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Name : Genesis Clase.

1-Make sentences and identify the personal pronouns in them.

1. She is going to the store.

- Personal pronoun: She

2. They are coming to visit us tomorrow.

- Personal pronoun: They, us

3. I will meet him at the café later.

- Personal pronouns: I, him

4. We should finish our homework before dinner.

- Personal pronouns: We, our

5. He loves reading books in his free time.

- Personal pronoun: He

6. You need to complete your assignment by Friday.

- Personal pronouns: You, your

7. She and I are going to the concert together.

- Personal pronouns: She, I

8. They gave her a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

- Personal pronouns: They, her

9. We cooked dinner for them last night.

- Personal pronouns: We, them

10. He can't find his keys anywhere.

- Personal pronoun: He
2- the exercise of the verb be in your notebook, take a picture and add here.

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