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Extended essay

English B

How effectively do Israel's technological advancements support

agriculture to meet the country?

Word count: 900

Table of contents
1. Body Paragraph 1
1.1) Israel's Clever Idea Helps Crops Grow Big and Strong
1.2) How Israel Uses Cool Gadgets to Make Plants Strong and Happy
2. Body Paragraph 2
2.1) How Israel's Cool Ideas Keep Crops Safe and Make Farms Awesome
2.2) How Israel Makes Plants Happy Without Any Dirt
2.3) "Israel's Amazing Farm Adventures: Computers that Talk to Plants, Fishy
Friends in the Desert, and Making Friends Around the World
3. Conclusion
4. Bibliography
Israel has a lot of beautiful places. Israel is mostly hot and where it's super dry,
sometimes hard to grow crops, and doesn’t have much rain. But guess what? They’ve
come up with really awesome ways to make sure everyone has enough food. Imagine
using special technology like magic water pipes and smart machines to help plants grow
better! In this essay, we’ll explore how Isrea’s clever ideas in farming are not just helping
their own country and they’ve turned parts of their country that are big sandy deserts
into places where plants and crops like magic!
Body Paragraph 1
Israel's Clever Idea Helps Crops Grow Big and Strong
With approximately 60% of the country
characterized as arid or semi-arid,
traditional irrigation methods were
unsustainable. One of Israel’s coolest
tricks is called “drip irrigation” This
technology developed in the 1960s.
Instead of pouring lots of water
everywhere, they use tiny tubes that drip
water right onto the plant's roots. It's a
trick like giving the plants a drink exactly when they need it. This technology is super
important because, in Israel, there isn’t much water and doesn’t have much rain. This
technology of drip irrigation can make sure plants grow well even in places where water
is scarce.
How Israel Uses Cool Gadgets to Make Plants Strong and Happy
Another cool thing Israel does is use
high-tech gadgets to watch over the
plants. Israel employs state-of-the-art
sensors, drones, and data analytics to
monitor crop health, soil conditions,
and weather patterns. They have
special sensors and flying machines
called drones that can check if the
plants are healthy. It's like having plant
doctors! These gadgets tell the farmers what the plants need, like when to water them
or when to give them food. So, the farmers can take care of the plants in the best way
possible, and that helps them grow lots of delicious food and minimize environmental
impact, creating a more sustainable and resilient agricultural system.
Furthermore, the integration of artificial intelligence has elevated Israel's agriculture to
new heights. AI algorithms analyze vast amounts of data, predicting crop diseases,
optimizing planting patterns, and even assisting in crop harvesting. This not only boosts
efficiency but also helps in minimizing the use of pesticides and other chemicals,
fostering sustainable and eco-friendly agricultural practices.

Body Paragraph 2
How Israel's Cool Ideas Keep Crops Safe and Make Farms Awesome
Israel's commitment to agricultural research and development is evident in the
continuous innovation within its agricultural technology. They have a bunch of scientists
and inventors who create amazing stuff to help plants grow better. This commitment has
resulted in breakthroughs like biological pest control, hydroponics, and vertical farming.
One of their inventions is having tiny bugs that protect the plants from other bugs.
Hydroponics, the soil-less cultivation of crops, is another innovative approach that
maximizes space and resource efficiency, making it particularly suitable for urban
How Israel Makes Plants Happy Without Any Dirt
Israel also came up with a cool way to grow plants without using soil. It's called
hydroponics. Instead of planting seeds in the ground, they let the plants float in water
with all the nutrients they need. It's like having a plant swimming pool! This way, they
can grow plants in places where there's not much soil, like in big cities. And guess
what? They even figured out how to stack plants on top of each other in tall buildings!
It's like having a plant skyscraper! This makes it easy to grow lots of food without taking
up a ton of space.
(Israel's Amazing Farm Adventures: Computers that Talk to Plants, Fishy Friends)
in the Desert, and Making Friends Around the World
Israel uses super-smart computers to analyze lots of information and predict how
many crops they will get. These computers can also figure out the best time to plant
seeds and detect when plants are getting sick. This helps farmers take care of their
crops and prevents them from losing too many.
Israel's focus on aquaculture and fish farming showcases its commitment to
diversifying agricultural practices. The Negev Desert, once deemed inhospitable, is now
home to thriving fish farms. By harnessing cutting-edge aquaculture technologies, Israel
has not only expanded its agricultural output but has also reduced its dependence on
traditional farming methods. Fish farming provides a sustainable source of protein,
contributing to food security in a region where resources are scarce.
Additionally, Israel's agricultural prowess extends beyond its borders through
knowledge sharing and international collaborations. The country has become a hub for
agricultural innovation, hosting researchers and experts from around the world. Through
initiatives like MASHAV (Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation),
Israel shares its technological expertise with developing nations, empowering them to
overcome agricultural challenges.
In conclusion, Israel's technological advancements in agriculture have proven highly
effective in meeting the country's food needs while overcoming the constraints posed by
its arid climate. Israel's smart ideas and inventions help farmers grow more food, even
in places where it's really hot and dry. Israel has become a global leader in sustainable
and efficient agricultural practices. Offering a model for leveraging technology to achieve
food security while promoting environmental sustainability and resilience in the face of
changing climates. Thanks to these amazing technologies, Israel is like a garden of
wonders that teaches the world how to take care of our planet and each other.
1. Assessment of Water Resources and Water Quality in a Watershed: A Case Study of XYZ
Watershed." International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering,
Available at:
2. (Author Last Name, Author First Name, if available. Otherwise, start with the title.) "Title
of the Article." Agriculture, vol. 13, no. 8, Year, page range
Available at httcps://
3. What Distinguishes Hydroponics from Vertical Farming?" Medium, Day Month Year,
Available at
4. What Are Hydroponic Systems?" Fresh Water Systems, Publisher (if available), Day Month
Available at
5. Fish Farming and Land-Based Aquaculture in a Desert Environment." Israel Agri, Day
Month Year,
Available at
6. In Groundbreaking Research, Tel Aviv U Team Records Plants Talking for First
Time." The Times of Israel,
Available at
11IB-3 Enkh-Amgalan D

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