Daily Test Kelas 2 Unit 9

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Sekolah Dasar Ar Rahman

“Islamic Full Day Education”

TERAKREDITASI A Jl. Dr. Sutomo Gg II/17 Belakang Kec. Jombang Telp. 0321-854086
E-mail: sdarrahmanjombang@yahoo.co.id. Website: http://www.sdarrahman.wordpress.com
NSS : 102050413001 NIS : 100060
NPSN: 20540249


Tema : Unit 9 Nama : Nilai :
Hari/tanggal : Kelas : 2 (dua)

a. Trunk
1. Look at the picture below! b. Legs
c. Neck
4. Look at the picture below!

It is giraffe. It has long . . .

a. Neck
b. Head It is elephant. It has. . .
c. Body a. Nose
2. Look at the picture below! b. Trunk
c. Tail
5. Look at the picture below!

a. Nose
b. Legs
c. Tail What is it?
3. Look at the picture below! a. Head
b. Body
c. Tail

6. Look at the picture below!

it is dog. It has four . . .
9. Look at the picture below!

a. Body
b. Legs It is cock. It has two . . .
c. Trunk a. Legs
b. Nose
7. Look at the picture below! c. Trunk
10. Look at the picture below!

It is monkey. It has . . .
It is cat. It has small . . .
a. Trunk
a. Neck
b. Nose
b. Head
c. Tail
c. Body
8. Look at the picture below!

Translate the words into english!

1. Rambut =
2. Kepala =
3. Mata =
It is dog. It has short . . .
4. Hidung =
a. Neck
5. Belalai =
b. Tail
6. Mulut =
c. Body
7. Leher =
8. Pundak =
9. Tangan =
10. Badan =
11. Ekor =
12. Kaki =

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