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Discriminant Analysis:

Discriminant Analysis (DA) is a statistical method used to categorize observations into

predefined groups. It is especially valuable when the dependent variable is categorical, and the
independent variables are continuous. The goal of DA is to identify a combination of features
that most effectively distinguishes between the categories. Essentially, discriminant analysis is
employed when the dependent variable is categorical, and the independent variables are
continuous in the dataset.


Analysis Case Processing Summary

Unweighted Cases N Percent
Valid 4240 100.0
Missing or out-of-range group codes 0 .0
At least one missing discriminating variable 0 .0
Excluded Both missing or out-of-range group codes and at least one 0 .0
missing discriminating variable
Total 0 .0
Total 4240 100.0
This Summary table interpret that there is no missing value in our data. Means, it is analyzing all
the cases of this Framingham dataset.

Tests of Equality of Group Means

Wilks' Lambda F df1 df2 Sig.
sex .992 33.359 1 4238 .000
Age of the individual at the .949 226.853 1 4238 .000
time of examination
level of education .997 12.197 1 4238 .000
Whether the individual is a 1.000 1.604 1 4238 .205
current smoker (values: 0 =
No, 1 = Yes)
Number of cigarettes .997 14.130 1 4238 .000
smoked per day
Whether the individual is on .993 31.910 1 4238 .000
blood pressure medication
(values: 0 = No, 1 = Yes)
Whether the individual has .996 16.260 1 4238 .000
had a stroke (values: 0 = No,
1 = Yes)
Whether the individual has .969 137.799 1 4238 .000
hypertension (values: 0 =
No, 1 = Yes)
Whether the individual has .991 40.543 1 4238 .000
diabetes (values: 0 = No, 1 =
Total cholesterol level .993 28.558 1 4238 .000
Systolic blood pressure .953 208.159 1 4238 .000
Diastolic blood pressure .979 91.161 1 4238 .000
Body mass index (weight in .994 23.984 1 4238 .000
kg divided by height in
meters squared)
Resting heart rate (beats per .999 2.223 1 4238 .136
Fasting blood sugar level .985 62.383 1 4238 .000
Based on our results, Wilks' Lambda is close to 1, indicating that our discriminant model has low
significance. Additionally, we observed that some variables are insignificant, with one variable
having a first degree of freedom and another having 4238 degrees of freedom.

Test Results
Box's M 2690.937
Approx. 22.239
df1 120
df2 4173397.947
Sig. .000
Tests null hypothesis of equal population covariance matrices.
H0: the covariance matrix are equal across the group.
H1: the covariance matrix are not equal across the group.
As observed, the significance value is less than the p-value. Therefore, we reject the null
hypothesis (H0) and conclude that the covariance matrices are not equal across the groups.
Summary of Canonical Discriminant Functions

Function Eigenvalue % of Variance Cumulative % Canonical Correlation
1 .107 100.0 100.0 .312
a. First 1 canonical discriminant functions were used in the analysis.
The Canonical Correlation value is 0.312, indicating a weak relationship between the dependent
and independent variables. Additionally, the Eigenvalue is 0.107, which suggests that the
discriminant analysis does not explain much of the variation between groups, as the Eigenvalue
is close to zero.

Since the assumptions of Discriminant Analysis have not been met, we will
proceed to the next step: logistic regression.

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