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Monitoring &

Managing My Emotions
Toddlers WILL push us to our limits, so learning to monitor our own
emotions and reactions can be super helpful in resetting before we
totally lose it!

Each person is unique, so use the thermometer below to notice

YOUR stress cues and find strategies that help YOU manage the
inevitable frustrations, irritations, and crazy-making moments that
come with toddlerhood.


How my body and mind feel: What I can do:

Heart pounding Stop, take a break


Physically aggressive urges Schedule me-time

Dizzying rage

Breathing intensified Take a breath


Difficult to speak constructively Feel feet on the ground

Relax my shoulders

Tension in arms and chest Deep breaths


“Ugh, just do what I say” thoughts Take a sip of water to reset

Feeling light, open and airy Accept and acknowledge feelings

Rolling with the weirdness CALM Hold boundaries, and teach those
that is “toddlerhood” coping skills

© KD Creatives 2020 for Big Little Feelings

My Thermometer

How my body
and mind feel: What I can do:



© KD Creatives 2020 for Big Little Feelings

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