Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

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MID Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Kunci Jawaban A

1. Were the doctor here, he would have examine Mary. This means….
a. The doctor is here and examining Mary
b. Mary cannot be examined because the doctor is not here
c. Mary ls being examined because the doctor Is here
d. Although the doctor is here, Mary is not examined
e. The doctor ls not here but Mary has been examined
2. Mariana : Many of the participants were disappointed because they expected to have a serious
talk with the minister of women's affairs
Secretary : I know I'm sure that the minister would have attended the meeting If she had
returned from middle east.
From the dialogue we can conclude that the minister….
a. Didn't attend the meeting
b. Is still on tour
c. had a serious talk with the participants
d. went to the middle east because of the meeting
e. had been back from her tour before the meeting
3. What is the structure of a second conditional sentence?
a. If + past simple, would + infinitive
b. If + present simple, will + infinitive
c. If + past perfect, would have + past participle
d. If + present continuous, would be + present participle
e. If + present future, have been + past participle
4. Which conditional sentence is used to talk about hypothetical situations in the present or
a. Second conditional
b. Third conditional
c. First conditional
d. Zero conditional
e. Passive conditional
5. If the weather was good yesterday, our picnic would not have been cancelled. The fact of this
sentence is ….
a. The picnic was canceled
b. The picnic not canceled
c. The weather was good
d. The weather was good and the picnic not cancelled
e. The picnic not cancelled because the weather not good
6. Which of the following is an example of a second conditional sentence ….
a. If it were warmer, we would go swimming.
b. If I had known, I would have come.
c. If he doesn't study harder, he will fail the test.
d. If you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils
e. If she had arrived earlier, we could have caught the train.
7. What is a conditional sentence ….
a. A sentence that describes a condition or possibility
b. A sentence that gives a command or order
c. A sentence that expresses a feeling or emotion
d. A sentence that provides information or facts
e. A sentence that gives and asking about opinion
8. Nothing is going to change my love for you if you always ….. (love) me too.
a. Love
b. Loves
c. Loving
d. Will love
e. Would love
9. Woman : Why don’t you take the bus to work? Driving in rush hour traffic is terrible.
Man : I would, but I’m afraid there will not be any seats left by the time the bus gets to my
Why does the man not want to go by bus ….
a. The man has to stand on the bus if he takes it to work
b. The man takes the bus to work.
c. The man wants the woman to go with him.
d. The woman prefers driving in the rush hour.
e. The woman wants to ride to work with man.
10. If my brother ….. (study) hard, he would have passed the exam well.
a. Had studied
b. Studies
c. Had study
d. Have studied
e. Has studies
11. You shouldn’t go out…. its raining heavily
a. Because
b. For
c. Already
d. And
e. But
12. School was cancelled ……. the weather
a. Because of
b. Because
c. But
d. However
e. Since
13. I like this hotel very much, everything is so artistically arranged and ....
a. All facilities are well taken care of
b. Good care to be given to all facilities
c. The care of all facilities
d. They take good care of all facilities
e. The prize is very high but low quality
14. Alya : I believe we should preserve our national heritage
Bella : I entirely agree with you.
The conversation express ….
a. Agreement
b. Uncertainty
c. Accept help
d. Apology
e. Disagreement
15. Boby : Well, you have hurt her with the joke?
Osman : that’s not true. She isn’t angry
The dialogue shows us that ….
a. Osman disagree with Bobby
b. Bobby agree with Osman
c. Bobby warned Osman not to hurt her
d. Osman’s joke hurt Bobby
e. Osman agree with Bobby’s opinion
16. Ferry : The service is not good
Budi : ……. It served me well yesterday
a. I think that’s not right
b. Exactly
c. I agree with you
d. I like it
e. That’s what I want to say
17. Cane : So, where will we go?
Rudy : How about beach?
Cane : _______. We have visited a lot of beach this year.
Rudy : Lake? Toba Lake sounds interesting, right?
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
a. I don’t think so
b. That's so true
c. I quite agree
d. I think so too
e. You are right
18. The following are examples of discussions, except ….
a. Report
b. Essays
c. Debates
d. Letters to editor
e. Newspaper articles
19. The general statement of the construction discussion text includes ….
a. A question and the view of the author
b. The features of a discussion text
c. Point and against the topic
d. Evidence to support the point of view
e. The opinion of the author of the text
20. The Following are discussion text topics, except ….
a. “The day we met in our school cafeteria”
b. “What food does our class need for its school camp?”
c. “Solving litter problems in our school”
d. “Something more needs to be done for homeless old people”
e. “Can we do without fast-food outlets?”
21. Letter – her – Risti – a – village – writes – to – in – the – often – parents.
The correct arrangement is ….
a. Risti often writes a letter to her parents in the village.
b. Risti often writes a letter her parents to in the village.
c. Risti often writes a letter to the village her parents in.
d. Risti often writes a letter in the village to her parents.
e. Risti often to the a village her parents writes letter
22. We can see many beautiful paintings in this exhibition. They were ..... by famous Indonesian
a. Painted
b. Painting
c. Paint
d. Be Painting
e. Being painting
23. "Do you often go to restaurants?"
"No, it .... quite a long time since I went to a restaurant with my friends."
a. Has been
b. Would be
c. Is being
d. Was
e. Had been
24. We'll be visiting our grandmother next week. What is the passive form of this sentence?
a. Our grandmother will be being visited by us next week.
b. Our grandmother will be visited by us next week.
c. Our grandmother would be visited by us next week.
d. Our grandmother would be being visited by us next week.
e. Our grandmother would have been visited by us next week.
25. Rama :...........................
Martha : I think so. It is important to learn English to expand our knowledge.
a. Do you think English is important?
b. What do you think about English?
c. Would you study english hard?
d. Could you tell your opinion?
e. How can you love English?
26. My dad said he wanted to quit .... forever to live a healthy life.
a. Smoking
b. Smoke
c. Smoked
d. To smoking
e. To smoked
27. Which of the following are indirect questions?
a. Could you tell me…?
b. Where is MacDougal street?
c. How are you?
d. That is good to hear!
e. Thank you!
28. “Did they eat out together yesterday?”. Its mean that….
a. He asked me if they had eaten out together the day before.
b. He asked me if they had eaten out together yesterday.
c. He asked me if they has eaten out together the day before.
d. He asked me if they has eaten the day before today
e. He asked me if they have out together for eaten yesterday
29. Helen said Jono, “May I borrow your dictionary tomorrow?”. What did Helen say to Jono…
a. Helen said Jono whether she might borrow her dictionary the following day
b. Helen said Jono to borrow her dictionary tomorrow
c. Helen said Jono if/whether he might borrow her dictionary the following day
d. Helen said Jono to borrow her dictionary the following day
e. Helen said Jono if/whether she might borrowed her dictionary the following day
30. Martha said Rama, “Will you marry me?”. We can conclude that……
a. Martha asked Rama if he would marry her
b. Martha asked Rama if she would marry him
c. Martha asked Rama if he would marry him
d. Martha asked Rama if he would marry hers
e. Martha asked Rama if he will marry her
31. The sentence more polite way to ask for information or make requests, we often use them
when asking something of strangers or people we don’t know well. Define about…..
a. Indirect questions
b. Direct questions
c. Descriptive text
d. Asking for agreement
e. Asking for opinion
32. Below is the generic structure of descriptive text....
a. Identification, description
b. Identification, explanation
c. Identification, closing
d. Description, explanation
e. Explanation, closing
33. “Fried rice is a typical Indonesian food. Fried rice is a very popular food. The ingredients for
making fried rice are rice, cooking oil, soy sauce, and other seasonings. Everyone loves fried
rice. Fried rice is very good. Initially, fried rice came from China. Fried rice has been around
since 4000 BC”. The type of text is….
a. Descriptive text
b. Narrative text
c. Recount text
d. Analytical text
e. Biographies text
34. A descriptive text has the function to….
a. Describe a particular person, place, or thing
b. Explains how to make
c. Entertain the readres
d. Present different opinions on a particular issue
e. Allow the writer to put down his or her experience
35. Which one is the generic structure of recount text below!
a. Orientation, event, re-orientation
b. Re-orientation, event, orientation
c. Orientation, re-orientation, event
d. Event, re-orientation, orientation
e. Event, orientation, re-orientation
36. "Ayahku akan memasak sup ayam malam ini."Translate to English!
a. My dad will cook chicken soup tonight
b. My dad won't cook chicken soup tonight
c. My dad are going to cook chicken soup tonight
d. My dad is going to be chicken soup tonight
e. My dad will go to market tonight
37. Vivi: What is that?
Joko: This is my artwork. This is the picture of my village.
Vivi: That's beautiful, well done man!
Joko: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
a. Thanks for your appreciation
b. I know
c. No problem
d. I need your appreciation
e. To ask something
38. Touched – was - her birthday – Nadya – a surprising party – when – held – for – her family
The correct arrangement of the jumbled words is …
a. 4-2-1-6-9-7-5-8-3
b. 4-2-1-6-9-8-7-3-5
c. 4-2-1-6-9-3-8-5-7
d. 4-2-1-6-8-7-9-3-5
e. 4-2-1-6-7-5-3-8-9
39. ……. to ride bicycle, Adi walked to work every morning. The suitable adverb phrase to
complete the sentence is ...
a. Being unable
b. Because he unable
c. Unable
d. Unabling
e. Because we were unable
40. Rena said to me, “Do you close the window at night?”. The indirect form is: Rena asked
me…to night
a. if I closed the window
b. that I closed the window
c. when I close the window
d. that you closed the window
e. whether you closed the window
41. The teacher asked Toni,” why do you come late ?”. The indirect speech is ...
a. The teacher asked Toni why did you come late
b. The teacher asked Toni why he came late
c. The teacher asked Toni why he comes late
d. The teacher asked Toni why he has come late
e. The teacher asked Toni why he is coming late
42. Excuse me, you can't sit here, this is my desk, and that desk on the corner is ... you can sit on
that desk.
a. Yours
b. Your
c. You
d. You’re
e. Yous
43. Sassy: I lost my wallet at the airport yesterday.
Hendri : ................
a. I’m sorry to hear that.
b. Wow, fantastic
c. Pardon me
d. Ok. Thanks
e. Cool.
44. You never know how Nadine will react. One moment she’s so nice and the next she’s the
nastiest person in the world. She’s really...
a. moody
b. selfish
c. shy
d. respectful
e. realistic
45. Yudi : What's the matter with you? You look very pale.
Murni : I skipped my breakfast this morning because I was in a hurry.
Yudi : ...…The canteen is already open.
a. Let me buy you something to eat.
b. How about cooking something?
c. You should prepare your breakfast
d. Would you take me to the canteen?
e. Let's go outside.
46. The cat caught ...... tail in the door.
a. It's
b. Itself
c. Is
d. It
e. His
47. I would like to introduce myself. My name is Sisca Febryanti My nick name is Sisca. I am 10
years old. I am a student. I am from Bogor Sisca is a ......
a. Student
b. Teacher
c. Doctor
d. Nurse
e. Police
48. "Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world, located in the Himalayas. It's a popular
destination for climbers from around the globe."
a. The tallest mountain
b. The Himalayan region
c. Mountain climbing
d. Global destinations
e. The pet
49. What can you find in this text?
"Lions are majestic wild animals known for their powerful roars. They are often referred to as
the 'King of the Jungle.'"
a. Animal nicknames
b. The African savanna
c. Different animal species
d. Lion behavior
e. Animal habbit
50. The following sentences are responses of congratulation, except...
a. No problem
b. Thank you!
c. Thank you so much
d. Its nice of you to say so…
e. Its was really nothing

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