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Discoveries Magazine May 2024

Say "No" To Spending!

What can people do to save money?

has taught me what things I really need," she says. "And it isn't

a lot." 

Do you want to save money? Try a "no-spend" year. In a

no-spend year, you buy only what you need. To start a no-spend
year, make two lists. On one list, write the things you need to
spend money on, like rent and food. Add up how much these

things cost each month. That is how much you may spend.

On the second list, write the things you want, but may not buy.
New clothes, or movie tickets may be examples. People's lists

will be different. But the idea is to spend very little.

Courtney Hanson's family often buys things they don't need. So,
Hanson started a no-spend year for her family. She hopes she
and her family will become "smarter" about money. Michelle
McGagh had a goal. She wanted pay off her mortgage. In her
no-spend year, McGagh saved almost $28,000 dollars! McGagh
also learned something. "A year of no spending

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Discoveries Magazine May 2024

Questions for Say "No" To Spending!

1. During a no-spend year, you...

don't think about money.

take classes to learn about money.

only spend money on food.

spend as little money as possible.

2. How many lists do you make for a no-spend year?





3. What is on the first no-spend year list?

Things you need so you can live

Things you aren't allowed to buy

Things you want to give away

Things you don't really need

4. What do we know about Courtney Hanson?

She made up the idea of a no-spend year.

She wants her family to be more careful with money.

She is looking for a new job.

She wants to save money to buy a house.

5. What did Michelle McGagh learn from her no-spend year?

Where to buy things that do not cost a lot

That it is hard to save money

That she does not need a lot of things

Why it is good to have a goal

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