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“Those who move away from Omelas”

The title of the story “Those who move away from Omelas” from my point of view
already predicts that something negative is happening in that city.
It is a phrase triggering events, due to the fact that the people of that city decide to
leave it because of the lack of empathy and aberrations caused there.
TYPE of text and genre:
It is a short story of science fiction and fantasy told in a narrative way.

This short story doesn't specify time or season. However, it takes place in a city
called Omelas.

setting in place:
It seems to be a nice town where people are happy and celebrating a summer
festival with music.
point of view
This narrative story is written in third person and first person plural.
The narrator expresses her thoughts, emotions, and knowledge of the characters in
the story. She switches to a first person plural point of view, using the pronoun "we"
to address the reader directly. This inclusion of the reader in the narrative creates a
sense of shared responsibility and moral involvement in the events happening in the
There is a moral and ethical dilemma in the story.

Some themes are:

The story questions whether it is possible to achieve an exemplary society without

sacrificing the welfare of certain individuals, but its dark secret reveals a fictional
background of a city of negative characteristics causing human alienation.

The narrator poses the alternative of whether the suffering of a person can be
justified in exchange for the happiness of a society.
The citizens of Omelas must contend with their guilt over the child's situation and
decide whether to accept or reject their society's moral commitment and
responsibility when some of them decide to leave the city in protest.
This story shows how knowledge of the truth can impact people and their decisions,
forcing them to confront their values, in some way making readers reflect on their
own values and ethical principles.

This is a short story that revolves around an uncommon city called Omelas.
The plot unfolds as follows:

Introduction to Omelas: The story begins by describing Omelas, a beautiful

and near-perfect city where happiness and prosperity reign. The inhabitants of
Omelas enjoy the joy and carefree celebrations that prevail. But on the other
hand there is a dark secret which the narrator reveals that the happiness and
well-being of Omelas depend on the continued suffering of a single innocent
child who is kept in a state of abject misery and neglect. The child is locked in
a small, dark room and subjected to cruel treatment while the inhabitants of
Omelas are aware of the child's existence and the terrible price to be paid for
their utopia. Although at first most of them are shocked and disgusted by this
truth, they eventually accept it and continue to live there.

The Choice: Some citizens, however, cannot reconcile themselves to the

moral compromise that society presents. Upon learning the truth, they decide
to leave Omelas, leaving behind their comfortable lives and seeking another
future elsewhere to live because of their rejection of a society built on the
suffering of an innocent child.

Through this plot, the writer covers moral and ethical issues, challenging
readers to contemplate the consequences of social choices and the price that
can be paid for the happiness and prosperity of a community in exchange for
the suffering of a small child.


This type of story is about an unusual city called Omelas. The story begins by
describing it as beautiful and almost perfect, where happiness and prosperity
reign. Its inhabitants enjoy regular celebrations.

However, the dark part of the story is that the happiness of the entire city
depends on the suffering of a child locked in a tiny room who is constantly
punished for no reason.Although most of the citizens are shocked and
disgusted to learn this truth, they eventually accept it and continue to live their

Some inhabitants, however, cannot bear this situation and decide to leave

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