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Structure, form and tone Context

Poem banned from schools over knife crime fears

• The poem is in five stanzas, each of • once a set text in GCSE examinations.
A poem taught to thousands of schoolchildren every year has been
four lines (quatrains). They are
• poem written when Duffy was teaching a school in an dropped amid fears it could fuel knife crime.
unrhymed and the metre is not regular.
underprivileged Area of East London as a visiting poet and
The lines are mostly end stopped, and By Graeme Paton, Education Editor
poem responds to the social conditions she observed there.
every stanza concludes with a full stop.
03 September 2008 • 12:46pm
• wrote the poem in the 1980’s, during the time when Margaret
• The egotism of the speaker appears in
Thatcher was prime minister. She relates the school’s policy of Britain's biggest examination board removed the work from an English
the repeated use of “I”.
exclusion of disruptive and difficult pupils with political policies GCSE syllabus because of its violent content. The poem has been
• no explicit mention of violence - focus of the time. included in an anthology - aimed at 15 and 16-year-olds - since 2004,
on the message that Duffy is trying to despite protests from teachers. Now the Assessment and
• promotion of conservative governmental policies, prioritises
convey. Qualifications Alliance (AQA) has bowed to pressure and lifted it from
the promotion of private property rights, i.e. less taxes.
the GCSE collection. It has written to schools advising them to destroy
• predominantly end-stopped line with
• This meant that many of the more vulnerable and copies of the anthology containing the contentious verse - saying the
the use of caesura - reflects his "I think we have gone through a period
underprivileged parts of society suffered educationally and board will replace them with an updated version. Examiners insisted
emotional and mental state. incoherent, when too many children and people have
economically. the poem had been a "popular choice" for pupils, who are given the
erratic. been given to understand ‘I have a problem,
opportunity to discuss the narrator's state of mind. In one test,
it is the Government’s job to cope with it!’ or
• colloquial language - reflects the teenagers were asked to discuss how the poem portrays anti-social
‘I have a problem, I will go and get a grant to
speaker's social and economical behaviour. But a spokesman said AQA had received a fresh complaint
cope with it!’ ‘I am homeless, the
background. and - fuelled by concerns over a rise in teenage knife crime - the
Government must house me!’ and so they
board had now decided to drop it. Some schools already refuse to use
• lack of emotive language. are casting their problems on society and
the poem amid fears its content would provoke pupils.
who is society? There is no such thing!
There are individual men and women and
there are families and no government can
do anything except through people and
connotation - assuming a role that is of a people look to themselves first."
higher order, using the role to manipulate
aspect of life and/ or the natural order.

Hook that shooks the readers from the very

starts of unassumingly - similar to a diary
Shoes the hubris of the speaker or the start.
entry. colloquial language. Suggest a failure in education?
desperation of the speaker to stand out.
from the rest of society. archaic language as "another language"

repetition/ diacope - repetition with a few

caesura. something - letting it sink in.
words in between. Speaker fails to
Education for Leisure understand the significance of death.
pathetic fallacy - attributing the grey sky
with his boredom, amplifies his feeling of
expresses frustration of being shunned by
loneliness and loss of meaning.
Today I am going to kill something. Anything. society.

I have had enough of being ignored and today

I am going to play God. It is an ordinary day, speaker misunderstood or took an

alliteration and diction - something is
juxtaposition - decision of the speaker to alternative interpretation of the moral of the
happening. foreshadowing the events to a sort of grey with boredom stirring in the streets.
commit an act of violence with the mundane story. Instead of fearing the suffering of
day. Perhaps shows that the boredom that men at the hands of uncontrollable events,
the speaker is experiencing or his unstable he decided to took control or assume the
I squash a fly against the window with my thumb.
trail of thought. role of god in the same way that the tragic
We did that at school. Shakespeare. It was in character had lamented on.
act of violence that is unwarranted or
irrational - reflecting the speaker's state of another language and now the fly is in another language.
caesura - short, declaratory statement. mind or him committing this act of violence
I breathe out talent on the glass to write my name. allusion to the tragic sense of
Spontaneous statement at the start of the for his own satisfaction.
powerlessness uttered by Shakespeare’s
stanza. reflects Gloucester's despair and the belief
Gloucester in King Lear "As flies to wanton
that human beings are like insignificant
I am a genius. I could be anything at all, with half boys are we to the gods. / They kill us for
insects in the eyes of the gods.
their sport’ (King Lear Act 4: 1)—and takes
metaphor - speaker's feels a sense of the chance. But today I am going to change the world.
the youth’s predicament to an existentially metaphor compares humanity to flies, and
anthropomorphism - speaker believed the superiority that is hindered by society. Not
Something’s world. The cat avoids me. The cat human level. the gods are portrayed as reckless boys
cat is able to comprehend humanistic receiving the same chance as others.
who have the power to toy with and destroy
qualities i.e. intelligence, shows that he is knows I am a genius, and has hidden itself.
human lives for their amusement.
insensitive and unable to comprehend
Boredom produces one violent act that
emotions. reflects the sense of helplessness and the
leads to another: fed up with destroying
echos the rhetoric perpetuated by schools. I pour the goldfish down the bog. I pull the chain. lack of control that Gloucester feels in the
creatures in the home, the protagonist steps
Partly to blame for the speaker's face of the tragic events unfolding in the
I see that it is good. The budgie is panicking. outside and threatens violence.
predicament? play.
Once a fortnight, I walk the two miles into town
the line convey a bleak outlook on life,
for signing on. They don’t appreciate my autograph. highlighting the idea that human beings are
repetition, speaker feels the need to mere playthings at the mercy of higher
murdering as changing the world - perhaps
constantly reaffirm his superiority over powers who may inflict suffering upon them
the only way for the speaker to create an
There is nothing left to kill. I dial the radio others, even towards inhuman objects. without reason.
impact on society, medium of expressing
himself. and tell the man he’s talking to a superstar.
He cuts me off. I get our bread-knife and go out.
1. Failure of Society to address widespread social and biblical allusion to the Book of Genesis - to
diction - describing his signature as an
economic inequalities The pavements glitter suddenly. I touch your arm. echo the creation story in Genesis. After
autograph, disgruntled by the fact that
colloquial language - register to receive each day's work of creation, the bible reads
• Speaker is recognisable stereotype whose social people do not recognise him for his
unemployment benefit/ check, reveals that “God saw that it was good”. The speaker
disaffection represents a segment of society that we supposed intelligence - suggesting that
he is of age, unemployed and is considered here wishes to “play God”, but he can only
might wish to ignore but are uncomfortably pushed to these people are being overlooked by
a failure under the conventional education destroy where God and Shakespeare
face, contemplate, and might even feel sympathetic society.
system, wider societal issue. create. Inability for the speaker to express
• While some readers view the speaker in ‘Education for ominous and chilling - suggestion that the his creativity.
Leisure’ as an evolving psychopath, the title veers speaker has now killed most of the inhuman
contrast between the everyday colloquial
towards presenting the youth as a victim of educational objects that he had encountered.
language and his decision to "play god"
and economic policies.

• Protagonists speak in ordinary vernacular and push at

the boundary between a normative and exceptional
suggestion of violence - line establishes a
psyche. Whilst seemingly unhinged, he is also relatable hyperbolic (exaggeration), being cut off -
link between the rejection received from the Second person "you" - challenges the
and represent the common man. Theme speaker's attempt for human connection or
speaker by the rest of society to the indirect readers directly, issue is not to be ignored
perhaps asserting his worth to society.
• Depicts the failure of traditional education on troubled 2. Alienation and Isolation reference to the knife-crime that he about by the rest of society as it could be the
youth. Where society had failed to provide adequate to commit. readers who might be the speaker's next
• speaker desires a connection with others and
support, recognition and opportunities for all which lead target (the issue is universal).
establish physical contact with the outer world.
to the speaker's feeling of frustration and destructive pathetic fallacy - glittering, moment of
foreshadows his attack.
behaviour. • speaker's isolation from the rest of society, happiness, mood changes from grey to a
loneliness and isolation played a part in his sense of energy.
violence and anger.

• segments of society are cut-off from the rest of


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