Pradipta - MC Brief

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10:00 Opening by MC

 Welcoming everyone
 MC reads the rundown
- Opening
- Singing Indonesia anthem and Pradita Dirgantara Hymne
- Pray
- Opening Remarks
- Performances and workshop by Drew Tucker and New Standards
- Closing

10:05 Singing Indonesia anthem and Pradita Dirgantara Hymne

 MC invite the conducter (Annisa Zahra) to the stage

10.10 Pray
 MC invite Abyan Ghaisano to the stage to lead the prayer.

10:15 Opening by Pradita Dirgantara Senior High School

 MC to invite the principal (Oscar Yustino Carascalao) to stage for his speech.

10:20 Remarks by Ms. Emily Norris, Cultural Affairs Attache of the U.S. Embassy
 MC to invite Ms. Norris to stage for her speech.

10:25 Providing souvenirs from SMA Pradita Dirgantara for the U.S Embassy
 MC asks Mr. Norris will stay on stage, and souvenirs will be handed over by the

10:30 Performance and workshop by Drew Tucker and the New Standard
 Before Drew Tucker and the New Standard Before Drew Tucker goes on stage, the
MC will invite Pradita students to give a special angklung performance. The song is
only about 2 minutes long. After finishing the angklung, the MC invited Drew Tucker
and the New Standards to come on stage

 Introduce Drew Tucker and the New Standard and invite them on stage.
 Drew Tucker and the New Standard is a hip-hop, pop and jazz quintet based in
Florida. Their mission is to make their uncommon feature instruments, the
vibraphone and tuba, more accessible to fans globally.

11:30 Closing performance by Drew Tucker and the New Standard

 Invite Drew and the band to return back to stage for their final performance.

12:00 Program Ends

 MC asks Drew Tucker and new standards will stay on stage, and souvenirs will be
handed over by the Principal.
 Thanking everyone for their participation in the event.
 Invite everyone for photo session.
[Yuki and Shaquille walk onto the stage, smiling and greeting the audience]
Yuki: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and distinguished performers.
Together: Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Shaquille : Welcome to a truly special event,
Together : "The U.S. Embassy Arts Envoy Program with Drew Tucker and The New Standard."

Shaquille: Yes, indeed! We are absolutely delighted to have each and every one of you here
today to celebrate the power of music and culture with us.
Yuki : Before we begin our event, allow us to introduce ourselves, my name is Kiara Naoko Yuki
Shaquille: and I’m Shaquille Iram Bazyli. Together, we are honored to be your Master of
Ceremony for today’s special occasion.

Yuki: Before we delve into the heart of today's program, let's take a moment to go over the
exciting lineup we have planned for you. Here's a brief rundown of what to expect:

 Opening
 Singing of the Indonesia anthem and Pradita Dirgantara Hymne
 Moment of prayer
 Opening remarks
 Performances and workshop by Drew Tucker and The New Standard
 Closing

Shaquille: Singing Indonesian anthem and hymne Pradita Dirgantara,Please join us in

welcoming our conducter, Annisa Zahra to lead us. Audience please rise.
Yuki: Audience please be seated.

Shaquille : Ladies and gentlemen, as we gather here today, let us take a moment to center
ourselves in reflection and gratitude through prayer.
Yuki : It is now our privilege to invite Abyan Ghaisano to the stage to lead us in this solemn
Yuki : Thank you, Abyan Ghaisano, for guiding us in that heartfelt prayer.
Shaquille : Indeed, let us carry the spirit of unity and reflection as we continue with our event.

Yuki : Now, let us hear opening remarks from our principle at Pradita Dirgantara Senior High
School. Please join us in welcoming the principal, Mr. Oscar Yustino Carascalao, to the stage.
Audience please give big applause to Mr. Oscar Yustino Carascalao.

[Applause as Mr. Oscar Yustino Carascalao comes to the stage]

Shaquille : Thank you, Mr. Oscar Yustino Carascalao, for your inspiring words and warm
Yuki : Now, it is our honor to welcome Ms. Emily Norris, the Cultural Affairs Attache of the U.S
Embassy to the stage. Audience please give big applause to Ms. Emily Norris.
Shaquille : Thank you, Ms. Emily Norris, for the insightful words and inspiration. We kindly ask
Mr. Norris to remain on stage as we prepare to present souvenirs from SMA Pradita Dirgantara
to the U.S Embassy.
Yuki : Please join us in welcoming back Mr. Oscar Yustino Carascalao, Principal of SMA Pradita
Dirgantara, who will be presenting the souvenirs.

Shaquille : Ladies and gentlemen, before we dive into the main performance, we have a
something for you. Please give a warm round of applause to the talented students from Pradita
Dirgantara as they present a special angklung performance.
Yuki : Thank you to our incredible Pradita students for that mesmerizing angklung
Shaquille : Now, without further ado, let's welcome our main performers for today, Drew
Tucker and The New Standard!

[Applause (students rang the angklung) as Drew Tucker and The New Standard come to
the stage]

Yuki : Ladies and gentlemen, it is our pleasure to introduce our main performers for today's
event, Drew Tucker and The New Standard!
Shaquille : Hailing all the way from Florida, Drew Tucker and The New Standard are a quintet
that blends the genres of hip-hop, pop, and jazz into a mesmerizing musical experience.
Yuki : What sets them apart is their innovative use of uncommon instruments such as the
vibraphone and tuba, making their sound truly unique.
Shaquille : Their mission is to make these distinctive instruments more accessible to fans
worldwide, and today, we have the privilege of witnessing their incredible talent right here on
our stage.
Together : Drew Tucker and The New Standards, the stage is yours!

(Drew Tucker and New Standards Session) tunggu ya kayaknya disini mau disisipin sesi tanya
jawab baru dikonfirm ke embassy

Shaquille : Ladies and gentlemen, as we come to the conclusion of our event, we have one
more spectacular performance in store for you. Please join us in welcoming back Drew Tucker
and The New Standard for their final performance of the day!
Yuki : Let's give another big round of applause to Drew and the band for their incredible talent
and energy throughout the event.
Shaquille: Absolutely! And now, without further ado, let's enjoy their final performance, a
perfect way to close out this amazing day.
[Drew Tucker and The New Standard begin their closing performance]
Yuki : Before we conclude, we have a special moment planned. Drew Tucker and The New
Standard, could you please remain on stage for a moment?
[Drew Tucker and The New Standard stay on stage]
Shaquille : We'd like to invite Mr. Oscar Yustino Carascalao, the Principal of SMA Pradita
Dirgantara, to join us on stage to present souvenirs to Drew Tucker and The New Standard as a
token of our appreciation.
[Mr. Oscar Yustino Carascalao comes to the stage with souvenirs]

Yuki : Mr. Oscar Yustino Carascalao, Principal of SMA Pradita Dirgantara, will now present
souvenirs to Drew Tucker and The New Standard.
[Mr. Oscar Yustino Carascalao hands over the souvenirs to Drew Tucker and The
New Standard]

Shaquille : Thank you Mr. Oscar Carascalao

Yuki : And thank you, Drew Tucker and The New Standard, for your outstanding performances
Shaquille : We extend our deepest appreciation to everyone who has been a part of today's
Yuki : Your presence, enthusiasm, and support have made this day truly memorable.
Shaquille : Before we bid farewell, we would like to invite everyone to join us for a group photo
[Audience is invited to gather for a group photo session]

Yuki : Once again, we want to express our gratitude to each and every one of you for your
participation and contribution to today's event.
Shaquille : Have a fantastic day, everyone!
Together : and We hope to see you again soon! Wassalamualaikum wr.wb! Good bye!!

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