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Critical Thinking Questions

1. Do research to learn the current status of the F-35 fighter program. Document your
findings in a two- or three-paragraph summary. What do you think are the most
serious of the remaining software problems impacting the F-35?

In January 2022, the F-35 program faced a slew of issues, most notably software
development, dependability, and cost overruns. Since then, attempts to resolve these
challenges have persisted, albeit with variable degrees of effectiveness. One notable
development is the continuing Block 4 modernization effort, which aims to improve the
F-35's software and hardware capabilities in order to increase combat effectiveness and
keep it relevant in the face of emerging threats. The Block 4 update improves mission
systems, sensors, weapons integration, and cybersecurity measures. Although there has
been improvement, the F-35 program still faces operational and logistical obstacles due
to a number of major software issues. The aircraft's maintenance and logistics software,
the Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS), is one of the key problems. ALIS's
intricacy, slowness, and vulnerability to cyberattacks have drawn criticism. To solve
these issues, attempts have been made to replace ALIS with the more efficient
Operational Data Integrated Network (ODIN). Furthermore, further development and
testing efforts are concentrated on software bugs impacting the aircraft's sensors,
communication systems, and mission systems. These software problems affect the F-35's
operating capabilities as well as its lifetime expenses and maintenance requirements.

2. Some say that it is unethical to deploy the F-35 prior to resolving all software issues
that limit its effectiveness in combat or that could put the pilot at risk. Others say
that the F-35 is an emerging, evolving piece of technology and that only through
observation of its performance in combat can its various features be refined and
perfected. State your opinion on this issue, and explain why you feel this way.

The debate about deploying the F-35 before fixing all software concerns is deep
and varied. Both sides make fair points, but I feel that prioritizing safety and efficacy
should be the most important consideration when deploying any military weapons.
On the one hand, launching the F-35 with known software flaws may endanger pilots and
jeopardize mission accomplishment. In combat scenarios, where split-second judgments
might mean the difference between life and death, any software flaw could have
disastrous effects. Furthermore, deploying a faulty aircraft risks diminishing pilot and
military faith in the F-35's capabilities, thus jeopardizing the aircraft's long-term viability
and reputation.
However, it is indisputable that real-world combat circumstances give essential data for
fine-tuning and enhancing the F-35's different characteristics. Observing the aircraft's
performance in actual combat situations can reveal areas for improvement that were not
obvious during testing and simulations. Furthermore, fielding the F-35 enables armed
forces to take use of its present capabilities while also addressing and correcting any
software faults via continuing upgrades and maintenance.
3. What suggestions do you have to improve the development and testing of the
software for the F-35 fighter program?

To enhance software development and testing for the F-35 fighter program, a
comprehensive methodology is required. This includes using agile development practices
to increase flexibility and responsiveness, fostering closer collaboration between
developers and end users, implementing rigorous testing protocols throughout the
software lifecycle, prioritizing cybersecurity measures, cultivating a culture of continuous
improvement, and maintaining transparency and accountability. By using these tactics,
the F-35 program may assure the delivery of more dependable, secure, and effective
software capabilities, better aligning with operational requirements and lowering the risks
associated with software-related difficulties.
IT 16
Submitted by:
Ramona Grace Simera

Submitted to:
Mr. Jason Echevaria

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