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Anatomy of Endocrine

1_[ Poll : Which of the following structures lies posterior to body of

pancreas: ]

- A. IVC

- B. Portal vein

- C. Common bile duct

- D. Splenic vein

2_The inferior suprarenal artery arisesfrom which of the following? ]

- A-Abdominal aorta

- B-Renal artery

- C-Inferior phrenic artery

- D-Splenic artery

3. Which artery generally gives rise to inferior thyroid artery? ]

- A. Arch of aorta

- B. Brachiocephalic artery

- C. External carotid artery

- D. Thyrocervical trunk

4_ Regarding suprarenal gland.

One of the following is true ]

A- Lt gland is triangular in shape

B_ Lt gland is semilunar in shape

- C Lt gland not reach hilum of Lt kidney

- D Lt gland has 3 arteries & 3 veins

5_ Regarding the relations of isthmus of thyroid gland, one of the following is true: ]
A- it is related superiorly to the superior thyroid arteries

B- it is related posteriorly to 6,7,8 tracheal ring

C- it is related below to the inferior thyroid arteries

D- it is related anteriorly to the sternomastoid muscle

6_ Regarding the parathyroid glands, one of the following is true: ]

A- they are supplied by the superior thyroid artery

B- in thyroidectomy, posterior part of the thyroid gland is not removed to preserve it

C- thyroideaima artery supplies them

D- inferior thyroid artery is related to the superior parathyroid gland

E- interior parathyroid gland has the same position in all persons

7_ Superior mesenteric artery is …………to the neck of the pancreas and ………….to uncinate process. ]

A- Posterior , inferior

B- Anterior , posterior

C- Posterior , superior

D- Posterior, anterior

8_ Regarding the site of pancreas, one of the following is true: ]

A- It lies in the epigastrium only

B- It lies in the left hypochondrium only

C- It lies in the epigastrium and the left hypochondrium

D- It lies in the right hy pochondrium only

9_ Regarding the pancreas, one of the following is true: ]

A- Portal vein begins behind its neck

B- Its tail is related to the liver

C- Its body lies behind left the suprarenal gland

D- Its duct opens at upper end of 2nd part of duodenum

10_ Regarding the relations of thyroid gland, one of the following is TRUE: ]

- a. It is related to the superior laryngeal nerve

- b. It is related posteriorly to ECA

- c. It is related medially to the trachea and esophagus

- d. It is related to the middle constrictor muscle of pharynx

11_ Concerning the development of the pancreas, all are true EXCEPT: ]

- The ventral pancreas gives the lower part of the head and neck of the pancreas

- The accessory pancreatic duct is formed by the proximal part of the duct of dorsal pancreas

- One of its anomalies may cause obstruction of the duodenum.

- The ventral pancreas arises from the hepatic bud

12 The pancreatic islands are derived from: ]

- a Ectoderm.

- Endoderm

- Mesoderm.

- Neural crest cells

- Neuroectoderm

13_ regardind pancreas one statment is wrong ]

A- its tail in the lienorenal fossa

B- splenic vein lies along its upper border

C- bile duct is posterior to head of pancreas

D- portal vein begins at level of neck of pancreas

E- superior mesentric artery lies in front of uncinate process

14_ The thyroid gland becomes functioning at the: ]

- 2nd month intrauterine life

- 3rd month intrauterine life.

- 4th month intrauterine life.

- 5th month intrauterine life.

- 6th month intrauterine life.

15_ The development of thyroid is: ]

- Ectodermal and endodermal

- Ectodermal and mesodermal

- Endodermal and mesodermal

- Only mesodermal

- Only ectodermal

16_ The most common site of a thyroglossal cyst is: ]

- Superior mediastinum

- Dorsal aspect of the neck

- Anterior border of sternomastoid muscle

- Midline close to the hyoid bone

- Base of the tongue

17_ Following surgery on the upper pole of the right half of the thyroid gland,

a patient complains of hoarseness and weakness of voice. What nerve may have

been injured? ]

- a. Ansa cervicales.

- b. Inferoir laryngeal nerve.

- c.External branch of the superoir laryngeal nerve.

- d. Internal branch of the superoir laryngeal nerve.

- e.Recurrent laryngeal nerve.

18_ Concerning the left adrenal gland, all are true EXCEPT: ]

- It les behind the tail of the pancreas

- It lies on the left crus of the diaphragm.

- It is nearer to the hilum of left kidney as compared by the right one.

- It is partially covered by the spleen

- It forms part of the stomach bed.

Model answer

1_- D. Splenic vein 2_- B-Renal artery 3_- D. Thyrocervical trunk 4_B_ Lt gland is semilunar in shape

5_ A- it is related superiorly to the superior thyroid arteries

6_ B- in thyroidectomy, posterior part of the thyroid gland is not removed to preserve it

7_D- Posterior, anterior 8_ C- It lies in the epigastrium and the left hypochondrium

9_ A- Portal vein begins behind its neck

10_C_ It is related medially to the trachea and esophagus

11_- The ventral pancreas gives the lower part of the head and neck of the pancreas

12 – Endoderm 13_ B- splenic vein lies along its upper border 14_- 4th month intrauterine life.

15_- Endodermal and mesodermal 16_- Midline close to the hyoid bone

17_- c.External branch of the superoir laryngeal nerve. 18- It is partially covered by the spleen


Anatomy of Reproductive Module

1.Which one is WRONG about the prostate?

- A.It is a firm musculo-glandular organ.

- B.It may be divided into anterior, middle, posterior and two lateral lobes

- C.The urethra passes through the middle lobe of the gland.

- D.There is prostatic sulcus along the middle line on the posterior surface.

- E.The ejaculatory duct penetrates the base and opens on seminal colliculus.

2_ The root value of pudendal nerve is:

- Ventral rami of S 1, 2, 3.

- Ventral rami of S 2, 3, 4.

- Ventral rami of L 4, 5 and S1, 2, 3.

- Ventral rami of L 4, 5 and S1, 2, 3.

- Ventral rami of S 3, 4, 5.

3_ One of the following structure is NOT forming the wall of the scrotum

- External spermatic fascia

- Cremaster muscle

- Internal spermatic fascia.

- Tunical vaginalis

- Cremaster fascia.

4.The superior rectal vein is continues as

- A.Superior mesenteric vein

- B.Inferior mesenteric vein.

- C.Internal iliac vein.

- D.External iliac vein

- E.Internal pudendal vein

5.All of the following are true regarding the pudendal nerve, EXCEPT

- A.Sensory and motor.

- B.Derived from S2, 3, 4.

- C.Comes out through the lesser sciatic foramen.

- D.Main nerve supply of pelvic organs.

- E.It does not carry parasympathetic fibers.

6.In the male, during a rectal examination, each of the structures below can be palpated (felt) EXCEPT

- A.Prostate.
- B.Sacrum.

- C.Ductus deferens.

- D.Coccyx.

- E.Ischial tuberosity.

7.The counterpart of scrotum in females is

- A.Bulb of the vestibule.

- B.Crura of the clitoris.

- C.Labia majora.

- D.Labia minora.

- E.Clitoris

Embryological precurso
Female Male

Gonad Ovary Testicle

Rete ovarii Rete testis

Fallopian tube

Paramesonephric duct
Appendix testis
(Müllerian duct)

Uterus, cervix, vagina[1] Prostatic utricle

Mesonephric duct Epoophoron Epididymis

(Wolffian duct)

Gartner's duct
Vas deferens

Seminal vesicle

Mesonephric tubules Paroophoron Paradidymis

Skene's glands[2] Prostate

Urogenital sinus Bladder, urethra Bladder, urethra

Bartholin's gland Bulbourethral gland

Labioscrotal folds Labia majora Scrotum

Urogenital folds Labia minora Penile raphe

Clitoris Penis

Genital tubercle Glans clitoridis Glans penis

Corpus clitoridis Corpus penis

Crus Clitoral crura Penile crura

Bulb Clitoral bulbs Penile bulb

Corpora cavernosa
Erectile tissue Corpora cavernosa penis

Prepuce Clitoral hood Foreskin

Frenulum Clitoral frenulum Penile frenulum

Peritoneum Canal of Nuck Processus vaginalis

Gubernaculum Round ligament of uterus Gubernaculum testis

8_The lateral fornix of vaginais most closely related to the

- Urethra. - Ureter. - Middle rectal artery - Uterine artery. - Round ligament of uterus.

9.Which of the following structures plays the least important role in the support of the uterus?

- A.Levator ani.

- B.Sphincter urethrae.

- C.Uterosacral ligament.

- D.Arcuate pubic ligament.

- E.Transverse cervical (Cardinal) ligament.

10_Which one is not of the lobes of the prostate gland

- A . anterior lobe

- B.Right lobe.

- C.Median lobe.

- D.Posterior lobe.

- E.Lateral lobe

11_The draining lymph nodes of the skin of the scrotum is

- Retroperitoneal lymph nodes.

- para aortic or lumbar lymph nodes.

- External iliac lymph nodes.

- superficial inguinal lymph nodes.

- none of the above.

12_The following statements concerning the nerves of the pelvic cavity are correct except

-A The inferior hypogastric plexus contains both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers.

-B The sacral plexus lies behind the rectum.

-C The pelvic part of sympathetic trunk possesses both white and gray rami communicants.

-D Superior hypogastric plexus formed from aortic sympa. plexus and branches of lumbar
sympa. ganglia.

-E Anterior rami of the upper four sacral nerves emerge into the pelvis through the ant.sacral

13_ The middle lobe of prestate is the part between

- Rectum and prestatic urethra.

- Ejaculatory ducts and rectum.

- Ejaculatory ducts and prostatic urethra.

- pubis and prostatic urethra.

- pubis and rectum.

14_[ Poll : 20.The lumbosacral trunk is formed by union of: ]

- A.L3 and L4 nserve.

- B.L5 and SI nerves

- C.L4 and L5 nerves.

- D.L4, L5 and SI nerves.

- E.SI, 2 and 3 nerves.


A couple is consulting a doctor about infertility. The man has a darkish mass and fullness in the
left scrotum. What is the most likely diagnosis?


 A. Undiagnosed cryptorchidism of the right testicle

 B. Acquired varicocele
 C. Acquired left femoral hernia
 D. Acquired right direct femoral hernia
 E. Congenital absence of the pampiniform plexus on the right side


During a mediolateral episiotomy, which of the following structures are most likely to be

Answer Choices:

 A. Vaginal wall, pubococcygeus, and piriformis muscles.

 B. Vaginal wall, pubococcygeus, and iliococcygeus muscles.
 C. Vaginal wall, bulbospongiosus, and superficial transverse perineal muscles.
 D. Vaginal wall, prepuce, and rectus abdominis muscle.
 E. Vaginal wall, sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments.

17.A full-term baby boy was delivered vaginally to a 36-year-old mother. At delivery he had a
large scrotum. The delivering obstetrician palpated the enlarged scrotum and determined that
both testicles were present. When the obstetrician pressed gently on the newborn's abdomen the
scrotum swelled even more. What congenital condition did the obstetrician note in the chart?

18_ An ovary

- Its posterior border faces the anterior leaf of broad ligament

- Is connected to uterus by mesovarium

- Is connected to abdominal wall by peritoneal fold called suspensoryligament

- All of the above

Model answer

1_- C.The urethra passes through the middle lobe of the gland. 2_- Ventral rami of S 2, 3, 4.

3_Tunical vaginalis 4- B.Inferior mesenteric vein. 5_- D.Main nerve supply of pelvic organs.

6- C.Ductus deferens. 7_- C.Labia majora. 8_Ureter 9- D.Arcuate pubic ligament. 10_- E.Lateral lobe
11_- superficial inguinal lymph nodes.

12_-C The pelvic part of sympathetic trunk possesses both white and gray rami communicants.

13_- Ejaculatory ducts and prostatic urethra. 14_- C.L4 and L5 nerves.

 15_ B. Acquired varicocele

 16 C. Vaginal wall, bulbospongiosus, and superficial transverse perineal muscles.

17_ Congenital Hydrocele

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