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LỚP 5 (LẦN 2) Question from 13-15: Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of
Năm học 2023 - 2024 the following questions.
Question 13: Look at the picture and choose the correct answer.
Môn: Tiếng Anh
Thời gian: 30 phút
Họ tên: …………..………………….………. Ngày sinh …………… Số báo danh:…………………………………..…

Điểm Nhận xét

What time is it?

A. It’s ten past nine.
B. It’s a quarter to nine.

Question 1-12: Circle the letter A, B, C or D to answer the following questions. C. It’s nine past ten.
Example: It has many pages. Words and pictures are in it. We can read it. What is it? D. It’s ten to nine.
A. a cell phone B. a computer C. a book D. a pen
Question 14: Look at the text.
Question 1: ______ is the brother of my mother or father.
A. My aunt B. My grandfather C. My uncle D. My cousin
Question 2: The doctor advised me ______ a rest.
A. to be taken B. took C. taking D. to take
Question 3: ______ is an official document containing personal information and usually a
photograph that allows a person to travel to foreign countries and to prove who they are.
A. A stamp B. A passport C. A laptop D. A visa
Question 4: The sky was dark and ______. It rained heavily.
A. clear B. stormy C. sunny D. bright A. The competition is open to people over a certain age.
Question 5: This is an expression of taste. A lemon tastes this way. When you put it in your
B. There is a maximum age limit for this competition.
mouth, you feel sharp tangy taste. What is it?
A. salty B. sweet C. spicy D. sour C. Only eighteen-year-olds are allowed to enter this competition.
Question 6: Last night, I ____ a lot of fast food, so I felt unwell. D. The competition is delayed because of a car accident.
A. will eat B. eat C. ate D. have eaten
Question 15: Look at the job description. What does Joshua do?
Question 7: Christ eats too ______ candies, so he has a toothache.
A. many B. much C. little D. few Name: Joshua Levinson
Question 8: When Mary grows ______, she wants to be an inventor and makes a time machine Job description:
to visit the future.
 Leads groups of tourists
A. out B. in C. up D. of
Question 9: Going by plane is ______ than going by coach.  Plans and organises tour schedules, transportation, and accomodations
A. faster B. more fast C. fastest D. most fast  Takes care of groups of tourists
Question 10: ______ a lot of furniture in the room.
A. Is there B. There is C. Are there D. There are
A. Photographer B. Tour guide C. Pilot D. Traveller
Question 11: He could ______ five languages when he was five.
A. speak B. spoke C. speaking D. speaks
Question 12: The chef tasted the food ______ because it was hot.
A. careless B. care C. careful D. carefully
Questions 16-17: Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the most suitable response to the They come out to eat at night when it is cool. Other animals, like the camel, are awake during the
each of following questions. heat of the day. They have special eyelashes that keep the sand out of their eyes. They have nostrils
Question 16: Lisa: “Could I borrow your ruler, please?” that can close to keep the sand out of their noses. They can go for many days without drinking.
Bob: “_________” Many animals that live in the desert can get all the water they need from the foods they eat.
A. Hold on, please. B. It doesn’t matter. C. Certainly, here you are. Questions 21. There is hardly any ……………. in the desert.
D. Not at all. Questions 22. The cactus has ……………. on the leaves of cactus prevent animals from taking
Question 17: Daisy: “How often do you go to the cinema?” its water.
Paul: “ ______________” Questions 23. Animals that sleep during the day and come out to eat at night are ……….
A. I go there by bus. Questions 24. Camels have special .……………. that keep the sand out of their eyes.
Questions 25: The following sentence has ONE word that is not correct. Write the correct
B. I go with my brother.
word in the box.
C. Because watching films is entertaining.
D. Twice a month. Let's lie the table for dinner before the guests arrive.
Question 18-20: Read the text. Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer
to each of the following questions.
Quesstions 26-30: Write a paragraph (at least 30 words) about your dream school.

Do you know which is one of the biggest animals in the ocean? ..........................................................................................................................................................
It is the squid. A squid had eight arms. It has two longer arms called tentacles. Its arms ..........................................................................................................................................................
are as long as a school bus. The squid also has eyes that are as big as a basketball.
Squid like to eat small fish and small squid. They use their long arms to grab the fish.
The eight arms help to keep the fish from getting away. Last, they put the fish or small squid in ..........................................................................................................................................................
their mouths. Their beaks are sharp, and they cut the fish into pieces. ..........................................................................................................................................................
There are still many things to learn about the squid. They live so far down in the ocean .........................................................................................................................................................
that it makes it hard to learn about them.
Question 18: What is the name for the arms of the squid? .........................................................................................................................................................
A. eight B. mouth C. tentacle D. beak .........................................................................................................................................................
Question 19: In the text, “as long as a school bus” means _______. .........................................................................................................................................................
A. the arms move in the water like a bus. B. the arms have doors like a bus.
C. the arms look like a school bus. D. the arms are very long like a
school bus. .........................................................................................................................................................
Question 20: Why is it hard to learn much about the squid? .........................................................................................................................................................
A. It lives so far down under the water. B. It moves too fast.
C. It is hard to catch with all those arms. D. Its beak is too sharp.
Question 21-24: Read the text. Write ONE word to complete each of the following .........................................................................................................................................................
sentences. .........................................................................................................................................................
It might seem that very few things can survive in the desert. Most plants and animals that
you see in your town probably wouldn’t. But there are many different types of plants and animals .........................................................................................................................................................
that are perfectly suited to the hot, dry climate. .........................................................................................................................................................
In the desert, there is very little water. The plants and animals that live in the desert have .........................................................................................................................................................
special features for living with little water. Plants like the cactus have short leaves. These leaves
trap and store water. The cactus also has spines on its leaves. This is to keep animals from taking
its water. Ghi chú:
Animals that live in the desert are often nocturnal. This means they sleep during the day. - Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm
- Học sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu

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