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Up space is warm

Repetition of curve on the prisoner’s pants

Grass on the lines of the brick floor on the foreground

Blue shadows, it has a cooling volume

Dark edges, the only black color to see on the painting.

Vertical brushing on each brick of the wall

Space on the top, crowded on the bottom

The overlap of the yellowed hair prisoner

The temperature is warm and cooled.

You can easily identify the strokes of the artist. The thick overlaid brush strokes through vertical on
each brick,


All the colors


The yellowed hair prisoner is essentially the emphasis of the painting, more so because its design or
the anatomy is very different than the others, he is flatted on his upper body and tin size. However,
there is an emotion to observe on the subject, a painted detail than the rest of them, quite clean, his
left cheek bone is curved, and its shadow is lighter. Although, his head is a little bigger compare to
the three men in blue on the right. His neck is too stretch out and the space between his head and
body are wider than it should. Also, you can tell that the artist had complexity painting this subject
when acknowledging the missing dark edges or the mixes of colors on his right arm. The artist
probably had problems to its spaces, the colors of the middle ground accidently became part of his
arm. Another overlap that is similar, is the three prisoners, over the back and on the bottom of the
right horizontal line of the wall. There you will see that the three are too close and connect from one
another. The head in the middle is mostly reaching out, while the one is feeling too tight. The rest of
the prisoners’ textures and form are wrinkled, especially towards their pants with Van Gogh’s
repletion of curving strokes which provided its effective detail. The texture of the foreground is
swaying away like a moving water, partially because of the volume of their shadows are blue. It’s a
very cooled volume that contextualizes the temperatures between the warmest of the walls from
above. Part of the effect of the sway is mostly cause by the movements of the minimal spread of the
lighting, but it is confusing to acknowledge where the sunlight is coming from. That is to say, if the
light on the floor is reflected by the walls. There are these two figures that is right next to left side of
the horizontal line of the wall, though, it is unknown what they are, either it’s an error from the
Artist or two Butterflies flying above them.

All the edges of the windows are blue as well,

When you look at the painting from far away, the overall color is light yellow green,

All of the subjects on the painting has dark edges, where the Artist’s use of black is observable.

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