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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


Alhamdulillahi Rabbil ‘Alamin, Wabihinastain ‘Ala Umuridun Ya Waddin, Was Sholatu Wassalam ‘Ala

Asrofil Ambiya Iwal Mursalin, Wa A’laa Alihi Wa Ashabihi Ajmain, amma ba’du.

Good morning ladies and gentleman,

Honorable Mr. Bahrudin BA. As the chief of Yayasan Mujahidin Parimono

Honorable Mr. Fatih Asrori S.Pd as the headmaster of Mujahidin Islamic Elementary School

Honorable all the teachers And all my beloved friends

First of all, let’s pray and thank unto our God Allah SWT. Who has given us mercies and blessings so we
can attend and gather in this place in good condition and happy situation.

Secondly, may peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW. Who has guided
us from the darkness to the brightness, from the stupidity to the cleverness, from jahiliyah era to
Islamiyah era namely Islamic religion.

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