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Dialogue for questions 1 – 3

Dika : What are you doing, mom?

Mrs Anita : I am cooking special menu for this evening.
Dika : What ‘s that?
Mrs Anita : Fred chicken and plecing.
Dika : Wow, that’s great. Do you need a help?
Mrs Anita : How kind you are, thanks. Could you please to bring these into dining room?
Dika : Alright mom.

1. Where does the dialogue take place?

a. In the dining room.
b. In the living room
c. In the kitchen
d. In the family room

2. What is Mrs. Anita doing for her family?

a. She is preparing dinner
b. She is preparing lunch
c. She is preparing breakfast
d. She is preparing new recipe for barbeque

3. What is Mrs. Anita cooking this evening?

a. Fried chicken
b. Fried chicken and plecing
c. Plecing
d. Cooking rice

Have a look at the picture.

4. X : What is he doing right now?
a. He is buying a new backpack
b. He is riding his bike
c. He’s riding his driving car
d. He is working in the farm

Read the following text for questions 5-10

It is a Sunday. My family and l are doing various activities after having breakfast. My mother looks
very busy, she is washing the dishes, and clothes. My father is on his bicycle. He is going to a small shop
to buy some house equipment. My oldest sister, Susi is mopping the floor and listening to music using
her headset while working. My little Jonny brother and l are in the garden. We have to clean the yard,
watering the plants and feeding our pets.

5. The text mostly tells about . . .

a. activities that had happened in the past
b. events that will happen in the future
c. events that was happening in the past
d. events that happening in the present

6. Who is some house equipment?

a. Mother
b. Father
c. Susi
d. Jonny

7. ‘’ We have to clean the yard” ……(line 4 ] The underlined word in the sentences refers to……
a. Father and Mother
b. Jonny and the writer
c. Susi and jonny
d. The writer and his sister

8. What day is that activities?

a. On Sunday
b. On Monday
c. On Saturday
d. On Tuesday

9. Who is washing the dishes?

a. Father
b. Mother
c. Jonny
d. Susi

10. Who is mopping the floor?

a. Mother
b. Jonny
c. Susi
d. Father
Have a look the following table to answer question number 11-15
NO Name Height Weight Age
1 Salma 165 cm 30 kg 14 years

2 Firman 160 cm 35 kg 15 years

3 Liana 163 cm 40 kg 13 years

11. Who is the tallest of all?

a. Firman
b. Salma and firman
c. Liana
d. Salma

12. Who is the weightest?

a. Liana
b. Firman
c. Salma
d. salma and liana

13. How old is Firman?

a. 14.YEARS
b. 15 years
c. 13 years
d. 12 years

14. Who is the lightest of all?

a. Firman
b. Salma
c. Liana
d. Rani

15. How many students are in the table?

a. One
b. three
c. Four
d. Two

16. Arrange the following words in a meaningful sentence.

Youngest Girl Them Liza The Among Is
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The best arrangement is. . .
a. 4 – 7 – 5 – 2 – 1 – 6 – 3
b. 5 – 1 – 2 – 7 – 4 – 6 – 3
c. 4 – 7 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 6 – 3
d. 5 – 1 – 2 – 6 – 4 – 7 – 3

17. Want – to – l – about – my – tell – you – friends

The best arrangement is. . .
a. I want to tell you about my friends.
b. I tell you about my friends want to.
c. You want to tell about my friends to l
d. You want to tell about l my friends

18. She To To Go Wanted The Her Movies With friends

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The best arrangement is. . .
a. 1 – 5 – 2 – 4 – 3 – 6 – 8 – 9 – 7 – 10
b. 1 – 5 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 6 – 8 – 9 – 7 – 10
c. 1 – 5 – 2 – 6 – 4 – 3 – 8 – 7 – 9 – 10
d. 1 – 5 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 3 – 8 – 7 – 9 – 10

Text for questions 19 – 25

To: Aisha

Don’t forget to bring your umbrella. I think it is going to rain. l

will be back from work late today. l will ask your brother to pick
you up from school.


19. What is Mom ‘s intention to write the text?

a. To inform about the weather.
b. To remind Aisha to bring umbrella to school
c. To persuade Aisha to buy an umbrella
d. To invite Aisha to come to school

20. Based on the text, what does Mom do for her daughter?
a. Asking her son to pick Aisha up from school
b. Asking Aisha ‘s son to pick her up at school
c. Sending her sister to pick Aisha up from school
d. Sending Aisha to her daughter up from school
21. What is likely of Aisha in the text?
a. Artist
b. Teacher
c. Employee
d. Student

22. “I will ask your brother to you up”

The underlined refers to. . .
a. Aisha
b. Mom
c. Aisha’s brother
d. The reader

23. Aisha ‘s mother cannot pick her up from school . . . She will be back late from work.
a. but
b. and
c. because
d. or

24. To whom does Mom send the message?

a. to Aisha
b. to her brother
c. to the teacher
d. to her sister

25. Who sent the message?

a. Aisha
b. Mom
c. Brother
d. Sister

Read the text to answer question 26 – 30

An Outing at Botanic Gardens
By Nida
On Thursday 24 April, year eight students went to the Botanic Gardens. We walked down and
got into the bus.

After we arrived at the gardens, we walk down to the Education Centre. We went to have a look
around. First, we went to the Orchid Farm and Mrs. Rita read us some of the information. Then we
looked at all the lovely plants. After that we went down to a little spot in the Botanic Gardens and had
morning tea.
Next, we took some pictures and then we went back to the Education Centre to have lunch.
After that we went for a walk. A lady took us around and introduced herself, then she explained what
we were going to do. Next, she took us in to the green house. It was most interesting.

Soon after we had finished, we went back outside. Finally, we got into the bus and returned to
school. We were tired but happy.

26. The text mostly tells about . . .

a. A tour to the Botanic Garden
b. Having morning tea in the garden
c. Lovely plants at the education center
d. An interesting experience in the green house

27. Who took part in the outing class at Botanic Garden?

a. Mrs. Rita and her family
b. Nida and her family
c. All grade 8 students
d. A young lady

28. Where did they have morning tea?

a. In the education center
b. At school
c. In the green house
d. In a little spot

29. “. . . she explained what we were going to do”

The underlined word in the sentence refers to . . .
a. A lady
b. Mrs Rita
c. Nida
d. All of students

30. Recheck the events in story.

1) A lady took us around and explained what we were going to do
2) We walked down to the Edcuation Centre as we arrived
3) We got into the bus and returned to school
4) We went to the Orchid Farm
5) We went down a little spot in the Botanic Gardens to have a morning tea
6) We went back to the Education Centre to hace lunch
The correct order of the events according to the text is . . .
a. 2-6-4-1-5-3
b. 4-5-6-1-2-3
c. 2-4-5-6-1-3
d. 4-2-6-5-1-3
Complete the following text with the appropriate words provided.
Shierley’s Day Off

Shirley enjoyed her day off yesterday. She (31) . . . late, went jogging in the park, took a long
shower, and ate a big breakfast. In the afternoon, she went to the cinema to see (32) . . . with her sister.
Then, she bought groceries at the supermarket, and she made a big dinner for her parents. (33) . . .
having dinner, Shirley and her parents sat in the living room and talked. Shirley had a very (34) . . . day
off yesterday.

31. . . . . .
a. Gets up
b. Got up
c. Get up
d. Getting up

32. . . . . .
a. An exhibition
b. A concert
c. A movie
d. A book

33. . . . . .
a. After
b. Next
c. Then
d. Finally

34. . . . . .
a. Hot
b. Bad
c. Unhappy
d. Nice

Read the following monologue to answer question 35 – 36

When I was a baby, I was three point four

kilograms and fifty two centimeters long. Now
I’m fifty kilograms and one hundred fifty
centimeters tall. I was bald. I had no hair.
Now I have long hair.

35. What does the speaker tell you about? She tells about
a. Her baby
b. Her family member
c. Her past events
d. Her present activites

36. How was her hair when she was a baby?

a. She had long hair
b. She was bald
c. She had short hari
d. She had curly hair

Dialogue for questions 37 – 39

Linda : Hi, Ros, where were you last Saturday morning? I called you but you weren’t at home
Ross : I went to the beach with my family.
Linda : Really? I remember the weather wasn’t nice. Did you enjoy it?
Ross : Yes. It was great! We played volley ball and walked along the beach. What about you?
What did you do?
Linda : I studied English in the morning, and in the afternoon, I visited my grandfather.
Ross : Oh I see, listen, the bell is ringing. Let’s go to the class.

37. The dialogue take places . . . .

a. At the beach
b. At a volleyball court
c. At Linda’s home
d. At school

38. What did Linda do in the last Saturday morning?

a. She was at the beach
b. She played volleyball with Ross
c. She studied at home
d. She visited her grand father

39. Ross wasn’t at home . . . . Linda called her yesterday

a. Because
b. When
c. While
d. Although
Text for question 40 – 42


All students of grade ix should gather at the school’s hall at August 12 at 7.30 in
the morning.

Please be punctual.


40. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

a. To retell the students to gather at the school.
b. To share grade IX students to go to school hall on August 12
c. To persuade the grade nine students to go to school hall at 7.30
d. To announce the students of grade IX to gather at the school hall

41. When will the even be held?

a. At 7.30 am
b. At 7.30 pm
c. At 12 pm
d. At 12 am

42. “Please be punctual”

The closest meaning of the underlined word is . . .
a. Late
b. On time
c. In time
d. Past time

Text for questions 43 – 45

To: Dad

Pick me up at 3 p.m. I have an OSIS
meeting after school


43. Who sends the message?

a. Dad
b. The chief os OSIS
c. The head of School
d. Deasy
44. To whom is the message sent?
a. Deasy’s dad
b. Deasy
c. The head of school
d. The chief of OSIS

45. When will the OSIS meeting will be held?

a. Before the school begins
b. At three in the morning
c. After school
d. After 3 pm

Read the following to answer the questions of number 46 – 50


To show our empathy to the victims of Lombok earthquake, we are the members of PMR SMPN 1
SUKAMULIA will held Lombok Charity Program. We invite all students, teachers and staffs of SMPN 1
SUKAMULIA to give and donate something to our brothers and sisters, the refugees of disaster.

Donations may include money, wearable clothes, packed food, infant milk, surgical mask, shower
equipment, books, uniforms and many others. Please collect and give your donation to Mr. Edam
before Saturday, June 15th 2019. All donations will be delivered to several refugees camps the next

Dian Safitri

46. To whom is the announcement written to? Chief of PMR SMPN 1 SUKAMULIA
a. The members of PMR SMPN 1 SUKAMULIA only
b. All students, teachers, and staffs
c. For teachers and staff only
d. To Mr. Edam

47. Why did the Chief of PMR write the announcement?

a. To show their empathy
b. To persuade the big family of SMPN 1 SUKAMULIA to give donations
c. To ask their friends to visit the victims of Lombok earthquake
d. To inform about Lombok earthquake

48. What should the students do if they want to give their donations?
a. They should meet Dian Safitri
b. They should come to Staffs Office
c. They should come to the teacher’s room
d. They should give them to Mr. Edan

49. When will the donations be delivered to the refugees?

a. On Sunday
b. On Saturday
c. A days before Saturday
d. On Friday

50. “To show our empathy to the victims of Lombok earthquake…”

The underlined word is closest in meaning to…
a. Careless
b. Disinterest
c. Concern
d. Apathy


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