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SimCity Build

Raw Materials Have NeedRem Building Supplies Have NeedRem

Metal 0 0 0 Nails 0 0 0

Wood 0 0 0 Planks 0 0 0

Plastic 0 0 0 Bricks 0 0 0

Seeds 0 0 0 Cement 0 0 0

Minerals 0 0 0 Glue 0 0 0

Chemicals 0 0 0 Paint 0 0 0

Textiles 0 0 0

Sugar and Spices 0 0 0

Glass 0 0 0 Donut Shop Have NeedRem

Animal Feed 0 0 0 Donuts 0 0 0

Components 0 0 0 Green Smoothie 0 0 0

Bread Roll 0 0 0
Regional Raw Cherry
Materials Have NeedRem Cheesecake 0 0 0

Crude Oil 0 0 0 Frozen Yogurt 0 0 0

Recycled Fabric 0 0 0 Coffee 0 0 0

Silk 0 0 0

Coconut 0 0 0 Car Parts Have NeedRem

Fish 0 0 0 Motor Oil 0 0 0

Car Tire 0 0 0
Engine 0 0 0

How to copy to Google Drive Usage

Login into your Google account 1. Fill in the quantity of each item you have in your storage und
ty BuildIt Production Calculator v1.1
Hardware Store Have NeedRem Farmer's Market Have NeedRem

Hammer 0 0 0 Vegetables 0 0 0

Measuring Tape 0 0 0 Flour Bag 0 0 0

Shovel 0 0 0 Fruit and Berries 0 0 0

Cooking Utensils 0 0 0 Cream 0 0 0

Ladder 0 0 0 Corn 0 0 0

Drill 0 0 0 Cheese 0 0 0

Beef 0 0 0

Fast Food
Fashion Store Have NeedRem Restaurant Have NeedRem
Ice Cream
Cap 0 0 0 Sandwich 0 0 0

Shoes 0 0 0 Pizza 0 0 0

Watch 0 0 0 Burgers 0 0 0

Business suits 0 0 0 Cheese Fries 0 0 0

Backpack 0 0 0 Lemonade Bottle 0 0 0

Popcorn 0 0 0

Eco Shop Have NeedRem Silk Store Have NeedRem

Reusable Bag 0 0 0 String 0 0 0

Ecological Shoes 0 0 0 Fan 0 0 0

Yoga Mat 0 0 0 Robe 0 0 0

ou have in your storage under the 'Have' column.

ator v1.1
Furniture Store Have NeedRem Supplies Have NeedRem

Chairs 0 0 0 Grass 0 0 0

Tables 0 0 0 Tree Saplings 0 0 0

Home Textiles 0 0 0 Garden Furniture 0 0 0

Cupboard 0 0 0 Fire Pit 0 0 0

Couch 0 0 0 Lawn Mower 0 0 0

Garden Gnomes 0 0 0

Home Appliances Have NeedRem Santa's Workshop Have NeedRem

BBQ Grill 0 0 0 Toy Horse 0 0 0

Refrigerator 0 0 0 Decorations 0 0 0

Lighting System 0 0 0 Candy Cane 0 0 0

TV 0 0 0 Cookies 0 0 0

Microwave Oven 0 0 0 Holiday Ornament 0 0 0

Tropical Products
Store Have NeedRem Fish Marketplace Have NeedRem

Cocnut Oil 0 0 0 Canned Fish 0 0 0

Face Cream 0 0 0 Fish Soup 0 0 0

Tropical Drink 0 0 0 Salmon Sandwich 0 0 0

Credits: u/reanimation11
Metal 0
Wood 0
Plastic 0
Seeds 0
Minerals 0
Chemicals 0
Textiles 0
Sugar and Spices 0
Glass 0
Animal Feed 0
Electrical Componen 0

Crude Oil 0
Recycled Fabric 0
Silk 0
Coconut 0
Fish 0

Nails 0
Planks 0
Bricks 0
Cement 0
Glue 0
Paint 0

Hammer 0
Measuring Tape 0
Shovel 0
Cooking Utensils 0
Ladder 0
Drill 0

Vegetables 0
Flour Bag 0
Fruit and Berries 0
Cream 0
Corn 0
Cheese 0
Beef 0

Chairs 0
Tables 0
Home Textiles 0
Cupboard 0
Couch 0

Grass 0
Tree Saplings 0
Garden Furniture 0
Fire Pit 0
Lawn Mower 0
Garden Gnomes 0

Donuts 0
Green Smoothie 0
Bread Roll 0
Cherry Cheesecake 0
Frozen Yogurt 0
Coffee 0

Cap 0
Shoes 0
Watch 0
Business suits 0
Backpack 0

Ice Cream Sandwich 0

Pizza 0
Burgers 0
Cheese Fries 0
Lemonade Bottle 0
Popcorn 0

BBQ Grill 0
Refrigerator 0
Lighting System 0
TV 0
Microwave Oven 0

Reusable Bag 0
Ecological Shoes 0
Yoga Mat 0
Motor Oil 0
Car Tire 0
Engine 0

String 0
Fan 0
Robe 0

Coconut Oil 0
Face Cream 0
Tropical Drink 0

Canned Fish 0
Fish Soup 0
Salmon Sandwich 0

Toy Horse 0
Holiday Decorations 0
Candy Cane 0
Gingerbread Cookie 0
Holiday Ornament 0
v1.0 Initial Release
v1.1 Included Santa's Workshop

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