Tugas Mandiri B.inggris - 20240519 - 220420 - 0000

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Bahasa Inggris
Nama : Rahma Lativa Triani

Nim : 122310019

Prodi : PGPAUD

Sure, let's work through the exercises together.

A. Supply the suitable form of the verb in brackets!

1. My Brother does (do) the homework.

2. We cleaned (clean) our teeth every morning last year.

3. Our Mother fried (fry) some fish in the kitchen. She always cooks (cook) in the morning.

4. They put (put) their books on the table yesterday.

B. Translate into English!

1. Marry went to the cinema twice two weeks ago.

2. We finished our homework last night.

3. I promise, I will accompany you to the market.

4. I will come to your house later.

5. Is your father washing the car in front of the house?

C. Buatlah video tentang Describing Things. Gambarkan salah satu benda kesukaan Anda!

In this section, you need to create a video describing one of your favorite things. The
video should be between 1 and 4 minutes long. After creating the video, you should
upload it to YouTube and provide the link as your answer to point .

Link youtube : https://youtu.be/dqp-_1k9tHc?feature=shared

Link instagram : https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7JwTUbSd1q/?


Good luck with your exercises!

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