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Write a speech to be delivered in the school morning assembly on “The importance of

Reading” or “The Necessity of a Greener Lifestyle” (word limit – 120 – 150 words).
Write the speech in your writing notebook.


TOPIC- The impact of social media on society

Good morning Principal, teachers and dear friends,

Thank you for joining me today as we delve into a topic that has become increasingly
relevant in our lives—the impact of social media on society. In this digital age, social media
has woven itself into the fabric of our daily existence, altering the way we communicate,
connect, and perceive the world around us.

Social media, with its varied platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, has revolutionized
the way we share information, thoughts, and experiences. It has turned the world into a global
village, where news and trends can cross continents in a matter of seconds. While this
interconnectedness brings numerous benefits, it also raises important questions about the
effects on our society.

Firstly, social media has transformed the way we communicate. It provides a platform for
instant messaging, video calls, and the sharing of life's moments. However, this convenience
comes with challenges, such as the potential for misinformation and the erosion of face-to-
face interactions. Social media platforms serve as valuable educational resources, offering a
plethora of content ranging from tutorials and educational videos to academic discussions.

During emergencies or crises, social media becomes a crucial source of real-time

information, enabling rapid communication, Social media can become addictive, leading to
excessive screen time and a distraction from real-life activities, including work, relationships,
and personal well-being.

In conclusion, while social media has undoubtedly reshaped our society in profound ways, it
is essential to approach its impact . We must navigate the digital landscape responsibly,
understanding both the positive and negative implications it holds. As we move forward in
this digital era, let us strive for a balanced and mindful approach to social media use—one
that fosters meaningful connections, promotes accurate information, and contributes to the
well-being of individuals and society as a whole.

Thank you for your attention !

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