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Key Design Decision Document (KDD)

Author: Husain Vahora

Title: RITM0096935 – Special GL Indication substitution in T-code ZF110
Version: 1.0
Key Design Decision

Document Management
CR Number: RITM0096935
Status: Created
Release: 1.0
Business Owner: Kamal Dhoot
Team: Agri - ABEX
Author: Husain Vahora
Date Created: 15-Feb-2024

Version Date Description Revised By
1.0 15-Feb-2024 Created

Review Details
Reviewed By Review Date Remarks

This document requires the following approval signatures:

Name Title Signature Date

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2010 1

Key Design Decision

1. Key Design Decision Overview.............................................................................................3
1.1 Purpose.......................................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Overview.....................................................................................................................................................3

2. Key Design Decision Description..........................................................................................4

2.1 Solution Design Decision.............................................................................................................................4
2.2 Assumptions / Considerations....................................................................................................................4
2.3 Rationale for the Decision...........................................................................................................................4
2.4 Options Considered with Pros and Cons.....................................................................................................5
2.5 Impact.........................................................................................................................................................5

3. System detailed design.........................................................................................................6

3.1 Solution Design Description........................................................................................................................6
3.2 Technical Details.........................................................................................................................................6
3.3 Test Scenarios.............................................................................................................................................6
3.4 Supporting Materials..................................................................................................................................6

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2010 2

Key Design Decision

1. Key Design Decision Overview

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to describe the business requirement and the solution / design proposed. It
ensures that the business is communicated of the solution details before initiating the development process.
It also serves as a reference for the build phase and acts as an asset explaining the solution details for future

1.2 Overview
 Current Business Process:

Below is the current Business process as per above requirements:

1. Currently when BU is creating the payment proposal in SAP using the T-code ZF110, while entering
the proposal parameter in the “Free selection” tab > Special GL indicators option is been manually
selected in “Field Name” and special GL indicators are manually been entered by the BU in “Values
fields” and “Exclude” radio button is manually activated against the above selection post which
payment proposal is created and vendor payment accounting is posted in SAP.

 New Business Requirement:

1. As per the requirement, when BU is creating the payment proposal in SAP using the T-code ZF110,
the Special GL indicator option needs to be auto selected in “Field Name”, the special GL indicators
needs to be auto filled in the “Value Fields” and “Exclude” radio button needs to be auto activated
against the above selection for the list of company codes given by the User post which payment
proposal will be created in SAP and accounting entry for the vendor payment will be posted in SAP.

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2010 3

Key Design Decision

2. Key Design Decision Description

1.3 Solution Design Decision:
Below is the solution design based on the new requirements registered:
1. A custom T-code will be created wherein the Key user of the AWL payment process will have facility
to maintain the list of company codes where auto substitution is required for special GL indicator
selection and special GL values in “Free selection” Tab of T-code ZF110.
2. The T-code maintenance will be done on design attached in below file. (The format design may
change subject to development feasibility)

3. The above table will contain additional fields as below for Key user tracking purpose:
 Last changed By
 Last Changed Date
 Last Changed Time
4. Special GL selection and it’s related value will be auto substituted based on the data maintained in
the above Table with an Active Flag. Screenshot as under:

1.4 Assumptions / Considerations

1. The above enhancement will be applicable to all the Banks in which the ZF110 to be executed for the
company code maintained in the custom T-code with active flag as X.
2. Slot for Bank wise storing the special GL indicator selection and value will not be available in custom T-
3. Once the special gl related selection and values are been auto substituted via above enhancement, BU
will not do any manual changes in the same.
4. Any other new requirement except this KDD will be considered in a new CR.

1.5 Rationale for the Decision

Based on the business input.

1.6 Options Considered with Pros and Cons


1.7 Impact

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2010 4

Key Design Decision

3. System detailed design

1.8 Solution Design Description
Below is the solution design based on the new requirements registered:
1. A custom T-code will be created wherein the Key user of the AWL payment process will have facility
to maintain the list of company codes where auto substitution is required for special GL indicator
selection and special GL values in “Free selection” Tab of T-code ZF110.
2. The T-code maintenance will be done on design attached in below file. (The format design may
change subject to development feasibility)

3. The above table will contain additional fields as below for Key user tracking purpose:
 Last changed By
 Last Changed Date
 Last Changed Time
4. Special GL selection and it’s related value will be auto substituted based on the data maintained in
the above Table with an Active Flag. Screenshot as under:

1.9 Technical Details:

1.10 Test Scenarios

 Test end to end ZF110 process with auto substitution of Special GL selection for a given company
code maintained in the custom T-code with Activate flag as X.
 Test end to end ZF110 process for substitution of Special GL selection for a given company code
maintained in the custom T-code with Activate flag as Blank.
 Test end to end ZF110 process for substitution of Special GL selection for a given company code
which is not maintained in the custom T-code.
 Test special GL document selection in the payment proposal for all the above cases at proposal
creation and payment run phase of the ZF110.

1.11 Supporting Materials


© Copyright IBM Corporation 2010 5

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