Vocabulary Set 6.1

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1. It is engaged in the ________________ and production of crude oil and natural gas.

2. It took us 10 minutes to _______________ through the parking lot to the exit.

3. Yet between now and then there is much _________________ territory to be crossed,
constitutionally and legally.
4. There are opportunities for further __________________ at the existing fields
5. We would be in ________________ constitutional territory.
6. The rings of Saturn can be seen through a _________________
7. He was in the forefront of postwar scientific __________________
8. Imagine measuring a string going around the Earth’s ________________
9. All points on the same meridian have the same ______________
10. French _________________ Jacques Cousteau called it one of the top 10 dive sites in the world.
11. The judge has wide _______________ to reject evidence for the trial.
12. He continued to sail and ___________________ three more times.
13. His religion is the _________________ that guides him.
14. Terrestrial _______________ is measured in degrees east or west of the Greenwich meridian.
15. Madrid and New York City are on nearly the same _________________.
16. The first __________________ were made of two pieces of rounded glass in a tube.
17. Dives is celebrated as the harbour whence William the ________________ sailed to England in
18. He has learned to ________________ in rough waters.
19. She ____________________ the globe twice, documenting her journeys extensively.
20. He always carries a __________________ when he walks in the woods.
21. If she saw an escape _______________, she was gone

exploration uncharted equator lattitude longitude

telescope navigate circumnavigate compass

explorers conqueror route

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