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President’s Message

Position Yourself to Win

very spring in the U.S. an event
called March Madness occurs. It is
the 64-team men’s college basketball
I use Valvano’s example when advis-
ing people about professional develop-
ment. Valvano’s game plan was precise
tournament that culminates in the and his team executed it flawlessly. Yes,
crowning of the national champion. The luck smiled on them, but only through By invest-
tournament is marked by electrifying hard work and thorough preparation ing in our
games and Cinderella stories that often was the team in a position to win. careers we
produce unforgettable moments. Much the same can be said for OSH
The 2016 championship game be- professionals when we are looking for put our-
tween University of North Carolina and new jobs or are seeking to advance selves in
Villanova University featured multiple within our current organizations. I often the best
long-distance last-second shots, mak- use the quote, “Luck is what happens
ing it an instant classic that many fans when preparation meets opportunity” position to
say was the best finish ever. While it
Tom Cecich was a great game, another champion-
(widely attributed to Roman philoso- win. The
pher Seneca). The ball will not always resources
ship final stands out even more: the bounce in your favor or my favor, but
1984 championship game between we each must prepare ourselves for available to
North Carolina State University and when our turn comes. Preparation al- us as ASSE
the University of Houston. It featured ways puts us in the best position to win. members
a last-second desperation shot caught For safety professionals, what does
by Lorenzo Charles who slam-dunked preparing to win look like? It means we give each
the ball at the buzzer for a 54-52 victory continuously build our business skills of us a
(full disclosure, my graduate degree is and technical capabilities. We establish genuine
from NC State). what we do well and understand what
NC State was the prohibitive under- uniquely prepares us for the next op- advantage.
dog against one of the finest teams in portunity. We determine what we need
college basketball history. The team to do to make ourselves most valuable
had an average season and to our organizations or to potential new
was on the bubble to even employers.
“How do you go make the tournament, but In my career, I have always looked
from where you are won its last 10 games, most ahead to identify what I needed to
to where you want to against superior teams and all do to prepare for my next career step.
by close margins, including ASSE has been an key partner in my
be? You have to have several overtime victories. The career progression because my mem-
a dream, a goal, and outcome of each game was bership provides me access to net-
you have to be will- in question until players on working, professional development,
the opposing teams missed certification and leadership growth.
ing to work for it.” free throws that propelled NC We will always face competition for
Jimmy Valvano State to upset wins. new and better opportunities. No team
Weeks after the champion- wins every game and we do not get
ship, I watched an interview every opportunity we seek. However, by
with NC State Coach Jimmy Valvano, investing in our careers, we put ourselves
who was credited with one of the most in the best position to win. The resources
masterful coaching performances in available to us as ASSE members give
NCAA tournament history. While each of us a genuine advantage.
most reporters praised his coaching, There is a sad footnote to NC State’s
one reporter was not so sure. “Coach,” thrilling 1984 championship. Lorenzo
he asked, “didn’t you just get lucky Charles, who scored the game-winning
when the other teams missed their foul basket, was killed in a work-related Connect
shots?” Valvano replied that his strategy bus crash in 2011. Putting ourselves in With
was to put his players in the position to a position to win professionally also Tom
Join the
win against the better teams. helps prepare us to do our jobs and
I have thought about that interview be better equipped to win the battle
tion. Read
many times. It is easy to say that NC against workplace injuries.
Tom’s blog,
State was lucky. One bounce in a dif- join him on
ferent direction in any game and the LinkedIn or follow
outcome might have been different. him on Twitter.
However, Valvano had his team close
in each game and prepared to take ad- Thomas F. Cecich, CSP, CIH connect.
vantage of even the slightest bit of luck. @ASSEPrez

6 ProfessionalSafety MARCH 2017

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