Soal ASAS BIG Semester 1 Kelas 7

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♦ Alamat: Jalan Trunojoyo 51 Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68131 ☎ Telp. (0331)
TAHUN AJARAN 2023/2024
Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Kelas : 7 (Tujuh)
Hari/ Tanggal : Rabu, 29 November 2023
Identitas Peserta Didik
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Petunjuk : Choose the correct answer by giving cross (X) to the answer.

1. Complete the dialogue below!

Shiva : You are Lia, aren’t you? Hi how are you?
Lia : Hi, Shiva. I’m good. …?
Shiva : I am great. We are working in the same office now.
Lia : Really? That’s great!

B. How about you? D. She is fine

C. My name is Lia E. I live at Sawo Street.

2. Mrs. Rossy : Good morning, class.

Students : …, Ma’am.
Mrs. Rossy : Before we start our lesson today, let’s pray please!
Students: (pray)
What expression can be used to complete the dialogue above?

A. Good afternoon C. Good night

B. Good morning D. Good evening

3. Dika : Good morning, Sir ....... is Dika.

Eko: I’m Eko. …………..
Dika: Please to meet you Eko.
What expressions can be used to complete the dialogue above?

A. her name - how are you? C. his name - nice to meet you
B. my name - nice to meet you D. your name - good bye.

4. Complete the dialogue below!

Bimbim : May I borrow your sharpener?
Putri: Sure. Here it is.
Bimbim: Thanks.
Putri: …

A. It isn’t okay. B. Mention it. C. It’s okay D. My bad

5. When we meet somebody at 10.00 pm, we greet him/her by saying . . .

A. Good afternoon C. Good night

B. Good morning D. Good evening

6. Jon: Who is …?
Slamet: She is my friend. Her name is Alissa.
A. They B. we C. She D. you

7. May I borrow… pen?

A. Your B. me C. You D. Yours

8. Dina is starving. We need to cook for…

A. Him B. Her C. His D. ‘Hers

9. Mrs. Heni : What’s the matter?

Bayu: I’m Sorry, ma’am. I broke the vase.
Mrs. Heni : . . .
The answers below can complete the dialogue…

A. That’s too bad. But, that’s okay. C. Oh my god my lovely vase. I broke it.
B. It isn’t okay D. I’m sorry to break the vase

Complete the dialogue below!

10. Q: How do you go to school?
A: We … to school by bus.
A. Goes B. are goes C. Go D. Are go

11. The pencil case isn’t …(he). I think it’s …(she)

A. him - Hers B. he - hers C. his - hers D. Hers - his

12. Complete the dialogue below using pronouns!

Dion: Good morning. Who is … ?
Jack: Good morning. His name is John.
Dion: Oh Hi John! … am Dion. It is nice to meet you.
Jack: Nice to meet you too.

A. He – Me B. him – Me C. his - I D. he - I

13. A child of your cousin is called…

A. Cousin B. Nephew C. Brother D. Siblings

14. Pedro is married to Marie, so he is …husband.

A. Maries’ B. Maries’s C. Marie’s D. Marie’

15. James has a cat called Mueeza, so Mueeza is …cat.

A. James’es B. James’ies C. James’ D. Jame’s

16. Son of my father is my…

A. Son C. Grandson
B. Great-grandson D. brother

17. My father’s wife is my son’s…

A. Grandma B. Aunt C. mother D. daughter

18. … Students here are my students.

A. Those B. That C. These D. This

19. Simon called three … (person) to accompany me in the classroom.

A. Persons B. Persones C. peoples D. people

Look at the picture below to answer questions number 16-17.

20. According to the picture, we can conclude that…

A. Tom is Michael’s uncle C. Henry is Sue’s brother

B. Laura is Mary’s daughter-in-law D. Hannah is Bill’s cousin

21. From the picture, we know that Martha is Mary’s…

A. Son-in-law C. Grandparents-in-law
B. daughter-in-law D. Brother-in-law

Look at the pictures below and read the dialogue to answer questions number 22-23!
A - Do you want to see pictures of my family?
B - Oh. Hi Martha. Yeah, of course! Oh. Who is the baby?
A - That's my daughter. Her name is Ericka. This picture is from her first birthday.
B - Oh. She's cute. Who are the other people in the picture?
A - Of course, that's me in the green dress. The other people are my parents. My mother's name is
Wilma and my father's name is Ed.
A - Here's another picture.
B - I recognize you but who's the man.
A - That's my husband Carl. He's a great cook.
B - My husband's a terrible cook.
A - Here's another picture.
B - Who's that?
A - That's my sister Wanda and my nephew Tommy.
B - Those are nice pictures. Do you want to see my pictures?
A - Sure!
22. From the dialogue and the pictures, which statement is correct?

A. Ericka is wanda’s aunt. C. Ericka is Tommy’s aunt.

B. Wanda is Ericka’s aunt. D. Wanda is Carl’s aunt.

23. From the dialogue and the pictures, we can conclude that…

A. Martha has two daughters C. Martha has a daughter.

B. Martha has a son. D. Martha has two sisters.

24. Read the following text to answer number 24-26!

My name is Dennis and this is my family members. My father's name is Steve. He is an architect and he
lives in Texas with my mother Mary. My mom is a very talented artist. She paints beautiful pictures. I
have one brother named Albert. He's a computer engineer. My wife's name is Debra. She's a nurse at
the same hospital where I work. I work in the lab. My daughter Donna is a doctor in New York.
Donna's husband's name is Keith. He's a restaurant manager. They have a little girl named Becky who
is three years old.
From the text, we know that Becky is Dennis’s…

A. Grandfather B. Daughter C. Aunt D. Grandchild

25. From the text, we can conclude that Dennis is Keith’s…

A. Son-in-law B. Father-in-law
C. Uncle-in-law D. Brother-in-law

26. From the text, we know that Debra is Albert’s…

A. Sister-in-law B. Aunt C. Mother D. Daughter

27. My neighbor has two …(baby).

A. Babys B. Babyes C. Babyies D. Babies

28. Toni got accident yesterday. He broke her two…(tooth)

A. Tooths B. Toothes C. Teeth D. Teeths

29. Don't sit … this chair. It's broken.

A. In B. On C. At D. Above

30. Tony always puts his pencil case… his backpack.

A. In B. On C. At D. Above

31. Q: Do you enjoy playing in the park?

A: … It’s too crowded.
A. No, I doesn’t. C. No, I don’t.
B. No, I no. D. No, I do.

32. … seat here is yours and … seat over there is mine.

A. This – this C. That – this

B. That – that D. This – that

33. Leo: Is … your pen over there?

Marco: No. … is my pen in my hand.

A. This – this C. That – this

B. That – that D. This – that

34. … are Taufiq’s friends over there and … Are my friends here

A. These – those C. That – this

B. Those – these D. This – that

35. Inayah: Do you see … birds over there?

Jihan: Yes. They are beautiful.
Inayah: They try to find some food on … Tree over there.

A. These – that C. That – Those

B. that – these D. Those – that

36. They…from Australia. But they are from Canada.

A. Is B. Isn’t C. Are D. Aren’t

37. Arrange the jumbled words below into a meaningful sentence!

Is – he – student – good - a
A. Is he a good student. C. He is a good student.
B. He is good a student. D. Is a good student he.
Read the text below to answer questions number 38.
Hello, my name is Herry. I am 10 years old. I am a student in a junior high school in Jember. I usually
get up at six o’clock in the morning. I take a bath at twenty five to seven, then I have breakfast twenty
minutes later. I usually eat sandwich and an egg. I also drink a glass of milk. The school bus always
arrives on time at 7:15 am in front of my house and we always arrive at school fifteen minutes and the
school will be closed at twenty five to eight.
38. According to the text, which of these statements is INCORRECT?
A. Herry always gets up at 5:00 am
B. Herry always comes late at school
C. Herry always takes a bath before he has breakfast
D. Herry usually has breakfast before he goes to school

39. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT according to present simple tense
A. Peter and I are classmates.
B. Cindy and My sister borrows some books every month.
C. My mother works in a hospital.
D. She likes to watch football match.
40. … you … to pop music?

A. Do, listen C. Do, is listen

B. Do, listens D. Do, listening

41. Which of the following sentences is CORRECT according to present simple tense.

A. Tony doesn’t takes a bath everyday

B. Tony doesn’t take a bath everyday
C. Tony isn’t take a bath everyday
D. Tony is do takes a bath everyday
42. I want … apple from that basket.
A. a B. an C. the D. (no article)
43. … apple a day keeps the doctor away.
A. a B. an C. the D. (no article)
44. One of the students said, "… professor is late today."
A. a B. an C. the D. (no article)
45. Miss Lin speaks …Chinese.
A. a B. an C. the D. (no article)

Read the text below to answer questions no. 46-50.

My home is a comfortable place with lots of different areas. Downstairs, you can find a living room where
there is a soft couch for sitting and a big bookcase filled with interesting books. Next to it is the kitchen,
where we cook using the refrigerator, dishwasher, and stove. It's a great place to make delicious meals and
share them with family and friends around the table.

When you go upstairs, you'll discover the bedroom with a cozy bed for sleeping. Right next door is the
bathroom where we take showers and brush our teeth. I really like the little balcony connected to the
bedroom – you can stand there and look at the yard below. The yard is a green space outside where we can
play and enjoy the fresh air. And if you have a car, there's a garage where you can park it safely.

In my home, there are different rooms for different things, and it makes me feel happy and relaxed. Oh, and
let's not forget about the AC! It helps to keep the inside of the house just the right temperature – not too hot,
not too cold. That's my home, and I quite like it here!

46. Where can you find the living room in the house?
A. Upstairs C. Downstairs
B. In the kitchen D. In the bedroom
47. What can you do on the little balcony connected to the bedroom?
A. Cook meals C. Look at the yard
B. Take showers D. Park a car
48. Which of the following appliances is mentioned as being used in the kitchen?
A. Washing machine C. Heater
B. Refrigerator D. Television
49. What is the purpose of the balcony connected to the bedroom?
A. To store outdoor furniture C. To access the garage
B. To provide a view of the yard D. To plant flowers
50. What can we conclude from the speaker towards his home?
A. The speaker feels neutral about their home.
B. The speaker dislikes their home.
C. The speaker loves and appreciates their home.
D. The speaker is indifferent about their home.

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