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Museums have always been an interesting educational tourism destination, especially for
children. In museums we can learn a lot about history and civilization. For those who want to
know more about the diversity of fauna in Indonesia, you can visit the Bogor Zoological
The word zoology in the naming of this museum means 'zoo' which means animal and
'logos' which means science. This museum is managed by the LIPI (Indonesian Institute of
Sciences) division of the Zoology Division of the Biology Research Center. In this museum you
can learn a lot about various fauna in Indonesia such as animal fossils and various types of
preserved animal specimens. The museum is divided into 2 parts which are the exhibition hall
and the collection area which is only opened to the public once a year, namely in October. There
are about 2 million animal collections here.
The Zoological Museum has been established since 1894 on the initiative of J.C.
Koningsberger, which was named Landbouw Zoologisch Laboratory. The main function of this
building was originally as a laboratory for research on agricultural plant pests which are included
in the S'Lands Plansurein (Bogor Botanical Gardens). Then in 1901, a new building was built
which functioned as a collection room, work room, exhibition room and laboratory. Then, since
2000 until now, MZB has been under the authority of LIPI's Biology Research Center for
Zoology. So besides being used as a research center, the Bogor Zoological Museum is also a
museum that is often visited by tourists.

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