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Adlerian Therapy Therapeutic Techniques

ACT focuses on accepting feelings and aligning Defusion Techniques: Help clients detach
actions with personal values as a strategy for living from and observe their thoughts rather than
a more fulfilling life. getting entangled in unproductive patterns.
Values Exploration: Assist clients identify
Key Concepts core values to direct their life direction.
Acceptance Practices: Foster emotional
Embrace feelings and thoughts without the
resilience by encouraging the acceptance of
intent to alter them.
challenging thoughts and feelings.
Commit to behaviors that are congruent with
Action Planning: Facilitate the creation of
personal values.
specific, actionable steps toward living in
Build resilience to setbacks through
accordance with identified values.
committed action aligned with goals.
Mindfulness Meditation: Use mindfulness to
reduce stress and enhance present-moment
Therapy Goals awareness.
Foster acceptance of unwanted internal Goal-Oriented Visualization: Use visualization
experiences. of goals and values to motivate and direct
Develop mindfulness and cognitive defusion behavior.
skills. Context-Sensitive Interventions: Customize
Develop psychological flexibility to adapt to interventions to fit clients' unique life contexts
various life situations. for enhanced impact.
Incremental Exposure: Introduce a structured
approach to facing fears gradually, fostering
Core Processes resilience and reducing avoidance.
Cognitive Defusion: Step back from and
observe thoughts to reduce their control.
Acceptance: Open up to unpleasant feelings;
make room for them without resistance. Minimizing confrontation to prevent
Being Present: Engage with the current resistance.
moment fully and without judgment. Encouraging change talk in hesitant clients.
Self as Context: Recognize a consistent, Guiding through ambivalence without dictating
observing self that is separate from fleeting direction.
Values Clarification: Identify what truly matters Application
in life and use these values to guide actions. ACT addresses psychological issues such as
Committed Action: Take steps towards living anxiety, depression, stress, and chronic pain by
according to chosen values, even in the face of prioritizing living a valued life over discomfort
obstacles. avoidance.
Cognitive Defusion Acceptance
Objective: Reduce the impact of negative thoughts Objective: To encourage individuals to openly
by changing how they're perceived and interacted experience their emotions and thoughts without
with. attempting to alter their existence.

Key Activities: Key Activities:

Observation and Labeling: Teach individuals to Emotional Acceptance: Facilitating the
detach, observe, and label their thoughts as acknowledgment of feelings and thoughts
mere thoughts, not realities. without judgment.
Mindful Awareness: Use mindfulness to stay Tolerance Building: Developing resilience by
present and not fixate on intrusive thoughts. increasing tolerance for discomfort.

Being Present Self as Context

Objective: To engage fully with the present moment, Objective: Facilitate the understanding that the
enhancing life engagement and reducing "self" is a constant amidst the ever-changing
preoccupation with past regrets or future anxieties. experiences of thoughts, emotions, and sensations.

Key Activities: Key Activities:

Mindful Engagement: Promoting focused Perspective Taking: Guide clients in separating

attention on current activities and surroundings. their thinking from observing selves,
Judgment Suspension: Encouraging the emphasizing a stable identity.
suspension of judgment to enhance moment- Metaphor Use: Apply metaphors, such as
to-moment experiences. comparing the self to the sky, to demonstrate
constancy amid change.

Values Clarification Committed Action

Objective: Help individuals identify and clarify their Objective: Encourage actions aligned with values,
core values to guide their actions and decisions. despite difficult thoughts and emotions.

Key Activities: Key Activities:

Exploratory Discussions: Guide clients to Action Planning: Develop specific, value-driven

identify core values through targeted action plans with clients, setting realistic short
discussions and activities. and long-term goals.
Values Assessment: Use tools to evaluate the Barrier Identification & Problem-Solving:
alignment of clients' actions with their values, Identify and strategize against obstacles to
deepening value understanding. action, such as fear and time constraints.
Leaves on a Stream Passengers on a Bus
Imagine your thoughts as leaves floating on a Imagine your thoughts as passengers on a bus you
stream. Observe them from the bank, letting them drive. While they may shout directions or critique
drift away naturally, learning to detach and accept your driving, it's you who decides the route, guided
without engaging. by your own values rather than their noisy

Clouds in the Sky Cars on a Road

Envision your thoughts as clouds moving across the Imagine yourself sitting by a roadside, watching
sky. Some are dark and stormy, others light and cars (your thoughts) pass. You notice them come
fluffy, but all are transient, changing shape and into view, maybe catch your attention for a
eventually passing by without impacting the moment, but then they're gone, and you don’t chase
vastness of the sky. after them.

Radio in the Background Theatre of the Mind

Think of your thoughts as a radio playing in the Picture your mind as a theatre, with thoughts as
background. The radio may chatter away, but you scenes or actors on a stage. You watch the
don’t need to get up and dance to every song; you performance from the audience, observing without
acknowledge the noise but stay focused on your attachment, knowing you are separate from the
current activity. action unfolding before you.

Garden of Thoughts Mountain of Resilience

Imagine your mind as a garden where positive Visualize yourself as a mountain, strong and
thoughts bloom like flowers and negative thoughts unmoved by the weather around you. Storms of
grow like weeds. Just as you nurture flowers and stress and winds of worry may beat against you, but
remove weeds, you can cultivate positive thoughts like a mountain, you remain stable and resilient.
and manage negative ones.

Waves on the Shore Chef Tasting Soup

Visualize your thoughts as waves crashing onto the Picture yourself as a chef tasting a soup with
shore. They rise and fall with intensity, sometimes various spices (thoughts). You taste each flavor as it
larger, sometimes smaller, but always returning to comes, but the brief taste doesn't define the soup's
the sea. You stand on the beach, observing their entirety, nor does it dictate the next ingredient you
rhythm, untouched by the water. choose to add.

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