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Q1. What do you mean by communication?

Q2. Mention three important parts of Communication?

Q3. Write all the elements of communication cycle?

Q4. Mention various methods of communication?

Q5. What are the factors of choosing the method of communication?

Q6. What do you mean by Verbal Communication?

Q7. Name any four type of verbal communication?

Q8. What do you mean by interpersonal Communication? Give two examples?

Q9. What do you mean by public Communication? Give two examples?

Q10. Mention the advantages of Verbal Communication?

Q11. What are the disadvantages of verbal communication?

Q12. What do you mean by Non-Verbal Communication?

Q13. What are the various ways of sending signals and messages in Non-verbal communication?

Q14. What do you mean by gesture in Non-Verbal communication? Explain with example?

Q15. What does the following body postures represent in reference to non-verbal communication:

1. Straight Body Posture

2. Slumped Posture

Q16. What does the following touch shows in reference to non verbal communication.

1. A Firm handshake
2. Pat on the back

Q17. Define visual communication?


Q19. What is the role of feedback in communication cycle?

Q20. Mention the names of three types of feedback?

Q21. What are the characteristics of good feedback?

Q22. What is the importance of feedback?

Q23. What are the 7C’s of effective communication?

Q24. What are the various barriers to effective communication?

Q25. Explain the physical barriers of effective communication?

Q26. What are the linguistic barriers to communication?

Q27. What are interpersonal barriers in communication?

Q28. What are cultural barriers in communication?

Q29. What are the ways to overcome barriers to effective communication?

Q30. What is writing skills in communication?

Q31. What is a sentence in communication? Why is it important?

Q32. What are the parts of sentence in English?

Q33. Ananya knows that all sentences begin with capital letters. She also knows that there are certain
other points in a sentence where we should use capital letters. Which rule would help her to use capital
letters correctly?

Q34. What is TINS?

Q35. What is the use of Punctuation?

Q36. Name the basic parts of speech?

Q37. Match the following:

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