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Class Assignment : Self Management skills

Q1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

1. What are Self Management Skills?
a) Skills to control other b) Skills to control one’s thoughts, wants, feelings, and actions
c) Skills to manipulate situations d) Skills to avoid responsibilities
2. Which of the following is NOT a self-management skill?
a) Self-awareness b) Time management c) Procrastination d) Adaptability
3. What is Stress Management?
a) Increasing stress levels b) Coping effectively with daily pressures
c) Ignoring stress triggers d) Encouraging stressful situations
4. What is the ultimate goal of stress management?
a) To create more stress b) To strike a balance between various aspects of life
c) To avoid all stressful situations d) To increase workload
5. Which of the following is a stress management technique?
a) Procrastination b) Neglecting responsibilities c) Physical exercise d) Avoiding social interactions
Q2. Fill in the Blanks:
1. ________ skills help a person to control thoughts, wants, feelings, and actions.
2. Self-awareness involves asking for ________ feedback.
3. Responsibility involves taking ________ for tasks.
4. Time management helps in prioritizing tasks and removing ________.
5. Stress is a reaction to perceived ________ or threats.
Q3. Short Answer Type Questions:
1. Explain the importance of self-awareness in self-management skills.
2. How does emotional intelligence contribute to self-management?
Q4. Long Answer Type Questions:
1. How can self-awareness contribute to identifying and leveraging strengths and weaknesses effectively?
2. Analyze the relationship between self-management skills and personal growth and development.
Q5. High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS):
1. Evaluate the effectiveness of the SMART method for goal setting in achieving personal objectives.
Q6. Assertion Reasoning Questions:
1. Assertion: Time management is crucial for completing tasks efficiently.
Reasoning: It helps individuals make a daily timetable and prioritize activities effectively.
2. Assertion: Emotional intelligence is essential for self-management.
Reasoning: It enables individuals to identify and manage their own emotions as well as others', contributing to
effective decision-making and interpersonal relationships.

Answer Key:
Class Assignment: Self Management Skills

Q1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

What are Self Management Skills?

b) Skills to control one’s thoughts, wants, feelings, and actions
Which of the following is NOT a self-management skill?
c) Procrastination
What is Stress Management?
b) Coping effectively with daily pressures
What is the ultimate goal of stress management?
b) To strike a balance between various aspects of life
Which of the following is a stress management technique?
c) Physical exercise
Q2. Fill in the Blanks:

Self-management skills help a person to control thoughts, wants, feelings, and actions.
Self-awareness involves asking for constructive feedback.
Responsibility involves taking ownership for tasks.
Time management helps in prioritizing tasks and removing distractions.
Stress is a reaction to perceived challenges or threats.
Q3. Short Answer Type Questions:

Self-awareness is crucial in self-management as it allows individuals to recognize their strengths, weaknesses,

emotions, and behaviors. By understanding oneself better, individuals can make informed decisions, set realistic goals, and
adapt their behaviors to achieve desired outcomes.
Emotional intelligence contributes to self-management by enabling individuals to recognize, understand, and manage
their emotions effectively. It helps individuals regulate their emotions, develop resilience, build positive relationships, and
make sound decisions.
Q4. Long Answer Type Questions:

Self-awareness contributes to identifying and leveraging strengths and weaknesses effectively by providing individuals
with insights into their abilities and limitations. By acknowledging strengths, individuals can capitalize on them to excel in
various areas, while recognizing weaknesses allows them to work on areas of improvement and seek necessary support or
development opportunities.
Self-management skills are integral to personal growth and development as they empower individuals to take control
of their lives, set meaningful goals, manage time effectively, cope with stress, and foster resilience. By developing self-
management skills, individuals can enhance their productivity, decision-making abilities, emotional well-being, and overall
quality of life.
Q5. High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS):

The SMART method for goal setting is highly effective in achieving personal objectives as it ensures that goals are
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This systematic approach helps individuals clarify their
objectives, track progress, stay motivated, and make necessary adjustments to achieve desired outcomes effectively.
Q6. Assertion Reasoning Questions:

Assertion: Time management is crucial for completing tasks efficiently.

Reasoning: It helps individuals make a daily timetable and prioritize activities effectively.
Both the assertion and reasoning are correct, and the reasoning provides a valid explanation for the assertion.
Assertion: Emotional intelligence is essential for self-management.
Reasoning: It enables individuals to identify and manage their own emotions as well as others', contributing to effective
decision-making and interpersonal relationships.
Both the assertion and reasoning are correct, and the reasoning provides a valid explanation for the assertion.
Emotional intelligence indeed plays a pivotal role in self-management by fostering self-awareness, self-regulation, and
social skills.

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