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➢ Railway Transport has many special features in the matter of operation

as distinct from other modes of transport like Roadways, Airways and
Waterways etc.
➢ The important features are that the train is track bound i.e. it can move
only along the fixed path made for it.
➢ A train has the right of way so that the other transport vehicles cannot
cross its path except at certain places known as level crossing.
➢ A train with heavy mass and high speed cannot be stopped all of a
sudden as in case of road vehicles.
➢ Since the train movement is track bound it can overtake (precedence)
each other only at places or station with special arrangement (loop lines).
Therefore the detailed procedure is necessary to ensure safety in train
The safety of the traveling public is ensured by the rule laid down in;

(i) The Indian Railways Act of 1989.

(ii) The General Rule for all open line of Railway.
(iii) The rules for opening of a railway or section of Railway for the public
carriage of passengers 1933 and,
(iv) The Indian Railway schedule of dimensions.

Authority for issue of Rules

The Railway in exercise of powers conferred on them under section 47 of

I. R. Act 1890, the Railway Board has issued G.Rs for operation of trains.
Each Zonal Railway is also empowered to issue rules to suit local
conditions existing in that Railway.

Classification of Safety Rules

There are six Safety rules given by different authorities to ensure safe
and efficient train operation.
1. General Rules
2. Subsidiary Rules
3. Special Instructions
4. Approved Special Instructions
5. Station Working Rules
6. Miscellaneous Instructions.

General Rules

➢ Framed by the Railway Board on behalf of the Government of India.

➢ First it was issued in 1907 and revised in 1929 and re-revised in
1976, and was brought in force from July 1983.
➢ They are applicable to the entire Indian railways.
➢ Only Railway Board can revise, alter, and modify the General Rules.
➢ They lay down basic principles of train operation, regulation of traffic
and safety in train operation.
➢ They are printed in bold letters having 344 rules and 18 chapters.
➢ They are numbered in such a way that the digits to the left of the
point indicate the chapter number and those to the right of the point
indicate the rule number.
➢ These rules shall not be violated.

Subsidiary Rules

➢ They are framed by authorized officer on behalf of GM. COM is the

authorized officer for South Western Railway.
➢ They are applicable to particular Zonal Railway and are necessitated
by the needs and prevalent conditions viz, geography, traffic etc., of
the zone.
➢ Subsidiary Rules are for amplifying, simplifying or clarifying the
General Rules without deviating from the purpose of GRs.
➢ Subsidiary Rules are printed in smaller letter than the GR`s.
➢ They are printed below the relevant G.R to which they apply.
➢ They are given the same number as General Rules with prefix `S.R`.
➢ They shall be read in conjunction with the General Rule and are
binding on the staff.
➢ Only authorized officer can revise the subsidiary rules.

Special Instructions

➢ The authorized officer in respect to particular cases or special

circumstances issues them from time to time.
➢ They may apply to a particular station or train, or section or division
or whole of the Zonal Railway.
➢ The Block Working Manual, Working Time Table and Electric Traction
Manual are some of the examples for special instructions.

Approved Special Instructions

➢ Approved special instructions are special instructions approved of or

prescribed by the Commissioner of Railway safety (CRS).
➢ CRS prescribes instructions in some cases where permitted by
General Rules.
➢ In certain cases CRS approves instructions submitted by the Railway
eg: Reduction of adequate distance, approval of SWR of Special class
➢ Approved special instructions are also issued in the following cases.
o To allow alterations in fixed signals and interlocking.
o To give sanction for opening new sections etc.

Station Working Rules (SWR)

➢ These are instructions containing a set of detailed rules for working of

traffic at stations and between stations.
➢ The SWR of all stations shall be prepared and issued by the office of
the DRM.
➢ Each page of the SWR shall be signed by the Operating officer, DSTE
(Construction) and DSTE (General).
➢ The SM in-charge shall see that a copy of SWR with Rule Diagram and
permanent way layout diagram is kept in each SM office, YM’s office
and cabins where Block Instruments are installed.
➢ A copy of SWR relating to working of level crossing shall be kept in the
gate lodge.
➢ The SWR of a Special class station where passenger trains run shall
have the approval of CRS.
➢ In electrified area a separate SWR for working in 25 KV traction is
issued, signed by the Operating officer and DEE/TRD.
➢ The SWR shall be revised after 05 corrections or after 05 years
whichever is earlier.

Miscellaneous Instructions

➢ These are issued for the guidance of staff in the form of weekly
Gazettes, Divisional Safety Circulars, Safety magazines, posters etc.


Act means the Railways Act, 1989 (24 of 1989);

Adequate distance means the distance sufficient to ensure safety;

Block Overlap
➢ The adequate distance to be kept free before granting line clear.
➢ This is reckoned from FSS
➢ Not less than 400 mts in TA Area.
➢ Not less than 180 mts in MA area
➢ This may be relaxed by CRS only.

Signal Overlap
➢ The adequate distance to be kept free before taking off reception signals,
This is reckoned from the outer most trailing points in S/L and from
Starter in D/L.
➢ Not less than 180 mts in TA area and Not less than 120 mts in MA area
➢ This may be reduced by CRS only.

Approved Special Instructions means special instructions approved of or

prescribed by the Commissioner of Railway Safety;

Authorized Officer means the person who is duly empowered by general or

special order of the Railway Administration, either by name or by virtue of his
office, to issue instructions or to do any other thing;

Authority to proceed means the authority given to the LP of a train, under the
system of working, to enter the block section with his train;

Block Back means to dispatch a message from a block station intimating to

the block station immediately in rear on a double line, or to the next block
station on either side on a single line, that the block section is obstructed or is
to be obstructed;

Block Forward means to dispatch a message from a block station on a double

line intimating to the block station immediately in advance the fact that the
block section is obstructed or is to be obstructed;

Block section means that portion of the running line between two block
stations on to which no running train may enter until Line Clear has been
received from the block station at the other end of the block section;

Commissioner of Railway Safety means a “Commissioner of Railway Safety”

appointed to exercise any function under the Act and includes the ‘Chief
Commissioner of Railway Safety”;

Competent Railway Servant means a railway servant duly qualified to
undertake and perform the duties entrusted to him;

Loco Pilot means the engine Loco Pilot or any other competent railway
servant for the time being in charge of driving the train;

Facing and trailing points: Points are facing or trailing in accordance with the
direction a train or vehicle moves over them. Points are said to facing points
when by their operation a train approaching them can be directly diverted
from the line upon which it is running;

Fixed signal means a signal of fixed location indicating a condition affecting

the movement of a train and includes a semaphore arm or disc or fixed light for
use by day and fixed light for use by night;

Fouling mark means the mark at which the infringement of fixed Standard
Dimensions occurs, where two lines cross or join one another;

Guard means the railway servant in charge of a train and includes a Brakes
man or any other railway servant who may, for the time being, be performing
the duties of a Guard;

Interlocking means an arrangement of signals, points and other appliances,

operated from a panel or lever frame, so interconnected by mechanical locking
or electrical locking or both that their operation must take place in proper
sequence to ensure safety;

Intermediate Block Post means a class ‘C’ station on single line, double line
or multiple lines, remotely controlled from the block station in rear;

Intermediate Block Signaling means an arrangement of signaling single line,

double line or multiple lines in which a long block section is split into two
portions each constituting a separate block section by providing an
intermediate Block Post.

Isolation means an arrangement, secured by the setting of points or other

approved means, to protect the line so isolated from the danger of obstruction
from other connected line or lines;

Line Clear means the permission given from a block station in rear for a train
to leave the latter and approach the former; or the permission obtained by a
block station from a block station in advance for a train to leave the former and
proceed towards the latter;

Last Stop Signal means the fixed stop signal of a station controlling the entry
of trains into the next block section;

Material train means a departmental train intended solely or mainly for
carriage of railway material when picked up or put down or for execution of
works, either between stations or within station limits;

Multiple-aspect signaling means a signaling arrangement in which signals

display at any one time any one of the three or more aspects and in which the
aspect of every signal is pre-warned by the aspect of the previous signal or

Obstruction and its cognate expressions includes a train, vehicle or obstacle

on or fouling a line, or any condition which is dangerous to trains;

Running line means the line governed by one or more signals and includes
connections, if any, used by a train when entering or leaving a station or when
through a station a or between stations;

Running train means a train which has started under an authority to proceed
and has not completed its journey;

Shunting means the movement of vehicle or vehicles with or without an engine

or of any engine or any other self-propelled vehicle, for the purpose of
attaching, detaching or transfer or for any other purpose;

Special Instructions means instructions issued from time-to-time by the

authorized officer in respect to particular cases or special circumstances;

Station means any place on a line or railway at which traffic is dealt with, or at
which an authority to proceed is given under the system of working;

Station Master means the person on duty who is for the time being
responsible for the working of the traffic within station limits, and includes any
person who is for the time being in independent charge of the working of any
signals and responsible for the working of trains under the system of working
in force;

System of working means the system adopted for the time being for the
working of trains on any portion of a railway;

Two-aspect signaling means a signaling arrangement in which each signal

displays at any one time either of the two aspects;

Train means an engine with or without vehicles attached, or any self-propelled

vehicle with or without a trailer, which cannot be readily lifted off the track.

Station section means that section of station limit at class B stations

Two Aspect - Single Line:
➢ Between shunting limit boards / advanced Starters (if any) or

➢ Between Home signals, if there is no shunting limit boards or
advanced starters or

➢ Between outer most facing points if there is no shunting limit board or

advanced starter or Home signal.

Two Aspect - Double Line:

Between Home signal and last stop signal of the station in either

Multiple Aspect - Single Line:

➢ Between shunting limit boards (or) Advanced starter (if any) or
➢ Between the outer most facing points if there is no shunting limit
boards or advanced starters

Multiple Aspect - Double Line:

➢ Between the outer most facing points and the last stop signal of the
station in each direction or
➢ Between the Block section limit board where provided and the last stop
signal of the station in either direction.
There is no station section in other class of stations.

General Duties of LPs

Upkeep and Knowledge of rules

➢ Every railway servant shall have his copy of rule books supplied in
digital form or hard copy and make it available whenever inspecting
official notifies them.
➢ Keep it posted with all corrections and produce the same on demand by
any of his superiors.
➢ Railway servants need to carry/keep the G & SR book with them.
➢ Be conversant with the rules relating to his duties and pass the
prescribed examinations if any.

Attendance for duty

➢ Every Railway servant shall report for duty at such time and such place
and for such periods as may be fixed.
➢ He shall also attend at any other time and places at which his services
may be required.

Absence from Duty

➢ No Rly servant shall absent himself from duty or alter his appointed
hours of duty or exchange duty without the permission of his superior
or leave his charge of duty unless properly relieved.

➢ If he wants to report sick while on duty he shall report to his superior
and report to Doctor after being relieved of his duties.
➢ He shall produce sick certificate from a competent Medical Authority
without delay.

Taking alcoholic drink, Sedative, narcotic, stimulant drug or

➢ No Railway servant whether he is directly connected with the working of
trains or not shall take any intoxicants, alcoholic drinks, sedatives,
narcotics etc, while on duty and 8 hrs before the commencement of
duty hours.
➢ He shall not carry with him any of the above while on duty.
➢ It is the duty of every Rly servant to report to his superior any cases of
confirmed or suspected intoxicants.
➢ The supervisor shall not allow such persons to join duty and report
such cases to the controlling officer without delay.

Conduct of Railway servant

➢ He shall wear the badge and uniform if prescribed and be neat and tidy
while on duty.
➢ Give his name and designation when asked.
➢ Shall not smoke while dealing with public or on the platform.

Duty for securing safety

➢ Every exertion is made for ensuring safety of the public.
➢ Promptly report to his superior any occurrence affecting the safety of
the Rly.
➢ Render all possible assistance on demand in case of an accident or


Signals are information carriers; they convey certain distinct information

to the LP of an approaching train even at a distance. Signals are provided
to regulate and control the running of trains and ensure safety. They
control movement by instructing the LP-

a) To bring a train to a dead stop.

b) To run faster and
c) To run slower.

Aspect of a signal: Means the physical appearance of a fixed signal as

seen by the LP of a train approaching it from the direction (UP or DN) to
which it refers.

Indication of a signal: Means the information or meaning conveyed by

the aspect of a signal.
There are two aspects for a signal i.e. ON aspect and OFF aspect.
ON aspect is the most restrictive aspect and the OFF aspect is any
aspect other than the ON aspect.

In rear of a signal: A train is said to be in rear of a signal until the train

passes the signal.
In advance of a signal: When a train has passed the signal it is said to
be in advance of a signal.

Kinds of signals

The signals which are used to control the movement of trains are four
1) Fixed Signals.
2) Hand Signals.
3) Detonating Signal (Fog Signal)
4) Warning Signals.


➢ The location of signal is fixed and shall be clearly visible to the

approaching LPs.
➢ Fixed signals shall be brought into use only after they have been passed
by C.R.S.
➢ Fixed Signals may be exempted by CRS where trains are worked on the
one train only system or
➢ At stations where provision of fixed signals are exempted by C.R.S.
➢ It shall be normally placed immediately to the left of or above the line to
which it refers.
➢ The aspect of color light signal both by day and night shall be displayed
by fixed lights.
➢ Where necessary the signals shall be distinguished by prescribed
Markers and signs.
➢ A color light signal may be two-aspect or multiple-aspect.
➢ Signals not in use shall not be lit and shall be distinguished by two cross
bars, each bar being NLT one meter long and 10 cm. wide.
➢ Each color of light is given a particular name like Danger, Caution,
Attention, Proceed, etc.


ON OFF Warner below a stop signal

➢ It is a permissive signal in Two-aspect territory.

➢ A Warner signal may be placed either,
- On a post by itself with a fixed green light
1.5 to 2 mts. above it by night.
- On the same post below F.S.S. or L.S.S.
➢ A color light Warner on a separate post is provided with ‘P’ marker plate.
➢ Warner Signal informs the loco pilot
o About the condition of the block section in advance or
o That he is a approaching a stop signal.

➢ At a class ‘B’ station in Two-aspect territory a Warner shall be provided

when the speed of train exceeds 50 kmph without stopping.
➢ The Proceed-aspect of Warner, which works in relation to F.S.S. means
the block section ahead is clear.



Caution Attention Proceed

It is a permissive signal in Multiple-aspect territory.

➢ Color light Distant is provided with P marker. It shall be provided in rear
of F.S.S. / Gate Stop Signal / Intermediate Block Stop signal at an
adequate distance.
➢ Aspects and indication of a Distant signal provided in rear of F.S.S. shall
be as under.

Color of
Aspect Indication
Caution One Yellow Be prepared to Stop at the next Stop signal

Attention Two Yellows Be prepared to pass the next Stop signal at restricted
speed.(Reception on main line/Loop line)
Proceed Green Run through via on main line

➢ Aspects and indication of a Distant signal provided for Gate Stop Signal
or IB Home shall have normally two-aspects only- Caution and Proceed.
➢ Where necessary more than one Distant signal may be provided, in such
a case, the outer most signal is called as Distant and the other signal is
called Inner Distant.
Inner Distant
➢ This is provided in sections where speed of run through trains
is 110 kmph and above and where braking distance required
for Goods trains is more than 1 km for more guidance of LPs.
➢ The normal aspect of Distant is Attention. It has only
two aspects Attention & Proceed.
➢ The distance between F.S.S. and Distant is 2000 mts.
➢ ID Marker is provided & normal aspect is Caution.
➢ Signal warning board is dispensed with.
Note: Under approved Special Instructions a color light
Distant Signal may be combined with GSS, LSS of
station in rear or with an IBSS.

➢ It is combined with a Gate Stop Signal when a gate is
provided between Distant and Home signal.
➢ Normal aspect is Danger.
➢ `P` Marker shall not be provided.
➢ `G` Marker shall be provided as per rules for G.S.S.
➢ As long as gate is not closed, it works as a G.S.S.
➢ After the gate is closed, it works as Distant signal also. It
shall not be taken ‘OFF’ until the level crossing gates are
closed and locked for the passage of the trains.

➢ It is combined with L.S.S. and its Normal aspect is Danger.
➢ ‘P’ marker shall not be provided.

➢ As long as line clear is not obtained through the Block Instrument, it
works as L.S.S.
➢ After L.C. is obtained through the Block Instrument, it works as Distant
Signal for a GSS or FSS also.
➢ It shall not be taken ‘OFF’ until Line clear has been obtained from the
block station in advance.


➢ It is a reception Stop Signal in two-aspect- territory at class
“B” station.
➢ In semaphore territory it is square-ended, painted Red with
White bar parallel to its end. It is interlocked with the Home
➢ Where ever it is provided, it is the F.S.S. It is provided at not
less than 400 mts. in D/L from the Home Signal and not less
than 580 mts in S/L from the outer most facing points.
➢ When Home signal fails, Outer is treated as failed.

Home signal

Semaphore Home Color light Home

➢ It is reception Stop Signal in both two-aspect and multiple-aspect

➢ In semaphore territory it is square-ended, painted Red with White bar
parallel to its end.
➢ Where ever Outer is provided, it is the Second Stop Signal.
➢ In semaphore area, Home signal may be a single arm or may be provided
on bracket post or on a bridge or gantry.

➢ If provided on a bracket post, bridge or gantry, the tallest Signal refers to
Main line.
➢ In two-aspect territory where single arm is provided, speed over facing
points on main line and turn out shall not exceed 15 kmph.
➢ In multiple-aspect area for speeds up to 75 kmph, a single arm signal
may be provided. The facing points shall be provided with point
➢ It is provided out side all connections on the line to which it refers.
➢ In multiple-aspect it is provided at not less than 300 mts. from the outer
most facing points in single line and not less than 180 mts. from the
outer most facing points or Block section limit board in D/L.
➢ In multiple-aspect territory;
➢ Home signal for main line has three aspects, i.e. Stop, Caution and
Proceed. For loop line it has two-aspects Stop and Caution.

Routing signal
➢ It is a reception stop signal in both two aspect and multiple aspect
➢ It is provided to indicate the line of reception to the LP, if the Home
signal does not indicate the same in consequent of its position,
inconvenient for this purpose.

Departure Signals

The stop signals which control the movement of trains leaving a station are of
two kinds Starter and Advanced starter.


➢ It is a dispatch Stop signal in Two-aspect and Multiple-aspect area.

➢ If Advanced Starter is not provided, it is the L.S.S.
➢ Where an Advanced starter is provided, the Starter provided for each line
protects the first facing Points or the Fouling Mark.
➢ A common Starter may be provided for more than one line.
In multiple-aspect territory, if advanced Starter is provided, for main line it is
having three aspects, i.e. Stop, Caution and Proceed, and for a loop line it is
having only two-aspects, i.e. Stop, Caution.

Aspect Color of Light Indication

Stop Red Stop dead

Caution Yellow Proceed with caution

Proceed ( for
Green Proceed
main line only )

In multiple-aspect territory, if it is the L.S.S., for both main line and loop, line
it shall have only two-aspects, i.e. Stop and Proceed.

Advanced Starter

➢ It is a departure Stop signal in Two-aspect and Multiple-aspect area.

➢ When a train leaving a station is guided by more than one Starter signal,
the outermost starting signal is the last stop signal and is called the
Advanced Starter.
➢ It is the L.S.S. of the station, where ever it is provided.
➢ Normally, it is provided out side all connections of the line.
➢ It indicates the place where station section ends and block section
commences at a class `B` station.
➢ At a class ‘B’ station in S/L under Absolute block system, the distance
between Advanced Starter and opposing F.S.S. shall not be less than 400
mts in two-aspect territory and 180 mts in multiple-aspect territory.
➢ It is interlocked with the Block Instrument & Slip siding point wherever

Subsidiary Signals

Calling –On signal


1) It is a subsidiary signal which has no independent aspect in the ON

position and shall be a miniature light provided with ‘C’ marker plate.
2) It is provided below a stop signal. Calling-On signal may be provided
below any stop signal except LSS. Under approved special instructions it
shall be provided below starter.
3) This signal shall not show any light in the ON position. When taken off it
shows a miniature yellow light.
4) Calling- on signal is used –
a) To receive a train during main signal failure.

b) To receive a train on an obstructed road.
5) It shall be taken off only after the train has stopped at the signal.

Loco pilots responsibility

1) LP shall always obey the aspect of the main signal below which Calling-on
signal is provided. If the signal is at ‘ON’ he shall bring the train to a stop
at the foot of the signal.
2) After bringing the train to a stop, if the Calling-on signal is taken off, he
shall draw ahead cautiously and be prepared to stop short of any
3) The speed of the train shall not exceed 15 kmph.
4) Calling-on signal is interlocked with points and hence clamping and
padlocking is not required.

Shunt Signal
➢ It is a Subsidiary signal for controlling shunt movements.
➢ It may be placed either on a separate post or below a stop signal.
➢ It may be provided below any stop signal except FSS.
➢ When a shunt signal is taken ‘OFF’ it authorizes the LP to draw ahead
with caution for shunting even when a stop signal if any is at ‘ON’.
➢ When a shunt signal is placed below a stop signal it shall show no light
in the ‘ON’ position.

Position Light type

On a separate post Below a stop signal


➢ Position light type shunt signal indicate the ‘ON’ and ‘OFF’ position by
the illumination of two white lights both by day and night.
➢ It may be provided either on a separate post or below a Stop signal.
➢ When provided below a stop signal it shows no light in the ‘ON’ position
and two oblique/inclined white lights in ‘OFF’ position.
➢ When provided on a separate post it shows two horizontal white lights in
‘ON’ position and two oblique white lights in the ‘OFF’ position.
➢ To indicate the line to which it refers an arrow mark is stenciled on the
top of the signal towards the line.
➢ Shunt signals are interlocked with the points and gates.

Special signals

Repeating Signal
➢ When a fixed signal is not visible to the LP at a required adequate
distance due to curve or any other reason, a Repeating signal is provided
in rear of it.
➢ It is not a stop signal.
➢ It informs the aspects of the fixed signal in advance to the LP.

Colour light type


➢ This type is provided in the colour light area and distinguished by an R

marker light.
➢ It shows a yellow light when the signal ahead is ‘ON’ and a green light
when the signal ahead is taken ‘OFF’ both during day and night.
Note: Repeating signals have only two aspects – Caution and Proceed.

➢ This a permissive stop signal provided in rear of the level crossing
which is outside station limits having heavy road traffic.
➢ Provided at an adequate distance to control train movement and to
ensure safety at the LC. These signals are interlocked with closing
and locking of the LC gate.
➢ This signal is provided with a G marker plate painted yellow with
G in black except in the following occasions-
a) When there is a bridge between LC gate and Gate stop signal.
b) If the signal is controlling the entry of trains into a
Rail-cum-road bridge.
c) If the signal is protecting points. This signal may be passed at ON.

Intermediate Block Stop Signal

➢ This is the Home signal provided at an IB post on single line,
double line or multiple lines.
➢ This signal is provided with IB marker plate and is controlled
remotely by SM in rear.
➢ Track circuiting is provided between LSS and IBSS plus 400
➢ The first train will be started on LC and once the train clears IB signal
plus 400 mts the next train may be started up to the IB signal. Once the
first train clears the station in advance SM shall obtain LC for the
following train and clear the IB signal.
➢ This is provided to increase the line capacity of a section.
➢ This signal may be passed at ON by the LP.

Hand signals

Hand signals shall be shown by day using flags or bare hands and using
light by night. Hands shall be used by day during emergencies only when
flags are not available.

Stop hand signals.

➢ It is shown for bringing a train to a dead stop.
➢ By day showing a red flag or by raising both arms above head.
➢ By night showing a red light or by violently waving a white light
horizontally across the body.

a) If the Loco pilot finds his engine has not cleared the fouling marks of all
points and crossings he shall call the attention of the SM by giving three
long whistles and at the same time wave a stop hand signal.
b) If the guard finds that the last vehicle of his train has not cleared the
fouling marks of all points and crossings he shall inform SM at once and
exhibit stop hand signal to protect his train and prevent any movement
on the fouled line.
c) When the pointsman finds that the points are damaged he shall
immediately attract the attention of the SM by waving a red flag or red
lamp or by sending a messenger and shall show a stop hand signal
towards any train approaching the points.
d) It shall be exhibited during any other occasion, which endangers safety.

Proceed hand signal.

This is shown by day by holding a green flag or one arm steadily and by
night by holding a green light steadily.

➢ During Starter signal failure.
➢ During Shunt signal failure.
➢ During gate stop signal failure without G marker inside station limits.
➢ During reception signal failure when the train is approaching on the
authority of T/369(1) issued by the station in rear or nominated station.
➢ When the Advanced starter protecting slip siding point fails.

Proceed with caution signal.
➢ It is given for proceeding slowly.
➢ By day it is shown by waving a green flag or one arm vertically up and
➢ By night it is shown by waving a green light vertically up and down.
➢ When the speed is to be reduced further the signal shall be given at a
slower and slower rate.
➢ It is exhibited by engineering staff for the trains passing over the work

Hand signals for shunting

To move away from the person signaling.

➢ By day it is given by moving a green flag or one arm up and down and by
night by moving a green light slowly up and down.

To move towards the person signaling.

➢ By day given by moving a green flag or one arm from side to side across
the body and by night it is given by moving a green light from side to side
across the body.

Move slowly for coupling.

➢ By day it is given by holding a green flag and red flag above head or
raising both hands overhead and moving towards and away from each
➢ By night it is given by holding a green light above head and twisting the

All ready signal

➢ It is given to indicate that all is ready for the train movement in
connection with which it is given.
➢ It is given by day, by smartly waving a green flag three times overhead
from side to side, pausing and waving it smartly two times, vertically up
and down, and by night, by waving a green light in a similar manner.
➢ This signal to be exchanged by GLP before starting a train stopped
outside station limits.

All right signal

➢ It is a signal to indicate that everything is all right with the moving train
given by holding out a green flag horizontally during day and waving a
green light horizontally during night.

➢ It is exchanged between station staff and crew on both sides of the train
inside the station limits and between GDR outside the station limits.
➢ Cabins in large yards where frequent shunting takes place shall not
exhibit any signal unless anything unusual is noticed.
➢ When a train is running through a station the all right signal is
exchanged between SM and GDR.
➢ The all right signal is to be acknowledged by the Loco pilot by given one
long whistle.
➢ It is exchanged between GDR in the following cases.
a) After restarting the train from the station and midsection.
b) After the train has passed safe over the summit of ghat.
c) After clearing the work spot, tunnel and such other places
d) GDR shall exchange Allright signals with GDR of trains running on
adjacent line(s) and display Danger signal on noticing any
condition which may endanger safety.
➢ Loco pilots/Guards of trains provided with AC loco cab/SLR shall show
the all right signal to station staff by switching on the flickering light/tail
light and confirm by speaking on telephone.
➢ If the GDR of a pass through train fails to exchange All right signal with
SM/station staff on both sides, the train shall be stopped at the next
block station, treating it as a run away train.
➢ If the Loco pilot does not receive the All right signal from the guard he
shall call for it by giving two short sharp whistles and even then All right
signal is not received he shall stop the train and ascertain the cause.

Starting signal.
➢ It is given by the guard to the LP of the train for starting the train.
➢ It is given by blowing the whistle and waving a green flag by day and
green light by night overhead from side to side for passenger trains.
➢ This signal shall also be given for restarting a train.
➢ Guard shall give this signal only after getting permission to start from

Train Parting signal.

➢ If any Railway servant notices that a train has parted, he shall not show
a Stop hand signal but shall endeavour to attract the attention of the LP
or Guard by shouting, gesticulating or other means.
➢ Guard/SM shall indicate the train parting by waving in repeated motions
a green flag by day or white light by night up and down vertically as high
and as low as possible.

Detonating signals
➢ These are known as detonators or fog signals, which are fixed on the rails
and when an engine or vehicle passes over them explode with a loud
report so as to attract the attention of the Loco pilot.
➢ The detonator consists of a metallic disc painted red and on the topside
the year of manufacture is embossed. When required to be used it shall
be placed on the rails with the label facing upwards and the metal bands
are fastened around the railhead.
➢ Ten detonators are supplied in a tin case to every SM, Loco pilot, Guard,
Patrolman, Gateman, keyman etc by the respective supervisors.
➢ The normal life of a detonator manufactured in the year 2010 and
onwards is 5 years from the date of manufacture. The life of detonators
can be extended for a maximum of 3 years after conducting successful
test each year. TI, CRC, SMR, and SE/P.Way may conduct test under an
empty wagon moving at 8 to 10 kmph. The inspecting officials in regard
to their knowledge of the use detonators should test staff expected to use
the detonators once in three months. Detonators shall be stored in dry
places and shall not be exposed to dampness. After completion of 8 years
detonators shall be destroyed by soaking those in light mineral oil for 48
hrs, or by detonating them under wagon during shunting operations or
throwing them into deep sea or burning them in an incinerator.
➢ The detonators are chiefly used for protection of signals, and to protect
trains during accidents, obstructions etc.

Fog Signalling
➢ At stations situated in localities where fog, or dust storms or heavy rains
are generally prevalent, a visibility test post painted alternately black and
yellow shall be provided at a distance of 180mts from the centre of SM’s
office and illuminated during night, the VTO shall be specified in the
station working rules and it may be a semaphore arm by day or a light or
back light of semaphore signal by night or a light of a colour light signal
both by day and night.
➢ Before granting Line clear SM shall ensure the VTO is visible, when the
VTO is not visible, SM to advice station in rear to issue Caution order
and arrange for fog signaling.
➢ SM shall depute two trained Fog signalmen with 10 detonators each on
either end of the station limits.
➢ A fog signal post painted alternately black and white is erected at a
distance of 270 mts from the outer most stop signal and fog signal man
shall place two detonators 10 mts apart at the post and he shall
withdraw beyond the safety radius of 45 mts from the detonators before
they are exploded by an approaching engine or train.
➢ Should the Fog signalman be aware of any obstruction on the line, he
shall show a stop hand signal to any train approaching. On single line
sections the fog signal man shall exhibit PHS to the trains leaving the
station and no signals shall be shown towards approaching trains.
➢ When the engine explodes 2 detonators, it warns the Loco Pilot of his
proximity of FSS of the station. The LP shall look out for the aspect of the
signal and stop at the FSS and further proceed at a speed not exceeding
10 kmph. The fog signal man shall after passage of the train shall replace
the detonators.
➢ In case of dense fog prevailing in the section the maximum speed of
trains is to be restricted to 60 kmph in the absolute block system.

Duties of Loco pilots on exploding Detonators

➢ When the Engine explodes detonator(s), the Loco pilot shall whistle
intermittently and take every possible caution including reduction of

speed as necessary, so as to have the train well under his control and be
able to stop short of any obstruction on the line.
➢ After proceeding 1.5 kms from the place where his engine exploded
detonator(s), if his engine does not explode any more detonator(s), the LP
may resume authorized speed, and report the incident to the next
➢ In thick foggy or tempestuous weather impairing visibility when his
engine explodes 2 detonators within a distance of 10 mts apart, the loco
pilot shall control his train immediately and will follow the aspect of the
first stop signal within a distance of 270 mts.
➢ When Loco pilot explodes 3 detonators within a distance of 40 mts he
should control his train and move cautiously to stop short of any
obstruction and be guided by the signal he may receive on the line.
➢ When the LP notices a signal warning of an obstruction, except
detonator(s), he will stop his train immediately and act on advice of the
person exhibiting warning signal or on the basis of obstruction noticed
by him.
➢ In case on further details of exhibition of warning signal is noticed, after
stopping for 1 min by day and 2 min by night to ascertain the location
and cause of warning, LP shall proceed cautiously up to the next block

Warning signals

➢ The signals to be used to warn the incoming train of an obstruction shall

be notified by the Railway under special instructions.
➢ However, a red flashing hand signal lamp at night or a red flag by day
will normally be used for this purpose.
➢ It is used to protect an obstruction in a block section while the railway
servant proceeds to place detonators.
➢ Loco pilots, Guards, Patrolman and Gateman working on
Double/Multiple line, Ghat, Suburban and Automatic sections shall be
supplied with such signal(s).


ASignal may be considered to be defective in the following circumstances.

➢ When it is not assuming the required aspect even after proper operation.
➢ Colour light signal showing no aspect due to power failure.
➢ Flickering/Bobbing
➢ Auxiliary equipment like track circuit, Axle counter, LC gate etc. failure.
➢ Point failure/interlocking failure.
➢ In Two Aspect territory if the Home signal fails the Outer will also be
treated as failed.
➢ In MAS if the Home signal failed the Distant shall be treated as defective.
➢ If conflicting signals are possible.
➢ Signal blank, a white light is shown instead of a color light.

Reception stop signal failure
SM shall ensure the following before receiving a train.
➢ The line on which the train is to be received shall be kept clear and free
from obstruction up to berthing place.
➢ All the points for the nominated line shall be correctly set and facing
points locked.
➢ LC gates, if any shall be closed against the road traffic.
➢ All conflicting movements shall be stopped.
➢ All conflicting signals shall be kept at ‘ON’.

Reception of trains shall be arranged during signal failure

➢ By taking ‘ off’ ‘Calling ON’ signal where provided, or
➢ By issuing the authority T/ 369 (3b) & delivered by a competent railway
servant at the foot of the defective signal.
➢ By issuing advance authority T/ 369 (1) at nominated station or by SM of
station in rear and exhibiting PHS at the foot of the defective signal.

Reception on Calling- on signal

➢ The train has to come to a stop at the foot of the FSS.
➢ SM to ensure the above said five conditions before clearing Calling-ON
➢ LP shall draw ahead & keep his train well under control and pass the
signal at a speed not exceeding 15 kmph.


➢ This authority shall be prepared and issued by the SM at the station

where the signal has failed.
➢ LP to stop the train at the foot of the signal.
➢ SM after fulfilling the conditions for taking off the reception signal shall
prepare this authority in duplicate and arrange to hand over to the LP
through a competent railway servant.
➢ Competent Railway servant shall hand over T/369(3b) to the LP, who
shall take the original and sign in the duplicate. Piloting is not necessary.
➢ The LP shall pass the defective signal(s) at ON and proceed cautiously at
a speed not exceeding 15 Kmph.

T/ 369(1)
➢ This authority is issued by SM of Nominated station/station in rear.
➢ For the purpose of issuing T/369 (1) to goods trains/LE the station
immediately in rear is the nominated station.
➢ T/369(1) is prepared in duplicate in prescribed format and issued to the
LP under acknowledgement.
➢ SM shall fulfill all conditions for clearing reception signals before
granting line clear for the train approaching with T/369(1).
➢ SM shall arrange to exhibit PHS at the foot of the defective signal.
➢ The LP shall not pass the signal without PHS.

➢ The speed of the train with T/369(1) while passing the reception stop
signal at “ON” shall not exceed 15 KMPH.
➢ If the reception stop signal is restored, SM after stopping the train at the
foot of the signal shall issue a written memo to the LP to obey the off
aspect of the signal.
➢ T/ 369(1) shall not be issued in the following cases.
(a) When calling ON signal is provided.
(b) When all Home signals have not failed.
(c) When signal failed in off aspect/no light due to power supply failure.
(d) In Automatic area if manual home signal is not provided.

Permissive Signal failure

If a Distant/Warner on a separate post has failed in the “OFF” aspect, and

cannot be kept at ‘ON’. -
➢ A stop hand signal shall be exhibited at the foot of the signal.
➢ During night, the light shall be extinguished.
➢ SM in rear shall be informed to issue Caution order to the Loco pilot to
stop at the foot of the defective Distant/ Warner.
➢ After the train has been brought to a stop, the same shall be hand
➢ If the permissive signal failed in the ON aspect no specific authority is
required to pass it.

No light in a color light signal.

➢ Stop the train in rear of the signal.
➢ Treat as if the signal is at ON.
➢ For permissive signal, ensure (P) marker and proceed cautiously and be
prepared to stop at the foot of the home signal.
➢ For Home signal SM shall issue T/369 3(b) and receive the train.
➢ Issue of T/369 (1) is strictly prohibited in this case. GDR shall report and
record it as per the procedure.

Flickering / Bobbing

➢ Flickering means vibration or unsteady illumination of any one aspect.

Bobbing means appearance and disappearance of different aspects of a
signal ON and OFF.
➢ When a LP comes across a Color Light signal which is
Flickering/Bobbing, he shall consider that the signal as showing the
most restrictive aspect.
➢ Stop his train at the foot of the signal, If the signal assumes a steady
aspect and remains steady for 60 sec, observe the aspect and act

➢ If the signal does not assume a steady aspect and continue to
Flicker/Bob, treat it as defective.
➢ In the case of Automatic stop signal showing more than one aspect, the
most restrictive aspect of the signal shall be observed.

Failure of Departure signal


➢ The LP shall not pass a departure signal at ON or defective, unless his

train has been brought to a stop at the station.
➢ SM after inspecting the points, shall correctly set the concerned points
and clamp and padlock the facing points, close LC gates if any.
➢ Where Calling-on signal is provided below the Starter signal it may be
taken off.
➢ If Calling-on Signal is not provided SM shall prepare T/369(3b) and hand
over to LP through a competent Rly servant.
➢ LP shall take the original and sign in the duplicate and competent
railway servant shall exhibit PHS at the foot of the defective signal and
speed not to exceed 15 Kmph till the last vehicle clears all points and

Intermediate starter
Intermediate starter shall be passed at `ON` where Calling- on signal is
taken off or with the authority of T/3693(b) with PHS.

LSS alone has failed

➢ SM shall obtain LC from the station in advance.

➢ In S/L Token area SM shall give section token + T/369 3(b) and start the
➢ In S/L Token less area and D/L SM shall issue T/369(3b) +PN as ATP.
➢ Starter can be taken OFF wherever possible.
➢ If Advanced Starter interlocked with points has failed, in addition to the
above authority, PHS shall also be exhibited at the foot of the Signal.

Failure of Shunt signal / Shunting Permitted Indicator.

➢ In case of shunt signal failure the station master shall ensure the correct
setting of points, closure of LC gates before authorizing the movement.
➢ The Shunt signal/Shunting permitted indicator shall be passed at `ON`
on the authority of T.370 + PHS.

Gate stop signal failure:

Passing Gate Stop Signal with (G) marker at ON outside station limit
➢ Loco pilot shall give one long continuous whistle and bring his train to a
stop in rear of the signal.

➢ He shall wait for 01 min by day and 02 mins by night, and if the signal is
not taken OFF within this period, he may draw ahead his train
cautiously up to the LC gate.
➢ If the Gatemen is exhibiting hand signals, proceed further past the gate,
or if the gateman is not available or not exhibiting hand signals he shall
stop 30 metres short of the LC. The Loco pilot shall proceed further on
getting hand signals from the gateman if available or from the ALP after
ascertaining that the gates are closed. He shall stop his train with the
last vehicle clearing the level crossing by two vehicles length to enable
the ALP or Guard to open the gate for road traffic and then board the
train. The Guard and the Loco pilot shall report the occurrence at the
next block station.

Passing of Gate Stop Signal without (G) marker at ON outside station

➢ Loco pilot shall stop his train at the signal and give one long continuous
➢ He shall wait for the gateman to come over and pilot the train past the
level crossing.
➢ If the gateman does not turn up within a reasonable time, the loco pilot
shall attract the attention of guard by giving two long and two short
➢ The guard after consultation with the LP shall proceed to the LC gate to
ensure that the gates are closed against road traffic and hand signal the
train to pass the Gate Stop Signal and the LC gate.
➢ LP shall stop his train with his last vehicle clear of LC gate by two
vehicles clear of LC to enable the guard to open the LC gate and board
the train.
➢ The train shall be restarted and the matter shall be reported at the next
block station, run through trains being stopped out of course for this

Passing Gate stop Signal without (G) marker at ON inside station limits
➢ Loco pilot shall stop his train at the foot of the defective Gate Stop Signal
and give one long continuous whistle.
➢ Inform the SM through Gate phone or ALP if SM is not already aware.
➢ LP shall not pass the GSS at ‘ON’ unless he receives the authority T.370
from SM.
➢ PHS is shown by the gatemen at the foot of GSS after closing gates and
ensuring the line is free from obstruction.

Passing Gate-Cum-Distant signal at ‘ON’

➢ When a Loco pilot finds that Gate-Cum-distant signal at ON, and if (G)
marker is provided, Loco pilot shall follow the procedure for passing GSS
with (G) marker at ON.

➢ When a LP finds the Gate-cum-Distant at ON, and if (G) marker is not
provided. Loco pilot shall follow the procedure for passing GSS without
(G) marker at ON. The LP shall proceed cautiously till the next stop
signal is visible and be guided by the aspect of the signal.

Intermediate Block stop signal failure

When LP approaches an IB signal at ON:-

➢ He shall stop the train at the foot of the signal and contact SM in rear
through the IB phone/SPT.
➢ SM after ensuring that previous train has cleared the block section and
after obtaining line clear for the waiting train, shall give a PN authorizing
the LP to pass the IBS at ON. The PN shall be the same PN obtained from
the station ahead for ‘line clear’.
➢ The LP shall pass the signal at ON and proceed at booked speed.
➢ If the telephone is out of order and the Loco pilot is not able to contact
the SM, Loco pilot shall after waiting for 05 mins at the signal, pass it at
ON and proceed cautiously at a speed not exceeding 15 Kmph when view
ahead is clear and 08 Kmph when the view ahead is not clear up to the
foot of the FSS of the station ahead, even if it is OFF and be prepared to
stop short of any obstruction.
➢ If IBSS is interlocked with any Gate ensure its closure before passing
(Rule 3.73).
➢ The Loco pilot must report the failure to the SM at the block station
➢ SM in rear after finding that the IBS has failed shall treat entire section
as one block section, and every train shall be issued PLCT & separate
T/369 ( 3b ) for passing IBS at ON .
➢ Loco pilot shall may the IBS at booked speed.

Slip Siding

➢ This is provided at places where station section is on a raising and block

section is on falling gradient.
➢ This is to protect vehicles escaping onto the main line and enter the
Block section.
➢ The length of this Slip siding is to hold a few vehicles.
➢ This should not be used for shunting purposes and stabling purposes.
➢ The normal setting of points is for slip siding.
➢ This is interlocked with the LSS of the station.

Catch Siding

➢ When the Block section is in rising gradient and station section is in

falling gradient this is provided.
➢ This takes off at the end of Block section and beginning of Station
➢ This is to protect the station section from the escaping vehicles of the
adjacent block section or block station.
➢ The length of the catch siding is equal to the length of the longest goods
train of the section.
➢ This should not be used for shunting and stabling purposes.
➢ The normal setting of the points is for the catch siding and interlocked
with the Home signal.
➢ Where catch siding is provided the train must come to a dead stop at the
foot of the signal, only then points must be changed and signals taken

Boards and Indicators

Point Indicator

Point set for main line. Point set for turnout/loop line

➢ This is a mechanical appliance fitted along with points and works in

conjunction with points.
➢ When the points are set for Main Line it will show White target during
Day and a White light during Night in both directions.

➢ When the points are set for turnout, it will show knife edge of the disc
during Day and a Green light during Night in both the directions.
➢ This will be provided at stations where the speed over points is up to 50
kmph in Two Aspect and up to 75 kmph in Multiple Aspect signals with
single arm home.
➢ During Reception and Dispatch and shunting operation this must be
observed by the LPs.

Trap Indicator

Trap open Trap closed

▪ This is a mechanical appliance works in conjunction with trap points.

▪ When the trap is open, this will show Red target during Day and Red
light during Night in both the direction.
▪ When the trap is closed, this will show knife edge of disc during Day and
a Green light during Night in both directions.
▪ During shunting operation this must be observed by LPs.

Shunting permitted Indicator

Shunting permitted Shunting not permitted

➢ This is not a stop signal, but works in conjunction with a stop signal.
➢ An yellow cross light both during day and night in color light areas will
be the “Shunting permitted position”.
➢ No light during Day/Night is shunting “not permitted” indication.
➢ It authorizes movement in both the direction along with Hand signals.
➢ The stop signal cannot be taken off when the shunting permitted
indicator is showing “Shunting permitted position”.
➢ When this indicator fails form T.370 + PHS is the authority.

Route Indicator

Route indicators are appliances which work in conjunction with stop

signals to guide the LPs about the actual line of reception or direction.
They are of three types – Directional type, Non-Directional type and LED
Matrix with Directional type.

Directional Type Route indicators

• This type shall not show any route when the route is set for
the straight line.
• It shall indicate a route by a row of white lights either to the right
or left depending upon the direction of the route set for turnout.
• The signal is deemed to have failed if only the route indication is
shown without OFF aspect in the stop signal.

Non–Directional Type Route indicators

1 3

Stencil type Multiple lamp type

It may be –
➢ A stencil type where the route is shown by an illuminated stenciled letter or
number, or
➢ A multi-lamp type where route is shown by the burning of multiple
miniature lamps in the form of a letter or number, or
➢ A projector type where a number or letter is projected on an illuminated
plate in a box.
➢ These indicators show for all the lines including main line.
Note: Signals working in conjunction with Non-directional type Route
indicators shall be deemed to have failed if the Route Indicators show
no route or incorrect route when the signal is “OFF”.

LED Matrix with Directional Type route Indicator

➢ It is a combination of both directional and non-directional type.

This type of Route Indicator is provided at stations where there are
more than three lines on one or both sides of the main line in
multiple aspect color light area.
➢ This shows the direction along with the actual line number in the
Matrix. When the route is set for the main line it shows no direction
or line No. in the Matrix. This is to be treated as defective if incorrect route
or direction is shown.
➢ Under special Instructions at some stations it may display line number for
reception on main line.
➢ Both directional type and non-directional type should show the
route,If any one is not showing route it is treated as defective.

Engineering Indicators
Caution Indicator

• It is a rectangular board conic at one end and fish tailed

at the other.
• Colored yellow with black triangles painted on one side.
• This is placed at a distance of not less than 1200/800 mts
from the Work spot during Engineering works of long duration.
• It indicates to LP that he is approaching the work spot.

Speed Indicator
➢ A triangular yellow board with black painted number.
➢ This is placed at a distance of not less than 30 mts in rear of
the work spot.
➢ It cautions the LP to reduce speed, as indicated in this board
while passing the work spot.

Stop Indicator

➢ A rectangular board, colored red with two white bars

and with two Red lights during night.
➢ This is placed at a distance of not less than 30 mts in
rear of the actual work spot.
➢ All LPs must stop at this board.
➢ LPs shall write the Train No. Date and Time and sign in
➢ ER-7 book presented by Engineering watchman and
proceed after getting hand signals.
➢ Passing this indicator without signing in ER-7 book
amounts to LP passing signal at Danger.

Termination Indicator

➢ This is an Engineering Indicator

➢ A circular board painted yellow with black T/P
or T/G letter.
➢ On reaching this board LPs to get all right signals
from the Guard and resume normal speed.
➢ Distance between this indicator and actual caution spot
is the distance of the longest goods train or passenger
train of the section.
➢ LE/Short trains may resume normal speed after passing the
caution spot and after exchanging All right signals.
Note: The Engineering Indicators which are reflective type
need not be lit during night.

Shunting Limit Board

➢ This is provided only in single line ‘B’ class stations.
Painted yellow with black cross and with words
➢ “Shunting Limit” written and facing towards the station side.
➢ It Demarcates Station Section and Block Section. SHUNTING LIMIT

➢ Provided at not less than 180 mts in two Aspect and

120 mts in Multiple Aspect from outer most trailing points
➢ During Night, a light will be lit to locate its position.
➢ At Stations where shunting in the face of an approaching
train is permitted under special instructions this board
is provided if there is no advanced starter.

Block Section Limit Board

➢ This is provided only on double line – Multiple aspect

signaling areas. BLOCK SECTION
➢ Where there is no points or the outer most points in the train
approaching direction is trailing this is provided.
➢ It demarcates the Stations Section and Block Section.
➢ Distance from BSLB and Home Signal is not less than 180 mts.

Shunting Warning Board

➢ A Rhombus board painted alternatively yellow and black.

➢ Provided at an adequate distance of 670 mts in rear of the
FSS in single line.
➢ It warns the LP to be cautious and vigilant.
➢ This is provided at stations where shunting in the face
of approaching train is permitted and will be mentioned in SWR.
➢ It warns the incoming LPs that such shunting is permitted.
➢ There is no provision for lighting this board during night.

Station Warning Board

➢ A white rectangular board with a black circular spot at the

➢ This will be fixed at not less than 1200 mts from train halt
station or non block stations.
➢ During thick foggy weather or when visibility is impaired this
board warns the LPs about the approach of such stations.

Signal Warning Board

➢ A rectangular board colored black with two yellow horizontal
bars at both ends and a yellow circle at the center.
➢ This is placed at not less than 1400 mts in rear of FSS,
Gate stop signal or IB signal.
➢ It is reflective type and not lit during night.
➢ At stations where inner Distant and Distant Signal are
provided this Warning Board may be dispensed with.
➢ On sighting this board LP shall locate for the aspect of the fixed signal.
➢ If the aspect of the signal is not visible LP to control the train
as if the signal is at ON till he locates the signal and be prepared
to stop at the Stop signal.

“S” Board

➢ It is circular yellow board with letter S in black.

➢ This is provided to indicate the presence of an outlying
siding point.
➢ Where it is provided, the speed of the train must be
reduced to 50 kmph in the facing direction.
➢ If the sectional speed is less than 50 kmph,
LP to run to sectional speed only.

`W` Board

➢ A yellow rectangular board with letter “W” in black w

➢ Will be provided at places where the LP is required to whistle
➢ Normally, this is provided at vulnerable places like Tunnels,
Bridges, Curves and cuttings and places of poor visibility etc.
➢ LPs to whistle continuously from this board until a clear
visibility of the line ahead is reached.

`W/L` Board

➢ Provided at all unmanned level crossing gates and at manned level

crossing gates situated on a sharp curve.
➢ Will be placed at an adequate distance from the gate.
➢ LPs are required to whistle from this board intermittently
till they reach RW/L Board.

RW/L Repeater Whistle Board

It is provided in rear of all unmanned level crossing gates at a distance of
250 mts.
Loco Pilots shall give continuous whistle from this Board till the Level

Stop Board

• Under special instructions certain goods yards are treated S

as terminal yards. T
• A rectangular board painted yellow with Stop in black letters.
• All trains are to stop at this board. The distance from this
board and the fouling mark is the signal overlap.
• If this board is placed at the fouling mark the signal overlap is
• It is placed at Terminal goods yards and while approaching such
yards the speed of incoming trains is restricted to 15 kmph.

Caution Indication Board

• A square yellow board with a letter ‘C’ in black erected by

Engineering officials in Monsoon seasons. C
• Provided at vulnerable places including bridges which are
prone to damages.
• It is provided at 600 mts in rear of the bridge or vulnerable places.
• LPs to exercise special caution.

Termination Indication Board

➢ A square yellow board with a letter ‘T’ in black

➢ This board is provided 600 mts ahead of the vulnerable
spot to indicate the termination of vulnerable spot.
➢ No Caution Order is given for this.

Classification of stations

For the purpose of general rules Stations are classified as Block

stations and Non-Block stations, Block stations are those where an LP has
to obtain authority to proceed to enter the block section with his train.
Under Absolute Block system Block stations are further classified in to-
1. ‘A’ class
2. ‘B’ class
3. ‘C’ class
4. Special class

‘A’ class stations:

➢ Normally situated on steep gradients, where vehicles are liable to escape
by gravitational pull.
➢ In these stations, more safety measures are necessary.
➢ Normally trains are not permitted to stop at FSS.
➢ Condition for granting LC at these stations is that the line must be clear
for at least 400 mts beyond the Home signal or up to starter.
➢ Only Two Aspect Signaling is provided at these stations so that the Home
signal (FSS) is near to the station.

‘B’ class stations:

➢ Stations are situated normally on level portion.
➢ Trains are permitted to stop at FSS.
➢ Line Clear may be granted for a train even when reception lines are
➢ Free zone called as station section is provided where obstruction may be
permitted before/after granting line clear.
➢ Signalling may be Two aspect or Multiple Aspect as required.

‘C’ class stations:

➢ These stations are only for operational conveniences and not for traffic
purposes and trains are not booked to stop.
➢ To improve the line capacity by splitting a lengthy block section into two.
➢ Condition for granting LC is that the previous train has passed atleast
400 mts beyond Home signal completely and continuing its journey.
➢ There are no points and no station section.
➢ An Intermediate Block Post on a single line, Double line or multiple lines
is also treated as `C` class station.
➢ It may be an IBP or IBH.

‘D’ class stations:

➢ These are the stations where commercial transactions take place and do
not form boundary of any block section.
➢ The Station warning boards are provided at NLT 1200M in rear of such
➢ Also called as Halt or Non-Block stations or flag stations.

Special class stations:
➢ Stations which cannot be worked under the rules of A, B, C & D class are
special class station.
➢ The SWR of special class stations where passenger trains run shall be
approved by CRS.
➢ Stations in Automatic Block system and some stations in Absolute Block
system are special class stations.

Minimum Equipment of Signals [GR 3.27 to 3.29]

Class Two aspect Multiple Aspect

Warner, Home, Warner, Home, Not Available Not Available
A Starter Starter
Outer, Home Outer, Home, Distant, Distant,
B Starter Home, Starter Home, Starter
C Warner, Home Warner, Home Distant, Home Distant, Home

1. Both in D/L & S/L a Warner shall be provided in TAS when speed of
trains exceeds 50 kmph over facing points- main line.
2. At non-interlocked stations in TAS only outers may be provided under
3. In MAS S/L starter may be dispensed when speed of trains is up to
50 kmph, under Approved special instructions.

Learning of Road and Signals

• Every new LP/ALP should have thorough knowledge of the system of

working, Location of signals, gradients and other conditions in the
• To familiarize himself and become conversant of the section LRS is
• 3 trips of road learning separate for UP and DN direction shall be
provided of which one trip must be in night.
• If a LP/ALP has not worked in a section for over 3 months he should be
given road learning trips as per schedule given below.

Duration of absence No.of trips On Ghat/Auto section

Above 3months up to 6 one trip Three trips
Above 6 months up to Two trips Three trips
2 years
Above 2 years Three trips Six trips

➢ Any additional trips considered necessary shall be provided with the
approval of the controlling branch officer of the division.
➢ The scale of trips shall apply to all systems of working.
➢ A register is maintained at the crew booking points and SSE/Loco shall
up date the particulars every first of the month.
➢ LP/ALP should certify that his previous trip on the section was
performed within the last 3 months and shall also intimate 15 days in
advance about his LRS getting lapsed.
➢ No.of trips may be increased for difficult sections when permitted by
branch officers.


Interlocking means an arrangement of signals, points and other

appliances, operated from a panel or lever frame, so interconnected by
mechanical locking or electrical locking or both that their operation must
take place in proper sequence to ensure safety.

➢ In the beginning there was no interlocking between points and signals.
➢ Facing points can be altered in the face of approaching train.
➢ Human element only played an important role in ensuring safety.
➢ The speed of trains is restricted to 15 kmph over facing points.

Direct interlocking
➢ In this type the points and signals are grouped together and operated
from one and the same place from a cabin or panel.

Fully interlocking
➢ In this taking off reception signal detects setting of points at the trailing
end also.
➢ Reception signals can be taken of only after setting and locking all the
facing points for the line of reception up to signal overlap.

Essentials of interlocking
➢ It shall not be possible to take off signals unless the concerned points
are correctly set and facing points locked.
➢ When a signal is cleared it shall not be possible to alter points or open
LC gates.
➢ It shall not be possible to take off conflicting signals at the same time
leading to conflicting movements.
➢ Where possible points are interlocked with each other to avoid
conflicting movements.

Standards of interlocking
Depending on the volume of traffic, devices provided to confirm the
speed factor there are three standards of interlocking. The equipment of

signal, mode of locking and operation of points, signals, etc vary in these
different standards.

Particulars STD I(R) STD II(R) STD III(R) STD IV(R)
Optional, It
may be
1 Isolation provided for Essential Essential Essential
Type of Partial or full Partial or full Full Full
2 interlocking Direct or Direct or Direct only Direct
indirect indirect only
Point Compulsory Not Not Not
Indicator Compulsory required required
Mode of Hand bolt Plunger Plunger
4 locking plunger key type type
Signals – Distant, Home Distant, Distant, Distant,
MAS & starter is Home, Starter Inner Inner
optional Advanced Distant, Distant,
starter is Home, Home,
optional. Starter Starter
and and
Advanced Advanced
starter. starter.
Speed over
6 facing 50 kmph 110 kmph 140 kmph 160 kmph
points M/L


➢ Means an arrangement, secured by setting of points or other approved

means, to protect the line so isolated from the danger of obstruction
from other connected line or lines.
➢ Isolation is required at a station to ensure safety, increase speed and
for simultaneous reception.
➢ At stations where the speed of run through trains exceeds 50 kmph,
main line must be isolated from adjacent loop lines.

Means of isolation
Trap Switch
➢ It is a single switch rail point used both on running lines and non
running lines.
➢ Whenever the line is to be isolated, trap points are kept open.
➢ Any vehicle which moves over open trap point will derail.
➢ When movement is authorised trap points will be in closed condition
and may be indicated by a trap indicator.

Sand Hump
➢ An extended portion of the track of approved design ending in a sand
hump on a sharp rising gradient.
➢ It can trap run away vehicles or trains and hence an efficient means of
isolation. It is also an efficient substitute for signal overlap.

Snag dead end

➢ A running line is extended to a dead end siding to isolate it from other
lines. It is also used as substitute for signal overlap.
➢ It shall not be used for stabling vehicles.

Derailing switch
➢ It is a switch provided on a line to isolate it from adjacent lines.
➢ When it is open, any vehicle passing over it in the facing direction
derails without fouling other lines.
➢ Trap indicators may be provided to indicate whether they are closed or
open. Under approved special instructions this shall be used as a
substitute for signal overlap.

Standard Time
➢ The working of trains between stations shall be regulated by the
standard time prescribed by the Government of India.
➢ The standard time shall be signalled daily at 16.00 hrs as indicated in
the GPS clock installed in the control office.
➢ Control office shall notify all the stations through a general call.
➢ No passenger train or mixed train shall be started from a station before
the advertised time.

➢ At the train starting station the guard shall set his watch with the
station clock and communicate the time to the LP who shall set his
watch accordingly.

Speed of trains.
➢ Every train shall run on each section of the railway within the speed
limits sanctioned for that section by approved special instructions i.e.
no train shall exceed the maximum permissible speed of the section.
➢ The LP shall regulate and control the running of the train according to
the WTT.

Maximum Permissible Speed

➢ This is prescribed by CRS for each section and Loco separately.
➢ Fixed on the basis of -
▪ Strength of track
▪ Type of Engine
▪ Gradient in the section
➢ Indicated in WTT at the relevant page for each section.
➢ LP shall not exceed this speed even if he is running late.
➢ On the basis of this speed, minimum permissible running time is
➢ If the MPS of the Loco & MPS of the section are different then whichever
is lower is the MPS.

Minimum permissible running time

➢ This is the running time between stations when running at MPS

➢ This is calculated taking into account the running time, Time for
acceleration/deceleration, gradients, load of the train stoppage platform
time loop line or main line and includes time loss on account of
Permanent Speed Restrictions.
➢ The difference between this time and the booked time of the section gives
the time made up by the LP at the block section.

Speed over facing points

➢ Speed over facing points will be shown in WTT.

➢ It depends on the standard of interlocking.
➢ Speed over facing points during signal failure is 15 kmph
➢ Speed over all crossovers and turnouts are 15 kmph or higher speed
permitted under approved special instructions.
➢ Speed over high speed turnouts (thick web switches) is 30 kmph.
➢ Non–interlocked station on Main line and loop line the speed is 15 kmph.

Caution Order (GR/SR 4.09)

A precautionary written advice prepared and issued by the SM to the

Guard and LP to exercise speed restrictions on run.
A Caution Order shall be on a white paper in blue or black font typed or
made out on computers with the words ` Caution Order` written on the
top of the form in bold letters. While preparing Caution order it shall be
ensured that the font size shall be 12 with font of either Times New Roman
or Bookman Old Style.

a) Permanent speed restrictions - Mentioned in WTT

b) Temporary speed restrictions - Caution order

Sl. Temporary Speed

Permanent Speed Restriction
No Restriction

1 Notified through Caution Notified in the Working Time Table

Hand Signals, Banner Flag Temporary Engineering Indicators
2 and Detonators are used to are erected.
protect the Work Spot.
3 Time loss to be made up by Time loss is included in the running
LPs. time.

Kinds of Caution order

T/409 – Notice station Caution Order

➢ This is issued at Notice stations.

➢ It is prepared in four copies by carbon purpose and issued to LP, ALP,
Guard and Record.
➢ It is given covering the sections from one Notice station to the next Notice
➢ It is prepared in geographical order in relation to the direction of the
movement of the train.

T/A 409- Nil Caution Order

➢ This Caution Order is prepared and issued when there are no cautions
between two Notice stations.
➢ LP shall start his train from a notice station only after obtaining T/409
or T/A 409.

T/B 409 - Reminder Caution Order

➢ This is issued other than notice station, immediately in rear of the
Caution spot.

➢ It is issued for all stopping trains and run through trains stopping out of
➢ This Caution order may be dispensed with for a stopping train if SM is
able to communicate through VHF set and ascertain that the LP is
already in possession of caution order.

T/C 409 - Trolley Caution Order

➢ It is issued whenever the trolley is on line with the Form T/1518 (caution
order protection).
➢ LP has to proceed cautiously, whistle frequently and be prepared to stop
short of the trolley noticed in the section.

Notice Station
➢ Notice station is indicated in WTT for the purpose of issuing caution
➢ Normally a train starting station or a junction station where all trains
stop will be designated as notice station.
➢ Notice station for passenger trains need not be same for goods trains.
➢ LP and Guard shall not start a train from notice stations without caution
General instructions with Caution order

SM receiving the message from engineering official to intimates SM at the

other end, control, & Notice stations under exchange of PN, control to
ensure advice to all concerned
➢ The caution order shall be in a blue or black font with the heading as
caution order.
➢ Caution order may be printed, cyclostyled or computer generated.
➢ Station code shall not be used and full name as shown in the WTT shall
be mentioned.
➢ To be written in geographical order in the direction of the run. No entries
shall be made at the back of the Caution order.
➢ If additional engine is attached enroute, LP to contact the leading engine
LP and get particulars of Caution.
➢ If more than one caution order form is used, it shall be serially numbered
and signed by the SM duly affixing the station stamp.
➢ SM shall indicate the stations between, kms between, the speed
restrictions, location of the caution indicator, speed indicator, stop
indicator and reasons for the issue of CO.
➢ No alterations/over writings to be done in the CO. LP shall check the
particulars of the CO and in case of any doubt get it clarified by the SM
or the Guard.
➢ On completion of the journey the GDR shall handover the CO to the
incoming GDR or to the SM/LF at the train terminating station.

Circumstances for the issue of Caution Order

No Circumstances Particulars of Caution
When LP reports about slack, rough running Observe special caution
1 or heavy lurch. Speed not to exceed 10
Unsafe conditions of bunds of tanks or rivers Speed 15 kmph by day
are reported. and 10 kmph by night
Water reaches danger level mark at bridges. Speed 15 kmph by day
and 10 kmph by night
Trolley on line on form T/1518. Trolley on line Caution
Gateman`s acknowledgement of a Observe PHS of gateman
non-interlocked LC gate outside station and pass LC not
5 limits not received for a train. exceeding 20 kmph &
whistle freely.
During thick, foggy or tempestuous weather Adverse weather
6 where there is poor visibility of signals. conditions, Stop at FSS
and proceed at 10 kmph.
Last train mentioned in the Line Block order. Look out for stop hand
7 signal from the
engineering official
For a traffic train to enter a block section on Line block removal
the expiry of line block period advise not received, Be
prepared for stop or
caution signals
Patrolman does not report within 15 minutes Speed 40 kmph by day
of his scheduled arrival or departure. 15 kmph by night
When LC has been obtained through control Speed on S/L 15/10
or VHF set, not supported by Identification kmph, D/L 25/10 kmph,
numbers Twin S/L first train 25
When Engineering gate signal is reported as Information about
defective failure.
Engineering works or repairs on the track. T/409 or T/B 409 with
During emergency patrolling of track. Emergency patrolling in
Any change in complement of signals or a Notification of the
signal is newly erected/relocated. change in signaling
arrangements for 90
Particulars of the
Warner/Distant or FSS failed in OFF defective signal Observe
position stop hand signal at the
foot of the signal.

Train piloted on written memo on Speed not to exceed 15
Non- signaled or Non- running line. kmph or less as
mentioned in SWR.
When alarm chain apparatus is blanked off Coach No. and
17 on a coach/compartment of a train. instruction to look back
Speed 15 kmph Guard in
When Engine pushing a train outside station
leading vehicle.
18 Limits
Speed 10 kmph Gd in
any other vehicle.
Train movements permitted on rail 10 kmph when certified
fracture/weld fracture after attending fit by Keyman/Gangmate
19 emergency repairs or Patrolman. for first
train & subsequent
trains 20 kmph.
Trains are unusually delayed running on Proceed cautiously and
D/L or Multiple line sections. ascertain the
whereabouts of the
delayed train.
Train started after occurrence of train Report of conditions of
21 parting and clearance of obstruction the track such as
Diesel locomotives permitted to enter during Speed restrictions or
22 power block. special precautions if
Goods permitted to run without Guard/BV Specify the non provision
or without Guard and BV. of Gd/BV and advise to
carry the duties of
During overhauling of Interlocking lever Speed 15 kmph at
frames station
Indicate the location
25 When temporary neutral section is provided. where LP has to lower
and raise pantograph.
First train 20/10 kmph
by day/night and stop
Overhead equipment Break-down on
26 short of any obstruction
Double/multiple line section.
and report the condition
of track.
Absence of light is
No light in a color light signal due to power notified and LP to stop at
failure the foot of the signal

Goods stock attached to passenger trains Speed 75 kmph with

after certifying by train examiner particulars
29 When there is doubt or suspicion from the `Proceed cautiously and

condition of run through train or lookout for any
observations made that the block section in obstruction on the line`.
rear might have obstructed.
Any other conditions or circumstances which Particulars of caution.
may require the issue of caution order.

Engine pushing (GR/SR 4.12)

An engine shall push a train outside the station limits only under special
An engine may push a train outside station limits in circumstances such as-
1. Regular working of Material trains.
2. Inability of engine to haul the load.
3. Line obstructed and trains required working to the point of
4. Working of relief trains during emergencies etc.
5. To pick up an injured passenger or a person knocked out by the
train, if considered necessary.
Once a train enters a bock section normally it should not be pushed back.
If the train is unable to go forward, and no relief engine is available, the
Guard in consultation with LP can decide to push back the train after taking
the following precautions.
➢ The Guard/LP shall contact SM/SCOR/TPC telephonically and obtain
permission to push back. Such permission shall be given by SM of the
station in rear supported by a PN.
➢ If SM/SCOR/TPC could not be contacted, the Guard/ALP shall walk to
the nearest station and SM shall then issue Caution Order permitting
pushing back.
➢ SM of the station in advance shall issue Caution order only after
obtaining permission supported by a PN from SM of station in rear.
➢ Guard of the pushing train shall travel in the leading vehicle fitted with
braking apparatus or hand brakes.
➢ If the leading vehicle is not so fitted, the Guard shall travel in the nearest
vehicle which is so fitted.
➢ The speed of the train, when Guard is traveling in the leading vehicle
shall not exceed 15 kmph and in any other vehicle, 10 kmph.
➢ Guard shall keep a good lookout and continuously exhibit PHS to the LP.
In absence of PHS, LP shall stop the train at once.
➢ On single line sections, the LP of pushing train shall stop outside the
FSS and whistle.
➢ SM shall arrange to receive the train by taking OFF the reception signals.
➢ On Double line sections when a train is pushed the LP shall bring his
train to a stop opposite the FSS pertaining to the other line or at the LSS
whichever he comes across first and whistle.
➢ The train shall be hand signalled inside the station by a written memo
issued by SM.

➢ A Patrol or a searchlight special with one or more vehicles in front of the
engine may be permitted to run at maximum speed of 40 kmph.


➢ An engine working a train during night or in thick foggy weather or in

tunnel shall be provided with the electric head light of approved design.
➢ The engine in addition to head light shall also have two oil or electric
➢ A shunting engine at station and yards shall also be provided with head
light as well as two red Marker light in front and in rear.
➢ In case the electric head light fails the LP shall work the train at a speed
not exceeding the severest temporary speed restriction imposed in the
block section or 40 KMPH whichever is less.
➢ Coaching locos shall not leave the shed with the defective speedometer.
➢ In case of speedometer becomes defective on run the train shall run at
➢ 10 % less speed.
➢ A switch shall be provided in the engine to dim the electric head light.
➢ The LP shall dim the head light in following occasions.
1. When the train remains stationary at a station.
2. When a train is coming from opposite direction on D/L, Multiple or
Twin S/L.
3. When LP has to pick up the aspect of a fixed signal.
4. To avoid dazzling cattle.
5. To enable the LP to pick-up the token pouch.

Flasher light

➢ This is fixed adjacent to head light in Diesel, Electric locos and EMUs,
MEMUs and DMUs.
➢ When switched on, this will show a flickering yellow light.
➢ As soon as a train is stopped due to accident or for any other reason the
LP must switch on flasher light, before going for protection.
➢ On seeing this light, the LP coming from the opposite direction should
stop his train as near to the engine and enquire the reason.
➢ If there is obstruction the LP of approaching train must arrange to
protect his own train in rear.
➢ This may be switched “ON” to stop a train coming from opposite
direction to convey any information.
➢ At station, if there is any obstruction on the adjacent line the LP shall
switch on Flasher light.
➢ During S/L working on D/L, LP of train running on wrong direction to
switch on Flasher light.
➢ TIC on S/L, LP of engine to open communication to switch on flasher
➢ Presently Auto flasher light is provided to function in case of abnormal
condition in train.

Tail light and Side lights (GR/SR 4.15)

During night and in thick and foggy weather trains working outside
station limits shall be provided with a red tail light and two side lights
showing red towards the rear and white towards engine.
➢ Provision of side lights on goods train and EMU train may be dispensed
➢ At night LP shall look back frequently and see that the side lamps are
burning to ensure that the train is complete.
➢ If both the side lamps are not burning LP shall give two short whistles.
➢ Guard shall then exhibit PHS towards the LP to indicate the side lamps
are not burning and LP shall give a long whistle and continue the
➢ When a train is waiting at a station to give precedence to another train
the Guard shall change the side light to show white towards the rear
and red towards the engine and the other left in its normal position.
After the following has been admitted Guard shall again put back the
side light to its normal position.

Tail lamps and Tail Boards (GR/SR 4.16)

➢ To indicate to the staff that a train is complete the last vehicle in rear
shall be affixed by day a tail board.
➢ By night and thick foggy weather a red tail lamp either steady or flashing
light shall be provided.
➢ The Tail board/Tail lamp shall be of approved design.
➢ In emergencies under special instructions a red flag may be used in lieu
of Tail board/Tail lamp.
➢ In case of EMU stock turnover tail board painted with Red Cross mark
on white back ground is provided.
➢ Guards are responsible to ensure that Tail lamp/Tail board is affixed
only in rear of the last vehicle.

Loco Pilots equipment (GR/SR 4.19)

Each LP shall have with him, on duty the following equipments:

➢ Working Time Table, Block working Manual, Accident Manual with
updated corrections, and Handbook on Brake power rules.
➢ A case containing 10 Detonators.
➢ Rough Journal Book.
➢ One electrical head lamp bulb and Cab light bulb.
➢ HS lamp tricolor.
➢ H S Flags 1 red and 1 green,1 warning signal as per special
➢ A Torch and a Walkie-Talkie set.
➢ Key for re-setting ACP valve for Air brake coaches.
For LPs working on Electric Locos
➢ A copy of 25 KV AC Traction Manual.

➢ One insulated screw driver and an insulated plier, Hammer
➢ LV Board/Tail lamp

Equipment of ALPs
➢ Red and Green flags.
➢ Rough journal book.
➢ Working Time table.
➢ Tri color torch
➢ Personal log book.
➢ Hammer-cum-screw driver
In addition LPs/ALPs should also be in possession of a Watch and two pairs
of spectacles required to wear under Medical advice.

Manning of Engine in Motion (GR/SR 4.20)

➢ No Engine shall be allowed to be in motion unless LP and ALP are upon

it except under special instructions.
➢ LPs shall be duly qualified and holding valid certificate issued by the
competant Authority.
➢ When a Loco Pilot becomes incapacitated on the run, the ALP if duly
qualified may work the train up to the next Block Station and report to
SM. If he is not qualified shall inform the Guard and ask for assistance
and protect the train.
➢ Diesel shunting engines working at stations/yards shall have only
Shunters without Assistants.
➢ ALPs may move engines in Loco yards in absence of Shunters provided
they hold certificate signed by competent authority.
➢ Shunters holding certificates of competency as LPs may be allowed to
work trains outside station limits.

Riding on Engine (GR/SR 4.22)

No persons other than Engine crew shall ride on Engine except in

accordance with special instructions.
The following persons may travel on the engine when authorized with
engine pass.
➢ Staff specially authorized by DRM.
➢ LPs on LRS duty.
➢ Traffic staff carrying shunting operations.
➢ Guards when no BV is provided.
➢ Inspecting officials on duty.
➢ Maximum persons excluding the crew shall not exceed two.
➢ On trial engine – four.

Driving an Electric Train. (GR/SR 4.21)

➢ LPs shall work the train from leading driving compartment.

➢ When the leading Cab of an Electrical locomotive/Dual cab Diesel
Locomotive becomes defective ALP if duly qualified shall drive from the
trailing Cab and LP shall remain in leading driving Cab and responsible
for correct operation of Brake system.
➢ The maximum speed shall not exceed 40 kmph.

EMU Stock
➢ In case EMU leading Cab fails, the Train shall be driven from the
nearest serviceable compartment.
➢ In such cases Guard shall travel in the leading Compartment and
convey necessary signals to the LP and in emergency apply brakes.
➢ The speed shall not exceed 30 kmph and where the Brake equipment is
inoperative from the leading Cab the speed shall not exceed 15 kmph.

Procedure for a Goods train to work without Brake Van (GR/SR 4.25)

➢ In emergency short distance pilot/Goods trains may be worked without

BV under specific orders of Sr DOM/DOM.
➢ Fully vacuum / Air braked and SE / JE (C & W) to certify
➢ Guard shall travel be in Engine
➢ Before starting – SM to give number of last wagon to control.
➢ While asking Line Clear – each SM to give last number to next SM – TSR
entry to be made.
➢ Tail Board & Tail Lamp to be fixed in last vehicle
➢ Guard to keep sharp look out
➢ Train may run at the booked speed.
➢ When train stops for crossing SM to give the last vehicle number to

Goods train to work without Guard

➢ Fully vacuum / Air braked and SE / JE (C & W) to certify.
➢ Duties of Guard – devolve on LP.
➢ Caution Order to be issued – informing the absence of Guard and
requiring him to perform the duties of Guard.
➢ Tail Lamp & Tail Board to be fixed –LP to ensure
➢ Train may run at the booked speed.
➢ LP to keep sharp look out.
➢ In IB/Automatic block system the following train shall be allowed only
after the train running without Guard has reached the station in

Goods train to work without Guard and Brake Van

➢ Fully vacuum / Air braked and SE / JE (C & W) to certify.
➢ SM to advise Last Vehicle number to control
➢ When asking Line Clear – number to be intimated to next SM & TSR
entry to be made.
➢ Train may run at the booked speed.
➢ Duties of Guard – devolve on LP

➢ Caution Order issued - informing the LP about the absence of Guard.
➢ Tail Lamp or Tail Board put on, Fouling mark ensured
➢ During Crossing – SM to give the last vehicle number to Control &
exchange PN.
Note: Working of trains without Guard/BV/Both is not permitted during
TIC and in Ghat sections.



Standard moving dimension measurements are prescribed by the Railway

Board for safe movement of consignment loaded in wagons.
It is classified based on the clearance from the fixed structure.
Gross Clearance: Means the physical clearance at rest.
Net Clearance: Means the minimum clearance on run.

Class-A (Permitted out of Guage loads)

➢ Gross clearance more than 9” and net clearance more than 6”.
➢ Sanctioning authority is ‘DRM’ within divisions and ‘PCOM’ beyond two
divisions and movement permitted both during day and night.
➢ Escort is not necessary.
➢ Speed limit- 75 kmph in normal case 30 kmph near fixed structures.

Class ‘B’ (Exceptional out of Guage loads)

➢ Gross clearance is between 6”and 9” and Net clearance between
3” to 6”.
➢ Sanctioning authority is PCE.
➢ Normally permitted during day and with precautions during night also.
➢ Speed limits 40 kmph.
➢ Escorting officials TI, SE/P-way, SE/C & W, Signal Inspector are

Class ‘C’ (Extra ordinary out of Guage loads)

➢ Gross clearance less than 6”and net clearance less than 3”.
➢ Sanctioning authority CRS and permitted only during day.
➢ Speed limit 25 kmph
➢ Escort is required.

Precautions to be taken while carrying ISMD.

➢ It shall be marshaled next to Train engine.
➢ It shall be moved only by through goods trains.
➢ If no through goods trains on run it may be attached to shunting trains
with specific instructions to the staff of all stations enroute.
➢ Loose shunting against such loads is strictly prohibited.
➢ Escort staff shall be arranged according to the Class by C & W
department, Engineering department, OHE department etc.

➢ Trains carrying ISMD should be dealt only on the lines nominated in the
station working rules at stations.
➢ Normally these trains shall be dealt on non platform lines.
➢ When dealt on PF lines speed shall be restricted to 5 kmph.
➢ Escort staff to inspect the loads at frequent intervals to ensure that the
position of the loads is not shifted during run.
➢ Change of route and diversion is not permitted.

Precautions to be observed in 25 KV electrified sections

➢ If Gross Clearance is more than 390mm- No speed limits.

➢ If Gross Clearance is between 340mm and 390mm speed limit is 15
➢ If Gross Clearance is less than 340mm-speed limit 15 kmph and OHE
power supply to be switched off.
➢ If Clearance is Less than 100mm-No movement permitted.

Precautions before starting a train (GR/SR 4.30, 4.31 & 4.32)

Every LP before starting a train shall examine the notices issued for their
guidance and ascertain whether any special attention is required on that
➢ BPC is correct in all respects end prescribed vacuum/Air pressure is
available in Engine & B-Van.
➢ Before commencement of journey the LP shall ensure that his engine is
in proper working order.
➢ The couplings between the engine and the train are properly secured.
➢ The head light & marker lights are in order and burning brightly when
➢ In case of coupling multiple units the LP shall observe all electrical
couplings are properly made.

Starting of Trains (Rule 4.35)

➢ An LP shall not start his train from a station without the ATP, before
starting he shall satisfy himself that correct fixed signals and, where
necessary, hand signals are given.
➢ He shall also ensure that the line before him is clear of visible
obstruction & Guard has given the signal to start.
➢ In case of LE & Trains unaccompanied by the guard duties of Guard
shall devolve on the LP.
➢ If it is a Notice station/starting station LP is given with caution order in
form T/409 or T/A409.

Duties of LP during Journey (GR/SR4.39, 4.40, 4.41, 4.42 & 4.48)

➢ During journey the LP shall obey all lawful orders of the Guard and in
station limits of SM in all matters affecting the starting, stopping or

movement of the train for traffic purposes so far as the safe and proper
working of his engine will admit.
➢ LP & ALP, shall keep a good look out while the train is in motion, shall
identify each Signal/ Engineering Indicator Boards and call out the
aspects to each other.
➢ The LP & ALP shall look back frequently to see whether the whole of the
train is following in safe & proper manner when they are not otherwise
➢ They shall pay special attention after passing P. way gangs on line or a
manned LC gate to see whether any danger signal is being exhibited by
them warning of a danger of an accident.
➢ Exchange signals with Guard & station staff at such times & in such
manners as prescribed.
➢ Promptly observe caution spots and speed restrictions as mentioned in
Caution orders.
➢ When required assistance of Guard`s Hand Brake, the LP shall sound the
prescribed code of whistle.
➢ Use the Engine whistle as & when required at curves, cuttings, Tunnels,
LC gates & on Bridges.
➢ Before detaching the engine from the formation outside station limit for
any reason permission of Guard shall be obtained.
➢ The engine of a train carrying passengers shall not be detached outside
station limits except in an emergency as permitted by special

Stopping of Train (GR/SR 4.58)

➢ The LP shall stop his train carefully and without a jerk.
➢ He shall enter station yard with his train under complete control and
avoid overshooting stop boards or starter signals.
➢ A passenger train LP shall ensure that the passenger bogies do not
overshoot the platform.
➢ LP shall shut off power at the proper place depending on brake power,
Load, gradient etc.

Duties on Arrival
➢ When a train comes to a stand at the station the LP shall see that
wherever possible, his engine is clear of the fouling marks of all points &
crossing, If not he shall take steps to inform the SM & exhibit stop hand
signal to prevent any movement on the fouled line.
➢ Ensure that the train is secured & brakes are applied properly.
➢ He shall report regarding any defective signals, unusual run or any
occurrence to the SM in writing.
➢ Before shutting off power the LP shall determine where to shut off power
by paying particular attention to the gradient, state of weather, condition
of rails, brake power & length and weight of the train.
➢ LP shall not leave his working Locomotive when on duty, except in case
of absolute necessity and after a competent Rly servant has been placed
in change of the locomotive.
➢ When a train carrying passengers has been brought to a stand at a
station, LP shall not move it except under the orders of Guard.

Train held up at FSS (GR/SR 4.44)

➢ LP shall bring the train to stop at FSS and give a long whistle to warn
the Station Master.
➢ If the delay is without any apparent reason for 5 minutes and more LP to
give 2 long and 2 short whistle and call guard to come to engine.
➢ After consultation with the Guard shall depute the ALP to inform SM.
➢ If the signals are likely to be taken off, the messenger may remain at the
➢ If the train is to be detained at the signal for a considerable period SM to
send a written memo mentioning reasons for detention through the
➢ The messenger to get the initial of LP and hand it over to the guard. In
the absence of Guard LP shall retain it.
➢ Guard to make necessary remarks in the CTR.
➢ If stoppage is likely to exceed 15 minutes, the train to be protected in
rear [GR 6.03]
➢ During total interruption of communication if delay exceeds 10 minutes
or more, protection shall be done by guard in rear (GR 6.02).

Detaching engine from a train outside station limits (GR/SR 4.48)

➢ The engine of a passenger carrying train shall not be detached except in

an emergency such as testing a bridge, for isolating a burning coach on a
train carrying passengers or to send a serious accident message.
➢ Hand brakes in the Guard`s brake-van in rear and in other SLR wherever
provided shall be securely screwed on,
➢ Hand brakes of any goods wagons on the train shall be securely pinned
➢ Hand brakes if provided on any coaching vehicle shall be applied.
➢ The wedges/sprags provided in the guards BV shall be securely jammed
under the farthermost wheels of the rake in the direction of falling
➢ Vacuum/Air pressure shall be created to the maximum extent possible.
➢ The interval between the engine is detached to the time it is again
attached to the train shall not exceed 45 minutes.
➢ The LP of a goods train shall, before detaching his engine from the train,
call for the Guard to apply brake by giving three short whistle.

Guard shall apply the brakes as under:-

Sl.No Gradient Inside station limits Outside station limits

Steeper than HB of BV + HB of 12 V HB of BV + HB of all
1/400 Vehicles
2 Steeper than HB of BV + HB of 6 V HB of BV + HB of all
1/600 up to Vehicles
3 1/600 or flatter HB of BV HB of BV + HB of 18V
Outside station limits detention exceeding
1/150 or steeper 15 mins.(SR 6.05)
for Roller HB of BV + HB of Loco + HB of 1/3 vehicles
bearing Vehicles whichever is more (at least 10 vehicles inside
& loco and 5 vehicles inside rear BV)
1/100 or steeper
for non-roller
bearing vehicles

Note: If BV to be detached additional 6 vehicles HB to be applied.

Whistle Codes (SR 4.50)

Whistle code of
Sl. No Indication
a. Before starting:-
1. Indication to LP of assisting/banking
engine that the leading engine is ready to
2. Acknowledgement by the LP of
assisting/banking engine to leading LP.
3. Engine ready to leave loco yard or after
completing loco work.
1 0 One short 4. Engine ready to go to loco yard.
On run-
1. Assistance of other engine not required.
2. Acknowledgement of LP of
assisting/banking engine that assistance
a. Call for Guard’s signal.
2 00 Two short b. Signals not exchanged by Guard.
c. Signals not exchanged by station staff.
a. Guard to release brakes.
–– 0 b. Before starting engine or a train from
3 One long one short station/mid-section.
c. Main line clear after backing into siding.
a. Guard to apply brakes.
000 Three short b. Train is out of control, Guard to assist
a. Train cannot proceed on account of
0 0 0 0 Four short accident, failure, obstruction or other
exceptional cause.
b. Protect train in rear.
6 –– –– 0 0

Two long Two short Call for Guard to come to engine.
a. Token not received
b. Token missed
0 –– 0 c. With wrong `authority to proceed`.
short long short d. Passing Stop signal at On proper authority.
a. Before starting- Vacuum recreated on ghat
section, remove sprags.
b. Passing Automatic stop signal at `on`.
––––– one long c. Passing an IB stop signal at `On` when the
8 telephone provided on the signal post is out
of order and the LP is thus unable to contact
the station in rear.
d. On run- Acknowledgement of Guards

- - - - - -Approaching W/L Board at level crossing,

Intermittent a. Passing tunnel or area of restricted visibility
or curves or cutting site of accident.
b. Recall Rly servant protecting train in rear.
–––––––– Continuous c. Material train ready to leave.
d. Running through a station.
e. Approaching a Stop signal at `On` or in
consequence of fog, storm or any other
reason the view of signals is obstructed.
f. Detained at a stop signal.
g. Passing RW/L Board
––– 0 ––– 0 a. Train parting.
10 One long one short b. Train arriving incomplete.
a. Alarm chain pulled.
11 0 0 ––– one short two b. Insufficient vacuum/air pressure.
long c. Guard applied vacuum/air brake.
Raise pantograph. To be acknowledged by the
––– ––– Two long other engine
––– 0 ––– Lower pantograph. To be acknowledged by
long short long the other engine
a. Signal arm lowered but light extinguished.
14 ––– 0 0 b. Signal arm improperly taken `off``.
c. Defective signal.
15 ––– ––– ––– Three long Fouling mark not cleared.
a. Apprehension of danger.
b. Danger signal to the LP of an approaching
train whose path is fouled or obstructed for
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 any reason.
frequently c. While working on a S/L section during TIC
or during TSL working is introduced on a
D/L section.
d. Moving in wrong direction on a D/L or
against the signaled direction in the
Automatic block signaling territory on D/L
or against the established direction in the
Automatic block signaling territory on S/L.

Note: The signals above are illustrated by `0` by for a short whistle and “–––“for a
long whistle.

Working of Material Train (GR/SR 4.62)

➢ Material train is a departmental train worked under special instructions

with the advice of DRM.
➢ It is normally worked only in day time and when the visibility is clear. At
other times the DRM’s permission must be obtained.
➢ DRM to make necessary arrangement for material train working advising
all concerned as to the nature of work, duration and where to be stabled.
In emergency, SM may order material train on the requisition of Engg.
➢ It may be permitted to work as pushing also, and when it is pushing;
trains are dealt with on signals as usual on single lines.
➢ Except in an emergency, it shall not work during night time. When it is
permitted by DRM, the work spot shall be well lit and Second class
accommodation for labours shall be provided and Guard of the train
shall ensure no person is traveling in material wagons during night.
➢ It shall not be divided except under the personal supervision of
engineering official not below the rank of JE (P.way)
➢ Vehicles shall not be detached on 1 in 100 or steeper gradient.
➢ On down gradients steeper than 1 in 100 pushing is not permitted.
➢ The speed during day when Engine is leading shall not exceed Goods
train speed.
➢ Pushing speed shall not exceed 15 kmph on the straight and 10 kmph
over the turn-out.
➢ At least one BV shall be attached in rear.
➢ SE / JE (C&W) shall examine the formation once in a week.
➢ On single line it worked as a train movement i.e. with normal ATP. On
double line signalled direction it is worked as a running train and in
non-signalled direction-worked with T/806 on Block Back.
➢ On single line when a material train is to be allowed to work on line and
come back or clear the block section at other end, SM shall prepare a
memo in duplicate, mentioning time at which he is required to clear the
section, counter signed by the Guard of the train.
➢ Stabling is prohibited on a running line except in unavoidable
➢ At stations with one loop, stabling is not permitted except under the
permission of DRM.
➢ Protection shall be done during stabling it shall be ensured that the
vehicles are properly secured and not fouling any points or crossings.

➢ Points shall be set against the line and have been secured with clamp,
or bolts and cotters with padlock.
➢ SM shall keep the keys in his personal custody, until the material train
is ready to leave.
➢ SM and guard shall jointly ensure in addition to above that sufficient
number of hand brakes has been applied and BV brakes are screwed
➢ Sufficient number of wheels is locked by safety chains and pad locked.
➢ Outside the station limit, the Guard shall take the above precautions.

Reception of a train on an obstructed Road. (GR/SR 5.09)

In the event of a train being received on an obstructed line,

➢ Loco pilot to be informed through SM in rear, whenever possible.
➢ Train to be stopped at the relevant signal.
➢ SM to ensure the following –
➢ Line of reception is clear up to the point of obstruction.
➢ All the relevant points are correctly set and facing points locked.
➢ LC gates if any are closed against road traffic.
➢ Conflicting signals are at ON.
➢ Conflicting movements are stopped.
Reception shall be arranged.
➢ By taking off Calling-On Signal where provided speed not to exceed 15
➢ By issuing the authority T/509 through a competent railway servant and
➢ Loco pilot shall stop the train at the facing point leading to the reception
line until hand signalled.
➢ A stop hand signal shall be exhibited at a distance of 45 mts from the
place of obstruction. Loco pilot shall proceed cautiously and be prepared
to stop short of any obstruction.

Reception of a train on a non signaled / non running line. (GR/SR 5.10)

➢ Resorted to only in an emergency.

➢ Train to be stopped at the FSS.
➢ SM to ensure all the 5 conditions (Line is clear up to the place of
➢ SM to depute Competent Railway Servant to pilot the train on a written
➢ Authority on to non- signaled/non running line.
➢ While entering the non-signalled line LP to observe a speed restriction of
15 kmph.
➢ LP while entering the non-signaled/non-running line shall proceed
cautiously and be prepared to stop short of any obstruction.

Departure of a train from a non signaled / non running line (GR/SR 5.11)

In the event of a train to be started from a non- signaled/non-running line :

➢ T/ 511 shall be issued by the SM in addition to authority to proceed.
➢ Train shall be piloted out of the station up to the last set of points at a
speed not exceeding 15 kmph.
➢ The number of the non- running / non- signaled line from where the
train is being started shall be written on the face of the authority.
➢ This form shall serve as ATP when endorsed with Line Clear obtained
from station and PN.

Departure of a train from a line out of a group of lines governed by

common departure signal. (GR/SR 5.12)
➢ If a train is to be started from a line, out of group of lines provided with
common departure signal. All the points shall be correctly set and facing
Points locked.
➢ The LP shall be issued a written authority in form no T/ 512 in addition
to the authority to proceed indicating the line No. from where the train is
being started.

SHUNTING means movement of a vehicle or vehicles with or without an

engine or of any engine or any other self propelled vehicle, for the purpose of
attaching, detaching or transfer or for any other purpose.

Control of shunting
➢ Shunting shall be controlled by fixed signals, Hand signals and verbal
➢ Outer, Home and LSS shall not be used for controlling shunt
➢ Starter signals where it is not the LSS may be taken off if interlocking
➢ Gate stop signals inside station limits may be taken off after closing gates
against road traffic.

Responsibility for shunting

➢ At stations where separate shunting staff are employed they shall
supervise all shunting activities under the guidance of SM/YM of the
➢ Shunting supervisor nominated by SM.
➢ At all other stations Guard of the train shall supervise shunting under
the instructions of SM.
➢ When ever guard is not available SM shall supervise shunting.

Kinds of Shunting
`Loose Shunting` means vehicles being pushed by an engine and allowed
to run forward unattached.
➢ No vehicle shall be loose shunted unless provided with an efficient hand-
brake or unless the vehicle is attached to at least another vehicle fitted
with an efficient hand brake.
➢ The vehicle shall be accompanied by a railway servant to pin down the
hand brake.
➢ The Railway servant in-charge of shunting shall ensure that the wagons
do not escape from the yard and obstruct running lines.
➢ Loose shunting is prohibited in the following cases:
Dead Engines, ISMD loads, Wagons with defective hand brakes,
Wagons loaded with heavy machinery, Petrol and oil tank wagons,
Damaged vehicles, Wagons loaded with fragile goods, Coaching vehicles,
Track maintenance machines, Tower wagons, Cranes, Vehicles
containing passengers, workers, explosives, Dangerous goods or live
stock such vehicles which are marked `Not to be Loose Shunted`.

Fly Shunting is a shunt movement in which two or more vehicles/wagons to

be moved, after being given an impetus by an engine are separated at the
points, by the points being reversed smartly between the vehicles, in order
to send them to different lines.
This kind of shunting is permitted only in Hump yards also called as Hump

Hand Shunting

➢ Shunt movement which are performed manually without the aid of any
engine is called Hand shunting.
➢ Hand Brakes shall be in proper working order and always accompanied
by a Railway servant to pin down the hand brakes.
➢ Once Line clear has been given for a train and unless such line is
isolated hand shunting shall not be done.
➢ Not more than one bogie or two units shall be moved at a time.
➢ The wagons shall not be moved at a speed exceeding 5 kmph.
➢ On gradients 1 in 400 or steeper Hand shunting is totally prohibited.


Tokenless Area

A Within Station section T/806

B Beyond Station section upto FSS T/806 + Shunt Key
If Shunt Key could not be given T/806 + PN
C Beyond FSS-treated as train T/806 + ATP + written memo to
movement. return. All dispatch and reception
signals may be taken off.


A Within Station section T/806

B Beyond station section in rear block T/806 + PN
section ( Block Back)
C Beyond Station section in advance T/806 +LSS(Shunt) Key or PN
block section (Block Forward)

Note: Shunting in the face of an approaching train is generally not permitted,

If permitted by special instructions, it shall be incorporated in the SWR of
that station.

Precautions for shunting

➢ Proper instructions shall be obtained from SM/YM or shunting staff.

➢ Proper authority for shunting must be given - Shunt Key or Shunt Metal
Token with T/806.
➢ Where shunting is governed by taking off Starter/shunt signal for
onward movement and return movement by taking off shunt signal issue
of T/806 is not necessary.
➢ If no fixed signal is available, hand signal must be given and with oral
➢ In case of conflicting signals LP shall stop immediately.
➢ Speed of shunting – 15 kmph in general and 8 kmph for Explosive
➢ Point Indicator,Trap indicator and Shunting permitted indicator must be
observed wherever provided.
➢ When loading and unloading is going on – No shunting
➢ If necessary the load must be evenly distributed and shunting performed
➢ When a full passenger train, part of Passenger train, full goods train,
part of goods train, full mixed train, part of mixed train and passenger
Coach with passengers are shunted, the Facing points must be locked
with available locking device.
➢ Engine movement from loco to Traffic Yard and Traffic yard to loco is also
shunting and speed is 10 kmph.
➢ When a full or part of a train is shunted Guard must be in the Brake Van
➢ When a passenger coach with passengers is shunted, passengers must
be warned.
➢ During shunting, for manning of points, a series of points may be
manned by one person.

Shunting on Gradients – Precautions [GR 5.20]

➢ For the purpose of shunting a steep gradient is 1 in 260 or steeper for

conventional bearing vehicles and 1 in 400 or steeper for roller bearing
➢ Sufficient no.of brakes must be put on and sprags must be used.
➢ Trap points and Slip siding points where provided must be set for Sidings
and all precautions taken to prevent escape of vehicles.
➢ If the line is not isolated the engine shall be attached on the falling side
of the gradient.
➢ Any precautions prescribed in SWR shall be adhered to.


Accident is an occurrence in the course of working of Railway which

does or may affect the safety of the Railway, its Engine, Rolling stock,
Permanent way and works, fixed installations, Passengers or servant or
which affect the safety of others or which does or may cause delay to trains
or loss to the Railway.

Serious Accident: Accident to a train carrying passengers which is attended

with loss of life or grievous hurt to a passenger or passengers, or with
serious damage to railway property of the value exceeding Rs.2 Crores and
any other accident which in the opinion of the CRS requires the holding of
an inquiry by CRS.

Averted Collision: An averted collision is a circumstance in which but for the

vigilance shown by any person or persons, a collision would have occurred,
either in the block section or within the station limits between two trains or
between a train and an obstruction.
An occurrence may not be treated as an averted collision:-
a) Outside the station limits, if the distance between two trains or a train
and an obstruction at the time the train or the trains have come to a
stop, is 400 mts or more.
b) Within the station limits, if there is an intervening stop signal at
danger governing the moving train, and compliance by the moving
train with the indication conveyed by the stop signal averted the
collision between the trains or between the train and obstruction.

Grievous injury
The injuries are defined in section 320 of the Indian Penal Code.

Threshold value: The minimum value beyond which the accident will be
treated as having serious repercussion on the basis of loss to railway property
or interruption to communication.
Threshold value of Railway property loss is fixed at one lakh rupees.
Threshold value of interruption to communication is as under.

Interruption BG-A,B,C or D BG-D,E spl or BG-E, MG-S or

spl route MG-Q,R route NG-route
Total 3 hours 4 hours 6 hours
Total + Partial 6 hours 8 hours 12 hours

Train: A train is a set of vehicles, empty or loaded, worked by a locomotive or

any other self propelled unit including Light engine/engines running empty or
conveying passengers, live stock, parcels or goods, which is running under a
particular number or a distinct name from a fixed point of departure to a
fixed destination.

Passenger Train: A train intended solely or mainly for the carriage of
passengers or workmen or a material train or Accident Relief train, a tower
wagon and includes Cattle special and Military special.

Engine Failure
An engine is considered to have failed when it is unable to work its booked
train from start to destination. Reduction of the load for a part of the journey
would constitute an Engine failure provided this is due to a mechanical defect
on the engine or mismanagement on the part of engine crew.

Consequential Accidents:
Accidents that normally result in loss of life, grievous injury or damage to
Railway property. eg. Collisions, Derailments, Fire in trains and trains
running in to road traffic at Level crossings.

Indicative Accidents:
Mishaps, generally not resulting in casualties, but which are indicative of
unsafe acts or potential hazards. eg. Averted collisions, Breach of Block rules
and Train passing signal at danger.

Kinds of Accidents
1. Train accidents
2. Yard accidents
3. Indicative accidents
4. Equipment failures
5. Unusual incidents

Classification of Accidents
For statistical purpose Accidents are classified in to classes A to R
excluding I and O.

Consequential Accidents
A – Collisions involving train carrying passengers or trains not carrying
passengers or collisions occurring in shunting, yards, Loco yards and
siding not involving a train.
B – Fire on trains.
C – Trains running in to road traffic and /or traffic running into trains at
level crossings at manned/unmanned LC gates.
D – Derailments of passenger trains or non-passenger trains or
derailments occurring in shunting, marshalling yards and sidings.
E – Other train accidents like train running over or against any
obstruction including fixed structure.

Indicative Accidents
F – Averted collision between trains carrying passenger or between non
passenger trains or between a train and an obstruction.

G – Breach of Block Rules like train entering a block section without ATP,
Train received on a blocked line not constituting an averted collision
and train entering catch/ slip siding or sand hump at a station.
H – Train passing signal at danger without proper authority.

Equipment Failure

J – Failure of engine and rolling stock such as failure of tyres, wheels,

axles, or braking apparatus leading to detaching of rolling stock from
the train or poor brake power.
K – Failure of Permanent Way such as weld failure, rail fracture, slack or
rough running or heavy lurch or failure of tunnel, bridge etc.
L – Failure of Electrical equipment such as Pantograph entanglement,
snapping or any damage to OHE wire requiring switching of OHE for
more than three minutes, No tension in OHE for more than three
M – Failure of signaling and Telecommunication such as failure of
panel/RRI, Interlocking, Block Instruments, Point machine etc, or
failure of communication between stations for more than 15 minutes.

Unusual Incidents

N – Train Wrecking or sabotage to trains.

P -- Casualties such as person or persons falling out of a running train or
knocked down by a train.
Q – Other incidents such as accidental or natural death, Murder or suicide
in a train, Robbery, theft etc and Fire or explosion within railway
premises and blockade to train service due to agitation.
R – Miscellaneous incidences such as train running over cattle, Breaches,
Floods resulting in interruption to traffic.

Sounding of Accident Alarm signals

Long Range electric Sirens:

➢ This is installed at important stations to give immediate warning to the
various departments, in the event of an accident.
➢ This is provided with a delayed action switch marked as “Accident
Warning” and a check switch to test whether the siren is in good
working order.
➢ The delayed action switch is designed to give call for 45 secs duration
each with 30 secs interval between two successive calls.
➢ If for any reason, the switch fails to operate the emergency call shall be
given by manually operating the check switch to give calls as indicated

Sounding of Hooters

SL.No Description of the Accident No. of hooters

1 Accident in traffic yard/loco shed Two long
ART is required.
2 Accident in the Traffic yard, loco shed Two long-one short
ART and MRT required.
3 Accident at out station and through traffic Three long
not affected-ART required.
4 Out station accident through traffic not Three long one short.
affected-ART & MRT required.
5 Out station accident and through traffic Four long.
affected-ART required.
6 Out station accident through traffic Four long-one short.
affected- ART & MRT required.

The duration of the long hooter shall be 45 secs for long and 10 secs for
the short, with 30 secs interval between two successive calls.
The emergency call shall also be given by the violent ringing of station

Accident Relief Medical Equipments

There are two types of Medical equipments namely, Scale I and

Scale II. The Scale I equipment is stored in special Medical relief vans and
Scale II equipments is stored in boxes in special rooms on the station
platform. The list of stations provided with Scale I or Scale II equipments
are indicated in the WTT.
Keys of MRV shall be with SMR and DMO. Inspection by depot
supervisors once in a month and inspection by Divisional officers once in 3
months. A trial run shall be run once in three months. MRV shall not be
run without Railway Doctors. The vehicles shall be tested by Mechanical
department every week.
Turning-out time from the time of Accident Siren
From single exit siding/Terminal stations – 25 minutes.
From Double exit siding- 20 minutes.
Preference shall be given to run ARMV scale-I on top priority. If MRV is
not required to run due to obvious reasons it shall be cancelled only by
Scale II Equipments are stored in boxes in special rooms in platform of
certain important stations.
This is inspected by ADMO of depot once in a month and inspected by
DMO once in a year.

Break-Down Special
➢ Stabled in a suitable siding set apart exclusively for the purpose.
➢ Keys of Engineering tool van are with SSE/P.Way.
➢ Keys of Mechanical tool van are with SSE/C & W.
➢ Duplicate keys of both the tool vans are kept in separate sealed glass
fronted box in SMR office.
➢ Inspected by Depot Supervisors once in a month.
➢ Inspection by Divisional officers once in 3 months.
➢ Trail run is conducted once in 3 months..
➢ Turning-out time from the time of siren sounding
From 6.00 hrs to 18.00 hrs - 30 minutes.
From 18.00 hrs to 6.00 hrs - 45 minutes.

Accident Forms
ACC-3: Accident report by GDR to the nearest SM.
ACC-4: GDR report when a person/persons falling out of trains or
knocked down by train.

Duties of LP and ALP in case of an accident

The duties are mainly under three heads Protection, Reporting and
➢ Switch on the flasher light immediately give four short whistles and
inform Guard on walkie-talkie.
➢ Note the date/time and exact site of the accident.
➢ Sound short whistles frequently to warn the LP of an approaching train.
➢ Arrange to protect the train in the front in case of S/L and adjacent line
and then the same line in case of D/L in accordance with Rule No 6.03.
➢ As far as possible protection and reporting shall be done simultaneously.
➢ Arrange to advise control and adjacent stations most expeditiously about
the accident by using portable telephone, Magneto-phone of the nearest
LC gate lodge or sending messenger or stopping the train coming on the
adjacent line and sending information through GDR or send ALP/Any
Competent person.
➢ Take such technical precautions as may be necessary to make the
Train/Loco safe.
➢ Note the condition of track, Rolling stock, P.Way and prima facie cause.
➢ Provide assistance to the passengers by saving lives and alleviate
➢ Secure luggage and property of passengers including Mails.
➢ Call for Doctors and volunteers on the train and provide first aid to the
➢ Provide utmost care, consideration and courtesy towards passengers
involved in the accident.
➢ Create a sense of security and confidence in the affected passengers.
➢ Preserve all clues and evidences of the cause of the accident.
➢ In addition to message given through telephone the GDR shall convey the
report of accident in Form Acc. 3.
➢ The report shall be precise and clear.
➢ Provide correct information from the site of the accident and nature of
assistance required.
➢ Provide drinking water, tea, snacks from the pantry car to the

➢ GDR shall not brief the cause of accident to Press and Media.
➢ LP and ALP shall not desert the accident spot until properly relieved.

Systems of working

It is defined as the system adopted for the time being for the working of
trains on any portion of a railway.
The Railways has the right of way on its track, the rules regulating the
working of trains have to ensure that they do not collide each other. On
double line the direction of the traffic is permanently decided and the rules
have to guard against `follow on` collisions. This can be ensured by having
certain interval between successive trains. This interval can be on the basis
of space or time.
In the case of single line, direction of each train has to be worked is to be
established to avoid a `Head on` collision.
The set of rules laid down for the spacing of successive trains in the same
direction as well as to allow trains from the opposite direction is known as
the system of working for the time being for that section of the line.

There are six systems of working in Indian Railways

1. The Absolute Block system
2. The Automatic Block system
3. The following train system
4. The pilot guard system
5. The train staff and ticket system
6. The one train only system

System of working available in S.W.Rly

The Absolute Block system
The Automatic Block system(SBC Division)
The One train only system(UBL Division)

8.01. Essentials of the Absolute Block system

1. Where trains are worked on the Absolute block system-

a. No train shall be allowed to leave a block station unless Line Clear has
been received from the block station in advance, and
b. On Double lines such Line Clear shall not be given unless the line is
clear, not only upto the first Stop signal at the block station at which
such Line Clear is given but also for an adequate distance beyond it,
c. On Singles lines such Line Clear shall not be given unless the line is
clear of trains running in the same direction not only upto the First Stop
signal at the block station at which such Line Clear is given, but also for
an adequate distance beyond it, and is clear of trains running in the
direction towards the block station to which such Line Clear is given.
2. Unless otherwise directed by approved special instructions, the adequate
distance referred to in clauses (b) and (c) of sub-rule (1) shall not be less
(a) 400 metres in case of two aspect lower quadrant signaling or two aspect
color light signaling, and
(b) 180 metres in case of multiple aspect signaling or modified lower
quadrant signaling.

Various Authorities to proceed

“Authority to proceed means the authority given to the LP of a train under

the system of working, to enter the block section with his train”.

AUTHORITIES (Absolute Block System)

Tokenless Area

A Normal ATP Off aspect of LSS

B During Block T/C 1425 or T/D 1425
C LSS alone failure T/369(3b) + PN
D During TIC T/B 602 (For opening communication)
E After opening communication T/G 602 or T/H 602


A Normal ATP Off aspect of LSS

B During Block failure/Suspended T/C 1425 or T/D 1425
C LSS alone failure T/369(3b) + PN
D During TIC T/C 602
E During TSL working T/D 602
F SM incapacitated, PN books lost, T.1408
PLCT/CLCT lost, misplaced

The One Train Only System

➢ This is in use where the traffic is light on branch lines with one end as
➢ In SWR this is the system in vogue between Rayadurg-Kadiridearapalli,
Gangavati-Karatagi and Bagalkot-Khajjidoni section. Under Approved
special instructions trains may be worked without fixed signals.

Where trains are worked on the “One Train Only System” only one Train
shall be in the section, where this system is in force, at one and the same

Authority to Proceed
➢ A metal Token bearing the inscription “ONE TRAIN ONLY” and the
section to which it applies.
➢ SM has to keep this ATP in a box and lock it always.
➢ Non-availability of the metal token in the box indicates that the section is
occupied by a Train.
➢ In case of this metal token is lost or damaged badly, an emergency metal
token must be introduced duly informing TI, LF and DRM and make
entry in the station Diary.
➢ DRM has to arrange duplicate Metal Token and send it through TI.
➢ In case of accident, the Train to be protected on the side of base station
and then necessary action to be taken by advising the base station.
➢ The Guard is responsible for the Train until the section is cleared.

Procedure in case of accident or disablement in One train only system

➢ If a train becomes disabled and requires assistance or if an accident
occurs the train shall be protected as per rule 6.03 in the direction of
base station.
➢ The Guard of the train shall convey the message with all particulars to
the SM and if it is necessary he shall proceed to such station duly
advising the LP in writing to keep the train stationary until his return.
➢ SM who receives the message from the guard shall communicate the
information to the base station SM.
➢ On receipt of such information the base Station SM may allow another
engine to enter the line.
➢ The engine shall be accompanied by the guard of the disabled train, who
shall explain to the LP about the location of the disabled train or the LP
shall be given a written authority containing such information.
➢ The guard of the disabled train is responsible for the safe and proper
working of the train until the disabled train has been moved.
➢ If there is no guard in the disabled train the ALP or if necessary LP shall
perform the duties of guard provided that the engine is not left
➢ LE may be sent to a siding to clear stabled stock with metal token as
Engineering Works of Short duration (GR/SR 15.09)
➢ Engineering works which can be completed between sunrise and sunset
and no speed restriction is required thereafter are called as works of
short duration.
➢ Works such as casual renewal of rails and sleepers, creep pulling,
lubrication of rail joints, oiling of fish plates, insertion of points and
crossings, and ladder working for OHE works etc.
➢ Hand signals, Banner flags and detonators shall be used to protect the
work spot.

Inside station limits

➢ Engineering official-in-charge of the work shall notify the SM regarding
nature of work, duration and the line of obstruction.

➢ SM shall give a written permission to the official-in-charge.
➢ Before commencing work on a line SM and the official shall jointly
arrange to isolate the line by setting of points or traps and locking by
means of cotter and bolts clamps and padlocks.
➢ If the line cannot be isolated from other lines, the official shall provide
the prescribed hand signals, detonators and Banner flags in the station

Outside station limits

➢ The Engineering official-in-charge of the work shall notify the SMs at
either end of the block section.
➢ SMs shall issue Caution order to the LPs of all trains entering the
➢ In emergency, the Engineering official may commence such work after
protecting the line before issuing notice to the SM.

Protection of work spot where trains are required to stop:

metres 600 600
metres metres metres

600 600 45
metres metres 10 metres
30 10
metres metres

➢ A Banner flag shall be fixed at a distance of 600 mts and three

detonators shall be placed 10 mts apart at a distance of 1200 mts from
the work spot.
➢ In addition a stop hand signal shall be exhibited at a distance of 30 mts
from the place of obstruction, at the banner flag and at a distance of 45
mts from the last detonator.
➢ At places where there are curves or gradients falling towards the
obstruction or at times of poor visibility the distances as referred above
may be suitably increased.
➢ The LP of an approaching train shall bring his train to a stop on
observing the stop hand signal exhibited by the flagman farthest from
the work spot.
➢ After the train has come to a stand the flagman shall remove the
detonators and allow the train to proceed by showing proceed with
caution hand signal.
➢ LP shall there on restart and proceed with caution being prepared to
stop short of the banner flag.
➢ The flagman nearest to the work spot at 30 mts shall on receiving
instructions from the official-in-charge to allow the train to pass over
the work spot show the proceed with caution hand signal and intimate

to flagman at the banner flag, who shall there upon remove the banner
flag and show proceed with caution hand signals.
➢ LP shall pass the work spot cautiously and after getting Allright signal
from Guard shall resume normal speed.
➢ When a train is not required to stop proceed with caution hand signals
shall be exhibited at a distance of 30 mts and again at a distance of
1000 mts from the work spot.

Trains not required to stop



➢ LP may resume normal speed after the train has been hand signaled
past the place of obstruction.

Works of Long duration

➢ Works which cannot be completed between sunrise and sunset and

extend over a few days or weeks during which period a continuous
restriction of speed has to be in force, are termed as works of long
➢ Works such, as relaying, bridge construction work etc are some
➢ Temporary engineering indicators shall be used at the spot to protect
the work spot.
➢ When a train is required to stop at the work spot a Caution indicator is
erected at a distance of atleast 1200 mts from the work spot and a stop
indicator is erected at a distance of 30 mts from the work spot.

Protection of work spot where trains required to stop:

➢ SMs on either side shall issue caution order for all trains indicating the
location of indicators also.
➢ The LP of a train shall reduce speed on approaching the caution
indicator and bring his train to a dead stop.
➢ The Engineering watchman shall handover E.R.7 Book to the LP.
➢ The LP shall fill in the date, train number and time and affix his
signature and return the book to the watchman.
➢ The watchman shall exhibit a “Proceed with caution” hand signal to the
➢ The LP shall restart and proceed cautiously at a speed not exceeding 10
kmph over the work spot.
➢ On reaching the termination board and after getting all right signal
from the guard the train shall resume normal speed. For short trains
and LE `s guard shall show allright signal after clearing the work spot.

Trains not required to stop

Where trains are not required to stop at the work spot a speed indicator
shall be placed in place of the stop indicator and the LP shall proceed at a
speed as indicated on the speed indicator.

Note: Both works of short duration and long duration are temporary speed


➢ Line Block means blocking any portion of the line outside station limits
for the purpose of engineering works.
➢ Where breaking the line for longer periods and involves risk, such work
shall be done under Line Block.
➢ On sections, where traffic position permits, even casual renewals may
be done under Line Block.
➢ Works like renewals of track on a bridge or an embankment etc shall be
done under line block only.
➢ JE/P.Way officials shall apply to DRM for Line block at least 24 hrs in
➢ DRM shall issue Line block order to the SMs of the Block stations and
the SM shall advise the JE/P way and obtain acknowledgement.
➢ The SM shall issue a last train certificate in triplicate to the Guard of
the last train specified in the Line block order.
➢ Caution Order shall be issued to the LP to hand over LTC to JE/P Way.
➢ The last train shall be stopped at the site of the work by the
Engineering official by the exhibition of a Stop hand signal.
➢ Guard shall deliver one copy of the certificate to the JE/P Way and
another copy to the SM at the other end.
➢ The train need not be stopped at the site if no engineering official is
available and Guard shall handover both the copies to the SM.
➢ JE/P Way shall wait until the train clears the section.
➢ During the period of Line block no traffic train shall be allowed to enter
the block section.
➢ Material trains, BD specials, TMM, Motor Trollies/Tower wagons may
be allowed in to the section on the authority of T/A 602 as required.

Removal of Line block.

➢ The Engineering official-in-charge of the work shall send the removal
advice after the expiry of the Line block period.
➢ If for any reason work is not completed he shall send an extension
advise to the SM.
➢ Traffic trains may be resumed on the expiry of the line block period or
extension period.
➢ Traffic trains shall be run after all the material trains or motor trollies
have cleared the obstructed section.
➢ In case SM has not received neither removal advise nor extension
advise, after the expiry of the LB period traffic trains may be allowed
with Caution order.
➢ On Double lines when one line is obstructed for engineering purposes,
Single line working shall be introduced until removal of Line block.
➢ The trains running on the adjacent line shall be issued with caution
➢ The engineering official shall ensure that materials do not obstruct the
adjacent line.
Unusual Occurrences
Action to be taken when LP experiences rough running or heavy lurch
➢ LP to note the km and stop at the Home signal of next block station.
Report SM through available means of communication.
➢ Stop at a convenient place at the station and deliver a written report to
SM addressed to all concerned and Section Engineer of the Engine
terminating depot.
➢ On receipt of the information, SM shall convey the message to all
concerned immediately and get their acknowledgement.
➢ Subsequent trains shall be started duly issuing caution order.
➢ SM to repeat the LPs message verbatim in the CO and add the following
at the end “Observe special caution and reduce speed as necessary and
do not in any case exceed 10 kmph”.
➢ On arrival at depot station, SE/Loco shall thoroughly examine the
engine and advise.
➢ When the first LP is entering the section with caution order.
▪ He shall stop the train and observe whether there is any Rail fracture
or Weld failure at the spot.
▪ If Rail fracture/Weld failure is noticed he shall advise the SM or
control through portable telephone/RE phone.
▪ He shall not proceed from the work spot if considered unsafe until
certified by an engineering official.
▪ If the gap is less than 30 mm Keyman/Patrolman/Gangmate shall
temporarily attend the defect and the first train shall be permitted
with speed restriction of 10 kmph and subsequent trains at 20 kmph
until the defect is attended by JE/SE/P.way.
▪ If JE/SE/P.way intends to proceed to the spot by train the same may
be allowed permitted by issuing Caution Order.

Engine failure
➢ If the engine is for any reason unable to proceed, the Guard or LP shall
convey the message to control or the nearest SM by most expeditious
➢ The train shall be protected and if no means of communication is
available ALP shall be sent with a report in ACC-3 mentioning the
location and nature of assistance required to convey the information to
the nearest SM.
➢ On receipt of information SM shall inform control and a relief is sent
into the obstructed block section on T/A 602.
➢ In the mean time if the Engine is able to move, it may do so at walking
pace but a railway servant with hand danger signal and detonator to
walk 600 mts in advance of the train.
➢ In case of double line to send advice to next station, the guard may stop
a train coming from opposite direction by placing detonators on
adjacent track or the LP switching on flasher light.

Sending Relief Engine / MRV to accident spot during Line Block

➢ When the block section is obstructed due to Accident or engine failure
or any other reason, any number of relief trains may be sent on
T/A 602.
➢ When the block section is obstructed by Engineering department, only
material trains and Motor Trolley and departmental trains may be
started on T/A 602.
➢ SM has to examine the TSR, WTT, Train Notice register, Caution order
register and other relevant registers and contact controller on duty and
the SM at the other end.
➢ The location of engine, BV and the LV shall be mentioned in T/A 602.
➢ Speed not to exceed 15/10 (Day/Night) on both S/L and D/L.
➢ When approaching the station, LP to stop the train at the FSS on S/L.
On D/L (wrong direction) stop at the foot of LSS of the same line or
opposite to FSS of the adjacent line, whichever comes first and the train
must be received by piloting on a written memo.
➢ On arrival at the station SMs to exchange messages with PN.

Fire on trains
➢ GDR to stop the train.
➢ Guard to disconnect power supply.
➢ Then GDR to save passengers and Mail bags and render First Aid to
➢ The carriage on fire must be isolated by uncoupling and drawn ahead
to prevent adjacent vehicles catching fire
➢ In case of vestibuled coach. It must be isolated by unfastening the
fittings after securing the rear portion.
➢ If not possible to unfasten, after uncoupling, the Engine must give a
sudden pull to tear off the vestibule and then the carriage isolated.
➢ After isolating the carriage, the fire must be extinguished by using Fire
Extinguisher, water from the Engine, water from nearby place etc,
➢ If water is available at a nearby place like river or well the carriage on
fire can be taken to that place and fire put out.
➢ Assistance of people living in and around can be had in putting out the
➢ In case of a town nearby, the services, of Fire services can be utilized
➢ In spite of all endeavour, if fire cannot be put out – allow it to burn.
➢ If the detention exceeds 15 minutes, train to be protected in the rear
and front.

Fire on Goods train

➢ Samples of the commodity to be preserved.
➢ Seal cards and side cards must be preserved.
➢ Earth, sod or grass can be used for putting out fire.
➢ Seal cards, Side cards and Samples of goods must be sent to DCM.

Divided Train working (6.09)

➢ When ever a Loco pilot has to stop his train between stations in order to
divide the train, inconsequence of an accident or the inability of the
engine to haul the whole train.
➢ He shall apprise the guard and bring his train to a stop on a level
➢ Guard shall apply hand brakes and also insert wooden wedges very close
to the wheels to prevent the vehicles from rolling back.
➢ After protecting the rear portion of the train GDR shall meet on the left
hand side of the train for consultation.
➢ Divide the train cautiously after taking necessary safety precautions.
➢ The Guard shall prepare the written permission in form T/609, recover
the Tangible ATP if any, from the LP and sign for it in the LP`s rough
➢ The total no. of vehicles in the front portion, painted number of the last
vehicle of the front portion and the location of the rear portion shall be
clearly indicated in the form.
➢ The Guard shall also send a report to the SM of the next block station,
giving details of the occurrence and assistance as required in ACC-3.

➢ On approaching the station ahead the LP shall stop at the Home Signal
of the station and repeatedly give long short, long short whistle to warn
the SM and send ALP to advise the SM that a portion of his train has
been left behind in the block section.
➢ SM shall acknowledge the whistle code and thereafter the train shall
enter the station.
➢ On arrival at the station the LP shall deliver the T/609 to the SM who
shall ensure the complete arrival of the front portion.
➢ The stub portion of form T/609 shall be prepared by the SM and issued
to LP of same engine or any relief engine to clear the left over portion of
the train.
➢ The LP proceeding with stub portion shall proceed exercising caution and
safely couple up the remaining portion on the Guards hand signal.
➢ After the rear portion is cleared the Guard shall give block section
clearance certificate to the SM and handover the tangible ATP if any.
➢ If the engine of a passenger train is unable to haul the full load, it shall
not be divided but it shall remain coupled to the train until an assisting
engine arrives.

Duties of Guard and LP during train parting in midsection [SR 6.08]

➢ When train parting occurs there will be sudden acceleration in engine
and sudden drop in pressure levels,
➢ The LP on becoming aware shall use his judgement to keep the front
portion in motion, if possible until the rear portion comes to a stand to
avoid the chance of collision with the rear portion.
➢ Give ___ O ___ O whistle and apprise the Guard through Walkie-Talkie.
➢ Guard to promptly apply Hand Brakes and bring the rear portion to a
➢ Guard shall indicate train parting in repeated motions by waving a green
flag by day or a white light by night, up and down vertically as high and
as low as possible.
➢ The LP of banking engine, if any shall bring the rear portion to a stand
and sound the prescribed whistle to attract the attention of the LP in the
front portion.
➢ If the LP reaches the station in advance without stopping he shall
instantly warn the SM and shall not hand over tangible authority if any,
till the Block section is clear of all vehicles and certified so by the Guard.
➢ SM shall issue form T/A 602 to the same engine or any other relief
engine to enter into the obstructed section to clear the rear portion.
➢ If both portions are within sight of each other they may be carefully
coupled on Guards hand signals after securing the rear portion.
➢ The GDR shall jointly check the tonnage of the train and mention in the
accident report.
➢ If for any reason, it is not possible to couple together the parted portions,
the portions shall be dealt separately and procedure for train dividing
shall be followed by the GDR.
➢ LP of first train will be issued with Caution order to observe any
disturbance or distortion of track and report to SM of station ahead.
➢ Train parting is classified under accident class `J`.

Hot Axle
Symptoms of Hot axle in Roller Bearing Vehicle
▪ Splashing of grease around the hot axle box
▪ De-colorization of axle box front cover
▪ Red glow indication due to heated axle box front cover
▪ Metallic sound
▪ Smell of burnt grease
▪ Skidding of wheels
▪ Tilting of axle box
▪ Punctured front cover
▪ Peeling of paint from axle box front cover

In other Vehicles
▪ Warm or hot
▪ Smell of burnt oiled waste.
▪ Whistling sound
▪ Smoke and then flame

Duties of LPs during Hot Axle

A Hot Axle observed on a train formation is indicative of an impending

derailment, and is therefore to be treated as an accident situation.

➢ When an LP receives information that his train is running with a hot

axle, He shall stop the train immediately.
➢ He shall examine the axle box after opening the axle box face plate.
➢ After attending, the LP shall exercise his discretion with regard to the
restricted speed which is safe for the vehicle to run.
➢ The SM receiving advice of Hot Axle vehicle on a train shall receive the
train on the main line, if unable to do so; shall receive on the first
unavoidable turnout only after stopping the train at the FSS. On arrival
the vehicle shall be examined by the C & W staff or LP of the train.
➢ The vehicle shall be detached if considered unsafe to run.

LP Passing Reception Stop Signal at ‘ON’ without proper authority(GR/SR 3.80)

➢ Guard to inform SM.
➢ SM has to go to spot and feel the brake blocks of few vehicles next to
engine whether they are hot, warm or cool.
➢ SM has to take measurement of distance passed in terms of
vehicle/wagon/rail length in the presence of GDR.
➢ Issue Restarting Memo in duplicate mentioning the incident and
countersigned by guard.
➢ Any signals ahead may be taken ‘off’.
➢ Train to be piloted by a competent Rly servant, if no other signals

➢ SM has to get the signature of GDR in the station diary after making
necessary remarks.
Restarting Memo for Reception Signal
SM_______ Station
The Loco Pilot of Train No.______
Having passed the reception signal (Description & signal No.) ______ at Danger
Without authority/* due to the signal flying back to danger while on the approach
of your train, and the train is being passed at Danger in terms of Loco +
Coach/Wagons or Rail length/OHE mast/Hectometer Post), you are hereby
authorised to restart your train and proceed cautiously at a speed not exceeding
15 kmph, *duly piloted by bearer of this authority on to Road No___/* duly
observing the “OFF” aspect of signal____(Description and Number)
(*Strike out whichever is not applicable)

Station Master

Station Stamp
Counter signed by Guard
Counter signed by Loco Pilot

Passing Dispatch Signal at ‘ON’ and stopped (GR/SR 3.81)

➢ Guard to inform SM
➢ SM has to go to spot and feel the brake blocks in few vehicles next to
engine whether they are hot, warm or cool.
➢ SM shall measure the distance over shot in terms of vehicle/wagon/rail
length in presence of guard.
➢ Issue Restarting Memo in duplicate mentioning the incident and
countersigned by guard and start the train.
➢ If the LP has passed the starter partly, Restarting Memo shall be issued
and taking OFF inter-starter and Advanced Starter.
➢ As a consequence of having passed the LSS at ON the train entered block
section without Authority to proceed, Block working shall be suspended
and train to be started by issuing Restarting memo and Paper Line Clear

Restarting Memo for Departure Signal

SM_______ Station
The Loco Pilot of Train No.______
Having passed the departure signal(s) (Description & signal No.) ______ at Danger
without authority/* due to the signal flying back to danger while on the approach of
your train, and the train is being stopped at ______ (Location with reference to the
signal which has been passed at Danger in terms of Loco + Coach/Wagons
or Rail length/OHE mast/Hectometer Post), you are hereby authorised to restart your
Train, *duly observing the “OFF” aspect of *inter-starter signal No ___/LSS No_____/*
on the authority of Line Clear Ticket( if the train has entered the Block section/* and
back the train clear of the Starter/Advanced Starter Signal.
(*Strike out whichever is not applicable)

Station Master
Station Stamp
Counter signed by Guard
Counter signed by Loco Pilot

Total Interruption of Communication on Single Line {6.02(ii)}

When all the authorized means of communication has failed and Line
Clear could not be obtained through any one of the following means of
communications, Total Interruption of Communications is said to prevail
between the two block stations.
a) Block Instruments/Track circuits/Axle counters.
b) Telephone attached to Block Instruments
c) Station to Station fixed telephones
d) Fixed telephones like Rly Auto phones and BSNL phones
e) Control Telephones &
f) VHF sets not as sole means of communication in sections where
passenger trains run.
SM shall call GDR and brief them about the situation and communication
to be established with the SM at the other end of the block section by
sending any of the following in the order of preference.
i. Light Engine
ii. Train Engine after detaching from the waiting train.
iii. Motor trolley /Tower wagon
iv. Trolley/Moped trolley
v. EMU train/RMC after detraining the passengers.SM shall prepare
Form T/B 602 and issue to LP under acknowledgement.
It contains:
• An Authority To Proceed without Line Clear.
• Authority to pass dispatch signals at ON.
• Caution Order restricting speed to 15 kmph by day and view
ahead clear 10 kmph by night and view ahead not clear & walking
speed during impaired visibility such as thick or foggy weather.
• Line Clear Enquiry Message
• Conditional Line Clear Message
➢ The LP running with the authority T/B 602 shall switch on the flasher
light and be vigilant and cautious and frequently use the engine whistle.
➢ The LP shall not exceed the speed of 15/10kmph (Day/Night), or
➢ Walking speed during thick or foggy weather two men to walk in advance
at an adequate distance and pilot the train carrying Hand danger signals
and Detonators.
➢ Before entering tunnel, ensure it is free from any obstruction and head
lights, side lights, tail lights should be lit,
➢ No obstruction on the line beyond outermost facing points shall be
permitted by the SM until the engine returns.

➢ In case of two engines or any other vehicles meeting in mid section, LPs
to decide to which station to proceed considering the importance of
waiting train, distance, gradient and presence of catch siding etc.
➢ After deciding which direction to proceed they may couple up if possible
or follow at an adequate distance.
➢ On arrival SM shall cancel the T/B 602 issued by him.
➢ The Engine sent to open communication on approaching the station in
advance shall stop at the FSS of the station and give a long whistle to
apprise the SM.
➢ Even after waiting for 10 mins there is no response from the SM the LP
shall depute his ALP to the station to inform the SM.
➢ SM on becoming aware may receive the train on signals.
➢ LP to handover from T/ B 602 to SM.
➢ SM shall issue Conditional Line Clear reply granting line clear with PN in
form T/ F 602.
➢ CLCT T/G 602 for up direction and T/H 602 for down direction to be
given for the engine to return with or without train attached.
➢ In case of trolley, it can be loaded in the train
➢ While returning the Engine / train shall run at booked speed.
➢ LP to stop at foot of the FSS of sending station.
➢ SM has to arrange reception by taking off signals.
➢ On arrival LP to hand over conditional line clear reply message to SM.
➢ Waiting train shall be started on CLCT and it can run at booked speed.
➢ In case of even flow of trains, for every succeeding train, Further Enquiry
and Reply shall be sent through guard of the preceding train.
➢ In case of uneven flow of trains, Line Clear shall be obtained through
first engine or trolley in form T/E 602.
➢ In this case, second and subsequent trains to be started at a clear
interval of 30mins.
➢ Speed of the first train-Booked speed
➢ Subsequent trains -25/10 kmph - view clear/ not clear.
➢ The particulars of train which has preceded and the train which will be
following shall be indicated in the CLCT.
➢ If a train is unable to proceed further due to any accident / failure /
obstruction, Guard to check up Tail board/ Tail lamp.
➢ Place one detonator at 250 mts on the way out and two detonators 10
mts apart at 500 mts from train.
➢ When trains follow one another, normally no train shall be backed.
➢ If unavoidable, it can be backed, after arranging protection from the
place up to where it has to be backed.
➢ This procedure to be followed until anyone of the means of
communications is restored.
➢ If any authorised means of communications is restored by the competent
authority and after ascertaining that the block section is clear, the
restoration message should be duly exchanged in form T/I 602 by both
the Station Masters before resuming normal working.
➢ TI shall scrutinize records and submit a report to DRM within 7 days of

Total Interruption of Communication on Double line {6.02(iii)}

When all the authorized means of communication has failed and Line Clear
could not be obtained through any one of the following means of
communications, Total Interruption of Communications is said to prevail
between the two block stations.
1. Block Instruments
2. Telephone attached to Block Instruments.
3. Station to station fixed telephones
4. Rly Auto phones and BSNL phones.
5. Control Telephone
6. VHF sets
All trains shall be stopped and the SM shall advise GDR of the
Form T/C 602 to be issued. It includes
1. An Authority to Proceed without Line Clear
2. An authority to pass dispatch signals at ‘ON’
3. A Caution order with speed restrictions 25/10kmph (Day/Night)
o LP to proceed at walking speed and frequently use engine
whistle during thick or foggy weather and a competent railway
servant has to walk in advance of train, carrying Hand danger
signals and Detonators to ensure the view ahead is clear and
pilot the train.
➢ Before entering tunnel, the head lights, side lights, tail lights should be
lit, ensure the tunnel is clear.
➢ On approaching the station, LP has to stop at the foot of the FSS and
give a long whistle; SM may receive the train by taking off signals.
➢ If no response even after 10 minutes from SM train to be protected in
rear and SM shall be warned by sending ALP to the station.
➢ LP to handover from T/ C 602 to SM.
➢ If the train happens to stop due to any accident/failure/obstruction,
Guard to check up Tail board/Tail lamp.
➢ Place one detonator at 250 mts on the way out and two detonators 10
mts apart at 500 mts from train in rear.
➢ SM may start second and subsequent trains with a clear interval of 30
➢ When trains follow one another, no train shall be backed.
➢ If unavoidable, it can be backed, after protecting train as above from the
point upto which the trains to be backed.
➢ This system of working to be continued until anyone of the means of
communications is restored.
➢ A record of all trains passed under this system shall be maintained in the
TSR at the stations.
➢ If any regular means of communications restored by competent authority
and after ascertaining that the block section is clear, the restoration
message should be duly exchanged in form T/I 602 by both the Station

➢ Then trains can be worked by regular system of working. TI shall
scrutinize the records and submit a report to DRM within 7 days of

Temporary single line working on Double line {S.R.6.02 (iv)}

➢ Working of trains on one line of D/L section due to obstruction/accident

or any other reason on adjacent line shall be introduced.
➢ Trains can be operated by any one of following procedure
➢ By obtaining Line clear on electric communication instruments (short
➢ By the installation of Single Line Block Instrument (Long duration)
➢ To introduce temporary Single Line working on Double Line the SM
should receive written advice from a competent Engineering official and
then consult with controller and SM at the other end.
➢ TSL working shall be introduced between two nearest stations where the
crossover between UP and DOWN lines is provided on either side of the
➢ The Block Instruments at the intermediate stations shall be kept locked
in the TOL (Train on Line) position.
➢ Any C class station shall be temporarily closed during the entire period of
TSL working. The signals shall be kept at ON and the same can be
passed under written authority of the SM of either end (T/D 602).
➢ If the trains are running on the right line, the LSS shall be kept at ‘ON’
and if the trains are running on the wrong line, all departure signals
shall be kept at ‘ON’.
➢ Before introduction, the SM proposing S/L working shall issue message
containing the following to the SM at the other end.
o Cause of introduction of S/L working
o The line on which the S/L working is proposed
o Source of information that the said line is clear
o Location of obstruction
o Speed restrictions, if any
o Names of intermediate C class stations closed
o Assurance that the trap points are set for the said line and spiked.
o The number and timings of the last train which arrived or left the
block station issuing the message.
➢ On receipt of acknowledgement from the SM confirmed by PN, the TSL
working is introduced and Line Clear will be obtained on electrical
speaking instruments.
➢ SM shall issue the authority T/D 602 to GDR.
➢ A Caution order issued for each train stating
o The line on which the train is to run.
o The Km/Posts between which the obstruction exists
o Speed restriction if any
o Assurance that trap points if any are set properly and spiked.

➢ The LP of the First Train to inform all Gatemen and gangmen on the way
about the introduction of TSL working and the line on which the trains
will run.
➢ LP shall switch on the Flasher light while running on the wrong line.
➢ The speed of the first train shall not exceed 25 kmph and subsequent
trains may run at booked speed.
➢ When train is running on right line – Except LSS, all signals may be
taken off.
➢ When the train is started on wrong line – The trains shall be piloted out
of the station on form T/511 after all facing and trailing points are
secured correctly up to the last set of points.
➢ On reaching the next station, the LP shall stop at FSS pertaining to the
right line or at LSS pertaining to the wrong line whichever comes across
➢ Trains running on right line may be received on signals.
➢ Trains running on wrong line SM shall arrange to pilot the train into the
station on written authority through a competent railway servant.
➢ The Engineering officials shall intimate the SMs stating that the
obstructed line is free and safe for passage of trains.
➢ SM shall inform the message to SM of station at other end and exchange
➢ SM introduces normal working, after consulting with section controller
and after the last train which entered section during TSL working cleared
➢ The Block instruments shall be brought into use.
➢ The intermediate stations which have been closed shall be again brought
in to operation.
➢ An entry to be made in TSR at all stations, showing time of D/L working
suspended and time of S/L working introduced and time of normal
working resumed.
➢ LP of the first train after the resumption of normal working shall inform
all Gatemen and Gangmen on the way regarding the restoration.
➢ The TI shall scrutinize all records and submit his report to the DRM with
in 7 days of resumption of normal working.

Protection rules on S/L, during TSL working on D/L and on M/L (GR/SR 6.03)

➢ Protection means warning LP of an approaching train of apprehending

danger by using flasher light, Detonators, Warning signals and Hand
danger signal.
➢ Protection shall be arranged immediately after an accident or there is
detention on account of failure, obstruction or any reason exceeding 15
➢ LP shall inform guard by giving 4 short whistle. Guard shall acknowledge
and exhibit the LV board/Tail lamp properly.

Single Line

➢ On single line the front side of the obstruction shall be protected by

Engine crew or any competent servant by placing one detonator at a
distance of 600 mts from the place of obstruction and three detonators
10 mts apart at 1200 mts from the place of obstruction and a hand
danger signal shall be exhibited at a distance of 45 mts from the last
➢ Guard shall arrange protection in rear of obstruction by placing
detonators in a similar manner.
➢ Guard shall depute a competent servant and proceed towards the LP for

Double Line

➢ LP shall protect the adjacent line first in the train approaching direction.
Guard shall assist LP in arranging protection and to ensure the adjacent
line is protected and himself or any other competent person to arrange
protection in rear of the same line.
➢ If there is no obstruction on the adjacent line, then he has to protect the
train in rear first and then go towards LP.
➢ If sufficient time is not available for arranging protection or a train is
sighted the person going for protection shall place one detonator as far

away as possible from the obstruction and exhibit warning signals
towards the approaching train.

Multiple Lines

➢ Preference shall be given to the adjacent line in the train approaching

direction in the front by LP and in rear by guard.
➢ If the adjacent lines are opposite direction, LP to protect the adjacent
lines first and guard to assist him.
➢ If the adjacent lines are dual direction (twin S/L), then Guard to protect
the adjacent line in rear and the LP to protect the adjacent line in front

Protection during TIC

➢ Guard to place 1 detonators at 250 mts in rear from train and at another
250 mts place 2 detonators 10 mts apart
➢ LP to place 1 detonators at 250 mts in rear from train and at another
250 mts place 2 detonators 10 mts apart
➢ If the train is to be backed, it must be protected from the place upto
which the train is going to be backed in case of emergency.

Note: Before going for protection, flasher lights must be switched ‘ON’ and
Warning signal shall be used wherever necessary.


Where any portion of a railway is likely to be endangered by abnormal

conditions such as heavy rains, breaches, floods, storms and civil
disturbances the lines shall be patrolled.

Types of patrolling:
1. Monsoon patrolling ( night patrol)
2. Emergency patrolling.
3. Security patrolling.
4. Hot weather patrolling.


➢ DEN will decide based on the forecast of meteorological dept., and

highways & irrigation dept., and introduce patrolling.
➢ Emergency patrolling may be introduced by DEN, AEN, JE/PW or
➢ SMs throughout the length shall be advised.

➢ Patrolling introduced may be discontinued only after AEN of the section
is satisfied of the total cessation of adverse conditions.
➢ On the apprehension of a civil disturbance or due to any other causes,
den shall on receipt of advice arrange for security patrolling of the line.
➢ Where no trains are running during night keyman shall pass over his
length before the first train of the day in the direction.
➢ If necessary DOM shall advise AEN and JE/PWay shall depute staff to
patrol the line.
➢ Patrolmen shall patrol their beats according to the patrol charts issued
by DEN.
➢ The line to be patrolled is divided into beat sections with block stations at
either and which are called beat stations.
➢ Normally one patrolman, but wherever risk is involved two may be
considered with the approval of PCE.
➢ When patrolman has walked the length of his beat once out and
returned, he has completed a patrol.
➢ Each beat section is to be patrolled twice during the night but DRM may
reduce it to one.
➢ Beat length shall not exceed 5 kms and total length to be walked shall
not exceed 20 kms.
➢ A period of at least half an hour rest is desirable between consecutive
➢ The interval between two consecutive patrols of a beat shall normally be
about 3 hours but shall not exceed 4 hrs.
➢ Patrolman shall walk at a speed not exceeding 3 kmph.
➢ DEN shall ensure, one month before line patrolling that JE/PWay is in
possession of night patrol diagrams for his section.
➢ Beat books as per patrol diagram shall be maintained by SMs
➢ Patrolman shall obtain beat book from SM in time with all particulars
duly filled.

It is an arrangement of vehicles or wagon in a prescribed manner
in order to ensure safety, efficiency easy identification convenience
to passengers and general appearance.

Marshalling Order of Mail/Express trains

➢ Mail/Express trains shall be formed with bogie stock only Vehicles

should be Anti telescopic or steel bodied. ATC/SB SLR must be
marshaled as the last coach at both ends of the train formation. i.e.,
one next to train engine and another one as a rear most vehicle. In
case of SLR which have passenger portion on one side and luggage
cum brake portion on the other, the SLR should be marshaled in
such a way that the luggage and brake portion is trailing outermost
in the rear or in front next to engine.

➢ Mail/ Express trains: Two ATC or SB coaches should be marshaled
inside the ATC or SB, SLR at both the ends.
➢ Not more than two bogies or their equivalent may be attached in
rear of rear most SLR.
➢ An officer carriage (Inspection Car), if fitted with hand brakes in good
working order may also be attached in addition to two bogies or their
➢ Non passenger coaches (VPU, VPLR) which do not carry passengers may
be marshaled as operational convenience. However as far as possible
these should be marshaled as outer most vehicles at either end to absorb
the impact of collision energy.
➢ Reserved bogies and saloons occupied by VIP’s should be treated as other
passenger coach and marshaled accordingly.

Passenger trains
➢ Main line passenger trains shall be marshaled as express trains.
➢ Minimum two ATC coaches shall be marshaled on both ends.
➢ Whenever goods stock is attached to passenger trains the maximum
speed shall not exceed 75 kmph and the stock shall be declared fit by the
Train examiner.
➢ POH/Sick coaches returning to shop for major repairs shall be attached
next to train engine or rear most as convenient.
➢ In case of short trains running with single SLR the SLR should be
marshaled in the middle. Three coaches are permitted in rear of short

Marshalling of goods trains.

➢ Through trains are given loads in order to eliminate shunting enroute.
➢ Wagons having larger lead are placed behind the shorter lead.
➢ A single four wheeler shall not be attached between two bogies with
exceptions to engines attached in rear of BV for banking purpose.
➢ In rear of goods train two bogies or their equivalent may be attached.


➢ Maximum no.of wagons that can be attached to a goods train is 10 and 3

by mixed trains grouped together and marshaled next to train engine.
➢ One wagon support shall be given next to engine and BV.

POL and Inflammable liquids

➢ Any number of wagons may be permitted and isolated by one wagon

➢ Liquified petroleum Gas no restriction in the no. of wagons and isolated
by 2 wagons support from TE of passenger coaches, oil tank and
dangerous goods and 3 wagon from LPG.

➢ Acid and Poisonous articles no restriction in number and isolated by 3
wagons support from explosives and oil tank 2 from LPG and one wagon
support from dangerous goods.

Damaged vehicles.
➢ Only one is permitted and shall be attached in rear of the rear most BV
of a goods train.
➢ It shall be certified fit to run by TXR, and C & W fitter should accompany
the wagon.
➢ It is permitted to run only during day and detached at 18.00 hrs from the

Live stock
➢ Shall be attached as far away from the train engine or banking engine.
➢ A support of 4 bogies or 7 units shall be given from TE/Banking engine.
➢ It shall be attached after 3 wagons from explosives and other dangerous

ISMD load or ODC

➢ It shall be attached next to train engine and moved only by through

➢ TXR shall check and advise the actual dimension.
➢ It shall be moved only by authorized route and escort wherever required
to accompany the train.
➢ At stations it shall be dealt only on nominated lines mentioned in the

Travelling Crane
➢ It shall be attached to a train with the certification of depot official.
➢ When proceeding for emergency relief operation to the accident site, it
shall be attached next to the train engine with jib leading.
➢ In electrified section the power shall be shut down before the crane



1. “Electrical way and works” means the traction installations including

overhead equipment and other connected works provided on the
electrified sections of the railway;
2. “ Feeding post” means a supply control post, where the incoming feeder
lines from grid sub-station are terminated;
3. “ Neutral section” means a short section of insulated and dead overhead
equipment which separates the areas fed by adjacent sub-stations or
feeding posts;
4. “Power Block” means blocking of a section of line to electric traffic only;

5. “Tower wagon” means a self-propelled vehicle which is used for the
maintenance and repairs of overhead equipment;
6. “Traffic Block” means Line Block.
7. “Authority-to-work” means an authority to work on overhead equipment
given by a Traction distribution official who has obtained Power Block
from Traction Power Controller, to another Traction distribution official.
8. “Traction Power Controller” means a competent railway servant who may
for the Time being be responsible for the control of power supply on the
traction distribution system.
9. “Traction Power Controller” means a competent railway official who is
responsible for booking of electric locomotives and running staff to meet
the requirements of traffic and maintenance. It is abbreviated as “TLC”

General instructions

➢ 110 or 132 Power supply from Electricity Board is received at Traction

Sub-Station in KV.
➢ Power supply from Electricity Board is received in Three Phase.
➢ At Traction Sub – Station, the power supply is step down to 25 K.V.
➢ This 25 KV power supply is given to Feeding Post.
➢ Feeding post means Supply control post, where the incoming feeder lines
from the grid sub- station are temporarily terminated.
➢ Power is supplied to Over Head Equipments in Single Phase.
➢ Power supply from adjacent Feeding Post is given in different Phases.
➢ To separate the two Phases at the meeting point, a Neutral Section is
➢ A separate SWR, pertaining to 25 K.V. Traction, signed by DSO and
DEE/ TRD, shall be issued.
➢ Power Block means blocking of a section of line to electric traffic only.

Neutral Section:
➢ It means a short section of insulated and dead OHE, which separates the
areas fed by adjacent sub-stations or feeding posts.
➢ Before entering Neutral Section, LP shall switch off power supply and
after the engine clears Neutral section, LP shall switch on power supply.
➢ While approaching Neutral Section, the speed of trains shall not be less than
30 kmph.
➢ Warning Boards are provided at 500M and 250M to inform LP that he is
approaching a Neutral Section.
➢ Warning Boards are also provided to inform LP where to switch off power
supply and to switch on power supply.

Temporary Neutral Section:

➢ If temporary speed restriction of less than 30 kmph to be imposed within
1 Km on either side of Neutral section, the Engineering official shall
advise SMs at both ends.
➢ SMs shall advise Section Controller and TPC.

➢ TPC shall arrange to energize the Neutral section and to provide a
temporary Neutral Section, where necessary.
➢ Caution orders shall be issued to LP that the original Neutral Section is
energized and the location of temporary Neutral Section and also the
locations where to lower and raise pantograph.
➢ Warning boards shall be provided if temporary Neutral Section
arrangement continues for more than 24 Hours.
Kinds of Power Blocks:
1. Programmed Power Block;
2. Emergency Power Block;
3. Emergency Power Block by Electric loco LP;
4. Local Power Block;

Programmed Power Block;

➢ A weekly programme for maintenance of OHE is formulated by DEE/TRD
and DOM.
➢ DEE/TRD shall circulate this programme to all concerned.
➢ Power Block shall be availed as per this programme.

Emergency Power Block

➢ On receipt of information about any unusual occurrence or accident,

➢ TPC shall arrange to switch off power supply, depending upon the
➢ OHE official shall inspect the site.
➢ Request TPC for emergency Power Block.
➢ TPC shall grant Power Block as per procedure.

Emergency Power Block by Electric loco LP

➢ When LP has to inspect roof equipments, he shall request TPC for
Power Block.
➢ TPC shall grant Power Block as per procedure.
➢ After completion of work, LP shall advise TPC by a message with PN.
➢ TPC shall cancel Power Block as per procedure.

Local Power Block;

➢ For switching off power supply for sidings without affecting main line or
loop line.
➢ OHE official shall inform TPC.
➢ He shall advise SM/YM through form ETR-4.
➢ After completion of work, he shall advise SM/YM through ETR-4 and

➢ It is a self – propelled vehicle.
➢ It is used for maintenance or attending failure to OHE.
➢ For the purpose of working. It is considered as a light engine.

➢ Speed of Tower wagon shall not exceed 40 Kmph for 4 wheelers and 100
Kmph for 8 wheelers.

OHE Ladder Trolley:

➢ It is not a self – propelled vehicle.
➢ A collapsible ladder is provided in a truck.
➢ It is used for maintenance or attending failure to OHE.
➢ For the purpose of working, it is considered as a Lorry.

Authority to work:
➢ When more than one OHE officials request TPC for power block in the
same section, TPC shall grant Power Block to only one official in form
ETR – 2.
➢ This OHE official is the one who has request for Power Block for longer
➢ He shall be advised about the name and other particulars of other OHE
official who has requested for Power Block.
➢ The OHE official to whom Power Block is granted shall give “Authority to
work” by message with PN.
➢ He shall give particulars of “Authority to work” to TPC in ETR – 2.
➢ The OHE official to whom Power Block is granted shall cancel Power
Block only after ensuring that the OHE officials to whom “Authority to
work” has been issued have completed their work.

Permit to work:
➢ No work shall be done by any railway staff within two metres from the
live parts of OHE without a “Permit to work” issued by concerned OHE
official in form ETR – 3.
➢ The official in charge of the work shall request the concerned OHE official
for issue of “Permit to work”.
➢ The concerned OHE official shall request TPC for power Block TPC shall
grant Power Block to concerned OHE official in form ETR – 2.
➢ After obtaining power Block, the concerned OHE official shall take safety
measures and issue “Permit to work” in form ETR – 3 to the Official
incharge of the work.
➢ The OHE official or his nominated representative shall be available
during the working period.
➢ After completion of work, the official in charge of work shall cancel
“Permit to work” and return it to the concerned OHE official.
➢ OHE official shall ensure that everything is in order and advise TPC for
cancellation of Power Block in form ETR – 2
➢ TPC shall energize the section and advise Section Controller.

Rules for clearing stabled stock from a way side station

1) While stabling a train at a wayside station the LP shall handover the BPC
to the SM, who shall in turn handover the same to the outgoing LP or
when the stock is cleared subsequently.
2) If such a stabled stock is cleared within 24hrs of stabling, The BPC shall
remain valid; in such cases the GDR shall ensure vacuum/Air pressure
continuity before starting the train.
3) When the stock is not cleared within 24hrs of stabling the BPC shall
become invalid.
4) In such cases the GDR shall conduct a safety check and take the train to
the nearest Train examination yard for train examination and issue of
fresh BPC.
5) When a train has to be started from a wayside station without BPC the
GDR shall conduct a minimum safety check as follows-
➢ After attaching the train engine the LP shall create the required
amount of vacuum/Air pressure on the formation and destroy
vacuum fully or make a service application of Brakes.
➢ The GDR shall jointly walk along the full length of the train one on
either side to check the effectiveness of Brake power.
➢ They shall also ensure that all the couplings are properly locked and
there are no loose, missing or broken fittings such as brake gear pins,
draw gear pins, springs etc which may endanger the safety of the
➢ After satisfying that the Brake power is adequate and the wagons are
safe for further movement the LP shall recreate the required amount
of vacuum/Air pressure before starting the train. The crew shall
ensure all the cylinders are in released condition.
➢ The crew shall also ensure that all wagon doors are closed/latched
before starting a train.
➢ When a train is formed enroute the guard and LP shall advise the
control for arranging train examination and issue of fresh BPC at the
next Train Examination yard.
➢ Where despite a change in composition the BPC is valid, the LP shall
create the required amount of vacuum/Air pressure in the leading
Engine and rear BV and the GDR shall conduct the vacuum/Air
continuity test.
➢ After ensuring that a minimum of 75% of Brake power is available
GDR shall start the train.
➢ GDR shall prepare a memo in triplicate mentioning that adequate
brake power is available and the train is fit to run.
➢ This GDR memo is valid up to the next Train examination point in
the direction of run.
➢ A train being cleared from an unloading point shall be offered for
Train Examination and issue of BPC at the nearest Train examination

Note: These rules shall not be applicable for closed circuit rakes
having return BPC.
➢ Wagons attached from a no: of wayside stations shall be started from
each station after the safety check by the GDR.
Note: This shall not apply to wagons certified fit by C & W staff with
a fit memo.
➢ Whenever wagons are attached or detached from a Goods train
enroute the guard and LP shall check the train for adequacy of
Brake power and vacuum/Air pressure level.
➢ The validity of the original Brake power certificate of the train will
remain valid if the change in composition is only Ten four wheeler
units or less in case of vacuum braked trains and two
wagons/vehicles or less in case of Air-Braked Trains.



➢ Issued at Stations having no despatch signals for trains along with
tangible authority during crossing or precedence.
➢ Whenever this form is given, LP and SM shall ensure setting of points by
observing point indicators.


➢ Issued at a nominated Station to pass a defective reception signal at ON

at a station in advance.
➢ PHS is exhibited at the foot of the defective signal. If PHS is not
exhibited at the foot of the defective signal, LP shall stop the train.
➢ On getting PHS, LP shall pass the signal at a speed not exceeding 15
➢ Nominated station means the last stopping station for Express and
Passenger trains as per WTT and station immediately in rear for Goods
and light engines.
➢ This shall not be issued if
o The signal has failed in the OFF position.
o In colour light area, during power failure including backup power.
o If calling on signal or SPT is provided and is in working order.
o SM before authorizing the nominated station to issue this
authority shall satisfy the conditions for taking OFF of defective
signal including signal overlap before granting LC.
➢ This shall not be used in automatic and CTC area.


➢ This shall be used at the Station where the Signal is defective.
➢ For Reception Signal piloting is not necessary.
➢ For Starter or Advanced Starter protecting a point, PHS at the foot of the
Signal is compulsory.

➢ More than one Signal may be authorised to pass at ON in one form.
➢ Speed shall not exceed 15 kmph while passing the Signal.
➢ If LSS alone failed, PN obtained for granting LC through Block
Instrument from station in advance to mentioned on this form.
➢ Shall be issued to pass IBSS at ON during IB failure.



➢ When this form is issued PHS at the foot of the Signal is compulsory.
➢ One form to pass a number of shunt signals in the forward direction may
be used.
➢ PHS at every defective signal to be exhibited.


➢ Issued at Notice / Starting Stations.

➢ Caution Orders shall be arranged in geographical order in the direction
of movement.
➢ Station names shall be written in full without overwriting.
➢ Shall be written legibly and LP should understand it fully. If not,
SM/Guard shall explain.


➢ Also issued at Notice / Starting Station if there is no temporary speed

restriction in force upto the next notice station.
➢ LP before starting his train shall be in possession of T/409 or T/A 409
from a Notice/starting station.


➢ Issued at the Station immediately in rear of the affected section.

➢ Issued to all stopping trains and trains stopping out of course.
➢ Not issued to pass through trains in tokenless area & given through LC
pouch in token area.
➢ May be dispensed with if SM on duty is able to confirm from LP that
Caution pertaining to his section is notified at Notice station.
➢ Notice stations are notified in WTT.


➢ Issued at Stations whenever a Trolley is allowed into the section on form

T/1518 with LCR endorsement on Caution Order protection.
➢ LPs to whistle freely, be vigilant and look out for the Trolley.
➢ No, Km and speed is mentioned in the Caution Order.
➢ It is counterfoil type.

➢ Shall be used only if there is no calling-on signal /SPT or defective.
➢ Train shall be piloted on this form and speed not to exceed 15 kmph.
➢ Delivered at FSS and piloted on to the obstructed line.


➢ Whenever a train is despatched using this form, it shall be piloted out of
the station clear of last set of points. Speed not to exceed 15 kmph
during piloting.
➢ Train No / LCT No. and PN shall be mentioned on the form.
➢ If LSS alone fails, an endorsement with PN on this form is the authority
to proceed.



➢ Token No/PLCT and PN shall be written on the form.

➢ PHS not necessary at the points.
➢ Point indicators shall be observed by the LP.
➢ This is issued in addition to authority to proceed.



It Contains 3 portions;
o Authority to proceed without line clear.
o Authority to pass Departure signal at ON.
o Caution Order – speed, 15 / 10 kmph day/night.
o When there is no obstruction during Line Block normal speed
➢ Issued for non traffic trains to enter block section during line block. eg:
Material train, Motor trolley, TMM etc.
➢ Can be issued to clear parted portion if LP comes without T/609.
➢ Prepared in triplicate and can be Manu scripted.



Contains 5 portions;
o Authority to proceed without Line Clear.
o Authority to pass departure Signals at ON.
o Caution Order – 15 / 10 kmph day / night.
o Line Clear Enquiry Message for waiting train.
o Conditional Line Clear Message granting Line Clear for the vehicle
to return, with PN.

➢ If more than one train during uneven flow, T/E 602 also given along with
T/B 602.
➢ Prepared in duplicate and can be manuscripted.

Contains 3 portions;
o Authority to proceed without Line Clear.
o Authority to pass LSS at ON.
o Caution Order – Speed 25/10 kmph Day / Night.
➢ Trains can be started with a time interval of 30 minutes and each train is
issued with this form.
➢ Prepared in triplicate and can be manuscripted.


Contains 2 portions;
o Authority to proceed.
o Authority to pass LSS at ON.
➢ First train both in right line and wrong line speed is restricted to 25
➢ Wrong direction trains shall be piloted out of last set of points on T/511.
➢ LP to stop at LSS or FSS of the other line whichever comes first at the
next station.
➢ Train shall be piloted into the station on written authority delivered by a
competent Railway servant in uniform. (Non signalled/Non running line
memo). Speed not to exceed 15 kmph.
➢ Right direction trains can be received on Signals.
➢ Prepared in triplicate and can be manuscripted.


Asking Line Clear for one or more number of trains during TIC on S/L.


➢ This is reply to LC Enquiry from other end SM.
➢ This should contain a PN.
➢ Train no. and individual PN to be mentioned.
➢ Based on LC in this form CLCT is prepared.


➢ CLCT becomes the normal authority after opening communication during
TIC on Single line.
➢ This is only an authority to proceed.
➢ Along with this authority T/369 (3b) also shall be issued to pass LSS at
➢ Speed is normal sectional speed during even flow and for first train in
uneven flow.

➢ Following trains shall be started after a time interval of 30 minutes and
the speed is restricted to 25 / 10 kmph view clear/not clear.
➢ This shall not be manu scripted.
➢ After any one of the authorised means of communication is restored,
restoration messages shall be exchanged by adjacent SMs’ in this form,
only after the last train entered during TIC cleared section.


After any one of the authorised means of communication is restored,
restoration messages shall be exchanged by adjacent SMs’ in this form,
only after the last train entered during TIC cleared section.


➢ Contains 4 portions;
➢ First portion prepared by Guard giving particulars of vehicles in the first
portion and last vehicle number of the first portion and Km of first
vehicle of the rear portion.
➢ Shall be issued to LP after collecting tangible authority if any and after
securing and protecting the rear portion.
➢ Based on the particulars in the first portion of this form, SM shall
prepare the remaining 3 portions (stub portion) namely;
o Authority to enter the block section
o Authority to pass LSS at ON
o Caution Order – Speed 25/10 kmph Day/Night.


➢ Given to the LP at the time of shunting.

➢ Brief description of the work (shunting) to be performed is given by the
➢ It is counter signed by the Guard if available.
➢ If shunting is performed within station section using shunt signals, this
form is not necessary.
➢ The signals to be passed at ON and the location up to where LP need to
move shall be indicated by SM.
➢ After Shunting is completed this shall be returned to SM and cancelled.


Issued under the following circumstances;

➢ If SM incapacitated, Guard of the train shall issue this form to the LP
with PN obtained from other end SM.
➢ If PN cannot be given by SM granting LC, due to misplacement or PN
book exhausted etc.
➢ If PLCT or CLCT form not available.
➢ Accident Relief Train to enter section occupied by trolley on T/1518 LCR

o Wherever possible, PN shall be mentioned.
o Speed limit –15/10 kmph Day/Night Single line.
o 25/10 kmph Day/Night Double line
o Prepared in duplicate counter signed by the Guard.
o An endorsement on the form shall be made for the reasons for
issuing this form.


➢ During block failure/Suspension.
➢ In tokenless single line, for motor trolley to enter the section as a train.
➢ This form itself contains authority to pass LSS at ON.
➢ LP to ensure the following in this form;
o Train No and description
o Means of Communication through which LC obtained.
o Station to which LP is authorised to proceed shall be written in full.
o Last train which cleared the section.
o Private Number both in words and figures.
o Station Seal
o Signature of SM with seal.
Note: If means of communication is either control phone or VHF, an
endorsement stating ’ID Nos exchanged’ shall be made. Otherwise
speed 15/10 kmph Day/Night in single line


➢ Used during Engineering works of long duration with stop dead

➢ LP shall stop the train at the stop indicator.
➢ LP to enter his train number, date, time and affix his signature in this
book produced by the engineering gangman at site.
➢ Without signing in this book, LP shall not pass the stop indicator.
➢ After signing ER-7, LP to pass the Caution spot at a speed not exceeding
10 kmph without any jerk, on engineering hand signals.



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