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Riley James Nold | 605-838-7284 |

Master of Arts in Mathematics, The University of Alabama, May 2025
B.Sc. Physics and Mathematics, The University of Alabama, May 2025
Minor: Randall Research Scholars Program
GPA: 4.00

Research Experience
Hauser Condensed-Matter Group, The University of Alabama (August 2022 –Present)
• Perform ab initio structural, electronic, and density-of-states calculations on binary and
ternary nitride systems, as well as novel Heusler compounds.
• Analyze cohesive energy and magnetic ordering trends to optimize Hubbard-U/J
parameters in density functional theory environments.
• Perform XRD/XRR and magnetometry measurements on transition metal thin-films to
determine composition, crystallinity, and material properties

Nold, R; Nahar, R; Huang, Q; Ma, Z; Hauser AJ; (Abstract Accepted 2023), “Growth of
high quality epitaxial Nb films via Sputter Beam Epitaxy”, American Physical Society
March Meeting 2024

Nold, R; Hauser, AJ; (2024): Growth of High-Quality Epitaxial Nb Films via Sputter Beam
Epitaxy. [Poster presentation] UA Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity
Conference. Award: Category Winner [Physical Sciences]

Law, Ka Ming; Nahar, Ridwan; Nold, Riley; Zengel, Michael; Lewis, Justin; Hauser,
Adam; (2024), “Phase and d-d hybridization control via electron count for material
property control in the X2FeAl material class”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic
Materials, V 596, [Paper Published]

Hauser, Adam; Nahar, Ridwan; Law, Ka Ming; Roden, Thomas; Zengel, Michael; Lewis,
Justin; Budhathoki, Sujan; Nold, Riley; Avlani, Harshil; Akintunde, Babajide; Derksen,
Naomi; (2023), “Dataset on Density Functional Theory investigation of Ternary Heusler
Alloys”, Mendeley Data, V3, doi: 10.17632/by523ywzs9.3 [Paper Published]

Nold, R; Zengel, M; Hauser, AJ; Nahar, R; (2023): Atomic Ordering and Electronic
Structure of X2YSn Heusler Compounds. [Oral presentation] "RRS Live" undergraduate
research presentation forum
Nold, R; Zengel, M; Hauser, AJ; (2023): First Principles Investigation of Atomic Ordering
in Novel Heuslers. [Poster presentation] MSU-UM-UA Joint Physics Research
Symposium hosted by Mississippi State University. Award: Best Poster

Nold, R; Zengel, M; Hauser, AJ; (2023): First Principles Investigation of Atomic Ordering
in Novel Heuslers. [Poster presentation] UA Undergraduate Research and Creative
Activity Conference. Award: 1st place poster [Physical Sciences]

Nold, R; Hauser, AJ; Nahar, R; (2022): First Principles Calculations of Transition Metal
Nitrides. [Oral presentation] "RRS Live" undergraduate research presentation forum
Center for Emergent Materials REU, The Ohio State University (May 2022 – July 2022)
• Grew epitaxial neodymium iron oxide thin films via an off-axis magnetron sputtering
• Characterized samples via AFM and XRD to determine optimal growth parameters.
• Outlined cleaning procedure for SrTiO3(110) substrates in order to promote terrace
alignment and reduce surface roughness.
• Shadowed graduate students in Scanning Transmission Electron Microcopy sample
preparation and imaging.

Nold, R; Shornam, G; Joseph, L; Flores J; Zhu, M; Chae, C; Hwang, J; Yang, F; (2022):

NdFeO3 Thin Films grown via an Off-Axis Sputtering Method [Poster Presentation]
Center for Emergent Materials Undergraduate Research Conference

LeClair Research Group, The University of Alabama (January 2022 – May 2022)
• Analyzed structural stability trends in Heusler and Half-Heusler compounds.
• Identified key parameters in Heusler Cubic-Hexagonal structural transitions.
• Performed powder XRD measurements on bulk Heusler alloy samples.

Awards and Honors

▪ Barry M. Goldwater Scholar (2023-Present)
▪ Randall Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award (2024)
▪ Randall Research Scholar (2021-Present)
▪ E. Scott Barr Physics Scholar (2021-Present)
▪ Presidents List (2021- present)
▪ RRS Outstanding Sophomore Award (2023)
▪ Assure Undergraduate Research Grant (2022)
▪ Outstanding First Year Physics Student (2022)
▪ Darren Evans-Young Outstanding Freshman Award (2022)
o The Darren Evans-Young Outstanding Freshman Award is presented to freshmen
who have demonstrated excellence in the Randall Research Scholars program.
▪ Presidential Scholar (2021)
▪ National Merit Finalist (2020-2021)

Programs and Activities

▪ Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society; University of Alabama, June 2022-Present
▪ Randall Research Program; University of Alabama, August 2021-Present
▪ Society of Physics Students (SPS); University of Alabama, August 2021-Present
▪ University Honors Program; University of Alabama, August 2021-Present

Work and Leadership Experience

▪ Outreach Coordinator, SPS, University of Alabama; May 2023-Present
o Organize volunteering events to engage physics students in the Tuscaloosa
community and make connections with local STEM organizations.
▪ Journal Club President, SPS, University of Alabama; December 2021-Present
o Developed the University of Alabama’s first physics journal club designed to
promote physics literacy and presentation skills in undergraduates.
▪ Tutoring Coordinator, SPS, University of Alabama; August 2021-Present
o Created a new program designed to connect students requiring STEM tutoring
with well-qualified undergraduate physics majors.

Laboratory Training
▪ Rigaku SmartLab X-Ray Diffractometer (Proficient)
▪ Bruker Atomic Force Microscope (Familiar)
▪ UHV Sputtering Chambers (Familiar)
▪ Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (Familiar)
▪ DynaCool™ Physical Property Measurement System (Familiar)
▪ SQUID Magnetometer (Familiar)

Programming and Software Experience

▪ Bash (Proficient)
▪ Python (Familiar)
▪ Fortran (Familiar)
▪ SQL (Familiar)
▪ LaTeX (Proficient)
▪ OriginPro (Proficient)
Community Involvement
▪ Dakota Debate Institute (July 2021- present)
o Develop curriculum for a non-profit debate camp designed to educate K12
students in areas of rhetoric, presentation, argumentation, and scholarly research.
o Construct argument modules to assist new debaters in case construction.
▪ West Alabama Food Bank (August 2021-December 2021)
o Organized food products and stocked shelves

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