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Unit Code, Number and

L/618/5036 - Unit 4: Leadership and Management

Semester and Academic

Semester 2 / Academic year 2022-2023

Unit Assessor(s) Nguyen Van Thuy Anh / Duong Van Bay /Nguyen Ngoc Hien

Component Number and LM A2.1: Presenting Motivational Strategy

Title (Assessment 1 of 2, Individual assignment)

Issue Date 26th April 2023

Submission Date Sunday, 28th May 2023

Student name Phi Duc Minh

NEU Student ID

I certify that the evidence submitted for this assignment is my own. I

Learner declaration have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that
false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student name / Signature Date:

Submission format

● This is an individual assignment.

● The submission format is in the form of an E-report. Please refer the “Turnitin Submission Rules”
that was posted on Moodle.

● The file on Turnitin must be in Word format and include the first page of this cover sheet. The

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● The similarity allowed is up to 25% after excluding references.

● Name of the file includes Student ID_Unit name_Assessment no. (E.g. “1010001_LM_A2.1”)

● Ensure that authenticity declaration has been signed electronically.

● Plagiarism is unacceptable. Students must cite all sources and input the information by
paraphrasing, summarising, or using direct quotes. A Referral Grade is given when Plagiarism is
identified in your work. There are no exceptions.

● Your evidence/findings must be cited using Harvard Referencing Style. Please refer to
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● This assignment should be written in a concise, formal business style using Arial 11 or Times
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● The word limit is 4,000 words (+/- 10%).

● You MUST complete and submit softcopy of your work on the due dates stated on Assignment
brief. All late work is not allowed to submit. This rule is not waived under any circumstances.

● Read ALL Instructions on this Page and review the Pass, Merit and Distinction criteria carefully.
To pass the assignment, you must achieve ALL the Pass Criteria outlined in the marking sheet.
To achieve a Merit, you must achieve ALL the Merit criteria (and therefore the Pass criteria). To
achieve a Distinction, you must achieve ALL the Distinction criteria (and therefore the Pass and
Merit criteria).

Unit Learning Outcomes

LO3: Develop a motivational strategy to optimise organisational performance.

LO4: Apply leadership and management approaches to managing performance to ensure
continuous improvement.

Vocational Scenario

In 1991, Vietnam Maritime Commercial Joint Stock Bank (MSB) was considered as one of first
commercial banks established during the period of Vietnam’s economic reform and rapid development.
Over 30 years of development, thanks to the collective strength and pioneering spirit of our founding
shareholders, MSB has constantly set new ground-breaking milestones in the finance and banking
- From 2009 to 2010, MSB partnered with the world known consultancy McKinsey to draw out a long
term business strategy.
- In 2015, MSB became one of the largest joint stock commercial banks in Vietnam in terms of charter
capital and network after the merger of Mekong Development Commercial Joint Stock Bank and the
acquisition of Vietnam Textile and Garment Finance Company.
- In 2018, MSB continued to take the lead in the 4.0 technology revolution and became the first bank to
apply Artificial Intelligence (AI) to credit card issuance and to successfully integrate its QR code
payment method with 2 major partners namely Vnpay and Payoo.
- In 2019, MSB changed its brand identity and experience models exhaustively to become the most
reliable and understanding bank to its customers while achieving high profits in Vietnam.
- In 2021, MSB implemented 2 key projects under MSB Digital Innovation: Digital Factory and Core
Banking, creating a driving force for future growth. In addition, MSB was also approved to increase
charter capital to 15,275 billion dong. The additional capital came from the bank's issuance to pay
It is the pioneering spirit being cultivated and passed down from one generation to another that will
continue to be the lodestar for us to follow and keep on innovating.
The total number of MSB staff as of December 31, 2021, was 5,190 people. The labour structure is
about 61% in the North, 9% in the Central, and 30% in the South; nearly 8% of total employees hold
managerial positions with 43% of these are held by women. The personnel structure has changed in
recent years, showing equality in management positions. The average salary in 2021 increased by
nearly 12% compared to 2020.
Organisational culture
Vision: Become a bank where everyone wants to join and no one wants to leave
Mission: For a more convenient and comfortable life
Core values:
 Responsibility: MSBers always put responsibility first and therefore always strive to do the right
thing until they are completed
 Listening: MSBers always listen attentively to understand customers, partners, shareholders,
and colleagues
 Respect: MSBers treat each other equally and respect others as well as working regulations
and principles
 Creativity: MSBers are always encouraged to improve and come up with useful initiatives
 Efficiency: Efficiency is the measurement of every task at MSB.
Organisational structure
The head office focuses on functional activities to support the branches/transaction offices/companies in
implementing their operating activities. Followings are the major management functions of the head
office (grouped in Blocks):
- Wholesale Block
- Retailing Block
- Capital/Fund Block
- Risk and Bad Debt Management Block
- Operating Block

● Supporting Block, including Accounting and Finance, and other supporting activities (IT, Administration,
Marketing and Sale, Human Resource Management, R&D, Training and Development…)

Figure 1. MSB organizational structure

● At MSB, one of the 5 solid business foundations is Passionate and creative people, which means:
- Strong leadership team: MSB is being guided by senior and high-respected local and foreign
leadership with the support of young, highly potential, and passionate successors. They strive for
a sole purpose, that is to build “a bank all wants to join yet none want to leave”.
- Fairness and equality in workplace: MSB was honoured to be certified Economic Dividends of
Gender Equality (EDGE), becoming one of first three organizations in Vietnam getting globally
certified for a workplace of fairness and gender equality, where every employee is given a fair
chance of career development.
- MSB always focuses on training and developing talents: all positions are entitled to regular
competency and skills training programs. Competency framework and career path are devised
and then, training programs and career development opportunities are tailored based on that.
- Talent Pool and Management programs are carried out over many years to develop successors
for the future.
The branches and transaction offices are in charge operating activities, dealing with customers to
provide banking services in terms of:
- Saving deposits
- Individual payments
- Organizational payments
- Debit cards, Credit cards
- Automatic payroll through accounts

- Paying, withdrawing, and transferring all types of payments
- Currency exchange, traveller checks
- Personal loan services
- Insurance, financial security
- International payment and transfer
- Electronic banking
There is a strong emphasis on teamwork, with lots of project teams and task forces in operation to
handle tasks like new product or process development. Within each division, the head of department
and staff work closely together as a matter of routine. Across divisions, staff from the individual specialist
areas also get together to handle company-wide issues for example the Human Resource manager will
develop a common approach to payment systems for the whole business. Employees are rewarded for
their expertise and their contribution to the company rather than simply for their position in the hierarchy
or their length of service.
As far as the general management of MSB is concerned, Mr. Tran Anh Tuan, the chairman, takes the
view that managers need to see all activities within the business as interdependent. Hence the role of
management is two-fold:
● Firstly, to control activities within the business and co-ordinate operations between the different
departments by the application of clear policies and procedures.
● To effectively handle all “transactions” with other organisations, whether they are suppliers,
customers, government or other types of institutions.
In the office, the open and honest communication amongst manager and staff is encourage on the
purpose to get the job done. A commitment to training and development at MSB creates positive
employee relations. This supports the bank’s commitment to help all its employees continually broaden
their skills base and deepen their knowledge, at every stage of their career.
However, Mr. Tran Anh Tuan, the chairman, often wonders if he should review the way the business is
run as year 2023 comes to the end of strategic period of 2018-2023 and prepare for the new 5 years of
new strategic period 2023-2028. After all, the market environment can be very difficult – instable,
competitive, challenging, and turbulent.
He shared: “We have just gone through a challenging year. Although Covid-19 is no longer new, the
year was much impacted. Overcoming difficulties, Vietnam has attempted to maintain a positive GDP
growth rate, listed in Top 20 leading economies in in term of international trade. Against that
background, MSB accompanied clients through difficulties and endeavour to deliver the year with
optimistic outcomes, making a contribution to the country’s development. It was resulted from a
consistent process with the goal of sustainable growth, proactive and flexible solutions, and reserving
resources to accompany customers and partners to overcome the epidemic.
2021 was a special year when MSB turned 30 years old and also a critical milestone in the 2018 - 2023
strategic roadmaps as MSB had basically completed and exceeded several key targets, recognized as
the “quality” transformation. The bank has pioneered the completion of all three pillars of Basel II, the
IRB internal rating method for credit risk, and Basel III for operational risk, market risk, and liquidity risk.
Despite the epidemic in the first half of the year, the world's leading credit rating agency, Moody's,
announced to upgrade the credit rating and assess the stable outlook for MSB, demonstrating an
improvement of assets quality as well as profitability and performance of core business segments.
In addition, the important driving force for these qualitative changes came from the strategic
restructuring process in the entire banking operation along with the accelerated digital transformation in
the past year. By activating two key technology projects, the Digital Factory and Modernizing the Core
Banking system, MSB expects to accelerate the shift of the traditional way of working to the new one
that is more flexible modern, and more suitable with demands. It will create a foundation for spreading
digital culture internally as well as enhancing the customer's experience journey. This is also highly
effective for the "flexible adaptation" to the epidemic…
It can be said that Covid-19 has tested the organization's stability, the business model's e ffectiveness,
and the operational strategy's appropriateness. He hopes that more than 5,000 MSB employees will
always be ready to adapt, aiming to not only bring customers, shareholders, and partners the
experience of the "new normal", but also a "better normal".
In Annual Report of 2021, Mr. Nguyen Hoang Linh, the CEO, conveyed the business targets: “The year
2022 has begun and promised to be a year of new breakthroughs named MSB in a strong and
comprehensive transformation journey towards the ambitious development period 2018 - 2023. In 2022,
MSB has set a target of total assets of VND 233 trillion, an increase of about 15%, profit before tax will
increase by 30% and reach the milestone of VND 6,800 billion, credit growth of over 20% subject to the
approval of the management agencies, Non-performing Loans (NPL) is controlled below 3%. For the
next 3-years vision, MSB aims to be in the Top 5 joint stock commercial banks in Vietnam with an asset
growth rate of 15-18% per year, revenue, and profit growth of 20-30% per year, with the capital
adequacy ratio and bad debt control at the prescribed level. In parallel with the bank development, MSB
non-stop pursuing the mission of bringing convenient financial products and services, building
sustainable long term relationship to accompany customers, partners, shareholders, and the community
in the journey of rising to new levels”.

Assignment activity and guidance

You are the consultant, invited by top management of MSB for specific responsibility to prepare a
report, citing relevant research, which addresses the following tasks in the areas outlined below:
Task 1: Develop a motivational strategy to optimise organisational performance
 Produce a motivational strategy for an organisation that supports optimal achievement of
organisational objectives.
 Produce a detailed motivational strategy for an organisation that addresses intrinsic and extrinsic
 Produce a comprehensive motivational strategy that effectively addresses all variables of motivation
to enhance organisational performance.
Task 2: Apply leadership and management approaches to managing performance to ensure
continuous improvement.
 Apply to a range of business situations, appropriate leadership, and management approaches for
managing performance and continuous improvement.
 Assess how leadership and management approaches for managing performance supports
continuous improvement.
 Make recommendations to improve performance management that will ensure continuous
Data are used for educational purpose only.
- MSB Annual Report 2021
- Company’s profiles
- And other documents provided by MSB

Recommended Resources
Please note that the resources listed are examples for you to use as a starting point in your research –
the list is not definitive.

MindTools. Motivation, Energizing Your People to Achieve Good Things. Available at:
Motivation theories: Available at:
Businessballs. Improving Workplace performance: Business Case. Available at:
HN Global
HN Global (2021) Reading Lists. Available at:
HN Global (2021) Student Resource Library. Available at:
HN Global (2021) Textbooks. Available at:
Journal articles
Patrick MacDonald, Stephanie Kelly, Scott Christen, A Path Model of Workplace Solidarity,
Satisfaction, Burnout, and Motivation. First Published April 13, 2014 Research Article https://
Lara Manganelli, Anaïs Thibault-Landry, Jacques Forest, Self-Determination Theory Can Help
You Generate Performance and Well-Being in the Workplace: A Review of the Literature First
Published March 13, 2018 Research Article
Robbins S. P., Judge T. A. (2013) Organizational Behavior, 15th ed Prentice Hall, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-
Adair, J. (2019). Develop Your Leadership Skills: Fast, Effective Ways to Become a Leader People
Want to Follow. Kogan Page
Orti, P. and Middlemiss, M. (2019). Thinking Remote. Inspiration for Leaders of Distributed
Teams. Virtual Not Distant
Kelly, P. and Cole, G. (2020) Management: Theory and Practice. 9th Ed. Cengage.
Mullins, L. J. (2019) Organisational Behaviour in the Workplace. 12th Ed. Harlow: Pearson.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO3: Develop a motivational strategy to optimise organisational


P5 Produce a motivational strategy M4 Produce a detailed D2 Produce a comprehensive

for an organisation that supports motivational strategy for an motivational strategy that effectively
optimal achievement of organisation that addresses addresses all variables of motivation
organisational objectives. intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. to enhance organisational

LO4: Apply leadership and management approaches to

managing performance to ensure continuous improvement.

P6 Apply to a range of business M5 Assess how leadership and D3 Make recommendations to improve
situations, appropriate leadership management approaches for performance management that will
and management approaches for managing ensure continuous improvement.
managing performance and performance supports continuous
continuous improvement. improvement.

* Please note that grades are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external verifiers
have taken place, and the final decisions have been agreed by the assessment board.
* This grade only reflects the result of this assignment, not for the whole Unit.

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