Boniface Kipkemoi 5401010329 - 122613

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INDEX NO:5401010329

The name of the business will be Tegat mechanical workshop. Tegat is from family

original name,

The business is located at Litein town situated along Bomet-Kericho highway. The

business fall under sole proprietor. The main object of the business is to provide the

necessities of the people around Litein.

The business will have its potential customers within and outside Litein town, they include

domestic customers-these type of customers make purchases for personal use they include the

resident from the surrounding area of Kericho County and institutional customers.

This entails various learning institutions who buy the products for practical study

an commercial customers who buy goods in large quantities for resale at a profit, they include other

medium hardwares.

The proposed business will comprise of manager, accountant,driver,storekeeper, security personnel

and a cleaner

This chapter shows their responsibilities and qualifications it also shows recruitment training and

promotion methods aimed at proper running of the business.

Legal requirements such as license and permits, support services will be dealt with.

This chapter describes the production facilities and their capacities, machines and their use, repair

and maintenance, business layout and items required in production strategy monthly material

requirement, labour expenses and production expenses are clearly shown.

Regulations governing the acts of the business are also included in this chapter

i. Financial plan

ii. Pre-operational plan

iii. Estimated of working capital

iv. Projected cash flow

v. Pro-forma income statement

vi. Pro-forma balance sheet

vii. Breakeven level

viii. Expected profitability ratios
ix. Desired financing

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