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PADMA SE: PSHADRI BALA BHAVAN SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL, Cll ; “NAL STD. VL ; SUMMATIV ENT — 2011-2012 Time 2 hours Dace haosanit T LANGUAGE Marks ; 60 q this i his paper consists of 4 sections : Seetion-A : Reading £10 marks n-B Wailing 20 marks -C : Grammar 30 marks Instructions : as Attempt all questions. All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the question paper and writen in the answer sheets provided to you: Attempt all questions in each section before going to the next question Read each question carefully and follow the instructions Strictly adhere to the word limit given in each question. Marks will be deducted for exceeding the word Limit, 6. Attach Section C : pe wee rarnmar (Objective) to the answer sheets and submit [ srcrion-a + READING 1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow : Most of us would be hard-pressed to locate inner Mongolia, Jiangxi, or Guangdong on a map. Yet ‘many of the high-tech devices we depend on - cell phones, laptops, and hundreds of others - would not ‘exist without an obseure group of clements mined in those three and other regier's of China. Rare earths, as the elements are called, were discovered beginning in the late 18" century as oxidized minerals - hence “earths”. They're actually metals, and they aren't really rare, they're just scattered The list of things that contain rare earths is almost endless. Magnets made with them are much mate powerful than conventional maynets and weigh less, that's one reason so many electronic devices have Fetten so small. Rare earths are also essential toa host of green machines, including hybsd cars and oend turbines, The US. military needs rare earths for night-vision goggles, cruise missiles, and other weapons. “They're all around you,” says Karl Gschneider, a senior metallurgst. ‘The phosphorus in your 1V- the rad colour comes from an element called europium. ‘The catalytic converter on your exhaust system contains cerium and lanthanum, They're hidden unless you know about therm, so most people aie vomied about them as long as they could Keep buying them”. Now alot of people are worried China, which supplies 97 percent of the world’s rare earth needs, is expected to steadily reduse rare earth exponss in order to protect the supplies of its own rapidly growing industries So with China holding tightly to its reserves, wher? will the rest of the world get the clements ‘that have become so vital to modem technology? ‘Although China currently monopolizes tare earth mining, other countries have deposits 100 China has 4g percent of the word's reserves; the United States has 13 per cent, Russia, Australis, and Canada have substantial deposits as well. ‘American dominance ended in the mid 1980s. China, for decades had been developing the technology for separating rare earths (nat easy to do because they're chemically so similar). ‘With Government cheap labour, and Jax of nonexistent environmental regulations, its rare ‘earth industries all competitors. maw ecrambling to find other sources of supply. Std, VIII - English Language 1. Define ‘Rare earths’ 2. Electronic devices are getting smaller because {) they contain very little rare earth ii) they have magnets that contain rare © iti) they are easy 10 use and are portable. arihs, which are more power" " means 3, ‘Hybrid’ in the phrase, ‘including hybrid cars and wind turbines’ m 1s to make é WM ¢ ituen 8) costly +) of superior quality 6) using two of more cons! 4. Complete the analogy + aly ; 3 rocks: geology 4 2 5. Name the uses of rare earths mentioned in the passage. a 6. "Now a lot of people are worried’. Why’? { wD 7. Rare earths are difficult to separate because they are scattered all over the earth. their chemical composition is very similar. ) there are hardly any depasits in the world. a, sentence 8. Complete China js able to dominate the ‘rare earth” supply market in the world as ..... SECTION-B: WRITING SKILLS| ML, You have becn on an educational field trip to an exhibition displaying inventions related to science. Write a letter to your friend describing the experience. (8) 7 IL. You are Shweta / Vishal and you would like to go an a “Trekking” trip in Badrinath, «along with your friends. Write a letter to Mr. Daljit Singh at 7, Ganga View Resorts, ‘enquiring about it, @) 1Y. Fill im with relevant dialogues ; (3) Teacher : Moming children. Ut. Student ; Yes ma’m. May be.... Teacher Okay. Today. ‘Student : May I speak ma'm. 1. Teacher : All right. Ther (OTE : Complete Section — € Grammar — Objective) and attach it to Your auswer sheets eogKoeE eas SESHADRI BALA BHAVAN SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL, CHEN) VU ‘SUMMA Datenepeor IATIVE ASSESSMENT-1 2612-2013 Time 2 Hours ENGLS Marks: 60 A. Grammar » ‘Scction-B -Reading 10 marks Section-C: Writing Skills . 20 marke \O ‘i Instructions: 1 Atiempt all questions 2. Allthe answers must b aN correetly numbered ns in the question nd weritich an! writicy C im the answer sheets provided 10 you a ‘ 4, Attempt all questions in each section be fore Boing to the ne 4. Read cach question ear ‘and follow the instructions S: Attach Section 4: Grammar (Objective) to the answer sheets and submit xt section pe Ml. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: Standing out ina crowd In every gathering, there is someone who seems to be @ magnet for everyone's aan, ails etson usually has a combination of self-confidence, charises end ‘more than anything the ability to draw attention to oneself People who draw attention to themselves by being loud, boorish How do you become the centre ot and still be well-liked and admired? 1, Make a Life plan: People who stand out usually have goals and work hard to achieve them. They don’t just want to become flots "am and jetsam in life's flood. But they steer the ship ‘awards what they want to accomplish. Its important to dream big but equally important that the dream is not an unattainable fantasy 2. Be agood listener: : | While being a good conversationalist is af prime importance in standing out in the crowd, being a good listener clinches the deal, Body language speaks volumes about a person, A good listener will lean forward, make eye contact and pay elose Attention to what the other person is saying. Poor listeners keep their arms crossed. lean away, Keep fidgeting and their eyes will wander. If you want people to pay attention to yau, you need to pay attention to them | Of course, there are and obnoxious. Faitention? How do you stand out in.a crowd ¢g 2 2 3. Us all in the packaging: rece 3 Standing out in the crowd requires that you present yourself wel ple de | aS Judge us by how we dress and look, Giving considerations to how one ae | Paramount to becoming an atention-geter. This dors not mean we have (o be flashy 3 or Ramboyant, Dressing well requires one to pay attention 19 one's appearance a any 3 gathering and being appropriately aired and adding the foremost fashion accessory — eZ asmilet That will open doors and truly make you stand out in the crowd. as Gita Arjun er $ : “The Hindu’ 26. flotsam: Moating wreckage ae jetsam goods thrown overboard to lighten a ship in distress, Ww itive and negative attributes: w ‘self-confidence, boorish, charisma, obnoxious PADMA SESHADRI BALA BHAVAN § TOR SECONDARY SCHOOL, CHENNAL JMMATIVE ASSESSMENT-I - 2013 - 14 Time 2 hour ENGLISH LANGUAGE - MAIN Date : 27.09.2013 Marks . 60 Total no. of gns.: 13 STD, VIII This paper consists of 4 sections ; Seetion-A * Grammar +30 marks Scetion-B : Reading =10 marks Sestion-C : Writing £20 marks Instructions : A. Attempt ull questions, All the answers must be correctly numbered as i the question oper ahd written in the answer sheets provided to you, 3; Attempt all questions in each section before going 10 the next question 4. Read cach question carefully and follow the instructions 5, Attach Section A : Grammar (Objective) o the answer sheets fund submit SECTION-B ; READING eC |

, the quality ofbeing serious or forme) slat panty, quality Ot Nealalan cia hk Inveluntery movement Ne A Std. VIN-Ep pi. i Pettish Language (Main 3 SA-1 2016-17) SECTION-C : WRITING trex A ic in your answ ts 340 (6x4~3) nager of a shop 1. For some time in his youth Abraham Lincoln was the #) Once the customer left, he would revert to his reading. % ae a a coer ara ‘ for reading as he had then d) Young Lincoln's way of keeping shop was entircly unlike anyone else's, ¢) Lincoln would jump up and attend to his needs. 1) He used to lie full length on the counter of the shop eagerly reading a book. 2 8. Those were the most interesting times of his youth. XIV. You are Neeta / Naveen, the cultural secretary of your school, Write a report for the school magazine on the ‘Environment Day’ celebrations held in your school, (100 to 120 words) You may use the following hints. © epee oe + Environment Club organized > week long programmes + variety of competitions - valedictory-function-~ cei guest prize distribution and speech A Ratonvenienca ‘due to the overflowing garbage pettecs Si = reside fF area are facing lots of' overflowing ee as ee pout locale Wee A letter to the editor of The Hindu’ drawing the fa ties towards the problem. A tention of the concerned authori You Fa Wana / Rajesh. (100 words) i ie qi iS PADMA SESHADRI BALA BHAVAN SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL, CHENNAL STD.Vini u EXAM = 2017-2018 “Time :2 Hours 7 15 Mins Date: 18,09.2017, ENGLISLLLANGUAGE- MAIN ree ee. Seetlan-A:Grammarsa® Section Read Srrion-e wns au\ Instructions: TPAtiempt alt questions 2UAll ui ariver mist bo eorretly manbered un the question poper andl writen ia ae tswer sheets provided to you 3 Allcrop all qucations In each boeon before golng 6 tne iext section, 4 Read each question carefully and follow the Insrctions Aue Set usr Cltethsae CObIez4v6) In le kahwec thee sae eal mn x no ww ions *Chotta Bheem’ narmtes the story of the valorous, nine year old Bhecm, a penona loosely based on the famous character in Hindu mythology known for his stent. Lite Bheems lives in the fletional elty state of Dholakpur and in each television episode, when faced with various perils, ho proceeds to tackle them with the help of his frends Chutkl, Raju and Jagga Bhandar ~ the monkey. ‘Despite the lifeless animation and dim plot lines, the show currently has atleast 40 million viewers and Chotta Bheem merchandise from toothpaste to toys flood Indian stores. Beyond the extraordinary success, fun and excitement it offers, there ure some deeply embedded discriminations few are listed below, Gender Bins - Gender Bias is explicit”. Chutki has the fairest skin. She keeps herself busy ‘with all sorts of arts and houschold chores. Though she loves playing with boys, she never participates in physically strenuous fights. lice ~ Kalia, the chief villain of the story and the other villains are dark skinned. Many tribal characters are also portrayed as having a dark complexion. Jnguistis LLines ~In an episode, Bhcem and his friends visit a particular state of India and the people there speak Hindi with a quaint a the regional language, The dance of that statt is also ridiculed by Bheem. ‘Though this serial claims to teach children values and morals, it also seems to be cultivating biases and discrimination. “expli very evident Courtesy — The Hindu Wire above passage is of Chota Bheem. (xis) 2) asummary ban appreciation « c)» critical review Bi Ape from the discrimination factors, name the two other negative factors that the author observes 1) fun and excitement. ©) viewers and merchandise. 5 heer Bias refers to how ee eee SAG plain any one of the author's accusations that you agree with Ses wis fom he pase that mean: @) :

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