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Republic of the Philippines

North Eastern Mindanao State University

Cantilan, Surigao del Sur


Telephone # (086) 212 - 5322
Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur


Telephone # (086) 212 - 5322

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur


Telephone # (086) 212 - 5322


Page No.

I. Title Page ------------------------------------------------ i

II. Approval Sheet ----------------------------------------- ii
III. Table of Contents --------------------------------------- iii
IV. Introduction ---------------------------------------------- 1
V. Definition of Terms ------------------------------------- 3
VI. Dedication ------------------------------------------------ 5
VII. Acknowledgment --------------------------------------- 6
VIII. Vision, Mission, Goals of the University------------- 7
IX. OJT Experience ----------------------------------------- 8
X. Problems Met During Training ----------------------- 12
XI. Suggestions and Recommendations ----------------- 13
XII. Company Profile ---------------------------------------
 H i s t o r y ---------------------- 14
 Policies-------------------------- 15
 Organizational Structure-------------- 18
XIII. Monthly Progress Report---------------------------------- 19
XIV. Daily Time Record ---------------------------------- 31
XV. Pictorials -------------------------------------------- 33
XVI. Evaluation Form/Rating ------------------------ 43
Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur


Telephone # (086) 212 - 5322

XVII. Certificate of Completion ----------------------- 45

X V I I I . Curriculum Vitae -------------------------------- 47
XIX. OJT Requirement Documents ------------------------------- 48


Starting my OJT internship training with the BJMP, BFP, and PNP will give me
an unmatched chance to fully immerse myself in the exciting field of emergency response
and law enforcement. As a criminology student, I am excited to put what I have learned
in the classroom to use in real-world scenarios, developing my investigative, crisis
management, and crime prevention abilities. Working with seasoned experts in these
agencies, I hope to acquire vital lessons about the complexities of public safety
operations and the value of teamwork, critical thinking, and effective communication
under duress. This internship also offers the opportunity to observe directly the struggles
and victories that those who work to protect our communities on a daily basis experience.
Through my active participation in a range of activities, such as emergency drills and
community outreach programs, I hope to develop a broader sense of responsibility and
empathy for the varied needs of society, in addition to broadening my skill set. In the end,
I can't wait to use this experience as a springboard for a rewarding profession protecting
and serving people. My ambition is to make a meaningful contribution to the noble
mission of maintaining justice and safeguarding the welfare of all individuals within our
society by means of dedication, perseverance, and a commitment to lifelong learning.
Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur


Telephone # (086) 212 - 5322

Definition of Terms

Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP). Is the Philippine government agency in charge of

providing fire services. The Department of the Interior and Local Government are in
charge of it.

Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP). An affiliated organization of the

Department of the Interior and Local Government with the dual mandate of overseeing,
managing, and controlling the management and operation of all Philippine district, city,
and municipal jails, along with the dual responsibilities of providing for the development
and safety of its prisoners, who are formally categorized as persons deprived of liberty

Criminology. encompasses the study of criminal psychology, the social context of crime,
prohibition and prevention, investigation and detection, capture and punishment, and all
other facets of crime and law enforcement. Consequently, a large number of those
concerned judges, social workers, probation officials, politicians, etc.

On-the-job training (OJT). a type of on-the-job training that happens right at the
workplace. The learner, who may lack experience, either completes job duties on their
own or watches a more seasoned employee in the same department complete them.

Philippine National Police (PNP). Given that it offers all forms of law enforcement
throughout the Philippines, it can be considered both a national and local police force.
Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur


Telephone # (086) 212 - 5322


I dedicate this to my loved ones, mentors, and coworkers whose unwavering

support and direction have been the cornerstone of my path during the intensive
criminology internship training program. My professional trajectory has been profoundly
impacted by the wise advice, unwavering patience, and unwavering dedication of my
mentors and supervisors to foster my growth. In addition to expanding my knowledge of
criminology, your willingness to share experiences, encourage me to go beyond my
comfort zone, and impart knowledge have deeply ingrained in me a strong sense of duty
and a dedication to serving society with compassion and integrity. To my fellow interns,
you have been friends on a journey that has changed us into something more than just
colleagues. Our mutual victories, apprehensive times, and cooperative endeavors have
tremendously enhanced my educational journey. We have developed a sense of solidarity
and unity that extends beyond the boundaries of our internship program by the sharing of
ideas, the friendships formed, and the helpfulness shown to one another. Together, we
have successfully negotiated the field's intricacies, faced obstacles head-on, and grown
into stronger, more resilient people who are prepared to contribute significantly to our
separate criminology jobs. My perseverance has been fueled by your unwavering support,
selfless love, and unflinching faith in my skills, family and loved ones. Your unwavering
support throughout my life through good times and bad has given me the will and
courage to strive for greatness and preserve the principles you instilled in me. I will
always be appreciative of your sacrifices and steadfast support, which have been a
lighthouse guiding me through the darkest of times. Upon the completion of my
Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur


Telephone # (086) 212 - 5322

criminology internship, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for all the people who have
impacted my life over this journey. Their contributions have been tremendous. This
commitment is evidence of the significant influence that friendship, mentorship, and
constant support have on developing the next generation of criminology practitioners and


I would want to take this opportunity to thank many different people and
organizations for their important help and guidance during my internship and on-the-job
training in the field of criminology. First and foremost, I would want to express my
gratitude to Dr. Geraldine Darao, the OJT coordinator, whose devotion, wisdom, and
hard work have been invaluable in helping to organize an unforgettable educational
opportunity. In addition to offering a framework for negotiating the complexities of the
internship program, Dr. Darao's advice and mentoring have promoted an atmosphere that
is supportive of both professional and personal development. I also owe a debt of
gratitude to my bosses and mentors, whose patience, wisdom, and guidance have helped
me greatly in developing my grasp of criminology and law enforcement techniques.
Under their tutelage, I have acquired the self-assurance and expertise required to succeed
in my sector. In addition, I would want to express my gratitude to my fellow interns,
whose friendship, experiences, and teamwork have enhanced my educational journey and
fostered a sense of unity among our cohort. I want to sincerely thank my family and
loved ones for their continuous support, understanding, and encouragement during this
attempt. Their confidence in my skills has always been a source of inspiration and drive.
Finally, I would want to express my gratitude to the educational institution for this
Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur


Telephone # (086) 212 - 5322

opportunity to bridge the knowledge gap between theory and practice, which has helped
me prepare for a rewarding career in criminology. This appreciation shows how
mentoring, friendship, and support all worked together to shape my progress during my
criminology internship and on-the-job training.

Vision, Mission, Goals of the University


A transformative leading University in Asia and the Pacific.


NEMSU shall provide competency-based higher education through transformative

instruction, relevant research, sustainable extension and production responsive to local,
regional and global trends.


Instruction. To develop competitive, resilient and transformative academic community.

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur


Telephone # (086) 212 - 5322

Research. To produce high impact research and development for the advancement of
knowledge and instructional innovation, institutional development and policy
formulation, and commercialization.

Extension. To improve the lives of the rural and urban poor through transfer of
technology and knowledge.

Production. To develop and improve resource generation to sustain University


Governance. To deliver transparent, responsive and excellent governance for client


OJT Experience

I began my internship training at the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology

(BJMP), where I learned about the complex inner workings of the criminal justice
system. I struggled with the complex problems of overseeing prisons and assisting
prisoners in their rehabilitation while working for BJMP. My experiences conducting
security checks, leading rehabilitation programs, and dealing with prisoners gave me a
deep understanding of the challenges associated with managing convicts and the
necessity of supporting rehabilitation while maintaining institutional security. These
incidents served as a reminder of the value of kindness, understanding, and clear
Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur


Telephone # (086) 212 - 5322

communication in advancing prisoner wellbeing and enabling a smooth transition back

into society. After switching to the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), I was thrust into the
hard world of emergency response and firefighting. Through practical experience and
simulated scenarios, I improved my fire prevention, suppression, and rescue operations
skills within the BFP. Engaging in fire safety inspections, executing rescue exercises, and
handling crises highlighted the vital significance of collaboration, flexibility, and prompt
decision-making during stressful circumstances. I developed a strong feeling of duty and
responsibility for protecting people and property in the fast-paced BFP atmosphere,
which equipped me with the confidence and expertise to handle the unforeseen obstacles
that come with emergency response. As I came to the end of my internship with the
Philippine National Police (PNP), I learned a great deal about community policing
programs and law enforcement operations. As a member of the PNP, I had to deal with
challenges ranging from everyday patrols to crisis interventions while navigating the
complexity of upholding public safety and order. It has been shown that building trust,
upholding the law, and interacting with a variety of populations are essential elements of
good law enforcement. My time spent in the PNP made me realize how crucial it is to
maintain the values of justice and fairness in all dealings, cultivate a strong sense of
community, and use judgment and empathy. Overall, my internship training across the
BJMP, BFP, and PNP has been a transformative experience, equipping me with the
knowledge, skills, and perspective needed to embark on a career dedicated to serving and
safeguarding communities.

Problems Met During Training

It can be interesting and difficult to intern with the Philippine National Police
(PNP), the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP), or the Bureau of Fire
Protection (BFP). Every agency offers different challenges that will impact your
education. While serving in the PNP, you may have to deal with the complexities of law
Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur


Telephone # (086) 212 - 5322

enforcement and strike a careful balance between power and compassion when
interacting with various populations. This could entail putting your determination and
flexibility to the test in high-stress scenarios where snap decisions are essential. When
you move to the BJMP, you might have to face the harsh reality of the criminal justice
system and see directly how difficult it is to both rehabilitate and imprison someone.
Here, there may be difficulties in upholding professionalism and compassion in settings
characterized by resource shortages and crowding. It can be difficult to strike a balance
between the need to maintain security and the need to treat prisoners with respect, yet
doing so can help people develop their moral reasoning and resilience. Lastly, the
rigorous demands of emergency response and firefighting may be encountered at the
BFP. You can be exposed to physically and psychologically demanding situations during
the internship, such as putting out fires and doing safety inspections. Essential abilities
developed in this dynamic environment include learning how to prioritize tasks amid
turmoil, communicate under pressure, and work effectively in a team. In the end,
overcoming these obstacles during your internship allows for priceless professional and
personal development, giving you the fortitude and know-how to succeed in your chosen
area of public service.

Suggestions and Recommendations

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur


Telephone # (086) 212 - 5322

Several approaches can be used to overcome the difficulties that arise when
undergoing internship training with the Philippine National Police (PNP), the Bureau of
Jail Management and Penology (BJMP), and the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP). First
and foremost, it's critical to encourage open lines of communication between mentors and
interns. Regular check-ins that provide an outlet for interns to voice concerns and get
advice not only foster a positive work atmosphere but also provide constructive criticism
to address individual problems. Second, interns can be better prepared for the needs of
their individual agency by putting in place extensive training programs that mimic real-
world events. Interns can improve their capacity to make key decisions and effectively
manage high-pressure circumstances by including scenario-based exercises, role-playing
simulations, and immersive training experiences. Encouragement of multidisciplinary
cooperation among interns from various agencies might also yield insightful opinions.
Collaborating on collaborative workshops or interagency projects encourages the
exchange of knowledge and a sense of unity, which allows interns to benefit from one
another's experiences and obtain a more comprehensive comprehension of the
connections across public service professions. These tactics can help internship programs
give prospective professionals the tools, resilience, and adaptability they need to succeed
in the emergency services and law enforcement fields.
Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur


Telephone # (086) 212 - 5322

Company Profile


Under the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) of the
Philippines, the Philippine National Police (PNP), the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP),
and the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) are important agencies.

Bureau of Jail Management and Penology. By virtue of Republic Act No. 6975, the
BJMP was created on January 2, 1991, and assigned the responsibility of overseeing the
development and preservation of individuals deprived of liberty (PDL) in the nation's
prisons and penitentiaries.

Bureau of Fire Protection. The Bureau of Fire Protection and Public Safety, which was
founded in 1901 and eventually transformed into the current BFP, is where the
organization's origins can be found. Its goals are to offer emergency medical care and
rescue services across the country, prevent and put out destructive fires, and enforce laws
pertaining to fires.

Philippine National Police. Since the Philippine Constabulary was established in 1901,
the Philippine National Police (PNP) has had a lengthy and illustrious history. It is in
charge of upholding peace and order, stopping and investigating crimes, and guaranteeing
the protection and security of the general public. It is the premier law enforcement
organization in the Philippines.
Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur


Telephone # (086) 212 - 5322


Each of the three organizations maintains a dedication to honesty, competence,

and serving the Filipino people. They adhere strictly to the rule of law, upholding due
process and human rights in all of their operations.

Bureau of Jail Management and Penology. In the Philippines, city, district, and
municipal jails are governed by the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP),
which enforces a tight set of regulations meant to guarantee security, inmate well-being,
and appropriate management. Strict security procedures, classification systems for
convicts to establish housing and supervision levels, healthcare services including routine
physicals, regulations for visiting, sanctions for breaking the rules, inmate rehabilitation
programs, upkeep standards for the facility, and the defense of prisoners' legal rights—
such as the right to due process and protection from abuse—are all covered by these
policies. BJMP's policies are intended to accomplish its mission of efficient jail
administration and penology while upholding the rights and dignity of prisoners,
encouraging rehabilitation, and maintaining order.

Bureau of Fire Protection. In the Philippines, a variety of regulations pertaining to

public safety, fire suppression, and prevention are enforced by the Bureau of Fire
Protection (BFP). These rules cover fire code enforcement, which entails conducting fire
safety education campaigns, issuing fire safety permits, and inspecting structures to
ensure compliance with fire safety standards. BFP policies also set forth the protocols for
emergency response, including how fires should be put out, how rescue efforts should be
carried out, and how agencies should coordinate with one another. In order to enhance
preventative tactics, the BFP also carries out investigations into fire causes and
administers training courses for firefighters. In general, the goals of BFP policies are to
reduce the likelihood of fires, safeguard people and their belongings, and improve
community readiness for handling fire-related situations.

Philippine National Police. In order to protect the people, respect the rule of law, and
guarantee efficient law enforcement throughout the nation, the Philippine National Police
(PNP) implements a broad range of regulations. These regulations cover community
Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur


Telephone # (086) 212 - 5322

police programs, traffic control procedures, crime prevention techniques, and the
investigation and prosecution of criminal acts. Along with fighting terrorism, illegal
drugs, and other organized crime, the PNP frequently works with other governmental
organizations and interested parties. Furthermore, the PNP uses internal monitoring
procedures, disciplinary actions, and training programs to ensure that all of its employees
are held to the highest standards of professionalism and honesty.

Organizational Structure

Every agency functions inside a hierarchical framework intended to promote

effective command, control, and coordination of activities.

Bureau of Jail Management and Penology.

Bureau of Fire Protection.

Philippine National Police.

Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur


Telephone # (086) 212 - 5322

Purok-6 Santa Teresita, Magosilom, Cantilan, SDS

Date of birth : July 05, 2001
Place of birth : Balibadon, Cortes SDS
Citizenship : Filipino
Sex : Male
Age : 22
Civil status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Father’s name : Alwin Mendez Reyes
Mother name : Rutchely Balbarona Reyes
Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur


Telephone # (086) 212 - 5322


Senior High School : Buenavista National High School

Buenavista, Tandag, Surigao del Sur

Junior High School : Buenavista National High School

Buenavista, Tandag, Surigao del Sur

Elementary : Balibadon Elementary School

Balibadon, Cortes, Surigao del Sur

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