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Horsetail (Equisteum arvense)

Horsetail (Equisteum arvense) has diuretic and helps with the first signs of a bladder infection Horsetails are among the oldest vascular plant spores in the world: nearly 400 million years ago, these plants developed with tree-sized stems at that time. From their remains, and other species, led to the coal, which became one of the most important fossil fuels. Remnants of this ancient group of plants is, among other representatives of the horsetail.

He also called horsetail, because the metal is so spick and span again. Because horsetail contains much silica, it acts as a kind of vegetable sandpaper. As an herbal remedy overlooks the herb has a long history: in ancient times, the hemostatic and diuretic effects estimated. Then the horsetail some time was forgotten. Father Sebastian Kneipp, founder of water treatment discovered again the herb and put it against rheumatism and gout. What is the medicinal plant and where they occur? In spring, spores develop bearing, fertile shoots. These are light brown in color and carry a terminal Sporangienstand. The spores are spread by the wind and continue to develop barren shoots. These green

shoots are up to 50 inches high. The stem is divided into six to 20 ribs and forms from simple knots on the stem leaves. The horsetail is among the horsetails (Equisetaceae). The spores mature from March to April. Horsetail is found in Europe and other temperate regions. It grows in moist areas and along roads. Which part of plant and substances are used? For medicinal purposes, the barren, summer green shoots are used. They contain about ten percent of mineral components, which are composed of silica and water-soluble silicates. In addition, 0.2 to 0.9 percent flavonoids, especially quercetin and kaempferol. In small quantities also come from alkaloids as nicotine.

What do the ingredients? While helping the medicinal plant? The information contained in the extracts flavonoids act aquaretisch, so diuretic. Thus, they ensure that the urinary tract (therefore ureter, bladder and Hernrhre) rinsed and better flushing out germs. Horsetail can therefore help at first signs of a bacterial and / or inflammatory urinary tract diseases, such as a bladder infection as a tea or finished product. In addition, the herb is often one of the components of bladder and kidney tea, which may include, among other things, birch leaves and goldenrod. Important notes: Horsetail can be easily confused with the poisonous swamp horsetail, so do not even collect!

If the plant is used for flushing, drinking enough then by all means! People who suffer from water retention, for example due to cardiac and renal dysfunction should not take horsetail.

Green Life

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