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IT 16 Copyright law - guarantees developers the rights to

their works for a certain amount of time

PRO-IP - Prioritizing Resources and Organization for
Intellectual Property Copyright Term Extension Act - also known as the
Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act
GATT - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
fair use doctrine - was developed over the years as
WTO - World Trade Organization
courts worked to maintain that balance
TRIPS - Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property
Java - is a widely used programming language
developed at Sun Microsystems during the early 1990s
WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization
Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual
DMCA - Digital Millennium Copyright Act Property (PRO-IP) Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-403) -
created the position of Intellectual Property
CSS - Content Scramble System Enforcement Coordinator within the Executive Office of
ISPs - Internet service providers the President

UTSA - Uniform Trade Secrets Act General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) - was a
multilateral agreement governing international trade
EEA - Economic Espionage Act
Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual
DTSA - Defend Trade Secrets Act Property Rights - also known as the TRIPS Agreement,
REC - Reverse Engineering Compiler to establish minimum levels of protection that each
government must provide to the intellectual property of
GPL - General Public License all WTO members
OSI - Open Source Initiative Patent - is a grant of a property right issued by the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to an inventor
ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
Numbers Patent - permits its owner to exclude the public from
making, using, or selling a protected invention, and it
ACPA - Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act
allows for legal action against violators
Intellectual property - is a term used to describe works
Utility patent - is “issued for the invention of a new and
of the mind—such as art, books, films, formulas,
useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition
inventions, music, and processes—that are distinct and
of matter, or a new and useful improvement
owned or created by a single person or group.
design patent - which is “issued for a new, original, and
Copyright law - protects authored works, such as art,
ornamental design embodied in or applied to an article
books, film, and music; patent law protects inventions;
of manufacture
and trade secret law helps safeguard information that is
critical to an organization’s success. Patent infringement - the violation of the rights secured
by the owner of a patent, occurs when someone makes
Copyright - is the exclusive right to distribute, display,
unauthorized use of another’s patent
perform, or reproduce an original work in copies or to
prepare derivative works based on the work Leahy-Smith America Invents Act - which amends Title
35 of the U.S. Code, represented a major change in the
Copyright protection - is granted to the creators of
U.S. patent law
“original works of authorship in any tangible medium of
expression, now known or later developed Software patent - claims as its invention some feature
or process embodied in instructions executed by a
Copyright infringement - is a violation of the rights
secured by the owner of a copyright.
Trade secret - is defined as business information that
represents something of economic value
Trade secret - protection laws vary greatly from country Competitive intelligence - is legally obtained
to country information that is gathered to help a company gain an
advantage over its rivals
Uniform Trade Secrets Act (UTSA) - was drafted in the
1970s to bring uniformity to all the United States in the Industrial espionage - Competitive intelligence is not
area of trade secret law the same as

Economic Espionage Act (EEA) - imposes penalties of up Rapportive - is software that can be added to your
to $10 million and 15 years in prison for the theft of email application or web browser to provide you with
trade secrets rich contact profiles that show you what people look
like, where they are based, and what they do
Defend Trade Secrets Act - amended the EEA to create
a federal civil remedy for trade secret misappropriation Crunchbase - is a free database of technology of over
110,000 companies, people, and investors
Employees - are the greatest threat to the loss of
company trade secrets CORI - an online database of more than 690,000
contract documents
noncompete agreement - prohibits an employee from
working for any competitors for a period of time, often - is an excellent source for identifying
one to two years suppliers and sources for products

Plagiarism - is the act of stealing someone’s ideas or - is a comprehensive website of

words and passing them off as one’s own data about what organizations have received funding
and for what purposes
Turnitin - a software product developed by California-
based iParadigms Trademark - is a logo, package design, phrase, sound, or
word that enables a consumer to differentiate one
Reverse engineering - is the process of taking
company’s products from another’s
something apart in order to understand it, build a copy
of it, or improve it Cybersquatters - registered domain names for famous
trademarks or company names to which they had no
Reverse engineering of software - involves analyzing it
to create a new representation of the system in a
different form or at a higher level of abstraction Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
(ICANN) - is a nonprofit corporation responsible for
Compiler - is a language translator that converts
managing the Internet’s domain name system
computer program statements expressed in a source
language Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA) -
allows trademark owners to challenge foreign
Reverse Engineering Compiler (REC) - is a decompiler
cybersquatters who might otherwise be beyond the
that reads an executable, machine-language file and
jurisdiction of U.S. courts
produces a C-like representation of the code used to
build the program

Open source code - is any program whose source code

is made available for use or modification

General Public License (GPL) - was a precursor to the

open source code defined by the Open Source Initiative

GNU - is a computer operating system comprised

entirely of free software

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