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School of Isolated and Distance Education

ATMAM - Mathematics Methods Year 12

Revision - Anti-differentiation and Area Under a Curve
Calculator-free and Calculator-assumed

Total: 110 marks


1. [3, 3, 3, 3 = 12 marks]
6 1
(a) ∫ y 2 dy (b) ∫ 3t 2 dt
Solution Solution
∫ 3t
6y −6
= + c= +c t −1 −1
−1 y = + c= +c
−3 3t
Specific behaviours Specific behaviours
 writes using index notation  writes using index notation
 integrates polynomials correctly  integrates polynomials correctly
 includes constant  includes constant

2 3 3 x3 + 7 x 2 − 1
(c) ∫ −4 x( x + 3) dx (d) ∫ x2

Solution Solution
∫ 3x + 7 − x
2 4
−4 x( x + 3) −2
4(2 x) 3x 2 3x 2 1
−( x 2 + 3) 4 = + 7x + x + c = + 7x + + c
= +c 2 2 x
Specific behaviours Specific behaviours
 integrates polynomials correctly  separates into polynomials
 identifies and accounts for chain rule  integrates polynomials correctly
 includes constant  includes constant

2. [3 marks]

Determine: ∫ (3 x 2 + 4)(2 x3 + 8 x) −4 dx.

2 3
(3 x + 4)(2 x + 8 x) −3 2
(3 x + 4) (2 x + 8 x) −3
= +c = +c +c
−3(6 x 2 + 8) 2
−3(2) (3 x + 4) 6(2 x + 8 x)3

Specific behaviours
 integrates polynomials correctly
 identifies and accounts for chain rule
 includes constant
Mathematics_ATMAM_Revision Unit 3 chapter 3 & 4 1
School of Isolated and Distance Education

3. [4, 5 = 9 marks]
Find the exact value of:
(a) ∫ (3x + 4 x − π )dx
=  x + 2 x − π x 
3 2

= (1 + 2 − π ) − ( −1 + 2 + π ) =1 + 2 − π + 1 − 2 − π = 2 − 2π
Specific behaviours
 integrates polynomials correctly
 evaluates at upper bound
 evaluates at lower bound  finds exact value

(b) ∫ −2 x
3 − 3 x 2 dx


2 0.5
−2 x (3 − 3x ) dx
 3  0
 −2 x (3 − 3x 2 ) 2   2 (3 − 3x 2 )3   2 (3 − 3(0) 2 )3   2 (3 − 3( −1) 2 )3  2 27 2 27
=  =
  =  − =  −
= 0
3  9  9   9  9 9
 ( −6 x )   −1    
 2  −1
Specific behaviours
 integrates polynomials correctly
 identifies and accounts for chain rule
 evaluates at upper bound
 evaluates at lower bound  finds exact value

4. [3, 3 = 6 marks]
2 2
(a) ∫ 3x  x − 5 x  dx

 6x 3 15 x 4
∫  x − 15 x  dx ∫ ( 6 − 15 x ) dx =6 x −
= +c
Specific behaviours
 expands and writes using indices
 integrates polynomials correctly
 includes constant

(b) ∫ (2 x + 1)(1 − 2 x)dx

4 x3
∫ (2 x + 1)(1 − 2 x) dx ∫ 2x − 4x = ∫1 − 4 x dx
2 2
= + 1 − 2 x dx = x− +c
Specific behaviours
 expands and writes using indices
 integrates polynomials correctly
 includes constant

Mathematics_ATMAM_Revision Unit 3 chapter 3 & 4 2

School of Isolated and Distance Education

5. [4 marks]

Find the function y = f ( x) given that f ′( x=

) ( 3 − x )3
and f (1) = 5.

∫ (3 − x )

(3 − x )

=y +c
( 3 − 1)
5= +c 5= +c 9
−4 −4
(3 − x )

=y +9
Specific behaviours
 integrates polynomials correctly
 identifies and accounts for chain rule
 evaluates c
 writes correct equation

6. [5 marks]
Find ∫ (4 − x) dx
(4 − x) 4

= 
 4(−1) 1
 ( 4 − k )4   ( 4 − 1)4 
=  − 
 −4   −4 
   
(4 − k )
= +
−4 4
Specific behaviours
 integrates polynomials correctly
 identifies and accounts for chain rule
 evaluates at upper bound
 evaluates at lower bound  finds correct value

7. [2 marks]
Use the method of finding the area under a curve to show the calculation you would use to find the
total distance travelled in the first 4 seconds of a particle travelling in a straight line if its velocity is
given by v(t ) = (t 2 − 3t + 2) m/s Do NOT calculate.
t 2 − 3t + 2 dt
Specific behaviours
 correct upper & lower bounds
 uses absolute value

Mathematics_ATMAM_Revision Unit 3 chapter 3 & 4 3

School of Isolated and Distance Education


8. [2, 3 = 5 marks]
The total sales, S, of a newly released product, t weeks after its release, is such that:
dS 200
= 200 +
dt (t + 2) 2
Find the number of sales
(a) in the first 6 weeks (b) in the sixth week.
Solution Solution
6 200 200
200 +
(t + 2) 2
dt ∫ 200 +
(t + 2) 2

= 1275 = 203.57 ≈ 203

Specific behaviours Specific behaviours

 sets up correct integral  uses lower bound of 5
 calculates correct answer  uses upper bound of 6
 calculates correct answer

9. [5 marks]
Find the intersection of the following curves and use calculus to determine the area between the
curves= y 2 x3 + x and y = 9 x.
x co-ordinate of points of intersection
x = −2, 0, 2
0 2
(2 x 3 + x) − 9 x dx + ∫ 9 x − (2 x 3 + x) dx = 8 + 8 = 16units 2

Specific behaviours
 solves to find points of intersection
 correct upper and lower bounds of integral
 breaks into two integral sections
 correct subtraction of functions
 evaluates area

Mathematics_ATMAM_Revision Unit 3 chapter 3 & 4 4

School of Isolated and Distance Education

10. [2, 1, 2, 4, 4 = 13 marks]

A team of geologists is moving in a north–south direction with North being positive. The position of
the team x(t ) relative to the main camp O at any time t hours after 9 am is given by:
x(t ) = km.
t +1
(a) Where will the team be at 9.30am?
x= = 6m + ve ∴ 6m North
(0.5) 2 + 1
Specific behaviours
 uses t =0.5and finds x
 relates to direction being North

(b) Determine the velocity function v(t) for the movement of the team.
15t 2 − 15
v(t ) = −
(t 2 + 1) 2
Specific behaviours
 differentiates correctly using CAS

(c) In which direction do they move initially?

15(0) 2 − 15
v(0) =
− 15km / hr
= + ve ∴ 15km / hr North
(02 + 1) 2
Specific behaviours
 uses t =0 and finds x
 relates to direction being North

(d) At what time, and where, does the team change direction?
15(0) 2 − 15 15(1)
0= − 2 2
t=−1 t 1 =
= x(1) = 7.5m
(0 + 1) (1) 2 + 1
change direction at 10:00am when 7.5km North
Specific behaviours
 equates velocity to zero
 finds t=1
 finds position
 gives correct interpretation of time and position

(e) Find the position, speed and direction of travel of the team at midday
15(3) 15(3) 2 − 15
= = 4.5m v(3) =
− −1.2km / hr
(3) 2 + 1 (32 + 1) 2 speed =−1.2 =
1.2km / hr
+ve ∴ 4.5m North −ve ∴ 1.2km / hr travelling South
Specific behaviours
 uses t =3
 gives correct position
 gives correct speed
 gives correct direction

Mathematics_ATMAM_Revision Unit 3 chapter 3 & 4 5

School of Isolated and Distance Education

11. [2, 2, 2, 2 = 8 marks]

The graph of the velocity function for travel of a particle in a straight line from point O is shown in
the diagram below. The velocity is measured in metres per second.

(a) Draw a reasonable sketch of the acceleration function. Scale is not needed on the vertical

Specific behaviours
 Turning point becomes root
 correct regions above and below axis

(b) At what times does the particle change direction?

Turns when velocity is zero t 1= & t 3
Specific behaviours
 realises to look at roots
 correct values of time

(c) Which features of the displacement graph relate to the change of direction?
The particle needs to be stationary to change direction, so gradient must change hence turning point is
the feature required to show change in direction
Specific behaviours
 realises that object needs to stop to change direction
 gives correct answer as TP

(d) Explain why the total distance travelled by the particle in the first 5 seconds is not given by
∫ v(t ) dt
The object turns at t=1 and t=3 so it is going backwards and forwards, indicating that its displacement
may be negative. Positive and negative displacements added will not give the actual distance
Specific behaviours
 distinguishes between distance and displacement
 realises object turns at t=1 and t=3

Mathematics_ATMAM_Revision Unit 3 chapter 3 & 4 6

School of Isolated and Distance Education

12. [5, 3 = 8 marks]

The acceleration function for a river barge for the period of time after leaving a water lock and
t 
moving along a straight canal is a (=
t )  − 5  m/minute
2 
(a) Find the velocity and displacement functions in relation to the lock if it is known that the
velocity after one minute is 35.25 metres per minute.
t t2
v (t ) = ∫2 − 5 dt =
− 5t + c

35.25 = − 5(1) + c c =40
v (t ) = − 5t + 40
t2 t 3 5t 2
x (t ) = ∫ − 5t + 40 dt = − + 40t + d
4 12 2
03 5(0) 2
0= − + 40(0) + d d = 0
12 2
t 3 5t 2
x (t ) = − + 40t
12 2
Specific behaviours
 integrates correctly to find velocity
 finds constant of velocity
 correct velocity function
 Integrates to find displacement
 realises constant for displacement is zero

(b) Describe the position and movement of the barge 6 minutes after leaving the lock.
63 5(6) 2
x(6) = − + 40(6) =168m
12 2
v(6) = − 5t + 40 = 19m / min
6 mins after leaving, it is 168m to the right of the dock and moving a t a speed of 19m/min to
the right
Specific behaviours
 position after 6 mins
 velocity after 6 mins
 correct interpretation of motion

Mathematics_ATMAM_Revision Unit 3 chapter 3 & 4 7

School of Isolated and Distance Education

13. [8, 4 = 12 marks]

The acceleration, a (t )ms −2 , of an object moving in a straight line is given by a (t=
) At + B where A
and B are non-zero constants.
(a) The object is at rest initially and again after 10 seconds, and the object returns to its initial
position after T seconds. Evaluate T
At 2
v (t ) = ∫ At + B dt =2
+ Bt + c

A(0) 2
t= 0 v= 0 0= + B (0) + c c= 0
A(10) 2
t= 10 v = 0 0= + B (10) 0=
50 A + 10 B 50 A =
−10 B -5 A = B
At 2 At 3 Bt 2
x (t ) = ∫ + Bt dt = + +d
2 6 2
A(0)3 B (0) 2
t 0= x=0 0 + +d 0
6 2
A(T )3 B (T ) 2
=t T= x 0 = 0 +
6 2
3 2
A(T ) ( −5 A)(T )
=0 +
6 2
T 5
0= T 2 A −  T= 0 T= 15
 6 2
Specific behaviours
 integrates correctly to find velocity
 uses fact that object is at rest initially
 uses fact that object is a rest when t=10
 Integrates to find displacement
 uses fact that object is at origin initially
 uses fact that object is at returns to origin at t=T
 sets up equations to find T
 solves for T

(b) Evaluate A and B, given that the acceleration is positive initially and that the object travels a
distance of 1 kilometre in the first T seconds.
1km ⇒ ( t = 0 to t = 10 ) + ( t = 10 to t = T )
∴ ( t = 0 to t = 10 ) = 500m
 A(10)3 B(10) 2
= +
 6 2

0 50 A + 10 B
 3 2
0 A(T ) + B(T )

 6 2 A, B ,T

−6 B =
A= 30 T =
Specific behaviours
 realises object turns at 10 sec
 realises that at t=10 distance is 500m
 sets up simultaneous equations
 solves for A and B

Mathematics_ATMAM_Revision Unit 3 chapter 3 & 4 8

School of Isolated and Distance Education

14. [3, 2, 2, 2 = 9 marks]

For the function shown below you are given the following
3 pieces of information:
• ∫ f ( x) dx = (-151)
• the area under the curve from x = 0 to x = 4 is 90
square units.
• ∫ f ( x) dx = 60
Use the given information and mathematical reasoning to determine the value of each of the
(a) ∫ f ( x) dx
B + C = 60 2

− B + C =90 B , C ∫ f ( x) dx =
=B 15 = C 75
Specific behaviours
 sets up equations to solve for B and C
 Finds B and C
 correct answers for B

(b) the area between the curve and the x axis from x =
−3 to x =
−151 + −15 =166units 2
Specific behaviours
 realises area cannot be negative
 correct adds areas

(c) ∫ f ( x) dx
4 0 2 4
∫ ∫ f ( x) dx + ∫ f ( x) dx + ∫ f ( x) dx =
f ( x) dx = (−151) + (−15) + 75 =
−3 −3 0 2
Specific behaviours
 correctly splits integral bounds
 correct adds values

(d) the area between the curve and the x axis.

4 0 2 4
∫ f ( x) dx = ∫ f ( x) dx + ∫ f ( x) dx + ∫ f ( x) dx = −151 + −15 + 75 = 241units
−3 −3 0 2
Specific behaviours
 realises area cannot be negative
 correct adds areas

Mathematics_ATMAM_Revision Unit 3 chapter 3 & 4 9

School of Isolated and Distance Education

15. [3, 2, 3, 1 = 9 marks]

The population of a school of fish in a dam, P (t ) is increasing at a rate such that= (12t 2 − 30t )
fish per day, t days after being introduced to the dam. When introduced there were 120 fish in the

(a) Find a formula for the population, P(t), at any time after introducing the fish to the dam.
12t 3 30t 2
P = ∫ (12t 2 − 30t ) dt = − +c
3 2
12(0)3 30(0) 2
120 = − +c c =120
3 2
12t 3 30t 2
P= − + 120 ⇒ 4t 3 − 15t 2 + 120
3 2
Specific behaviours
 realises to integrate
 finds c
 gives equation for population

(b) How many fish were in the dam

i) 10 days ii) 20 days after being introduced to the dam?
Solution Solution
12(10)3 30(10) 2 12(20)3 30(20) 2
P= − + 120 P= − + 120
3 2 3 2
P = 2620 P = 26120
Specific behaviours Specific behaviours
 correct answer  correct answer

(c) Illustrate two different methods to determine the total increase of the fish population in the
second week?
∫7 12t 2 − 30t dt or P (14) − P (7)
Specific behaviours
 realises to use t=7 & t=14
 realises to integrate with bounds t=7 to t=14
 subtracts pop when t=14 from when t=14

(d) Explain, in context, why the value of ∫ (12t 2 − 30t ) dt is negative in this case
3 2
∫0 12t −27 this means the rate of growth is negative, indicating that fish are not breeding,
− 30t dt =
or they may be dying.
Specific behaviours
 realises population is decreasing as fish maybe dying

End of Chapter 3 & 4 Revision

Mathematics_ATMAM_Revision Unit 3 chapter 3 & 4 10

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