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Module 1: Sociological Concepts, Perspectives and Methods

Culture and the Social Order: Socio-cultural diversity of the Caribbean
Impacts of Globalization on the Caribbean Society
Globalisation is a process of interaction and integration among people, companies and
governments of nations and is driven by international trade and investment and aided by
information technology. This process has effects on the environment, culture, political
systems, economic development and prosperity and on human physical wellbeing in
societies around the world.
O’Donnell (1997) in his globalisation theory notes that cultural globalisation embraces
developments that are political, social and cultural. For the people of the Caribbean region
this is extremely important, as it has implications for the region’s development. People are
fearful that the process of the transnational corporations could stifle the Caribbean’s own
economic growth, challenge its sovereignty and spell doom for its culture; this is the view of
supporters of cultural imperialism (the imposition by one group of its cultural forms on
another group, particularly members of a different society). This can threaten the culture of
the Caribbean region: The presence of a number of fast-food franchises (KFC, McDonald’s,
Wendy’s, Pizza Hut, etc.) has changed our eating habits; the American pop music has
implications for our local music industry; the fashion trends from developed countries are
quickly copied by the Caribbean people; and foreign television shows, movies, books are
embraced to the detriment of local literature and theatre industries.

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