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QrrkoD Scan to review worksheet

Expemo code:

1 Warm up

The picture shows different formats* for listening to music. Match the items with the descriptions.

cassette tapes CDs MP3 records or LPs the cloud

1. a format that is almost never seen these days

2. a format that is very portable

3. a format that often has interesting cover art

4. a format that stores the music in a central location

5. a format that was invented in the 1980s

FOOOOTERRIGHT This lesson is exclusively accessible to registered teachers and students of Golden English 1/9 | | +62816251154


Answer the questions below.

1. Which of these formats have you used?

2. What other ways do people listen to music?

3. How do people access these formats?

4. Think of three reasons why some people continue to buy and listen to LPs.

5. Besides music, what other types of digital listening are popular these days?

2 Read for information

Read the task, look at the graph and answer the questions.

• The graph gives information about music album sales in the United States between 2011
and 2021.
• Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.
• Write at least 150 words.

Source of the graph:

1. Which trends were similar?

2. Which trend seems surprising?

3. How do you think the music industry feels about these figures?

FOOOOTERLEFT This lesson is exclusively accessible to registered teachers and students of Golden English 2/9 | | +62816251154


There is a range of language that we use to describe changes over time. Read the model answer and
choose the best option to complete gaps 1- 8.

Model answer: The graph shows trends* in American consumer* preferences for three
different formats* of music albums over a decade*.

Of all three formats, sales of CDs were the highest in 2011 (A) (almost 250 million), while
sales of digital formats were significantly* lower, (B) at 100 million. (C) There was a marked 1)
decline* / dwindle in the sales of (D) both these formats during the next ten years. CD sales
2) felt / fell rapidly (E) until 2019. Digital sales reached 3) their / thepeak in 2013, but then
4) dropped down / dropped gradually. In 2019, sales of both CDs and digital formats were at
the same level, around 50 million. After 2019, sales of both formats (F) went down steadily.

Although sales of LPs were at (G) virtually* zero in 2011, they showed a clear 5) recovery*
/ resilient throughout the study period* reaching (H) roughly 20 million in 2019. Sales then
6) fluctuated* / accelerated (I) to reach 50 million in 2021, the same level as CDs and 7)
overdoing / overtaking sales of digital formats.

(J) In conclusion*, total sales of all formats 8) collapsed* /collaborated over the ten years.

FOOOOTERRIGHT This lesson is exclusively accessible to registered teachers and students of Golden English 3/9 | | +62816251154


3 Language in context

We need to describe changes or trends and refer to specific figures in this type of Task 1 writing exam.
Read the model answer again and match items A - J to the language points 1- 10 below.

1. a phrase that introduces a final statement

2. a preposition introducing a specific figure

3. a preposition that means in the time before a year

4. a verb + adverb structure that we use to describe changes

5. a verb that indicates movement toward a specific figure

6. a word that shows a similarity in two things

7. an adverb that means almost

8. an adverb that shows we are not giving the exact figure

9. an impersonal construction that we often use to introduce an adjective + noun phrase about changes

10. the use of punctuation to include a figure

The * symbol marks academic vocabulary. Do you know the meanings of these items? What related
words can you think of?

In this type of writing task, you need to include both adjective + noun and verb + adverb structures to
describe trends. How confident do you feel with writing these accurately?

4 Vocabulary - avoiding repetition

In the IELTS Writing Task 1, you should not copy words or phrases from the instructions or diagram
in your introduction. Instead, you should rephrase them, using different vocabulary or changing the
grammar. Compare the model answer introduction with the task and say how the words in bold avoid

The graph shows trends in American consumer preferences for three different formats of
music albums over a decade.

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5 Before you write

You are going to practise an IELTS exam writing task which is very similar to the model answer you
looked at earlier. First, read the information about this section and the tips for responding to this
question type.

Information: Task 1 of the IELTS writing exam

• This is a brief report, with a minimum word count of 150 words. You should aim to spend
~20 minutes on this task.
• Tasks which require you to describe trends (changes over time) typically include line
graphs and tables. You might also be asked to comment on changes shown in two pie
• Do not offer any explanation or evaluation of the information; just describe and report
the key points.


• Examine the information carefully and take a few minutes to plan what you want to say.
Look carefully for indications of which time period is being referred to and choose your
tenses accordingly.
• You need to report the most significant trends in the figures, not every item. Do not
simply list information; divide similar time periods or items into significant groups and
report on those.
• Include a short introduction and conclusion. Leave a couple of minutes at the end to
check your work for mistakes. Check the spelling and capitalization of any items that
you’ve been given in the task.

FOOOOTERRIGHT This lesson is exclusively accessible to registered teachers and students of Golden English 5/9 | | +62816251154


6 Writing task

Read the task, look at the graph and prepare to respond by completing the activities.

• The graph gives information about illegal access to online media in the United Kingdom
between 2015 and 2020.
• Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.
• Write at least 150 words.

Source of the graph:

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Before you start writing, answer these questions. On the day of the exam, you should ask yourself
these questions to plan your answer.

What’s the topic of the diagram?

What tense should you use?

What exactly is being measured?

What is this information about?

What are the major trends to include?

Compare ideas in pairs.

Which one of these three ideas should you include in your conclusion? Why are the other ideas

1. The peak in illegal access to ebooks in 2019 is likely to be a result of the pandemic.

2. The police should be most concerned by illegal access to digital music and take action against this.

3. Illegal access to ebooks showed the most change of all the media types.

Write your essay. It is helpful to double space for your teacher to make corrections as they read.

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7 Marking framework

This framework can be used to evaluate your writing.

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8 Optional extension

Media and technology are common topics on the IELTS speaking exam and you may be asked to
answer some discussion questions like these in Part 3.

Work in A/B pairs to ask and answer the questions. Full answers should include your opinion, reasons
and examples, and explore other views where possible.

Student A will answer these questions:

1. Nowadays, many writers are self-publishing their work as ebooks. What are the disadvantages of
this for readers?
2. In what ways have new media formats made it easier to learn languages?
3. Why might some people feel that downloading content illegally is not a serious crime?

Student B will answer these questions:

1. What are some of the problems that musicians face in making a living these days?
2. How do TV streaming services compare with traditional TV channels?
3. What are some of the disadvantages of storing all your data in the cloud?

FOOOOTERRIGHT This lesson is exclusively accessible to registered teachers and students of Golden English 9/9 | | +62816251154

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