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Chapter : Ionic equilibrium + Solid State + Solutions

Total Marks = 35 Time : 90 Minutes

Q1) Attempt any Seven ( 2*7 = 14 Marks )

1) Derive the relationship between pH and pOH

2) Derive the relationship between Solubility and Solubility products for PbI₂ and CaF₂ .
3) Write the difference between Schottky and frenkel defects
4) Define : a) Isomorphism b) Polymorphism
5) Henry’s constant for methyl bromide is 0.159 mol dm⁻³ bar ⁻¹. Calculate it’s solubility in water if
partial pressure is 0.164 bar
6) Define Ebulliscopic Constant. Write it’s SI unit
7) The pH of solution is 3.12 . Calculate the Concentration of H₃O⁺ ion.
8) Explain Lewis Theory of Acids and Bases.
9) The Value of [ H₃O⁺ ] in M of 0.001 M acetic acid Solution ( Kₐ = 1.8*10⁻⁵ )

Q2) Attempt any five ( 3*5 = 15 Marks )

1) Calculate the pH of buffer Solution composed of 0.01M Weak Base BOH and 0.02M of its salt BA.
( Kᵇ for weak base is 1.8 * 10⁻⁵ ) .
2) Derive an expression of ostwald’s dilution law for weak acid .
3) A weak monobasic acid is 10% dissociated in 0.05 M solution.
What is percent dissociation in 0.15 M solution.
4) Predict the type of cubic lattice of a solid element having a edge length of 400pm and density is
6.25gm / cm³ . ( Atomic mass = 60 )
5) What is Osmotic pressure ? How will you determine molar mass of solute from Osmotic pressure
6) Define a) Isotonic Solution b) Hypertonic Solutions c) Hypotonic Solution

Q3) MCQ (1*2 = 2 Marks )

1) The number of particle present in face centred cubic lattice

a) 1 b) 2 c) 4 d) 8
2) An aqueous solution of which one of the following salt is basic
a) CH₃COONa b) NH₄Cl c) KNO₃ d) CuSO₄

Q4) Very short Answer ( 1*4= 4 Mark )

1) The pH of Solution is 6. Calculate it’s H⁺ ion concentration.

2) Define Hydrolysis of salt
3) Define unit cell
4) Write the condition of Reverse Osmosis

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