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Scene 1: In a park

Narrator: (Starts from the front of the stage) Welcome to our puppet theater. Today we will talk
about a very serious and delicate topic: suicide. Let us remember that there is always hope and
help available. Our characters will use the present perfect and talk about their tastes, preferences
and feelings. Let's listen to his story.

Andrés: (With a sad expression) Lately I have felt very alone. I have felt that no one cares about

Carlos: (With empathy) I have sometimes felt the same. But we're here for each other, right?

Mario: (Nods) Yes, we have always supported each other. I like talking to all of you. Aid.

José: (With concern) Have you ever thought about ending it all? I haven't felt well for a long time.

Luis: (Serious) Yes, I have had those thoughts. But I prefer to think about the people who care
about me.

Scene 2: The friends sit on a bench.

Narrator: As they talk, they begin to open up more about their feelings and experiences.

Andrés: I have tried to talk to my parents, but they didn't understand me.

Carlos: (With a smile) I have found solace in music. I like to listen to songs that make me feel

Mario: (Looking at Andrés) I have spoken with a therapist. He has helped me a lot. Have you tried
it Andrés?
Andrés: (Shaking his head) No, I haven't. I was afraid. But I think I'll try it now.

José: (With a relieved expression) I prefer to write in my diary. It has been a good way to express

Luis: I liked the idea of volunteering. It makes me feel useful and connected.

Scene 3: The friends hug each other.

Narrator: By sharing their experiences, friends feel relief and a stronger connection.

Andrés: Thank you all. I have felt much better talking to all of you.

Carlos: (Smiling) Yes, I have realized that we are not alone.

Mario: (With a warm smile) I prefer to think that there is always hope, no matter how dark it gets.

José: I like this group. We have supported each other in many things.

Luis: (Hugging others) Yes, and we always will. Let's promise to always talk and listen.

Narrator: And so, our friends have found strength in their friendship and mutual support. Let's
always remember that help is available and that talking about our feelings is important. Thank you
for joining us today.


Suicide is a complex and sensitive issue that requires a sensitive and responsible approach. This
puppet theater play seeks to raise awareness about the importance of mental health and suicide
prevention, using simple language and endearing characters that can connect with children and
young people. It is important to remember that if you or someone you know is struggling with
suicidal thoughts, help is available. Don't hesitate to seek professional support or contact suicide
prevention lines. Life is a precious gift, and there is always hope to move forward.

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