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Small Screens, Big Lessons: Designing Effective User Interfaces 3/26/04

Small Screens, Big Lessons:

Designing Effective
User Interfaces

Paul D. Hibbitts

My Background
 Macintosh OS multimedia development (1989)
 User interface design specialist for over 10 years
 Platforms include Macintosh, Windows, Web,
Pocket PC, SmartPhone, Palm OS, and WAP
 Between 2000-02 led user experience design of
small screen interfaces at Infowave Software

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

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Small Screens, Big Lessons: Designing Effective User Interfaces 3/26/04

Small Screen Devices

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

Common Attributes
of Small Screen Devices
 Minimal screen display area
 Limited interaction styles with users
 Often one highly optimized task/application
 Operated with limited attention from users
 Users highly aware of effort and time

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

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Small Screens, Big Lessons: Designing Effective User Interfaces 3/26/04

Design for Small Screen Devices

 Small screens devices, with their constrained
design environment and demanding target
market, compel designers to strive for highly
concise, effective user interfaces

 Many of the resulting design approaches and

ideas can also serve as the basis for designing
more effective desktop applications and Web sites

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

Small Screens, Big Lessons

 Improving the design process
 Applying the three keys to success
 Managing visual complexity
 Organizing functionality
 Supporting task completion
 Writing interface text
 Refining the user experience

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

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Small Screens, Big Lessons: Designing Effective User Interfaces 3/26/04

Organizing Functionality

 Learnability
 Efficiency
 Memorability
 Error Rate
 Satisfaction

 Effort

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

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Small Screens, Big Lessons: Designing Effective User Interfaces 3/26/04

Palm OS
Introduced 1996 Pocket PC
Introduced 2000

Palm OS Vs. Pocket PC

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

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Small Screens, Big Lessons: Designing Effective User Interfaces 3/26/04

Create Appointment – Pocket PC

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

Create Appointment – Pocket PC



©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

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Small Screens, Big Lessons: Designing Effective User Interfaces 3/26/04

Create Appointment – Palm OS

1 2

..and we’re done!

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

Appointment Times
Palm OS Vs. Pocket PC

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

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Small Screens, Big Lessons: Designing Effective User Interfaces 3/26/04

The Aspects of Effort

1. Physical
 For example, number of taps

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

Physical Effort
 The number of taps should be related to the
frequency of the task

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

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Small Screens, Big Lessons: Designing Effective User Interfaces 3/26/04

The “Three-clicks Rule”

 The classic “Three-clicks Rule” states that all
actions should be accessible with no more than
three taps/keystrokes from the main screen

 While its value is certainly debatable as a “rule”,

it can be quite beneficial as a general guideline

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

Benefits of the “Three-clicks Rule”

 Reduction of required physical effort
 Discoverability of features (relates to visibility)

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

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Small Screens, Big Lessons: Designing Effective User Interfaces 3/26/04

Reducing Physical Effort

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

Reducing Physical Effort

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

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Small Screens, Big Lessons: Designing Effective User Interfaces 3/26/04

The Aspects of Effort

1. Physical
 For example, number of taps
2. Mental
 For example, visibility of interface elements

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

Mental Effort
 The visibility of an interface element should be
related to it’s likelihood of use

 This might not only involve actual interface

controls, but also pathways to various tasks

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

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Small Screens, Big Lessons: Designing Effective User Interfaces 3/26/04

Visibility of Interface Elements

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

Hiding, But Not Burying, Features

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

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Small Screens, Big Lessons: Designing Effective User Interfaces 3/26/04

Task Likelihood & Frequency Matrix

Task List User Group #1 User Group #2 User Group #3
Task #1 Never Unlikely/Infrequent Likely/Infrequent
Task #2 Likely/Infrequent Likely/Frequent Likely/Frequent
Task #3 Unlikely/Infrequent Never Likely/Infrequent
Task #4 Unlikely/Infrequent Unlikely/Infrequent Unlikely/Infrequent

Note: An important task is often best viewed as a likely (i.e. more visible) task.

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

Organizing Functionality
 Effort is a critical component of usability
 Physical (e.g. number of taps)
 Mental (e.g. visibility of interface elements)
 Organize the user interface by tasks
 Likely & frequent - higher visibility, fewer taps
 Likely & infrequent - higher visibility, more taps
 Unlikely & frequent - lower visibility, fewer taps
 Unlikely & infrequent - lower visibility, more taps

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

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Small Screens, Big Lessons: Designing Effective User Interfaces 3/26/04

Supporting Task Completion

Supporting Task Completion

 Creating task focus
 Guiding task steps
 Handling interruptions
 Providing task closure
 Supporting task repetition
 Considering overall task flow

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

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Small Screens, Big Lessons: Designing Effective User Interfaces 3/26/04

Creating Task Focus

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

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Small Screens, Big Lessons: Designing Effective User Interfaces 3/26/04

Guiding Task Steps

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

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Small Screens, Big Lessons: Designing Effective User Interfaces 3/26/04

Handling Interruptions

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

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Small Screens, Big Lessons: Designing Effective User Interfaces 3/26/04

Providing Task Closure

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

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Small Screens, Big Lessons: Designing Effective User Interfaces 3/26/04

Supporting Task Repetition

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

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Small Screens, Big Lessons: Designing Effective User Interfaces 3/26/04

Considering Overall Task Flow

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

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Small Screens, Big Lessons: Designing Effective User Interfaces 3/26/04

Supporting Task Completion

 Creating task focus
 Guiding task steps
 Handling interruptions
 Providing task closure
 Supporting task repetition
 Considering overall task flow

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

PLEASE DO NOT COPY OR DISTRIBUTE. For more info contact 22

Small Screens, Big Lessons: Designing Effective User Interfaces 3/26/04

Small Screens, Big Lessons

 Improving the design process
 Applying the three keys to success
 Managing visual complexity
 Organizing functionality
 Supporting task completion
 Writing interface text
 Refining the user experience

©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

Thank You – Questions?

 Contact information

 Copy of the slides presented today


 User interface design links


©2003-04 Paul D. Hibbitts. All rights reserved.

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