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Jabalpur Engineering College, Jabalpur

(Declnred Autoromnus by MP Govt"o Affiliated lo RGpY, Bhopal)

(AICTf, Model Curritulrm Based Scheme) ,
Sachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) I Semester lPfDCl (Mechanical Ongg')

M8、 1“ untlMarks A服 oited a'ontftl I lours Per r.VetL

l llellr、 Prttctio議 I
"li,asl 1'otrl
Subjtrct C、 lcgo中 \r,n.
S Ntl・ Subj€cl Qu14/ rrks P {.rcdits
Codc ()● dc じl14. Mid ttm, Latr lY :

Assi311ttC lirtl Stm' Work

Sent. .
=x31■ II`

3 4
1 3■ 102 3SC Matheinatits-l
ltl() l

fioetly & fi,nYironmental 100 4

, CH302 HSMC 70 20 10 1



3 ヽ11,303 PCC Stength of Mslcrial$ 3

MI:30・ l PC(: 'l'htrnr,.xlyramics 21 20 1`│ 3


5 ヽ41306 8ヽ Softwsre Lab.l =0

, 1

131307 OLO/PI lic$inor

80 80 6()0 2 8
lo(M' 280
Sclf‐ tcarni湊 8 PFCSい tatl● 菫 │
7 ME308 DLC rSヽ VAYAヽ り知 p rtLNtば 、
NSS/NCCSwacヽ haは Abhiン 喩n`Ru摯 饉0崚 ●●ach Q“ 機iliCr

ttni M00C● ●tlrses for thc 4ward oFHonotl s(MinOr Specittliな J●ll)
Addilional Course for Hor,ours or Minoi Spccialiration P● Ftttitled to opt lor mttimum two nddil●

Noir: Mq)c ci) will givin by deperlrncnlnl cmrdinato!

I 60● お
Ⅲ 品んて
L)='9綺 薇 t

ゞ ご
PFinOip● I
J苺 b餞 ,毬 rE● ●b● ●ll● 癖C● :legt
3滅 烙いur_4囀 鷺021(MiR)

謙 轟驚 罵鏃
機 1雷 意 iう

O.T}OL It■ T■ P― TCll)■ lIF41


M・ dule t c=lc轟 疇
三 t08L● u、 ) 1職
R● 1lc's thc● rcm,mcaa val● e theo“ nl,ExP年 ,iOll.〈
Pttal dittrcntiation,Hornogeneous ftt,ctlonS. 二輩域畿
:。 策黒eな 議
lalld驚 滅
│「:撃 鶴
variables,mcmod oftagrange's mutiplie●

Mod● le 2:Calc● l● 3‐ II(08 ho● 養)

驚寧鑑ieS 漁輻
鸞獄雛 躍 1嘉
薇 p:o ll“ gals,‐ 3eta and Cattma角 ∝Jons and eleir押 藤離 I‐

黙 轟 輝 竃 驚 鶴 T:彗 瞥 般 驚 雛 翼 鷺 r鏑 0も 心 :轟 凛 ,ュ 1“ 凛
elWOnC晨 回 ,Trigo■ 輻 etri● ind l● gadthm Rmcti● ns"山 ,Halfmlge Ⅲ II“ Sl■ 1蒻
駄 evJ'sぬ 釘 輛 Lメ ace hnJ漁 ,Ⅲ 囃 Lapl準 "轟

│ `ヘ

1鷲 麟 爾 儘 慾 T覇 蹴 騒 癬 織 鶉 鐵 織 懸
In"● e of m鮨 ェ Dlagonali轍 ion ofm油 蔵ces.

Modutt i Vector Spa‐ ゛8 hou→ ‐ │

Vector space,LⅢ ear dependcnce oF vectOrs,し 、卜,薇 轟∝ SICtl:Lmcar tttsfomati∝ ,(Ⅲ apS)難 nge‐
綺d kernel ol● Incar maP,rRnk tt nttlt lnverSe ofa五 ● ear transiomボ 1● n,赫 k‐●●
11● the● にm,
composilol。 1linear maps,Mat"x assoc爛 餞 witt a linear map l

‐ ReFereb篠 :

2∞ 2


Course Outmmes:
At fre end of the course the students will able to :
l. Appiy diftrential.and integral calculus lo noiions ofcurvature and ro improp€r integrars.
2. understsnd b&sic knowledge ofBeta and Gamma functions , funcrions oistvenl v*ables.
3. Apply the fallouts of Rolle's Theorem of analysis to Engineering
4. Determ ine the tool of powcr series aod Fo,rrie. series,-l .ap la ce" transform
for leaming advanced
Engineering Mathematics.
5- Solve various problems using mrrices and linear algebra in a cornprehensive

《 」 f・

j'-''t i i-t:--l'
B.Tech。 (AICTE)I sem.
BT102∼ 12thema薔 _I

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P010 P011 P012

C01 2 l

C02 1

C03 2 1

C04 1 2

C05 l
.1.■ ■■ │・ 1.■

… ¨
・・ '‐ ′ ‐ ■■_■ ●

‐・ ‐ ‐ ‐ や ― ,T事 ●
・ ■■
議繭爆 罐 藤 嬌 輌 ‐ … 露 棘 い "い 彎 摯 臀 臀 摯 =‐ ・

t・ 撃
サ │ヽ



3rattCh‐ COmmOnto A:lD:,κ ipll● e

E"*gy & Environmental


Mod● le l: :

A introduc感 on tO Energy SClenc● :

wond最 ぃdian Energy Scenai。 ,OVerview t● [nettv Syttems Ener8y sustainabttity and
En詢 oment_FossI Fuels AtternativeS for fosstt fue:,biOmass7 Wind′ "lar,nuCteat
`ゎ tidal&hγ drogen
& Water Pol:● tio● :

Derlntゎ n,cause,ettCtS and contro:measures(P`い arY t Secondarv Waste Water

treatmentl,Actd ttalh and manne pollution PO‖ 重 ねn case ttudie,Minamata Tragedy,
OnI Ra統
Cantt Act100 Plan′ M鑢 Or tt S● 職S ofthe 2♂ &2F C`ntury.Water cOnserv測
water harvestlng aod Watershed managettent

Modulo2:E● esβ te由 幡 :

cdncept of en ecowstlm,St,oct● 総 and functiOn of an ecoSystem,Producers,consumers

and dё compose,:Fne轟 壼ow in the ecosystem,獲 SuccesJoち Food chが ns f● ●d webSaⅢ
cOl● JcaI
●f the
ecological pvranlid霧 :ntrodu∝ :on,lypes,character餃 it features ttructure and functio●
o"irrg eCoSy♯ ett ta)Forest ecosystem{bl craSほ nd ec● 5ystem ic)Desert ec●
f● ‖ (d)AquattC
ecosystems(pondS,Stttams′ lakes,rlVers.。 Cttns estuattes)
Causet efrects&contro:Meesures of ttr Pollution:,`森 ary and secondary at p●
and phot∝ chemi“ Is“ og C:inlate ttanges Global war'in3 02● ne l● ver depletbn.Po‖ ltiOn case
studies:Bhop● Igas Di苺 aster and ttondon s"og Disasten

M● dlに ■ Bお d● e"聾 and ltS C● ,seⅣ atl● 爾

Introduction,Denn餞 o=genettt splこ es and ecowStem d"erslty,群 ●
ね hiCat
dassincatl● │.f lntta Valtte●f嬌 OdNersity■ c● nSumpttt use,productive us● .s∝ 与■
diversity● aJo、
aesthetc and op,on Values,3bd粒 ersity atg161altt Nb想 onallevels hdtt as a me8a‐
いot‐ sp●ts of Ыod小 暉 rsity'lhreats to b,di"Fstty:緑 abtat l● S'p●
ac嶽 鴨 of Wttdl響 ′ml「Wlltllife

6ndmgered and endemioSpecles ofindia:ConServaJon of biOdヽ e● :wi ln‐ sito attd叡 ´

fP。 ‖ utl● ●A腱 :
conservetlon of biod∼ ersity.EoviFOn"ent Protectわ n Act,Preventicn and Control・
n鯰 l legお latlo● ,
A:ち watet wttd:ife,ね rest COnservatお n_I響ues involved tt enforcementof envirorlmё

P● blic awさ re● ess. ■

M● d“ te 4:Eぃ議ronmenta4 Po::● tiol=ぶ SOCial lssues: :

and COntrol measu“ s of Sdt p● 織 On,Nolse,OILIon,Thermtt po‖

ttti● ll,
Causes e機

Nudear hatards,S● “d waste Managente薇 {urban and indust● al waStes),Pottutioo case studles.
“ WaSteland
0'SaSter management:floods′ ,cYdone and landsiides Enviro,mentat eths、
ddellts and
rec:amat:oni Consumeris“ and waste products′ lssues and possible":● tiOns.N,Ctear a●
ho:oこ aust Case Studies:ChernObyl disaster 8tthe 2004 Asian Earthquake&Tsunami.

驚 縦
了 1.lや 111

│■ ■ ■ ■ 1● │■

:││ ‐
■ │ │ │ ││111■ ││

・^・一・ 〓 ・〓一


Corrodon & tt' ai"yen{sn;

・ ・・
Iheorig! ot Conosion and
Meclanism _ Dry lDired ch€oiral

Chemicrl Theoryl Atmospheric atack), wet ffleelro
cor.osio& Galvrnic gede, gafanic
cell corcsion, conorion by aao concentration
sea Factoa rnfruencin3
Proper and contror of co.rosion _
0er8r}. Ure of pure metal and
metai albys, parsivity, cathodic prctertion
Sacrificial anode end lmprcss€d
Clrrent. f*oOirying rne
envi.n*.i, ,r" o, ,nn,Onorr.
Defiratio., Causes, e$ec1s & conarol
meas{tras o, t|'ter polluiion: Acid Rain &
Pollution case studies,
8. tattGr{6i:
crasiffcation of Bitteries, hport
. nt Apprketion, {.ead-Acid battery M-cd
U battery. Fuet Cell: Hydrogen-Orygen baliery
Fuel ce[.


一一一 一一

b・ k° Fttneeing Chem恣 町 by J曲
・ &Jal■ ,Dhatlpat Ra:Pub聴 山 :彎 伽 薇pantt New


一● ・ ・
ご Lttn碗 じ M悪 載5by aR施 転 cI Agnalttd A Naldu BS Pu誘 た誠ぉn

● ︼ ●■ ・
・ 輔 i詢 鑢 dな i繭 魏 s&Dam&))oM銀
ξ蹴 壼 :撫 響 け 亀
鑑 げ

鐵 慇 遇 甲 ぽ 鐸 鐵 瞥漑
Pubttling C響 、New襲 !韻 燎 置‰ 醤

lT澱繭 盪 雛 蠍 轟 胤 Lか
:灘蒻 澱敬融 .烙 standardt td

媚陪 賤 朧炒 鰐 転
・● ■ ■ ■ ● ・■ ヽ ア ・ ・一r一
8 ,unni08■ 麟,Wac● ●peち ■絆.cOrha巌 ′ M■
増∝ 苺 2001,E● vironrn。 ●輸 I Encycttpeda′
3ab Publ.封 。use,Mumabat =&=等
,.3● v;el G● ゝ .BOb Everett a磁 J3net Ramage lEdl.〕 12004),Energy systems and s●
maina勝 籍
Powerr"aヽ 無

1餞 詭 Fut● re.OxfOrd unttrstt Press ∼

10.Sc嬌 ぉn ooo7),漁 G胡 0● ●d,s● 掲r tivltt SOuFCebO● 識 ne CoFnllete Cttde tO Re●
Enett Techn●
`J。 10ges att su襲 綺議ble薔
" & Soci€tl/
1l- l.P.Gupta, A Text bool of fnerw, fnvironmeit
Dha.pat Rai publishiry

へ出 が C

絆 へ、


●■● 1
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Jabalp*r Engiueerixg 'Jabalpur

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IIl See (Co'ntnon io


●︱ ・〓 ■︱ ´

Colilaa coEicaf

I II〓 ● 1 ■●r●■ ︱ ︱ ・
EvALuA露 10国 P Max. CreditS
¬ sub Name = Mar修

70 4
3 1
EnrrgY & lrwiroomefial

●〓 ●︱ ■︱ ■ ︱ ●● ■︱ 一
l cH302 Engineering

CoURSE OUTCOヽ 盤:At tt end Ofthe COurse the ndent tti bC ablC tO

〓 ■ ︱〓 ︰■

臨鳳ぶ ば 麟瀾轟庶熾:な避


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1 1 : :

疇 い

攣 集魏

1 1

Jabalpur Engineering College,Jabalpur(M.P・ )

PrOgramnle:B.TeCh.III― SemeSter:PIechanical Engineering(AICTE)

Course Objective:
AIrhe comDletion ofcolrlse thesudenE will be able:
. o[ macnlnes
To caiculate the stresses al}d strdin ofdifferent members -
\Yith different loadings'
' . i; ffi;il;iorc" u"ndiog moment <liagram for r-ariors lypes of beams
. io ".td
ira,r'," a"n"ciion ofvatioustypes o[beams with different
. io ,tuay tottion ofshaffs ald shesses in thin cylinders
and spheres'

Courst Contents: : 1 11 1 1 ,
Module l:stress and Straini Stresses in members

II幕 ilI品 颯 品 面1.響 she狂 Ⅲ SSj MOLA ddC ali.、

t 覇 i』 littlttI∫
appicatlon to mo oimenjOnal andysel _
MOdule 2,shear Force anl BendIIlgン飾 ment Shdar folce and pⅢ dlng MOment diagram fOr cantllever,

‐ 驀鑑
鮮1寝 C9mpOSttC SeC10nS,Normal and s,ear stress,ir 撒Il博l鞠語胤ittd濤
l_I鐵 椰 導 騨 響
勲 聯ギ警 響押驚
f朧 総ふ:霧鵬鳳ξ
黒 ml暇 縫 吼黒 誡ミ∬
:壼 み 織 i器
I M° ttilII° ∬ e:1∫
on 6fatalё rittgr9d
rcdlence,shats h SCies and shat,l ParJLL T。

f M011臨 」 ∝
お い
'Cttngお ,cd岬 16油 ,E」
ヽ温ua b
露肌酬 為漁詰 ℃ittζ
:逮 's formula,Limltation ofEuler's fOrmula

Thin cylillders and Spheres: CICtlmferential and Longitudinal Stress¨ , Wire bound Pipcs, Thin
spheical shelis

as well
be continuous an integral pa,1 of the class followed by the final examination
through external assessment

│ 、


' '' ' References:

l. e;er FP, Johnson Mechanics of Materials, Sixth Edition; Mc Graw Hills'
i. O"U"U.utn t'l"g &Abhijet Chanda: Strenfrh of Materials:lMiley l
i. n^ttan; St .nih of materials;Second Edition , Mc G-raw
Hills --...
Editior Strength of Materials;McGraw Hills'
3. Nash William; Sctraum's Ouiline Series; foufth
4. Singh Arbind K; Mechanics of Solid-sl PHI'
Saihu Singn; strength of Materials, KhaE !:b- - - .
Press' Third Edition'
6. R Subramannian, Shength ofrnateriats OXFOR'D Universiqy
7. S Ramamuhhum, Strength of materiats' Dhrinpat
- -Pub'.
I &2; CBS
, ;. ;6;;;iitno.n"nro;strtngttr of materialsl pzrt

一二__._ ==「 ■ル ‐T 「
==‐ =
_■ ___二_― 一二 ■■■■■■3こ こ ■■Fr「 II=τ 二瓢 h。 ハmlinf・ tnЯ Hinσ
C01 c」 tulat6颯 ぃ
sOs alldゞ rain「 m d撃 堅
'「 =「 「 「「
帯捕城響r鷲 誉鶯締篇:も
C02 :
∞latC done“ on tt atlysect10n Ч響腎豊Ψ議詈署豊編蔦=一

Analyze grQSS“ ln the pressure rfsei an。
.Ц :等
。 И
=― = 「 型 聖 生 ―
瑕一 ― 半 等

Jabalpur Engineering College, Jabalpur (IVI'P')

Programme: B.T'ech. III-Semester: Mechanical Engineering (AICTE)

血dF● ねSight into thc ptocess 6f problern‐ sb∼ ●g,With enlph"is on the面 。dynttics

to determine efficioncy and

Course Contents:
l.- - Module l:. Introituction & Basic Concepts: Fundamentals: Syst€m & Conkol volume, Propedy, State &
procesj, eycie, Ternperature, Types ofequilibriurl, Zeroth law of ther'modynamics, Ternperature soales,
Various thermometers, Heat & Work hansfer'

Module 2 . The First Law of Thetrnodynamics: F{eat/work interaction in systems, r-irst Law for Cyclic &
Non-cyclic processes, Totat energy, Various modes of energy, Internal energy and Enthalpy'
First Law for Flow p.o"rsses, St[dy state flow processes, Ulsteady plocessds, Liroitations of,,f,rst law of
therm odynam ios.

Motlule 3,. The Second Law of Thermotlyn am ics: Second law-Kelvin Planck and Clausius statedrents,
Heai engine, Heat reservoir, Reftigerator, Heat pump, Thermal efficiency aud COP, Reversible
io"rrr.ibl. p'i,o"".res, Carnot qrcie, Inteural aod external ineversibility, Absolute temperattire scaie'
Ciiuriu. in&*u6ty, Entropy, Enrropy for soiids, liq.uids; ideat gl9es u1lgrgoingvarious processes,
Principle of increase of eniiopy, T-S diagratns, Irreve'sibility and Availability, Exergy'

Module 4:. properties df Pure Subst?uce: Pure Substance, Phase, Phase-t uns[ormations, Formation of
steam, piop;fties ofsteam, PVT surface, IIS, lS,?V,.PH, TV diagram, Processes of vapor, Measurement

of dryressrliaction, Use of Steam tables and Molliet chart

Mo4ule 51.Air Stanilard Cycles rnd Non-reactive Gas Mixtrlre: Carnot, Otto, Diesei, Dual cycles and
their comparison,Brafon Cyclq PVT relationship, Mixture of ideal gases, Properties of mixture of ideal
gases-Intemal enet'gy, Enthalpy and Specrfic heat of gas mixtures'

Steam Tables, Mollier Charts &tables connected to reactive systeins are allowed in
Examination hall.

ir"f-"1"" *iff U" continuous and integral part ofthe elass followed by the iinal examination' I

/f.a, fr,VW
y,/ #' 'n1u[
.' L P.K.Nag; Engineering Tlermodynauries; Mc-Graw I-Iills Fifth Edition.
I. Cengel Y; Thermodynamics; Mc-Graw Hills, Eight Edition-
2. Kloss& Potter Thermodyramics for Engineers CENGAGE Learniqg.
. 3. Moran, Shapiro, Boetlner Principles ofEngineering Thermodynamics Wiley student edition.
4. P Chattopadhya, Engineering Thermodyramics Secord Edition, OXFORD University Press.
5. Zemansliy Heat & frermodinamics, Eight Edition, Mc-Grzrru Hills lndia Education
6... R Yadav Applied Thermodynamics, Central Publishing house Allahabad-
' ?. Van Wylin&Sontak, Thermodynamics by, Wiley, Eastern.

Dellnonstate of es of standard tables&Charts

IIlustrate thc 0,p― V,T・ S,h― S

Otto, Diesol, Dual air standard

Mapping of Coursc outcomes(COS)With PrOgratt Out""e,C9S):

List o{ Experiments:

L Verifrcation olFirst iawof Thermodynamics'

2. Study of iow Plessure borlers.

3.Sludy of Boiler Mountings and Accessories'

4. Measurement oIdryness fraction by Separating Calorimeter

5. Measurement of dryness fraction by ThrottlingCalorirneler'

6. Measurement ofdryness fraction by Separating and Throttling Caiorimeter'

7, Study of 2 stroke Petrol engine'

8. Study of 4 stloke Petrol engine'

9. Study ol2 stroke dieselengine

10. Study of 4 stroke diesel engine'

│ 、

Jabalpur Engineering College,Jabalpur(Ⅳ I.P・ )

Progi‐ ainine:B.Tech.III― Semester:Ⅳ lecllanical Engincering(AICTE)

Course Objective
of modeiing software
l. Leam the basic concepb and Pdnciples
2. Leam the lLmdamcntals of AutoCAD'
a design project on AutoCAD'
3. Will apply the course knowt€dg€ to do

Course Content: qoinmands like P.INT; LINE, P.LYGoN'

ilIiT"iJ#"iourocAD tools, introduciion to AutocAD
1D and 2D (sur{ace) modelling
ctRCLE. COpy, MOVE, EXTRU;I.n, "o"""pr. {,
p-twJ;;; tnodelling of curves, modelling of B-spline' 3D
uJr'6 ArrtncAD
w' r.n t.rnsfonnatiJri";;j.jl,jor"..
and projections, generatiorr of
mode lling (solid modelling) usitrg
,ljr"r, :'o t, unsfor-,i.utions
g"ometric modblling' cubic curve; Be'zier curve and Bezier
3D obiects from 2D shapes; un out*i"* of
sur[ace, part modelling: assemblY'

List of Experiments elease ExPand it):

熙経 1孵 ∵

欝 ::ll讐 絶
ll∫ 盤船ldstrFaleoirwolllto■
d§ oHdS
押 llcplal.。 し
urvさ s,spacc ttrvcs alld lo■

Re7e18驚 Meё haical EngnCers,sybex,1998

rg。 Omurι stven ttlth,M∼ enng Auわ ёad 14お r
2 Munir Hamad,ハ utOcad 2018,Mercury Lcarillng&Inお
:I J Todd,A● おCAD 2007 Rr DUMい ES,」 a,誹
d Pres、 h:。 rpOm“ o,2017,
4. Stcvo HOathel,AItoCAD 3D M91elhe,Indt
g ch。 りlR.SIrock,3eginning Auゃ 9o2016:Exeた ざW6rkbook,Indtlstral P,ss,2009

John W‖ eγ &S01s,2014
6 Dlen Fittttelll,ハ utOCAD 2015 al〕 d Auto鉄 ILT20r5Bや に

:器 撚 ↓J oec。 grlpⅢ OfⅢ お

nuOuS and鳥 し asξ 6Ю ttd"iet・ Jp隧 品 Jは aⅢ Ⅲ n,s

↓clホ !hrOugh external

“ assessment

d toolt oi tt AutoCAD software.

可感高蔦慕雨面匡亜亜憂亜 Jttes,卸 坐ヽ口
mOS and Surね ces
solid mcdelling concepts and techni

C Os) with Ploqram Outcomes

P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P010 P011 P012
Course P01
Outcomes 1

COt l 2 1

2 2
C02 1

2 2

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