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Unmasked Longing Straight to gay M M

romance J A Storm
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Copyright © 2021 J.A. Storm
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be
reproduced or shared in any form without written
permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S.
copyright law.

Unmasked Longing is a work of fiction created solely by

the author. Any similarities to persons, living or dead, is
purely coincidental.

Cover by MiblArt

Formatting by J.A. Storm

This book contains adult situations, including m/m
sexual relations. It is intended for adults only.
Author note
Unmasked Longing is my debut book. I formatted it
myself and realize I still have much to learn. Since I have
written a large number of books that are currently in the
revision stage, I should have plenty of practice.

Table of Contents

Author note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
About the Author
Chapter 1

Maddox stood in front of the mirror, adjusting his tie for what he
hoped would be the last time. He grimaced as he glanced at the
bed. Seeing a dozen discarded neckties, Maddox knew he would
have to return them to their proper order before leaving to meet
Jenny. If one thing had always been a constant, it was Maddox’s
organizational skills. His acute attention to detail, no matter how
minuscule, had always been present.
Choosing a light blue tie that gave his black Armani suit a
solid contrast, Maddox turned in front of the mirror, assessing
himself from all angles. He smiled, more than satisfied with his
Tonight was crucial. Maddox knew his ultimate failure or
success could hinge entirely upon this meeting. He had painstakingly
researched the resplendent Joshua Hardaway. Gaining his support
was a necessity. Nothing would go wrong; nothing could go wrong.
He had built his life around this moment for the better part of the
last twelve years, and now the time had finally come.
Maddox didn’t like that his plan could hurt Jenny. What had
started as a simple means to an end had turned into much more. He
had grown genuinely fond of Jenny, despite trying to remain cold
and aloof. Maddox hoped he could do what needed to be done and
not break her heart. When everything played out, there wasn’t a
doubt he would lose her, perhaps even her friendship. Maddox could
not change the path he was on, and he had every intention of
seeing it through, regardless of any consequences resulting from the
Looking at his watch, Maddox scowled when he realized
that the time was getting close, and his mess would need to be
sorted out later. Examining his appearance one last time, Maddox
dabbed on a splash of his favorite Gucci fragrance as he exited his
apartment to hail an oncoming taxi. Leaning down to address the
driver, Maddox informed him, "Captain’s Oasis on Fifth, please."
"Yes, Sir," the cabbie answered before they were speeding
off ahead. In New York City, speeding ahead was a clear
Maddox was glad that Jenny had agreed with his
suggestion to meet at the bar instead of arriving together. By being
early, he could study his surroundings, and he hoped to observe
Jenny’s brother. The closer they approached the heart of Manhattan
and ever closer to his destination, Maddox couldn’t ward off the
sudden nervousness that beset him. As they neared the filled
parking lot, Maddox had the feeling his life was about to change. He
only hoped the change would be good.

Josh surveyed the progression of bodies in the club, pleased with

the steady traffic during a weekday. He had taken an enormous risk
when he opened this club. Joshua Hardaway didn’t do anything in a
small way. He had designed everything according to his own
discerning taste. It had taken a while to turn a profit, but once it did,
Josh put all the revenue into creating the best club experience the
people of Manhattan could enjoy. He catered equally to the gay and
heterosexual communities. In that aspect, his club was unique. A
gay couple could come here and know they would not be ridiculed.
Disrespect wasn’t tolerated at Captain’s Oasis. His staff was
trained to respond the same. Josh was openly gay, although, for
him, it was a simple matter of respect - both giving and receiving.
He didn’t flaunt his sexuality, nor did he push it down anyone’s
throat. Most of his customers would view him as one of those guys
who could always make friends amongst strangers. And they would
be exactly right. Josh was friendly. Some would suggest entirely too
charming and often outrageously flirtatious with men and women
alike. However, when it all came down to it, Josh’s preference was
very clear - it was men and men alone.
Josh approached the bar, greeting his best bartender.
"How’s it going tonight, Brett?"
"Great, boss. The club’s really been jumping,"
"Yes, I see that. Looking good. Ed just arrived. Give me a
shout if you need anything," Josh advised, preparing to make his
standard rounds before heading to his office.
"Will do, Josh," Brett answered, followed with a quick wave.
Josh weaved in and out of bodies for a short while, quickly
seeing that everything was in order. He was prepared to head
towards his office when every thought fell straight out of his head.
His eyes looked in awe at what he could classify as nothing short of
perfection. Josh watched as the man leisurely made his way through
the crowd, the bar his apparent destination. The dark-haired man
was enticingly dressed in what Josh knew to be Armani, only slowing
his steps long enough to glance around somewhat curiously, as if
looking for something. Or was it someone?
Josh’s eyes boldly stroked over the man. He didn’t even
stop to consider the stranger could be straight, nor did it even
concern him. When he used the full effect of the Hardaway charm,
there were very few that he could not easily attract. Josh had the
feeling he would very much be desiring a response from this
gorgeous man.
As Josh’s gaze slowly followed the man’s progression to the
bar, his eyes settled on the sway of his hips while wishing he could
feast his eyes on the ass beneath the flattering apparel, instinctively
knowing it would be as exquisite as the rest of him. Brett looked up
in initial surprise at Josh’s sudden return but smiled with a knowing
look when his eyes glanced at the man that Josh’s attention was
completely focused on.
Brett turned to the newcomer. "What can I get you, Sir?"
"I’m actually waiting for someone, but a gin and tonic
would be nice," came the answer as his eyes flickered around in
continued interest.
Josh almost groaned at the sound of his accent. Irish. A
sound that he had always found to be pleasing to the ear. On this
man, it was so incredibly hot. When the man turned to look at him
with a soft smile upon those full lips, Josh’s thoughts were
immediate. Damn, he had to have this man. He was the most
breathtaking sight to ever step into his oasis. "I’ll have one of the
same, Brett," Josh told his bartender, without taking his eyes off of
the stranger.
Brett nodded before he mixed the drinks, placing them
quickly in front of both of them, perfectly centered on a cocktail
Josh smiled as he listened to the man give his thanks and
payment to Brett before he nodded doing the same, thinking he
could never tire of listening to that voice - beautiful flawless Irish
that went straight to his cock.
Turning sideways in his seat, Josh said, "I don’t think I’ve
seen you in here before..."
"No, you haven’t. I’m a first-timer," he answered, as his
inquisitive eyes fell directly into Josh’s, forced to pretend he didn’t
know exactly who he was talking to.
Josh’s eyes moved over him slowly, before he purred
flirtatiously, "I love first-timers."
The man almost choked on his drink, before he returned
quickly, "Everyone has them."
"Indeed, they do, and some of them can be so
memorable," Josh drawled, his eyes fastening hotly on the man’s
Clearing his throat nervously, he asked, "Are you hitting on
me, Sir?"
"Hmmm, and how would you feel about that?" Josh asked,
looking at him with an incendiary gaze.
"Uhhh, well... I have a girlfriend," he stammered in
response, realizing that far from answered Josh Hardaway’s
Josh chuckled, thinking this was going nicely. Moving closer,
Josh whispered, "That’s not much of an answer."
Before a response could be made, a familiar face
interrupted them. Arms draped around the neck of the man’s
shoulders, as Josh’s baby sister kissed the man lightly on the cheek
before she took the open stool in between the two of them, pushing
her brother more firmly back in his own stool. Her eyes narrowed on
Josh thoughtfully, as she accused, "Have you been flirting with my
boyfriend, Josh?"
"Boyfriend? Well, let me tell you, little Jenny, I commend
you on your exquisite taste - for once," Josh answered, as his eyes
hungrily moved over him. "What would your name be, boyfriend of
"Smith. Maddox Smith, Sir," came the nervous, yet
respectful response.
"Well, Smith. Maddox Smith, I will leave you two lovebirds
alone. Allow me to say that it’s been a pleasure meeting you," Josh
said, as he stood up to leave, however not before giving Maddox one
last scorching glance.
Maddox’s eyes widened at the man, almost as if unable to
free himself when he finally managed a reply, "Um, yes. Nice
meeting you too, Sir."
"The name’s Josh, but the Sir is extremely hot," Josh said
with a click of the tongue before he moved away to leave them
Josh took a stool at the other end of the long bar,
motioning for Ed to come over, as he continued to watch their heads
move closer together, not kissing, but in deep conversation.
Still smiling, Josh accepted that he appeared to be thwarted for
the moment, but he had far from given up the fight. He would watch
and observe. Throw in the towel? Never. He had caught a glimmer of
awareness in Maddox’s eyes, and that would have to be enough for
Then he thought about Jenny. It was true they had never
been particularly close, but to target her boyfriend would be the
lowest form of betrayal. The more he looked at Maddox, the less he
cared about how it affected Jenny. Josh continued to rationalize that
Jenny was only his half-sister, not that it made it any less wrong.
But, hell, he was trying. Although he realized, not very hard.
He groaned as Maddox laughed, the echo reaching out to
his already stiffening cock. The Irishman was just too damned
Chapter 2

Josh continued to watch Jenny and her gorgeous boyfriend with

growing interest. They were huddled together as they whispered,
almost as if creating an intricate plot, unlike what you would expect
between a young couple in a club scene. He wished he had taken a
closer seat if only to catch pieces of their conversation, but he had
elected to be generous in granting them privacy. And, generous was
exactly how he felt his actions had been. Leaving the side of the
delectable Mr. Smith was in Josh's opinion a supreme sacrifice. In
addition, the distance allowed him to observe them discreetly...
primarily the all too enticing Maddox Smith.
Narrowing his eyes on the features of the younger man, he
tried to find a flaw, anything to make the man something less than
perfect. After a few moments, Josh gave up on that idea. The man
was simply breathtaking.
A short time later, Maddox turned his head towards the end of
the bar where Josh conveniently sat silently in observation of him,
surprising along with confusing Josh all the more when Maddox
awarded him with a heart-stopping smile. The result of the smile
was immediate and very effective, even if Maddox wasn't aware of
it. The blood rushed straight into Josh's cock again.
Josh’s curiosity continued to grow. Jenny’s supposed
boyfriend’s actions didn’t mirror those of a man committed to his
female companion. There was so much to learn about Jenny’s
relationship with Maddox Smith. Josh thought he would love solving
this particular mystery.
So lost in his lustful thoughts he didn't notice Ed taking the
seat next to him. His eyes maintained their rapt fixation on the
couple at the end of the bar, trying to decipher the depth of their
relationship, inwardly thinking it wasn't a deep commitment. Josh
thought about the looks he had exchanged with Maddox, the jolt of
awareness the look, no matter how brief had elicited within him. Of
course, he realized that could have been wishful thinking, but Josh
had played this game for a long time. Rarely did he mistake those
flashes, most particularly when they came accompanied by such
Suddenly, impatient fingers began to snap in front of his eyes,
as a familiar voice drawled, "Snap out of it, Hardaway. What's up?"
Looking down at the tent in the front of his pants, Josh
responded with a wry smile, "Several things at the moment, Ed."
"Oh come on, Josh. You didn't summon me over here to tell
me you have a hard-on. Go fix it, and leave the details out," Ed
grumbled in distaste.
"Now, Ed... if my exploits included me fucking a hot babe, you
would be all over me trying to get the scoop." Josh laughed at him.
Ed flushed guiltily, before muttering, "That's different, and
something that's so obviously not going to happen."
"Ummm yeah, it's not... but, come on, there's nothing
different. It's still just sex," Josh answered back. Then more
seriously saying, "However, that's not why I called you over."
"Really? Wow, now we're getting somewhere," Ed mumbled
"You're just so much fun to have around. Remind me again
exactly why I do that... " Josh growled.
Ed scratched his head in thought, before raising his hand to
signal he had made an insightful realization before he whispered as
if in secret, "I think it's because my name is on the deed to the club.
You may own the controlling interest, but I am a partner too, albeit
a silent one most of the time."
"Only silent because you choose to be," Josh reminded him.
"I prefer my anonymity. You know that."
Josh's eyes sparked in disappointment as he watched Jenny
and Maddox standing up in what he feared was about to be their
departure. He smiled in relief when he watched them moving to a
recently vacated table. With sudden inspiration, Josh halted a
passing waitress in his next step of 'getting to know Mr. Smith.’
"Yes, Sir?" she asked warmly.
"Monica, take a bottle of our best champagne over to that
table, along with three glasses. No charge. This one's on me," Josh
purred in excited anticipation, as he motioned to the appropriate
"Right away, Sir." She nodded as she moved towards the
other end of the bar to place the order.
Ed narrowed his eyes, as he looked at the table in question...
then back towards Josh in suspicion. In a caustic tone, he pondered
aloud, "What are you up to, Hardaway?"
"Not a thing, Ed. You are so suspicious," Josh replied in mock
innocence, as his own eyes fixated on Maddox’s smiling face.
Looking closer, Ed asked, "Wait a minute. Is that Jenny?"
"Indeed it is, with her new boyfriend," Josh answered.
"Damn. She looks good. I wouldn't mind having at --- " Ed
began, only to stop midstream at Josh's forbidding look. "Sorry,
buddy. I wasn’t thinking."
"Obviously. We may not be close, nor are we full brother and
sister, but I won't have you talking about her like that, especially in
front of me," Josh warned him. "This is what I need you to do. Get
me a background check on Maddox Smith. It's not a rush. I just
want it to be discreet."
Ed arched a surprised brow but didn’t question the strange
request. "Aye aye, Captain. I assume that's the boyfriend," Ed
surmised as he looked towards the table, and then back to see
Josh's intense expression, solely directed towards Jenny’s boyfriend.
"So they say. I want to know much more about him," Josh
whispered, as he stood to join them.
Before Josh walked away, Ed shook his head in
understanding, thinking his friend never failed to shock him. He had
the hots for his sister's boyfriend. Was there anything forbidden to
Josh Hardaway? Ed snorted, knowing the answer to his own
unspoken question. Under his breath mumbling, "I sure hope you
know what you’re doing, Josh."
In a hushed whisper, Jenny softly spoke, "Don't look now, but
we're about to have company. Just as I suspected. Remember, it
needs to be Josh's idea, or he won't fall for it."
"Yes, I know. Your brother is a very shrewd man," Maddox
"Just be careful, Maddox. Josh is so much more than the
playboy image he seems," she said in warning.
Maddox nodded, before responding, "Don't worry, Jenny. I'm
a big boy."
"Mmmmm, I'm very interested in hearing just how big," Josh
purred, leaning down to whisper hotly into Maddox’s ear, but loud
enough for both of them to hear him.
Jenny flushed in amused exasperation, as she mumbled in
irritation, "Just sit down, and stop hitting on my boyfriend."
"I’d be delighted," Josh whispered huskily, as he slid into the
booth next to Maddox, moving much closer than was necessary for
the seating, his thigh pressing alongside Maddox’s, slightly amused
when the enforced close proximity caused Maddox to slide over.
"Josh, give him some room to breathe. Three people can fit in
that space, and you have him crowded against the wall," Jenny
Chuckling, Josh turned his full attention to Maddox. "Is that
true, gorgeous? Am I crowding you?"
"Ummm, I, ahhh, well, your manner is a bit unsettling,"
Maddox stammered in a nervous rush.
Josh laughed in delight, bestowing the Hardaway smile upon
Maddox, one that brought many a seemingly straight man over to
his way of thinking. He was about to say much more when the
champagne arrived. The glasses were placed down on the table in
front of each of them, and the chilled champagne was in a bucket
next to their table when the waitress looked at Josh inquiringly for
further instructions.
Reaching into his jacket pocket, Josh pulled out a fifty-dollar
bill, discreetly handing it to her before saying, "That will be all,
Monica. I will take care of it," Josh answered as he stood to pop the
cork, before filling their glasses with the bubbly liquid.
"What's all this about, Josh?" Jenny asked warily.
"It's been a long time, dear sister. Now, let's make a toast.
Any suggestions? Jenny? Maddox?" Josh prompted with an innocent
Jenny smiled at Maddox, then at Josh before answering,
"How about to new beginnings."
"Excellent choice," Maddox said with a smile at Jenny, not
missing the calculating smirk that crossed Josh’s extremely
expressive face.
Josh took a drink of the champagne while reaching down with
his other hand to boldly stroke the length of Maddox’s thigh, smiling
into the glass when he felt the muscles jerk under his touch. He
looked towards Maddox in a ‘gotcha’ expression when he realized
two very important things. Maddox hadn’t removed his hand, nor
had he revealed the improper touch to Jenny. Oh yes, things could
get interesting, and very quickly.
Chapter 3

Running his hand along Maddox’s thigh, staying clear of the area he
ached to touch, Josh smiled at Jenny, before turning his eyes
towards Maddox, looking at him with unsuppressed desire, as he
whispered, "Yes, I'll drink to that. To new beginnings. May they lead
to the most desirous of endings."
Josh looked towards Maddox with a frowning pout at the
precise moment the object of his lust firmly grasped Josh’s hand
from underneath the table, removing it from his leg and placing it
back on his own. However, Josh wasn't so easily deterred. When
Maddox tried to remove his hand to place back in his own lap, Josh
tightened his grasp, intertwining their fingers together as he
proceeded to move Maddox’s hand in a stroking motion, palm side
down, up, and down his own thigh. He smiled at Jenny engagingly,
not wanting to give away what he was doing. As long as Maddox
was playing along he would continue in his pleasurable game of
touching him for as long as he could manage it.
More in an attempt to keep Jenny’s eyes diverted from
what was going on under the table, Josh decided to keep her mind
suitably distracted. "What brings you here tonight, Jenny? Not that I
mind when you bring such an enticing companion. However, sadly I
don't think he’s a gift for me."
"No... sorry, Josh. You will just have to find your own
Maddox," she answered.
Josh slid Maddox's palm along to the inside of his thigh,
moving it upwards, smiling as Maddox tensed at the close proximity
to Josh’s very hard cock. Looking at Maddox with mock regret as he
continued to play the game, he sighed, "Such a pity."
"Are you always so outspoken and outrageous?" Maddox
demanded to know, as he began to tug on his hand subtly, still
trying to keep their side action hidden from Jenny. Maddox had no
idea why he hadn’t pulled away immediately. He told himself it was
because he needed to be on good terms with Jenny’s brother, but he
wasn’t in the total belief of that. Josh Hardaway was confusing him,
and that was the last reaction he needed.
"Hmm, yes always. I have found it beneficial in achieving
my desires... " he murmured, as he pulled on Maddox’s hand just far
enough that his thumb brushed the pulsing head of his cock. His
eyes turned towards Maddox as he huskily whispered, "Most
especially regarding things I quite desperately want to possess."
"Knock it off, Josh. We all know that you have the hots for
my boyfriend, just as we know it's never going to happen. Let's
move on, shall we?" Jenny snapped angrily.
"Oh, I don't know about that, Jenny. I think if I play my
cards right, and I can be such a good player, I could get everything I
want," Josh purred, his eyes full of lust as he reluctantly released his
tight grip on Maddox’s hand, more out of necessity than a desire to
do so. As it was, he had become uncomfortably hard, much more
and he would be dragging Maddox into his office, Jenny or not. And,
knowing his sister as he did, she was here for a reason.
She smirked at him, before saying, "Always the dreamer,
aren't you, Josh?"
"Of course," he replied blandly. "Now, what can I help you
with tonight?"
"That’s very simple. We need help with Daddy," she said
with a grimace, knowing Josh didn't get on so well with their father,
but he was her last hope of Maddox gaining approval.
Josh lifted an eyebrow at her, much as one does towards
someone that has lost the fragile grip on their mind. The look was
followed up with mocking laughter. "Jenny, now that amuses me.
How can you possibly think I can help with our father? You know we
have nothing but contempt for each other."
"Jenny! You never told me that," Maddox mused, intrigued
by having this in common with Josh.
"It's nothing, Maddox. They just agree to disagree," she
answered brightly, never accepting they couldn't make peace.
"Don't believe that. At my send-off to college, when most
fathers are giving the speech of sage wisdom, dear old dad made his
loathing for his only son more than clear, in his standard viciousness.
He took me aside from any witnesses, and icily whispered, "Make a
living will, and when you become HIV infected from your disgusting
lifestyle - DON'T call me for help. A queer son is no son of mine."
Josh remembered the words as if it had been yesterday. If his heart
hadn’t been hardened to his father before then, that would have
been the tipping scale in that direction.
Jenny glared at Josh, before smiling at Maddox
reassuringly, "Ignore him, Maddox. Josh tends to exaggerate."
Josh pierced Maddox with cold, serious eyes, as he
prompted, "I am assuming you have met our father. Who do you
"Ummm, I don't think I want to get in the middle here, but
if I had to hazard a guess I would say that was a long time ago, and
maybe Jenny wasn't privy to the full story," Maddox answered trying
to pacify them both while having no doubt Josh was telling the
absolute truth.
"You're supposed to be on my side, Maddox," she said with
a continued glare.
Frowning at his poor choice of words when Jenny was
being overly sensitive, he mildly patronized, "Well, of course, I am,
sweetie. I'm just saying--- "
Josh watched them both in amusement. The sweetie he
found to be more patronizing than genuine, or at least, he hoped so.
The last thing he wanted was the gorgeous Maddox Smith to
actually be in love with his sister, although from what he had
observed so far, he would say it was an infatuation at best. Josh
knew there was something missing, he just couldn’t figure out what.
Maddox didn’t look at Jenny as a man did when he was falling for a
woman. Of course, Josh realized he wasn’t a practiced expert on
that kind of relationship. Their relationship was a complete puzzle to
him, and he was determined to put all of the pieces together.
"As I was saying. We need help with daddy. If Maddox and
I can ever have a serious relationship we need his approval. Maddox
comes from a very conservative family, he believes he must have the
consent of the father. Well, that doesn't look very promising. I had
thought maybe Maddox could get a job in the family business,
mainly as a way to break the ice, and hopefully, they would get to
know each other better. Daddy adamantly refused. It seems he
doesn't trust Maddox," she went on to say in a mad rush.
"Maddox, don't take that to heart. Our father will never
approve of any man Jenny dates. She is the cliched daddy's girl. If
it’s not that serious yet, why the rush?" Josh prodded more for
himself than for their benefit, wanting more assurance that this
relationship wasn't on solid ground.
"I don't take it to heart. I just believe that it would be good
to have your father's approval in the event our relationship becomes
serious. I thought it sounded like a good plan, and the ideal time
since I am in between positions right now," Maddox dropped in
subtly, but not casually enough for Josh not to notice, earning him
another glare from Jenny who knew her brother entirely too well.
Josh turned sideways in his seat, draping his arm around
the back of the booth behind Maddox, not quite touching, leaning in
closer as he asked, "And, what kind of work do you do, gorgeous?"
"For God's sake, Josh. He has a name," Jenny grumbled.
"It's okay, Jenny. I don't mind. In answer to your question,
I manage high-level security."
"How interesting. Mind if I ask what happened with your
last position?" Josh asked curiously, having more and more of a
good feeling beginning to build.
"Economic cutbacks. The company I worked for decided to
go the route of security systems and monitors. When Jenny said
your father had an opening in my particular field, I thought it would
be a good opportunity for a variety of reasons," Maddox answered,
partially truthful. The cutbacks had been true, but they had not let
him go. Maddox had suggested the option before resigning, and
even installed their new security system, concluding this would be
the perfect chance to get his foot in the Hardaway door. Only it
hadn't worked out that way so far.
Josh watched Maddox thoughtfully, becoming even more
convinced that Maddox was hiding something, but he was patient to
a certain degree. He would flush all of the answers out in his own
time. Stroking his chin while in deep thought, Josh finally spoke,
"Maybe we can help each other out, Maddox."
"How so, Sir?" Maddox asked respectfully, trying not to
appear over eager.
"Well, it so happens the club is lacking a trained security
advisor. I had to fire my former advisor several months ago for
unsavory conduct. Right now, I am in the same position. I have
advanced security systems and cameras. However, it's not enough
for a club of this size and heavy traffic."
"No, I agree. You need a man on the premises, even if
solely to serve as a deterrent."
"Exactly. I'll tell you what. Come around tomorrow
afternoon, say two o’clock with a list of your references, and we’ll
see what we can do," Josh offered, trying not to be overly
enthusiastic, but thinking this could benefit him in a number of
"Thank you, Sir. And, if it works out that you do wish to
obtain my services it would be the start of a family connection in the
event my relationship with Jenny develops further," Maddox
answered, trying not to sound too excited, unaware Josh was
handling him in the same manner.
Josh smiled at Maddox's choice of words, with very explicit
thoughts coming to mind.
Oh yes, gorgeous. I would more than enjoy obtaining your
'special' services. I do hope your references check out. Having you
here on a nightly basis could be very pleasurable.
Jenny clapped her hands together in glee, in her mind
perceiving it as a done deal. Continuing in foolish optimism, "Once
daddy knows this he will warm up to Maddox. Thank you, Josh."
"Don't thank me yet. I have to see Maddox's references,
and cover it with Ed; although, I don't see him being a problem."
Clearing his throat nervously, Maddox said, "Well, thank you
for the opportunity. I am hopeful you will find my references to be
more than satisfactory."
"I have no doubt that I will. Now, I had better make my
rounds. Hopefully, I will have some assistance in that particular task
very soon," Josh said with a wink towards Maddox.
Josh left the table with a smile on his face, knowing he
wasn't going to be satisfied tonight by this delicious specimen of a
man, but feeling he would in time. For some reason, he knew
Maddox's references would check out. As he rejoined Ed who was
still sitting at the bar, Josh's eyes fell once more on Maddox, elated
that the Irishman's eyes were still drifting over to him. Josh gave
him a wink, along with his most flirtatious smile, laughing in pleasure
when he could see the nervous flush staining his cheeks.
This would work out nicely. Come tomorrow, Maddox would
have an interview he would never forget, never doubting that he
would be giving Maddox the job. What choice did he really have?
Initially, it had been because he wanted the man more than he had
ever wanted anything... or anyone. In addition, the security position
had been vacant for too long. Ed would attest to that. However, now
he realized there was more. Mystery surrounded one Maddox Smith,
and he was just the man to solve it.
I don’t know what you’re up to, gorgeous, but I’m going to
enjoy finding out.
Chapter 4

Following a solid hour of tossing and turning, Maddox abandoned all

hope of sleep as he sat up in bed, running his fingers through his
already mussed hair. He shook his head in irritation at how badly his
plans were going. Sure, the meeting with Josh Hardaway had been a
success, if you called having the brother of your girlfriend constantly
making sexual overtures towards you as successful. Maddox smiled
as he thought of that initial encounter. Not quite the meeting he had
envisioned. He had known from his prior investigation of the man
that he was openly gay, but that he would be as outspoken and
outrageous - and in the presence of his baby sister, Maddox had
most definitely not expected that.
Then came the unsettling realization that the former captain’s
advances had not been abhorrent to him. If he was honest with
himself, and Maddox was never anything less - he had been
intrigued with Josh immediately, to the point of actually enjoying the
outrageous attention. His response had to be the result of sleep
deprivation. Nothing else made any sense. That in combination with
the stress he had been undergoing in what had been years to reach
this pivotal moment was the only logical explanation he could or
would accept.
Maddox wasn’t attracted to men, not even one as handsome as
Josh Hardaway. He instantly grimaced at his continued recognition of
Josh's appeal, deciding to shrug it off as a natural appreciation of
anything beautiful, whether male or female. It did not mean he was
attracted to the man in a sexual way. How could he be? He was
dating Jenny. It didn't matter why he had started seeing her, the
only thing that really mattered was he considered himself to be with
her now. At least he had thought so until tonight.
For now, he could only think of one thing. A plan that was
invariably going straight to hell. He had been counting on getting in
the door with Jenny's father... not with the son, one by his own
admission that had a hostile relationship with their father. Of course,
that in itself could present another opportunity. Maybe in time, he
could gain Josh's support. Differences or not, would Josh ever
become a party to something that would hurt his own father?
Because bottom line, Maddox intended on taking the eldest
Hardaway down. He wouldn’t stop until he had destroyed the man,
no matter what the consequences.
Maddox moved around his bedroom, his eyes involuntarily falling
on the desk calendar, knowing how this date always struck him. He
sat down at the desk, his brow furrowed in thought and utter
despair, reminiscent of the last time he had seen his father, thirteen
years ago on this day. Maddox had only been twelve at the time, and
as on any other normal day he had proceeded to rush into the dining
room to share breakfast with his father before he left for the office.
Mom usually shared coffee with dad before he came downstairs, and
then went about her morning tasks, obviously giving them a bit of
father and son time. With his father's often long hours it was the
only time to have that on a daily basis.
On that morning, she was outside doing some work in her rose
bushes, one of her greatest loves. Maddox had always thought he
had one of the most devoted mothers in the world, and only hoped
when he grew up, he would find someone exactly like her. Although,
at that point in time he couldn't imagine wanting to be anywhere
other than where he was right now - under the loving care of two
wonderful parents.
However, on that morning, his father wasn’t alone. In the dining
room arguing heatedly with his father was his business partner, Josh
Hardaway, Sr. Maddox had only met him on a few occasions, all of
which had been social gatherings he had been required to attend,
but at all of them, he had left with a very unpleasant feeling. Of
course, he didn't understand it then. He just marked it off to an
adult that just rubbed him the wrong way. Normal enough feeling,
he thought. Not to fully understand until much later his unease
towards Mr. Hardaway was very well placed.
Hearing their voices becoming unreasonably loud, Maddox took a
step back thinking this was something he really wasn't supposed to
hear, and yet he remained curious despite knowing it was wrong to
stay. Unable to escape his painful memories of the past, Maddox
relived with clarity the heated, yet brief discussion.
"Josh, I don't appreciate you disrupting the peace of my home
with this tirade, one that is all of your own doing!" Ralph Smith, had
spat out vehemently.
"I realize this, Ralph. All I'm asking for is more time... " Josh
pleaded in a voice that came out as more of a demand.
With a deep sigh, his father brusquely answered, "You know I
can't do that. This goes beyond friendship. You embezzled an
enormous amount of funds from our business accounts. This breaks
federal laws. I can only give you until the end of the day. If all the
money is not returned in full by then, I must report it to the
"You are being unreasonable. I needed that money to pay some
debts to some very dangerous men. My life was at risk. I just need
some time, Ralph. You are a genius with numbers, you can cover
this up for a while," his partner all but growled in anger and despair.
"I know I probably could, but I won't do that. You not only
betrayed my trust, but you also broke the law. I'm sorry about your
dilemma, but I warned you about your gambling problem. I told you
to get it under control before it cost you everything. It appears you
didn't listen to me," Ralph answered, shaking his head sadly.
Maddox watched from his vantage point as Mr. Hardaway got
directly in his father's face, causing him to think about going in to
interrupt them, afraid for his father, but realizing his father wouldn't
want him involved in his business, along with knowing there wasn’t
anything he could do. With a hiss, Mr. Hardaway snarled, "You will
be sorry, Ralph."
"I am already sorry, Josh. Sorry that you cared nothing about
your business partner or the business we created together. Sorry
that you only cared about your own selfish gains, not even
considering how this will affect your own family. For once, do the
right thing, Josh. Sign the papers that will end our partnership, and
replace the money. Fail to do so, and consequences must follow," his
father spoke with determination.
Maddox could hear the pen click and a bold slashing of a
signature on the offered papers. Before leaving, Mr. Hardaway issued
his last threat, "There's your fucking signature. The company reverts
to you. Watch your back, Ralph. This isn’t over."
He had watched for long moments as his dad took his seat once
again, his hand shaking as he lifted the coffee cup to his lips. When
Maddox braved the nerve to step inside, his father looked up
towards his son with a welcoming yet suspicious smile.
"How long have you been there, Maddox?" he asked with
Maddox never lied to his father and decided he wasn't going to
start now. With a slight flush, he answered, "For a while, Father. Mr.
Hardaway seemed really mad at you... "
"Hmmmph, yes, well things go that way sometimes. Maddox, I
need you to make me a promise - man to man," his father
whispered to him.
Inwardly beaming at his father's choice of words, Maddox
answered as he bobbed his head up and down enthusiastically.
"Anything. You know that."
"That I do, son. This is very simple. What you heard here must
stay here. This is a very personal, private business matter. You can't
tell anyone, not even your mother. You know how she feels about
fighting, and this would unduly upset her," his father said imploring
his cooperation. "Can I count on you, Maddox?"
"Of course you can. I won't say a word ever - I promise," he
said, smiling at his father with all the love he held for him shining in
his eyes.
"Thank you. Now eat your breakfast, and I will take you to
school," he responded, before picking up his morning paper.
However, dad never took him to school that day. One hour later,
as they were making their way to the car, gunfire resounded from a
car lying in wait on the small road beside their house. Maddox
watched in horror as his father was gunned down by the masked
man, repeated bullets piercing his flinching flesh until it moved no
more, cold familiar eyes staring back at him, ones he didn’t
recognize at the time. Before he could react, the gunman turned the
gun towards Maddox, pumping two more shots into him,
incapacitating Maddox, quickly rendering him unconscious.
Before he lost consciousness, he could hear his mother
screaming as she rushed from the back of the house to find her
husband and child brutally gunned down.
Following a long recovery period, where young Maddox had to
slowly regain the use of his legs, he came to the awareness that he
was now alone. His mother went into a catatonic trance where she
remained to this day. The investigation had been marked as closed
with the explanation of a gang attack. There had been nobody to
take charge of him, relegating him to the harsh world of foster care.
Once Maddox was fully recovered, he remembered those eyes that
stared back at him, with not only his father's death within them but
his own as well. They were the eyes of Josh Hardaway, Sr. Of
course, his foster parents humored him but didn't believe his story.
They were only being kind to him knowing he had a huge trust fund
that was his when he reached twenty-one. Until then, it was
controlled by his father's attorney.
Once Maddox had become of legal age, he claimed his
inheritance and used a portion of it to fully investigate the Hardaway
family. He knew everything about them. The years had given him
the patience to refrain from simply killing the elder Hardaway,
although that would give him the greatest of pleasure. He realized
he wanted much more than his death. He wanted what he had
stolen from his father, he wanted the business out of his hands, and
back into the Smith family where it rightfully belonged. Maddox
remembered back to the documents Hardaway had signed before
the shooting, assuming he had somehow retrieved them. He had no
idea how Hardaway had managed that. Someday he hoped he would
have that answer as well.
Eyes blazing with pain as they always did on this day, Maddox
fervently vowed, "I don't care if my plans are currently floundering, I
swear, Hardaway, you will pay for your crimes. No matter who I have
to use in the process, I will bring you down."

A few hours later, Maddox arrived at the mental facility that had
been his mother's home for the past thirteen years. He visited her
once a week, he couldn't handle more frequent visits. The sight of
his formerly vibrant mother deteriorated to this state of catatonia
was on many days more than he could bear. Another reason for his
savage hatred towards Hardaway, Sr.
He sat by her bedside, grasping her hand tightly in his own, tears
falling from his eyes as he saw her unblinking stare, not seeing or
feeling anything in her stupor. "I know it's a rough day, Mom. I wish
you would come back to me. God how I wish that. I need you; we
need each other. Dad would want us to be strong for each other."
Each week, Maddox made pleas to his mom, hoping to elicit
some sort of response in her, never any forthcoming. Over the years
coming to the acceptance that she was going to remain like this for
the rest of her life. Still, he continued to try. Maddox was not a man
to give up, no matter what the odds of success or failure. He
couldn't fully douse the hope one day she would respond again.
Before leaving, he kissed her softly on the cheek, murmuring a
solemn vow, "I know I can never bring him back to you, Mom, but I
know who did this, and I will make him pay for it. I swear that to
Wiping tears from his eyes, he walked towards the door, blind to
the first flicker of response in his mother in the past thirteen years.
As the door closed behind Maddox, a single tear rolled down the side
of her cheek.
Josh surveyed his appearance in the mirror, smiling as he thought
of the meeting that was soon to begin. He had so many plans for
this interview. Ones that he hoped didn't include his sister. Surely,
she wouldn't tag along. This was to be a job interview, her presence
would be inappropriate, and a hindrance as well. Josh knew how to
work every situation to his advantage, and with Maddox, he
intended to do that.
Moments later, he returned to his office, his eyes closing in
anticipation when he heard the knock on his door. With a smile, Josh
advanced toward it, slowly opening the door to face Maddox. He
found his eyes curiously moving over the form of this man, thinking
maybe in the cold light of day, Maddox wouldn't look so good, and
still be so damned tempting. Josh had thought wrong. If he had
wanted him last night, it was nothing compared to now. It was only
growing, in more ways than one.
"Good afternoon, Sir. I hope I'm not disturbing anything," he said
as he peered around to see the correspondence that lay on Josh's
desk, ignored and unfinished.
"Maddox, you are indeed disturbing, but not regarding any work
on my desk," Josh said with a slight wink.
Blushing at Josh's forwardness, Maddox replied, "I brought a
resume with my references if you’re still interested in them."
"I am definitely interested. Please have a seat while I take a
look," Josh invited as he closed the door behind them, moving to the
other side of his desk to view Maddox's offered resume.
Maddox took a seat as he nervously looked around, taking in all
of the unique artifacts that decorated the room, before saying, "This
is quite an interesting office, Mr. Hardaway. I trust you decorated it
"Thank you, Maddox. I traveled a great deal when I was in the
Special Forces. I picked up some interesting pieces along the way,"
he said in response, as he continued to read both the file and
Maddox's body language at the same time.
Long silent moments passed before Josh finally looked up to
speak again. Placing the file on his desk, he stood up to move
around it, bracing his body against it before speaking, "This looks
very impressive, Maddox - almost too much so. However, I'm not
about to look a gift horse in the mouth, so to speak. I can offer you
a trial security position in my club. If it goes well, which I think it
should, you will be given the position of head of security. Right now,
security is mainly managed by my mostly silent partner, Edward
Blevins. He would appreciate being relieved of that duty, being that
unfortunate circumstances brought that to place." Josh finished by
telling Maddox the exact hours and salary that he believed to be
more than generous.
"I understand, Sir. I’m grateful for the opportunity. I trust that
you will find my skills extremely satisfactory," Maddox countered,
more than aware of how Josh would take his words, along with his
tone. He had no problem with a little harmless flirtation, thinking it
couldn't hurt in his goal to acquire Josh's help in his own personal
matters; although, he realized that would be far down the road.
Maddox decided he felt a little more confident now. He found it
unlikely Josh would actively pursue a man in his employ, in addition
to being the boyfriend of his sister. Not that the latter had mattered
to Josh last night, but he thought the business connection just
Looking at him slyly, Josh whispered, "Are you flirting with me,
Mr. Smith? Because let me make one thing perfectly clear. Being in
my employ will never protect you from any pursuit."
"Sir, need I remind you, that would be harassment... " he said
with a cocky smile.
Josh leaned down so his arms bracketed each arm of the chair
that held his desire, before he rasped in hunger, "No harassment,
Maddox. Harassment is using sex as leverage in keeping your job or
making you uncomfortable. Neither is the case here, is it Mr. Smith?"
"What exactly are you implying, Mr. Hardaway?" Maddox
stammered out breathlessly, seeing Josh's perfect mouth coming
even closer.
Bypassing the tempting lips that all but implored him to taste
them, Josh moved his lips to ghost against Maddox's ear, as he softly
whispered, "No implications, sweetheart. I would never use your job
to harass you into having sex with me. You will do that of your own
free will. In regard to making you uncomfortable with my pursuit, we
both know that to be false as well."
Jerking his head back from the breath that virtually scorched
him, Maddox asked, "How can you be so sure?"
"You are attracted to me. Now, that brings about a question of
my own," Josh answered, his own head rearing back to study
Maddox closely.
"That would be?"
"I felt your reaction to me last night, as I do in your eyes right
now. You want me, Maddox. My question is simple. Why are you
dating my sister? We both know what you really want is right
here..." Josh growled as he moved towards Maddox again with the
intent of claiming his beautiful full lips before he spouted out more
false denials.
Uncaring of the answer at this moment, or of anything other
than finally tasting this man, Josh didn’t care that this man wasn’t
everything he pretended to be. He only knew that he wanted him.
Chapter 5

That was exactly what Maddox felt as Josh's hot gaze enveloped
him, virtually burning into him as he seemed to intuitively absorb
Maddox's every reaction. As Maddox's own eyes darkened at the
nearing approach of Josh's mouth, he could discern an all-knowing
smile spreading across Josh's incredibly inviting lips. Their lips only a
breath apart now, Maddox could feel the heat from Josh's mouth,
gently caressing his own. His own opened and closed, as he tried to
formulate some type of resistance.
Josh smiled at him in understanding, moving his hand to cup the
back of Maddox's neck in his palm, before he whispered raggedly,
"Not a word, gorgeous. We can talk later. Don't fight it. You need it.
You've wanted this kiss from the moment we met. God knows it's all
I've thought about from the time I saw you walking across the room
in my club."
"I----ah, don't. You're wrong, Sir. This is inappropriate." Maddox
nervously stammered, trying to think of something - anything to
slow down this determined, and all too appealing man.
"Shhhhh, Maddox. Just one kiss. Where's the harm in that? I
promise if you don't like it I won't do it again, but I have a feeling
you will more than like it. In fact, you will only be craving more,"
Josh answered in a harsh growl, before giving Maddox no more
opportunity to retreat, as his lips crashed down to claim the slightly
parted ones that he desired to own. In his own mind, he already
perceived Maddox as his. It was only a matter of time.
This man was special. He didn't belong with his flighty half-sister.
He belonged with him. Josh moaned the moment their lips touched.
From the first sight of this man, it had been all he could do not to
drag him away and devour him. Those feelings were nothing
compared to the lust he was feeling right now. As his tongue sought
its way through the small opening Maddox had so graciously
allowed, Josh framed Maddox's face in between his hands as he
began to explore the inner depths inside of this beautiful man's
mouth. One thing Josh knew for certain as he intimately explored
the recesses of Maddox's mouth - he would never get tired of the
taste of this man.
Damn, how he wanted him. He was a man of great experience...
but nothing in his past could compare to this, and it was only a
simple kiss. He felt electrified. He wanted to keep kissing him
forever. For certain, he wanted this man for himself, and he didn't
much care what it took to achieve that.
They both moaned simultaneously when their tongues touched.
Maddox's hand grasped the sides of the chair tightly, telling himself
it had to be nerves, and not the unspoken knowledge to keep his
hands busy to keep them from touching Josh. That couldn't be the
case... not at all. To do so would mean he wanted this - wanted Josh
Hardaway. It was just a harmless little kiss, an adventure into the
unknown. Now that he had experienced it, surely it would be
enough. He was not gay. He was dating Jenny. More importantly, he
needed Jenny, no matter how much her brother stirred him. Feeling
the sudden surging in his cock, he knew he couldn't deny being
attracted to Josh... an admission he planned to only make to himself,
telling himself it would be fine once he got out of the man's arms.
Maddox tried to stammer out a protest when Josh's hands began
to loosen his tie in an obvious prelude to unbuttoning his shirt to
explore the skin underneath. "Ummmm, I ahhhh this isn't a good
idea." So overtaken by the sensory overload Josh’s touch evoked in
him, Maddox barely recognized Josh pulling him to his feet, making
his body much more accessible.
"I think it's an excellent idea, Maddox. Tell me you don't want me
to touch you, that you don't want my mouth all over this perfect
body of yours," Josh purred in a voice dripping with pure heat,
sliding his lips down the side of Maddox's neck, as his hands began
to unbutton his shirt, needing his hands on the younger man's skin
"What about Jenny? And I'm working for you now... " Maddox
said in an unsuccessful attempt to dodge Josh's hands, knowing he
was only half-heartedly attempting to do so.
"Mmm, you taste so good. Let's not worry about that right now.
It will all work itself out. Right now, all I can think about is how
much I fucking want you. Just relax, gorgeous. I can make you feel
so good, if you only let me," Josh growled, as he began to spread
Maddox's shirt open, lowering his opened mouth against Maddox's
muscled and slightly heaving chest.
As Josh's tongue made a slow but determined path to his nipple,
Maddox groaned out his response, unable to resist touching Josh
any longer. Reaching up he slid his fingers into Josh's hair,
unintentionally bringing his mouth tighter to his chest, grating,
"What are you doing to me?"
With a low throaty chuckle, Josh whispered, "Feels good, doesn't
it? I am going to do things to your hot body that you never
imagined." Josh knew he was arrogant, entirely too self-assured, but
with Maddox, he felt it to be more than justified. Maddox wanted
him badly. For sure, Jenny was an obstacle, but one he intended to
overcome. It had been apparent to him they were not intimately
involved. That made him feel a little better about stealing her
boyfriend. Maddox wanted the same things as Josh did, and Josh
Hardaway was a man of drive and determination. He would make
certain that Maddox accepted and fully explored what he knew they
could have together.
Josh's tongue hungrily lapped at each nipple, before gliding it
down the middle of Maddox's toned, yet quivering stomach, pausing
only to look up at Maddox, allowing him to see the primal heat in his
wanting gaze. The fire in his eyes left no doubt as to his intended
destination. Maddox's own eyes began to glaze over, both of them
knowing Maddox was weakening in considerable proportions. So lost
in each other's eyes, they were completely oblivious to the door
suddenly opening.
"Josh, I have a question about those new headsets you wanted
to order ----" Ed began, looking up with a frown that quickly turned
into an irritated snort. "Damnit Hardaway, can't you even lock the
door when you’re doing this?"
With a glare, Josh slowly straightened and fully turned to face his
disgruntled business partner, clipping out harshly, "That problem is
easily remedied. Have you heard of this not-so-new custom called
"Cute. If this is a new interview practice, leave me out of it. I will
just hang at the bar and let you do the hiring."
Watching with displeasure as Maddox quickly righted his clothing,
Josh answered, "I think you know that it's not, Ed. However, this is a
very special case."
"Spare me the details. Well, since Josh isn't going to introduce us
anytime soon---" Extending his hand to a flushed Maddox, he said,
"I'm Ed Blevins, Josh's business partner."
"Silent partner," Josh growled.
Pumping his hand enthusiastically, Maddox murmured, "It's a
pleasure to meet you, Mr. Blevins. I'm Maddox Smith."
"Likewise, Maddox - although under more ideal circumstances
would have been preferable. You are taking the security position?"
he asked.
Nodding in agreement, "Yes, Sir. That's the plan. When would
you like me to start?"
Both men looked at him, replying in unison, obviously for
different reasons, "Tomorrow night."
"Very well. What time should I arrive? I have another
appointment, and I haven't worked night security in so long that I
had better get some sleep."
Josh answered, "Normally at seven, however tomorrow I would
like you here an hour earlier. We need to go over the particulars, the
rounds you need to make at what time; and, of course, fit you with
a special headset."
"And, the dress attire, Sir?" Maddox asked, finally forcing himself
to look at Josh again.
"This is an upscale club. I prefer suits on my security staff. And
you look good in a suit... " Josh drawled sexily.
"Josh! For God's sake... " Ed grumbled.
Maddox smiled at both men, backing towards the door, knowing
he had survived a close call with Josh, further realizing he needed to
get out of here now while Ed was still present. With a nod, he
answered, "I will see you tomorrow evening."
Ed nodded, not looking at Maddox, his eyes focused in disbelief
at his best friend and business partner. Shaking his head, as he
heard Josh whisper, "Count on it, gorgeous."
When Maddox was gone, Ed turned to Josh snapping, "I sure
hope you know what you're doing, Josh."
With a predatory smile, Josh responded in a gravelly tone, "I
know exactly what I’m doing, Ed. And I intend to keep up the
pressure until I get exactly what I want."
Chapter 6

Maddox sat patiently waiting to be seen by his attorney, formerly

his father's legal counsel. He had been truthful when he had told
Josh he had another appointment before going home. This was one
he had anticipated for such a long time. He knew financially he
wasn't quite ready for this step, but he was in a good enough
position to get the ball rolling, and his new job should solidify his
efforts. This might be a long process, but the rewards would be
worth any personal suffering.
As much as Maddox wanted to wipe Hardaway off the face of the
earth, and granted he deserved just that; intellectually, he knew that
was not where to strike at the man's heart. Maddox intended on
attacking Hardaway’s greatest weakness. Money, prestige, and
power were the core of his father’s killer. Damaging those essential
ingredients would be the destruction of the evil man. His second
weakness appeared to be his daughter, Jenny. Maddox knew he
wasn't going to attack in that direction. Jenny cared about him.
Victimizing her would make him as much of a monster like her
father. His conscience wouldn't allow him to proceed so callously.
Of course, he realized any attack towards her father in effect
would hurt Jenny, but that was part of the fallout of his revenge. He
couldn't let her more tender feelings towards her father divert him
from his purpose. The man was the embodiment of evil. A thief, a
liar, and a cold-blooded killer. Atonement must be made. Maddox
would not rest until it was complete.
In the end, Maddox realized he would lose Jenny completely. He
wasn’t sure why the prospect of Jenny rejecting him wasn’t more
disturbing. Certainly, it bothered him. Did it devastate or wound
him? Not at all.
That alone reaffirmed what he already knew to be true. As
much as he cared for Jenny, he didn’t love her, nor possess any of
the romantic feelings she felt for him. If anything, his feelings for her
felt more comparable to those reserved for a sibling. Part of him
wondered now that he was in the door with her brother if this was
the time to let her down easy, before breaking her heart any further.
Maddox knew he wouldn't do that, at least, not yet. He had been
planning this for so long, and he knew he still could need her for no
other reason than to get into the Hardaway family home.
Then, there was the former Captain Josh Hardaway. What a
complex man. One that took him totally off guard and transported
his mind and body to places he had never thought to go. The things
he had felt not only in the man's arms but under his intense scrutiny,
and even during their initial encounter. When his hot gaze had
enveloped him, all other thoughts had escaped him. Right or wrong,
Jenny, his agenda - simply everything had evaporated that was not
centered around the all too beguiling man.
Maddox didn't understand it. He couldn't grasp what pulled him
towards Josh. He was not gay. He had never been with a man, nor
could he recall having the desire to do so. Yet, those moments in
Josh's office had been the most erotic ones of Maddox's recollection.
If he was to be completely honest with himself, and he always was
that - he had wanted Josh Hardaway. He had wanted nothing more
than to stay in his strong arms and explore the new and
unexplainable desire that had overtaken him. Josh was not only part
of the Hardaway family, the son of the man he wanted to destroy,
but also his employer. Maddox knew he was in a most precarious
Nothing could distract him from his goal. Intuitively, Maddox
knew Josh was going to be much more than a distraction. As he also
knew Josh wouldn't back down from his newest employee. Josh had
made it blatantly obvious he wanted Maddox with the intention of
finding a way to achieve that desire. The question now was, could
Maddox maintain his focus and prevent it from happening?
"Sir? Mr. Smith?" the receptionist queried in what Maddox
assumed must have been repeated attempts.
Shaking his head dazedly, Maddox replied, "I'm sorry. My mind
wandered a bit."
"Yes, I have been calling out to you for quite a while. I hope
everything is okay... " she stated in apparent concern.
"Oh yes, just a lot on my mind."
With a nod along with a smile of understanding, she said, "Mr.
Kimball will see you now."
"Thank you," Maddox answered with a smile, standing to enter
the office that he hoped would be the beginning of the end of this
hard-fought journey.
The rotund, balding man looked up at Maddox's approach with a
warm smile, standing to greet him with a hearty handshake, before
motioning him to be seated. Clasping his hands together on his
desk, he asked, "What can I do for you, Maddox? It's been a long
"That it has, Sir. I have a task that I was hoping you could handle
for me. I must confess I'm not completely certain how to best
proceed, and I thought of you, my father's attorney and trusted
friend," Maddox said truthfully.
"Of course, son. Not a day goes by that I don't think of your
father or his tragic passing. What can I do?"
"I’m looking to make some stock investments in a particular
company. The hitch is that I need it done very discreetly. If certain
parties discover I am buying large amounts of shares they could try
to block me," Maddox explained, knowing no matter how hard of
times Hardaway Enterprises had suffered over the years, if
Hardaway discovered what Maddox was attempting to do, he would
bankrupt himself to prevent the company his father had founded
from reverting back into the Smith name.
"How interesting. A corporate takeover?" He smiled in
admiration. "Well, that is a bit out of my field, but I can work with a
broker directly, and keep you out of it for as long as you need. How
much are you looking to initially invest, and what is the company?"
Maddox pulled out a check in the amount of twenty-five
thousand dollars, handing it to his wide-eyed attorney, smiling as he
said, "I think this will be a good start. I can liquidate some other
assets if need be, but I thought this would be a good starting point.
I would like all of this to go to the purchase of the shares. The fees I
will pay separately."
"It's an excellent start; however, not nearly enough for a
takeover. The company?" he asked with interest.
Lifting his eyes to meet Bryan Kimball's eyes, seeing the instant
look of dismay and concern as he answered, "Hardaway
"Maddox, this course is going to lead you to nothing but
disappointment, and even more heartbreak. No matter what you do,
you can never bring your father back," he answered, shaking his
head sadly.
"I know that. This bastard stole everything from me. You weren't
there that morning to hear them. Hardaway committed serious
crimes against my father, then signed over the partnership to him.
Next, my father was killed, and the documents mysteriously went
missing. I only want to bring the company my father built with very
little help from his partner back under Smith’s control. Is that so
much to understand, Sir?" Maddox practically implored him.
Sighing deeply, Bryan answered, "Of course it isn't, Maddox.
However, if this is all true, keep in mind you are dealing with a very
ruthless and dangerous man. I would hate for you to get hurt."
"Don't worry, I will be careful, and I do appreciate your concern.
My father's trust in you was very well placed," Maddox said, standing
up preparing to leave.
"Thank you, son. Your father was like a brother to me. He is
greatly missed. It goes without saying, if your allegations regarding
Hardaway are true, I want nothing more than to see him suffer as
well. I will do all that I can to assist you and be in touch soon
regarding the shares."
With a smile, Maddox gratefully responded, "Thank you, Sir. Your
support and assistance mean more to me than I can say."
"You will always have that. Good day, Maddox," he said with a
terse smile, concern for the young man still apparent in his eyes,
although seemingly resigned to how Maddox had decided to
"Have a good day. I will talk to you soon." Maddox smiled before
heading out of the office, deciding to walk the rest of the short
distance to his apartment.
Feeling his phone vibrating in his pocket, Maddox grimaced when
he recognized the caller as Jenny. He had forgotten to call her after
his interview with Josh had ended. She was no doubt very anxious,
along with being curious about the results.
Maddox answered softly, "Hi, Jenny."
"Maddox Smith! Why haven't you called me yet? I had to hear
from my brother that you got the job - he was only too happy to be
the one to share the news," Jenny sharply scolded him.
Smirking, Maddox thought, I'm sure he enjoyed that immensely.
"Sorry, Jenny. It went longer than I expected, then I had other
appointments. I simply forgot."
"Oh, alright. I guess it doesn't matter now. When do you start?
More importantly, did he make a pass at you?" she asked knowingly.
"I think your brother would find a way to make a pass at a dead
man," Maddox quipped. "It wasn't anything I couldn't handle," he
answered back, amazed at how skillful he instantly became at lying,
even if he no longer was to himself. "I start tomorrow night."
"Wow, that is fast. I guess he was in dire need. I'm sure you
won't have to work at the club for long, darling. Daddy will take
notice and want to take you under his wing. I just know it."
Maddox rolled his eyes at her childish ideas. He couldn't believe
she actually thought that would be the end result. Her father had
taken an instant dislike to him, largely he thought due to Jenny
being his little princess, but he also remembered how his eyes had
narrowed on him coldly when the introductions had been made.
Smith was a very common name, too much so to raise suspicion.
Had the elder Hardaway ever known his first name? He had no idea.
However, when one had committed crimes such as Jenny’s father
had against his family, he decided a suspicious nature should be
more than expected. Maddox wouldn't be the least bit surprised if
Jenny's father had investigated him... if so, he would know he had
an enemy in his midst. The fact that the man hadn't done anything
yet to separate him from Jenny told Maddox he hadn't done that.
Which in itself Maddox thought to be very foolish in his position. Or
could Jenny’s father just be that clever, biding his time to attack the
son of the father he had so brutally destroyed?
So much to ponder, and Maddox wouldn't rest until he had all the
answers, along with bringing destruction to his father’s killer.
"We’ll see what happens, Jenny. I'm on my way home now. I
should make it an early evening tonight. I want to be fresh for my
first day tomorrow," he told her, not admitting to himself at this
moment that he just wanted out of this call.
"Yes, of course, sweetie. You get some rest and don't take any
nonsense from Josh. His bark is far worse than his bite."
"I will keep that in mind. Have a good evening, Jenny. I will
call you tomorrow," Maddox said, stepping into his apartment,
preparing to force himself to sleep, knowing one thing for certain -
he would need to have his wits about him tomorrow night.

The following evening, precisely ten minutes before six, Maddox

walked into the club, surveying the inhabitants, and surroundings
with calculated interest. He hadn't really taken in how large this club
was during his first visit. The upper level alone was immense. The
lower level split off into several sections, the bar itself being the
central point. The dim lighting gleamed off of the polished tables,
with a dance floor that was one of the largest he had ever seen. To
the rear of the dance floor, was a DJ in an enclosed booth that
continuously kept the music playing without any interruption.
Looking around at the large crowd, along with the long line that had
been waiting to enter, Maddox could readily see where an actual
head of security would be an absolute necessity.
At first, he had wondered if Josh had offered him the job in
deference to his sister, also mixed in with what Maddox recognized
as a growing desire for him. As he continued to observe the large
masses of bodies drinking and dancing, Maddox recognized there
was a legitimate job to be done here, and he intended to do it to the
best of his ability.
Unsure of exactly where he was to meet his new boss, Maddox
stood in the shadows continuing to observe when he saw Josh
approaching him from the distance with that encompassing smile
that was becoming all too familiar to him. Stopping just a hair's
breadth from him, Josh's eyes moved up and down him slowly,
cocking his head as he took him in from all angles, before he
praised, "Punctual. I do like that, Maddox. And allow me to say, that
suit is most exquisitely cut, most especially on you."
"Thank you, Sir, and punctuality is an important function to me."
"An excellent one to be sure. Okay, let’s head to my office and
get you set up. Sadly, there is some tedious paperwork you need to
fill out and some basic instructions I need to give you," Josh
advised, as he urged him forward.
Maddox paled slightly at the reference of Josh's office. He
remembered his previous visit there only too well, along with the
feeling of barely escaping. He wondered if such an incident would
repeat itself, and how he would respond if it did. At such a time, he
would realize whether the incident had been a mere aberration.
Maddox had his doubts. As he walked with Josh, he gave him a
sidelong glance, feeling comfortable at the moment of his boss'
serious demeanor that he would stick to business - at least for now.
Maddox wasn’t deluding himself.
Josh smiled as he placed his hand upon the small of Maddox's
back, urging him into his office, telling him, "Relax, Maddox. Now
isn’t the time for me to chase you. Unfortunately, I must remember
this is business and focus on that first, but don't get too comfortable
- there will be a time when that won’t be the case."
"I will keep that in mind, Sir." Maddox smirked, feeling safe for
the moment.
"Sir really isn’t necessary. We are very informal here, and I must
confess when I hear it rolling off of that delicious Irish tongue, my
mind is filled with impure thoughts, and my body grows even
hungrier, " Josh drawled huskily into Maddox's ear, as he motioned
for him to be seated across from his desk.
"Harassment, Sir... " Maddox drawled, enchanted despite himself.
"I will try, although it's a habit of many years. I'm just programmed
to be respectful to both elders and superiors."
"Ouch. I hadn't thought of that, although I'm not that old.
Alright, enough of that. How about we get things all nice and legal
and get this paperwork out of the way," Josh grumbled, as he
handed Maddox a clipboard with various forms attached, standard
procedure for any new job. As Maddox was filling out the forms,
Josh continued, "Tonight I just want you to become familiar with the
club, the rest of the staff, and the entire building. I need you to
know the layout of every inch of space inside, along with the outside
perimeter. I have a chart that sections off each area with a number, I
need you to commit that to memory as quickly as you can. When we
need to get to each other in a hurry, this will save time."
Continuing to fill out the forms, Maddox looked up nodding in
understanding, along with having growing respect for Josh. He
wasn't just a pretty face and a perfect body. Damn. Where did that
thought come from? These lapses needed to stop. As he filled out
and signed the last of the forms, his eyes settled on the salary Josh
was committing to paying him. His eyes widened in stunned
disbelief... surely it had to be an error. Clearing his throat, he paused
to mention, "Ummm, Sir? This salary - I think you made a mistake.
This is way too generous."
"Not at all. I told you at your interview the salary you would be
given. I'm paying you according to my intention to quickly promote
you to my head of security. I have checked out your references, and
I have no doubt you will be running things smoothly and efficiently. I
am generous with those who please me, and even more so with
anyone I wish to keep in my employ. This is a very important
position. I don't want to search for a replacement anytime soon,"
Josh said in an explanation.
Handing the clipboard back, Maddox answered softly, "I will do
my best to live up to your expectations."
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
In considering South America from a commercial and industrial
point of view it is necessary to study the physical characteristics of
the individual countries, their advantages and drawbacks; the climate
and soil; the resources, including the animal, vegetable, and mineral
products, and the water power; the character of the inhabitants
including the quality and quantity of human labor; their present
needs and wants; the future possibilities; the opportunity for
investments of various kinds and political conditions affecting these;
the instruments of exchange, banking and trade regulations; the
means of communication and transport by land and water.
In addition we should know the difficulties which have retarded the
development of countries settled earlier than our own, that instead of
a supercilious mental attitude on account of real or fancied
superiority in certain directions, we may have a sympathetic
understanding of conditions, and of tremendous obstacles, some of
which have been overcome in an extraordinary manner.
A general view of the continent as a whole may well precede a
more detailed study of the several countries.

Physical Characteristics

In the study of South America one may observe certain points of

resemblance with others of difference between that continent and
North America. The outline of each, we perceive, is roughly
triangular, broad at the north and tapering towards the south; but as
the broad part of one is not far from the Arctic Circle while that of the
other is near the equator, we find that the greater part of North
America is in the temperate zone while most of South America is in
the torrid; disparity in climate and productions follows.
The geological formation of the two continents is as similar as their
outline. There is a correspondence on the northeast between what
are called the Laurentian Highlands in Labrador and the uplands of
Guiana; on the southeast between the Appalachian system of the
North and the Serra do Mar of Brazil, each having a northeast to
southwest trend and a fair similarity in height, though the tallest peak
in either range is the Itatiaiá in Brazil, which by 3000 feet exceeds
Mt. Mitchel, the highest of the Appalachians. A difference worth
noting is that the Brazilian range is closer to the sea.
A similarity, perhaps greater, exists in the west where lie, close to
the shore, the loftier ranges of the two continents, of much later
origin than the eastern mountains, and containing many volcanic
peaks. Each system includes several chains with valleys or plateaus
between; but in the United States the system which includes the
Rockies is wider than is that of the Andes at any point. The two
systems are distinct, having neither the same origin nor the same
trend, while the altitude of the South American massif greatly
exceeds that of the North American mountains.
Between the coastal regions both continents have great basins
sloping to the north, east, and south with a large river draining each:
the Mackenzie and the Orinoco flowing north, the St. Lawrence and
the Amazon east, the Mississippi and the Paraná south. Were the
two continents side by side there would be a great resemblance in
production instead of the present considerable diversity.
While in area South America is ranked as smaller than North
America, it may be a trifle larger in land surface, especially in
habitable regions, if the opinion of Humboldt is correct that the
Amazon Basin will one day support the densest population on the
globe. The southern continent, comprising no large bodies of water
like Hudson Bay and our Great Lakes, also has, save the slopes of
the highest mountains, no regions like those near the Arctic Circle,
incapable of supporting more than the scantiest population.
The outline of the continent is less irregular than that of North
America, consequently there are fewer good harbors, especially on
the west coast.


As three quarters of South America lie within the tropics, the entire
north coast, and the wider part of the continent including most of
Brazil with the countries on the west as far down as the northern part
of Chile, a tropical climate and productions might here be expected.
But happily within the torrid zone of both hemispheres are the loftiest
mountain ranges of the world. These modify the climate of large
sections to such a degree that in many places there is perpetual
spring, a perennial May or June; in other districts one may in
comparatively few hours go from regions of eternal summer to
perpetual snow, finding on the way the products of every clime. Thus
the mountains and table-lands of South America are effective in
causing moderate temperatures over extensive areas within the
tropics, with accordant productions.
In comparing the climates of North and South America we must
note that while the tropical region of the latter is much the larger, in
corresponding latitudes it is in general cooler south of the equator
than north. An examination of the isothermal lines, that is the lines of
equal average heat around the globe, shows:
First, that the line of greatest heat, a mean temperature of 85°, is
north of the equator most of the way. In the Western Hemisphere it
runs well up into Central America; then it passes along the northeast
coast of South America to a point just below the equator and the
mouth of the Amazon, going far north again in Africa.
Second, that of the mean annual isotherms of 65°, which are
regarded as the limits of the hot belt, the one in the Northern
Hemisphere runs 30° or more from the equator, while that in South
America hardly touches the 30th parallel, and on the west coast
approaches the equator to within 12°: which means that the tropical
region extends much farther north of the equator than it does south.
Third, that of the isotherms of 50° for the warmest month, which
are considered as the polar limits of the temperate zones, the one is
much nearer to the north pole than the other is to the south. Great
masses of water, we know, have a tendency to equalize climate, as
the water heats and cools more slowly than the land; but they do not
make the average temperature higher. From the movement of the
waters of the ocean their temperature over the globe is more nearly
equal, while the stable land of broad continental masses has
temperatures more nearly corresponding to the latitude, though with
greater daily and annual extremes. But for practical purposes, that is
for its effect on vegetation, the amount of heat received in summer is
of more consequence than the extreme cold of winter. For this
reason the temperature of the warmest month instead of the annual
mean is taken as the measure; for if that month’s mean temperature
is below 50°, cereals and trees will not grow. The broad land masses
in the Northern Hemisphere have a greater summer heat than the
narrow stretch of land in extreme South America. The greater cold of
winter in the north temperate zone does no harm.
We may observe further that in the Northern Hemisphere the west
coasts of both continents are warmer in the same latitude than the
east, at least in the temperate zone, while in South America a good
part of the west coast within the tropics is much cooler than the east.
In the temperate zone the variation is slight.
In the matter of rainfall, a most important factor of climate and
production, South America is favored with a liberal supply, the arid
portions being comparatively small in area, and many of these easily
capable of irrigation and of resulting excellent crops.
Dividing the continent into tropical and temperate regions, the
former includes (lowlands only) the entire north coast, the whole of
Colombia with ports on the Pacific, and Ecuador beyond, the low
interiors of Peru and Bolivia, and around on the east the greater part
of Brazil, far beyond the mouth of the Amazon; these sections have
much in common as to climate and productions. Below Ecuador on
the west coast, though still in the torrid zone, we find cooler weather,
practically no rain, and for 1600 miles a desert region; beyond this
there is a temperate climate with gradually increasing rainfall, and at
last in southern Chile too much. On the east coast tropical weather
and products continue till we pass Santos and the Tropic of
Capricorn, followed by sub-tropical and temperate climates and
production. The mountainous regions even at the equator have
cooler weather, the temperature ever lowering with increase of

Other Distinctive Features

In general we may say that the soil is extremely fertile and that the
country contains wonderfully rich deposits of minerals of almost
every kind. The immense store of precious metals found on this
continent, some assert the greatest in any portion of the globe, was
an important factor in its settlement; yet for true national prosperity
the humbler coal and iron are of more value. Water power is also of
material service. In these three important elements of wealth South
America is not deficient, though her resources in these lines are but
slightly developed.
Although many settlements were made in South America more
than half a century earlier than our first at Jamestown, Virginia, in
1607, the population is much smaller than that of North America, the
approximate number of inhabitants being 60,000,000 for South
America and 150,000,000 for North; manifestly the development of
her countries has been less rapid. For this there are obvious
The tropical climate of the north coast and of much of Brazil might
seem less attractive to residents of temperate Europe and less
conducive to strenuous labor on the part of those who came; the
cooler regions of the south were more remote than the lands of
North America. Moreover, the Spanish colony promising the greatest
wealth, Peru, which at the same time was the seat of government,
was indeed difficult of access, presenting besides, stupendous
obstacles to interior travel. In view of these facts it seems wonderful
that so many settlements were made on the west coast and that so
great a degree of culture was there maintained.
Growth was further hampered by heavy taxes, merciless
restrictions on trade, and other regulations by the home
governments, almost until the countries achieved their
independence. During the century of their freedom most of the
Republics have suffered from revolutions and other troubles, but in
recent years several have enjoyed a rapid development with
considerable immigration. All now present opportunities of various
kinds for investment by capitalists, for general trade, and for other
forms of business. Such opportunities, as well as the conditions of
living, vary greatly in different countries and in localities of the same
It has long been a source of criticism on the part of the diplomats
and residents of the various Republics that in our minds they have
been lumped together; that we often refer to those portions of the
New World which were settled by the Spanish and Portuguese as
Latin America or to all save Brazil as Spanish America. Now that we
are entering upon a period of closer relationship with our southern
neighbors, it is obviously desirable that we should differentiate
among them, learn of the diversity in productions and resources
which characterize the various countries, and something of their
social and political conditions, all of which have a bearing upon
present and prospective possibilities for commercial relations.
Therefore the countries must be studied carefully and individually.
So far as transportation and travel are concerned South America is
often divided broadly into three sections: the East, the West, and the
North Coasts, to which a fourth is sometimes added, the Amazon
Basin. We may begin with the nearest, the countries on the North
Coast, follow with those on the West, and coming up from the south
conclude with Brazil. With the Republics of the North Coast we have
the greatest percentage of trade, with those on the East the largest

Colombia, nearest to the United States of the republics of South America, is

recognized as one of the richest and most beautiful of the countries of that
continent, containing magnificent scenery, with extraordinary variety and
wealth of natural resources. Colombia is noted as the first producer in the
world of platinum, emeralds, and mild coffee; the first in South America of

Area, Population, Boundary

Area. Colombia is fifth in size of the countries of South America, with an

area variously given, but approximately of 464,000 square miles.
Population. She is probably third in population, official figures received
March, 1921, of the 1918 census being 5,847,491. 6,000,000 may be credited
to her in 1921.
Boundary. Colombia has the good fortune to be the only South American
country bordering upon two oceans. Having an irregular shape, with the
Isthmus of Panamá dividing the two coasts nearly in the middle, Colombia has
the Caribbean Sea on the north and northwest for a distance of 641 miles,
and the Pacific Ocean, for a stretch of 468 miles, west of the main body of the
country. Measuring the outline of all the indentations, the coast line would be
two or three times as long. On the south are the Republics of Ecuador, Peru,
and Brazil; on the east Brazil and Venezuela. The extreme length of the
country, from 12° 24′ N. Lat. to 2° 17′ S., is a little over 1000 miles, as far as
from New York to St. Louis; the greatest width, from 66° 7′ to 79° W. Long., is
about 800 miles.


In 1502 Columbus sailed along the northern coast, a fact which may have
prompted the inhabitants to give the country his name. As early as 1508
Alonzo de Ojeda, who in 1499 had first touched Colombian soil, made
settlements on the coast; and in 1536 Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada explored
the interior as far as the site of Bogotá, where he founded a city after
establishing friendly relations with the aborigines.
The country was first named New Granada. By the middle of the century
Spanish power was fairly established along the coast and in part of the
interior. The territory was under the authority of the Viceroy at Lima, with a
local presidency, until 1718, when a Viceroy, ruling Ecuador and Venezuela as
well, was established at Bogotá. In 1810 an insurrection broke out against
Spain, the war continuing at intervals until 1824. During those troublous years
Simón Bolívar was the chief leader, both acting as commanding general and
in 1821 becoming President. In 1819 Bolívar had inaugurated the Great
Colombian Republic which united Venezuela and Ecuador with New Granada;
but in 1829 Venezuela withdrew and in 1830, the year of Bolívar’s death,
Ecuador also.
In 1831 the Republic of New Granada was established, but disorders
followed. Many changes occurred in the form of government, which was at
one time a confederation, then the United States and now the Republic of
Colombia. There have been strife and insurrections: in 1903 that of Panamá
made the United States and its people extremely unpopular in Colombia and
for some time unfavorably affected our commercial dealings. The adoption by
the Senate of the Treaty of Bogotá will doubtless increase the already more
friendly feeling on the part of Colombians, which can but be of value for our
investments and trade.


Since 1886 Colombia has been a unitary or centralized republic, the

sovereignty of the States being abolished. The Departments, as they are
called, have Governors appointed by the President, although each has an
Assembly for the regulation of internal affairs. Besides the Departments, there
are Territories of two varieties: Intendencias, directly connected with the
Central Government and Comisarías, sparsely settled districts depending
upon the nearest Department.
The President is elected for four years by direct vote of the people. He has
a Cabinet of eight members, the heads of the various departments: the
Ministers of the Interior (Gobierno), Foreign Affairs (Relaciones Exteriores),
Finance (Hacienda), War (Guerra), Public Instruction (Instrucción Pública),
Agriculture and Commerce (Agricultura y Comercio), Public Works (Obras
Públicas), Treasury (Tesoro).
Instead of a Vice President two Designados, a first and a second, are
elected annually by Congress to act as President in case of his death,
absence from the country, or inability to serve.
The National Congress consists of a Senate and a House of
Representatives. The 35 Senators are elected for four years by persons
chosen for that purpose; the 92 Representatives, one for each 50,000
inhabitants, are elected for two years by direct vote. Two substitutes are
chosen for each Member of Congress to replace them in case of inability to
serve. Congress meets annually at the Capital, Bogotá, July 20, for 90 to 120
days. The President may call an extra session.
The Judicial Branch includes a Supreme Court of nine judges, a Superior
Tribunal for each Department and a number of minor judges.
Colombia has 14 Departments: four bordering on the Caribbean,
Magdalena, Atlántico, Bolívar, Antioquia; three on the Pacific, El Valle, Cauca,
Nariño; seven in the interior, Huila, Tolima, Cundinamarca, Boyacá,
Santander, Santander del Norte, Caldas; Intendencias: Meta at the east;
Chocó bordering on the Caribbean and the Pacific; the Islands, San Andrés
and Providencia; six Comisarías: La Goajira, Arauca, Vichada, Vaupés,
Caquetá, Putumayo.
The names of the Departments, their area, population, capitals and
population follow:
Departments Area, Population Capitals Population Altitude,
in in feet
Magdalena 17,022 204,000 Santa Marta 18,000 [2]

Atlántico 1,200 135,000 Barranquilla 64,000 [2]

Bolívar 25,800 457,000 Cartagena 51,000 [2]

Antioquia 27,777 823,000 Medellín 80,000 4,860

El Valle 10,802 272,000 Cali 45,000 3,400
Cauca 9,625 240,000 Popayán 20,200 5,740
Nariño 11,574 340,000 Pasto 29,000 8,660
Huila 8,873 182,000 Neiva 25,000 1,515
Tolima 9,182 329,000 Ibagué 30,000 4,280
Cundinamarca 8,622 809,000 Bogotá 144,000 8,680
Boyacá 3,330 659,000 Tunja 10,000 9,200
Santander 11,819 439,000 Bucaramanga 25,000 3,150
Santander del 7,716 239,000 Cúcuta 30,000 1,050
Caldas 3,300 428,000 Manizales 43,000 7,000
Meta 85,000 34,000 Villavicencio 4,700 1,500
Chocó 15,000 91,000 Quibdó 25,000 138
San Andrés y 6,000 San Andrés 3,000 [2]
La Goajira 5,000 22,600 San Antonio 2,100 [2]

Arauca 5,000 7,500 Arauca 3,900 640

Vichada [1] 5,540 Vichada 540 [1]

Vaupés [1] 6,350 Calamar 750 [1]

Caquetá 187,000 74,000 Florencia 3,200 [1]

Putumayo [1] 40,000 Mocoa 1,200 2,100

[1] No figures available.
[2] At or near sea level.

Note.—The figures for Meta doubtless include the area of the new
Comisaría, Vichada, and those for Caquetá the areas of Vaupés and

Colombia, ranking third of the South American Republics in population, has

about 6,000,000 inhabitants, very unevenly distributed, as is obvious from the
figures of the Departments, already given. The average is 12 to a square mile,
but in the Departments 26 to a square mile. The smallest Department,
Atlántico, is the most densely populated, 114 to the square mile. The largest
Department, Antioquia, more than three times the size of Massachusetts, has
also the largest population, which is reputed to be the most enterprising.
The character of the population is varied. According to the Colombian
statesman, Uribe, 66 per cent is composed of pure whites and of mestizos of
white and Indian and white and negro origin, who through successive
crossings during four centuries have acquired the traits of the Caucasian race,
in some cases showing no traces of the extreme elements; the pure Indians
are 14 per cent, pure black 4 per cent, and colored mixtures 16 per cent. The
tendency is towards a closer fusion making a unique type which will give the
desired national unification. There are about 600,000 Indians, the greater
number more or less civilized; perhaps 150,000 wild Indians, some friendly,
others hostile. How many there are in the forested Amazon region is
uncertain; the recent census places the figure at a little over 100,000. Among
all the Indians one hundred or more different languages are spoken.
A great diversity in social conditions is to be expected. A large proportion of
the inhabitants dwell in the cities or smaller towns. In a number of these may
be found the culture, dress, and refinements of European cities, splendid
salons or modest drawing rooms with equal urbanity in each. The wants of the
middle and lower classes and of the Indians would be quite different, and
would depend further upon their place of residence; the requirements of
dwellers in the tropical plains and valleys, and of those who live on or near the
bleak paramos are obviously very diverse.


Considerable attention is paid to education, which in the primary grades is

free but not compulsory. The percentage of illiteracy is about 70. Bogotá has a
National University with Schools of Medicine, Law, Political Science,
Engineering, and Natural Science. Connected with it is the National Library,
an Astronomical Observatory, a School of Fine Arts, and an Academy of
Music. A free institute of learning is the Universidad Republicana; there is also
a School of Arts and Trades, giving both general and technical instruction, as
in printing, carpentry, etc.; a colegio or school for secondary instruction, La
Salle Institute, the largest in Colombia, which prepares for the University; and
a Homœopathic Institute, from which at least one woman has been
There are universities also at Cartagena, Popayán, Pasto, and Medellín; in
the last named city, a School of Mines, which is a part of the National
University. Elementary instruction is the most zealously promoted in
Antioquia, Caldas, Boyacá, and Cauca; in the other Departments the school
attendance is poor. In Colombia, Spanish is spoken with greater purity than in
most of the other Republics.
Institutions giving instruction in agriculture, in arts and trades, and in
general science are greatly needed, as also the teaching of sanitation and

Press, Religion, etc.

Press. The Press is free, and bold in discussion.

Religion. The Constitution recognizes the Roman Catholic Religion as that
of the country but permits other forms of worship.
Telegraph. The 700 telegraph offices are connected by 13,750 miles of
line. Colombia has cable connection at Buenaventura, San Andrés, and
Barranquilla; wireless stations at Santa Marta, Puerto Colombia, and
Cartagena. An international wireless station is expected at Bogotá in 1921.
Other stations will be at Barranquilla, Arauca, Cúcuta, Cali, Medellín. There
are 13,000 miles of telephone wire.[3]
[3] For postal regulations to all the countries see Appendix.
Money. The money of Colombia approximates our own: that is, a gold peso
is worth 97.3 cents. Five pesos equal an English sovereign. A condor is 10
pesos; a medio condor, 5 pesos, an English pound. Silver coins are 50, 40,
and 10 centavos or cents; nickel coins are 1, 2, and 5 cents.
The Metric System of weights and measures is legal and official as in all
the other Republics, although to some extent in domestic business the old
Spanish measures are used; as libra, 1.10 pound, arroba, 25 libras, quintal,
100 libras, cargo, 250 libras. The vara, 80 centimeters, and the fanega, about
a bushel are other measures. The litre is of course the standard of liquid

Colombia is called a very mountainous country, and the most

casual visitor would not dispute the statement. Mountains are in
evidence along both shores and on the way to interior cities; but the
unseen part, the hinterland, is of a different character. Only two fifths
of the country is mountainous, but this part extremely so. In this
section, very sensibly, most of the people live, as in the neighboring
countries; for as the mountains are near the sea the majority of the
early settlers soon found their way up into the more healthful and
agreeable highlands. The chief drawback to these is the difficulty of
access; and we can not but admire the courage and endurance of
those stout-hearted people who settled in remote places among the
mountains of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia, and amid untold
hardships there preserved for centuries civilization and a high
degree of culture.


The great mountain chains of Colombia constitute the northern

terminal of the great Andean system. In northern Ecuador the Andes
has become a single massive chain; but beginning in Colombia with
an irregular mass of peaks, the mountains soon divide into three
distinct ranges, the East, West, and Central Cordilleras.
The Central Cordillera may be considered the main range,
having the highest peaks: three above 18,000 feet, and a number
nearly 16,000. Many of the summits are crowned with eternal snow,
and many are volcanoes, as are peaks in the southern group and in
the other two chains.
The West Cordillera, branching from the Central, follows the
coast line to 4° N. Lat. where it leaves a space on the west for
another coast ridge, the Serranía de Baudó, which has come down
from the north as the conclusion of the low Panamá range and
terminates the North American system. Between this and the West
Cordillera are the valleys of the Atrato and the San Juan Rivers; the
former flowing north into the Caribbean Sea, the other south, turning
into the Pacific where the low Baudó ends. On the other (east) side
of the West Cordillera is the Cauca Valley with the Central Cordillera
beyond. These two Cordilleras end in low hills some distance from
the Caribbean coast.
The East Cordillera, with the Magdalena Valley between that and
the Central, divides into two branches: one running far north dying
out at the extremity of the Goajira Peninsula, the other more to the
east, extending into Venezuela.
Curiously, along the coast of the Caribbean, northeast of the
mouth of the Magdalena, is another seemingly independent range of
mountains, detached from the East Cordillera and quite in line with
the Central: the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, which has snow
crowned summits rising 16,000-17,000 feet above the sea. The
entire mountainous region of Colombia is subject to earthquakes,
which, however, are less severe than those in Ecuador and
Venezuela; in some sections there are volcanic disturbances.


Between the mountain chains, besides the narrow valleys are

limited plateau regions, the latter occupying about 900 square miles;
while more than half of the country, an immense tract east of the
Andes, broadening towards the southern boundary, is a great plain
slightly inclining towards the east and south: the northern part
belonging to the Orinoco Basin, the larger section at the south to that
of the Amazon. This Amazon region has an area equal to that of the
entire State of California. Its higher portion, as well as most of the
Orinoco Basin in Colombia, where there are wet and dry seasons, is
composed chiefly of grassy plains called llanos. Nearer the Amazon,
where it rains a good part of the year, the country is heavily forested.

Rivers entering the Caribbean Sea. Most important at present as
also best known are the rivers which flow into the Caribbean Sea.
Chief of these is the Magdalena, 1020 miles long, the principal route
to the interior. The most important affluent of the Magdalena is the
Cauca, which enters it about 200 miles from the sea, after
descending nearly 15,000 feet in a distance of 810 miles. The
Magdalena has many other tributaries, 500 or more, a few of which,
entering from the east, are navigable for small steamers. The Atrato
River, 340 miles long, flows north between the highlands of the West
Cordillera and the Coast Range, later turning east into the Gulf of
Urabá. Of smaller streams flowing into the Caribbean, the Sinú bears
considerable traffic. Besides these, there are the navigable Zulia,
120 miles, and the Catatumbo, 108 miles, which by way of Lake
Marcaibo in Venezuela also enter the Caribbean.
Rivers entering the Pacific. Into the Pacific flow many streams
carrying much water, as the rainfall of the region is excessive; but
the courses are mostly so short and the fall is so steep that few are
navigable for any considerable distance. The longest of them, the
Patía, 270 miles, is the only one which rises on the east side of the
West Cordillera. Worth noting is the fact that this river and four
others, the five belonging to three different basins, rise very near
together in the highlands of southern Colombia; the Cauca and
Magdalena going north to the Caribbean, the Putumayo and
Caquetá southeast to the Amazon. The Patía penetrates the West
Cordillera by a remarkable gorge with perpendicular walls several
hundred feet in height. On the swampy lowlands the river channels
are navigable. The San Juan River, 180 miles long, is navigable for
140 miles, as it, like the Atrato, flows a long distance parallel with the
coast between the Baudó Range and the Cordillera, until it turns
west into the Pacific.
Amazon Tributaries. The Amazon receives two large tributaries
from the southern part of Colombia: the Putumayo, 840 miles; and
farther east the Caquetá, 1320 miles, the last also called the Yapurá,
especially in Brazil. These rivers are navigable by canoe and by
steamers of shallow draft for hundreds of miles, though with
interruptions in places from difficult rapids. The Putumayo is the
better, having been ascended a distance of 800 miles from the
Amazon in a steamer drawing six feet. (The entire length of the
Hudson is 350 miles.) Smaller rivers, the Guainía and the Vaupés,
unite with the Casiquiare from Venezuela to form the Rio Negro,
another important affluent of the Amazon. These rivers have many
smaller tributaries, but the section has been little explored save for
going up or down the main stream.
The Orinoco River, which part of the way forms the boundary
between Colombia and Venezuela, receives several important
tributaries from the former country: the Guaviare, 810 miles long, the
Vichada, 312 miles, the Meta, 660 miles, and the Arauca, 480 miles.
Though all are more or less navigable the Meta is the most
important. Joining the Orinoco below the Maipures cataract and the
Atures rapids, which higher up obstruct the greater river, it permits
continuous navigation to the Atlantic Ocean. Where joined by the
Meta the Orinoco is a mile wide. The Meta is navigable for 150 miles
above the junction, in the rainy season 500 miles, to a point but 100
miles from Bogotá.


It has already been noted that the altitude of a district as well as its
latitude affects the climate, which may be modified further by the
direction of prevailing winds and by ocean currents. The extensive
and lofty mountain ranges of Colombia therefore give the country a
greater variety of climate than it would otherwise enjoy, with
temperatures agreeable to every taste and suited to products of
almost every character. The configuration of the mountain ranges
and valleys causes a further difference in temperature and in rainfall
among points at the same altitude; the elevations being responsible
not only for their own lower temperatures, but for the greater heat of
secluded valleys, and for other variations.
In the forest region of the Amazon there is much precipitation. The
open plains of the Orinoco section have less rain, with a dry season
when the rivers, which overflow in the wet season, return to their
channels and the vegetation withers. Farther north, the Sierra de

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