chemical companies moved into the production of pharmaceuticals and other synthetic chemicals and they gradually evolved into global players.

The introduction and success of penicillin in the early forties and the relative success of other innovative drugs, institutionalised research and development (R&D) efforts in the industry. The industry expanded rapidly in the sixties, benefiting from new discoveries and a lax regulatory environment. During this period healthcare spending boomed as global economies prospered. The industry witnessed major developments in the seventies with the introduction of tighter regulatory controls, especially with the introduction of regulations governing the manufacture of generics. The new regulations revoked permanent patents and established fixed periods on patent protection for branded products, a result of which the market for branded generics emerged.

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 2.1.1. Branded Companies


Branded companies are the innovative companies that carry out the Research and Development (R&D) of new drugs (or contract this process). Initially, their products are protected by patents. The clinical test data, used for the approval of the drugs, is usually protected as well.

2.1.2. Generic Companies

Generic companies produce drugs that they have not developed themselves. Normally these drugs are not protected by patents anymore. However, many branded companies have divisions or subsidiaries that produce generics as well. With regard to the products of these companies, three categories of drugs are commonly distinguished. Prescription Drugs These have to be prescribed or administered by healthcare professionals. Over The Counter (OTC) Drugs also called self-medication drugs. These can be purchased without a prescription. Vaccines These are usually regarded as a separate category next to pharmaceuticals. In contrast to pharmaceuticals, vaccines are not based on chemical compounds but on live bacteria and viruses. The production process of vaccines is therefore quite different and far more complicated.

Indias traditions in the science of health and heating go back to the halcyon days of Susruta, Vaghatta and Charska. Our systems of medicine like Ayurveda were well established and schools and hospitals with treatises and instructions manual were in wide use.

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


The establishment of a modern pharmaceutical industry in India may be and to have commenced with the setting up of Bengal Chemicals by Acharya P.C. Ray in Calcutta and of Alembic Chemicals in Baroda, by B.D. Amin. Significant who helped the indigenous drug industry was the establishment of the Haffkine Institute in Bombay, the King Institute in Madras in 1904 and the Pasteur Institute in Coonoor in 1907.

2.1.3. Post Independence Development

In the post-independence years, several international pharmaceutical companies have set up manufacturing facilities in the country. Public sector units like HAL and IDPL were also set up. The diversified character of the industry's growth is reflected in the range and variety of products manufactured. These cover a wide therapeutic spectrum ranging from antibiotics to vitamins.


The global pharmaceutical market can be classified into two categories: regulated and unregulated/semi regulated. The regulated markets are governed by government regulations like intellectual property protection, including product patent recognition. As a result, they have greater stability in both volumes and prices like the United States. The unregulated/semi regulated markets have lower entry barriers in terms of regulatory requirements and hence, they are highly competitive. The global pharmaceutical companies till 2010 will be closely regulated by emerging issues like patent safety, side effects, adverse action reporting, strengthening harmonization and regulations and stronger clinical evidence. Global pharmaceutical market has

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


increased its focus on novel drugs, good delivery system, and new chemical entities. The other factor which is driving the growth of global pharmaceutical market is speeding up regulation in bio-generic segment. Moreover there will be shift in growth from top ten markets to emerging economies. The global pharmaceutical market will change its shape from primary care driven to specialty care driven that is oncology and biotech.

The global pharmaceutical industry will take a shape of virtually integrated pharmaceutical company. There is a widening gap between mature market performance and emerging market performance, which will require many pharmaceutical companies all over the globe to make changes throughout their operations from shifting their sales and market, revising their strategies, changing their business models to fuel their growth. For the global pharmaceutical industry, It will be a year of softening growth and a widening gap in performance between the increasingly generalized and cost-constrained mature markets, as well as the burgeoning pharmerging sectors where demand is growing and economies and access to healthcare are expanding at record levels. Marking an important inflection point for the industry, for the first time the worlds seven key markets (US, Japan, UK, Germany, France, Spain and Italy) will drive less than half of the industrys growth in 2011, while the pharmerging markets will contribute nearly a quarter of growth worldwide . Further divergence will be apparent between primary care driven and specialist-driven therapy areas, and between therapy classes with major unmet needs and innovations, and those dominated by generics.

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Market Size Market Growth (US$ in billions) USA. 295-305 4-5% Europe 135-145 4-5% Pharmerging 85-90 12-13% Japan 64-68 1-2% Rest of world 125-135 7-8% Tab. No.2.1: Market Share and Market Growth of Global Market Pharmerging market include: China, India, Brazil, Russia, Mexico, Turkey and South Korea Market



2.3.1. Structural Changes

The pharmaceutical industry is currently undergoing a period of very significant transformation. The majority of Big Pharma companies are generating high returns which provide them with excess cash for further rapid growth whether organic, or through mergers and acquisitions. In pharmaceutical industry size of the company on its own is a significant advantage. Besides economies of scale in manufacturing, clinical trials and marketing, bigger companies can get a competitive advantage by allowing investments in more research and development (R&D) projects which in turn diversify their future drugs portfolio and make them much more sTab. in the long term. As the result, top companies in the industry were active participants of mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Another form of structural change in the industry was establishing of new strategic alliances and joint ventures. So far as the research and development process for each drug take many years and requires significant investments, and the outcome of these investments of time and financial resources remains unclear until the final approval of the drug, BigPharma companies are constantly looking for synergies that they can get from cooperation Rehan Faquih Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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with their competitors. For example, cooperation of Sanofi-Aventis and Bristol-Myers Squibb resulted in production of Plavix, which is currently one of the top-selling products for each of these companies. Yet another trend is selling off low-profitability or non-core businesses. BigPharma companies in order to maintain strong sales growth and meet profitability expectations of their shareholders actively engage in these activities. For example, in 2003 Merck sold its low-profitability Medico Health Solutions that helped to increase its profitability margin. Massive sales of non-pharmaceutical businesses by Takeda also were compatible with its strategy to concentrate its financial resources on its core pharmaceutical business.

2.3.2. Major Factors of Future Growth

The pharmaceutical industry showed high sales growth rates in the recent past, and a number of factors suggest that this trend will continue in the future. Some of these factors are: 1. According to various studies, a significant portion of elderly population in the United States and other countries does not receive proper treatment. For example, only about one third of the U.S. population who requires medical therapy for high cholesterol is actually receiving adequate treatment. As it is expected, the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act starting from the beginning of 2006 will increase access of senior citizens to the prescription drug coverage, thus increasing pharmaceutical sales. 2. Although developing countries at the moment have a small portion of world pharmaceutical sales, these countries also have a significant potential for the pharmaceutical industry in the future. Fast growing economies in Asia, South America and Central & Eastern Europe suggest an increasing solvency of population and make these markets more and more

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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attractive for Big Pharma companies. Further reforms of legislation systems in the countries of these regions, especially regarding patent protection issues, will inevitably result in growing pharmaceutical sales.


The main challenges for drug companies come from four areas. First, they must deal with competition from within and without. Second, they must manage within a world of price controls that dictate a wide range of prices from place to place. Third, companies must be constantly on guard for patent violations and seek legal protection in new and growing global markets. Finally, they must manage their product pipelines so that patent expirations do not leave them without protection for their investment.

2.4.1. Competition

The pharmaceutical industry currently represents a highly competitive environment. One can distinguish three layers of competition for Big Pharma companies. First, obviously, Big Pharma companies compete among themselves. Although not all leading pharmaceutical companies cover all segments of pharmaceutical market, almost all of them are active in R&D and production of drugs in the segments with the highest potential such as treatment of infectious, cardiovascular, psychiatric or oncology diseases. Secondly, Big Pharma companies experience significant profit losses due to competition from the generic drug manufacturers. Opposite to the research-oriented pharmaceutical companies, which invest significant financial

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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resources and time to develop new medicines, generic drug manufacturers spend minimum resources on R&D, and start manufacturing already developed by other companies drugs after their patent expiration. Because generic drug manufacturers do not have to recoup high R&D costs, prices of their products are usually much lower than those of major pharmaceutical companies; as the result, after patent expiration, generic drugs manufacturers capture significant market share, dramatically decreasing revenues of the Big Pharma companies. Finally, the whole pharmaceutical industry competes with other health care industries. In this case, pharmaceutical companies should not only demonstrate high efficiency of their products, but also provide obvious proof of cost advantages in comparison with other forms of care.

2.4.2. Price Control

Pharmaceutical companies have to operate in a highly regulated environment; the degree of regulation to a significant extent depends on the country and type of the product. One of the most important aspects of government regulation for pharmaceutical companies is price regulation, and different countries have different policies on this issue. In the United States the largest and the most attractive pharmaceutical market currently there is no direct price control for nongovernment drug sales. At the same time, it is expected that Medicare

Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act will potentially increase downward price pressure. The majority of European countries control drug prices, and this downward pressure on prices has been increasing during last year. Japan has even stricter price controls than European countries; all prices are controlled by the government, and they are subject to a periodic price

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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review. As the result of price control, prices of the same products can significantly differ in different countries.

2.4.3. Protection of Patents

Generic drugs manufacturers represent a significant threat to research-based pharmaceutical companies. For example, Schering-Ploughs Claritin patent expired in 2002; as the result of generic drug competition, sales of Claritin by Schering-Plough declined from $3.2 billion in 2001 to $1.8 billion in 2002 and to $0.37 billion in 2003.Moreover, generic drugs manufacturers sometimes start production of patent-protected drug analogues even before a patent expires. Although research-oriented companies in many cases are able to protect their patents, they do suffer from lost revenues. Therefore, protection of patents is one of the key conditions necessary for further development of the pharmaceutical industry. At the same time, non-efficient legislation that does not provide the necessary level of patent protection is one of the factors that hamper expansion of Big Pharma companies to the developing countries.

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 2.4.4. Drugs Portfolio Management


Drug portfolio management is one of the most important determinants of long-term prosperity of research-oriented pharmaceutical companies. First, it takes an extremely long time to develop a new drug, and only a very small portion of all projects is successful. Projects that the company starts today will determine its financial performance 10-15 years later. Therefore, careful planning of R&D projects is very important for the long-term stability of the company. Second, in so far as patents keep exclusivity of drugs only during a limited time, and soon after the expiration of the patent the sales of the drug sharply go down, the company has to carefully monitor its patent expiration dates, and insure that new products become available by that date. Otherwise, we are reminded of the case of Shering- Plough, when after expiration of its major drug patent the company did not have a new product of similar value and the company experienced losses in 2003 and 2004. Definitely, planning errors or rapidly changing demand in the industry can be corrected by acquisition of smaller research companies or patents from competitors, but in any of these cases the company will have to pay a premium price, thus reducing its profitability.


The pharmaceutical industry is characterized by a high level of concentration of multinational companies dominating the industry. Tab. below contains information about the top 10 pharmaceutical companies across the globe that is sorted in the order of their 2009 revenues of pharmaceutical products in terms of US dollars.

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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Company Country Total Revenues (USD millions)

Johnson & Johnson

United States



United States






United Kingdom









United Kingdom


Abbott Laboratories

United States


Tab.2.2: Major Players in Pharmaceutical Market

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 2.6. CONCLUSION


Given the changing trends in the industry's global value chain and gradual shifts in international trade patterns, if the former pioneers (US, UK, Switzerland, and Germany) wish to remain competitive, they need to expand the development of new drugs. Otherwise, they will face a continuing of the intensified competition from developing nations that has appeared over the last decade as outsourcing investment in drug discovery and product development has grown. Also, as major patents expire and generic companies in countries like Israel and India enter these markets, this will be put added pressure from emerging economies on the former pioneer nations. The political determinants that govern the pharmaceutical industry are all regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. The government established this organization to protect the health and safety of all customers by ensuring the quality of all drugs produced. As a result the regulations are extremely strict and few drugs are actually passed and reach the open market. Entering the field takes an immense amount of capital, due to the time needed to research, test and produce the drugs. Also drugs that have already been created are protected under WTO patents. But, once a successful drug is marketed, the industry can be very lucrative. The demand for pharmaceuticals is relatively Tab. even if other markets decrease in an economic slump, so with constant research and production of new drugs, a company can benefit largely. This therefore would ensure global competitiveness and success for a corporation; that is if the drugs also passed the other nations regulations. Over the past 50 years, the pharmaceutical industry has experienced tremendous growth and change. Along with this growth has come a series of pressures to unite the industry under international standards and regulations. These international regulatory guidelines have increased the barriers to entry in the international market and have

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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driven top firms to create voluntary corporate standards. Also, the idea of "corporate social responsibility" has recently emerged as companies attempt to avoid liability issues and decrease their impact on the environment. In addition, environmental certification issues are a becoming driving force for change in the pharmaceutical industry. In the future, if pharmaceutical companies are able avoid liability issues by adjusting social and environmental regulations; they will be very competitive in the international marketplace.

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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Pharmaceutical Industry in India is one of the largest and most advanced among the developing countries. It is ranked 4th in volume terms and 11th in value terms globally. It provides employment to millions and ensures that essential drugs at affordable prices are available to the vast population of India. Indian Pharmaceutical Industry has attained wide ranging capabilities in the complex field of drug manufacture and technology. From simple pain killers to sophisticated antibiotics and complex cardiac compounds, almost every type of drug is now made indigenously. Indian Pharmaceutical Industry is playing a key role in promoting and sustaining development in the vital field of medicines. Around 70% of the country's demand for bulk drugs, drug intermediates, pharmaceutical formulations, chemicals, Tab., capsules, orals and vaccines is met by Indian pharmaceutical industry. A number of Indian pharmaceutical companies adhere to highest quality standards and are approved by regulatory authorities in USA and UK. The Indian pharmaceutical industry traditionally relied on reverse engineering i.e. product copying, through which vast profits were made. In recent years, however, the larger domestic companies have realized the need to undertake original research and / or penetrate into the regulated generics markets in the USA/EU in order to survive in the global market. At the same time, the Indian pharmaceutical industry is renowned for supplying affordable generic versions of patented drugs for illnesses like HIV/AIDS to some of the worlds poorest countries. Some of the strategies that have been followed by Indian pharmaceutical companies for their growth in the global markets have been as follows:

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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Geographic diversification with few companies focusing on increasing presence in the regulated markets and others exploring the developing/under-developed markets of the world. As a part of diversification strategy, some of the companies have acquired brands, facilities and businesses overseas. Some companies have even started their local marketing in foreign markets. Partnerships for supply of bulk drugs and formulations with the generic companies as well as innovators. For regulated markets such as the US, there are companies focusing on value added generics, niche segments or patent challenges in the US. Focus on offering research and manufacturing services on a contractual basis (CMOs and CROs) Apart from these strategies Indian companies have to devise newer strategies continuously to survive in the highly competitive global market in an industry that is characterized by high capital requirement, high technical requirement, high process skills, high value addition prospects, high export volumes, high market sophistication. Indian companies are following the route of mergers and acquisitions to make inroads in the foreign markets. They need to consolidate further in different parts of the world to become transnational players. Indian companies will have to rise above the statement of Michael Porter, that most multi-national firms are just national firms with international operations. They shall certainly be at an advantage, as their strong national identities will give them a competitive advantage in the global markets.

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 3.1. HISTORY


The pharmaceutical industry in India has evolved through three phases over the past 50 years. The first was the period prior to 1970, when the industry was relatively small in terms of production capacities. The second phase spanned the late 1970s to the early 1990s, a period during which the industry experienced policy-induced growth. In its third phase, during the 1990s, much of the regulatory structure that the Government had imposed during the previous two decades was dismantled. Even as late as the mid-1970s, India had a relatively small pharmaceutical industry, with a total production of just over US$ 600 million. During the subsequent four years, the total output of the industry more than doubled, the major contribution being made by formulations, which accounted for 85 per cent of total production. In the 70s 43 were affiliates of foreign firms in which the parent firms' share in equity holdings exceeded 40 per cent. These foreign affiliates were deemed to be foreign-controlled firms, in accordance with the guidelines stated by the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act of 1973 (commonly known as FERA). This indicates that foreign industry had a disproportionately high share in total production in the mid-1970s. They produced 42 per cent of bulk drugs and formulations put together and about 38 per cent of the bulk drugs produced by the Indian industry. Major changes that contributed in the growth of this sector are enumerated below:

3.1.1. The Policy Regime since 1970s

Three critical policy initiatives taken by the Government marked a turnaround in Indian Pharmaceutical Industry:

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products a) The Drugs Price Control Order (DPCO), which was adopted in 1970. b) Adoption of the new Patents Act, which became effective in 1972 c) Adoption of a new drug policy in 1978. The above-mentioned policy initiatives were taken with two broad objectives in view:


(i) To develop a strategy for the expansion of the domestic pharmaceutical industry by relying essentially on Indian enterprises, and (ii) to establish a structure for keeping the prices of drugs within affordable limits. DPCO, 1970

On 16 May 1970, a comprehensive order was promulgated under Section 3 of the Essential Commodities Act and in super cession of all the earlier orders on the subject. This order was called the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1970. In its introductory form, DPCO was a direct control on the profitability of a pharmaceutical business, and an indirect control on the prices of pharmaceuticals. The government stipulated that a companys pre-tax profit from its pharmaceutical business should not exceed 15% of its pharmaceutical sales (net of excise duty and sales tax). In case profits exceeded this sum, the surplus was deposited with the government. So, a pharmaceutical company had the freedom to decide the prices of its products. Product-wise margins were also flexible, so long as the overall margin did not exceed the stipulated norm. Since individual product prices did not require approval from the government, bureaucratic hurdles were low. At that time, the Indian pharmaceutical industry was largely dominated by MNC affiliates and subsidiaries. These MNCs were hardly affected by the relatively mild form of DPCO and continued operating in the domestic market. However, FERA (Foreign Exchange

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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Regulations Act) which came in mid 70s did curb the operations of MNCs. Overall, the Indian pharma industry prospered from 1970 to the next DPCO in 1979. The first step towards evolving a comprehensive policy regime for the Indian pharmaceutical industry was taken by the setting up of the Hathi Committee in 1974. The Committee had an exhaustive mandate that aimed at the realization of the two broad objectives mentioned above. The Hathi Committee presented its recommendations in 1975. The Hathi Committee, 1974

The Hathi committee report which, under chapter IV stated - The committee believes that health care has a direct relationship with socio economic growth of the country and a welfare state should treat production, procurement and distribution of essential drugs, as a social responsibility just as import as ensuring supply of food and shelter. With a view to tackling the problem of large scale production of a Statutory Body which may be called the National Drug Authority of India (NDA). The report had mentioned several functions for NDA. The Government of India, however, did not accept this recommendation and no action was taken for creating NDA. Thus the drug policy formulated by Government of India for the first time in 1978 did not include the concept of NDA. The New Drug Policy of 1978

The new drug policy announced by the Government in 1978 had the following five broad objectives:

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products (i) (ii) To develop a strong Indian sector with the public sector playing a leading role;


To channel the activities of the foreign firms in accordance with the national priorities and objectives;


To deepen the production base of the domestic industry by ensuring that the production of drugs took place from as basic a stage as possible;


To encourage research and development and improve the technological sinews of the industry; and


To provide drugs to consumers at reasonable prices.

3.1.2. Post-Liberalisation

As an integral part of economic reforms, the industrial, trade and technology policy framework that had evolved from 1950s to late 1980s was considerably changed in the 1990s. The New Industrial Policy (NIP) announced on 24th July 1991 and subsequent amendments brought far reaching changes in the policy regime evolved thus far. The liberalisation of the economy in 1991 had a major impact on the two vital policies (Drug Policy and Price Controls) related to the pharmaceutical industry which are discussed below. Drug Policy

In September 1994, government announced a revision of the Drug Policy, 1986 making major modifications. The modifications included: abolishing licensing policy for all bulk drugs except those reserved exclusively for the public sector units and other using new technologies, removing

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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limitations on the use of imported bulk drugs, allowing foreign holdings up to 51 percent, and automatic approval for foreign technology agreements in the case of almost all drugs. Later on, the pharmaceutical industry was included in the list for automatic approval up to 74 per cent in March 2000 and to 100 per cent in December 2001. Price Controls

Another aspect of the reforms has been substantial dilution of the price controls. The Drug Policy, 1994 liberalized the criteria for selecting drugs for price controls. In line with the changes in drug policy a new DPCO was notified in January 1995 bringing down the number of drugs under the ambit of price controls to 74 from 166 (as was under DPCO, 1987). These 74 drugs accounted for only about 40 percent of the total market thus setting the bulk of the pharmaceuticals market out of price controls. The exemption period for new drugs, produced through indigenous R&D was also increased from 5 years to 10 years. Although, the piecemeal reforms have been criticized for slow industrial progress gradual liberalization of the policy regime from overbearing governmental control to subtle emergence of open market principles gave time and opportunity to firms and the local administration to adapt to the changing scenarios. The policy regime adopted for the pharmaceutical industry in India thus changed from one in which the industry was subjected to government controls in the 1970s to one that was almost completely guided by market forces two decades later. This changed scenario can be best understood by looking at the sharply declining number of bulk drugs under price control since 1970, the year in which the first DPCO was introduced in the country.

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 3.2. INDUSTRY STRUCTURE


The Pharmaceutical industry in India is fragmented with over 3,000 small/medium sized generic pharmaceutical manufacturers. It has over 20,000 units out of which 300 units are in the organized sector; while others exist in the small scale/unorganized sector. The leading 250 pharmaceutical companies control 70% of the market with market leader holding nearly 7% of the market share. There are also 5 Central Public Sector Units that manufacture drugs. These companies are: Indian Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Hindustan Antibiotics Ltd. Bengal Chemical and Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Bengal Immunity Ltd. Smith Stanistreet Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

The Indian pharmaceutical industry consists of manufacturers of bulk drugs and formulations. Bulk drugs include the active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) which are used for the manufacture of formulations. According to estimates, the proportion of formulations and bulk drugs is in the order of 75:25. There are over 60,000 formulations manufactured in India in more than 60 therapeutic segments. More than 85% of the formulations produced in the country are sold in the domestic market. India is largely self-sufficient in case of formulations, though some life saving, new-generation-technology-barrier formulations continue to be imported. The Indian pharmaceutical industry has the highest number of plants approved by the US Food and Drug Administration outside the US. It also has the large number of Drug Master Files (DMFs) filed which gives it access to the high growth generic bulk drugs market. The industry now produces

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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bulk drugs belonging to all major therapeutic groups requiring complicated manufacturing processes and has also developed good manufacturing practices (GMP) compliant facilities for the production of different dosage forms. Setting up a plant is 40% cheaper in India compared to developed countries and the cost of bulk drug production is 60-70 percent less. The strength of the industry is in developing cost effective technologies in the shortest possible time for drug intermediates and bulk activities without compromising on quality. In accordance with WTO stipulations, India grants product patent recognition to all New Chemical Entities.


Indian pharmaceutical industry can be widely classified into bulk drugs, formulations and contract research. Bulk drugs are the Indian name for Active Pharmaceuticals Ingredients (API). Formulations cover both branded products and generics. Indian pharmaceutical sector is self sufficient in meeting domestic demand and exports successfully to various markets globally. The existence of process patents in India till January 2005 fuelled the growth of domestic pharmaceutical companies and developed them in areas like organic synthesis and process engineering, as a result of which, Indian pharmaceuticals sector is able to meet almost 95 percent of the countrys pharmaceutical needs. India is globally recognized as a low cost, high quality bulk drugs and formulations manufacturer and supplier. Contract Research, a nascent industry in India has witnessed commendable growth in the last few years. As per Yes Bank /OPPI report (2007-08), formulation segment (including domestic formulation and formulation exports) constituted 72%of the total pharmaceutical industry (in terms of sales) while bulk drugs and contract research constituted 25% and 3% of pharmaceutical industry respectively.

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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Percentage Sales of Industry Segment

3% 25% Domestic Formulation 49% Formulation Exports Bulk Drug Exports Contract Manufacturing 23%

Fig.3.1: Percentage Sales of Industry Segment

3.3.1. Bulk Drugs

Bulk drug industry is the backbone of the Indian pharmaceutical industry. Growth of Indian bulk drug industry in the last five decades has been impressive and highest among developing countries. From a mere processing industry, Indian bulk drug industry has evolved into sophisticated industry today, meeting global standards in production, technology and quality control. Today, India stands among the top five producers of bulk drugs in the world. The market is fragmented with far too many players. About 300 organized companies are involved in the production of bulk drugs in India. Over 70 percent of Indias bulk drug production is exported to more than 50 countries and the balance is sold locally to other formulators. Indian bulk drug industry is mainly concentrated in the following regional belts - Mumbai to Ankleshwar,

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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Hyderabad to Madras and Chandigarh. Around, 18000 bulk drug manufacturers exist in India. Some major producers of bulk drugs in Indian pharmaceutical industry are Ranbaxy Laboratories, Sun Pharma, Cadila, Wockhardt, Aurobindo Pharma, Cipla, Dr. Reddys Laboratories, Orchid Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals, Nicholas Piramal, Lupin, Aristo Pharmaceuticals, etc. Most are involved in bulk as well as formulations while a few are solely into bulk drugs.

India is the worlds fifth largest producer of bulk drugs. The market size is expected to grow at higher percentages in future years with more and more international companies depending on India to meet their bulk-drug supply needs. Moreover, India is way ahead of competitors in the total number of Drug Master File (DMF) filings. Of the overall DMF filings to US FDA, the portion of filings by Indian players has jumped from around 14% in 2000 to 46% of total filings in 2008( January-June) This growth in proportion speaks volumes about the quality standards followed in Indian manufacturing facilities. The growing number of DMF filings signifies the increase in number of contracts that Indian players have garnered. While India has recorded 1671 DMF filings, China shows a tally of 520, the second largest number of DMF filings after India. In 2009, Indias DMF filings were around 3.5 times that of China -187 from India vis--vis 51 from China. The bulk drug segment is a low-margin and volume-driven business. The thrust is on manufacturing. In manufacturing operation, efficiency through better process skills to reduce both manufacturing time and cost is critical. Low cost manufacturing is a distinct advantage gained by Indian companies over a period of time with a steep learning curve. Bulk Drugs exports have grown significantly in the past on account of growth in generic industry, increasing share of Indian companies in DMF filings and contract manufacturing opportunity. As already

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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explained, India has carved a niche for itself by being one of the largest bulk drug suppliers. India offers a number of distinctive advantages in the pharmaceutical industry, India has many local manufacturing equipment manufacturers. These equipments are of high quality and low cost, thus reducing the cost of capital. According to industry estimates, Indian companies are able to reduce the upfront capital cost of setting up a project by as much as 25-50%due to locally manufactured equipment and high quality technology/engineering skills.

Competition in the Indias domestic formulation market has made it IneviTab. for API suppliers to continuously develop alternative production methods to improve yield or reduce costs. This ensures that India has a significant cost advantage due to process engineering. Apart from availability of a high number of skilled chemists, India also offers scientists with vast experience and unmatched skills. The scientific staff in India though equivalent or better qualified are also available at a fraction of the cost. This makes Indian research firms more competitive than many international firms while being cost competitive. Labor costs are also low in India, being almost 1/7th of that in many developed countries and offer an obvious cost advantage.

3.3.2. Formulations

Formulations are broadly categorized into patented drugs and generic drugs. A patented drug is an innovative formulation that is patented for a period of time (usually 20 years) from the date of its approval. A generic drug is a copy of an expired patented drug that is similar in dosage, safety, strength, method of consumption, performance and intended use. Formulation Industry can be subdivided into two segments:

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Domestic Formulation Industry


Between 2004 and 2010, the domestic formulation industry grew at a CAGR of 14% from around USD4.3 billion in 2004 to USD 8.4 billion in 2010. Demand in India is growing markedly due to rising population, increasing per capita income, increasing access to medicine, especially in the rural areas and an increasing population of over sixty years of age. Indian Formulation Exports

Indian formulation exports grew at a CAGR of 23.2% touching around USD 4 billion in 200910. The growth has been spurred mainly due to the focus on regulated markets by most Indian companies, thereby increasing revenues.

3.3.3. Contract Research and Manufacturing

Increasing costs of R&D, coupled with low productivity and poor bottom lines, have forced major pharmaceutical companies worldwide to outsource part of their research and manufacturing activities to low-cost countries, thereby saving costs and time in the process. The global pharmaceutical outsourcing market was worth USD57.2 billion in 2007. It is growing at a CAGR of 10% to reach USD76 billion by 2011. Global market for Contract Research and Manufacturing Services (CRAMS) in 2010 is estimated to be USD55.48 billion. Out of the total global CRAMS market, contract research was USD16.58 billion, growing at a CAGR of 13.8% and contract manufacturing was USD38.89 billion accounting for the major share (approximately

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68%) of the total global pharmaceutical outsourcing market. India, with more than 80 US FDAapproved manufacturing facilities, is one of the most preferred locations for outsourcing manufacturing services in India by the multinationals and global pharmaceutical companies. The Indian pharmaceutical outsourcing market was valued at USD1.27m in 2007 and now it has reached to USD3.33 billion by 2010, growing at a CAGR of 37.6%. The Indian CRAMS market stood at USD1.21 billion in 2007, and now it has reached to USD3.16 billion by 2010. India holds the lion's share of the world's contract research business as activity in the pharmaceutical market continues to explode in this region. Over 15 prominent contract research organisations (CROs) are now operating in India attracted by her ability to offer efficient R&D on a low-cost basis. Thirty five per cent of business is in the field of new drug discovery and the rest 65 per cent of business is in the clinical trials arena. India offers a huge cost advantage in the clinical trials domain compared to Western countries. The cost of hiring a chemist in India is one-fifth of the cost of hiring a chemist in the West.


The rules of pharmaceutical business are changing. Indian pharmaceutical companies can no longer get away with plundering intellectual properties of multinational companies. Pharmaceutical business has become a new ballgame altogether after the introduction of product patents in January 2005.

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 3.4.1. New Product Development

42 Pre 2005

New product development efforts of Indian pharmaceutical companies in process patents era were limited to reverse engineering molecules discovered by other companies. Thanks to absence of product patents, Indian companies did not have to go through long winded drug development process. Nor did Indian companies have to expend any effort on research focus. Indian companies simply zeroed in on blockbuster drugs and tried to come up with an alternative process as fast as they could. The focus of the Indian companies was to launch a copy of a blockbuster drug ahead of their rivals in India and abroad. Key areas to focus on R&D for Indian companies: 1. Potential product identification a) Complex API b) Complex finished product c) Commercial potential of products d) Out-licensing opportunity to MNCs 2. Novel Drug Delivery System (NDDS) 3. New Drug Development

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Post 2005


A large number of drugs are going off patent in the next few years. According to IMH Health, more than $60 billion worth of drugs are going off patent by 2011. Thus, Indian companies will not be short of new products for at least another two years. In the long run, however Indian companies may find it hard to make money from drugs coming off patent. Already competition in generic market is intense and likely to increase further in the future. Hence, new molecules rather than generics will drive revenues and profits in the product patents area. Indian companies need to discover new drugs either through their own efforts or research alliances. Perhaps licensing deals with multinationals could also provide Indian companies access to new drugs. Focus on basic research will come with its own issues. Indian companies will have to acquire the skills of identifying research areas that offer excellent revenue and profit potential. This will entail a closer tracking of disease profiles and related therapies as well as keeping a close tab on the research programmes of rivals. Besides, Indian companies will have to pay more attention to economics of drug development process. A product patent is granted for a period of 20 years

3.4.2. Therapeutic Coverage Pre-2005

In the absence of product patents, Indian pharmaceutical companies did not feel the need to focus on specific therapeutic areas. Most Indian pharmaceutical companies eschewed narrow focus and tried to cover as many therapeutic areas as possible. Now the product portfolio of many Indian

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companies has considerable breadth and depth. Given the price controls in the market, diversification worked to the advantage of companies in the domestic markets. In the export markets, a wider product portfolio gave companies the option of picking and choosing from an array of opportunities. Post 2005

Opinion is divided over the therapeutic strategy that Indian companies should pursue in product patent era. Some companies believe that focus on select therapeutic segment will fetch them greater dividends in terms of new chemical entities and market share. Other companies believe such a strategy is risky given the size of Indian companies and that a big setback in research could sink the company. Instead such companies are pursuing a de-risking strategy of building a wide product portfolio. In the domestic market, such a strategy will result in economies of scale at production and marketing stage, putting the company in a better place to weather competition from multinationals. In the export markets even after the introduction of product patents, products under patent protection will comprise only 15 percent of the market. So a vast chunk of the market will be still open for competition although margins will be wafer thin.

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 3.4.3. Exports

45 Pre-2005

Most Indian companies focused on exports. Exports improve the valuation of companies owing to higher margin in overseas markets. Indian companies built fortunes by making cheaper versions of blockbuster drugs and selling them in domestic and export markets. Indian companies built especially strong position in manufacture of bulk drugs. Out of the total exports, formulations constituted 55 percent and bulk drugs constituted 45 percent. Success in export market allowed some Indian companies to build a strong position in the domestic market organically and through acquisitions of brands and companies. Post 2005

An export has continued to be a priority for Indian companies. Major blockbuster drugs will come off patent in the near future, creating a big generic opportunity for Indian companies. Also, a growing demand for anti-AIDS drugs in Africa will keep Indian companies busy. Exports have and will continue to provide Indian companies with the strength to withstand the onslaught of multinationals in the domestic market.

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 3.4.4. Low Cost Production through Scale

46 Pre-2005

Indian pharmaceutical companies have mastered the science of producing drugs cheaply. Thanks to benign patents regime, Indian companies have developed a high level of chemical synthesis skills. The absence of development costs together with efficient production has enabled Indian companies to establish a solid position in bulk drug manufacturing. But scale did not receive as much importance as it should have, because the cost of Indian pharmaceutical companies was already low owing to aforesaid reasons. Many Indian companies did not find the return on investment of world class plants compelling enough. Post 2005

By 2011, drugs worth $60 billion will come off patent, presenting a huge generic opportunity to Indian companies. But the competition in the generic market will be brutal, resulting in thin margins. The cost of production will hold the key to success in the generic market. The production cost in turn depends on scale. Indian pharmaceutical companies need to build global scale to stand a chance in the generics market.

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 3.5. PHARMACEUTICAL REGULATORY BODIES IN INDIA


3.5.1. National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA)

NPPA is an organization of the Government of India which was established, to fix/ revise the prices of controlled bulk drugs and formulations and to enforce prices and availability of the medicines in the country, under the Drugs (Prices Control) Order 1995. The organization is also entrusted with the task of recovering amounts overcharged by manufacturers for the controlled drugs from the consumers. It also monitors the prices of decontrolled drugs in order to keep them at reasonable levels.

3.5.2. Central Drugs Standard and Control Organization (CDSCO)

CDSCO lays down standards and regulatory measures of drugs, cosmetics, diagnostics and devices in the country. It regulates clinical trials and market authorization of new drugs. It also publishes the Indian Pharmacopeia. The main functions of the Central Drug Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) include control of the quality of drugs imported into the country, coordination of the activities of the State/UT drug control authorities, approval of new drugs proposed to be imported or manufactured in the country, laying down of regulatory measures and standards of drugs and acting as the Central Licensing Approving Authority in respect of whole human blood, blood products, large volume parenterals, sera and vaccines. The CDSCO functions from 4 zonal offices, 3 sub-zonal offices besides 7 port offices. The four Central Drug Laboratories carry out tests of samples of specific classes of drugs.

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 3.5.3. Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals (DCP)


DCP is responsible for the policy, planning, development, and regulation of the chemical, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical industries in India. This department aims: To provide impartial and prompt services to the public in matters relating to chemical, pharmaceutical and petrochemical industries To take steps to speedily redressal of grievances received To formulate policies and initiate consultations with Industry associations and to amend them whenever required

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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4.1.1. Threat to Entry (entry barrier)

In pharma industry there are various stumbling blocks to enter the market. Since the industry is one of the very high profile industry and a very profiTab. one also. Industry being profiTab. then the entry barriers should be low but the nature of industry, the products and its relationship with the external environment makes it difficult for the firm to enter into pharmaceutical industry. For pharma industry some of the barriers are Government Policies and FDA Regulations

Government policies regarding the infrastructure required and the licensing procedure to produce drugs pose initial barriers. Also with the new patent law commencing from 2005, it would become difficult to enter the industry, as till now in India the patent was only process patent and not product patent therefore anybody could obtain a license and manufacture the products, but after 2005 it would become necessary to own molecules of its own and formulate drugs on the same. FDA is an international body, which looks after all the functioning of the firm of pharma industry. According to FDA any new firm entering the industry should not only have complete infrastructure facilities but it should also have required manpower and certain SOP mentioned by Rehan Faquih Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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FDA are needed to be followed, which now include setting up R&D facility compulsorily for all firms. Cost Disadvantages Independent of Economies of Scales

The government policy and FDA regulations are stricter and the patent law has made major barriers to entry. Cost disadvantages would be in the form of product technology. As discussed earlier till now in India it was the process patentised but now any molecule discovered by a particular firm would be the sole applicant of the formulation of that molecule or final product along with the technology to manufacture the product. Capital Requirements

Pharma industry is highly capital-intensive industry. The nature of huge investments in setting up manufacturing facilities and R&D facilities is a discouraging factor for the new entrant. In case of pharma industry, it has been made mandatory for the firms to invest at least 4% of the equity capital in to R&D.

4.1.2 Rivalry among Existing Firms

Though there is high competition within the firms of pharma industry but other factor such as its relationship with Healthcare Industry makes competition and rivalry a backseat. The market share of top five-pharma company in 2009-10 is

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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Market Share





Dr. Reddy Lab






GlaxoSmithkline Pharma



Sun Pharma


Tab.4.1: Market Share of Top Five Pharmaceutical Companies India Also the growth of industry is very high and hence market share becomes a latent factor in terms of rivalry. The special case of this industry is that this industry follows not only concept but is more inclined towards societal marketing.

The fixed or storage costs are high in case of pharma industry and hence firms in this industry take various measures like sometimes outsourcing for improving upon storage costs. Many times firms have to collaborate with each other for certain productions and operations of certain nature. Products in this case are very important factor for competition. Standardization of any sort of product by any firm can lead to monopoly too. The price though can become a major tool for

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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competition, but the social environment does not allow this strategy to gain impact. Distribution of the all firms is almost same; hence there is no difference

4.1.3. Bargaining Power of the Buyers

The importance of the product is much higher to the buyer in terms of total cost. The bargaining power of the buyer in this industry is almost nil as compared to other industry. For the final consumers, the products are life saving drugs and buyers are ready to pay any amount to buy the product so the bargaining power of buyers at the time of requirement is low.

4.1.4. Bargaining Power of the Supplier

Suppliers are abundant in this industry hence the bargaining power of suppliers is much higher. Switching costs are very low, but the substitutability of the product is nil. The products are bought by the buyer in bulk and hence the supplier is keen to have a long-term relationship with the buyer, hence for the supplier buyer is very important link to maintain him in the industry.

4.1.5. Threat of Substitute

In Pharma industry, there is threat of substitutes since the industry produces life saving drugs. The substitutes of these products are: Ayurveda Unani

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Homeopathy Acupressure Acupuncture


4.1.6. Conclusion

This model gives a fair idea about the industry in which a company operates and the various external forces that influence it. However, it must be noted that any industry is not static in nature. Its dynamic and over a period of time the model, which have used to analyse the pharmaceutical industry may itself evolve.

Going forward, we foresee increasing competition in the industry but the form of competition will be different. It will be between large players (with economies of scale) and it may be possible that some kind of oligopoly or cartels come into play. This is owing to the fact that the industry will move towards consolidation. The larger players in the industry will survive with their proprietary products and strong franchisee.

In the Indian context, companies like Cipla, Ranbaxy and Glaxo are likely to be key players. Smaller fringe players, who have no differentiating strengths, are likely to either be acquired or cease to exist. The barriers to entry will increase going forward. The change in the patent regime has made sure that new proprietary products come up making imitation difficult. The players with huge capacity will be able to influence substantial power on the fringe players by their

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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aggressive pricing thereby creating hindrance for the smaller players. Economies of scale will play an important part too. Besides government will have a bigger role to play.


Technological advancements, tighter regulatory-compliance overheads, rafts of patent expiries and volatile investor confidence have made the modern pharmaceutical industry an increasingly tough and competitive environment. Below is an analysis of the structure of the pharmaceutical industry using the PEST (political, economic, social and technological) model. To understand the implications of the environment on any industry it is imperative to study the four cardinal influencers on the industry namely Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors. It is rather unfortunate that in India these factors have a rather disproportionate influence on the functioning of a commercial organization. From the days of independence the business environment has been overly regulated by a handful of bureaucrats, middlemen, businessmen and politicians. Its only a decade since the country has seen an emergence of a political thought that encourages free enterprise. A welcome change indeed!

4.2.1. Political Factors

Today there is political uncertainty in the air. A combination of diverse political thought have got together to cobble together a rag-tag coalition, that is riddle with ideological contradictions. Therefore, any consistent political or economic policy cannot be expected. This muddies the investment field.

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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The Minister in charge of the industry has been threatening to impose even more stringent Price Control on the industry than before. This is throwing many an investment plan into the doldrums. DPCO which is the bible for the industry has in effect worked contrary to the stated objectives. DPCO nullifies the market forces from encouraging competitive pricing of goods dictated by the market. Now the pricing is determined by the Government based on the approved costs irrespective of the real costs. Effective January, 2005 the country goes in for the IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) regime, popularly known as the Patent Act. This Act will impact the Pharmaceutical Industry the most. Thus far an Indian company could escape paying a patent fee to the inventor of a drug by manufacturing it using a different chemical route. Indian companies exploited this law and used the reverse-engineering route to invent a lot of alternate manufacturing methods. A lot of money was saved this way. This also encouraged competing company to market their versions of the same drug. That meant that the impurities and trace elements found in different brands of the same substance were different both in qualification as well as in quantum. Therefore different brands of the same medicine were truly different. Here Branding actually meant quality and a purer brand actually had purer active ingredient and lesser or less toxic impurities. Product patent regime will eliminate all this. Now, a patented drug would be manufactured using the same chemical route and would be manufactured by the inventor or his licentiates using the chemicals with same specifications. Therefore, all the brands of the same active ingredient would not have any difference in purity and impurities. The different brands would have to compete on the basis of non input-related innovations such as packaging, color, flavors, Excipients etc. This is the biggest change the environment

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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is going to impose on the industry. The marketing effort would be now focused on logistics, communications, and economy of operation, extra-ingredient innovations and of course pricing. In Pharma industry there is a huge PSU segment which is chronically sick and highly inefficient. The Government puts the surpluses generated by efficient units into the price equalization account of inefficient units thereby unduly subsidizing them. On a long term basis this has made practically everybody inefficient. Effective the January, 2005 the Government has shifted from charging the Excise Duty on the cost of manufacturing to the MRP thereby making the finished products more costly. Just for a few extra bucks the current government has made many a life saving drugs unaffordable to the poor. The Government provides extra drawbacks to some units located in specified area, providing them with subsidies that are unfair to the rest of the industry, bringing in a skewed development of the industry. As a result Parma units have come up at place unsuiTab. for a best cost manufacturing activity.

4.2.2. Economic Factors

India spends a very small proportion of its GDP on healthcare (A mere 1%). This has stunted the demand and therefore the growth of the industry. Per capita income of an average Indian is low (Rs. 12,890), therefore, spending on the healthcare takes a low priority. An Indian would visit a doctor only when there is an

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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emergency. This has led to a mushrooming of unqualified doctors and spread of non standardized medication. The incidence of Taxes is very high. There is Excise Duty ( State & Central), Custom Duty, Service Tax, Profession Tax, License Fees, Royalty, Pollution Clearance Tax, Hazardous substance (Storage & Handling) license, income tax, Stamp Duty and a host of other levies and charges to be paid. On an average it amounts to no less than 40-45% of the costs. The number of Registered Medical practitioners is low. As a result the reach of Pharmaceuticals is affected adversely. There are only 50, 00,000 Medical shops. Again this affects adversely the distribution of medicines and also adds to the distribution costs. India is a high interest rate regime. Therefore the cost of funds is double that in America. This adds to the cost of goods. Adequate storage and transportation facilities for special drugs are lacking. A study had indicated that nearly 60% of the Retail Chemists do not have adequate refrigeration facilities and store drugs under sub-optimal conditions. This affects the quality of the drugs administered and of course adds to the costs. India has poor roads and rail network. Therefore, the transportation time is higher. This calls for higher inventory carrying costs and longer delivery time. All this adds to the invisible costs. Its only during the last couple of years that good quality highways have been constructed.

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 4.2.3. Socio-Cultural Factors


Poverty and associated malnutrition dramatically exacerbate the incidence of Malaria and TB, PrevenTab. diseases that continue to play havoc in India decades after they were eradicated in other countries. Poor Sanitation and polluted water sources prematurely end the life of about 1 million children under the age of five every year. In India people prefer using household treatments handed down for generations for common ailments. The use of magic/tantrics/ozhas/hakims is prevalent in India. Increasing pollution is adding to the healthcare problem. Smoking, gutka, drinking and poor oral hygiene is adding to the healthcare problem. Large joint families transmit communicable diseases amongst the members. Cattle-rearing encourage diseases communicated by animals. Early child bearing affects the health standards of women and children. Ignorance of inoculation and vaccination has prevented the eradication of diseases like polio, chicken-pox, small-pox, mumps and measles. People dont go in for vaccination due superstitious beliefs and any sort of ailment is considered as a curse from God for sins committed.

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 4.2.4. Technological Factors


Advanced automated machines have increased the output and reduced the cost. Computerization has increased the efficiency of the Pharma Industry. Newer medication, molecules and active ingredients are being discovered. As of January 2005, the Government of India has more than 10,000 substances for patenting. Ayurveda is a well recognized science and it is providing the industry with a cutting edge. Advances in Bio-technology, Stem-cell research have given India a step forward. Humano-Insulin, Hepatitis B vaccines, AIDS drugs and many such molecules have given the industry a pioneering status. Newer drug delivery systems are the innovations of the day. The huge unemployment in India prevents industries from going fully automatic as the Government as well as the Labor Unions voice complains against such establishments.


The Indian pharmaceutical industry is one of the fast growing sectors of the Indian economy and has made rapid strides over the years. From being an import dependent industry in the 1950s, the industry has achieved self-sufficiency and gained global recognition as a producer of low cost high quality bulk drugs and formulations. Leading Indian companies have developed infrastructure in over 60 countries including developed markets like US and Europe. In the recent past, several pharmaceutical companies have demonstrated that they possess the ability to engage in commercially viable research and development activities and become significant

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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players in the international market. SWOT Analysis, is a strategic planning tool used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving that objective.

4.3.1. Strengths

Indian with a population of over a billion is a largely untapped market. In fact the penetration of modern medicine is less than 30% in India. The growth of middle class in the country has resulted in fast changing lifestyles in urban and to some extent rural centers. This opens a huge market for lifestyle drugs, which has a very low contribution in the Indian markets. Indian manufacturers are one of the lowest cost producers of drugs in the world. With a scalable labor force, Indian manufactures can produce drugs at 40% to 50% of the cost to the rest of the world. In some cases, this cost is as low as 90%. Indian Pharmaceutical industry posses excellent chemistry and process reengineering skills. This adds to the competitive advantage of the Indian companies. The strength in chemistry skill helps Indian companies to develop processes, which are cost effective. Indian pharmaceutical industry is highly developed and the most modern amongst the developing world. The pharmaceutical industry has a favourable balance of payment and the quality of our products, are of international standards. There is flexibility for the industry to move from one drug to another.

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Strong distribution network of industry. Stronger presence in the foreign markets. Low manufacturing costs as compared to global norms.


Mature players in the industry have elaborate domestic marketing setups supplied by an efficient distribution network. Street smarts in branded generics market, global perspective. Good blend of eastern and western styles of management. Superb chemists proven by strong branded generic market share in India by Indian workforce. High volume large-scale businesses, experience of running multiple, large, high volume manufacturing plants and managing 1000 sales people. Many leading companies already Globalising on many levels. Strong presence in a country with a large growth potential over the next twenty-five years, based on population and current economic and potential situation. The new patent product regime will bring with it new innovative drugs. This will increase the profitability of MNC Pharma companies and will force domestic Pharma companies to focus more on R&D. This migration could result in consolidation as well. The migration into a product patent based regime is likely to transform industry fortunes in the long term.

4.3.2. Weaknesses

The NPPA (National Pharma Pricing Authority), which is the authority to decide the various pricing parameters, sets prices of different drugs, which leads to lower profitability for the

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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companies. The companies, which are lowest cost producers, are at advantage while those who cannot produce have either to stop production or bear losses. In India Pharmaceutical sector has been marred by lack of product patent, which prevents global Pharma companies to introduce new drugs in the country and discourages innovation and drug discovery. But this has provided an upper hand to the Indian Pharma companies. Indian majors are relying on exports for growth. To put things in to perspective, India accounts for almost 16% of the world population while the total size of industry is just 1% of the global Pharma industry. Due to very low barriers to entry, Indian Pharma industry is highly fragmented with about 300 large manufacturing units and about 18,000 small units spread across the country. This makes Indian Pharma market increasingly competitive. Indian Pharma market is one of the least penetrated in the world. However, growth has been slow to come by. The industry witnesses price competition, which reduces the growth of the industry in value term. While India accounts roughly 1/6th of the worlds population, it accounts only 1.6% of the worlds value of pharmaceutical consumption. Only 30% of the population has access to modern medicines. R&D efforts to improve product efficacy is a continuous activity and is extremely expensive and time consuming. The industry is played by drug policy, price controls special restrictions on licensing etc. It is passionately hoped that controls would be eased shortly. The industry is characterized by low margins.

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


The buzzword in the pharmaceutical industry is R & D. With the signing of the GATT agreement it is imperative for the research for discovery and development of new drug molecule. Unfortunately, R & D is a major drawback of the Indian pharma industry. Negotiable R & D activity. Most of the manufacturing facilities are not eligible for exports to the developed world. Made in India label is a handicap on the global markets.

4.3.3. Opportunities

The new patent product regime will bring with it new innovative drugs. This will increase the profitability of MNC Pharma companies and will force domestic Pharma companies to focus more on R&D. This migration could result in consolidation as well. The migration into a product patent based regime is likely to transform industry fortunes in the long term. Opening up of health insurance sector and the expected growth in per capita income are key growth drivers from a long-term perspective. This leads to the expansion of healthcare industry of which Pharma industry is an integral part. Being the lowest cost producer combined with FDA approved plants, Indian companies can become a global outsourcing hub for Pharmaceutical products. Large number of drugs going off-patent in Europe and in the US between 2005 to 2009 offers a big opportunity for the Indian companies to capture this market. Since generic drugs are commodities by nature, Indian producers have the competitive advantage, as they are the lowest cost producers of drugs in the world.

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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Pharmaceuticals and bulk drugs are identified as thrust areas for exports by the government of India. With economic development, it is presumed that in the next few decades almost 90% of the population would have access to modern medicine. Thus the growth potentials are immense. Number of manufacturing units approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA), USA is growing and providing vast scope for future growth. Concentrate on R & D and technical base to create a competitive edge. Create synergies through joining hands with other operators in the industry. Go for backward and forward integration to utilize the resources in better manner. The latest trend in the industry seems to be towards a greater backward integration by manufacturing bulk intermediates. This is a plus point to the Indian industry since the intermediates do not come under GATT agreement. This is one virgin area, which has not yet been tapped. Large and growing domestic markets at least 80% of products are expected to be off patent products. There are tremendous scopes to develop and market New Drug Delivery System. Excellent opportunities in untapped niche markets. Vast potential of the OTC market. A 2500 crores generics market expected to grow up to 4500 crores by 2500.

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 4.3.4. Threats


Threats from other low cost countries like China and Israel exist. However, on the quality front, India is better placed relative to China. So, differentiation in the contract manufacturing side may wane. The short-term threat for the Pharma industry is the uncertainty regarding the implementation of VAT. Though this is likely to have a negative impact in the short term, the implications over the long-term are positive for the industry. There are certain concerns over the patent regime regarding its current structure. It might be possible that the new government may change certain provisions of the patent act formulated by the preceding government. Increase in over the counter medicines also create problem for medicines because people will buy it directly from market Export of bulk drugs is vulnerable to various changes in the international market. GATT agreement would after the pharmaceutical scenario drastically by 2005 AD. Most of the Indian companies do not have a research base. Such companies will be severely affected in the post GATT era. Small-scale sector will be severally affected in the times to come. They will be forced to close their shops or act as manufacturing base for the bigger Indian companies or MNCs. Small and medium formulation companies to face stiff competition in the generic drugs market leading to squeeze on their market share and profit. Erosion of image in the domestic market due to lack of R & D. Increased competition from china especially in the bulk drug sector.

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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OTC Drugs means drugs legally allowed to be sold Over The Counter, i.e. without the prescription of a Registered Medical Practitioner. In India, though the phrase has no legal recognition, all the drugs that are not included in the list of prescription only drugs are considered as non-prescription drugs (or OTC drugs). Prescription-only drugs are those medicines that are listed in Schedules H and X appended to the Drug and Cosmetics Act & its Rules. Drugs listed in Schedule G (mostly antihistamines) do not need prescription to purchase but require the following mandatory text on the label: Caution: It is dangerous to take this preparation except under medical supervision. Drugs falling in these 3 schedules are currently not advertised to the public under a voluntary commitment by the pharmaceutical industry. Currently, non drug-licensed stores (e.g. non-chemists) can sell a few medicines classified as Household Remedies listed in Schedule K of the DCA&R in villages whose population is below 1 000. OTC proprietary drugs registered as Ayurvedic Medicines (= traditional Indian medicines containing natural / herbal ingredients) are also regulated by the DCA and DCR. However, as they do not require a drug licence they can be sold by non-chemists. Some of the top OTC brands in India (e.g. Vicks VapoRub, Amrutanjan Balm, Zandu Balm, Iodex , Moov Pain Cream, Itch Guard Cream, Eno Fruit Salt, Vicks Cough Drops, Halls Lozenges, etc.), are registered as Ayurvedic Medicines because of their plant-based natural active ingredients. There are no price controls on Ayurvedic Medicines. Considering the above framework, key categories with OTC potential in India are: Vitamins and minerals Cough and cold

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Gastrointestinals Analgesics Dermatologicals Herbal / Ayurvedic Medicines.



There are no separate labeling requirements for OTC drugs. Under the Packaging Commodities Act, most packaged consumer products including drugs are required to have the Maximum Retail Price (MRP) printed on the label. The selling of any product at a price higher than the MRP is not permitted.


The Drug & Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisement) Act mentions a list of ailments for which no advertising is permitted. It also prohibits misleading advertisements which, directly or indirectly, give false impressions regarding the true character of the drug, make false claims, or are otherwise false or misleading in any particular respect. The DCGIs office -in collaboration with the Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India (OPPI) - has released a Voluntary Code on OTC Advertising which is being followed by all OPPI member companies. There is also an OPPI Code of Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices, January 2007, based on the IFPMA code. Currently, there is no specific law which prohibits the advertising of prescription drugs although industry practice is not to advertise prescription-only drugs. The DCGIs office is considering

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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coming out with a notification prohibiting the advertising of any drug which legally requires a doctors prescription for its supply. The following OTC medicines advertising can be seen on TV in India: Digestives Antacids Antiflatulents Cold rubs and analgesic balms/creams Vitamins/tonics/health supplements (especially herbals and Ayurvedic-registered) Medicated skin treatment Analgesic /cold Tablets Antiseptic creams/liquids Glucose powders Cough liquids Throat lozenges Medicated dressings (band-aids) Baby gripe water.


Though not yet a pill-popping country, India is inching the OTC way. Indian OTC healthcare is in nascent stages and ranks 11th in the global OTC market. But, urban India is catching up with the concept, thanks to the advent of technology, improving literacy levels, increasing health awareness and high work stress levels. In fact, Indian consumers, today, are confident about

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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sharing healthcare responsibility, especially in case of common ailments. Considering the changing mindset and likely changes in regulatory framework, such as, OTC guidelines and open distribution, it is reasonable to estimate that within the next ten years, India will become a major contributor to the world of OTC market.

Currently, aches/pains, cough, colds, hyperacidity, minor topical infections, and indigestion are major OTC categories. Emerging categories include cuts, wounds and burns, muscle pains and sprains, diarrhea and constipation. There are many Prescription products, which could be revitalized through OTC switches. An analytical interpretation of various data placed the focus on vitamins, cough & cold, antacids, antipyretics and NSAIDs as opportunity areas for switch in India. However, the big issue in OTC marketing is not the switch climate as currently even drugs, which do not require a prescription, are promoted via the doctor because a) Marketing through medical representatives is less expensive than mass media advertised marketing. This makes proprietary medicines higher priced than equivalent ethically promoted drugs. b) Practically all prescription drugs can be purchased without prescription. c) Doctor influence is strong in patient purchase behaviour. d) Distribution of OTC allopathic medicines is limited to drug licensed stores (mainly pharmacies).

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 5.4. WORLD SCENARIO OF OTC MARKET


At a global level pharma giants are leveraging the power of OTC to face the challenges they face today .Globalization, shrinking new product pipeline, increasing cost of new drug discovery, shrinking PLC of existing products, ever increasing demand by managed healthcare organisations, public and government to cut down the prices of patent protected drugs, stringent safety rules of FDA and entry of new players in the market are putting tremendous pressure on all pharma companies especially the giants. Pfizer Incs, worlds largest drug maker, recent decision to cut US sales force by about 20% clearly express the pressure such giants face. OTC products are an essential component of any health care system. According to a oneyear survey in the United States, six of the ten most frequently used drugs, including the top four, were OTCs.41 In another report, 60 percent of medicines purchased by consumers were OTCs.42 In fact, OTC products account for the majority of all medications used in most countries. There were almost 16,800 OTC drugs (the total number of medicines was 22,000) available on Health Canadas list of drugs approved for human use in the year 2000.27 According to the Consumer Healthcare Products Association, there were more than 100,000 OTC products (approximately 1,000 active ingredients) available in the United States as of 2001.43 The number of OTC medicines available in the United States is much higher than any other nation. Consequently, North America is the leading OTC market in the world; accounting for 31 percent of global sales of OTC products in 1995. Western Europe ranked second (26 percent), followed by Japan (16 percent).

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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In dollar value, OTC sales comprise from 10 to 30 percent of total medication sales in various countries (circa 1996), for example, 26 percent in Switzerland; 24 percent in the USA; 20 percent in Britain; 18 percent in Germany; 15 percent in Japan; and 11 percent in France. Reasons for this include differences in health care funding, cultural health beliefs, and the range of OTC drugs available on the market of each nation. In recent years, OTC spending has been increasing in many countries, except in Japan where people are more likely to use formal medical care rather than self-care.45 In the United States, retail sales of OTC products (excluding Wal-Mart) in 2001 were $17.1 billion, up 2.4 percent over 2000 ($16.7 billion).Canadians spent $3.3 billion on the OTC market in 2001 (20 percent of all drug expenditures) according to a report released by the Canadian Institute for Health Information.27 In general, OTC drugs cost about $100 per person per year. The OTC expenditure in 2001 increased 3 percent over the previous year and has risen by 73.6 percent (from $1.9 billion to $3.3 billion) since 1995.

5.4.1. US OTC Pharmaceuticals Market

Approval of over-the-counter status for a drug requires an assessment by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that the drug is safe and effective. Under current regulations, a new drug can be exempted from prescription-only status by FDA approval of a new-drug application supporting the use of the product on an over-the-counter basis. Alternatively, a drug can be marketed over the counter if its ingredients are included in previously published regulations defining the requirements for over-the-counter status and if the labeling of the product complies with these regulations. The standards also apply to drugs that have already been approved for

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prescription-only sale and that are being considered for a switch to over-thecounter status. The Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act of 1984 potentially provides three additional years of marketing exclusivity for the makers of drugs switched from prescription to over-the-counter status if the FDA has required additional clinical trials deemed essential to evaluate the switch. If a prescription drug is approved for over-the-counter marketing, the drug may still be available by prescription for certain indications or for use at doses not approved for over-the-counter marketing. The DurhamHumphrey and KefauverHarris Amendments define criteria to be used by the FDA in evaluating a new-drug application for a proposed over-the counter drug. The required demonstrations of safety and efficacy for an over-the-counter drug include components distinct from those for prescription drugs. United States OTC Pharmaceutical Market Segmentation (in % Share, by Value) Category % Share Category cough and cold preparation Vitamin and Minerals Analgesics Medicated skin products Traditional Medicines Other % Share 22.30 18.70 15.20 12.60 5.30 25.90

Tab.5.1: USA OTC Pharmaceutical Market Segmentation

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 5.4.2. European OTC Pharmaceuticals Market


The European OTC Pharmaceuticals market generated total revenues of $23.6 billion in 2009, this representing a CAGR of 2.5%for the five year period spanning 2004-09.In comparison, the Global and Asia-Pacific OTC Pharmaceuticals markets grew with CAGR of 5.1% and 6.9 % over the same period, to reach respective values of $88.7 billion and $39.1billion in 2009. Europe OTC Pharmaceutical Market Segmentation (in % Share, by Value) Category % Share


% Share

cough and cold preparation


Vitamin and Minerals




Medicated skin products


Traditional Medicines




Tab.5.2: Europe OTC Pharmaceutical Market Segmentation Rehan Faquih Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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The chart above shows the percentage of problems treated with non-prescription medications by consumers in 10 nations. The percentages are the highest in the United States and in South Africa. While in a developed country like the US many patients consider self-treatment with over-the-counter medicines as a cost and time-saving alternative to doctor visits for common ailments, a country like South Africa perhaps relies on self-medication more as a major contributor to health maintenance because of lower levels of infrastructure and professional staff. Percentage of common conditions treated with OTCs


The Indian market for over-the-counter medicines (OTCs) is worth about $940 million and is growing 20 per cent a year, or double the rate for prescription medicines. The government is keen to widen the availability of OTCs to outlets other than pharmacies, and the Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India (OPPI) has called for selling OTCs in post offices. Developing an innovative new drug, from discovery to worldwide marketing, now involves investments of around $1 billion, and the global industry's profitability is under constant attack as costs continue to rise and prices come under pressure. Pharmaceutical production costs are almost 50 per cent lower in India than in Western nations, while overall R&D costs are about one-eighth and clinical trial expenses around one-tenth of Western levels. India's long established manufacturing base also offers a large, well-educated, English-speaking workforce with 700,000 scientists and engineers graduating every year, including 122,000 chemists and chemical engineers, with 1,500 PhDs. The industry provides the highest intellectual capital per dollar worldwide, says OPPI. The industry's exports were worth more than $3.75 billion in 2008-

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09 and they have been growing at a compound annual rate of 22.7 per cent over the last few years, according to the government's draft National Pharmaceuticals Policy for 2009, published in January 2009. The Policy estimates that, by the year 2012, the industry has the potential to achieve $22.40 billion in formulations, with bulk drug production going up to 5.60 billion from $1.79 billion. "India's rich human capital is believed to be the strongest asset for this knowledgeled industry. Various studies show that the scientific talent pool of 4 million Indians is the second-largest English speaking group worldwide, after USA." In India the prescription drugs are listed under Schedule H. There are about 570 modules in this category that are stocked in a total of 5 to 8 lakh retail chemists. Currently, non pharmacy stores can sell a few drugs on the schedule K of the Drugs & Cosmetics Act in rural areas in villages, whose population is below 1,000

Currently, aches/pains, cough, colds, hyperacidity, minor topical infections and indigestion are major OTC categories. Emerging categories include cuts, wounds and burns, muscle pains and sprains, diarrhoea and constipation. There are many products in the Rx sector which could be revitalised through OTC switches. An analytical interpretation of various data places the focus on vitamins, cough & cold, antacids, antipyretics and NSAIDs as opportunity areas for switch in India. However, the big issue in OTC marketing is not the switch climate as currently even drugs which do not require a prescription are promoted via the doctor because: Marketing through medical representatives is less expensive than mass media advertised marketing. This makes that OTC medicines are higher priced than the equivalent medicines promoted ethically. Practically all Rx drugs can be purchased without a prescription.

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Doctor influence is strong in patients purchase behaviour. Distribution of allopathic OTC medicines is limited to drug licensed stores (mainly Pharmacies)


Indian market faces the problem of Deemed OTC market where in ethical drugs are also sold without a prescription due to poor monitoring and control by FDA. Self medication tendency is traditionally very high due to the high availability of traditional medicines, the awareness and acceptance of which is very high among the public. The Indian OTC pharmaceuticals market generated total revenues of $2.5 billion in 2010,this representing a compound annual growth rate of 8.3%for the five year period spanning 2005- 2010. In comparison ,the US and Chinese OTC pharmaceuticals markets grew with CAGRs of 4.3% and 7% over the same period ,to reach respective values of $21.2billion and $11.9billion in 2010. Traditional medicines proved the most lucrative for the Indian OTC pharmaceuticals market in 2010, generating total revenues of $679.3 million. In comparison, sales of cough and cold preparations generated revenues of $492.6 million in 2010.

5.5.1. Market Data on OTC Medicines

India is currently ranked 11th in the global OTC market in size, with an estimate that it will reach 9th position within five years.(Source: Nicholas Hall & Company, India).Currently the Indian OTC market (i.e. non-prescription advertised medicines) is estimated to represent approximately Rs.104 Billion growing at about 8-9% (Source :ORG-IMS)

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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Main self-medication product groups Category






(Sales in US$ Million)

OTC sales India

1243.4 1371.4 1491.0 1638.9 1813.4







Cough, Cold & Allergy












Vitamins, Minerals & Supplements












Lifestyle OTCs






Tab.5.3: Market Sales of Different OTC Segment

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Indian OTC Pharmaceuticals Market Segmentation (In % Share, by Value) Category % Share



% Share

cough and cold preparation


Vitamin and Minerals




Medicated skin products


Traditional Medicines




Tab.No.5.4: Market Share of Indian OTC Market Segment

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Top Ten Indian Brands Sr.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Leading brands (Sales $Million) India Dabur Chyawanprash Vicks Boroplus Revital Zandu Balm Dettol Liv.52 Becosules Hajmola 2008 1638.9 75.8 72.4 29 25.4 28.4 23.7 25 22.7 20.2 2009 1813.4 84.5 81.9 32.9 30.7 30.5 26.4 25.8 24.9 21.2 20.7 Growth09/08 10.7% 11.5 13.1 13.4 20.7 7.6 11.2 3.4 10.1 4.9 18.2


10 Iodex 17.6 Tab.No.5.5: Top Ten OTC Brands in Indian Market

Data Source: Nicholas Halls db6 2010, Asian journal of management research 232


5.6.1. Proctor & Gamble

P&G Hygiene and Health Care Limited is one of India's fastest growing Fast Moving Consumer Goods Companies that has in its portfolio P&G's Billion dollar brands such as Vicks & Whisper. With a turnover of Rs. 500+ crores, the Company has carved a reputation for delivering high quality, value-added products to meet the needs of consumers. P&G Hygiene and Health Care Limited takes pride in being voted India's Best Employer 2003 in a survey of 200 companies conducted by International HR Consultancy Hewitt Associates in association with Business Today magazine. Earlier, the Company was voted India's 2nd Best Employer in previous editions Rehan Faquih Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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of the survey in 2001 and 2002. Notably, there are over 200 Indian employees with P&G Subsidiaries abroad Health Care

Vicks is Indias No.1 Cough & Cold Brand. It created the cold & cough Over-the-Counter (OTC) category in India way back in 1952 and has led the category till date. Today it has completed more than 50 years in India. Its current portfolio in India comprises Vicks Action500+, Vicks VapoRub, Vicks Cough Drops, Vicks Formula 44 Cough Syrup and Vicks Inhaler. It was rated as Indias Most Trusted Brand by the Advertising & Marketing Magazine and continues to be on top of the charts of Brand-Equity surveys till date. The Vicks business in India is the biggest in the ASEAN-Australasia-India (AAI) region. Over the years, Vicks has launched several heart-tugging advertising campaigns, some of which were the Happy Birthday Mummy and Touch Therapy campaigns for Vicks VapoRub, the Khich Khich Dooor Karo ad for Vicks Cough Drops, the Haan Bhai Haan ad for Vicks Action 500. Following are the products of Proctor & Gamble: Vicks Cough Dros Vicks formula 44 cough syrup Vicks Action 55+ Vicks VapoRub Vicks Inhaler

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 5.6.2. Dr. Morepen Limited


Keeping in line with Morepen's commitment to healthier future for all, The Company has taken another step to come closer to the consumers with the launch of "Dr. Morepen", a range of self health products. MLL has now entered the Rs.4500 crore of fast Moving Health Goods (FMHG) market. The category of self health has been identified after lot of research on modern behavior and preferences and Morepen sees a huge opportunity in this segment. Dr. Morepen is envisaged as a forward looking, futuristic, lifestyle driven brand that empowers the modern customers to be in charge of their own health and live life without any stops. The brand is positioned on a simple philosophy of "health in your hands" A mantra for contemporary life, full of hectic schedules, impending deadlines and tough competition. The brand is being promoted by a new subsidary Dr. Morepen Ltd which has a vast sales & marketing network that reaches to over a lakh of retail outlets already and the count is growing everyday. With the launch of Dr. Morepen the distribution of Morepen has moved beyond pharmacist, to super stores, retail outlets & neighborhood shops.

The growing list of Dr. Morepen's Self Health FMHG product includes DAB (instant antacid), SAT ISABGOL (Natural laxative), GOL GOLI (Hajma Candy), LEMOLATE (Cold relief ), BURNOL ( for burns and cut) to take care of minor day to day problems, where as product like C SIP (refreshing energy drink), Y SUGAR (Low cal sweetener), and 2 KOOL, (Throat drops), and C-CANDY (Health candy) are life style companions that vitalizes and keep people fit. Many more products are being launched soon, thus building up the FMHG category. In a step that would expand Dr. Morepen's franchise into a retail format, Morepen acquired LIFESPRING, the renowned chain of health & beauty stores. Lifespring is an internationally styled, health and

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beauty chain of retail stores offering a range of nearly 15,000 domestic and international branded products under one roof. Lifespring stores are located at high retail density areas in New Delhi, catering to a wide ensemble of health and beauty customers. The Stores have three sections Personal Care and Beauty, OTC and Prescription Medicines and Optical Center. Following are the products of Dr. Morepen Ltd: Dab Range Sat Isabgol Gol Goli Y . Sugar C-Sip Solid Taste Solid Health C - Candy Burnol Lemolate

5.6.3. GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Limited

GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited (GSK) is India's leading research-based Company committed to improving the quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer. The Company has a formidable presence in the domestic pharmaceuticals market with a market share of above 5.9 per cent. GSK India markets a wide range of ethical formulations and is the leader in therapeutic areas of respiratory, dermatology and vaccines, besides having a significant presence in areas of gastroenterology, dietary supplements,

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gynecology, neurology, cardiovascular and intensive care. GSK India is also the undisputed leader in the animal health and fine chemicals businesses. Following are the products of GlaxoSmithKline consumer limited: Crocin Crocin Pain Relief CrocinQuik Eno EnoTabs Iodex Iodex Power cream

5.6.4. Zydus Cadila

Zydus Cadila is an innovative global pharmaceutical company that discovers, develops, manufactures and markets a broad range of healthcare products. The groups operations range from API to formulations, animal health products and cosmeceuticals. Headquartered in the city of Ahmedabad in India, the group has global operations in four continents spread across USA, Europe, Japan, Brazil, South Africa and 25 other emerging markets. In its mission to create healthier communities globally, Zydus Cadila delivers wide ranging healthcare solutions and value to its customers. With over 8,000 employees worldwide, a world-class research and development centre dedicated to discovery research and eight state-of-the-art manufacturing plants, the group is dedicated to improving peoples lives. With three multi-therapy divisions and eight specialty divisions, Zydus Cadila is one of the leading player in the Indian healthcare

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industry. It is the leading player in the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and women's healthcare segments. The group has strong presence in respiratory, pain management, CNS, anti-infectives, oncology, neurosciences, dermatology and nephrology segments. It has been able to maintain overall position and market share through faster growing chronic / lifestyle segments. With several new product introductions and pillar brands such as Aten, Ocid, Deriphyllin, Pantodac, Atorva, Nucoxia, Mifegest to name a few, Zydus Cadila is considered a tour-de-force in therapy management and brand management. The group has several in-licensing alliances with global multinationals such as Schering AG, Boehringer Ingelheim, Viatris, etc. The portfolios of over 200 products are marketed by a specialised field force of 3,000. With one of the strongest distribution channels in the industry, the group reaches out to 1, 00,000 chemists and serves 2,00,000 doctors including physicians, specialists and super specialists.

Cadila Healthcare Limiteds parent organisation Zydus Group is one of the fastest growing integrated healthcare companies with a turnover of Rs.13 billion. Zydus Group is the 5th largest player in the Indian domestic formulations market and also has a global presence. Cadila Healthcare came into being under the aegis of the Zydus Group in 1995. Zydus today has a leadership position in key segments like cardio vascular, gastro intestinal and womens healthcare and is amongst top three in the respiratory, pain management and anti-infective segments. It also is a leading producer of niche and complex bulk drugs. Some of the well known brands of Zydus Cadila include Aten - the largest hypertensive brand in the country, Ocid, Amlodac, Atorva, Pantodac, GRD, Penegra, Nucoxia, Ciprobid, Dexona, Primolut-N, Dulcolax, Enew, Sugar Free, Diane 35, Mifigest among others. Following are the products of Zydus Cadila:

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Functional Health Foods and Dietary Products


In the health foods segment, the Consumer Division is a pioneer in offering healthier dietary options to the consumers with the Sugar Free and Nutralite range of products. Sugar Free Gold is the largest selling aspartame based low calorie sugar substitute in India with market share of over 75%. Sugar Free Natura is the latest new generation zero calorie sugar substitute made from sucralose - a sugar derivative. Sugar Free Dlite is a low calorie healthy drink fortified with electrolytes, vitamins and just 10 calories. It is available as powder soft drink as well as in a ready to drink form. Nutralite is a healthy cholesterol-free butter substitute (Tab. margarine), and is the largest selling Tab. margarine in India. Specialty Skincare Products

In the skincare segment, the EverYuth brand enjoys the distinction of being a 'skincare brand from a healthcare company'. Enriched with the power of natural ingredients, EverYuth has a strong presence in advanced skincare segments like soap-free face washes, face masks, skin exfoliators amongst others. The EverYuth range also includes speciality dermatologically tested skincare solutions for sun protection, pigmentation, acne and aging under the recently launched EverYuth Derma Care range.

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 5.6.5. Novartis


Novartis was created in 1996 through the merger of Ciba-Geigy and Sandoz. Novartis offers a wide range of healthcare products through our Pharmaceuticals, Vaccines and Diagnostics, Sandoz and Consumer Health Divisions. Nearly 100 000 people are working at Novartis to help save lives and improve quality of life. Corporate citizenship at Novartis rests on four pillars: patients, business conduct, people and communities, and environmental care. Operate in 140 countries, with our global headquarters in Basel, Switzerland. Novartis is one of the industrys biggest investors in research. Over-the-Counter (OTC) is a world leader in the research, development, production and marketing of self-medication products that do not require prescriptions. Our products are designed for the in-home treatment and prevention of medical conditions and ailments as well as the enhancement of overall health and well-being. The main OTC product categories are analgesics, cough, cold, allergy, gastrointestinal, skin care and smoking-cessation treatments, as well as mineral supplements. Following are the products of the Novartis: Benefiber powder Benefiber Caplets Benefiber plus calcium Excedrin Extra Strength Excedrin Excedrin Tension Headache Excedrin Migraine Excedrin PM

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Gas-X Products Children's Gas-X Tongue Twisters Thin Strips Baby Gas-X Infant Drops Gas-X Thin Strips Softgels Chewables Bufferin Aspirin Calcium Sandoz Mineral supplement Excedrin Ex-Lax Overnight laxative Keri Lamisil AT Athletes foot and jock itch


5.6.6. Paras Pharmaceuticals Private Limited

It is this incessant desire on part of people that has inspired Paras to dedicate itself to issues that might appear to be trivial, but in reality, are quite significant in life. The range of such issues is extensive. To identify them, one simply needs to be sensitive towards such problems. And make

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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the right solutions available. At Paras, the process behind finding every such solution is backed by extensive consumer research, often carried out in an obsessive manner. While identifying these real life problems and related behavioral patterns, the health aspects are also put on high priority, so that the end result is not just a cosmetic one, but a truly healthy solution. The result of these efforts is that today, Paras has a diverse range of innovative products, many of which have created totally new categories by themselves. Not to mention, they have been enormously successful. So much so, that today, Paras products have not only found a place on the shelves of most households, but in the hearts of people as well. In short, the philosophy at Paras, of providing solutions that care about you, is quite visible in its many works of art the many brands that truly enhance life. New categories. New promises. What makes the customer believe in them all?Its the faith that comes with time, with a positive experience of using a product/service offered by the company. By realizing that the promises were indeed fulfilled. But winning this faith isn't easy. It comes after plenty of research and consumer study done on a large scale. In case of Paras, the entire process of advanced research hinges on one focal point to provide care, and not just cure. To serve people with value added products and not just cosmetic makeovers. And to create new product categories.All this has made Paras a reliable and favoured name amongst the masses. For Paras, this long journey of many years has indeed been a glorious one. And with more and more dreams taking shape at Paras, its glorious streak will continue to brighten up many more lives. Following are the products of the Paras Pharmaceuticals Pvt.Ltd.: Afterbath FreshnessCream BoroSoft Krack Dcold

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products D'Cold Cough Syrup ItchGuard Moov Moov spray RingGuard Stopache


5.6.7. Dabur India Limited

Dabur India Limited is the fourth largest FMCG Company in India with interests in Health care, Personal care and Food products. Building on a legacy of quality and experience for over 100 years, today Dabur has a turnover of Rs.2233.72 crore with powerful brands like Dabur Amla,Dabur,Chyawanprash,,Vatika, Hajmola & Real. Dabur India Limited is a leader in manufacturing and marketing herbal, nature-based products. Today Daburs products are available for people in more than 50 countries across the world, helping them move towards a healthy, natural and holistic lifestyle. Our products are available in the markets of the Middle East, South-East Asia, Africa, the European Union and America. Following are the products of Dabur India Limited: Dabur Glucose-D Dabur Hajmola Tab. Dabur Hingoli Pudin Hara Pudin Hara-G

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Dabur Shankha Pushpi Shilajit Gold Dabur Sarbyna Str


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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products



OTC (Over-the-Counter, OTC) is the drug regulatory agencies by the State Department announced, without virtue of practicing physicians and licensed assistant doctors prescription, consumers can judge for themselves whether to purchase and use drugs. With the new Medical insurance scheme, the implementation of the introduction of drug classification management practices, non-prescription drugs catalog announcement, the patient self-treatment will increase in a large number of retail pharmacies have emerged, consumers from open sources and adequate supply of opportunities where to buy non-prescription products a significant increase in fast growing pharmaceutical retail sales, non-prescription drug market opportunities. More and more pharmaceutical companies enter the retail market in the hope that through advertising and promotions, establish their own brand of non-prescription drugs, access to Economic benefits. In this field, the key to the success of the company's marketing directly to consumers with the ability to develop effective non-prescription drugs and implementation of Marketing Strategy capabilities.

The Marketing Strategy formulation must be based on the consumer market and consumer behavior Research basis. The consumer market need to look at: Who are the buyers; buy objects; the purpose of purchase; buying behavior; to buy time and place of purchase. Buyers require a study: what factors affected buyer behavior affected? How do consumers make decisions? A typical purchase process.

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 6.1. OTC CONSUMER MARKET


An OTC consumer market to look at includes:

6.1.1. Buyers of OTC Product

OTC medicines concept and characteristics of the decision of the OTC drugs purchased were: adult; have a certain ability to judge the disease can be more accurate to determine the disease type and disease severity, there is a certain Experience in the use of drugs; in the economy have a certain the source, you can independently control the cost of drugs; the high level of Education and Health care, more sensitive person; work fast-paced person.

6.1.2. The Market to Buy Different Kinds of OTC Medicine

Consumers buy OTC drugs because the treatment of disease categories, manufacturers, brand, price, dosage form, packaging, etc. exist in different distinction; also because the decision whether to enter Medical insurance claims and different directories. Consumers generally have a grasp of product knowledge in three areas: The product attributes and characteristics of knowledge, positive results using the product or proceeds will help to achieve the purpose of customer satisfaction or product value.OTC products, consumer awareness, too, the combination of these three areas of knowledge to form their understanding of OTC products. OTC product attributes: appearance, such as packaging, manuals, medicines appearance and open convenience, taking convenience, taste and so on. OTC product benefits: such as efficacy, side

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


effects, onset of speed and security. OTC product value to meet: brand position. Access to Medical insurance catalog for the promotion of OTC drugs is very important, the survey showed: When Consumers often use a certain effect of a good drug into a publicly-funded medicine at their own expense, the enjoyment of public health, nearly half of consumers will look for from a publicly-funded drug alternative medicine, rather than at their own expense to buy the drug, only about 13% of consumers would buy the drug at their own expense. The current non-prescription drugs have not yet been publicly funded reimbursement restrictions, at public expense reimbursement directory, there are many varieties of non-prescription drugs. Studies have shown that 2 / 3 of non-prescription drugs prescribed by a doctor's prescription, and thus have access to medical insurance compensation.

6.1.3. Buying Process (Purchase Purposes)

Consumers buy OTC drugs, for the following reasons: the treatment of small ailments; convenient; saving time; cost savings. 99% of consumers said: They go to pharmacies got the major reason is that small problems that they were able to detect the symptoms and to determine the extent of mitigation. Therefore, consumers take OTC drugs are the most commonly used treatment of everyday minor illnesses method. Patients with OTC drugs on their own some of the common, mild disease of small self-medication, significant savings to their doctor to the hospital queue, waiting time for treatment. At the same time, non-prescription drugs market prices of prescription drugs cheaper, so consumers can save money.

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 6.1.4. Time to Buy


OTC drugs easy to buy without a prescription can be easily purchased in pharmacies. OTC drugs generally Tab. quality and long shelf life, the basic in more than two years for the treatment of common diseases, frequently-occurring disease, purchase a large quantity, and then do not have to worry about expired degenerate. Therefore, OTC medicines for consumers to buy an outbreak of diseases, or at a convenient time to buy, the way to buy

6.1.5. Place to Buy

Purchase of OTC drugs can go to: hospitals, pharmacies; medical insurance, hospitals and pharmacies designated or not designated hospitals and pharmacies; chain stores or chain pharmacies; a brand, service or ordinary good drugstore pharmacy; parity pharmacies; Chain Drug Stores ; the community in the vicinity, or hospital pharmacies. For the enjoyment of consumers in medical claims, they must choose health insurance designated hospital or pharmacy to purchase medical insurance directory OTC medicines. Consumers concerned about the price or purchase long-term use of drugs to consumers prefer to parity pharmacy. A pharmacy near the hospital to get more things with a prescription. Drug quality-oriented consumers are more willing to large chain pharmacies to buy drugs, drug quality is guaranteed.

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 6.2. OTC BUYER BEHAVIOR FACTORS


Affect the behavior of OTC buyers main factors are:

6.2.1. Cultural Factors

As consumers increase in literacy, Health awareness increased, for the prevention of disease and physical health gradually pay attention to it, especially in high-income class and the elderly right vitamin supplements to enhance immune function, disease prevention to keep fit, improve quality of life of the OTC drug spending has increased. Now middle-aged women are more willing to buy the OTC weight loss and beauty products.

6.2.2. Social Factors

OTC consumer buying behavior by a series of social factors, such as the consumer-related groups, family and social roles and status. Some consumers because of the role and status of factors, the choice to take into account the non-prescription drugs and pharmaceutical-grade brand. OTC medicines for children and adolescents affected by consumption of the main effects of parental family, as parents have more experience, they are OTC products, purchase and consumption of the parents play a decisive role, in general, parents, policy-makers. They can learn from their parents to some common diseases in the diagnosis and treatment. This will affect the children in the adult after the OTC ideas about consumption. White-collar workers in

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


choosing OTC products, he is more inclined to well-known brand and RepuTab. Companys products, such as a joint venture drugs, more inclined to the high price of medicines.

6.2.3. Personal Factors

OTC purchasing decisions of consumers is also influenced by the impact of personal characteristics, such as changes in consumer perceptions of their illness, characteristics of the brand perception, the attitude of the brand to other options, in particular by its age in which the life cycle stage, occupation, the Economic environment, lifestyle, personality and self-concept effects. Adults, the disease strong judge who is more likely to buy more OTC drugs; self-care and self-medication and a strong sense of the people who work fast-paced, non-reimbursed medical expenses of people to enjoy, to pharmacies even more frequent. Many chronic diseases such as hypertension, chronic gastritis, such as diabetic patients require long-term medication, these patients after several doctors and prescriptions, having learned that his illness, to know what drugs, these patients may go directly to the community retail pharmacies buy medicine.

6.2.4. Psychological Factors

Indias consumer awareness, driven by the cultural influence of traditional Indian medicine, Indian medicine side effects generally agreed that the small, many of traditional Indian medicine and health care role in the prevention of significant safer than Western medicine; Indian medicine in the treatment of some chronic diseases may be more effective than Western

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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medicine; the role of Indian medicine a comprehensive treatment of the disease from the root. In the onset speed, generally considered less than western medicine quick.


OTC how consumers make decisions? Marketers must identify who made the purchase decision and make a purchase decision factor, the involvement of buyers and the validity of the number of brands to determine which consumers are buying type?

6.3.1. Buy the Role of

Initiator is that the patient, including children, elderly, male, female patients included. Affected persons, family members, friends, doctors, pharmacy staff, advertising and other spokespersons. Policy-makers, refers to whether to buy, why buy, how to buy, where to buy, etc. to make complete or part of the final decision-making. Purchaser, actual procurement people. Users, the actual consumer products at all. Childrens medicines consumers are children, policy-makers and buyers are generally the parents. Family, the wife could help her husband to purchase health care OTC drugs.

6.3.2. Buying Behavior

It is similar to an ordinary consumer purchasing decisions. Buying behavior to seek diversification And prescription drugs, compared, OTC medicines have a high safety, efficacy

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


established, Tab. quality, easy to use and so on, so buying decision-making process is relatively simple and low consumer involvement, and other daily consumer goods showed a similar buying patterns. However, because the same treatment of categories of non-prescription drugs brands many quite different, performance in the efficacy, price, packaging, corporate reputation on a different, so the buying behavior of consumers looking to diversify


OTC buying process consists of the following steps: problem awareness, Information gathering, evaluation of available options for the purchase decision-making and post-shopping behavior.

6.4.1. Awareness of the Issue

OTC products causing consumers to buy environment: possible onset of disease, resulting in symptoms; or disease-prone season coming early to consider buying OTC medicines, such as the environment effects, such as pharmacy-based products in supermarkets, pharmacies and other promotional activities would cause unplanned buying behavior occurs.

6.4.2. Information Gathering

OTC drug consumer Information is four sources: personal sources, such as family, friends, neighbors and acquaintances. Commercial sources, such as advertising, salesmen, distributors, packaging, displays. Public sources, such as the mass media, consumer assessment of the

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


organization. Source of experience, such as the use of the product. The information sources and marketing personnel can control the uncontrollable, there are from individuals and non-personal. Individual non-personal marketing sales staff can control the layout of media advertising their stores, their stores advertising promotional packaging of non-medical staff officers to control marketing, consumer experience, friends, family, media, publications and behavior. OTC Drug Marketing personnel should be through the media, advertising, layout of their stores, their stores advertising, promotion and packaging, and marketing personnel, etc. available to the consumer information. In addition, doctors, shopkeepers, consumers, family members and friends can pass OTC drug information, so in marketing, planning, paying attention to their role.

6.4.3. The Evaluation of OTC Drugs Evaluation Factors

The evaluation of the brand of OTC drugs includes the following factors: efficacy, safety, taking convenience, price, packaging, corporate reputation and so on. Comprehensive Evaluation of the brand should be high purchase intent. OTC Consumer Decision-Making Focus the Brand

Beijing Xinhua letter to Business Risk Management Co., Ltd. in 1999 to procure medicines consumer behavior Research findings, 80% of the brand before buying, have a clear tendency. OTC drugs for the treatment of many common diseases of the standing drugs such as cold

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


medicine, pain medicine, gastrointestinal medicine, skin, medicine, etc., usually in the production of these drugs are relatively mature technology, patented Technology does not have a competitive advantage; and it is exactly because of technical a simple process, but also to the many manufacturers of such drugs on the market OTC drugs often have the same number of brands, the market is fiercely competitive. Because consumers do not have the ability to distinguish between intrinsic quality medicines, so product quality and conviction on behalf of the brand to become the guiding consumers to purchase OTC products. During the decisionmaking in a wide range of consumers tend to search for product information, so with brand promotions to interrupt their problem-solving process is relatively easy. The success of OTC product sales must be consumer marketing and promotion of a product's brand product sales. In view of the brand for the evaluation of the importance of OTC drugs, so apart from medical advice and their own experiences, the ad has actually become the people to understand an important source of drugs and influence people to buy an important factor in the decision making.

6.4.4. Purchase Decision-Making

Consumers in the evaluation phase may form some sort of purchase intention and preference to buy his favorite brand, however, purchase intention and purchase decision-making between the attitudes of others may be affected and the situation is not expected to be factors. Professionals with purchasing decisions about the capacity of OTC drugs. Although OTC drugs without a prescription, consumers can buy in the pharmacy, OTC medicines are increasingly closer to the general consumer goods, but the drugs, after all, is used to treat patients, and pharmaceutical

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


knowledge, highly specialized, not yet a universal knowledge Therefore, consumers purchase and use of OTC products, he is very concerned professionals such as doctors, pharmacists and others opinions. Scott-Levin, according to the U.S. health-care consulting firm to a recent survey, about 50% of patients according to doctors recommend the use of OTC medicines. Doctors to patients also plays an important role in OTC sample, 35% of the patients had received samples in the past year, and about 50% of the patients said they themselves would buy the same drugs. Staff to communicate with consumers is an important marketing strategy. Survey results show that: In addition to TV commercials, pharmacy clerk in procuring medicines impact on consumers than other kinds of advertising media. It is noteworthy that, once the staff recommendation to consumers when certain drugs, 74% of consumers will receive the views of staff, which indicates that staff in the drug consumption can play a big role. Of particular note is that in clear and specific brands of consumers, when staff recommended to him when the other brand-name pharmaceuticals accounted for 66% of consumers changed their minds, they accepted the staff's views.

6.4.5. Post-Shopping Behavior

OTC medicines have a very detailed instruction manual, consumers accordance with the text of the description can be very convenient to use, whether the effect of satisfaction with the use of whether there are adverse reactions, first of all depends on the drugs to choose whether or symptomatic, if the purchase OTC drugs are not symptomatic, treatment effect will be greatly reduced, but also may produce adverse reactions. If you choose symptomatic drugs, and then look at the efficacy of the product itself and adverse reactions, whether good efficacy, fast onset

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


of action and few side effects. If you use OTC drugs to consumers after the satisfaction with the product must strengthen his faith, will stimulate the next purchase. They tend to note the last name of a doctor's prescription drugs, or directly carrying drug packaging box, named buy the same product. States provide instructions on the use of OTC drug manufacturers to state clearly that the contact telephone number intended to receive timely information on adverse reactions, which is after-sales service for manufacturers to increase the quality of the main way.In short, non-prescription drug marketing, who is only in understanding consumer behavior, based on the Development of mission to target customer needs and desires are met and satisfied with the marketing strategy, have been successful in developing the site.

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products




The rapid proliferation of drugs being switched from prescription (Rx) to over-the-counter (OTC) status has raised a number of important consumer behaviour and public policy concerns. Given the increasing assortment and widespread availability of Rx to OTC switch drugs, how might consumers' health care preferences change? That is, what factors influence whether a consumer is more likely to visit their physician rather than self-medicate symptoms of heartburn and indigestion with a new switch drug? Patents for all brand name prescription drugs eventually expire. When this happens, manufacturers of generic drugs quickly enter the market, drastically reducing the profits of the pharma firm that developed, tested, and originally introduced the drug to the market. One way a pharmaceutical firm, whose patent for a specific drug has expired, can expand their market, is to switch that drug from prescription (Rx) to OTC (over-the-counter) status. In the USA during the last 20 years, more than 600 drugs containing ingredients that were once available by prescription only are now sold OTC, that is, without a physician's prescription. In fact, many drugs that were switched from Rx to OTC status outsell traditional OTC brands in their product categories. For example, popular and familiar brands such as Tylenol, Advil, Benadryl, Motrin, Tagamet, Gelusil, Benadryl, Revital and Rogaine successfully switched from being available by prescription only to being available OTC at most convenience drug, supermarket, and discount stores.

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Drugs that have been switched from Rx to OTC status are unique, possessing characteristics of both Rx and the OTC products. Some of the prominent drugs (generics) that are sold over the counter are Paracetamol, Cetrizine, Ibuprofen. Likewise, some of the brands that are sold OTC are Crocin, Corex, Anacin, Benadryl, Aspirin, D'cold in India. In OTC selling there is another category of products, which have now shifted from medicinal product category to FMCG category, prominent among them are brands like: Dettol, Moov, Borosoft, Itch guard, Krack, Dermicool etc.There are many issues like how to build consumer preferences towards the OTC products. There are various ways through which the preferences could be altered. This could be done through the effective brand building of the OTC product. The second issue could be on how to build a strong brand identity for the OTC product. The procedures and measures should be catered to in order to build strong brand equity. An analysis of the role of government's regulations and policies as a catalyst or barrier towards the OTC product can play a crucial role. Government's decision can play a strategic role in defining the future of the industry or the fate of the products and these procedures should be critically dealt. The third issue can be on the role of advertisements, celebrity endorsements and the concept of brand management in building an effective brand image of the OTC product. How an image of the OTC product is affected and what impact the modern ways of brand building and management have on the OTC products.

In the world of ethical pharmaceuticals, the physician is still of prime importance as has been the case in the past. Now, however, new marketing efforts are being directed at the consumer. Prime-time television advertising and whole page newspaper ads are happening now, certainly unheard of in the past. For OTC pharmaceuticals, the situation is reversed. While the consumer has been the primary focus in the past, and will certainly not be ignored in the future, campaigns

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


to medical professionals are becoming more commonplace. As we can see, there are many changes in the roles of physicians and patients, and research has responded to these changes in a variety of ways.


Objectives 1. To understand the consumers attitude towards OTC products of the pharmaceutical industry 2. To understand the healthcare products contribution and also its effects on pharmaceutical Market 3. To determine the extent to which the respondents prefer self-medication instead of going to the doctor for common health problems 4. To find out the criteria on which the consumers rely for making their purchase decision regarding OTC products 5. To find out the extent to which consumers read the labeling information before purchase 6. To find out the extent to which the respondents perceive OTC products as safe to use 7. To understand the influence of advertising on consumer behavior towards them 8. To find out the most preferred brand in each OTC product category 9. To know the frequency of purchase of OTC products by the consumers 10. To know the preferred medium of communication for advertisement of OTC products

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 7.3. LIMITATION OF THE STUDY


The main limitation of the study is the time span available with researcher for conducting the research is 6-8 months. Another limitation is that the scope of the researchers study is Mumbai city. So the population considered may not be the actual representative of the population of the nation. The information given by the respondents can be biased. In order to limit the scope of the project only 11 categories of OTC products segment were included based on frequency of usage There may be certain loopholes in the information provided by the respondents while filling up the questionnaires. The sample size taken for survey may not represent the whole population of Mumbai.


Target Population: Population of the research is the consumers who are well aware of the OTC products and who are above 18 years of age Research Design: Descriptive Research Sampling Technique: Convenience sampling Sample Size: 120 sampling units selected from the Target population Universe: OTC user from pediatrics to geriatrics patients Sample: Doctor: general practioner 35 no of samples Chemist: 35 no of sample Consumer: 50 no sample

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Contact Method: Researcher have contacted sampling units personally and with the help of one to one interaction researcher have conducted survey. Extent: The location considered by the researcher is Mumbai city. Data Sources: Primary Source: Questionnaire Secondary Sources: Books, journals, websites, reports


Primary data through survey using a structured questionnaire.

Secondary data from previous research conducted and literatures if any.


Simple Random / Convenient Sampling


Descriptive research will be conducted Primary research questionnaire will be given Convenience sampling will be carried out

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products





8.1.1. AGE

Fig.8.1: Indicates the Age Profile of the Respondent From the above figure, we can interpret that most of the respondent in age profile belongs to the age group of 25-45 year

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 8.1.2. Gender


Fig.8.2: Indicates the Gender Profile of the Respondent From the above figure, we can interpret that most of the respondent in gender profile belongs to the gender group of female

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 8.1.3. Nature of family


Fig.8.3: Indicates the Nature of Family Profile of the Respondent From the above figure, we can interpret that most of the respondent stays in a nuclear family environment

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 8.1.4. Education


Fig.8.4: Indicates the Education Qualification Profile of the Respondent From the above figure, we can interpret that most of the respondent education profile are well educated in which majority of them are graduate and medical professionals as per the requirement of survey

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 8.1.5. Family Size


Fig.8.5: Indicates the Family Size Profile of the Respondents From the above figure, we can interpret that most of the respondent family size is between four to six people in a family

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 8.2. DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS Q.No.1. Overall how would you rate your current health? 8.2.1. Descriptive analysis for representation of overall health of respondent


Fig.8.6: Indicates the Frequency of Overall Current Health of the Respondent From the above figure, we can interpret that most of the respondents have very good overall health i.e.61 respondent out of 120 sample size have very good overall health

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.2. Think about the condition when you had suffered from some general problem like cold, cough, sore throat etc recently, what did you do generally in these ailments? 8.2.2. Descriptive analysis for representation of respondent taking self medication in minor ailments

Fig.8.7: Indicates the Frequency of Respondent taking Self Medication in Minor Ailments From the above figure, we can interpret that most of the respondents have self medication when they suffer from minor ailments which help them save cost and time to visit the doctor for minor problems i.e.35 respondent out of 120 sample size have purchased OTC medicine to treat their minor problem

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.4. Would you say that you are taking more, fewer or about same number of product than you did five year ago? 8.2.3. Descriptive analysis for representation usage number of product over the years by respondent

Fig.8.8: Indicates the Frequency of Number of Products Usage over the Years by the Respondent From the above figure, we can interpret that most of the respondents have used more number OTC product over the period of five years for self medication i.e.41 respondent out of 120 sample size have more usage of different number of product over the years

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.5. Are you using this OTC product more, less or about same as five year ago?


8.2.4. Descriptive analysis for representation frequency of usage of number of product over the years by respondent

Fig.8.9: Indicates the Frequency of Number of Products Usage Frequency over the Years by the Respondent From the above figure, we can interpret that most of the respondents have agreed that they use OTC product more frequently when compared with previous five years for self medication i.e.42 respondent out of 120 sample size have high frequency of usage of different OTC product over the years

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.11. When you buy or take the OTC medicine for the first time, what information do you read on the package first? 8.2.5. Descriptive analysis for representation of usage of packaging labels

Fig.8.10: Indicates the Frequency of Usage of Packaging Labels From the above figure, we can interpret that most of respondents do read packaging labels when they purchase OTC medicine for the first time to see the direction of usage and dosage levels to be used for effective response i.e.56 respondent out of 120 sample size read direction of usage on the label

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.12. Are you likely to re-read the label again in the following circumstances?


8.2.6. Descriptive analysis for representation re-read packaging labels in next purchase of same medicine

Fig.8.11: Indicates the Frequency of Re-Read Packaging Labels in any Circumstances From the above figure, we can interpret that most of respondents dont read packaging labels when they purchase same OTC medicine next time until and unless the OTC medicine is used for child i.e.51 respondent out of 120 sample size dont re-read labels and 52 respondent re-read labels if the OTC medicine is used for child

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.14. Based on what you know, what is most accurate way to determine the amount of medicine to be taken in particular indication? 8.2.7. Descriptive analysis for representation knowledge of usage and dosage of OTC product

Fig.8.12: Indicates the Frequency of Knowledge of Usage and Dosage of OTC Product From the above figure, we can interpret that most of respondents do not have the knowledge about the dosage calculation for a drug i.e.44 respondent out of 120 sample size dont have any knowledge about usage of OTC product

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.13. To the best of recollection, what is Active ingredient in brand Crocin? 8.2.8. Descriptive analysis for representation awareness about OTC product


Fig.8.13: Indicates the Frequency of Awareness about an OTC Product From the above figure, we can interpret that most of respondents do not have the awareness about OTC Product i.e.71 respondent out of 120 sample size dont have any awareness about the content of most used OTC product

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.15. Have you ever taken more than the recommended dose of a non-prescription medicine? 8.2.9. Descriptive analysis for representation over usage of an OTC product

Fig.8.14: Indicates the Frequency about Over Usage of an OTC Product From the above figure, we can interpret that most of respondents are not sure about their over usage of an OTC i.e.48 respondent out of 120 sample size are not sure about over usage of an OTC product

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.16. If yes, how much more have you taken?


8.2.10. Descriptive analysis for representation the amount of over usage of an OTC product

Fig.8.15: Indicates the Frequency about Amount of Over Usage of an OTC Product From the above figure, we can interpret that most of respondents are not sure about their over usage of an OTC but those who knows about their over usage take next dose sooner than directed i.e.23 respondent out of 47 sample size who know that they take over dosage take next dose sooner than directed on label of an OTC product

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.17.What is that one reason for taking more medicine?


8.2.11. Descriptive analysis for representation the reason for over usage of an OTC product

Fig.8.16: Indicates the Frequency Reason for the Over Usage of an OTC Product From the above figure, we can interpret that most of respondents are dont know the reason for over usage of an OTC product but those who knows the reason for over usage of an OTC product they use to treat the severe symptoms i.e.18 out of 47 sample size who know that they take over dosage of an OTC product for the reason to treat severe symptoms

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.18. If you have more than one symptom at same time like headache, sore throat, how likely are you to take more than one OTC medicine? 8.2.12. Descriptive analysis for representation usage of multidrug to treat multiple symptoms

Fig.8.17: Indicates the Frequency of Multidrug Usage to treat Multiple Symptoms From the above figure, we can interpret that most of respondents are likely to use multidrug to treat multiple symptom in same disease i.e.33 out of 120 sample size use multidrug therapy to treat the disease

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.19. Have you ever experienced any negative reaction or side effect from taking an OTC product? 8.2.13. Descriptive analysis for representation experience of side effect of an OTC product

Fig.8.18: Indicates the Frequency of Experience of Side Effect after Usage of an OTC Product From the above figure, we can interpret that most of respondents experienced negative reaction or side effect after using an OTC product i.e.94 out of 120 sample size experienced negative reaction after usage of an OTC product

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.20. what did you do mostly to stop the negative reaction?


8.2.14. Descriptive analysis for representation response to tackle side effect of an OTC product

Fig.8.19: Indicates the Frequency Response to tackle Side Effect of an OTC Product From the above figure, we can interpret that most of respondent experienced negative reaction or side effect after using an OTC product they tackle the side effect reaction by contacting the doctor i.e.39 out of 101 sample size contact doctor to treat the experienced negative reaction of an OTC product

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Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.3. Do you use OTC drugs or medication for mentioned below indication If Yes, please indicates the frequency of usage? 8.2.15. Descriptive analysis for representation response to frequency of suffering from fever

Fig.8.20: Indicates the Frequency Response of Suffering from Fever From the above figure, we can interpret that most of respondent experienced fever every bimonthly i.e.37 out of 120 sample size experience fever every bimonthly

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.3. Do you use OTC drugs or medication for mentioned below indication If Yes, please indicates the frequency of usage? 8.2.16. Descriptive analysis for representation response to frequency of suffering from pain

Fig.8.21: Indicates the Frequency Response of Suffering from Pain From the above figure, we can interpret that most of respondent experienced pain every monthly i.e.36 out of 120 sample size experience pain every monthly

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.3. Do you use OTC drugs or medication for mentioned below indication If Yes, please indicates the frequency of usage? 8.2.17. Descriptive analysis for representation response to frequency of suffering from cold flu

Fig.8.22: Indicates the Frequency Response of Suffering from Cold Flu From the above figure, we can interpret that most of respondent experienced cold flu every half yearly i.e.43 out of 120 sample size experience cold flu every half yearly

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.3. Do you use OTC drugs or medication for mentioned below indication If Yes, please indicates the frequency of usage? 8.2.18. Descriptive analysis for representation response to frequency of suffering from acidity

Fig.8.23: Indicates the Frequency Response of Suffering from Acidity From the above figure, we can interpret that most of respondent experienced acidity every biweekly i.e.32 out of 120 sample size experience acidity every biweekly

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.3. Do you use OTC drugs or medication for mentioned below indication If Yes, please indicates the frequency of usage? 8.2.19. Descriptive analysis for representation response to frequency of suffering from vomiting

Fig.8.24: Indicates the Frequency Response of Suffering from Vomiting From the above figure, we can interpret that most of respondent experienced vomiting every half yearly i.e.48 out of 120 sample size experience vomiting every half yearly

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.3. Do you use OTC drugs or medication for mentioned below indication If Yes, please indicates the frequency of usage? 8.2.20. Descriptive analysis for representation response to frequency of suffering from diahorrea

Fig.8.25: Indicates the Frequency Response of Suffering from Diahorrea From the above figure, we can interpret that most of respondent experienced diahorrea every bimonthly i.e.43 out of 120 sample size experience vomiting bimonthly Q.No.3. Do you use OTC drugs or medication for mentioned below indication If Yes, please indicates the frequency of usage?

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 8.2.21. Descriptive analysis for representation response to frequency usage of vitamin


Fig.8.26: Indicates the Frequency Response Usage of Vitamin From the above figure, we can interpret that most of respondent use vitamin every half yearly i.e.37 out of 120 sample size use vitamin every half yearly

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.3. Do you use OTC drugs or medication for mentioned below indication If Yes, please indicates the frequency of usage? 8.2.22. Descriptive analysis for representation response to frequency of suffering from skin disorder

Fig.8.27: Indicates the Frequency of Suffering from Skin Disorder From the above figure, we can interpret that most of respondent suffering from skin disorder every bimonthly i.e.28 out of 120 sample size suffering from skin disorder every bimonthly

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.10.Whose Advice is taken when you decide on which OTC drug to buy?


8.2.23. Descriptive analysis for representation response to an advice taken by doctor to purchase an OTC product

Fig.8.28: Indicates the Importance of Doctor in Advice to Purchase OTC Product From the above figure, we can interpret that most of respondent consider doctor as an important person to take advice to buy an OTC product i.e.50 out of 120 sample size consider doctor advice as rank 1 for purchase of OTC medicine

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.10.Whose Advice is taken when you decide on which OTC drug to buy?


8.2.24. Descriptive analysis for representation response to an advice taken by pharmacist to purchase an OTC product

Fig.8.29: Indicates the Importance of Pharmacist in Advice to Purchase OTC Product From the above figure, we can interpret that most of respondent dont consider pharmacist as an important person to take advice to buy an OTC product i.e.46 out of 120 sample size consider pharmacist advice as rank 4 for purchase of OTC medicine

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.10.Whose Advice is taken when you decide on which OTC drug to buy?


8.2.25. Descriptive analysis for representation response to an advice taken by family, friends, colleagues, acquaintance to purchase an OTC product

Fig.8.30: Indicates the Importance of Family, Friends, Colleagues, Acquaintance in Advice to Purchase OTC Product From the above figure, we can interpret that most of respondent consider family, friends, colleagues, acquaintance as an most important people to take advice to buy an OTC product i.e. 50 out of 120 sample size consider family, friends, colleagues, acquaintance advice as rank 1 for purchase of OTC medicine

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.10.Whose Advice is taken when you decide on which OTC drug to buy?


8.2.26. Descriptive analysis for representation response to an advice taken by media advertisement to purchase an OTC product

Fig.8.31: Indicates the Importance of Media Advertisement in Advice to Purchase OTC Product From the above figure, we can interpret that most of respondent consider media advertisement as an not so important factor to consider for taking advice to buy an OTC product i.e. 37 out of 120 sample size consider media advertisement advice as rank 6 for purchase of OTC medicine

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.10.Whose Advice is taken when you decide on which OTC drug to buy?


8.2.27. Descriptive analysis for representation response to an advice taken by past experience to purchase an OTC product

Fig.8.32: Indicates the Importance of Past Experience as an Advice to Purchase OTC Product From the above figure, we can interpret that most of respondent consider past experience as an important factor to take advice to buy an OTC product i.e.40 out of 120 sample size consider past experience as an advice on rank 2 for purchase of OTC medicine

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.10.Whose Advice is taken when you decide on which OTC drug to buy?


8.2.28. Descriptive analysis for representation response to an advice taken by advertisement on chemist store to purchase an OTC product

Fig.8.33: Indicates the Importance of Advertisement on Chemist Store in Advice to Purchase OTC Product From the above figure, we can interpret that most of respondent consider advertisement on chemist store as an not so important factor to consider for taking advice to buy an OTC product i.e. 52 out of 120 sample size consider media advertisement advice as rank 5 for purchase of OTC medicine

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.10.Whose Advice is taken when you decide on which OTC drug to buy?


8.2.29. Descriptive analysis for representation response to an advice taken from internet information to purchase an OTC product

Fig.8.34: Indicates the Importance of Internet Information in Advice to Purchase OTC Product From the above figure, we can interpret that most of respondent consider internet information as an least important factor to consider for taking advice to buy an OTC product i.e. 78 out of 120 sample size consider internet information advice as rank 7 for purchase of OTC medicine

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 8.3. DATA INTERPRETATION OR ADVANCE ANALYSIS


8.3.1. Cross Tab

Age * Overall how would you rate your current health Ho: There is no significant difference between overall health of people and the age of a person Ha: There is a significant difference between the overall health of people and the age of a person Crosstab Count Overall how would you rate your current health excellent Age Below 25 yrs 25-35 35-45 Total 4 6 0 Very good Fair 17 19 19 6 61 3 9 9 12 33 poor 0 4 2 7 13 Very poor Total 0 1 0 1 2 24 39 30 27 120

Above 45 years 1 11

Tab.8.1: Crosstab to identify overall health with respect to age of the person Chi-Square Tests Value


Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 29.598 12 .003 Likelihood Ratio 34.770 12 .001 Linear-by-Linear Association 18.583 1 .000 N of Valid Cases 120 a. 12 cells (60.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .40. Tab.8.2: Chi square to measure the overall health with respect to age of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we accept alternative hypothesis Hence, we accept Ha. There is significant difference between the overall health and the age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Age * would you say that you are taking more, fewer or about same number of product than you did five year ago? Ho: There is no significant difference between number of product usage and the age of a person Ha: There is a significant difference between number of product usage and the age of a person

Crosstab Count Would you say that you are taking more, fewer or about same number of product than you did five year ago? More Fewer About same Don't know Total Age Below 25 yrs 7 25-35 35-45 Above years Total 13 12 45 9 41 4 15 6 10 35 11 8 10 5 34 2 3 2 3 10 24 39 30 27 120

Tab.8.3: Crosstab to identify number of product usage with respect to age of the person Chi-Square Tests Value


Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 9.354 9 .405 Likelihood Ratio 9.318 9 .408 Linear-by-Linear Association .573 1 .449 N of Valid Cases 120 a. 4 cells (25.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 2.00. Tab.8.4: Chi square to measure number of product usage with respect to age of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho. There is no significant difference between number of product usage and the age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Age * Are you likely to re-read the label again in the following circumstances? Ho: There is no significant difference between usage of label and the age of a person Ha: There is a significant difference between usage of label and the age of a person Crosstab Count Are you likely to re-read the label again in the following circumstances? OTC OTC medicine medicine OTC with with OTC medicine to prescription medicine at Don't a child drug at same same time read label Other Age Below 25 11 yrs 25-35 35-45 15 16 3 2 4 0 9 2 3 1 0 6 8 18 9 16 51 0 1 0 1 2


Total 24 39 30 27 120

Above 45 10 years Total 52

Tab.8.5: Crosstab to identify usage of packaging labels with respect to age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases Tab.8.6: Chi square to 13.527a 17.033 .818 Df 12 12 1 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .332 .148 .366


120 measure usage of packaging labels

with respect to age of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho. There is no significant difference between usage of label and the age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Age * Based on what you know, what is most accurate way to determine the amount of medicine to be taken in particular indication? Ho: There is no significant difference between knowledge of dosage and the age of a person Ha: There is a significant difference between knowledge of dosage and the age of a person Crosstab Count Based on what you know, what is most accurate way to determine the amount of medicine to be taken in particular indication? Both Neither weight and weight nor Don't Weight Age age age know/not sure Total Age Below yrs 25-35 35-45 Above years Total 25 4 3 3 45 5 15 3 10 3 4 20 3 6 5 5 19 3 6 8 5 22 11 14 11 8 44 24 39 30 27 120

Tab.8.7: Crosstab to identify knowledge of usage of medicine with respect to age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 7.975a 12 .787 Likelihood Ratio 7.778 12 .802 Linear-by-Linear .294 1 .587 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 11 cells (55.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 3.00. Tab.8.8: Chi square to measure the knowledge of usage of medicine with respect to age of the person

Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho. There is no significant difference between knowledge of dosage and the age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Age * Have you ever taken more than the recommended dose of a non-prescription medicine? Ho: There is no significant difference between more usage of medicine and the age of a person Ha: There is a significant difference between more usage of medicine and the age of a person Crosstab Count Have you ever taken more than the recommended dose of a non-prescription medicine? Yes NO Not sure Total Age Below 25 yrs 25-35 35-45 Above 45 years Total 3 12 15 12 42 11 7 4 8 30 10 20 11 7 48 24 39 30 27 120

Tab.8.9: Crosstab to identify excessive usage of medicine with respect to age of the person Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 15.773 16.319 5.789 120

Df 6 6 1

Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .015 .012 .016

Tab.8.10: Chi square to measure excessive usage of medicine with respect to age of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ha. There is no significant difference between more usage of medicine and the age of the person Rehan Faquih Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Age * what is the reason for taking more medicine is?


Ho: There is no significant difference between reason for taking more medicine and the age of a person Ha: There is a significant difference between reason for taking more medicine and the age of a person Crosstab Count What is the reason for taking more medicine is? Believe it Didn't get any relieves better by taking 0-No more Had severe recommended Used response quickly symptoms dose prescription Age Below 25 19 yrs 25-35 35-45 27 14 0 0 5 2 7 4 5 5 4 18 1 6 5 2 14 0 1 1 6 8

Total 24 39 30 27 120

Above 45 13 years Total 73

Tab.8.11: Crosstab to identify reason for excessive usage of medicine with respect to age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 29.098a 12 .004 Likelihood Ratio 29.331 12 .004 Linear-by-Linear 8.155 1 .004 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 15 cells (75.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.40. Tab.8.12: Chi square to measure the reason for excessive usage of medicine with respect to age of the person

Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ha. There is no significant difference between more usage of medicine and the age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Age * Have you ever experienced any negative reaction or side effect from taking an OTC product? Ho: There is no significant difference between negative reaction experienced and the age of a person Ha: There is a significant difference between negative reaction experienced and the age of a person Crosstab Count Have you ever experienced any negative reaction or side effect from taking an OTC product? Yes Age Below 25 yrs 25-35 35-45 Above years Total 17 33 19 45 25 94 No 5 5 9 1 20 Not sure 2 1 2 1 6 Total 24 39 30 27 120

Tab.8.13: Crosstab to identify experience of negative reaction with respect to age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 9.703a 6 .138 Likelihood Ratio 10.392 6 .109 Linear-by-Linear .915 1 .339 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 6 cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.20. Tab.8.14: Chi square to measure the experience of negative reaction with respect to age of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho. There is no significant difference between negative reaction experienced and the age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.3. Do you use OTC drugs or medication for mentioned below indication If Yes, please indicates the frequency of usage? Age * Pain Ho: There is no significant difference between frequency of suffering from pain and the age of a person Ha: There is a significant difference between frequency of suffering from pain and the age of a person Crosstab Count Pain Daily Weekly Biweekly Monthly Bimonthly Half yearly Yearly Total Age Below 25 yrs 25-35 35-45 0 0 0 2 0 2 4 8 6 7 3 12 28 3 13 14 6 36 6 12 9 3 30 6 7 2 1 16 1 0 0 0 1 24 39 30 27 120

Above 45 years 1 Total 1

Tab.8.15: Crosstab to identify the frequency of suffering with pain with respect to age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 35.559a 18 .008 Likelihood Ratio 37.045 18 .005 Linear-by-Linear 13.312 1 .000 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 15 cells (53.6%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .20. Tab.8.16: Chi square to measure the frequency of suffering with pain with respect to age of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ha. There is significant difference between frequency of suffering from pain and the age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.3. Do you use OTC drugs or medication for mentioned below indication If Yes, please indicates the frequency of usage? Age * Acidity Ho: There is no significant difference between frequency of suffering from acidity and the age of a person Ha: There is a significant difference between frequency of suffering from acidity and the age of a person Crosstab Count Acidity Daily Weekly Biweekly Monthly Bimonthly Half yearly Total Age Below 25 yrs 25-35 35-45 3 6 2 3 5 7 8 23 10 7 11 4 32 2 11 5 5 23 5 8 2 2 17 1 2 3 1 7 24 39 30 27 120

Above 45 years 7 Total 18

Tab.8.17: Crosstab to identify the frequency of suffering from acidity with respect to age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 20.925a 15 .139 Likelihood Ratio 21.185 15 .131 Linear-by-Linear 2.977 1 .084 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 12 cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.40. Tab.8.18: Chi square to measure the frequency of suffering from acidity with respect to age of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho. There is no significant difference between frequency of suffering from acidity and the age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.3. Do you use OTC drugs or medication for mentioned below indication If Yes, please indicates the frequency of usage? Age * Skin Disorder Ho: There is no significant difference between frequency of suffering from skin disorder and the age of a person Ha: There is a significant difference between frequency of suffering from skin disorder and the age of a person Crosstab Count Skin Disorder Daily Weekly Biweekly Monthly Bimonthly Half yearly Yearly Total Age Below 25 yrs 25-35 35-45 0 0 0 7 3 1 0 9 5 2 5 8 9 13 6 6 6 4 0 3 6 24 39 30

Above 45 years 2 4 5 7 0 6 3 27 Total 2 15 19 22 28 22 12 120 Tab.8.19: Crosstab to identify the frequency of suffering from skin disorder with respect to age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 41.463a 18 .001 Likelihood Ratio 51.326 18 .000 Linear-by-Linear .061 1 .804 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 19 cells (67.9%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .40. Tab.8.20: Chi square to measure the frequency of suffering from skin disorder with respect to age of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ha. There is significant difference between frequency of suffering from skin disorder and the age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.6. what makes you take decision on your own to purchase medicine? Age * Past experience


Ho: There is no significant difference between past experience as the influence of purchase of OTC product and the age of a person Ha: There is a significant difference between past experience as the influence of purchase of OTC product and the age of a person Crosstab Count Past experience Disagree Undecided Age Below 25 yrs 25-35 35-45 1 0 0 3 9 10

Agree 10 13 12

Strongly Agree Total 10 17 8 24 39 30

Above 45 years 0 9 7 11 27 Total 1 31 42 46 120 Tab.8.21: Crosstab to identify influence of past experience in purchase of OTC drug with respect to age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value


Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 9.649 9 .380 Likelihood Ratio 9.310 9 .409 Linear-by-Linear Association 1.022 1 .312 N of Valid Cases 120 a. 4 cells (25.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .20. Tab.8.22: Chi square to measure the influence of past experience in purchase of OTC drug with respect to age of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho. There is no significant difference between past experience as the influence of purchase of OTC product and the age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.6. what makes you take decision on your own to purchase medicine? Age * Advertisement


Ho: There is no significant difference between advertisement as the influence of purchase of OTC product and the age of a person Ha: There is a significant difference between advertisement as the influence of purchase of OTC product and the age of a person Crosstab Count Advertisement Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Age Below 25 yrs 25-35 35-45 3 6 4 10 14 5 6 11 11 5 8 9 Strongly Agree Total 0 0 1 24 39 30

Above 45 yrs 5 7 11 4 0 27 Total 18 36 39 26 1 120 Tab.8.23: Crosstab to identify influence of advertisement in purchase of OTC drug with respect to age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 9.790a 12 .634 Likelihood Ratio 9.729 12 .640 Linear-by-Linear .185 1 .667 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 7 cells (35.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .20. Tab.8.24: Chi square to measure the influence of advertisement in purchase of OTC drug with respect to age of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho. There is no significant difference between advertisement as the influence of purchase of OTC product and the age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.6. what makes you take decision on your own to purchase medicine? Age * Chemist promotion


Ho: There is no significant difference between chemist promotion as the influence of purchase of OTC product and the age of a person Ha: There is a significant difference between chemist promotion as the influence of purchase of OTC product and the age of a person Crosstab Count Chemist promotion Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Age Below 25 yrs 25-35 35-45 1 2 0 7 7 2 8 8 8 5 15 14 Strongly Agree Total 3 7 6 24 39 30

Above 45 yrs 2 4 8 8 5 27 Total 5 20 32 42 21 120 Tab.8.25: Crosstab to identify influence of chemist promotion in purchase of OTC drug with respect to age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 10.573a 12 .566 Likelihood Ratio 11.990 12 .446 Linear-by-Linear 1.431 1 .232 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 8 cells (40.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.00. Tab.8.26: Chi square to measure the influence of chemist promotion in purchase of OTC drug with respect to age of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis. Hence, we accept Ho. There is no significant difference between chemist promotion as the influence of purchase of OTC product and the age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.7. please indicate the importance of following attribute in a purchase of OTC drug Age * Family /Friend Recommendation Ho: There is no significant difference between family or friend recommendation as the influence of purchase of OTC product and the age of a person Ha: There is a significant difference between family or friend recommendation as the influence of purchase of OTC product and the age of a person Crosstab Count Family /Friend Recommendation Of little Moderately Unimportant importance important Age Below yrs 25-35 35-45 25 4 6 5 6 11 2 5 8 6 Very important 7 11 12

Important 2 3 5

Total 24 39 30

Above 45 5 6 7 2 7 27 yrs Total 20 25 26 12 37 120 Tab.8.27: Crosstab to identify influence of family /friends recommendation in purchase of OTC drug with respect to age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 7.449a 12 .827 Likelihood Ratio 8.133 12 .775 Linear-by-Linear .070 1 .792 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 6 cells (30.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 2.40. Tab.8.28: Chi square to measure the influence of family/friends recommendation in purchase of OTC drug with respect to age of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho. There is no significant difference between family or friend recommendation as the influence of purchase of OTC product and the age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.8. Have you seen advertisement of OTC drug recently, if Yes, please indicate if you have use or recommended it to others? Age * Magazine Ho: There is no significant difference between advertisement effect of magazine as the influence of purchase of OTC product and the age of a person Ha: There is a significant difference between advertisement effect of magazine as the influence of purchase of OTC product and the age of a person Crosstab Count Magazine Probably Definitely will recommend/ recommend Not use / use sure Age Below 25 2 yrs 25-35 35-45 4 2 9 16 12 7 0 10 Probably Definitely will will not not Never used/ recommen recommend/us Recommende d /use e d Total 3 5 2 3 4 4 0 10 0 24 39 30

Above 45 6 13 2 2 3 1 27 years Total 14 50 19 12 14 11 120 Tab.8.29: Crosstab to identify advertisement effect of magazine influences in purchase of OTC drug with respect to age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 38.306a 15 .001 Likelihood Ratio 43.827 15 .000 Linear-by-Linear 2.499 1 .114 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 19 cells (79.2%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 2.20. Tab.8.30: Chi square to measure advertisement effect of magazine influences in purchase of OTC drug with respect to age of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ha. There is significant difference between advertisement effect of magazine as the influence of purchase of OTC product and the age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Gender * Overall how would you rate your current health? Ho: There is no significant difference between overall health and gender of people Ha: There is a significant difference between overall health and gender of people


Crosstab Count Overall how would you rate your current health? Very Excellent Very good good Poor poor Gender Male 4 25 36 61 17 16 33 9 4 13 2 0 2 Female 7 Total 11

Total 57 63 120

Tab.8.31: Crosstab to identify overall health with respect to gender of the person Chi-Square Tests Value


Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 6.471 4 .167 Likelihood Ratio 7.299 4 .121 Linear-by-Linear Association 5.711 1 .017 N of Valid Cases 120 a. 2 cells (20.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .95. Tab.8.32: Chi square to measure the overall health with respect to gender of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha. There is no significant difference between overall health and gender of people

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Gender * Would you say that you are taking more, fewer or about same number of product than you did five year ago? Crosstab Count Would you say that you are taking more, fewer or about same number of product than you did five year ago? More Fewer About same Don't know Total Gender Male 20 14 21 35 18 16 34 5 5 10 57 63 120 Female 21 Total 41

Tab.8.33: Crosstab to identify number of product usage with respect to gender of the person Chi-Square Tests Value


Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 1.245 3 .742 Likelihood Ratio 1.251 3 .741 Linear-by-Linear .117 1 .733 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 1 cells (12.5%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 4.75. Tab.8.34: Chi square to measure number of product usage with respect to gender of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha There is no significant difference between number of product usage and gender

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Gender * Are you likely to re-read the label again in the following circumstances?


Ho: There is no significant difference between usage of packaging instruction and gender of people Ha: There is a significant difference between usage of packaging instruction and gender of people Crosstab Count Are you likely to re-read the label again in the following circumstances? OTC OTC medicine medicine OTC with with OTC Don't medicine to prescription medicine at read a child drug at same same time label Other Gender Male 24 5 2 25 1

Total 57

Female 28 4 4 26 1 63 Total 52 9 6 51 2 120 Tab.8.35: Crosstab to identify usage of packaging labels with respect to gender of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square .807a 4 .937 Likelihood Ratio .818 4 .936 Linear-by-Linear .039 1 .844 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 6 cells (60.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .95. Tab.8.36: Chi square to measure usage of packaging labels with respect to gender of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha. There is no significant difference between usage of packaging instruction and gender of people

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Gender * If you have more than one symptom at same time like headache, sore throat, how likely are you to take more than one OTC medicine? Ho: There is no significant difference between usage of multiple drug and gender of people Ha: There is a significant difference between usage of multiple drug and gender of people Crosstab Count If you have more than one symptom at same time like headache, sore throat, how likely are you to take more than one OTC medicine? Not at all Not very Somewhat Very Extremely likely likely likely likely likely Total Gender Male Female Total 7 7 14 19 11 30 11 12 23 10 23 33 10 10 20 57 63 120

Tab.8.37: Crosstab to identify excessive usage of multidrug with respect to gender of the person Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square 7.016a Likelihood Ratio 7.165 Linear-by-Linear 2.068 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected minimum expected count is 6.65. df 4 4 1 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .135 .127 .150

count less than 5. The

Tab.8.38: Chi square to measure multidrug usage of medicine with respect to gender of the person. Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha. There is no significant difference between usage of multiple drug and gender of people

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Gender * Have you ever experienced any negative reaction or side effect from taking an OTC product? Ho: There is no significant difference between negative reaction or side effect and gender of people Ha: There is a significant difference between negative reaction or side effect and gender of people Crosstab Count Have you ever experienced any negative reaction or side effect from taking an OTC product? Yes No Not sure Total Gender Male 47 8 12 20 2 4 6 57 63 120 Female 47 Total 94

Tab.8.39: Crosstab to identify experience of negative reaction with respect to gender of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 1.170a 2 .557 Likelihood Ratio 1.185 2 .553 Linear-by-Linear 1.148 1 .284 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 2 cells (33.3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 2.85. Tab.8.40: Chi square to measure the experience of negative reaction with respect to gender of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha. There is no significant difference between negative reaction or side effect and gender of people

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.3. Do you use OTC drugs or medication for mentioned below indication If Yes, please indicates the frequency of usage? Gender * Pain Ho: There is no significant difference between frequency of pain suffering and gender of people Ha: There is a significant difference between frequency of pain suffering and gender of people Crosstab Count Pain Daily Gender Male 0 Female 1 Total 1 Weekly 4 4 8 Biweekly Monthly Bimonthly Half yearly Yearly 13 15 28 16 20 36 15 15 30 9 7 16 0 1 1 Total 57 63 120

Tab.8.41: Crosstab to identify the frequency of suffering with pain with respect to gender of the person Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 2.544a 6 .864 Likelihood Ratio 3.311 6 .769 Linear-by-Linear .280 1 .597 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 6 cells (42.9%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .48. Tab.8.42: Chi square to measure the frequency of suffering with pain with respect to gender of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha. There is no significant difference between frequency of pain suffering and gender of people

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.3. Do you use OTC drugs or medication for mentioned below indication If Yes, please indicates the frequency of usage? Gender * Acidity Ho: There is no significant difference between frequency of acidity suffering and gender of people Ha: There is a significant difference between frequency of acidity suffering and gender of people Crosstab Count Acidity Daily Gender Male 9 Female 9 Total 18 Weekly 12 11 23 Biweekly Monthly Bimonthly Half yearly Total 15 17 32 9 14 23 7 10 17 5 2 7 57 63 120

Tab.8.43: Crosstab to identify the frequency of suffering from acidity with respect to gender of the person Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 2.778a 5 .734 Likelihood Ratio 2.825 5 .727 Linear-by-Linear .017 1 .896 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 2 cells (16.7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 3.33. Tab.8.44: Chi square to measure the frequency of suffering from acidity with respect to gender of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha. There is no significant difference between frequency of acidity suffering and gender of people Rehan Faquih Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.3. Do you use OTC drugs or medication for mentioned below indication If Yes, please indicates the frequency of usage? Gender * Skin Disorder Ho: There is no significant difference between frequency of skin problem suffering and gender of people Ha: There is a significant difference between frequency of skin problem suffering and gender of people Crosstab Count Skin Disorder Daily Gender Male 1 Weekly 6 Biweekly Monthly 9 10 Half Bimonthly yearly 16 10 Yearly 5 Total 57

Female 1 9 10 12 12 12 7 63 Total 2 15 19 22 28 22 12 120 Tab.8.45: Crosstab to identify the frequency of suffering from skin disorder with respect to gender of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 1.625a 6 .951 Likelihood Ratio 1.629 6 .950 Linear-by-Linear .045 1 .833 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 2 cells (14.3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .95. Tab.8.46: Chi square to measure the frequency of suffering from skin disorder with respect to gender of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha. There is no significant difference between frequency of skin problem suffering and gender of people

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.6. what makes you take decision on your own to purchase medicine? Gender * Past experience


Ho: There is no significant difference between past experience as the influence of purchase of OTC product and gender of a person Ha: There is a significant difference between past experience as the influence of purchase of OTC product and gender of a person Crosstab Count Past experience Disagree Undecided Gender Male 0 15 Agree 22 Strongly Agree 20 Total 57

Female 1 16 20 26 63 Total 1 31 42 46 120 Tab.8.47: Crosstab to identify influence of past experience in purchase of OTC drug with respect to gender of the person Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 1.614a 3 .656 Likelihood Ratio 1.999 3 .573 Linear-by-Linear .069 1 .793 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 2 cells (25.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .48. Tab.8.48: Chi square to measure the influence of past experience in purchase of OTC drug with respect to gender of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha. aThere is no significant difference between past experience as the influence of purchase of OTC product and gender of a person Rehan Faquih Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.6. what makes you take decision on your own to purchase medicine? Gender * Advertisement


Ho: There is no significant difference between advertisement as the influence of purchase of OTC product and gender of a person Ha: There is a significant difference between advertisement as the influence of purchase of OTC product and gender of a person Crosstab Count Advertisement Strongly Disagree Disagree Gender Male 11 16 Strongly Agree 1

Undecided Agree 16 13

Total 57

Female 7 20 23 13 0 63 Total 18 36 39 26 1 120 Tab.8.49: Crosstab to identify influence of advertisement in purchase of OTC drug with respect to gender of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 3.298a 4 .509 Likelihood Ratio 3.691 4 .449 Linear-by-Linear .144 1 .704 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 2 cells (20.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .48. Tab.8.50: Chi square to measure the influence of advertisement in purchase of OTC drug with respect to gender of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho. There is no significant difference between advertisement as the influence of purchase of OTC product and gender of a person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.7. please indicate the importance of following attribute in a purchase of OTC drug? Gender * Price Ho: There is no significant difference between price as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and gender of a person Ha: There is a significant difference between price as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and gender of a person Crosstab Count Price Of little Moderately importance important Gender Male 19 18

Important 12

Very important Total 8 57

Female 9 9 26 19 63 Total 28 27 38 27 120 Tab.8.51: Crosstab to identify influence of price in purchase of OTC drug with respect to gender of the person Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 15.951 16.305 13.020 120

df 3 3 1

Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .001 .001 .000

Tab.8.52: Chi square to measure the influence of price in purchase of OTC drug with respect to gender of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ha and reject Ho. There is significant difference between price as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and gender of a person Rehan Faquih Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.7. please indicate the importance of following attribute in a purchase of OTC drug? Gender * Promotion Ho: There is no significant difference between promotion as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and gender of a person Ha: There is a significant difference between promotion as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and gender of a person Crosstab Count Promotion Unimportant Gender Male 3 Of little Moderately importance important 12 13 Important 20 Very important 9 Total 57

Female 0 15 23 20 5 63 Total 3 27 36 40 14 120 Tab.8.53: Crosstab to identify influence of promotion in purchase of OTC drug with respect to gender of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 6.971a 4 .137 Likelihood Ratio 8.166 4 .086 Linear-by-Linear .363 1 .547 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 2 cells (20.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.43. Tab.8.54: Chi square to measure the influence of promotion in purchase of OTC drug with respect to gender of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha. There is no significant difference between promotion as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and gender of a person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.7. please indicate the importance of following attribute in a purchase of OTC drug? Gender * Pharmacist recommendation Ho: There is no significant difference between pharmacist recommendation as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and gender of a person Ha: There is a significant difference between pharmacist recommendation as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and gender of a person Crosstab Count Pharmacist recommendation Moderately Very important Important important Gender Male 9 32 16

Total 57

Female 11 31 21 63 Total 20 63 37 120 Tab.8.55: Crosstab to identify influence of Pharmacist recommendation in purchase of OTC drug with respect to gender of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square .593a 2 .743 Likelihood Ratio .594 2 .743 Linear-by-Linear .084 1 .772 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 9.50. Tab.8.56: Chi square to measure the influence of Pharmacist recommendation in purchase of OTC drug with respect to gender of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho. There is no significant difference between pharmacist recommendation as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and gender of a person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.7. please indicate the importance of following attribute in a purchase of OTC drug? Gender * Family /Friend Recommendation Ho: There is no significant difference between family or friend recommendation as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and gender of a person Ha: There is a significant difference between family or friend recommendation as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and gender of a person Crosstab Count Family /Friend Recommendation Of little Moderately Unimportant importance important Gender Male 8 13 11 Very important 19

Important 6

Total 57

Female 12 12 15 6 18 63 Total 20 25 26 12 37 120 Tab.8.57: Crosstab to identify influence of family /friends recommendation in purchase of OTC drug with respect to gender of the person Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 1.185 1.190 .384 120

df 4 4 1

Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .881 .880 .535

Tab.8.58: Chi square to measure the influence of family /friends recommendation in purchase of OTC drug with respect to gender of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis hence, we accept Ho. There is no significant difference between family or friend recommendation as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and gender of a person Rehan Faquih Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.8. Have you seen advertisement of OTC drug recently, if Yes, please indicate if you have use or recommended it to others? Gender * Television Ho: There is no significant difference between advertisement effect of television on purchase of OTC product and gender of a person Ha: There is a significant difference between advertisement effect of television on purchase of OTC product and gender of a person Crosstab Television Definitely recommend/use Gender Male 13 Probably will Probably will recommend/ Not not recommend Definitely will not use sure /use recommend/use Total 13 11 16 4 57

Female 7 15 14 21 6 63 Total 20 28 25 37 10 120 Tab.8.59: Crosstab to identify advertisement effect of television influences in purchase of OTC drug with respect to gender of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 3.086a 3.112 2.065 120 Df 4 4 1 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .543 .539 .151


Tab.8.60: Chi square to measure advertisement effect of television influences in purchase of OTC drug with respect to gender of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha .There is no significant difference between advertisement effect of television on purchase of OTC product and gender of a person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.8. Have you seen advertisement of OTC drug recently, if Yes, please indicate if you have use or recommended it to others? Gender * Chemist shop Ho: There is no significant difference between advertisement effect of chemist shop on purchase of OTC product and gender of a person Ha: There is a significant difference between advertisement effect of chemist shop on purchase of OTC product and gender of a person Crosstab Chemist shop Probably Definitely will recommend/u recommen Not se d/ use sure Gender Male 17 15 10 25 10 9 19 Female 22 Total 39 Probably Definitely will not will not Never used/ recommen recommend/u Recommend d /use se ed Total 1 13 14 6 8 14 8 1 9 57 63 120

Tab.8.61: Crosstab to identify advertisement effect of chemist shop influences in purchase of OTC drug with respect to gender of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 17.453a 20.090 .212 120 Df 5 5 1 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .004 .001 .645


Tab.8.62: Chi square to measure advertisement effect of chemist shop influences in purchase of OTC drug with respect to gender of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis hence, we reject Ho and accept Ha. There is significant difference between advertisement effect of chemist shop on purchase of OTC product and gender of a person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Nature of family * Overall how would you rate your current health? Ho: There is no significant difference between overall health and nature of family Ha: There is a significant difference between overall health and nature of family Crosstab Count Overall how would you rate your current health? Excellent Very good good Poor 5 Nature of family Nuclear Joint Total 7 4 11 33 28 61 24 9 33 8 5 13 1 1 2 Total 73 47 120


Tab.8.63: Crosstab to identify overall health with respect to nature of family of the person Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 3.258a 4 .516 Likelihood Ratio 3.334 4 .504 Linear-by-Linear .460 1 .497 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 3 cells (30.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .78. Tab.8.64: Chi square to measure the overall health with respect to nature of family of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho. There is no significant difference between overall health and nature of family

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Nature of family * would you say that you are taking more, fewer or about same number of product than you did five year ago? Ho: There is no significant difference between number of product usage and nature of family Ha: There is a significant difference between number of product usage and nature of family Crosstab Count Would you say that you are taking more, fewer or about same number of product than you did five year ago? More Fewer About same Don't know Total Nature family of Nuclear 27 Joint Total 14 41 17 18 35 23 11 34 6 4 10 73 47 120

Tab.8.65: Crosstab to identify number of product usage with respect to nature of family of the person Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 3.308 3.275 .000 120

df 3 3 1

Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .347 .351 .986

Tab.8.66: Chi square to measure number of product usage with respect to nature of family of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha There is no significant difference between number of product usage and nature of family

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Nature of family * Are you likely to re-read the label again in the following circumstances? Ho: There is no significant difference between usage of packaging instruction and nature of family Ha: There is a significant difference between usage of packaging instruction and nature of family Crosstab Count Are you likely to re-read the label again in the following circumstances? OTC OTC medicine medicine OTC with with OTC Don't medicine to prescription medicine at read a child drug at same same time label Other Total Nature of Nuclear family Joint Total 32 20 52 6 3 9 3 3 6 32 19 51 0 2 2 73 47 120

Tab.8.67: Crosstab to identify usage of packaging labels with respect to nature of family of the person Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 3.620a 4.259 .124 120 df 4 4 1 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .460 .372 .725

Tab.8.68: Chi square to measure usage of packaging labels with respect to nature of family of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha.There is no significant difference between usage of packaging instruction and nature of family

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Nature of family * Based on what you know, what is most accurate way to determine the amount of medicine to be taken in particular indication? Ho: There is no significant difference between knowledge of dosing and nature of family Ha: There is a significant difference between knowledge of dosing and nature of family Crosstab Count Based on what you know, what is most accurate way to determine the amount of medicine to be taken in particular indication? Both Neither Don't weight and weight nor know/not Weight Age age age sure Nature family of Nuclear Joint Total 12 3 15 14 6 20 10 9 19 14 8 22 23 21 44

Total 73 47 120

Tab.8.69: Crosstab to identify knowledge of usage of medicine with respect to nature of family of the person Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 4.980a 5.196 3.529 120 df 4 4 1 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .289 .268 .060

Tab.8.70: Chi square to measure the knowledge of usage of medicine with respect to nature of family of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha. There is no significant difference between usage of knowledge of dosing and nature of family

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Nature of family * Have you ever taken more than the recommended dose of a nonprescription medicine? Ho: There is no significant difference between overdosage of OTC medicine and nature of family Ha: There is a significant difference between overdosage of OTC medicine and nature of family Crosstab Count Have you ever taken more than the recommended dose of a non-prescription medicine? Yes NO Not sure Total Nature family of Nuclear 27 Joint Total 15 42 16 14 30 30 18 48 73 47 120

Tab.8.71: Crosstab to identify excessive usage of medicine with respect to nature of family of the person Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square .974a Likelihood Ratio .964 Linear-by-Linear .020 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected minimum expected count is 11.75. df 2 2 1 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .614 .618 .889

count less than 5. The

Tab.8.72: Chi square to measure excessive usage of medicine with respect to nature of family of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha. There is no significant difference between overdosage of OTC medicine and nature of family Rehan Faquih Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Nature of family * If yes, how much more have you taken? Ho: There is no significant difference between reason of overdosage and nature of family Ha: There is a significant difference between reason of overdosage and nature of family Crosstab Count If yes, how much more have you taken? More no of More than Next dose dosages recommended no sooner than per day of pills at single directed on directed on Don't time label label know 6 5 11 16 7 23 4 5 9 4 0 4


No response Nature of Nuclear family Joint Total 43 30 73

Total 73 47 120

Tab.8.73: Crosstab to identify reason for excessive usage of medicine with respect to nature of family of the person Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 4.622a 4 .328 Likelihood Ratio 6.014 4 .198 Linear-by-Linear .675 1 .411 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 4 cells (40.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.57. Tab.8.74: Chi square to measure the reason for excessive usage of medicine with respect to nature of family of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha. There is no significant difference between overdosage of OTC medicine and nature of family

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Nature of family * If you have more than one symptom at same time like headache, sore throat, how likely are you to take more than one OTC medicine? Ho: There is no significant difference between usage of multiple drug and nature of family Ha: There is a significant difference between usage of multiple drug and nature of family Crosstab Count If you have more than one symptom at same time like headache, sore throat, how likely are you to take more than one OTC medicine? Not at all Not very Somewhat Very Extremely likely likely likely likely likely Total Nature family of Nuclear Joint Total 9 5 14 21 9 30 17 6 23 17 16 33 9 11 20 73 47 120

Tab.8.75: Crosstab to identify usage of multidrug with respect to nature of family of the person Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square 6.086a Likelihood Ratio 6.131 Linear-by-Linear 3.637 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected minimum expected count is 5.48. df 4 4 1 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .193 .190 .057

count less than 5. The

Tab.8.76: Chi square to measure multidrug usage of medicine with respect to nature of family of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha. There is no significant difference between usage of multiple drug and nature of family

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.3. Do you use OTC drugs or medication for mentioned below indication If Yes, please indicates the frequency of usage? Nature of family * Cold,Flu Ho: There is no significant difference between frequency of cold flu suffering and nature of family Ha: There is a significant difference between frequency of cold flu suffering and nature of family Crosstab Count Cold,Flu Weekly Biweekly Nature Nuclear of Joint family Total 1 0 1 7 1 8 Monthly 18 6 24 Bimonthly 22 18 40 Half yearly 25 18 43 Yearly 0 4 4 Total 73 47 120

Tab.8.77: Crosstab to identify the frequency of suffering with cold flu with respect to nature of family of the person Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 11.968 14.140 7.450 120

df 5 5 1

Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .035 .015 .006

Tab.8.78: Chi square to measure the frequency of suffering with cold flu with respect to nature of family of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ha and reject Ho. There is significant difference between frequency of cold flu suffering and nature of family Rehan Faquih Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.3. Do you use OTC drugs or medication for mentioned below indication If Yes, please indicates the frequency of usage? Nature of family * Vitamin Ho: There is no significant difference between frequency of vitamin usage and nature of family Ha: There is a significant difference between frequency of vitamin usage and nature of family Crosstab Count Vitamin Daily Weekly Nature Nuclear 3 of Joint 1 family Total 4 3 1 4 Biweekly 10 2 12 Monthly 5 9 14 Bimonthly 20 5 25 Half yearly 18 19 37 Yearly 14 10 24 Total 73 47 120

Tab.8.79: Crosstab to identify the frequency of suffering from vitamin with respect to nature of family of the person Chi-Square Tests Value


Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 13.154 6 .041 Likelihood Ratio 13.730 6 .033 Linear-by-Linear 1.904 1 .168 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 5 cells (35.7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.57. Tab.8.80: Chi square to measure the frequency of suffering from vitamin with respect to nature of family of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ha and reject Ho. There is significant difference between frequency of vitamin usage and nature of family Rehan Faquih Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.6. what makes you take decision on your own to purchase medicine? Nature of family * Past experience


Ho: There is no significant difference between past experience as the influence of purchase of OTC product and nature of family Ha: There is a significant difference between past experience as the influence of purchase of OTC product and nature of family Crosstab Count Past experience Disagree Undecided Nature of family Nuclear 1 22 Agree 29 Strongly Agree Total 21 73

Joint 0 9 13 25 47 Total 1 31 42 46 120 Tab.8.81: Crosstab to identify influence of past experience in purchase of OTC drug with respect to nature of family of the person Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 7.619a 3 .055 Likelihood Ratio 7.932 3 .047 Linear-by-Linear 6.222 1 .013 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 2 cells (25.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .39. Tab.8.82: Chi square to measure the influence of past experience in purchase of OTC drug with respect to nature of family of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho. There is no significant difference between past experience as the influence of purchase of OTC product and nature of family Rehan Faquih Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.6. what makes you take decision on your own to purchase medicine? Nature of family * Advertisement


Ho: There is no significant difference between advertisement as the influence of purchase of OTC product and nature of family Ha: There is a significant difference between advertisement as the influence of purchase of OTC product and nature of family Crosstab Count Advertisement Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Nature family of Nuclear 12 23 26 11 Strongly Agree Total 1 73

Joint 6 13 13 15 0 47 Total 18 36 39 26 1 120 Tab.8.83: Crosstab to identify influence of advertisement in purchase of OTC drug with respect to nature of family of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 5.344a 4 .254 Likelihood Ratio 5.597 4 .231 Linear-by-Linear 1.787 1 .181 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 2 cells (20.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .39. Tab.8.84: Chisquare to measure the influence of advertisement in purchase of OTC drug with respect to nature of family of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho.There is no significant difference between advertisement as the influence of purchase of OTC product and nature of family

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.7. Please indicate the importance of following attribute in a purchase of OTC drug Nature of family * Price Ho: There is no significant difference between price as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and nature of family Ha: There is a significant difference between price as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and nature of family Crosstab Count Price Of little Moderately importance important Nature family of Nuclear 20 16 Very Important important 22 15

Total 73

Joint 8 11 16 12 47 Total 28 27 38 27 120 Tab.8.85: Crosstab to identify influence of price in purchase of OTC drug with respect to nature of family of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 1.801a 3 .615 Likelihood Ratio 1.852 3 .604 Linear-by-Linear 1.430 1 .232 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 10.58. Tab.8.86: Chi square to measure the influence of price in purchase of OTC drug with respect to nature of family of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho. There is no significant difference between price as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and nature of family

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.7. Please indicate the importance of following attribute in a purchase of OTC drug Nature of family * past experience Ho: There is no significant difference between past experience as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and nature of family Ha: There is a significant difference between past experience as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and nature of family Crosstab Count past experience Moderately important Nature of family Nuclear 24

Important 31

Very important 18

Total 73

Joint 10 27 10 47 Total 34 58 28 120 Tab.8.87: Crosstab to identify influence of past experience in purchase of OTC drug with respect to nature of family of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square 2.826a Likelihood Ratio 2.855 Linear-by-Linear .373 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected minimum expected count is 10.97. Tab.8.88: Chi square to measure Df 2 2 1 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .243 .240 .542


count less than 5. The the influence of past experience in purchase of OTC drug

with respect to nature of family of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho. There is no significant difference between past experience as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and nature of family

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.7. Please indicate the importance of following attribute in a purchase of OTC drug Nature of family * Family /Friend Recommendation Ho: There is no significant difference between family/friend recommendation as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and nature of family Ha: There is a significant difference between family/friend recommendation as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and nature of family Crosstab Count Family /Friend Recommendation Of little Moderately Unimportant importance important Nature family of Nuclear 13 14 15 Very Important important Total 7 24 73

Joint 7 11 11 5 13 47 Total 20 25 26 12 37 120 Tab.8.89: Crosstab to identify influence of family /friends recommendation in purchase of OTC drug with respect to nature of family of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square .782a 4 .941 Likelihood Ratio .784 4 .941 Linear-by-Linear .079 1 .779 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 1 cells (10.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 4.70. Tab.8.90: Chi square to measure the influence of family /friends recommendation in purchase of OTC drug with respect to nature of family of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho. There is no significant difference between family/friend recommendation as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and nature of family

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.8. Have you seen advertisement of OTC drug recently, if Yes, please indicate if you have use or recommended it to others? Nature of family * Television Ho: There is no significant difference between advertisement effect of television on purchase of OTC product and nature of family Ha: There is a significant difference between advertisement effect of television on purchase of OTC product and nature of family Crosstab Television Definitely will Probably will Definitely recommend/ Not recommend/use use sure Nature Nuclear of family Joint Total 15 5 20 16 12 28 16 9 25 Probably not will not recommend recommend/use Total /use 20 17 37 6 4 10 73 47 120

Tab.8.91: Crosstab to identify advertisement effect of television influences in purchase of OTC drug with respect to nature of family of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 2.667a 4 .615 Likelihood Ratio 2.760 4 .599 Linear-by-Linear 1.208 1 .272 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 1 cells (10.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 3.92. Tab.8.92: Chi square to measure advertisement effect of television influences in purchase of OTC drug with respect to nature of family of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho. There is no significant difference between advertisement effect of television on purchase of OTC product and nature of family

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.10. Whose Advice is taken when you decide on which OTC drug to buy? Rank accordingly Nature of family * Past experience Crosstab Ho. There is no significant relation between nature family and past experiences as a parameter of advice to purchase an OTC product Ha .There is significant relation between nature family and past experiences as a parameter of advice to purchase an OTC product Count Past experience Rank 1 Nature family of Nuclear 1 Joint Total 1 2 Rank 2 29 11 40 Rank 3 11 17 28 Rank 4 11 10 21 Rank 5 9 5 14 Rank 6 12 3 15 Total 73 47 120

Tab.8.93: Crosstab to identify past experience as a mean of advice which influences in purchase of OTC drug with respect to nature of family of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 10.852a 5 .054 Likelihood Ratio 11.005 5 .051 Linear-by-Linear .223 1 .636 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 2 cells (16.7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .78. Tab.8.94: Chi square to measure past experience as a mean of advice which influences in purchase of OTC drug with respect to nature of family of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we reject Ho and accept Ha. There is significant relation between nature family and past experiences as a parameter of advice to purchase an OTC product

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.10. Whose Advice is taken when you decide on which OTC drug to buy? Rank accordingly Nature of family * Advertisement on chemist store Ho. There is no significant relation between nature family and advertisement chemist store as a parameter of advice to purchase an OTC product Ha. There is significant relation between nature family and advertisement chemist store as a parameter of advice to purchase an OTC product Crosstab Count Advertisement on chemist store Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 5 Nature family of Nuclear 0 13 0 36 Rank 6 14 Rank 7 10 Total 73

Joint 1 3 1 16 20 6 47 Total 1 16 1 52 34 16 120 Tab.8.95: Crosstab to identify advertisement chemist store as a mean of advice which influences in purchase of OTC drug with respect to nature of family of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 12.977a 5 .024 Likelihood Ratio 13.802 5 .017 Linear-by-Linear 2.414 1 .120 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 4 cells (33.3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .39. Tab.8.96: Chi square to measure advertisement chemist store as a mean of advice which influences in purchase of OTC drug with respect to nature of family of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we reject Ho and accept Ha. There is significant relation between nature family and past experiences as a parameter of advice to purchase an OTC product

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Education * Think about the condition, when you had suffered from some general problem like cold , cough, sore throat etc. recently, what did you do generally in these ailments? Ho: There is no significant difference between approach to find treatment and education Ha: There is a significant difference between approach to find treatment and education Crosstab Count Think about the condition, when you had suffered from some general problem like cold , cough, sore throat etc.recently, what did you do generally in these ailments? Used medicine Purchased Purchased Use already at See OTC prescription home Used home doctor medicine drug remedy nothing Total Education School level 5 Graduate Post graduate 9 2 0 13 5 6 24 1 16 8 10 35 1 6 2 12 21 3 2 2 6 13 1 2 2 3 8 11 48 21 40 120

Professional 3 Total 19

Tab.8.97: Crosstab to identify approach to find treatment for general ailment with respect to education of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 27.009a 15 .029 Likelihood Ratio 27.514 15 .025 Linear-by-Linear 5.724 1 .017 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 14 cells (58.3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .73. Tab.8.98: Chi square to measure to find treatment for general ailment with respect to education of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we reject Ho and accept Ha. There is significant difference between approach to find treatment and education

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Education * Would you say that you are taking more, fewer or about same number of product than you did five year ago? Ho: There is no significant difference between number of product usage and education Ha: There is a significant difference between number of product usage and education Crosstab Count Would you say that you are taking more, fewer or about same number of product than you did five year ago? More Fewer About same Don't know Total Education School level Graduate Professional Total 0 12 22 41 4 17 7 7 35 5 13 7 9 34 2 6 0 2 10 11 48 21 40 120

Post graduate 7

Tab.8.99: Crosstab to identify number of product usage with respect to education of the person Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association 0N of Valid Cases 19.248a 23.811 11.364 120 df 9 9 1 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .023 .005 .001

Tab.8.100: Chi square to measure number of product usage with respect to education of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis, Hence we reject Ho and accept Ha. There is significant difference between number of product usage and education

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Education * Are you likely to re-read the label again in the following circumstances? Ho: There is no significant difference between usage of packaging instruction and education Ha: There is a significant difference between usage of packaging instruction and education Crosstab Count


Are you likely to re-read the label again in the following circumstances? OTC OTC medicine OTC medicine with with OTC Don't medicine to prescription medicine at read a child drug at same same time label Other Total Education School level Graduate Professional Total 5 19 15 52 1 4 1 3 9 1 4 1 0 6 4 21 5 21 51 0 0 1 1 2 11 48 21 40 120

Post graduate 13

Tab.8.101: Crosstab to identify usage of packaging labels with respect to education of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 11.021a 12 .527 Likelihood Ratio 13.440 12 .338 Linear-by-Linear .425 1 .514 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 14 cells (70.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .18. Tab.8.102: Chi square to measure usage of packaging labels with respect to education of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha. There is no significant difference between usage of packaging instruction and education

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Education * Based on what you know, what is most accurate way to determine the amount of medicine to be taken in particular indication? Ho: There is no significant difference between knowledge of dosing and education Ha: There is a significant difference between knowledge of dosing and education Crosstab Count Based on what you know, what is most accurate way to determine the amount of medicine to be taken in particular indication? Both Neither Don't weight weight nor know/not Weight Age and age age sure Total Education School level Graduate Post graduate Professional Total 1 5 4 5 15 0 7 4 9 20 3 5 2 9 19 3 8 4 7 22 4 23 7 10 44 11 48 21 40 120

Tab.8.103: Crosstab to identify knowledge of usage of medicine with respect to education of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 11.064a 12 .523 Likelihood Ratio 12.639 12 .396 Linear-by-Linear 3.947 1 .047 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 9 cells (45.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.38. Tab.8.104: Chi square to measure the knowledge of usage of medicine with respect to education of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha. There is no significant difference between usage of knowledge of dosing and education

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Education * Have you ever taken more than the recommended dose of a non-prescription medicine? Ho: There is no significant difference between overdosage of OTC medicine and education Ha: There is a significant difference between overdosage of OTC medicine and education Crosstab Count Have you ever taken more than the recommended dose of a non-prescription medicine? Yes NO Not sure Education School level Graduate Post graduate Professional Total 5 21 7 9 42 3 8 8 11 30 3 19 6 20 48

Total 11 48 21 40 120

Tab.8.105: Crosstab to identify excessive usage of medicine with respect to education of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 8.226a 6 .222 Likelihood Ratio 8.413 6 .209 Linear-by-Linear 3.647 1 .056 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 3 cells (25.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 2.75. Tab.8.106: Chi square to measure excessive usage of medicine with respect to education of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha. There is no significant difference between overdosage of OTC medicine and education

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Education * If you have more than one symptom at same time like headache, sore throat, how likely are you to take more than one OTC medicine? Ho: There is no significant difference between usage of multiple drug and education Ha: There is a significant difference between usage of multiple drug and education Crosstab Count If you have more than one symptom at same time like headache, sore throat, how likely are you to take more than one OTC medicine? Not at Not very Somewhat Very Extremely all likely likely likely likely likely Total Education School level Graduate Post graduate Professional Total 0 6 4 4 14 4 14 2 10 30 1 8 5 9 23 4 12 5 12 33 2 8 5 5 20 11 48 21 40 120

Tab.8.107: Crosstab to identify usage of multidrug with respect to education of the person Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 8.201 9.930 .025 120

df 12 12 1

Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .769 .622 .876

Tab.8.108: Chi square to measure multidrug usage of medicine with respect to education of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis hence, we accept and reject Ha. There is no significant difference between usage of multiple drug and education

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.3. Do you use OTC drugs or medication for mentioned below indication If Yes, please indicates the frequency of usage? Education * Pain Ho: There is no significant difference between frequency of pain suffering and education Ha: There is a significant difference between frequency of pain suffering and education Crosstab Count Pain Half Daily Weekly Biweekly Monthly Bimonthly yearly Yearly Total Education School level Graduate Post graduate 0 0 0 0 5 1 2 8 3 15 5 5 28 7 13 6 10 36 1 8 9 12 30 0 6 0 10 16 0 1 0 0 1 11 48 21 40 120

Professional 1 Total 1

Tab.8.109: Crosstab to identify the frequency of suffering with pain with respect to education of the person Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 27.436a 31.331 5.252 120 df 18 18 1 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .071 .026 .022

Tab.8.110: Chi square to measure the frequency of suffering with pain with respect to education of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha. There is no significant difference between frequency of pain suffering and education Rehan Faquih Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.3. Do you use OTC drugs or medication for mentioned below indication If Yes, please indicates the frequency of usage? Education * Cold,Flu Ho: There is no significant difference between frequency of cold flu suffering and education Ha: There is a significant difference between frequency of cold flu suffering and education Crosstab Count Cold flu Weekly Biweekly Monthly Bimonthly Half yearly Yearly Total Education School level 1 Graduate 0 Post graduate 0 Professional 0 Total 1 0 5 0 3 8 5 7 4 8 24 2 16 7 15 40 1 20 9 13 43 2 0 1 1 4 11 48 21 40 120

Tab.8.111: Crosstab to identify the frequency of suffering with Cold flu with respect to education of the person Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 30.492a 15 .010 Likelihood Ratio 25.352 15 .045 Linear-by-Linear .279 1 .598 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 16 cells (66.7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .09. Tab.8.112: Chi square to measure the frequency of suffering with coldflu with respect to education of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we reject Ho and accept Ha. There is significant difference between frequency of cold flu suffering and education Rehan Faquih Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.3. Do you use OTC drugs or medication for mentioned below indication If Yes, please indicates the frequency of usage? Education * Skin Disorder Ho: There is no significant difference between frequency of skin disorder and education Ha: There is a significant difference between frequency of skin disorder and education Crosstab Count Skin Disorder Daily Weekly Biweekly Monthly Bimonthly Half yearly Yearly Total Education School level 1 Graduate 1 Post graduate 0 Professional 0 Total 2 1 8 2 4 15 1 7 4 7 19 1 10 4 7 22 3 7 2 16 28 3 6 8 5 22 1 9 1 1 12 11 48 21 40 120

Tab.8.113: Crosstab to identify the frequency of suffering from skin disorder with respect to education of the person Chi-Square Tests Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .057 .081 .788

Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 28.313a 26.906 .072 120

Df 18 18 1

Tab.8.114: Chi square to measure the frequency of suffering from skin disorder with respect to education of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha. There is no significant difference between frequency of skin disorder and education

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.6. what makes you take decision on your own to purchase medicine? Education * Past experience


Ho: There is no significant difference between past experience as the influence of purchase of OTC product and education Ha: There is a significant difference between past experience as the influence of purchase of OTC product and education Crosstab Past experience Disagree Undecided Education School level Graduate Post graduate 0 1 0 3 10 5 Agree 4 20 5 Strongly Agree Total 4 17 11 11 48 21

Professional 0 13 13 14 40 Total 1 31 42 46 120 Tab.8.115: Crosstab to identify influence of past experience in purchase of OTC drug with respect to education of the person Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 5.448a 9 .794 Likelihood Ratio 5.718 9 .768 Linear-by-Linear .091 1 .763 Association N of Valid Cases 120 Tab.8.116: Chi square to measure the influence of past experience in purchase of OTC drug with respect to education of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha There is no significant difference between past experience as the influence of purchase of OTC product and education

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.6. what makes you take decision on your own to purchase medicine? Education * Advertisement Ho: There is no significant difference between advertisement as the influence of purchase of OTC product and education


Ha: There is a significant difference between advertisement as the influence of purchase of OTC product and education Crosstab Count Advertisement Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Education School level Graduate 0 8 2 15 8 4 14 5 5 10 3 Strongly Agree Total 0 1 0 11 48 21

Post graduate 5

Professional 5 11 16 8 0 40 Total 18 36 39 26 1 120 Tab.8.117: Crosstab to identify influence of advertisement in purchase of OTC drug with respect to education of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 10.434a 12 .578 Likelihood Ratio 11.692 12 .471 Linear-by-Linear .949 1 .330 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 10 cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .09. Tab.8.118: Chi square to measure the influence of advertisement in purchase of OTC drug with respect to education of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha There is no significant difference between advertisement as the influence of purchase of OTC product and education

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.6. what makes you take decision on your own to purchase medicine? Education * Save the cost of doctor visit Ho: There is no significant difference between save cost to visit doctor as the influence of purchase of OTC product and education Ha: There is a significant difference between save cost to visit doctor as the influence of purchase of OTC product and education Crosstab Count Save the cost of doctor visit Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Education School level Graduate Post graduate 6 7 1 3 19 5 2 11 10


Agree 0 11 5

Total 11 48 21

Professional 8 16 11 5 40 Total 22 43 34 21 120 Tab.8.119: Crosstab to identify influence of saving the cost to visit doctor in purchase of OTC drug with respect to education of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 19.303a 9 .023 Likelihood Ratio 19.084 9 .024 Linear-by-Linear .597 1 .440 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 6 cells (37.5%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.93. Tab.8.120: Chi square to measure the influence of saving the cost to visit doctor in purchase of OTC drug with respect to education of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ha and reject Ho. There is significant difference between save cost to visit doctor as the influence of purchase of OTC product and education

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.7. Please indicate the importance of following attribute in a purchase of OTC drug Education * Price Ho: There is no significant difference between price as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and education Ha: There is a significant difference between price as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and education Crosstab Count Price Of little importance Education School level Graduate 3 14 Moderately important 2 8 6 Very Important important 3 15 10 3 11 3

Total 11 48 21

Post graduate 2

Professional 9 11 10 10 40 Total 28 27 38 27 120 Tab.8.121: Crosstab to identify influence of price in purchase of OTC drug with respect to education of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 7.282a 9 .608 Likelihood Ratio 7.650 9 .570 Linear-by-Linear .027 1 .869 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 7 cells (43.8%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 2.48. Tab.8.122: Chi square to measure the influence of price in purchase of OTC drug with respect to education of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ha and reject Ho. There is significant difference between price as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and education

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.7. Please indicate the importance of following attribute in a purchase of OTC drug Education * Promotion Ho: There is no significant difference between promotion as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and education Ha: There is a significant difference between promotion as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and education Crosstab Count Promotion Of little Unimportant importance Education School level 1 Graduate Post graduate 0 0 1 11 5 Moderately important 4 13 8 Very Important important Total 1 21 6 4 3 2 11 48 21

Professional 2 10 11 12 5 40 Total 3 27 36 40 14 120 Tab.8.123: Crosstab to identify influence of promotion in purchase of OTC drug with respect to education of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 17.315a 12 .138 Likelihood Ratio 17.079 12 .147 Linear-by-Linear .969 1 .325 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 11 cells (55.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .28. Tab.8.124: Chi square to measure the influence of promotion in purchase of OTC drug with respect to education of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ha and reject Ho. There is significant difference between promotion as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and education

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.7. Please indicate the importance of following attribute in a purchase of OTC drug Education * Advertisement Ho: There is no significant difference between advertisement as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and education Ha: There is a significant difference between advertisement as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and education Crosstab Count Advertisement Of little Unimportant importance Education School level Graduate Post graduate 3 9 7 2 16 9 Moderately important 6 16 4

Important Total 0 7 1 11 48 21

Professional 12 13 11 4 40 Total 31 40 37 12 120 Tab.8.125: Crosstab to identify influence of advertisement in purchase of OTC drug with respect to education of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 8.882a 9 .448 Likelihood Ratio 9.923 9 .357 Linear-by-Linear 1.376 1 .241 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 7 cells (43.8%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.10. Tab.8.126: Chi square to measure the influence of advertisement in purchase of OTC drug with respect to education of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ha and reject Ho. There is significant difference between advertisement as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and education

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.7. Please indicate the importance of following attribute in a purchase of OTC drug Education * past experience Ho: There is no significant difference between past experience as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and education Ha: There is a significant difference between past experience as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and education Crosstab Count past experience Moderately important Education School level Graduate Post graduate 5 12 6

Important 3 23 13

Very important 3 13 2

Total 11 48 21

Professional 11 19 10 40 Total 34 58 28 120 Tab.8.127: Crosstab to identify influence of past experience in purchase of OTC drug with respect to education of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 5.280a 6 .508 Likelihood Ratio 5.715 6 .456 Linear-by-Linear .004 1 .950 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 3 cells (25.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 2.57. Tab.8.128: Chi square to measure the influence of past experience in purchase of OTC drug with respect to education of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ha and reject Ho. There is significant difference between past experience as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and education

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.7. Please indicate the importance of following attribute in a purchase of OTC drug Education * Family /Friend Recommendation Ho: There is no significant difference between family/friend recommendation as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and education Ha: There is a significant difference between family /friend recommendation as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and education Crosstab Count Family /Friend Recommendation Of little Moderately Unimportant importance important Education School level 2 Graduate Post graduate 6 3 0 11 3 4 13 4 Very Important important 2 5 4 3 13 7

Total 11 48 21

Professional 9 11 5 1 14 40 Total 20 25 26 12 37 120 Tab.8.129: Crosstab to identify influence of family /friends recommendation in purchase of OTC drug with respect to education of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 13.690a 12 .321 Likelihood Ratio 16.441 12 .172 Linear-by-Linear .423 1 .516 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 11 cells (55.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.10. Tab.8.130: Chi square to measure the influence of family /friends recommendation in purchase of OTC drug with respect to education of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ha and reject Ho. There is significant difference between family/friend recommendation as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and education

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.8. Have you seen advertisement of OTC drug recently, if Yes, please indicate if you have use or recommended it to others? Education * Newspaper Ho: There is no significant difference between advertisement effect of newspaper on purchase of OTC product and education Ha: There is a significant difference between advertisement effect of newspaper on purchase of OTC product and education Crosstab Count Newspaper Probably Probably Definitely Definitely will Not will not will not Never used/ recommend/u recommen sur recommen recommend/u Recommend Tota se d/ use e d /use se ed l Educatio School n level Graduate Post graduate 0 0 1 4 15 7 1 9 1 3 9 3 1 11 6 2 4 3 11 48 21

Profession 5 15 6 6 5 3 40 al Total 6 41 17 21 23 12 120 Tab.8.131: Crosstab to identify advertisement effect of newspaper influences in purchase of OTC drug with respect to education of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 15.211a 15 .436 Likelihood Ratio 17.137 15 .311 Linear-by-Linear 3.137 1 .077 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 15 cells (62.5%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .55. Tab.8.132: Chi square to measure advertisement effect of newspaper influences in purchase of OTC drug with respect to education of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho. There is no significant difference between advertisement effect of newspaper on purchase of OTC product and education

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.8. Have you seen advertisement of OTC drug recently, if Yes, please indicate if you have use or recommended it to others? Education * Magazine Ho: There is no significant difference between advertisement effect of magazine on purchase of OTC product and education Ha: There is a significant difference between advertisement effect of magazine on purchase of OTC product and education Crosstab Count Magazine Probably Probably Definitely Definitely will Not will not will not Never used/ recommend/u recommen sur recommen recommend/u Recommend Tota se d/ use e d /use se ed l Educatio School n level Graduate Post graduate 1 9 0 6 21 8 1 1 1 4 4 1 2 3 11 48 21

10 2 2 4

Profession 4 15 6 5 5 5 40 al Total 14 50 19 12 14 11 120 Tab.8.133: Crosstab to identify advertisement effect of magazine influences in purchase of OTC drug with respect to education of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 14.540a 15 .485 Likelihood Ratio 16.900 15 .325 Linear-by-Linear 3.758 1 .053 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 17 cells (70.8%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.01. Tab.8.134: Chi square to measure advertisement effect of magazine influences in purchase of OTC drug with respect to education of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho. There is no significant difference between advertisement effect of magazine on purchase of OTC product and education

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.8. Have you seen advertisement of OTC drug recently, if Yes, please indicate if you have use or recommended it to others? Education * Chemist shop Ho: There is no significant difference between advertisement effect of chemist shop on purchase of OTC product and education Ha: There is a significant difference between advertisement effect of chemist shop on purchase of OTC product and education Crosstab Count Chemist shop Probably Definitely will Not recommend/us recommend sur e / use e Educatio School n level Graduate Post graduate 4 18 8 2 15 4 1 9 5 Probably will not recommen d /use 1 4 3 Definitely will not Never used/ recommend/us Recommende Tota e d l 2 1 1 1 1 0 11 48 21

Professiona 9 4 4 6 10 7 40 l Total 39 25 19 14 14 9 120 Tab.8.135: Crosstab to identify advertisement effect of chemist shop influences in purchase of OTC drug with respect to education of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 29.932a 15 .012 Likelihood Ratio 31.846 15 .007 Linear-by-Linear 11.582 1 .001 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 15 cells (62.5%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .83. Tab.8.136: Chi square to measure advertisement effect of chemist shop influences in purchase of OTC drug with respect to education of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ha, hence reject Ho There is significant difference between advertisement effect of chemist shop on purchase of OTC product and education

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Occupation * Overall how would you rate your current health? Ho: There is no significant difference between overall health and occupation Ha: There is a significant difference between overall health and occupation Crosstab Count Overall how would you rate your current health? Excellent Very good good Poor Very poor Total Occupation Business Service Student Total 4 4 3 11 20 27 14 61 9 19 5 33 3 8 2 13 2 0 0 2 38 58 24 120


Tab.8.137: Crosstab to identify overall health with respect to occupation of the person Chi-Square Tests Value


Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 7.591 8 .474 Likelihood Ratio 7.884 8 .445 Linear-by-Linear .485 1 .486 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 7 cells (46.7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .40. Tab.8.138: Chi square to measure the overall health with respect to occupation of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha. There is no significant difference between overall health and occupation

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Occupation * Based on what you know, what is most accurate way to determine the amount of medicine to be taken in particular indication? Ho: There is no significant difference between knowledge of dosing and occupation Ha: There is a significant difference between knowledge of dosing and occupation Crosstab Count


Based on what you know, what is most accurate way to determine the amount of medicine to be taken in particular indication? Both Neither Don't weight weight nor know/not Weight Age and age age sure Total Occupation Business Service Student Total 5 6 4 15 3 12 5 20 6 11 2 19 12 7 3 22 12 22 10 44 38 58 24 120

Tab.8.139: Crosstab to identify knowledge of usage of medicine with respect to occupation of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 10.122a 8 .257 Likelihood Ratio 10.214 8 .250 Linear-by-Linear .286 1 .593 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 5 cells (33.3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 3.00. Tab.8.140: Chi square to measure the knowledge of usage of medicine with respect to occupation of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha. There is no significant difference between usage of knowledge of dosing and occupation

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Occupation * Have you ever taken more than the recommended dose of a non-prescription medicine? Ho: There is no significant difference between overdosage of OTC medicine and occupation Ha: There is a significant difference between overdosage of OTC medicine and occupation Crosstab Count Have you ever taken more than the recommended dose of a non-prescription medicine? Yes NO Not sure Total Occupation Business Service Student Total 12 26 4 42 8 11 11 30 18 21 9 48 38 58 24 120

Tab.8.141: Crosstab to identify excessive usage of medicine with respect to occupation of the person

Chi-Square Tests Value



Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 10.043 4 .040 Likelihood Ratio 9.713 4 .046 Linear-by-Linear .002 1 .965 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 6.00. Tab.8.142: Chi square to measure excessive usage of medicine with respect to occupation of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we reject Ho and accept Ha. There is significant difference between over dosage of OTC medicine and occupation

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Occupation * what is the reason for taking more medicine is? Ho: There is no significant difference between reason of overdosage and occupation Ha: There is a significant difference between reason of overdosage and occupation Crosstab Count What is the reason for taking more medicine is? Believe it Didn't get any relieves better by taking 0-No more Had severe recommended Used response quickly symptoms dose prescription Occupation Business Service Student Total 23 30 20 73 3 3 1 7 6 9 3 18 4 10 0 14 2 6 0 8


Total 38 58 24 120

Tab.8.143: Crosstab to identify the reason for excessive usage of medicine with respect to occupation of the person

Chi-Square Tests Value



Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 10.626 8 .224 Likelihood Ratio 14.491 8 .070 Linear-by-Linear 1.854 1 .173 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 9 cells (60.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.40. Tab.8.144: Chi square to measure the reason for excessive usage of medicine with respect to occupation of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha. There is no significant difference between reason of overdosage and occupation

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.3. Do you use OTC drugs or medication for mentioned below indication If Yes, please indicates the frequency of usage? Occupation * Acidity Ho: There is no significant difference between frequency of acidity suffering and occupation Ha: There is a significant difference between frequency of acidity suffering and occupation Crosstab Count Acidity Daily Occupation Business Service Student Total 7 7 4 18 Weekly 11 10 2 23 Biweekly Monthly 6 18 8 32 6 13 4 23 Half Bimonthly yearly 6 6 5 17 2 4 1 7 Total 38 58 24 120

Tab.8.145: Crosstab to identify the frequency of suffering with acidity with respect to occupation of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 8.945a 10 .537 Likelihood Ratio 9.305 10 .503 Linear-by-Linear .836 1 .360 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 7 cells (38.9%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.40. Tab.8.146: Chi square to measure the frequency of suffering with acidity with respect to occupation of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ho and reject Ha. There is no significant difference between frequency of acidity suffering and occupation

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.3. Do you use OTC drugs or medication for mentioned below indication If Yes, please indicates the frequency of usage? Occupation * Vitamin Ho: There is no significant difference between frequency of vitamin usage suffering and occupation Ha: There is a significant difference between frequency of vitamin usage suffering and occupation Crosstab Count Vitamin Half Daily Weekly Biweekly Monthly Bimonthly yearly Yearly Total Occupation Business 1 Service 3 0 4 6 6 3 11 12 11 10 14 6 9 38 58

Student 0 0 0 0 2 13 9 24 Total 4 4 12 14 25 37 24 120 Tab.8.147: Crosstab to identify the frequency of suffering of vitamin with respect to occupation of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 29.243a 35.002 6.164 120 df 12 12 1 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .004 .000 .013


Tab.8.148: Chi square to measure the frequency of usage of vitamin with respect to occupation of the person

Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis hence, we accept Ha and reject Ho. There is significant difference between frequency of pain suffering and occupation

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.6. what makes you take decision on your own to purchase medicine? Occupation * Lack of time to visit doctor


Ho: There is no significant difference between availability of time to visit doctor as the influence of purchase of OTC product and occupation Ha: There is a significant difference between availability of time to visit doctor as the influence of purchase of OTC product and occupation Crosstab Lack of time to visit doctor Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Occupation Business 0 Service 4 13 14 8 18 11 15 Strongly Agree 5 7

Total 38 58

Student 1 9 5 3 6 24 Total 5 36 31 29 18 120 Tab.8.149: Crosstab to identify influence of availability of time to visit doctor in purchase of OTC drug with respect to occupation of the person Chi-Square Tests Value


Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 11.092 10 .350 Likelihood Ratio 12.679 10 .242 Linear-by-Linear Association 1.343 1 .246 N of Valid Cases 120 . Tab.8.150: Chi square to measure the influence of availability of time to visit in purchase of OTC drug with respect to occupation of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square >0.05, we accept Ho null hypothesis hence, we accept Ho. There is no significant difference between availability of time to visit doctor as the influence of purchase of OTC product and occupation

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.7. Please indicate the importance of following attribute in a purchase of OTC drug Occupation * past experience Ho: There is no significant difference between past experience as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and occupation Ha: There is a significant difference between past experience as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and occupation Crosstab Count past experience Moderately important Occupation Business Service 14 15

Important 18 32

Very important 6 11

Total 38 58

Student 5 8 11 24 Total 34 58 28 120 Tab.8.151: Crosstab to identify influence of past experience in purchase of OTC drug with respect to occupation of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 9.867a 8.946 5.652 120 Df 4 4 1 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .043 .062 .017


Tab.8.152: Chi square to measure the influence of past experience in purchase of OTC drug with respect to occupation of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis hence, we accept Ha and reject Ho .There is significant difference between past experience as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and occupation

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Maritial Status * Have you ever taken more than the recommended dose of a nonprescription medicine? Ho: There is no significant difference between overdosage of OTC medicine and marital status Ha: There is a significant difference between overdosage of OTC medicine and marital status Crosstab Count Have you ever taken more than the recommended dose of a non-prescription medicine? Yes NO Not sure Total Maritial Status Single Married Divorce Total 4 34 4 42 11 19 0 30 9 35 4 48 24 88 8 120

Tab.8.153: Crosstab to identify excessive usage of medicine with respect to marital status of the person

Chi-Square Tests Value



Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 9.966 4 .041 Likelihood Ratio 11.628 4 .020 Linear-by-Linear Association .784 1 .376 N of Valid Cases 120 a. 3 cells (33.3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 2.00. Tab.8.154: Chi square to measure excessive usage of medicine with respect to marital status of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ha and reject Ho. There is significant difference between overdosage of OTC medicine and marital status

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.3. Do you use OTC drugs or medication for mentioned below indication If Yes, please indicates the frequency of usage? Marital Status * Cold, Flu Ho: There is no significant difference between frequency of cold flu suffering and marital status Ha: There is a significant difference between frequency of cold flu suffering and marital status Crosstab Count Cold, Flu Weekly Marital Status Single Married Divorce Total 0 0 1 1 Biweekly 1 7 0 8 Monthly 2 22 0 24 Bimonthly 8 30 2 40 Half yearly 10 28 5 43 Yearly 3 1 0 4 Total 24 88 8 120

Tab.8.155: Crosstab to identify the frequency of suffering with cold flu with respect to marital status of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 29.295a 10 .001 Likelihood Ratio 21.165 10 .020 Linear-by-Linear 2.575 1 .109 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 12 cells (66.7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .07. Tab.8.156: Chi square to measure the frequency of suffering with cold flu with respect to marital status of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ha and reject Ho. There is significant difference between frequency of cold flu suffering and marital status

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.3. Do you use OTC drugs or medication for mentioned below indication If Yes, please indicates the frequency of usage? Maritial Status * Acidity Ho: There is no significant difference between frequency of acidity suffering and marital status Ha: There is a significant difference between frequency of acidity suffering and marital status Crosstab Count Acidity Daily Maritial Status Single 4 Married 10 Divorce 4 Total 18 Half Weekly Biweekly Monthly Bimonthly yearly 2 21 0 23 8 21 3 32 2 21 0 23 7 9 1 17 1 6 0 7 Total 24 88 8 120

Tab.8.157: Crosstab to identify the frequency of suffering from acidity with respect to marital status of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 21.915a 10 .016 Likelihood Ratio 22.815 10 .011 Linear-by-Linear 2.517 1 .113 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 11 cells (61.1%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .47. Tab.8.158: Chi square to measure the frequency of suffering from acidity with respect to marital status of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ha and reject Ho. There is significant difference between frequency of acidity suffering and marital status

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.3. Do you use OTC drugs or medication for mentioned below indication If Yes, please indicates the frequency of usage? Marital Status * Vitamin Ho: There is no significant difference between frequency of vitamin suffering and marital status Ha: There is a significant difference between frequency of vitamin suffering and marital status Crosstab Count Vitamin Daily Marital Status Single 0 Married 4 Divorce 0 Total 4 Half Weekly Biweekly Monthly Bimonthly yearly Yearly Total 0 3 1 4 0 11 1 12 0 13 1 14 2 20 3 25 15 21 1 37 7 16 1 24 24 88 8 120

Tab.8.159: Crosstab to identify the frequency of usage of vitamin with respect to marital status of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)


Pearson Chi-Square 25.266a 12 .014 Likelihood Ratio 30.154 12 .003 Linear-by-Linear 11.848 1 .001 Association N of Valid Cases 120 a. 14 cells (66.7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .27. Tab.8.160: Chi square to measure the frequency of usage of vitamin with respect to marital status of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ha and reject Ho. There is significant difference between frequency of vitamin suffering and marital status

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.6. what makes you take decision on your own to purchase medicine? Marital Status * Advertisement


Ho: There is no significant difference between advertisement as the influence of purchase of OTC product and marital status Ha: There is a significant difference between advertisement as the influence of purchase of OTC product and marital status Crosstab Advertisement Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree Total Marital Status Single 3 Married 14 8 24 8 29 5 21 0 0 24 88

Divorce 1 4 2 0 1 8 Total 18 36 39 26 1 120 Tab.8.161: Crosstab to identify influence of advertisement in purchase of OTC drug with respect to marital status of the person Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 17.642 10.628 .025 120

df 8 8 1

Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .024 .224 .875

Tab.8.162: Chi square to measure the influence of advertisement in purchase of OTC drug with respect to marital status of the person Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we reject Ho hence; accept Ha. There is significant difference between advertisement as the influence of purchase of OTC product and marital status

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 8.3.2. Advanced Analysis


Q.No.7. please indicate the importance of following attribute in a purchase of OTC drug ANOVA for the most important attribute in purchase of an OTC product Ho: There is no significant difference across the attribute in purchase of an OTC product Ha: There is a significant difference across the attribute in purchase of an OTC product Descriptives VAR00002 Std. Std. Deviation Error .06777 .09897 .09348 .08717 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 3.9741 3.3374 3.1066 2.0774 Upper Bound 4.2425 3.7293 3.4768 2.4226 4.0166 4.0802 4.2641 3.4429 3.6115


Minimum Maximum

Brand Name Price Promotion Advertisement Physical Recommendation Past Experience Pharmacist Recommendation Family/Friend Recommendation Total

120 4.1083 .74242 120 3.5333 1.08414 120 3.2917 1.02405 120 2.2500 .95486 120 3.8667 .82943 120 3.9500 .72006 120 4.1417 .67731 120 3.1750 1.48189 960 3.5396 1.13550

3.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00

5.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00

.07572 3.7167 .06573 3.8198 .06183 4.0192 .13528 2.9071 .03665 3.4677

Tab.8.163: Indicates the descriptive analysis of important parameter to purchase an OTC product

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


ANOVA VAR00002 Sum Squares Between Groups 338.263 Within Groups 898.233 of df 7 952 Mean Square F 48.323 .944 51.216 Sig. .000

Total 1236.496 959 Tab.8.164: ANOVA to measure the difference amongst the parameter to purchase an OTC drug Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ha and reject Ho. There is a significant difference across the parameter in an OTC product

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products POST-HOC-TUKEY TEST VAR00002 Tukey HSDa VAR00001


Subset for alpha = 0.05 1 2 3 4 Advertisement 120 2.2500 Family and Friends recommendation 120 3.1750 Promotion 120 3.2917 Price 120 3.5333 3.5333 Physician Recommendation 120 3.8667 3.8667 Past experience 120 3.9500 Brand Name 120 4.1083 Pharmacist recommendation 120 4.1417 Sig. 1.000 .083 .137 .357 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 120.000. Tab.8.165: Tukey to identify the most important parameter to purchase an OTC drug From the above Tab., we can see the most important parameter or attribute on which OTC product always need to deliver are respectively 1. Pharmacist Recommendation 2. Brand Name 3. Past experience 4. Physician recommendation

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Q.No.6 what makes you take decision on your own to purchase medicine

274 ANOVA for parameters which influences the consumer to purchase OTC medicine on their own Ho: There is no significant difference across the parameters of influence for consumer to purchase OTC medicine on their own Ha: There is a significant difference across the parameters of influence for consumer to purchase OTC medicine on their own Descriptives VAR00002 Std. Std. Deviation Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound Upper Bound 4.2562 2.8163 3.3565 2.6282 3.6472 1.6815 2.9857


Minimum Maximum

Past experience Advertisement

120 4.1083 .81782 120 2.6333 1.01197

.07466 3.9605 .09238 2.4504 .10428 2.9435 .09001 2.2718 .09961 3.2528 .05380 1.4685 .04647 2.8032

2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

5.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 5.00 3.00 5.00

Lack of time to visit 120 3.1500 1.14238 doctor Save the cost doctor visit Chemist promotion of 120 2.4500 .98604 120 3.4500 1.09122

Internet & blog 120 1.5750 .58930 recommendation Total 720 2.8944 1.24696

Tab.8.166: Indicates the descriptive analysis of important parameter that influence the consumer to purchase OTC medicine on their own

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


ANOVA VAR00002 Sum Squares Between Groups 462.494 Within Groups 655.483 of Df 5 714 Mean Square F 92.499 .918 100.757 Sig. .000

Total 1117.978 719 Tab.8.167: ANOVA to measure the difference amongst the parameter to that influence the consumer to purchase OTC medicine on their own Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ha and reject Ho. There is a significant difference across the parameters of influence for consumer to purchase OTC medicine on their own

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


VAR00002 Tukey HSDa VAR00001 Internet & blog recommendation Save the cost of doctor visit Advertisement Lack of time to visit doctor Chemist promotion Past experience Sig. N 120 120 120 120 120 120 1.000 .676 .149 Subset for alpha = 0.05 1 1.5750 2.4500 2.6333 3.1500 3.4500 4.1083 1.000 2 3 4

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 120.000. Tab.8.168: Tukey to identify the most important parameter that influence the consumer to purchase OTC medicine on their own

From the above Tab., we can see the most important parameter of influence for consumer to purchase OTC medicine on their own is Past Experience

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.8. Have you seen advertisement of OTC drug recently, if Yes, please indicate if you have use or recommended it to others? Accordingly ANOVA to find out the most effective medium of advertisement which leads to use or recommendation of an OTC product Ho: There is no significant difference across the different medium of advertisement which leads to use or recommendation of an OTC product Ha: There is a significant difference across the different medium of advertisement which leads to use or recommendation of an OTC product Descriptive VAR00002 Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound Upper Bound 3.6865 3.2320 3.1331 3.6497 3.0142 2.4528 3.0442


Minimum Maximum

Newspaper Magazine Television Internet Chemist shop Doctors cabin Total

120 3.4167 1.49275 120 2.9583 1.51406 120 2.9083 1.24344 120 3.3833 1.47348 120 2.7167 1.64589 120 2.2250 1.26000 720 2.9347 1.49637

.13627 3.1468 .13821 2.6847 .11351 2.6836 .13451 3.1170 .15025 2.4192 .11502 1.9972 .05577 2.8252

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

6.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00

Tab.8.169: Indicates the descriptive analysis of different types of mediums of advertisement used to promote an OTC product

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


ANOVA VAR00002 Sum Squares Between Groups 118.324 Within Groups 1491.608 of Df 5 714 Mean Square F 23.665 2.089 11.328 Sig. .000

Total 1609.932 719 Tab.8.170: ANOVA to measure the difference between the different medium of advertisement which leads to use or recommendation of an OTC product Since, Value of Pearson chi square <0.05, we reject Ho null hypothesis Hence, we accept Ha and reject Ho. There is a significant difference across the different medium of advertisement which leads to use or recommendation of an OTC product

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


VAR00002 Tukey HSDa VAR00001 Doctors cabin Chemist shop Television Magazine Internet Newspaper Sig. N Subset for alpha = 0.05 1 2 2.7167 2.9083 2.9583 2.9083 2.9583 3.3833 3.4167 .090 .788 .072 3

120 2.2250 120 2.7167 120 120 120 120

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 120.000. Tab.8.171: Tukey to identify the most important medium of advertisement which leads the consumer to use or recommendation of an OTC product From the above Tab., we can see the most important medium of advertisement which leads the consumer to use or recommendation of an OTC product is respectively 1. Newspaper 2. Internet 3. Magazine 4. Television

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Q.No.7. Please indicate the importance of following attribute in a purchase of OTC drug TWO WAY ANOVA WITH REPLICATION FOR AGE AND GENDER OF RESPONDENT WITH ATTRIBUTES IMPORTANT FOR PURCHASE OF OTC PRODUCT BRAND NAME Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable: Brand name Age Below 25 yrs Gender Mean Male 3.82 Female 4.23 Std. Deviation .751 .725 N 11 13

Total 4.04 .751 24 25-35 Male 3.95 .780 19 Female 3.95 .686 20 Total 3.95 .724 39 35-45 Male 4.40 .737 15 Female 4.27 .594 15 Total 4.33 .661 30 Above 45 Male 3.83 .835 12 years Female 4.40 .737 15 Total 4.15 .818 27 Total Male 4.02 .790 57 Female 4.19 .692 63 Total 4.11 .742 120 Tab.8.172: Descriptive statistics with dependent variable brand name Ho1: There are no significant differences in rating to brand name as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the age of the respondents Ho2: There are no significant differences in rating to brand name as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the gender of the respondent Ho3: There are no significant differences in rating to brand name as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to age and gender of the respondents Rehan Faquih Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable:Brand name Source Type III Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig. .144 .000 .177 .121 .224


Corrected 5.950a 7 .850 1.596 Model Intercept 1948.152 1 1948.152 3658.413 Age 2.669 3 .890 1.670 Gender 1.300 1 1.300 2.442 Age * Gender 2.361 3 .787 1.478 Error 59.641 112 .533 Total 2091.000 120 Corrected Total 65.592 119 a. R Squared = .091 (Adjusted R Squared = .034) Tab.8.173: Two way ANOVA with dependent variable brand name Since P value is more than 0.05, hence we accept Ho1,Ho2,Ho3

Ho1: There are no significant differences in rating to brand name as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the age of the respondents Ho2: There are no significant differences in rating to brand name as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the gender of the respondents Ho3: There are no significant differences in rating to brand name as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to age and gender of the respondents

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products PRICE Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable:Price Age Below 25 yrs Gender Mean Male 2.91 Female 3.69 Std. Deviation .831 .947 N 11 13


Total 3.33 .963 24 25-35 Male 3.26 1.147 19 Female 4.45 .686 20 Total 3.87 1.105 39 35-45 Male 3.27 1.163 15 Female 3.53 .990 15 Total 3.40 1.070 30 Above 45 Male 3.08 .996 12 years Female 3.60 1.183 15 Total 3.37 1.115 27 Total Male 3.16 1.049 57 Female 3.87 1.008 63 Total 3.53 1.084 120 Tab.8.174: Descriptive statistics with dependent variable price Ho1: There are no significant differences in rating to price as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the age of the respondents Ho2: There are no significant differences in rating to price as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the gender of the respondents Ho3: There are no significant differences in rating to price as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to age and gender of the respondents

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable:Price Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. .001 .000 .086 .000 .277


Corrected 26.371a 7 3.767 3.718 Model Intercept 1395.317 1 1395.317 1376.927 Age 6.840 3 2.280 2.250 Gender 13.689 1 13.689 13.509 Age * Gender 3.963 3 1.321 1.304 Error 113.496 112 1.013 Total 1638.000 120 Corrected Total 139.867 119 a. R Squared = .189 (Adjusted R Squared = .138) Tab.8.175: Two way ANOVA with dependent variable price

Since P value is more than 0.05 for Ho1,Ho3 but for Ho2 P value is less than 0.05, hence we accept Ho1,Ho3 but we reject Ho2 Ho1: There are no significant differences in rating to price as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the age of the respondents Ho3: There are no significant differences in rating to price as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to age and gender of the respondents Ho2: There are significant differences in rating to price as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the gender of the respondents

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products PROMOTION Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable:Promotion Age Below 25 yrs Gender Mean Male 3.18 Female 3.54 Std. Deviation 1.250 .967 N 11 13


Total 3.38 1.096 24 25-35 Male 3.05 1.177 19 Female 3.35 .813 20 Total 3.21 1.005 39 35-45 Male 3.80 .862 15 Female 3.13 1.060 15 Total 3.47 1.008 30 Above 45 Male 3.42 1.240 12 years Female 2.93 .799 15 Total 3.15 1.027 27 Total Male 3.35 1.142 57 Female 3.24 .911 63 Total 3.29 1.024 120 Tab.8.176: Descriptive statistics with dependent variable promotion Ho1: There are no significant differences in rating to promotion as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the age of the respondents Ho2: There are no significant differences in rating to promotion as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the gender of the respondents Ho3: There are no significant differences in rating to promotion as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to age and gender of the respondents

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable:Promotion Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. .331 .000 .650 .515 .121


Corrected 8.444a 7 1.206 1.161 Model Intercept 1259.107 1 1259.107 1212.055 Age 1.711 3 .570 .549 Gender .444 1 .444 .428 Age * Gender 6.167 3 2.056 1.979 Error 116.348 112 1.039 Total 1425.000 120 Corrected Total 124.792 119 a. R Squared = .068 (Adjusted R Squared = .009) Tab.8.177: Two way ANOVA with dependent variable promotion Since P value is more than 0.05, hence we accept Ho1, Ho2, Ho3

Ho1: There are no significant differences in rating to promotion as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the age of the respondents Ho2: There are no significant differences in rating to promotion as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the gender of the respondents Ho3: There are no significant differences in rating to promotion as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to age and gender of the respondents

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products ADVERTISEMENT Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable:Advertisement Age Below 25 yrs Gender Mean Male 1.82 Female 2.31 Std. Deviation .751 .947 N 11 13


Total 2.08 .881 24 25-35 Male 2.42 1.017 19 Female 2.25 .851 20 Total 2.33 .927 39 35-45 Male 2.40 .828 15 Female 2.47 1.125 15 Total 2.43 .971 30 Above 45 Male 2.00 .953 12 years Female 2.13 1.125 15 Total 2.07 1.035 27 Total Male 2.21 .921 57 Female 2.29 .991 63 Total 2.25 .955 120 Tab.8.178: Descriptive statistics with dependent variable advertisement Ho1: There are no significant differences in rating to advertisement as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the age of the respondents Ho2: There are no significant differences in rating to advertisement as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the gender of the respondents Ho3: There are no significant differences in rating to advertisement as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to age and gender of the respondents

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: Advertisement Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.


Corrected 4.646a 7 .664 .716 .659 Model Intercept 571.925 1 571.925 616.786 .000 Age 3.021 3 1.007 1.086 .358 Gender .485 1 .485 .523 .471 Age * Gender 1.632 3 .544 .587 .625 Error 103.854 112 .927 Total 716.000 120 Corrected Total 108.500 119 a. R Squared = .043 (Adjusted R Squared = -.017) Tab.8.179: Two way ANOVA with dependent variable advertisement Since P value is more than 0.05, hence we accept Ho1, Ho2, Ho3 Ho1: There are no significant differences in rating to advertisement as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the age of the respondents Ho2: There are no significant differences in rating to advertisement as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the gender of the respondents Ho3: There are no significant differences in rating to advertisement as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to age and gender of the respondents

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products PHYSICIAN RECOMMENDATION Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable: Physician recommendation Age Below 25 yrs Gender Mean Male 3.73 Female 3.85 Std. Deviation .905 .555 N 11 13


Total 3.79 .721 24 25-35 Male 3.89 .809 19 Female 4.10 .852 20 Total 4.00 .827 39 35-45 Male 3.87 .743 15 Female 4.07 .799 15 Total 3.97 .765 30 Above 45 Male 3.42 .900 12 years Female 3.80 1.014 15 Total 3.63 .967 27 Total Male 3.75 .830 57 Female 3.97 .822 63 Total 3.87 .829 120 Tab.8.180: Descriptive statistics with dependent variable physician recommendation Ho1: There are no significant differences in rating to physician recommendation as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the age of the respondents Ho2: There are no significant differences in rating to physician recommendation as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the gender of the respondents Ho3: There are no significant differences in rating to physician recommendation as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to age and gender of the respondents

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable:Physician recommendation Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.


Corrected 4.420a 7 .631 .913 .499 Model Intercept 1703.883 1 1703.883 2464.073 .000 Age 2.894 3 .965 1.395 .248 Gender 1.487 1 1.487 2.150 .145 Age * Gender .243 3 .081 .117 .950 Error 77.447 112 .691 Total 1876.000 120 Corrected Total 81.867 119 a. R Squared = .054 (Adjusted R Squared = -.005) Tab.8.181: Two way ANOVA with dependent variable physician recommendation Since P value is more than 0.05, hence we accept Ho1, Ho2, Ho3 Ho1: There are no significant differences in rating to physician recommendation as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the age of the respondents Ho2: There are no significant differences in rating to physician recommendation as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the gender of the respondents Ho3: There are no significant differences in rating to physician recommendation as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to age and gender of the respondents

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products PAST EXPERIENCE Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable: past experience Age Below 25 yrs Gender Mean Male 4.09 Female 4.15 Std. Deviation .701 .801 N 11 13


Total 4.13 .741 24 25-35 Male 4.00 .816 19 Female 3.90 .718 20 Total 3.95 .759 39 35-45 Male 3.87 .743 15 Female 3.80 .561 15 Total 3.83 .648 30 Above 45 Male 4.17 .718 12 years Female 3.73 .704 15 Total 3.93 .730 27 Total Male 4.02 .744 57 Female 3.89 .698 63 Total 3.95 .720 120 Tab.8.182: Descriptive statistics with dependent variable past experience Ho1: There are no significant differences in rating to past experience as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the age of the respondents Ho2: There are no significant differences in rating to past experience as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the gender of the respondents Ho3: There are no significant differences in rating to past experience as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to age and gender of the respondents

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: past experience Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.


Corrected 2.565a 7 .366 .694 .677 Model Intercept 1815.853 1 1815.853 3439.190 .000 Age 1.113 3 .371 .703 .552 Gender .521 1 .521 .986 .323 Age * Gender .874 3 .291 .552 .648 Error 59.135 112 .528 Total 1934.000 120 Corrected Total 61.700 119 a. R Squared = .042 (Adjusted R Squared = -.018) Tab.8.183: Two way ANOVA with dependent variable past experience Since P value is more than 0.05, hence we accept Ho1, Ho2, Ho3 Ho1: There are no significant differences in rating to past experience as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the age of the respondents Ho2: There are no significant differences in rating to past experience as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the gender of the respondents Ho3: There are no significant differences in rating to past experience as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to age and gender of the respondents

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products PHARMACIST RECOMMENDATION Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable: Pharmacist recommendation Age Below 25 yrs Gender Mean Male 4.27 Female 3.85 Std. Deviation .647 .689 N 11 13


Total 4.04 .690 24 25-35 Male 4.11 .658 19 Female 4.30 .733 20 Total 4.21 .695 39 35-45 Male 3.93 .704 15 Female 4.47 .516 15 Total 4.20 .664 30 Above 45 Male 4.25 .622 12 years Female 3.93 .704 15 Total 4.07 .675 27 Total Male 4.12 .657 57 Female 4.16 .700 63 Total 4.14 .677 120 Tab.8.184: Descriptive statistics with dependent variable pharmacist recommendation Ho1: There are no significant differences in rating to pharmacist recommendation as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the age of the respondents Ho2: There are no significant differences in rating to pharmacist recommendation as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the gender of the respondents Ho3: There are no significant differences in rating to pharmacist recommendation as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to age and gender of the respondents

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: Pharmacist recommendation Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. .152 .000 .788 .976 .028


Corrected 4.878a 7 .697 1.570 Model Intercept 1979.254 1 1979.254 4459.071 Age .469 3 .156 .352 Gender .000 1 .000 .001 Age * Gender 4.204 3 1.401 3.157 Error 49.714 112 .444 Total 2113.000 120 Corrected Total 54.592 119 a. R Squared = .089 (Adjusted R Squared = .032) Tab.8.185: Two way ANOVA with dependent variable price

Since P value is more than 0.05 for Ho1,Ho2 but for Ho3 P value is less than 0.05, hence we accept Ho1,Ho2 but we reject Ho3 Ho1: There are no significant differences in rating to pharmacist recommendation as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the age of the respondents Ho2: There are no significant differences in rating to pharmacist recommendation as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the gender of the respondents Ho3: There are significant differences in rating to pharmacist recommendation as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to age and gender of the respondents

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products FAMILY/FRIENDS RECOMMENDATION Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable: Family /Friend Recommendation Age Below 25 yrs Gender Mean Male 3.18 Female 3.00 Std. Deviation 1.401 1.633 N 11 13


Total 3.08 1.501 24 25-35 Male 3.05 1.545 19 Female 3.05 1.432 20 Total 3.05 1.468 39 35-45 Male 4.00 1.414 15 Female 3.13 1.506 15 Total 3.57 1.501 30 Above 45 Male 2.75 1.357 12 years Female 3.20 1.568 15 Total 3.00 1.468 27 Total Male 3.26 1.482 57 Female 3.10 1.489 63 Total 3.18 1.482 120 Tab.8.186: Descriptive statistics with dependent variable family/friends recommendation Ho1: There are no significant differences in rating to family/friends recommendation as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the age of the respondents Ho2: There are no significant differences in rating to family/friends recommendation as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the gender of the respondents Ho3: There are no significant differences in rating to family/friends recommendation as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to age and gender of the respondents

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: Family /Friend Recommendation Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.


Corrected 13.408a 7 1.915 .865 .536 Model Intercept 1162.022 1 1162.022 524.960 .000 Age 6.432 3 2.144 .969 .410 Gender .652 1 .652 .295 .588 Age * Gender 6.469 3 2.156 .974 .408 Error 247.917 112 2.214 Total 1471.000 120 Corrected Total 261.325 119 a. R Squared = .051 (Adjusted R Squared = -.008) Tab.8.187: Two way ANOVA with dependent variable past experience Since P value is more than 0.05, hence we accept Ho1, Ho2, Ho3 Ho1: There are no significant differences in rating to family/friends recommendation as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the age of the respondents Ho2: There are no significant differences in rating to family/friends recommendation as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to the gender of the respondents Ho3: There are no significant differences in rating to family/friends recommendation as important attribute to purchase OTC product with respect to age and gender of the respondents

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products




Most of respondent belongs to age group of between 25-45 years Most of respondent are gender female Most of respondent stays in nuclear family Most of respondent are well educated have done graduation Most respondent stays in family size of 4-6 member in family Most of the respondents have very good health i.e.61 respondent out of 120 sample size Most of the people suffer from these normal diseases on day to day basis, in that most of the respondent i.e. 35 respondent use OTC medicine product first to treat the condition

The usage number of OTC product have increased over the period of five years due to more education and better standard of living i.e.41 respondent use more OTC product

The frequency of usage of OTC product have been same for last five year i.e. 42 respondent has same frequency of usage

Most of respondent think it is important to consult the Doctor before consumption of OTC medicine after reading or watching a medicine advertisement

Most of respondent read packaging label when they purchase OTC medicine for first time Most of respondent first read direction usage on packaging labels Most of Respondent dont re-read label until and unless the medicine is to be given to child

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Most of the respondent doesnt have knowledge about the amount of medicine needs to be taken for therapeutic response

Most respondent doesnt even have basic knowledge about a regularly used Brand Crocin pharmaceutical content

Most respondent have taken more medicine than recommended dosage Those who have taken more medicine than recommended dosage have taken next dose sooner than directed on label so, most respondent dont take risk of taking unnecessary dosage ,they understand the risk of taking more dosage

Most respondent take more dosage only when they have more severe symptoms Most respondent take multiple medicine when suffer from more than one symptom in a particular disease, so they know the usage of different medicine in different symptoms

Most of respondent are aware of negative reaction of OTC medicine and have experienced some negative reaction or side effect after taking an OTC medicine

Most respondent experience side effect or negative reaction first they contact doctor and other most respondent contact chemist

Most respondent suffer symptom of fever every bimonthly Most respondent suffer symptom of Pain every monthly Most respondent suffer symptom of Cold,Flu every half yearly Most respondent suffer symptom of acidity every biweekly Most respondent suffer symptom of vomiting in every six month Most respondent suffer symptom of diahorrea every bimonthly Most respondent take vitamin every half yearly Most respondent suffer skin disorder problems often every bimonthly Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Rehan Faquih

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Most respondent take doctors advice for purchase decision of OTC product Very few respondents take Chemist advice for purchase decision of OTC product


Most respondent take acquaintance, family, friend advice as most important advice for purchase decision of OTC product

Most respondent do not take media advertisement based advice for purchase decision of OTC product

Most respondent find past experience as good influencer for purchase decision of OTC product

Most respondent do not take advice from advertisement displayed on chemist store for purchase decision of OTC product

Most respondent think information on internet is the last source of information to depend as advice for purchase decision of OTC product

There is significant difference between the overall health and the age of the person There is no significant difference between number of product usage and the age of the person

There is no significant difference between usage of label and the age of the person There is no significant difference between knowledge of dosage and the age of the person There is no significant difference between more usage of medicine and the age of the person

There is no significant difference between more usage of medicine and the age of the person

There is no significant difference between negative reaction experienced and the age of the person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


There is significant difference between frequency of suffering from pain and the age of the person

There is no significant difference between frequency of suffering from acidity and the age of the person

There is significant difference between frequency of suffering from skin disorder and the age of the person

There is no significant difference between past experience as the influence of purchase of OTC product and the age of the person

There is no significant difference between advertisement as the influence of purchase of OTC product and the age of the person

There is no significant difference between chemist promotion as the influence of purchase of OTC product and the age of the person

There is no significant difference between family or friend recommendation as the influence of purchase of OTC product and the age of the person

There is significant difference between advertisement effect of magazine as the influence of purchase of OTC product and the age of the person

There is no significant difference between overall health and gender of people There is no significant difference between number of product usage and gender There is no significant difference between usage of packaging instruction and gender of people

There is no significant difference between usage of knowledge of dosing and gender of people

There is no significant difference between usage of multiple drug and gender of people Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Rehan Faquih

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


There is no significant difference between negative reaction or side effect and gender of people

There is no significant difference between frequency of pain suffering and gender of people

There is no significant difference between frequency of acidity suffering and gender of people

There is no significant difference between frequency of skin problem suffering and gender of people

There is no significant difference between past experience as the influence of purchase of OTC product and gender of a person

There is no significant difference between advertisement as the influence of purchase of OTC product and gender of a person

There is significant difference between price as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and gender of a person

There is no significant difference between promotion as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and gender of a person

There is no significant difference between pharmacist recommendation as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and gender of a person

There is no significant difference between family or friend recommendation as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and gender of a person

There is no significant difference between advertisement effect of television on purchase of OTC product and gender of a person

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


There is significant difference between advertisement effect of chemist shop on purchase of OTC product and gender of a person

There is no significant difference between overall health and nature of family There is no significant difference between number of product usage and nature of family There is no significant difference between usage of packaging instruction and nature of family

There is no significant difference between usage of knowledge of dosing and nature of family

There is no significant difference between overdosage of OTC medicine and nature of family

There is no significant difference between reason of overdosage and nature of family There is no significant difference between usage of multiple drug and nature of family There is significant difference between frequency of cold flu suffering and nature of family

There is significant difference between frequency of vitamin usage and nature of family There is no significant difference between past experience as the influence of purchase of OTC product and nature of family

There is no significant difference between advertisement as the influence of purchase of OTC product and nature of family

There is no significant difference between price as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and nature of family

There is no significant difference between past experience as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and nature of family

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


There is no significant difference between family/friend recommendation as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and nature of family

There is no significant difference between advertisement effect of television on purchase of OTC product and nature of family

There is significant difference between approach to find treatment and education There is significant difference between number of product usage and education There is no significant difference between usage of packaging instruction and education There is no significant difference between usage of knowledge of dosing and education There is no significant difference between overdosage of OTC medicine and education There is no significant difference between usage of multiple drug and education There is no significant difference between frequency of pain suffering and education There is significant difference between frequency of cold flu suffering and education There is no significant difference between frequency of skin disorder and education There is no significant difference between past experience as the influence of purchase of OTC product and education

There is no significant difference between advertisement as the influence of purchase of OTC product and education

There is significant difference between save cost to visit doctor as the influence of purchase of OTC product and education

There is significant difference between price as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and education

There is significant difference between promotion as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and education

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


There is significant difference between advertisement as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and education

There is significant difference between past experience as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and education

There is significant difference between family/friend recommendation as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and education

There is no significant difference between advertisement effect of newspaper on purchase of OTC product and education

There is no significant difference between advertisement effect of magazine on purchase of OTC product and education

There is significant difference between advertisement effect of chemist shop on purchase of OTC product and education

There is no significant difference between overall health and occupation There is no significant difference between usage of knowledge of dosing and occupation There is significant difference between over dosage of OTC medicine and occupation There is no significant difference between reason of overdosage and occupation There is no significant difference between frequency of acidity suffering and occupation There is significant difference between frequency of pain suffering and occupation There is no significant difference between availability of time to visit doctor as the influence of purchase of OTC product and occupation

There is significant difference between past experience as an attribute that influence of purchase of OTC product and occupation

There is significant difference between overdosage of OTC medicine and marital status Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Rehan Faquih

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


There is significant difference between frequency of cold flu suffering and marital status There is significant difference between frequency of acidity suffering and marital status There is significant difference between frequency of vitamin suffering and marital status There is significant difference between advertisement as the influence of purchase of OTC product and marital status

There is a significant difference across the parameter in an OTC product The most important parameter or attribute on which OTC product always need to deliver are respectively 1. Pharmacist Recommendation 2. Brand Name 3. Past experience 4. Physician recommendation

The most important parameter of influence for consumer to purchase OTC medicine on their own is Past Experience

The most important medium of advertisement which leads the consumer to use or recommendation of an OTC product is respectively 1. Newspaper 2. Internet 3. Magazine 4. Television

Brand Name being an important attribute to purchase an OTC product does not depend on the age and gender of the respondent.

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Price being an important attribute to purchase an OTC product does not depend on the age but it depends on the gender of the respondent.

Promotion being an important attribute to purchase an OTC product does not depend on the age and gender of the respondent.

Advertisement being an important attribute to purchase an OTC product does not depend on the age and gender of the respondent.

Physician recommendation being an important attribute to purchase an OTC product does not depend on the age and gender of the respondent.

Past experience being an important attribute to purchase an OTC product does not depend on the age and gender of the respondent.

Pharmacist recommendation being an important attribute to purchase an OTC product depends on the age and gender of the respondent.

Family/friend recommendation being an important attribute to purchase an OTC product does not depend on the age and gender of the respondent.


It is very important for the brand manager of OTC products to increase awareness amongst the consumer so, they take proper treatment for their general ailments, for now, most of them use home remedy

The usage of OTC product over the years have increased with better education and increase in disposable income but, there are still lot of areas where the market is untapped

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


The frequency of usage of same OTC product over the year have remained same, it is important for brand manager to do proper positioning and branding to increase the frequency of usage

It is important for brand manager to generate a campaign for the awareness of importance of reading a packaging labels each time before using a medicine

If the medicine has more side effect it is the moral responsibility of the organization to instruct the consumer to take advice from doctor before taking the medicine

There is no awareness in consumer about the dosage and usage of OTC product for a particular indication, the doctor and pharmacist should be informed to impart some knowledge when a consumer purchase or ask for a particular product

The awareness level of consumer is very low about the basic science of medicine, so brand manager can launch a campaign to increase the knowledge about the OTC product with the help of Media, Doctors and Chemists

There are lot of consumer who abuse drug usage so, it is important for brand manager to give training to the retailer about the harmful effect of excessive usage which will help them make understand the consumer about the harmful effect of excessive usage of medicine

The multiple drug usage amongst the consumer is high. brand manager can provide the different product for common symptoms of disease

The most important parameter to purchase a particular OTC medicine are advice of pharmacist , doctor and brand name of the product so, it is important for the organization to educate retailer, doctors and consumer simultaneously

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Brand manager can use innovative methods to communicate the handling of negative reaction caused by particular drug or it is advisable to check with doctor before using drug

The OTC player should have drug portfolio in every general symptoms or aliment because the frequency of suffering happens in every 6 months for same common symptoms

The most effective communication mode in media for OTC medicine are usage of Newspaper, magazine or any print media which helps the consumer to understand the usage and indication of product

The advice of doctors and chemist helps to influence the purchase of particular brand and OTC product. Organization should influence the doctors and chemist for advice of their product

The past experience with the product is most importance influencing parameter for purchase of medicine so brand manager should make sure to give better experiences with the brand usage

The promotion at chemist store are the best promotion for purchase of a product because the brand and the advisor is present at same place and time

The peer influence in decision plays an important role in purchase of a product, the awareness amongst the consumer needs to be increased

The advertisement medium do play role in influencing the usage and recommendation of the OTC product. The most effective medium is print medium which helps the consumer read and understand the usage of OTC medicine

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry today is in the front rank of Indias science-based industries. This highly fragmented industry is very competitive. The companies are compelled to focus on R&D and innovative methods to improve their manufacturing capabilities. In the OTC drug marketing, the Customer and Consumer being the same, companies have to immediately address the information needs more effectively and on a continuous basis. The acceptability of OTC drugs will improve once the awareness level is enhanced. When the knowledge of the traditional medicine is rooted in the culture, the knowledge about allopathic OTC drugs has to be disseminated by manufacturing company and ensure drastic reduction in the high information asymmetry existing today. The OTC drug offering is incomplete without empowering the public on its rational use through well planed strategic marketing initiative revolving around the aliment, the knowledge to diagnose and manage the same.

In this empowerment process which can be considered as CSR, the objective should be prevention and holistic awareness creation leading to health and wellbeing than just offering the minimum needed information to use ones products. Thus by educating public (consumer) on how to manage common ailments and finally how to prevent them, the pharma companies can achieve its real goal of health for all and improve the quality of peoples life. The social benefit at a national level will be lesser work load on general practitioners, pharmacists who are more empowered to guide and counsel patients and more confident public who are in a better position to take more informed choice of the best available solution to treat their common ailments and prevent the frequent occurrence of the same. This will increase productivity at work and every one in society can make superior contribution towards nation building as it strives to be a

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


developed one. In India, most residents are aware that OTC medicines could be purchased in convenience stores, although most still showed preference for making purchases in pharmacies. This may be due to different expectations for this outlet the public may expect that pharmacies can provide professional help, as well as offer good quality, lower prices, and a greater variety of products. This survey conducted in Mumbai, the finding gives us an insight regarding consumers' attitudes, usage and preferences towards OTC products. The surveyed consumer perceived that OTC drug marketing strategies will make the drugs cheaper, easily available at stores and also information of the brand. This will encourage Consumers to use OTC drugs as first line of defense and reduce cost on healthcare management, but, it has high negative risk towards self medication through OTC medicines across the consumer strata. As we know self medication leads to taking health in own hands and will have detrimental effects. OTC brands in minor ailments are safe and easily available.

Doctors were of the opinion that consumers will get more involved in health management if more OTC Drugs are available in open market without prescription. But, OTC products will help the company reach the areas where primary health care is question market; private healthcare cost more even in minor ailment also so .the companies should bring down the cost of OTC products to reach the poor. Thus OTC products are marketed and advertised freely so that maximum consumers are educated and treat minor ailments at home using OTC products as first line of defense. Since it can be expected that more Rx to OTC switch will increase number of drugs in OTC category in near future, it may be valuable to conduct more research on group of Consumer who consume OTC Products available to Counters freely and either switch from the existing brand or continue to earlier brand.

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


As OTC product today enjoy a good market share and also in coming future as numbers of drugs are going off-patent, so OTC market is going to see increasing market share. The entire consumer surveyed uses some or other OTC products. Earlier prescription from a doctor, recommendation from a friend/relative, advertisements of a product and through product trial emerged as major reasons for purchasing OTC product. Pharmacist recommendation of a product followed by its brand name & past experience can play role on purchase behavior. Advertisements substantially affect consumer behavior towards OTC products in building brand equity, majority of the consumers don't know the parent company of brand consumed. Thus, study corroborates consumers prefer OTC products as a substitute to Rx products.

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Topic: Usage and Attitude of Consumer towards Pharmaceutical over the Counter (OTC) drugs Name of Consumer Age o Below 25yrs o 25-35 o 35-45 o Above 45 Gender o Male o Female Nature of Family o Nuclear o Joint Education o School level o Graduate o Post Grad o Professional o Any other Occupation: Marital Status o Single o Married o Divorce Family Size o More than 3 o 3 to 6 o Above 6

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 1. Overall how would you rate your current health? o o o o o Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor



Think about the condition when you had suffered from some general problem like cold, cough, sore throat etc recently, what did you do generally in these ailments? o o o o o o Used medicine already at home See doctor Purchased OTC medicine Purchased prescription drug Use home remedy Used nothing

3. Do you use OTC drugs or medication for mentioned below indication If Yes, please indicates the frequency of usage?

Indication or Ailments

Yes/No Dail y Weekl Biweekl y y

Frequency Monthl y Bimonthl y Half Yearly Yearly

Fever Pain Cold, Flu Acidity Contraception Vomiting Diahorrea Vitamin Dietary supplement Mineral Skin disorder

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 4.


Would you say that you are taking more, fewer or about same number of product than you did five year ago? o o o o More Fewer About same Dont know


Are you using this OTC product more, less or about same as five year ago? o o o o More frequently Less frequently About same Dont know/not sure

6. What makes you take decision on your own to purchase medicine? Rate on a scale of 1-5 where 1-represents lowest and 5-represents Highest Parameter Past experience Advertisement Lack of Time to visit Doctor Save the cost of doctor visit Chemist promotion Internet & Blog recommendation 1 2 3 4 5

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 7. Please indicate the importance of following attribute in a purchase of OTC drug


1-Unimportant 2- of little importance 3-Moderately Important 4- Important 5- Very Important Sr no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Parameter Brand Name Price Promotion Advertisement Physical Recommendation Past Experience Pharmacist Recommendation Family/Friend Recommendation 1 2 3 4 5

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Advertisement effect


8. Have you seen advertisement of OTC drug recently, if Yes, please indicate if you have use or recommended it to others? Accordingly 1. Definitely will recommend/Use 2. Probably will recommend/Use 3. Not sure 4. Probably will not recommend/Use 5. Definitely will not recommend/Use 6. Never Used/Recommended Sources of 1 2 3 watching Yes/No Newspaper Magazine Television Internet Chemist shop Doctors cabin

9. Do you agree after reading or watching a medicine advertisement, one should consult a physician about it before using it?

o o o o o

Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


10. Whose Advice is taken when you decide on which OTC drug to buy? Rank accordingly Parameter The doctor The Pharmacist Acquaintances, Family,Friends,Colleagues Media Advertisement Past experience Advertisements on Chemist store Internet information Rank

Consumer usage of OTC labels

11. When you buy or take the OTC me9dicine for the first time, what information do you read on the package first? o o o o o o o Direction of usage Dosage levels Symptoms it is used for Possible side effect of usage Warning about usage with other medicine Expiry date Other response

12. Are you likely to re-read the label again in the following circumstances o o o o o OTC Medicine to a child OTC Medicine with prescription drug at same OTC medicine with OTC medicine at same time Dont read the label long time Other

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Knowledge of OTC


13. To the best of recollection, what is Active ingredient in brand crocin? ______________________________________________________________ 14. Based on what you know, what is most accurate way to determine the amount of medicine to be taken in particular indication? o o o o o Weight Age Both Weight and Age Neither weight nor age Dont know/Not sure

Taking too much of an OTC drug

15. Have you ever taken more than the recommended dose of a non-prescription medicine? o Yes o No o Not sure

16. If yes, how much more have you taken? o o o o More than recommended no of pills at single time Next dose sooner than directed on label More no. Of dosage per day directed on label Dont know/ not sure

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products 17. What is the one reason for taking more medicine is o o o o o Believe it relieve more quickly had severe symptoms Did not get any better by taking recommended dose Used prescription all to my judgment Any other please specify


18. If you have more than one symptom at same time like headache, sore throat, how likely are you to take more than one OTC medicine? o o o o o Not at all likely Not very likely Somewhat likely Very likely Extremely likely

Side effect

19. Have you ever experienced any negative reaction or side effect from taking an OTC product? o Yes o No o Not sure

20. What did you do mostly to stop the negative reaction? o Stopped taking OTC medicine o Contacted doctor o Waited until you felt better o Contacted chemist o Contacted friend or family o Took other medicine o Others Which different places do you think OTC medicine should be made available other than Medical stores?

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


LIST OF FIGURE Figure Description Page No.

CHAPTER NO 1: OVERVEIW OF PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY Fig.1.1 Fig.1.2 Fig.1.3 Branches of Medical Science Manufacturing Process Market share of Different Pharmaceutical Product Categories CHAPTER NO 3: INDIAN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY Fig.3.1 Percentage Sales of Industry Segment CHAPTER NO 8: DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Fig.8.1 Fig.8.2 Fig.8.3 Fig.8.4 Fig.8.5 Fig.8.6 Fig.8.7 Indicates the Age Profile of the Respondent Indicates the Gender Profile of the Respondent Indicates the Nature of Family Profile of the Respondent Indicates the Education Qualification Profile of the Respondent Indicates the family Size Profile of the Respondents Indicates the Frequency of Overall Current Health of the Respondent 108 109 110 111 112 113 37 2 5 11

Indicates the Frequency of Respondent Taking Self Medication in Minor 114 Ailments


Indicates the Frequency of Number of Products Usage Over the Years by the 115 Respondent

Fig.8 .9

Indicates the Frequency of Number of Products Usage Frequency Over the Years 116 by the Respondent

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products

Fig.8.10 Indicates the Frequency of Usage of Packaging Labels Fig.8.11 Indicates the Frequency of Re-read Packaging Labels in Any Circumstances Fig.8.12 Indicates the Frequency of Knowledge of Usage and Dosage of OTC Product 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124


Fig.8.13 Indicates the Frequency of Awareness About an OTC Product Fig.8.14 Indicates the Frequency About over Usage of an OTC Product Fig.8.15 Indicates the Frequency about Amount of Over Usage of an OTC Product Fig.8.16 Indicates the Frequency Reason for the Over Usage of an OTC Product Fig.8.17 Indicates the Frequency of Multidrug Usage to Treat Multiple Symptoms

Fig.8.18 Indicates the Frequency of Experience of Side Effect after Usage of an OTC 125 Product Fig.8.19 Indicates the Frequency Response to Tackle Side Effect of an OTC Product Fig.8.20 Indicates the Frequency Response of Suffering from Fever Fig.8.21 Indicates the Frequency Response of Suffering from Pain 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136

Fig.8.22 Indicates the Frequency Response of Suffering from Cold Flu Fig.8.23 Indicates the Frequency Response of Suffering from Acidity Fig.8.24 Indicates the Frequency Response of Suffering from Vomiting Fig.8.25 Indicates the Frequency Response of Suffering from Diahorrea Fig.8.26 Indicates the Frequency Response Usage of Vitamin Fig.8.27 Indicates the Frequency Suffering from Skin Disorder Fig.8.28 Indicates the Importance of Doctor in Advice to Purchase OTC Product Fig.8.29 Indicates the Importance of Pharmacist in Advice to Purchase OTC Product

Fig.8.30 Indicates the Importance of Family, Friends, Colleagues, Acquaintance in Advice 137

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products

to Purchase OTC Product Fig.8.31 Indicates the Importance of Media Advertisement in Advice to Purchase OTC 138 Product Fig.8.32 Indicates the Importance of Past Experience as an Advice to Purchase OTC 139 Product Fig.8.33 Indicates the Importance of Advertisement on Chemist Store in Advice to 140 Purchase OTC Product Fig.8.34 Indicates the Importance of Internet Information in Advice to Purchase OTC 141 Product


Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


PAGE Tab. DESCRIPTION NO. CHAPTER NO 1: OVERVIEW OF PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY Tab.1.1 Market Value and Market Growth of Therapeutic Segment 12

CHAPTER NO 2: INTRODUCTION OF PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY Tab.2.1 Tab.2.2 Market Share and Market Growth of Global Market Major Players in Pharmaceutical Market 19 25

CHAPTER NO 4: COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS OF PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY Tab.4.1 Market Share of Top Five Pharmaceutical Companies India CHAPTER NO 5: PHARMACEUTICAL OTC MARKET Tab.5.1 Tab.5.2 Tab.5.3 Tab.5.4 Tab.5.5 USA. Pharmaceutical OTC Market Segmentation Europe Pharmaceutical OTC Market Segmentation Market Sales of Different OTC Segment Market Share of Indian OTC Market Segment Top Ten OTC Brands in Indian Market 72 73 77 78 79 51

CHAPTER N0 8: DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Tab.8.1 Crosstab to Identify Overall Health with Respect to Age of the Person Chi square to Measure the Overall Health with Respect to Age of the Tab.8.2 Person Tab.8.3 Crosstab to Identify Number of Product Usage with Respect to Age of 143 142 142

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products the Person Chi square to Measure Number of Product Usage with Respect to Age Tab.8.4 of the Person Crosstab to Identify Usage of Packaging Labels with Respect to Age of Tab.8.5 the Person Chi square to Measure Usage of Packaging Labels with Respect to Age Tab.8.6 of the Person Crosstab to identify knowledge of usage of medicine with respect to age Tab.8.7 of the person Chi square to Measure the Knowledge of Usage of Medicine with Tab.8.8 Respect to Age of the Person 147 146 145 144 143


Crosstab to Identify Excessive Usage of Medicine with Respect to Age Tab.8.9 of the Person Chi square to Measure Excessive Usage of Medicine with Respect to Tab.8.10 Age of the Person Crosstab to Identify Reason for Excessive Usage of Medicine with Tab.8.11 Respect to Age of the Person Chi square to Measure the Reason for Excessive Usage of Medicine Tab.8.12 with Respect to Age of the Person Crosstab to Identify Experience of Negative Reaction with Respect to Tab.8.13 Age of the Person 151 150 149 149 148

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Chi square to Measure the Experience of Negative Reaction with Tab.8.14 Respect to Age of the Person Crosstab to Identify the Frequency of Suffering with Pain with Respect Tab.8.15 to Age of the Person Chi square to Measure the Frequency of Suffering with Pain with Tab.8.16 Respect to Age of the Person Crosstab to Identify the Frequency of Suffering from Acidity with Tab.8.17 Respect to Age of the Person Chi square to Measure the Frequency of Suffering from Acidity with Tab.8.18 Respect to Age of the Person Crosstab to Identify the Frequency of Suffering from Skin Disorder Tab.8.19 with Respect to Age of the Person Chi square to Measure the Frequency of Suffering from Skin Disorder Tab.8.20 with Respect to Age of the Person Crosstab to Identify Influence of Past Experience in Purchase of OTC Tab.8.21 Drug with Respect to Age of the Person Chi square to Measure the Influence of Past Experience in Purchase of Tab.8.22 OTC drug with Respect to Age of the Person Crosstab to Identify Influence of Advertisement in Purchase of OTC Tab.8.23 Drug with Respect to Age of the Person Tab.8.24 Chi square to Measure the Influence of Advertisement in Purchase of 162 161 160 159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products OTC Drug with Respect to Age of the Person Crosstab to Identify Influence of Chemist Promotion in Purchase of Tab.8.25 OTC Drug with Respect to Age of the Person Chi square to Measure the Influence of Chemist Promotion in Tab.8.26 Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Age of the Person Crosstab to Identify Influence of Family /Friends Recommendation in Tab.8.27 Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Age of the Person Chi Tab.8.28 square to Measure the Influence of Family/Friends 165 164 163


Recommendation in Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Age of the 166 Person Crosstab to Identify Advertisement Effect of Magazine Influences in

Tab.8.29 Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Age of the Person Chi square to Measure Advertisement Effect of Magazine Influences in Tab.8.30 Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Age of the Person Crosstab to Identify Overall health with Respect to Gender of the Tab.8.31 Person Chi square to Measure the Overall Health with Respect to Gender of Tab.8.32 the Person Crosstab to Identify Number of Product Usage with Respect to Gender Tab.8.33 of the Person Chi square to Measure Number of Product Usage with Respect to Tab.8.34 Gender of the Person







Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Crosstab to Identify Usage of Packaging Labels with Respect to Gender Tab.8.35 of the Person Chi square to Measure Usage of Packaging Labels with Respect to Tab.8.36 Gender of the Person Crosstab to Identify Excessive Usage of Multidrug with Respect to Tab.8.37 Gender of the Person Chi square to Measure Multidrug Usage of Medicine with Respect to Tab.8.38 Gender of the Person Crosstab to Identify Experience of Negative Reaction with Respect to Tab.8.39 Gender of the Person Chi square to Measure the Experience of Negative Reaction with Tab.8.40 Respect to Gender of the Person Crosstab to Identify the Frequency of Suffering with Pain with Respect Tab.8.41 to Gender of the Person Chi square to Measure the Frequency of Suffering with Pain with Tab.8.42 Respect to Gender of the Person Crosstab to Identify the Frequency of Suffering from Acidity with Tab.8.43 Respect to Gender of the Person Chi square to Measure the Frequency of Suffering from Acidity with Tab.8.44 Respect to Gender of the Person Tab.8.45 Crosstab to Identify the Frequency of Suffering from Skin Disorder 178 177 177 176 176 175 174 173 173 172 171


Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products with Respect to Gender of the Person Chi square to Measure the Frequency of Suffering from Skin Disorder Tab.8.46 with Respect to Gender of the Person Crosstab to Identify Influence of Past Experience in Purchase of OTC Tab.8.47 Drug with Respect to Gender of the Person Chi square to Measure the Influence of Past Experience in Purchase of Tab.8.48 OTC Drug with Respect to Gender of the Person Crosstab to Identify Influence of Advertisement in Purchase of OTC Tab.8.49 Drug with Respect to Gender of the Person Chi square to Measure the Influence of Advertisement in Purchase of Tab.8.50 OTC Drug with Respect to Gender of the Person Crosstab to Identify Influence of Price in Purchase of OTC Drug with Tab.8.51 Respect to Gender of the Person Chi square to Measure the Influence of Price in Purchase of OTC Tab.8.52 Drug with Respect to Gender of the Person Crosstab to Identify Influence of Promotion in Purchase of OTC Drug Tab.8.53 with Respect to Gender of the Person Chi square to Measure the Influence of Promotion in Purchase of OTC Tab.8.54 Drug with Respect to Gender of the person Crosstab to Identify Influence of Pharmacist Recommendation in Tab.8.55 Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Gender of the Person Chi square to Measure the Influence of Pharmacist Recommendation Tab.8.56 in Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Gender of the Person 187 186 185 184 183 183 182 181 180 180 179


Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Crosstab to Identify Influence of Family /Friends Recommendation in Tab.8.57 Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Gender of the Person Chi Tab.8.58 square to Measure the Influence of Family /Friends 188


Recommendation in Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Gender of 188 the Person Crosstab to Identify Advertisement Effect of Television Influences in

Tab.8.59 Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Gender of the Person Chi square to Measure Advertisement Effect of Television Influences Tab.8.60 in Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Gender of the Person Crosstab to Identify Advertisement Effect of Chemist Shop Influences Tab.8.61 in Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Gender of the Person Chi square to Measure Advertisement Effect of Chemist Shop Tab.8.62




Influences in Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Gender of the 192 Person Crosstab to Identify Overall Health with Respect to Nature of Family of

Tab.8.63 the Person Chi square to Measure the Overall Health with Respect to Nature of Tab.8.64 Family of the Person



Crosstab to Identify Number of Product Usage with Respect to Nature Tab.8.65 of Family of the Person 194


Chi square to Measure Number of Product Usage with Respect to 194

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Nature of Family of the Person Crosstab to Identify Usage of Packaging Labels with Respect to Nature Tab.8.67 of Family of the Person Chi square to Measure Usage of Packaging Labels with Respect to Tab.8.68 Nature of Family of the Person Crosstab to Identify Knowledge of Usage of Medicine with Respect to Tab.8.69 Nature of Family of the Person Chi square to Measure the Knowledge of Usage of Medicine with Tab.8.70 Respect to Nature of Family of the Person Crosstab to Identify Excessive Usage of Medicine with Respect to Tab.8.71 Nature of Family of the Person Chi square to Measure Excessive Usage of Medicine with Respect to Tab.8.72 Nature of Family of the Person Crosstab to Identify Reason for Excessive Usage of Medicine with Tab.8.73 Respect to Nature of Family of the Person Chi square to Measure the Reason for Excessive Usage of Medicine Tab.8.74 with Respect to Nature of Family of the Person Crosstab to Identify Usage of Multidrug with Respect to Nature of Tab. 8.75 Family of the Person Chi square to Measure Multidrug Usage of Medicine with Respect to Tab.8.76 Nature of Family of the Person 199 199 198 198 197 197 196 196 195 195


Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Crosstab to Identify the Frequency of Suffering with Cold flu with Tab.8.77 Respect to Nature of Family of the Person Chi square to Measure the Frequency of Suffering with Cold flu with Tab.8.78 Respect to Nature of Family of the Person Crosstab to Identify the Frequency of Suffering from Vitamin with Tab.8.79 Respect to Nature of Family of the Person Chi square to Measure the Frequency of Suffering from Vitamin with Tab.8.80 Respect to Nature of Family of the Person Crosstab to Identify Influence of Past Experience in Purchase of OTC Tab.8.81 Drug with Respect to Nature of Family of the Person Chi square to Measure the Influence of Past Experience in Purchase of Tab.8.82 OTC Drug with Respect to Nature of Family of the Person Crosstab to Identify Influence of Advertisement in Purchase of OTC Tab.8.83 Drug with Respect to Nature of Family of the Person Chi square to Measure the Influence of Advertisement in Purchase of Tab.8.84 OTC Drug with Respect to Nature of Family of the Person Crosstab to Identify Influence of Price in Purchase of OTC Drug with Tab.8.85 Respect to Nature of Family of the Person Chi square to Measure the Influence of Price in Purchase of OTC Tab.8.86 Drug with Respect to Nature of Family of the Person Crosstab to Identify Influence of Past Experience in Purchase of OTC Tab.8.87 Drug with Respect to Nature of Family of the Person Tab.8.88 Chi square to Measure the Influence of Past Experience in Purchase of 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 202 201 201 200 200


Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products OTC Drug with Respect to Nature of Family of the Person Crosstab to Identify Influence of Family /Friends Recommendation in Tab.8.89 Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Nature of Family of the Person Chi Tab.8.90 square to Measure the Influence of Family /Friends 209


Recommendation in Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Nature of 210 Family of the Person Crosstab to Identify Advertisement Effect of Television Influences in

Tab.8.91 Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Nature of Family of the Person Chi square to Measure Advertisement Effect of Television Influences Tab.8.92


in Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Nature of Family of the 212 Person Crosstab to Identify Past Experience as a Mean of Advice which


Influences in Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Nature of Family 213 of the Person Chi square to Measure Past Experience as a Mean of Advice which


Influences in Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Nature of Family 214 of the Person Crosstab to Identify Advertisement Chemist Store as a Mean of Advice


which Influences in Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Nature of 215 Family of the Person Chi square to Measure Advertisement Chemist Store as a Mean of Advice which Influences in Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to



Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Nature of Family of the Person Crosstab to Identify Approach to Find Treatment for General Ailment Tab.8.97 with Respect to Education of the Person Chi square to Measure to Find Treatment for General Ailment with Tab.8.98 Respect to Education of the Person 218 217


Crosstab to Identify Number of Product Usage with Respect to Tab.8.99 Education of the Person 219

Chi square to Measure Number of Product Usage with Respect to Tab.8.100 Education of the Person 219

Crosstab to Identify Usage of Packaging Labels with Respect to Tab.8.101 Education of the Person 220

Chi square to Measure Usage of Packaging Labels with Respect to Tab.8.102 Education of the Person 221

Crosstab to Identify Knowledge of Usage of Medicine with Respect to Tab.8.103 Education of the Person 222

Chi square to Measure the Knowledge of Usage of Medicine with Tab.8.104 Respect to Education of the Person 223

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Crosstab to Identify Excessive Usage of Medicine with Respect to Tab.8.105 Education of the Person 224

Chi square to Measure Excessive Usage of Medicine with Respect to Tab.8.106 Education of the Person 225

Crosstab to Identify Usage of Multidrug with Respect to Education of Tab.8.107 the Person 226

Chi square to Measure Multidrug Usage of Medicine with Respect to Tab.8.108 Education of the Person 226

Crosstab to Identify the Frequency of Suffering with Pain with Respect Tab.8.109 to Education of the Person 227

Chi square to Measure the Frequency of Suffering with Pain with Tab.8.110 Respect to Education of the Person 227

Crosstab to Identify the Frequency of Suffering with Cold flu with Tab.8.111 Respect to Education of the Person 228

Chi square to Measure the Frequency of Suffering with Cold flu with Tab.8.112 Respect to Education of the Person 228

Tab.8.113 Crosstab to Identify the Frequency of Suffering from Skin Disorder 229

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products with Respect to Education of the Person


Chi square to Measure the Frequency of Suffering from Skin Disorder Tab.8.114 with Respect to Education of the Person 229

Crosstab to Identify Influence of Past Experience in Purchase of OTC Tab.8.115 Drug with Respect to Education of the Person Chi square to Measure the Influence of Past Experience in Purchase of Tab.8.116 OTC Drug with Respect to Education of the Person Crosstab to Identify Influence of Advertisement in Purchase of OTC Tab.8.117 Drug with Respect to Education of the Person Chi square to Measure the Influence of Advertisement in Purchase of Tab.8.118 OTC Drug with Respect to Education of the Person Crosstab to Identify Influence of Saving the Cost to Visit Doctor in Tab.8.119 Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Education of the Person Chi square to Measure the Influence of Saving the Cost to Visit Doctor Tab.8.120 in Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Education of the Person 234 233 232 231 230 230

Crosstab to Identify Influence of Price in Purchase of OTC Drug with Tab.8.121 Respect to Education of the Person 235

Tab.8.122 Chi square to Measure the Influence of Price in Purchase of OTC 236

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Drug with Respect to Education of the Person Crosstab to Identify Influence of Promotion in Purchase of OTC Drug Tab.8.123 with Respect to Education of the Person Chi square to Measure the Influence of Promotion in Purchase of OTC Tab.8.124 Drug with Respect to Education of the Person 238 237


Crosstab to Identify Influence of Advertisement in Purchase of OTC Tab.8.125 Drug with Respect to Education of the Person Chi square to Measure the Influence of Advertisement in Purchase of Tab.8.126 OTC Drug with Respect to Education of the Person Crosstab to Identify Influence of Past Experience in Purchase of OTC Tab.8.127 Drug with Respect to Education of the Person Chi square to Measure the Influence of Past Experience in Purchase of Tab.8.128 OTC Drug with Respect to Education of the Person Crosstab to Identify Influence of Family /Friends Recommendation in Tab.8.129 Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Education of the Person 243 242 241 240 239










Tab.8.130 Recommendation in Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Education 244 of the Person Tab.8.131 Crosstab to Identify Advertisement Effect of Newspaper Influences in 245

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Education of the Person Chi square to Measure Advertisement Effect of Newspaper Influences Tab.8.132 in Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Education of the Person 246


Crosstab to Identify Advertisement Effect of Magazine Influences in Tab.8.133 Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Education of the Person 247

Chi square to Measure Advertisement Effect of Magazine Influences in Tab.8.134 Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Education of the Person Crosstab to Identify Advertisement Effect of Chemist shop Influences Tab.8.135 in Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Education of the Person Chi square to Measure Advertisement Effect of Chemist Shop 249 248

Tab.8.136 Influences in Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Education of the 250 Person

Crosstab to Identify Overall Health with Respect to Occupation of the Tab.8.137 Person 251

Chi square to Measure the Overall Health with Respect to Occupation Tab.8.138 of the Person 251

Crosstab to Identify Knowledge of Usage of Medicine with Respect to Tab.8.139 Occupation of the Person 252

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Chi square to Measure the Knowledge of Usage of Medicine with Tab.8.140 Respect to Occupation of the Person 253

Crosstab to Identify Excessive Usage of Medicine with Respect to Tab.8.141 Occupation of the Person 254

Chi square to Measure Excessive Usage of Medicine with Respect to Tab.8.142 Occupation of the Person 254

Crosstab to Identify the Reason for Excessive Usage of Medicine with Tab.8.143 Respect to Occupation of the Person 255

Chi square to Measure the Reason for Excessive Usage of Medicine Tab.8.144 with Respect to Occupation of the Person 255

Crosstab to Identify the Frequency of Suffering with Acidity with Tab.8.145 Respect to Occupation of the Person 256

Chi square to Measure the Frequency of Suffering with Acidity with Tab.8.146 Respect to Occupation of the Person 257

Crosstab to Identify the Frequency of Suffering of Vitamin with Tab.8.147 Respect to Occupation of the Person 258

Tab.8.148 Chi square to Measure the Frequency of Usage of Vitamin with 259

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Respect to Occupation of the Person


Crosstab to Identify Influence of Availability of Time to Visit Doctor in Tab.8.149 Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Occupation of the Person Chi square to Measure the Influence of Availability of Time to Visit in Tab.8.150 Purchase of OTC Drug with Respect to Occupation of the Person Crosstab to Identify Influence of Past Experience in Purchase of OTC Tab.8.151 Drug with Respect to Occupation of the Person Chi square to Measure the Influence of Past Experience in Purchase of Tab.8.152 OTC Drug with Respect to Occupation of the Person Crosstab to Identify Excessive Usage of Medicine with Respect to Tab.8.153 Marital Status of the Person Chi square to Measure Excessive Usage of Medicine with Respect to Tab.8.154 Marital Status of the Person Crosstab to Identify the Frequency of Suffering with Cold flu with Tab.8.155 Respect to Marital Status of the Person Chi square to Measure the Frequency of Suffering with Cold flu with Tab.8.156 Respect to Marital Status of the Person Crosstab to Identify the Frequency of Suffering from Acidity with Tab.8.157 Respect to Marital Status of the Person Chi square to Measure the Frequency of Suffering from Acidity with Tab.8.158 Respect to Marital Status of the Person Tab.8.159 Crosstab to Identify the Frequency of Usage of Vitamin with Respect to 268 Rehan Faquih Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research 267 266 265 264 263 263 262 261 260 260

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Marital Status of the Person Chi square to Measure the Frequency of Usage of Vitamin with Tab.8.160 Respect to Marital Status of the Person Crosstab to Identify Influence of Advertisement in Purchase of OTC Tab.8.161 Drug with Respect to Marital Status of the Person Chi square to Measure the Influence of Advertisement in Purchase of Tab.8.162 OTC Drug with Respect to Marital Status of the Person Indicates the Descriptive Analysis of Important Parameter to Purchase Tab.8.163 an OTC Product ANOVA to Measure the Difference amongst the Parameter to Purchase Tab.8.164 an OTC Drug Tukey to identify the Most Important Parameter to Purchase an OTC Tab.8.165 Drug Indicates the Descriptive Analysis of Important Parameter that Tab.8.166 Influence the Consumer to Purchase OTC Medicine on their Own ANOVA to Measure the Difference amongst the Parameter to that Tab.8.167 Influence the Consumer to Purchase OTC Medicine on their Own Tukey to Identify the Most Important Parameter that Influence the Tab.8.168 Consumer to Purchase OTC Medicine on their Own Indicates the Descriptive Analysis of Different Types of Mediums of Tab.8.169 Advertisement used to Promote an OTC Product 277 276 275 274 273 272 271 270 270 269


Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products ANOVA to Measure the Difference Between the Different Medium of Tab.8.170 Advertisement which Leads to Use or Recommendation of an OTC 278 Product Tukey to Identify the Most Important Medium of Advertisement which Tab.8.171 leads the Consumer to Use or Recommendation of an OTC Product Tab.8.172 Descriptive Statistics with Dependent Variable Brand Name Tab.8.173 Two Way ANOVA with Dependent Variable Brand Name Tab.8.174 Descriptive Statistics with Dependent Variable Price Tab.8.175 Two Way ANOVA with Dependent Variable Price Tab.8.176 Descriptive Statistics with Dependent Variable Promotion Tab.8.177 Two Way ANOVA with Dependent Variable Promotion Tab.8.178 Descriptive Statistics with Dependent Variable Advertisement Tab.8.179 Two Way ANOVA with Dependent Variable Advertisement Descriptive Tab.8.180 Recommendation Two Tab.8.181 Recommendation Tab.8.182 Descriptive Statistics with Dependent Variable Past Experience Tab.8.183 Two Way ANOVA with Dependent Variable Past Experience Descriptive Tab.8.184 Recommendation Tab.8.185 Two way ANOVA with Dependent Variable Price 293 Statistics with Dependent Variable Pharmacist 292 290 291 Way ANOVA with Dependent Variable Physician 289 Statistics with Dependent Variable Physician 288 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 279


Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products Descriptive Tab.8.186 Recommendation Tab.8.187 Two Way ANOVA with Dependent Variable Past Experience 295 Statistics with Dependent Variable Family/Friends 294


Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products



Web sites Saurabh kumar Saxena (2008), A Review of Marketing Strategies Work by Different Pharmaceutical Companies, available at changing%20playfield-06 saurabh%20kumar%20saxena accessed on Feb 2011 Organization of Pharmaceutical Producers of India (OPPI) (May2011), OTC profile retrieved from accessed on June 2011 Pharmaceuticals Export Promotion Council (Set up by Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt., of India) , India's Export of Drugs, Pharmaceuticals and Fine Chemicals for Financial Year 2008-09, Retrieved from accessed on March 2011 Dr Hughes (2004), Perception for OTC Products Societal Perspectives on Over-TheCounter (OTC) Medicines, Oxford journal, Medicine, Family practice ,Vol. 22,Issue 2,Page no 170-176 retrieved at accessed on May 2011 Consumer Behavior Non-Prescription Drug Market Analysis of Consumer Behavior Management paper, marketing papers, consumer behavior paper p-12-9 retrieved at, accessed on Jan 2011 Company Profile retrieved from accessed on March 2011 Rehan Faquih Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

Usage & Attitude of Consumers towards Pharmaceutical OTC Products


Company Profile retrieved from accessed on March 2011

Company Profile retrieved from accessed on April 2011

Rehan Faquih

Rizvi Institute of Management Studies & Research

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