Clase 15 de Febrero

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2. Happy: Maria is happy as she got a new toy.
3. Sad: John is sad that he could not go out to play.
4. Big: We have a big house.
5. Small: The mouse is small in size.
6. Funny: The clown’s act was funny.
7. Scary: I cannot watch a scary movie.
8. Fast: The new car is fast.
9. Slow: The slow turtle walked across the road.
10. Hot: In the summers it gets hot in the city.
11. Cold: It is cold the entire year in this country.
12. Short: The toddler is short and cannot reach the cookie jar.
13. Beautiful: The valley is beautiful in spring when the flowers bloom
14. Ugly: The old rusty car looked ugly so no one wanted to buy it.
15. Smart: If you are smart, you will solve this puzzle.
16. Brave
17. Coward: The new army chief was a coward and did not lead the army.
18. Loud: The music was loud and I had to cover my ears!
19. Quiet: The classroom is quiet when the students are

1. Adjectives for size: big, small, tall, short, wide, narrow, thick, thin
2. Adjectives for shape: round, square, triangular, rectangular, oval,
circular, curved, straight
3. Adjectives for colour: red, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple, pink,
black, white, grey
4. Adjectives for texture: smooth, rough, bumpy, prickly, soft, hard,
furry, scaly
5. Adjectives for taste: sweet, sour, bitter, salty, spicy, bland, delicious,
6. Adjectives for personality: kind, mean, friendly, unfriendly, happy,
sad, brave, cowardly, intelligent, stupid
7. Adjectives for weather: sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, windy, hot,

1. Describe your day using adjectives: was it a happy day? A busy

day? A boring day? Using adjectives can help you express how you
feel about your day.

2. Describe your favourite animal using adjectives: is it furry, playful,

or curious? Using adjectives can help you describe the personality and
appearance of your favourite animal.

3. Describe a picture or a scene using adjectives: what do you see?

Are there any beautiful colours, interesting shapes, or unusual
patterns? Using adjectives can help you describe what you see in more

To use positive adjectives in sentences, you can follow these simple steps:

1. Think of a noun (a person, place, thing, or idea) you want to describe

2. Choose a positive adjective that fits the noun.
3. Place the positive adjective before the noun in the sentence.

Three Adjectives:

1. The fluffy, white cat sat lazily on the windowsill.

2. She wore a beautiful, flowing dress to the party.
3. The old, wooden chair creaked loudly when he sat on it.

Two Adjectives: 4. The tall, dark tree stood proudly in the center of the park.

5. He lived in a small, cozy cottage nestled among the trees.

6. The young, energetic puppy eagerly chased its tail around the yard.

One Adjective: 7. The red apple fell from the tree and rolled onto the ground.

8. She wore a blue dress to match the color of the sky.

9. The tired child yawned and rubbed his eyes sleepily.

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