Soal Ujian SMT 1 KLS 10 TP 23 - 24

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SOAL UJIAN SMT 1 KLS 10 TP 2023 - 2024

1. Dini : Hi, my name is Dini.

Hadi : Hi, Dini. I’m Hadi.
What does Dini want to?
A. to introduce Handy
B. to ask where Handy live
C. to introduce herself
D. to tell her condition
E. to introduce himself

2. I have a close friend. He is Angga Firmansyah. I usually call him Angga. He comes
from Karawang. He was born on ten of August, two thousand and five. He live at
Kesatuan 96 street Bandung, he studies in SMP Yadika Cicalengka at Grade seven.

The text mainly about . . .

A. the writer’s identity
B. the writer’s classmates
C. the writer’s school
D. the writer’s new pen friend
E. the writer’s experience

3.Alex : Is that unique house yours ?

Tuti : Yes, that is.
The underlined word expresses ................

4.Sport game by some persons paddle a canoe is called ……….

a. running race
b. surfing
c. volley ball
d. high jump
e. rowing

5. The surface water sport in which an individual uses a board by riding the sea waves.
This sport is called ….
a. running race
b. surfing
c. volley ball
d. high jump
e. rowing
6. Which activities can make you stay healthy, exception ……..
a. Taking a rest regularly
b. consuming the healthy food
c. Doing exercises regularly
d. Eating preservative food
e. Taking a bath

7.Prita : Congratulation on your birthday. Please, take this present.

Yun : Oh great. ………….
Prita : I know that is your favorite pet.
a. Happy birthday
b. How beautiful flower!
c. Whose pet is this ?
d. How old are you ?
e. What a cute kitty !

8.Robi : My sister has been sick for three days. So I have to accompany her in the hospital.
Diki : ................... I hope she will get better soon.
a.I am sorry to hear that
b.I don’t care about it
c. It doesn’t matter
d. I am happy to hear that
e. Excuse me. I don’t know.

9.Beni = Why was Shifa absent yesterday ?

Dika = Her father passed away.
Beni = I am deeply sorry to hear that. Why didn’t you tell me before?
Dika = I have just heard about it
From the dialogue we may assume that ...............
a.Dika happy to hear the news
b.Shifa was absent because her father passed away.
c.Beni tells the sad news to Beni
d.Beni didn’t care about it
e. Dika’s father passed away
THE READING TEXT [ 10 , 11 , 12, 13 ]

Last Sunday we visited Mr.Amir’s family. They have a new baby. We went there by
car early morning because we planned to stop at Anai Valley Waterfall for a moment.
We passed Bukittinggi-Padang road which is very awesome. We enjoyed beautiful
scenery along the road. We was so amazed when we saw the wonderful Anai Valley
Waterfall. It is located beside the road. My father parked the car in the parking area and
then we enjoyed the waterfall. The water is clear and fresh. Then, we ate delicious food
in the restaurant nearby. After that, we continued our trip Padang. We arrived at Mr.
And Mrs. Amir’s house around 11 a.m. They welcomed us warmly. We visited the baby
and then we had a chit-chat. We left their house at 2 p.m. We passed the same road
and still enjoyed it. We arrived home at 5 p.m.

The writer …………… his/her last holiday with his/her family

10.What is the writer’s intention the write the text?

A. To share his/her experience.
B. A wonderful waterfall.
C. To inform the way to go to Padang.
D. To tell the condition his/her parents’ friends.
E. Journey to Padang

11.Why did the writer’s family go to Padang?

A. To see Mr.Amir’s new family member.
B. To eat special food near the waterfall.
C. To enjoy Anai Valley Waterfall.
D. To see beautiful scenery during the trip.
E. To share his experience.

12.How was the writer’s family journey?

A. Quiet
B. Glorious
C. Delightful
D. Relaxed
E. Boring

13.The writer …………… his/her last holiday with his/her family.

A. spent
B. spend
C. would spend
D. was spending
E. is spending
TEXT [ number 14 – 15 ]

Dear Chandra,
Congratulation on your success as the leader of School Student Association.
Hopefully you will be mature in handling all your matters.Good luck.

Yours truly,

14. Why does Iriana congratulate Chandra? Because ............................

a.He has succeded to be the leader of school student association

b.His friend has succeded as the leader of school student association
c.He has maturity of facing all of the matters
d.He can handle all the matters perfectly
e. He is a great student.

15.Hopefully you will be mature in handling all your matters. The synonym of the
underlined word is ..........
b.full grown
e. problem

16.You need to focus and find a proper place to eat. It is ………….

a. at hotel
b. eating at the dining table, not in your bedroom.
c. healthy food
d. stopping to eat before you are full
e. delicious

17.Below the food contains protein, exception …..

a. fish
b. meat
c. egg
d. grave
e. milk
Reading text [ 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 ]
An Ant and Dove

An ant has been walking for some times. Its reach into the end of the forest. Now, the
ant feels thirsty and want to find some water. It walks a little bit more until came to a
very large water spring. It climbs up to fields of grass and makes it way up. Suddenly, it
trips and fell into the water.

Luckily, a dove was flying over the water spring. The dove has seen the ant before.
Seeing, the struggle to get out of the water. The dove thinks that the ant must need
help. It is definitely in great danger and can sink and drown anytime.

The dove fly close to the water surface. The dove grabs a leaf from a nearby tree. The
dove dropped it immediately toward the struggling ant. Then the ant saw the leaf swim
toward it. It manages to climb up there. The ant row the leaf to dry ground and finally
safe and sound.

While the dove is flying around a hunter spot the dove. The hunter is ready to take a
shot to the unaware of danger nearby dove. The ant happens to be near the hunter. As
the hunter focus on the dove, the ant climbs on the hunter’s feet and bit him on the heel.
Feeling a sting in his feet. the hunter dropped his gun. It gives the dove time to fly away
quickly far from the area.

18. What is the text about?

a. The hunter’s hobby
b. The hunter and the ant
c. The dove and the hunter
d. The ant and the dove

e. The kind hunter

19. The first paragraph tells about ……….

a. Various type of ant

b. What does the ant drink
c. The ant in the water spring
d. The dove help the ant
e. The ant is thirsty

20. What is the character of the dove?

a. Careless
b. Helpful
c. Dangerous
d. Thankful


21. How does the dove help the ant?

a. The ant saw the dove above the trees
b. The dove saw the ant and thinking and swim to the water
c. The dove flies low near the water spring
d. The dove drop a leaf

e.The dove bit the hunter

22. What is the moral of the text that the writer trying to say?
a. Help each other is important
b. Friendship can happen by helping each other
c. Beware of hunter
d. Good deed return with a more good deed

e. competition each other.

23. Below is simple present tense !

a. He’ll continue studying to university next year

b. They’ve paid the school fee today.

c. She teaches us English three times in a week.

d. I was studying English at home when father went home.

e. He bought a home in Medan yesterday.

24. Which one is Simple Future tense ?

a. He’ll continue studying to university next year

b. They’ve paid the school fee today.

c. She teaches us English three times in a week.

d. I was studying English at home when father went home.

e. He bought a home in Medan yesterday.

25. What do you say when you are meeting with your teacher at 4 p.m ?

a. good morning

b. good afternoon

c. good evening

d. good day

e. good night

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